HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-12-12, Page 3Established 1865,. Vol. .47, ° No. 24 CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY $o More Shopping Days '('ill Xmas ---Borden THE ''!1t New Ere office Co learitprinI ing trade. Good wages an pros a a r 1 ).• pacts for .brrghtooy with gaud pub OF CANADA lie ochool education • DECEMBER 12 I f 1. Kerr, San, iEditors' and Publishers nnoun• ces Hi§ Naval Policy --Local Opti'o e ting Town Hall ToNight COY WANTED. Head Office, Montreal Capital Auhhorszed. ,._.. $25,000,000 • Capital Psaiid-up' . 11,500,000 Reserve ,aud undivided profits ,.. 12,505,000 TOTAL ASSETS 175,000,000 TORONTO , ONT. f Canada's High-Cla,,s Caretiercial 325' BRANCHES 1 Sehooil •High.ly recommended by ionmer studesnts.• Graduaces.,iin *rah world wide connection, strong demand Write for r ew 'Catalogue. ' 'Interest ;allowed on Depoetts • Whiter Terul From Jan, Ind ELLIOTT General panki g ,business. Ithans- acted. Rt,. E. MANNING, Mgr. CLINTON BRANCH Christmas Shoppers Early .hot: rera get tae best choice W&'. received our. Christmas Goods Larger and bettor a.ssortruan(t than ever. Ebolny Goals aland Bags, Perfumes Per fume Ato:nuers Manicure %tribes, Tore` and ;Manicure Sats. ,Gibe'; ,• and Cigars, Eastman Cametas, Fountain .rens, Etc., Eu. 'fou'ttFin lit Pays to 18 Uy Your Christmas r,:iifis Here Dispensing Chemist, New Raisins New Currants r i Excellent c ant: Y s and we areReady tor You With 31bs Valeo^ta Raisins ...:.. 25c 9 lbs Rest ne Valanci t Raisins . $1.00 11 lbs. Best New Paras • Currants...... $1.Oti New Lemon Piee1 perlb..., 15e New Orange Peel ..,.., 15c New Citron t eel ....,,. ; 20e New Cooking Figs 7c New Obs Fxedl•atltis Gransulat• ed Sugar for $1.00. 20 Os Yellow Sugar for $1.00 W. T. O'NEIL THE HUB GROCER Phone 48 The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1S fl Ree.ord of Progress for Five Years 1906=1911 "lobo 1311 CAPITAL . . $3;000,000.00 $4,000,00000 RESER . 2,000,000.00 4,600,00000 DE PO -LTi 23,077,730.00 35,042.311,00 LOANS AND INVESTMENTS 27.457,090 00 38,854,801,00 TOTAL ASSETS . . . . 33,090,I42.00 48,237,274.00 Has 85 Branches ili,Canada, and Agents and .Correspoufiente is all the Principal "'.ties in the World. A GENERAL RANKIAt. BTSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Dranchei. Interest allov,ed at highest current rate. Clinton Branch: C E. DOWDING. •Manao'er WINUMMImeror YOU E El E are two brand• new styles. far Fall.. The Ra,lan.shoulder is' very PoPpular wwltx the . high-class tailoring:' trade, and when ..(yled 'correctly, as shown it is ' a very smart over -sack, The button -through, pitch pocket style is neat and stylish ani hakes: a smart travelling or street coat. Thei n a s.: only two' of the twenty Overcoat styles we are showing" in o the ft mous 2oth Century • Brand make. An ther shipment of Sweaters iters 'just ;).rrivec• CALL AND SEE TIFtEM- ' . P. ✓, f,�C 1'k cierish ClOthitig if r• . ,:1114,5 re e if1 1 �i ka 1r CLINTON PUBLIC OCIOOO1 REPORT FOR NOVEMBER. Senior IV Names above 60/ Carman Toner. ,.... . Leona Nediger sz 80 Lorene Langford SO Mervyn Elliott 48 Viola,eook ...,.,...,•...,, 78 Erskine Evans ' ' 77 1+'red Lawrence . , 77 Irene Cole ` 76 Marjorie McMath 75 Mery Chid ley 75 Willie Blacker 74 Jessie Watkina.. ............. 72 Eleanor Kemp .,„,,..'•..,,,.... .,•• 70 Merle Moore • 70 Lois Holmes Nora Kennedy R5 Eleanor McK.eoeie. 