HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-12-05, Page 8Santa Claus wi.
E IN 19 DT
Both our stores are alive with Christmas Gifts suggestions,.
We have made preparations for the. Holiday Trade. Hundreds of
serviceable, useful and inexpensive gifts are here. Why not make
up your mind to do your Christmas shopping this week, You can
then choose your gifts at your leisure. Below are a few sugges-
tions that should aid in solving the perplexing question
Give an Umbrella
Umbrellas are popular as Christmas gifts. We
have a special stock of Box Wood, Horn Pearl and
Gold Handles, put up' in, a beautiful holly box,
Complete line for both men and women $1 to $5
New Novelties
The new Oatmeal Cloth for cushion -tops, cen-
tre pieces, etc., is creating great interest= --it is so
entirely different and the stamped work so very at-
tractive. There are dozens of other novelties for
Christmas work, prices are from 2510 to 5Oc
Stylish Hand Bags
Where is the lady who would- not appreciate •
one of our new style Hand Bags. There is nothing
newer made than the ones we are sh,owing. 'A use-
ful present, sure to please, The prices 25C to $10.
Handsome Belts
We are showing an unbeatable line of Fancy
Belts for Christmas giving, Beautiful Belts with
specially attractive rest buckles, 25'c to $.11.5o
Christmas Neckwear.
Every year we seem to have nicer, prettier,
better Neckwear for men. This year will be no
exception, we have a wonderful variety of hanelsorne
Silk and Knitted Ties in special Christmas designs
and shadings, prices from 255e to $L
Handkerchief :Section
is Ready for trip oireat Christtimlas Season
The handkerchief is probably the most popular
of all Christmas gifts, Nothing has been left un-
done to get an assortment equal to the demands of
the hundreds of people who will make purchases
here. Whether it be the more costly or moderate
priced Handkerchief you require, you will find very
charming specimens in Silk, Irish Linen, Embroid- .
ered, Scalloped or Hemstitched Lace Edges.
Handkerchiefs of every known kind for men, women
and children, 5c up'to$1.50
Cs:11a' StSC
Gloves for Christmas
You will Lind an exceptionally good stock of
Gloves here always, but at Christmas time we are
at our best. The variety of styles and shades, the
reliability of the makes, the exceptionably good
quality at the reasonable prices make our Gloves a
favorite Christmas gift. We'illcheerfully exchange
for proper sizes after Christmas
Scarfs, ,Etc.
In Silk Chiffon, Silk Nets, and Fancy Beaded
Scarfs, in white and a variety of colors. All new.
Prices are from DOC to $t25
Smoking Jackets
$1 to $&75
1 to 3.00
50e to 75c
This is probably the gift of gifts for men-
what could you give that could be more comfort-
able, more useful or more acceptable, from $5 to $S
if there is one department that is better pre-
pared than another to show you something really
• swell forChristmasgiving, it is Mufflers, Every
knowi'r style is here in great variety of weave and
color, and the Price is .hays Right.
You are always sure of the newest styles, the
best weaves and the greatest variety of, colors here
Prices are 24, 35 and 504,
Sweater Coats
For everyone, No matter whom you wish to
give to, we have a Sweater Coat to suit: Men,
women and children can be fitted here in any want-
ed color or weave. Every coat a beauty 75C to $5
11 Carrs
One each to the two most popular Little Girls in town. ' During the' next nineteen days, See
i 5
them in our window. One vote for every 25c purchase. • four for one dollar, and so on up. Ballots
to be had at both stores.
Ballot boxes t o be opened and votes counted, on December 241h, at 10.30 o'clock p.m. by Rev,
C. E. Jeakins, and carriages sent home Christmas eve,
Get your friends to make their Christmas purchases "here and vote -for your little girl.
Carriages valued at $5.00 each.
Local News
N ow rs bhp time when the Chrislt=
ixtas bh4Pprng is to he dorm if itch
tc be thine early, -
Tho offi'rC
ere iee ed .f ix { hm4on
Lodge LO,O F for the cop ng yiiar':
ereN.G. Bro JIxlcheli f V G., Bro.
Webber;;:Re c.-Srie. L'ro gib Pingo ,i
Fin Se;.
Bio .Wiseman . Tif asurer;
3:ir o, 'Chaim; Trusi'ees Pres, 'li1 bugs.
