HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-11-28, Page 8TM '-t$s21 Women's Suets $16,5o Ten only Women's Suits, man tailored, made of good quality Scotch tweed', and English worsteds, greys browns and bhres, sizes 34, 36 and 38 only, regular $2 I for .. ,,.... , 16.50 Children's Velvet; Coats, Price Children's Plain Velvet Coats'. in red, brown and navy, daintily trimmed with ribbon, lined throughout, sizes 2 and ;3 years, regular ,$3 for-- ............ $1.50 Women's $io and $12 Coats $5 Made from good quality Kersey, Beaver " and Fancy Tweed, full length, in brown, blues and black. These are last season's coats., sold regular up to $12 hence the price' $6,00 $4o &$45 Astrachan Jackets $25 Ten only. Astrachan and Bokaran Fur Jackets, timber sable trimmed collar and revers, satin lined, sizes 34 to 4o, reg $4o and $45, choice Saturday $25 First :Showing of Christmas Goods This week we passed into stock our first showing of Christmas Goods— - Hand Bags, Purses, Hair Combs, Belts, Collars, Beads, Needle Cases. Handkerchiefs Beauty Pins, Linen, Etc Now is the time to do your Chrismas Shopping, be- fore the rush, when stocks are fresh and complete. Blankets, Furs, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, Staple Dry Goods, Etc. r2rown DIRECT IMPORTERS, CLINTON 1 • EDUCATION • • ▪ THAT PAYS • • • Ie just the kind •you get un- • • der the very beet conditions • • at any one of Shaw's Schools • Toronto— The Centraltui fB- • • mess College, th:e Central Tel- • r egraph School, and hour City • Branch Busmen Schools. Our • • aew currielum explains the • • practical courses iven ''Write • •• fra copy. W.H.'Shaw, pre- • '*iciest, Yonge and Gerrard = i Streets, Toronto •NN••• • • Notice to Advertisers All, "Ads," and, copy for the "change of ads"; must ,be io Ili *duce •ot later 'than Monday evenbaip of each week, otherwse they willll,bo too late, If a holiday fare oin Monday the ,advertiee*le should then: seethe their copy 1:e im on the Saturday,ber fore, asthes papeai goes to prose on Thursday afternoon ao as to catch certain Malls'. This /salsa to your advatne tage 'ea litgives you a couple days longer toadveet.ise goods. This rule goes into force at once. LICENSE COMMISSIONERS MET IN BRUSSELS 1.*•t••''-••••#•• •t••••t«t«.. *.*•4.4.. !..'R44" •:••.'•••'. ,. i T LocairNews :2 .. ••••••••••s•N•••••••oo••N ►N••••••••••••••••••••••* CLINTON .MARKETS. Eutter' 26-27. ggs 29-30. .if3W ea oh$7,6 '— 60. . 92 gs 6 Data .35. :Barley 60-60. ' Peas 75, PURCHASED :COTTAGE. Mr. John :Wise of Tuekersmith, purchased the 141celaclierty house cm Joseph •streert •at present occup led by Mr. R, T Dunlop Mr,. 'Wise does not eYpe.,-t to nova inti tow ulntil The Spring. We wvelc nn,e lair. Wise and his faaul`y to our Y.rJtn. POSTAGE ON RURAL MA rl.r The Brussels Post of last week- the eekthe following )real:—Last Friday Centre Huron License Board met in rus,els. The members art* Me rs Cluff, of Clinton ; Elliott, of. Gode- rie'h; and Backer, of Bmteseis, In- spector Johnston was also here of comae. he ehie3 business was Sign- ing license and reports. Transfer .of hotel license from u]to toXing bothof Goderich.,was conasldered . Meeting was held here at the American Hotel Pbe• Board is looking after its work carefully. ' Conner's Bread There hone other food'•you can have that ie so much value to the ey:s%etre as Conner's Home -Made Bread It calntaine the nutriment you require pound for poune. It ie time and time again more vain - able than meat. It is clean Bread. It is made