05 Oliver Johnson • 60 Percy Ladd Harold Hili Edwin Judd Doreen Stephenson Kathleen Docwzer Mildred Cook Bessie Chowen D. Rattebbery Junkie IV Above 80% Division VII Amos Osbaldeeton ., 06 ( . Judging: by the entliuslaste and IJ Oourtt'e opinions of the; yrepresentatives of Teacher Goderich, Hensel' and Exeter, the matter will ne'toadied in these, towns f1,3 expeditiously es it ha,s been done. Division -V1 Senior Olase .&m- y Neda Kr Total 310 tt Amq Gould6..:, :. 313 j��� .6A��i Nellie' -bila Jecl>e .:::.::::::: 310 1CUdd Audrey Unlly i• .....:.: ......... 308 + Wilbur Th'zzo 299 Claimed by Beath Margaret Oree 294 teen Miller ., . 292 Marino 'McIntyre..,. .. 203 Published The Brussels Post, Godericli Signal and Calgary Daily News -Took a Con- ' spicuous Part in Politics. Donna Mulholland. Gladys Wiltse Leona Taylor , , . . . Junior Class 200 248 246 Total 350 Gertrude Pewter ................. 236 Gordon Lowson 223 Helen Roberton ' 216 Harold Lawson . ....... ...:. ti .., .. 21. Lucy Levy 205iHerbie Boltbzhauer .;,.. ° . 196 Nisbett Cook • 193 Leila McCartney ........ ”' •' •. • 191 Percy re 184 5 Daniel irieGillicuddy, lane of `lie meet widely 'thole newepeperman in Canada diel a`210 Weinrglay flernoon et i_" Dover'tiourlt roan; t oroato. Since July, 1940, when he vans ironed toe:ve t•re,proprieltor- -1ii,p of 'rho c'.lasiv Daily Eewe, Mr. McGill' d. e hal h' had d been poorly, lee to hent t 'trouble. F'or� the past tnree months hewas rerace tteallly con sued to Lie be.., Ht was in his sixty seeood year. . Mr, MeG 11;euddy wee of Iris3t, pareatage and was born in the bar- racks at Ca lisle England. Waite his father was'stationed there. When be was still a small boy his father was transferred to the barracks at Bali- fax: He learned the printing trade on The Guelph Mercury, under the late J. 0, McLagan,' Afterwards' he, with his brother Thomas, now of Toronto. went to Brussels. Ont„ and published The Post until 1878, He then went to Goderich and Published. The Signal until going to Ottawa as editor of iter migration literature and also editor of the .analytical index of Hansard debates. A few years -ago he made a trip tbroegh the west. and ftpally started The Calgary. Daily News. It was through til health that he,was forced to give up•this paper two pears ago.. He was President of the Canadian Press Association in 1893. Spectacular in Politics. 111r. McGillicuddy was one of the most spectacular figures among the newspapermen of Canada. but more as a political worker than a newspaper man he will be remembered, for he had a faculty of always haunting tbe storm centre of the political fraterni tv where be found himself located. His death at this time recalls his soil den burst info proreiuence a year ago last spring, when be was the author of sense Ronal charges • against Dion. Frank Oliver. On April 2S, 101], a Toronto paper contained a long article representing correspondenee and interviews . with Sur Wilfred Laurier, iu which Mr. McG llicuddy preferred 'chargee in 'oinneettonugh' the stilet:; is) land grant by the Canadia'-'ao th- en Railway. Six Wilfred tt'ok op the matter in the House orf Cum - ons, gave; ae elanha'`ic dtn,al arum M.,.Ohver,• and the ;. note nuestion was sent t0 3 speefat torn aura, ,11z hi:Gillicudry, ii'ough he leak an c ctiv e part in politics and was .cium'ted a great eamp,,igner, never sseught pub to honors for aentielf. '1e was atone titer, ttenetattu itae lateral nomination inSouth "'ark, but stepped aside Sox the lain air