C.lhalnt and Mooro,
Pn spealeing or the +u'emesf l
Church -entertainment held" alt Dun-
Cgannon week, The Dungannon
orrespor dent to the Godcrrch Sig-
nal gave our .local young lady,
special ,'miention'—Mise `tnee,of
Clinton, ''., eloerrt.i�i .inist, gave t e'verai
excellelnt selections and !'raved
herself a capable; entertainer
Owing to illness ladt ='talc Agrees
Mao;` Black was unable to get to
C'.inton lest Friday eVe'iing t :, give
Ter recital under the auspices of
the Tra /el Cull but will do so to-
morrow night-Iirr.lay.. Dec, •cb.
A.11 ticket 1,old. es will kindly pear
this date in mind
The following i, en, refers to a
former, Cl;ntooiai: in. the p"reinWel-
Samuel Beattie, who is new tW el•-
land;—The licens, of the l onsion
House on Wilkey' Street, St Calih-
mines, was titan-ferred frcnf Mels.
Lillian Black to Sam uel Beat! y, the
new proprietor • at c neetiu., of the
city license commissioners' on Wed
,nesday evening The now pro-
prietor m tires the sevente that
the hotel has had ,since it was
built in 1556.
From the Mitchell Record we take
the following account of a wedding of
a nephew of Mr. James Alnheffy of
town -Miss Rose Evans, one of
Mitchell's most popular and respected
young ladies. Ras married at her
former home in Ailsa Craig. on Wed-
nesdav, November 27th, to Mr, Nelson
Mahan`y. On the evening of the same
day the happy couple reached the
home of Me. and Airs. G. E Sawyer,
where a camp"nous repast and a
hearty i'ecention from relatives await-
ed them. after which they left for
their own home in Hiabert, where the
Recorder wishes them every happiness
and prosberity.
Mrs. H, G Rutle a ge, who was
caned to Toronto some weel.s ago
by the sudden death of her brother
Robert A. Wood, died a•idenly
Tuesday night at the home of her
stater -in-law 35 Isabella street.
Idrs, 'Rutledge intended leaving
ri c,ronto Wednebday to visit her
et`,ughter in Orange, T. J..Mr Wood,
'Whose death eallccf her to Torantcb
a as a member of the firm of Ste-
rl & Wood, of York street, and
cited suddenly, Mrs Rut led ge's
funeral took : pace Friday 'after-
noon, She was .Iirerieceasel some
• ears ago by 1 er husband and
, loaves one daughter, Mr Rut
cage was a l,rtsher to F ev. Dr.
bt !led:4e, of Wingham, and Mrs.
(Rev t J, I Keel. of brussels
The marriage of Della May, se gond
dime -liter o1 Mr and Mrs, David S.
Cleft to. Dr. Chester. Jackson Attic
ll{ Bride of Welland, was solemnized at
the hoIpe of the brides navel) be. on,
i Wednesday December the fourth et
halone o'clock, The ceremony which was
conducted by Rev. De, Rutledge : of
Y\ringtirun, took place in the drawing
room wlreie the decorations were pink
'mums and ferns. The wedding music
was played by Miss Bruce. sister of
the groom. The bride, who was given
away by her filth ir wore her travel!
imedrebs ;end carried a bouquet' of
violets tend lilies of the valley. After
the cel oniony, a ditinty wedding tun-
a ebeou was served, Mr, G. ail, Yates
proposed the toast to the bride to
t' which Dr. Alacl3ricic responded. Dr.
and Mrs, MacBride left on the 3 07
train for Montreal and New York,
yi the bride wearing a tailored suit of
black and white whipcord, with a
white satinhlouse, her hat was of
black velour, with French bows and
r uncurled ostrich spray in black and
carrot shade, she also wore a rnagni
Relent: set of mink furs, the gift of the
groom. Among the Guests from a
distance were: Mrs, Bruce of Cooks-
town, mother of the groom, bliss
Bruce of . Whitby 'Julie's 'College,
sister of the groom, Miss Murray' of
Woodstock, Mr. Page, Dr. Duff and
fx Mr, Stewart of Welland and Rev, Dr,
Rutledge of Wingham,
reeling Cards
E have four sample books represent-
ing an extensive stock of the' new-
est designs, ranging in price from $i to
$7 per dozen. The "feature of your name
and address neatly printed on each card
makes your :Christmas salutation one of
,positive refinement to the ore who receives
it and pleasingly exclusive for the sender,
We solicit your order.