of the very best ingrediente we can buy. Just try a loaf NOW We know you will be a steady user of this health -giving produ• t. CHAS, CON NE R Baker and Confectioner Vaiimarieffla GE BUSY Only 26 Days to Christmas Just glance your eye over this list Suitable, Sensible and Useful. Gilts Nothing More Appropriate Oarpet Sweepers Nickle;Plated 'Teakettles Teapots Coffeepots Trays Crum Trays 'Child's Sets in oases • Brass Trays Oxidized Trays Tea Spoons Desert Spoons Table Spoons Pickle Forks Butter Knives Bread Knives Knives and Forks in Sets Carving Knives in Cases Scissors in Oases Berry Spoons Gravy Ladles Cake Forks Cold Meat forks Pocket and Pen Knives Table Lamps Hanging Lamps Hall Lamps Night Lamps Lamp Shades or some would appreciate a nice Happy "Thought or Pandora Range, or a Coal Heater, or even a first. class Washing Machine and Wringer. 'We have a big stock to select from including Novelties too Numerous to Enumerate Stoves, Hardware and Novelties .; issaasanummemmaillogaega 00. COUNCIL. Huron Co Co ecil will meet in Godetich on Tuesday, December 3.' postmaster Seat has received a circular from the Poet Cafii e De-- palltmenit at: Ottawa, instructing him that all letters on Rata Route deliveries must have a twci cent' stamp upon 'them. ,Merchants and others addressing letters to parties ;served ,by Rued •deliver; 'alit re- member this, MORE PIANCS, Mr. Hoare a' the Misie Emporium has just sold nice ins•trumen'ts to Mr. A. Goodwin, nf,town dor awed- din'g present to his daughter, Mrs. McMath; and ore to Mts. J.•Cook, of!Conelanee, He also t.elected and mold a specially fine new Doh- erty piano for another party. A DISTRICT '3f i:ETINiz. A meeting of the Metnedist Min - of ta, Go lericli District to consider tae spirihinl interests of the church, is being held or 'Wed- nesday Dec. 4th, the morning and, afternoon"sessions will be held in :Wesley church. .!rhe evening ses- sion in, • Ontario St. charm... Che evening •session is a roeeliug for Methodist Laymen of town and the surrounding country it will be ad- dressed lay; the Rev. ll. N M.Camus, of London. and the Rev A.Brown, of Goderich. ('HE MOCK TRIAL. The last din- the Mock Trial was given in London the Free Press of that city had the following to say COMING DEC. 3'1D, Dr. T Ovens; Lpn.don, Oeulist will be ale Holrnea' Drug store on Tues- day, Dec. 3rd Eye, Ear.'Nets ' alnd',i 'Throat, 'Glasses fitted prep t r . SUNNY• S;OUTT3. ' The colored troupe drew a good loose on Friday hist .and score- parts 'of the show were excellent. r !t h :street do caught the :e e ata ca t eye P g �. ofam thealter fo}le WC,TT,'.i PRAYER 141E)+.'1`TNQ, Tho W, C TU. wi'd hold e prayer' meeting, rp. Wesley church on Wed- in sday evening Lee, 4th at eight` o'clock. Ml the tallies are •I,nvited to attend. ll1ABINCr PREPARaTlON. 't'he Ieneall0bsere er:of 'est week had the following local erruton is Putting up ` afine;coal shed With a capacity of flee loins. Alf. evidentlY -las '•f • h in the future' of the cr,'1 trade a.id that Unelel Sam's sopbly is far from ex - H. O. B x- H.O.B; ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Huron Old Boys' Association of Tor •n'to is• to be held (a't the Queenls hu'tel on Friday evelning, November 19th, at o'clock, for the election cef offi • but e i s�s. Pion: Dr cera and Athet n Pylno,;;Minister of Education, •and Mayor 'Hocken are to address the gathering, TEACHER RESIGNED. Mr. McDonald has resigned his. position on the C C, I staff and hes been succeeded k y }Vii -s Rey- nolds, B.A,, of :Lundon who com- mranced on Wednesday:.. CHILDREN'S AID Vv ORK. Mr, G,M Elliott, of Goderich, Co. Agent of bhe Citildren'e.Ala So::ety was iintown on 'Wednesday' ,land tog to a case where children aver. supposed tobe not properly L^reel for. 0.0.I GIRLS .OB'JANIZI1 The Girls of the C 0.I have formed a basks' • odii' teat., and would be pleased , to accept chal- leinges from ,any other r'eam:, in town. They also int nd organizing a hockey t nm—thac Diu .t rink is opened here this year. SCHOOL REGULATIONS. According to regulations the close of the school term is on De- cember 22, which is Sunday. That necessitates olosrt,g on Frida;' , ,The opening by regulations of the new -term is an January' 3. which is Fri- day, and therefore tate opering is likely to be set 'forward to Monday the 6th on January. WINTER FAJEi. The Ontario Pre%ineial Winter Fair will he held >tt Guelph Decem- ber 9th to 13th. a P Westervelt, Parliament Builu,ngs, Toronto, is rhe secretary. In connection with el:out.thia am'tain{; entertainment the Fair two special prizes are -of- -The breach of iii omise suit, Per- ! fered for Huron county exhibitors, bitors Irina vs. Gray, was tried iassf night i as follows ;—For rho hest beef an- before His Hono" , ulge Judd at' !mai, shown by as amateur exhibit the auditorium and resulted in a l or resident in the county 01 Huron disagreement o''''ho Tory. The ease f $15; for the second best $16 The will be heard again in the same i money for these 'adzes is donated cruet room net`. alcnday evening. .bytbe Huroin Count! Council Great public in a ..st has been taker in the action and the court room TELEPHONE DEePATCI11NG i room was em---- to the d- ,.. ev GN ,P.R Mal hundred people having to be turined away. The story cf the An independent telephone system 1 i heart broken p aintif was pathetic in the extreme and brought tears teethe eyes of many o, the audi- ence. Her witnesses were Rev. James Livingstone and Miss Elliot. Much sympathy was also Iel. dor the detendan`•, when he told of his experiences in "Pell:ins' Paradise." Dr, Kingsmill furnished the expert evidence and freely explaic.ed how disagreements are se*t1e:l,in 'this departmerdt—ey Loving in the air a coppbr with a head on brill sides. Mr. J Harry Fowler, B A. a news- paper loan, testif Ica tor the defencle and incidentally Gave a graphic des eription of amoral dog -light in Police Magistrate Love's back yard. This witness received a scathing re- buke from the plaintiff"n counsel for hi.e baso ingt lea in turning on the hand th , f u and ;•!Ste n ed him. The addresses of the learned counsel and His Hauer Jucge Judd were masterpieces of legit elogn enle, which reduced to a pulp those members of the jury who remained awake, The local hite wereapt, the dialogue brillialnt and the whole trial excruciatingly funn,. -- :Hear the Mock Trial next Tuesday even leg in the town hail. C'N C.C.l COMMENCi'M13NT. Last week we published au ac- count of the C•0,1 commencement as written by one of our own. re- porters. We give here the : cport of One of the m.:nY clever C. 0.I poets; ' is being installed on the Guelph— tioderich line of the C.P.R for use in the despatching of trains. There is still considerable work to be done at the Guelph end before the nen' system will be complete, hat it i5 expected that by the and of this month everything- will be in read- iness for the operation of the sys- tem, so'that all despatching .nay be done it the futu„e by telephone. SET GOOD EXAMPLE. John Joynt, of Luc•know, i