Riehard Cartwright, A widow twe sons sed ^wo daughters ist.rvie e. The sons are Owen, employed •vita The afar Tubiishi'ng Compete', anu ,i cr, et rilojed wit t tne.Iiydro-eitrtric r<; e',•m. The daeaaters, aastll,icne and Jr.ne, reside with their mother,' T E. C.Tiplady , p Y Teacher 78 •76 '71 67 Eleanor McTaggart Ivy Plewee 'Winnie McMath 76 lldtou Ba fi , tts • Miss L.IFord Charlie Cook • Teacher Ella Cram Senior Class Honor Roll of Division II Clinton Public School for November. Seniors Shnrwyn Allen Bessie O'Neil. Alice Peckitt Berta Jackson May Rutledge Charlotte Sheeley Rath MaeMath Harold Manning Irene Keller ... Gladys Keller .,., 75 Maida Cooper . 74 Leota Harland 74 Maida Armour 67 Juniors Leona•Iiearn 83 Mabel Marshall 82 Helen Forrester SI Freda Wallis .....................77 Aileen Armour 75 Nettie Glazier s 74 Orville Murphy 71 hinrray MacNeil 70 Marion Gibbings . 70 Willena Keys 65 Cecil Peckitt, g¢ Efsie leolizhauer 63 Ione Bouck Willie Sloman ` g M. E Ch'itllev . Toacjaer Division III Senior Class Eulalie HILI - (•lair. Middleton fiarry Raney " Harry Lawrence Jessie Jackson Alex. Eagleson Lida Livermore Ernie Livermore Ethel Waeman Medelon Shaw Fred Wallis 78 8S :87 8e 84 S3 (12 82 75 75 Total 259 Frank Mitch Roy Livermore Frank Scruton Robbie Middleton Walter Osbaldeston 207 Cecil Matheson........ ... 206: Switzer Graelis 205' 30 229 226 � 220 217 216 211 Junior Class Total 200 Barrie Comte - ' 171. Kenneth Rorke .•.... •,:.. " • 171 Audrey. McIntyre . ,•• 169 Katharine Grant 168 Mattie Blacker.. , I98 Norman McNeil . , , ,• 161 Violet Huller• 160 Agnes Combe 158 Helen Ladd 157 Clyde Kennedy c 153 Sadie Gibbs., 150 Oliver Murphy...,..,,., 144 Reginald Jeakine 144 Jean Ford ,Tack Britton 141 M. Water • Teacber Division VIII Third Class Katie Beaton 97 Fred McTaggart 97 Ruth Hale 1,5 Charlie Mennell,. ,93 Wilfred -Grant....._ _... ,., Isabel Johnston • 93 Eleanor Ptutnsteel g7 Russell Bezzo' 86 90 Jack Hoover S6 88 Fergie Carter 85 87 Ernest Ford 85 SO 84 1 Grace Stong se •, Myrtle Sweet .... SI Second Class 82 r' Russell Peckitt ... 81 I Phyllis Tozer Francis Baines Jeau Simpson Olive Lawrence 'Vera Cook ICethieen Taylor John Livermore Olive Schoenhais Cecil Ashton Clifford Cooper Margaret Ball Marion Andrews Ernie Hall Robbie Sehrenk Junior Class Wilfred Seeley Merritt Nediger Pearl Gould Ernie Little ..... . fly Lawrence West 63 J. Wilson Teacher Division IV Senior I1I Agnes Walker , 90 Helen Ross 87 Willie Bell 87 Mildred Livermore.. ,.,a84 Willis Cooper 82 Marcus Tierney 8t1 Annie Lawrence Jean Bell Geo. Walker '78 77 83 80 (i8 80 1 80 79 Bart Sloman 72 N ; "Hattie Livermore 72 Stuart McBrien 70 Earl Johnson ......... ;e8.: Leighton Walker 65 Junior III 77 91 94 90 88 86 85 84 83 82• 80 80 78 First Class Norma Treleaven 06 Florence Johnston 94 Gerald Eames 93 Gordon Campbell 89 Myrtie Wiltse g8 Burton Bolton Kenneth Roberton 81 Bert Marshall 74 Austin Matheson 80 Viola Livermore 56 Minnie Ker Teacher May Flukey ' 93 . Maggie Hastings 9i) Fred Peckit 89 Gen. Shipley 88 .Beata Gunn.: 80 CorttAli ler . •..,. 76 Pheutie Cree , ..., . U5 Dora Suhuenhals . ....... '.,00 Ronald intcDoneel filenest .Bradshaw.... ., . 5f John Tome 50 (Jeeil Cooper. .....,.. .......... 30 9 Pearl Cavanagh 48 L. Stevens• Teacher Division V Senior Harry Monroe ,••, 96 Harry Ball .. . 94 Fergus Reynolds ..