HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-11-28, Page 7kuticial,‘'oveobrl Afl EW :1 • „ rc'ON, • OFFERED' ir YeArs,RestoredTo Health )y Lydia E. Pnkham's Veg- etable Compound, Canadian women are continuarlywrite ue such letters as the two following, hide are heartfelt expressions of grati- de for restored health: Glanford Station, Ont.—"I have ta- m Lydia E* Pinichtinf s Vegetable Com - see ee • e pound and never re found any medicine to compare with it. s I Yee` -34 • I had uleers andfall- ing of womb and doctors did me no good. I suffered dreadfully/or years until I began taking your medicine. I al- so recommend it for nervousness and in- digestion." -- Mrs. [WRY CLARK, Glanford Station. Ont. Chesterville, Ont. — " I heard your ledicines highly praised, and a year ago began taking them for falling of womb nd ovarian trouble. "My left side pained me all the time nd just before my periods which were regular and painful it would be worse. 'petit down caused me pain and suffer - ng and I would be so nervous some- imes that I could not bear to see any lee or hear any one speak. Little specks vould float before my eyes and I was ilways constipated. "I cannot say too much for Lydia E. 'inkbarn's Vegetable Compound and elver Pills, for there are no medicines ike them. I have taken them and I 'ecommend them to all women. You may mblish this testimonial." — Mrs. STE. 'HEN J. MARTIN, Chesterville, Ontario, Jariada. nt ta's au By LOuis Tracy lOolayrigieli by tieLeo d & Allen, r'toir0,111t0 ' . '. • ; • 1 . .. ' . , • e ,. „ , ' ' , ' --;;;"ttibii;i;a---iiiiiion -eii .--",--ii"e '.. ' PrIllt7a4v . ' ' - . :.-:,,,,,,:---- '•- ' . ''. '1 hearth -rug with his beck to the fife -7 e....re . e•-• e4e1I.Ieten ttl .*111 clict 164'4'7 ler" 7°1/ ' it tle high .suminer, an. tlae a mt1' nu 6 840.?040 all that: the other ' Loi1ctioat ceept'in,ihroughd'the *Olean could find to say. , • wi we. but the laeltrth-rug ' ''" - ; ' conati;teted a throne, a seat of Solo- . - • ' . mon; had his lordahlp stood anywhere . .BABYHOOD' • , ' MONTREALi e&te--e-nne• , THE STANDARD is tlid National !Weekly Newspaper' bf the Dominion ef Canada. It is national le: hit its ht - ar--- -.........._. ttims -ee e 1, It us "dd thdfiffiati FavaiarTsivili Ffir-ratfa ngs, procuring thd photographs from :#over 'the world. Its articles 'are carefully elected and ' • ts editorial policy is ., thoroughly A zubscription- tai Tlid Stsifiddra S fists $100 per year td 'any 'address in anada br Great Britain. dependent, ..! n ` • . • TRY IT FOR 1912! 0 eleonteeal Standard Publishing Cele ' - Limited, Publishers. else he Would have felt lacking ia; authority. Now, George, my boy, tell me all ,a'Sateaaaaile, about it," he sald, wit,h. a geelally ''''faei. ''••••'''' paternal air that lent itself admirably gressions. to the discussion of a youngster's trans - ere ter1'Triittd$Iteff. unto Hire with Increas- ing trietory over the world,, the flesh and the devil., If the'Peayer meeting, the /Male ,elatis, the Bible conference and t1n3es and, placei" ot ellow- Ship wIth,Fline notenable us, in the days following; to Show more of Erie presence .and poiveer in the home, the piece of teisiness, the social - life, where Ari the benefit? People lay, "I was go blessed, had such-- an uplift, it. did ate tto inuchogeod." Well, thank God, but -now sbow it in your life sod yon won't need to tell and, it your life ages not show It, better say nothing about it. The spirit through James teache$ tbat faith that is mere talk amounts to nothing; there must - be ,vvrIcs 'corresponding, to our faith for the take of those -Who do not "ntiderstand. John says,"My little 'children, let ue not love in word, neither in tongue, but In deed and in truth" (Jas. le I John III). The story of ibis demoniac boy is Written briefly in Matthew and Luke, • but . meet fully in Idark. ,Luke tells us that he wits an only child and that when he was, healed Jesus de- livered him again to hie father (Luke ix, 38 42). An only child given to Jesus' hands iS Oxen back better than when eneleceived him, made perfectly whole. He is the same yesterday, to- day and forever, this same Jesus. ' Take lir this scene as well as you 0511-5 great multitude, a distressed fa. ther, a sorely afflicted only child, some disciples of Jesus truly saved who had on other occasions wrought miracles, but now are helpless. "They could not cure him." Did you'ever see yourself, a true fol- lower of Jesus, yet powerless to show something of Him to those who know trim not and unable to help those who need help? Did yeti say from the heart, "Why could not I?" And did you hear Him.say, "l3ecause of your unbelief?" (Matt. xvii, 20.) And have you been wondering since if you really knew what it means to "havefaith in God?" Then what about the prayer and fasting necessary in some cases? Oh, how much there ls to learn, and how many seem to heve a dumb spirit or an evil spirit of some kind, that seems too often to control us. "Bring him hither to me" is about what Ile sald concerning the bread when Ile fed the thousands, "Come unto me" is His cry to all the weary and heavy laden, and we may well asiy, "Lord, to whom shall we go but unto Thee?" Matt. xi, 28; John vl, 08.) This evil spirit had long sought to destroy this child, and now he made a last effort. The devil has always been and still is a destroyer, a de. 