as set en example for ri' h men, by',nying 160 barrels of choice applesand sendingg them to the poor families lies of Toronto. Mr Joynt has rer eptly suffered aloss of $s,000 by f tie,but this did net interfere with his hand some donation to the poor. There vic- inity, poor peopleClinton noeo n C n 1 P consequently jMr. Joynt did not send any of the choice ;fruit in tide direction. If 1 erre is any man in the County of ;Bruce who de- serves to prosper isle JohnJoymt of Lneknow. THEY WILL BE MISSED. The Port Alert ntws in the Goderich Signal had the following. which refers to our citizens :—John Sehoen'hale and family left co Tues- day for their new home at C:inton, where Mr, Sehoenhals has pur- chased the flour mill an? 'ovil'1 operate it. On S3;urday evening a largo number sof neighbors and friends gathered at their home to tender a formal but hearty"'farewell. The eager crowd like billows teethe A pleasant time was &pent games and boil and lneeic and during the eaening Oh let the curtain rise and drown Mrs. Schoenlhals was preser.'•ed, on the turmoil behalf df the lades of the village Unearthly din and uproar it sem and vicinity, with a silver butter - prises dish, and a silver fislh$fork, The Until, what a relief, the curtain A. Y. P A. presented Miss Ttosella xiaes. with a leather handbag an:. gold The noise dies out 'with haughty watch -fob, Miss ,Margaret with a Ino'nogram hatpin. and Master Mel- reoeriLir meiut vin with a,sticl p n, The (same Step Shipley. Caldvveil tinj two evening at a Meeting. of the youingsters on the scene, Foresters, Mr, Sch tieln'hals was pre - Up swells the music. how their berated with a nandsomle morris voicesbleind chair. After living int'he village Like, melodies that angels down- for sixteen years, the Schoenhals ward send, family trill :.be ',missed ' here veru 'nein next'. Mr, Ma:,rostic nobly rruuch We ail wish them every scored r,uceess fm Clinton. Pull credit itnhis play, "mai over- r1ty MR WISITART WEICOMPD bored" 81199 Walker as Miss $oun r•E', in'' The following is clipped from a Dicicen's work Cal'gery'dtly .—Un rrictay eves ing Made:H•ughie ,sore, and her affect- a leesently informal supper was ions shirk, given by the lath! :s of St. Paul's Presbyterian church to welcome Then through the whole assembly their new pastor, Rev. Mr, til shart, ruins a thrill I who arrived 10 the city yeet erday, When sixteen ewes: young girls I Aneerellent l: turkey sap• t -i was commence a (trig server) on flower ck:corateu tables Argun'd, about and in and out and Ly the ladies 3' tors of other' under el.urches were ;resent to eaaleud You'd wonder ho they di a it, not gr eetinlgs Ion behalf of, (:heir con-' e blunder gregatfons and corers were aid for. Iabout 15000 all. The tabl,s were 'they're done, again :intent the, lerorated with chrysaii.themanns noble four I and carnations' and two members. With (son,e•,thiter different ,'thanc the Ladies' Aid presided tt,''each what came before j Visiting` pastors and their wives 'Ailed told in .blended voices tmons were at bhe table of hon•. r with stunt , Mrs. Patti t. Pres] dent of thel.idies' In addressing the pieman, Ohl how, Aid, and Mrs J J Ball; 7' esident blunt. 