- 93 •Jaaez Rci,ir,s.. :o- . , 90 lVlldre.,, .Bf gins. Bi sic Mur'al)v 88 Willie Match 8(1 � Gordon hall.. r 85 Amy Br3lyar 85 Aibe, t WZ'dght . ' 89 Marj'er::, Be. Lora-...',,,,...,...,' 1. s L.,trie ;Toil. et) • Lt • , H^std, _tu, d 741:' Is,.use L d .,. Ili Busse! Beittot 74 (Ibarlie.McGuire: ,: 74 I Junior Alec McRae... Asa Balton ..... , ... , ., . .02 ., Bessie M'',rrish ` '••••• '• 1).. Kenneth Carter...... 91• •1 91'. Milhor•,e ;Bat sy• S7 dgni-if T3 4, as... , Oatharin.t Vi eiie • •53 Fred Elliott George Carter John Yesbsc .. M 6aeara'•o t (;rant. �, .,. '75, 'Ste were .' acdona td 'ti, Leta M'entia. l`;3tecvart 1wytor t .t ...X04 Nino County, CODERiCH, CLINTON, EXETER AND IIENSALL., Representative of Four Munici- palities Hear Offer of Secretary Pope and Engineer Calstor. Clinton is to have a hydro -electric • hy.law in. January, and Goderich, Exeter, and Hensall are, more than likely to vote on similar measures. Secretary Pope and Engineer Cal - slur, of the Hydro -Electric Commis- sion, submitted facts and figures to a representative meeting of citizens of the aforementioned towns in Clinton I on Tuesday alienation,and, all preemie -were highly elated over the proposal. The faux• neenielpalities may have the hydro, provided they contract for, 7 700horsenower,' pSoderich taking' 700, Clinton. 400, and Heaped- and Exeter the remainder between them, .the 'ex- act percentage to be assumed by each to be determined later. • Goderich, the ,coinnliesion'e repre- sentatives eXplained, would have the power at an initit,l.cose of,5374O'ilinton at $80; and Exeter, $43, the price ft r Hersalltobe decided upon shortly. The Maitland River development scheme is was pointed nut would - be gone ahead wide any thee .provided the four municipalities, in gaestioa •world contreet for 2,500 brn'sepower Clinton acted-,prntnptiy opton. the. matter;' 5,r me, time of ale Tewn Council' Tuesday night it was decided to submit co by-law to the ratepeyers• att the.elections h aryra;ihns for a tnthl etc edit t o . 414 ire f 33 0 '090 0• pe 1 z0. t gai to'tlie Outcbaseeof.. the .local electric' n 'light•pl,6ittands8lie;renia,ding. ,n133 ;000' to pre <arle for' ache iiestablishment.. df the 400,000r1' trapsfo mersettitiodsJa The aha p For 61Uraa The County Council Makes A Grant - Of $1500,To Carry On The Work. ' Ell ':OCL II�ADE ��SY The count> eout,'il'fret c3'.uta- For entlemerf day' afternoon of last week All the; members xdere p) •saint. Warden Ebo Stothers oecu- edt' e chair eeda - Ry lUflilt. B Brushes dresesecl 'the ,P •con�cil resp -,(ting �. Cloth Brushes. Hat Brushes since the last meeting, r ei erten particu]arty."to•The ditltcoUy. t ttt]nig ,bridge tvorlt cmpLeted' at c•rtnt o£ the h' Oh ( ter, Amon? 'Elio oon)u ul•ieations ae the followisng: From. Sheriftf ll'e`ynolde, ,tak1 that .he be s/Polle with a t} :: Writer for. his Glti' 'From the Health Associal i relating Ito Amos tote, an Mtligerc,(t •i n ' st t t i e )n .i ee • e Queen, Alexandra � sanatorium. wt,o itis claimed formerly restated' at Clinton 'end should be 9uficorted _hy his co uncy. From, H. E•'Reavald ,of•S"ratiord, daimilng. dama,'es for an accident on, the .bonndar' betweei, ra•,tflett and ,McKillop in June tont, From W,•Brydo',e, barrie,ter>Ciin- 'cin asking 'fhaft .he eoenty r co,:n'- peese John Sterling for dere ego to kts'larn�d by • awashout :cause.1 1y,a diversion of the Bayfield River, 'Wed oetsdap. A co'mmunit atiot, Iron.' 