Christmas Globe
Ready About {December Ist
e:µ j ;" �#Fair eo.
Often the cheapest-1AIways the lest
Only I9 Days to Christmas
Just glance your eye oyer this list
Suitable, Sensible and Useful Gilts
Carpet Sweepers
Nickle Plated Teakettles
" Teapots
Crum Trays
Child's Sets in cases
Brass Trays
Oxidized Trays
Tea Spoons
Desert Spoons
Tab:e Spoons
Pickle Forks
Butter Knives
More Appropriate
Bread Knives
Knives and Forks in Sets
Carving Kniues in Oases
Scissors in Oases
Berry Spoons
Gravy Ladles
Cake Forks
Cold Meat Forks
Pocket and Pen Knives
Table Lamps
Hanging Lamps
Hall Lamps
Night Lamps
Lamp Shades
or some would appreciate a nice Happy Thought or Pandora
Rau e, or a Coal Heater, or even a first class Washing Machine
and Wringer. We have a big stock to select from including
Novelties too Numerous to Enumerate
Stoves, Hardware and Novelties -
,.. u.. ess� s .unnax,•
r. 3.. S O'Neil, son of Mi and
Mrs,Frank O'1•oi1, who left some
time ego for Mouse Jaw has secur
ed a responsib:e position In ',he
C.,urthouse as assistance to J, A.
AJunroe, clerk of the lisuPretatc, Court
and local • ogtst; ar 100 bar se Jaw
district, His ma.iy friend, to town
will wish frim sutcts .
Monday Daily Stratford. Herald.
gave an account of. the Missionary
Sunday held in the Methodist Church-
es at Stratford when Mr, A. I'. Cooper'
of town addressed the meetings: Mis-
sionary addresses where heard by the
congregations of the Central Method-
ist church and Trinity, Methodist at
Loth services on Sunday. Mr,' A „
Ugoper, of Clinton, spoke at Central
in the morning and in Trinity in the
evening, and Mr, Gibson, of London,
vice versa. Both gentlemen are lay-
men and fluent speakers. In the
morning Mr. Cooper chose for his text
the 10th verse from the 3rd chapter of
John, "For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever helieveth in 1I.im shall
not perish, but have everlasting life,"
"Although I had chosen a text," he
said, "I would rather that my talk be
for the business laymen of Stratford.
The speaker brought ont clearly that
the missionary movement had not
progressed so far that we could lay
down our swords, but that we meet
enter into the battle of Missions or in-
to the Christ business with a far
greater vigor, Le gave a few ex.
amides of the ! great number of um
co, erted people an such countries as
China, India and Africa, showing
that in some oases one.nnissionail had
perhaps about 300,000 heathens to look
after, aid care for. God does not ask
us to give what we have Pot, int what
we have, Our gifts alone could do
nothing without God, He takes our
livings anti, makes them effective as
Re did with the loaves'and the fishes,
Every follower of Chi:iet should be
consecrated to Him, We are no long-
er owners but merely stewards, all
property belonging to God, So what
we have becomes a great asset in the
OhristianizinO of the:,;world as ,God
cannot do the great work alone.; -
Walking and Ri3i1i,g Oliver'
I. 0. Gasoline Enguyes
McCormick Machinery Pumps
and Windmills.
Corner of Prances and Albert
Does not cost murii and a wealth
Comfort cleanliness, health`ulness,
and satisfaction can 1=e dierived from.-
romsn up -to -data 33 ithroom,
is essential and you cannot be too
particular as to the Materials used,
fixtures installed and workmanship
employed if you si ant to save your-
self needless repair bills. For the
best plumbing talk to us.
'oa 1:wkhs
Agent For. The Ueda, Furnace
(Phone 53)
.t;q. H'4.:;..; .p.g"}.;,+4"brofi.+b14' !0� 3 +!h,u,N4.+0' .0'lfr++4'+ 5 1:4'3:' ✓I4n
Not a medicinel But a man's Calfskin
Shoe, built to keep you in good heai.th-
free from colds and rheumatism. A man's
Shoe which will keep you warm ` and dry
through all kinds of winter weather.
This shoe is not an experiment. We
have been selling it for ten years, and
know :from experience what it will do. It
as No
Get a Pair Now.
+++44 ++++.1i.144