1 of the'Missideary Society, ttrd Rev When they 'are g1tio our.hea •ts are i�Ir Wishart: Cho- v'isVtors r,a, luded aitade.to asks ice•v Dl'r am 1Wits;Z1•• Vil1iams Rev. To see the ;seinet s of a huge anis- r,ir and Mas lyiahaify, Mr a d Mrs: talcs• Shearer, Rev"Mr ,axed Mrs.Eamnie, Miss Yates was somnhow taken for ' Rev Mr, and bIi s W tike • Dean Miss Turner BtainWElite and Dr Melee After the 1.. a nearly knelled her. 4,ev i i, ist1s o ,e ci y an eat ended greetings from the eon- J':hen last' of all our lour men re- gregations' rePresenteal in a brief appear r ten minutes' add ideas. Solos were Abid sing the North song' quite loud' sung by Mass Macleod, Mra.IDr.1 Mud clear • Gulinn and I r, Shields. Rev 4Vis- Tatey end, but them "God' Sato rho hart was a former inlet rot of the K'i'ng" lel esbyterialti church at Brussels. Said, "I•Iomeward go" and ^rude the 'while Mrs ,(Dr,( Gunn is well known rafters ring, . =Ff;C to Cliintonians: When she found omit, her temper inquet t.tc visitors wtit•omecl Yi • W l •t t the t a ACCEPTS .aRNIOW-C;1.LL. At a meeting of Maitland Prete- yIe y, held in Wingham on Tues- day Rev. Dela McRae, the esteeemed. Pastor of Craatbrook congregation. for the thirty -,six years, acetplted a unanimious call to Armow in the Presbytery of Bruce, and wilt enter upon hie new field of labor during the coming month. DOMINION Q'P,,3AN 1ZER HERE The W.0 T U, he,n a very pleasant Parlor meeting in Wesley ch:arch on Wednesday afternoon In %,talions were seln.t to all the women voters in town and the, ; wase very good t'terdance. The President of the Local Union, Mrs, Wallis presided, and !ntrodniced the sneaktr of the afterin•oon, 'Mrs r"'yslop Dominion Organizer of the W. 0: T L• Mrs. I3yslop gave a stirring address a- long Local Optiin I,nes as well as on the work done by the W,C.T U. Six boys, Fred Wallis, Muret y Mc l'aeil, Ambrose Maguire, Merritt Nediger, Willis Cooper and Albert ;Vrig'1 t gave 'a temoeranee select= tin, Misses Beatrice Greene and Marion Irwin sang a duet very savectly i Refreslsnients Were, served at close EDITOR WATTEItS .DECEASED A flet• a pretreated illness ,ttend- ad by Very ;severe (sufferings Illr, Wm. Waiters editor of the Furd vi.11Record, awayon Mon- day o -day lasteveral operations to 11,0 cause of his illr:ese failed to. eradicate the disease and hebore ap l:ravely under the long -0 intinu- ed and into -'is:• suf'terins t,•11 tl the inevitable end came and he passed to a home where euffering is ncf'er felt. Mr Watters was 1 ern in Aowicic township a'id afte• leach - ie.! school for some :imc p13chas- ed the. Forclwich Record. Yesides bis life -partner. he leaves s nue son a 1 t Mre and o»e daughter, es, ti a l rs was a member of the Aneliean conl- mtenion, and Whip in health t as an active church worker, higi•,ly es- teemed in the community it, which heli`'ed. -tdr D Walters o: Wing - ham is a brother of the dt teased, Toe funeral took !dare on ti,'eanes- day. ANOTHER PIONIt-ER DPPAl2TED. Wingham Advanec:—This week. we have torepoi't the passing of ra other of those sturdy pioneers, that did so much tomak13uron. County what itis to -clay on Sun- dae- last, Mr. vv'H Knox of the township of Morris passed to his reward, :Deceas,-i -vas bra n near Ottawa, July 16,1847, and after .ae- aidence near Clinton, came with his ar is to Morris en Mo r.. ate the. P ,of twelve years settling ontht+f arm an which he dieu. Re was an up- right r man, esteemed b - - n et ed the tom g r m •{� memberm.. ., , trot v, a of ,..el i a , t Pre:s- hvterinn Church ancr a valued tuember of the Session. Besides his partner in !tile, he leaves th; follow ing family •—Wil}iam, Jamie and Abner of Tuxford, Sask.. Lorne of Marquis, Sask., Mrs C H Knox of Deckerville, Sask., also Harvey Iie'oeh,an'd Misses Bennie and Lizzie, at home. Ali were Present atth 'Mineral except