'tare eecre +ary of the 'Hut n Public ty and Improvement Associati•an sat forth 'lie work of the As.ociation so'Iar and requester •,nat , a deputation 1'epreselntin the Associotioe be, nermi'tted 'o add, ass the r'ntncil It was decided that tbe, deputation, le heard in the afternoon... A request • fro( 4:rower .e,ttorney Seager for a type writer, was' cent to the coulntc• prop, .tacoznlnittea. A letter from the secreta»y el the Ontario Municipal, Assocra,•ioe, ask- ing .fol the visual grant, was senit to the executive committee. G.M. Elliott, c!Lin,ty agent of r he Children',s Aid Soteat3• addressed she eeteeef1 ie. xnferen i l,• the w�,•k of the S :ciet ' nxrtl drytr Luted Pritrted reporr, 011 ((,5,..owtty a ork, - A dir;eussioin,of �t);o new Put lie Health • Aet was .started ,by peeve Powell and •the council ser t. some time on the stibj^et, Principal Hum, and TY, Strang, of he Goderich Collegiate I1:sLitule appeared tis re.. ttl,o cou,ncil. t nil reeked for the use of the council chaniber for tout lect,xree to be given ,by pxomine,it 'Chi cersi tv men The use of 'tee anal was eranbed for 'this purpose on proviuit.n that the lectures do,no't condi .t With any court work and that Pri, eipal dome meet any .expense in co,lnec- li,.:n. Ai ter nearly tet J hours dtseuss'ion 'on Wedn d the Wednesday the County Council Y v n i l,y a vote 15 to 12 made a grata of $150; as the steel for aFuldicity t;airipaign which will bring the `ounty of Jluron i-efore the t uta.de world byniean:s of well prepared and reliubls literature•• anu elect ad'- va,nee its interests tn.each other 'ave 29 -u,xn a''t.isable, At too morning session 11.he Ex- ecnti r e of the Publicity A,et,eatation formed at Clint .n recent'!'. pre- een'ted the following .taleeaentof 'he A.esociatiob's views as prepared ;by the secretary • ;m, Shaving Brushes en Mirrors re Safety 1li,azors ng Gillette Auto -Strop o. Gun junior 044+4.44444.••1••44.1.144•1444+•4. . Sports ' 'Clinton has entered the O. H. A Intermediate series sed , have',ybeen grouped with goderich, Seaforth' and St. Marys, sotsome fast bockey will be seen this year. Harry Twitchell e.nd A. Mitchell go to Seatorth on Friday • to meet . tbe other representatives and arrange a. schedule: The Clinton hocky club re -organi- zed ou Wednesday night of this week at the Pastime Olub rooms and elected the following officers: • - Patrons C. E. Dowding, `R. E. Manning, G. D. MaTagg n t. Boli. Pres, Mayor (3ibbinge Pion Vine Dr. Shaw Hon.2nd Vice W, racksot? Pre idem, (I. Ratliff tat Vice J. W.' Treleaven 2ad Vice -M. D. 112eTaggart 3afd Vice Rev. hr. 'Dunn . Sec. Trews. W. L. Johnston Manager H. Twitchell Committee 0. Draper, A. Mitchell N. Davis, Olub colors blue and white :'The hockey boys are arranging for a hockeyn: match tr ,h to be playa a. dartos the holiday week. ADA 1tIABG UERITiii STEVENSON. The following . !s taken ft-om' the utr •tford Beaconwhich re .is . to a peke of Mrs. W. S. Dc„alis:-The funeral of the late ,Ada. Margurite, I be 11 --year old -daughter of Rev. and Mrs. R. 3. Stevenson of Taeistoek, , whose death occurred on Monday after a leugthlq illness:' took place from the manse at'Tavlstnck on Tuesday ..anortr: ins, proceeding to the station, en route to 1iarrietc,n,:for infertner,t: Rev. R. iifartie of Stratford officiated, assisted by Rev. Mr. Whaley ca Ilrooksdale and Rey. -A, 6. McLachlin of Stratford, •r a •1�1' a 0 , i a y t• u tided to form an or ga;nization to be r,alled the County of 'Dairen I'ubli- e,ty and 1mprovuwent Ass!'iation and the following were ser cted as eta first call ti's, '3 J C,Gr+..tg,Sea_ forth. • o llie 'Warden and Council of the (`tnnttY of 13urJu: Crentlelmesn,-As You are doubtless li aware through the repo as in the :real press of the CGabay, a :Amber f citizens representing dilterentt er'tions of this County. and ,nclud n • several members of Your honor - lie body mat al Clinton onThure- ny Nov. 21st en answer to a call Tom the Cliintoe 4oard of 7 ,1de,. to, anaider the best means of rliaugu aasr., what 5830-w generally known s a f ablicity Campaign for this uanle. About 6.1 gesitiemer, were resent.represrt.t gettneirn ,s and urroum•ding districts of C'linston eafor,th, E',•tar, t aylield Fit ,r:ali russets' •Goderich and Wit ghat% ed after general dist neei , ) . of sIU.ation inthis • connty,.it n as de - Vice Presides:—Reeve John Leckie, Brussels. were ary-Jas Mitcheetle- iich. r Treasurer -'B C, Menton get Reeve o L oaericla. 0 t ecutiee 't onemiutee --•'Reeve Gcr,.oek MelsJliop Mayer st f oltan. Wing.ham; Reeve Glen, S•anley v h„ l;an.9 old Clinton. Reeve W. ,T Banalen(Exeter, Wirden Stothers Asbfxcld, Reeve LI ,V. Livingston, Grey , Tile mem rera c1' 1 , l,en.v,.` ' ed eral.anld Pio. 'noiti ',r- ni Heron county wore oar ted as honorary; vire-prey dee la of 'he a see aatioc, Vit will. of,cote se, r0adsly natter - 14. "led aatter-:8':itd that tine; is a coets,,aauce of the. work bro• Lehi bete ,e your hoe are oie body atite .June 175 Sion, r,ae :Rothe int -et -eats, of tha, county in agri ru'ta ral a •d tncius itite tnat-' r b m ,n nand Y c P, ,; > pu g Sts rsbu;iut a 5ii cement of "Ire re r "deeds, tldVan'treees and p ssibsli-, t,Je o^ thi9 Toll'ty.veih It. seri-. tut Zt al hottic'Plurei and tndtyst- t, tt lints, with a eel , tic ,f il.'us- ttat.oind, such as newel vet :Ty the 1000'nenite made, Toh• ler ttsis as doxri,tlete • and autliaxi'tative `as 1 cgs: nit. 'we.lyntil.t iaYite to co r Perrta ; •,' e,nr 'Zara t s1neli- te •eo , 'il.rrictilftt3 al and 1Lot tiool-. ural Societies, i'osrrl•a of " fate, nil to •. other he /tee asNeeolid re - t5 di+rerenit interests of }'f 0010,07...Th;a general'ti,z9,p1i`5* cold i• FurPl ezr cla d r co a t hief.dealing.with §u•lt f r- rrstsi.cnnnertedwtie ' he aro, N'A, l ' Gall for 54 e< 1 .t t' eytf,'•;, nl�n' '7'1toteeand' of eopiee l>;f iamb continued, froae page, 4, • ]MINORLOCALS. •• .k 4,'*01 l ,in. #;eavon- SrN-Q tG' • r Parlia ,e "t!. • �. � t Y rr n art.. t rr t . 19t, i i• ; ' .Chi ,, t ttHtl.�g Tie tand(at, ,: • the itndr. ' ` St r a Smokers Supplies ' Den Sets, Pipes Cigar Cases; Tobacco Pouehe Cigars in boxes of to, 25, 50 - For Ladies Ebony Dressing Cases. Manicure Sets, Mirrors • Hair Brushes. Cloth Brushes Hat Brushes Hand. Brushes Cuticle Knives NBuffersail .Files Hand Eags—the newest shapes at lowest prices of best Perfumes--. -a large stock odors at tic to $d.0O Kodaks-A gift for the whole family that gives lasting pleasure, we've them -P2 to $20 Stock is large—Prices Small TUE IIEXALL STORE' . W. '. R. llo!mts $6.5o 'Trousers $x.50 This week our special in Men's wear is Trouserings, made to your measure, with best trimmings, and guaran- l teed fit, English stripe Worsted and Scotch T weed regular 6.5o for $5.69 r ere cli thing Be well dressed if you will be respected wherever you go. Come in and have our Mr. Towne measure you tip for a good Custom Made Suit whether, it be a buil- ness or a Sunday Suit. We Guarantee an Work. Turned out From, Tis Depart- nit e p arta 11it at. tigers inners aNd [ wnlsLek