Abner and Mr s.0, •H . Knox, The funeral took Mace on Tuesday. Bev. Mr, Ferguson eon: - ducting the service, The golden Anniversary of James street Methodist church Exeter will beheld on December 8t}.. Harry Pissett. formerly of the 'Dimes staff, F.xe'er, was rot.eintly ;married at :Winnipeg to Miss Verde Rollins formerly' of Exeter. Mr. Thos. Lawson of Detroit, form- erly of Stephen, has sent an inter- esting�� occount taken from the De- troit News of the paving of an uni- que election bet. The penalty im- posed upon the loser was to roll a peanut along a considerable stretch of pavement with a gaily decorated saus- age The scene was witnessed by 5000 people, who blocked the street traffic for several minutes. The loser had bet an Teddy. A new smokestack •has been erected in the boiler room of Raosford'e salt block, Goderich, the old one having broken off near the top. Christmas greetingr Gia c18. ezIE have four sample books represent - W ing an extensive stock of the new- est designs, ranging in price from $r to ' per dozen. The feature of your -name and address neatly printed on each card makes your Christmassalutation one of positive refinement to the one who receives it and pleasingly exclusive for the sender, We solicit your order . Christmas Giobe Ready About Dect.mber 1st 11111111•=111111161111e W 111111111111 e la No re The W.D. Fair eo. Often the cheapest—Always the Best Women's Felt Shoes gS oaf. } and Slippers A complete stock on our shelves and good values can be had. Men's Lambskin Mocassins Just the thing, for the coming weather, all lined with woo', and can be worn with the heavy rubbers, and does away with the heavy sox. Leggings can be worn. Our sale price on these are 70c i,19121094237 RUBBERS Now is the time to purchase your Rubbers for the coming wet weather, Our stock is now complete and our SELLING OUT SALE CONTINUES This Store will be open Evenings From now Until Christmas, Will Either Sell the Store or Rent. 1 Jas. TwitchelI & 1 CLINTON 4. r Neadgiirliers FOR Walkisre and Bidipe Oliver plows I. E. C. (lanoline Englmtee McCormick Machinery Pumpe ALL KINDSDV AIRS AND EXPERTING. CALL ON MII1er «lite Corner of Priinces and Albeit *trehe. WINTER TERM FROM JAN,, 6th CentrelBusinessCollege Stratford, Ont. Does more fir its Pt id'eate alnd graduates than dies oth- er sinailar schools. Crarses are up-to-da•e and tnetruc'tors are experience.3. Graduatee are pleased in good positions The three applies+roes re- ceived to -day`, offer average ,salary of $11?3 per !,motor, Three Departm:eines, Commer- cial, Shorthand, Tele4,raphy, Write for tree catalogue at ence. D. A. McLachlan, Principal. A Ab'1lDEL Bkril ROO t1 Does not eoht nu;11' and n, wealth comfort„ cleanlrn. es; 'heelthaulnese, and satisfaction can i e derived from en up-to-date B , tJiroom• MODERN P.LUNLff1NCT is essential' and you cannot be too particular ae to the materie,le used, fixtures installed and uorkm.anship employed if yon v ant to eave your- self n,e Bless repair billet:For the bestplumbing talkie' 10 u's. Thos.ilawkins agent For The Ptcelaraerniace (Pone 53) actir's P Not a medicine l But a man's Calfskin Shoe, built to keep you in good heaith- free from colds and rheumatism. A man's Shoe which. will keep you warm and dry through all kinds of winter weather. This shoe is not an experiment. We have been selling it for ten years, and know from experience what it will do. It Get a air Now. FRED JACKSON7 Ini tet, i t 3 Y tet 1~ dh :8! '3 3t V1.414tit3-+++ -+-+ t! tMaN '& kith' '