'skiver, murderer, but the Lord is the life giver, the deliverer, the Saviour. Hear the father's cry, "If thou eanat do anything!" Ilia @setae's failed. Could He do better? People who do not know the Lord judge Him by His followers. Are we bringing Him honor or reproaeli? Jesus said unto him, "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that be- lieveth" (verse 23). "Lord, I believe," cried the father. Jesus rebuked the spirit and commanded him to come out of him. Ere be did so he rent him sore and left him as one dead, but he de- parted out of him. aesus took hint by.the hand and lifted bin) up, and he arose and was mired from that very hour, Our Lord does not give the same power to all, but to each one severally as He will. Medenham. had a settee of humor de- nied to his well-meaning sire. He t•e. called the last time he had heard those words. ale and another sprig of no had come np to London from Winchester without leave in order to attend a famous glove contest bettveen heavyweights, and there had been wigs on the green before an irate head -master woulcl even deign to flog them. That had happened twelve Years ago, almost to a day. Since then he had fought through a, great war, had circled the globe, had sought the wild places of earth and Re monsters in their lairs. He Imew men and matters as his father had never known that could cure Constipation. them. A Prime Minister had urged About this time, I heard about "Fruit - him •to adopt a political career, and a-tives" and decided to try them. The had virtually promised a colonial un- effect was marvellous, us, aryship as soon as he enter- The first box gave me great relief, and ed parliament. He held the D.S.O., after I had used a few boxes., I found had been thanked by the Royal Geo- grain:teal Society for a paper on Kil- imanjaro, mid cordially invited by the Foreign office to send in any further eates his posseseion. Months later, Miss E. A. GOODALL ALTA, , 20111. /9/1 "I leave beeu a sufferer slime baby- hood from that terrible complaint, Constipation. I have been treated by physicans, and have taken every medicine I heard of, but without the slightest benefit. I finally concluded that there was no eemedy in the world that I was entirely well. "Fruit -a -Byes" is the only medicine that ever did me any good and I want to say to all who suffer as I did—"Try this fruit Medicine and you will find— )le heard that Sir Somebody Someth- as I did—a perfect cure • ;Sag was deeply'interested in his com-. (Mess) E. A. GOODALL ' Monts on the activity of a certain 1 "Pruit-a-tives" is the only medicine Great Power in the neighborhood of in the world made of fruit and the only Britain's chief coaling -stations in the Indian Ocean. The absurdity of a family conclave in Which he should again be treated as a small boy, and admonished to "He had to return to London. But, apologize and be flogged, while it there—it is I who ought to ask clues. brought a smile to his lips, banished tions. Let us go inside. 1 want to any notion of angry remonstrance, e.?,t some of the grit out of my eyes "By 'all about it' I suppose yeu mean and hair; then I shall become an ab- that you wish to hear -what I have solute mark of- interrogation—SO I' been doing since last Wednesday." he warn you. Of course, I am delig e to see you; but queer things have happened, and I am pinning to bare them cleared up. When did you see father last? Is he still in London?" Cynthia is ready to snapshot Eltzroaa one that will positively and completely cure you of Constipation. soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25C. At all dealers or sent on receipt cdprice by Pruit-antives Limited, Ottawa. said pleasantly. "Well, dad, I have Obeyed your orders. You asked me to find a wife worthy to reign at Fair- holme. 1 halve enceqeded." "You dont mean to say you hav arearried her!" shouted the Earl, in a purple -upheaval of rage whose light- ning abruptness was not its least amazing feature. Certainly Meden- ham was taken aback bv it. Indeed, DON'T NEGLECT YOUR WATCH AWATCH is a delicate piece Of machinery. i calls for less attention than most Machinery, but must be cleaned and oiled occasionally to keep perfect time. et With proper care a Waltham Watch will keep perfect time for a lifetime. It will pay you • well to let us clean pour watch every 12 or x8 months. W. R.Counter Jeweler and Optician. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Mrs Leland answere0 wit free,. saddened by Medenham's duplicity. Six months earlier he and the Earl had dined at the villa she was occu- pying at San Remo for the winter. She then took a great liking to him on account of his shy reticent but singularly pleasing manners. She Was prepared to laugh at the present escapade when she had discussed it with him that night. Now he had fied• doubtless through fear. That was bad. That looked ugly and mean. Most certainly Peter Vanrenen had cted rightly in bringing her post- haste from Trouville. She must use all her skill if mischief were to be avoided, CHAPTER XIII. SCHOOL e:t !QUID ES E E SALVES FAIL In regard lo diseasee Medi- cal atathorities are now agreed on Donn imprison the disease germlI in your skin by , the use of greasy Naives, e andthins encourage them mneltiply, A tette cure of all eezematene diaeaen can bee:sough boollt by using tee riptiline figteits 111 the feral of a hquid, ' .WASH THE GERMS ()TIT, - • •e„ simple wet -h- A compound b.' of oil of Winter,green, Thyn.ol, and other ingredients as combined in "Lesson IX.—Fourth Quarter, For Dec. 1, 1912, THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. .enaninne— knowledge of apoplexy in the faletily. he was alarmed, thoug be Dad. no Text of the Lesson, Mark ix, 14-29. I Memory Verses, 22, 29—Golden Text, Mark ix, 23 (R. Ye—Commentary Prepared by ReV, Da M. Stearns. For a little while heaven and earth had touched in a new way, by those to know her people—, who had once lived on earth, but bad "1:1-.n her people!" broke in the been long absent from it, one by death older man, "Have you taken leave , and one by translation. When the Of your wits, George, to stand there ' risen and translated saints shall be "Steady, dad, steady)" and the quiet. reigning with Christ in His kingdom"Steady, and talk such infernal noneense?" "voice grew still more calm though the , i (Rev. v, 9, 10; xx, 4) this will probably Torehead -wrinkled a little and there ! be tbe ordinary, everyday occurrence ver where the New Jerusalem from "I have not even asked the lady yet," he said quietly. "I hope --I think —that the, idea will not be disagree- able to her; but a future Countess Of Fairholme is not to be carried by storm in that fashion. We must get was an ominous tightening of the lips. Wliereln Wrath Beguiles Good Judge - 'United States as you are in England redeemed Israel the heavenly and s • ; "Good -morning, dad," , . n -may I even say, without disrespect,' earthly centers of Ms kingdom, when, 1 "Good-mornin', George." ' "Enjoy your run to Heyeseeer a,man who has won a. more command- a king shall reign in righteonsuess "Immensely. Did you?" ing position?—and his daughter, Cyn- and the work. of, righteousness 111511 ; "It was not , so bad. Rather tire- thla, is better fitted to adorn a coronet i some, you know, travelin' alone, •but 1than,a great many women now entitl- bo pea& and the nations shall learn bo the return journey I fell in with a led to wear one." war no more (Isa. xxxii, 1, 17; 11, 4), ,flecent sort of Frenchman who helped ; The Earl laughed, with an immoder- I AS the devil was in control at the to pass the time." , PleY ate die of amusement he was fat foot of the mountain -when Jesus and 1 "Monsieur lalexigny, in fact?" Ifrom feeling. 1 Ells diselples came down and tee dis- "All, you knovv hint, of course. I "Are tbese Wiggy ,Devar's ereden- eiples there could not conquer him, so itad forgotten.". itials.? By gad, that shabby little it shall be when Jesus Christ •shall 1 "I have met him. He is not the iwretch is flying, high when she tries, come in His glory; then He shall bind kind of person I care to know." eo bag my son for her pretty protegee!" , the strong man, whom the church can- ] t d tap ed it ' "Don't you think it would be 'wiser, not east out, and shut him up in the actly what has taken place since 'we; for till then the whole world shall lot the crops—ctid they want rain9 _ . 1 ta?" I continue in the wicked one as the "You must take that back. Peter Van- heaven and the one on earth in per- enen is quite as great a man in the fect accord, the glorified church and merit the D Preecription 'this penetrates to the disease germs and and cresfreys them, then soothes alid 'heale the eke). as poilileg else 11 is ever done, In addition to tit," dollat bottle evhieb hag cured eoniany casee we laave arraxiged With the D. D, D La- boratories for a special lar,ee trial bottle at 25e. On "a ePeci al oefer If " This trial bottle will start the cure, and glee yen instant relief W. 5, It eelolmes, dimegise Clinton peisonatent of Herbert S. Hockin, 0110 ot the chief defendants, in default of an increased bond which was re- quired by the court "because he had deceived everyone," the denouncing by a woman writer in the court -room as an "anarchist," and a denial of knowledge by attorneys for the de- fence of some of the acts of the de- fendants, were among sensational in. eidents at the "dynamite conspiracy" trial Saturday. ' Hoeltin was cleClareal to have been in the employ of detectives soon after The Los Angeles Times' explosion, He was also accused of having told a witness of overhearing J. J. McNa- mara talk to President Lynch. of the International Typographical Union "a.bout an explosion on the Pacific wash" Miss Mary Field of New York was branded by the district attorney as an "anarehtst who ought to be excluded from the courtroom" for certain arti- cles she published concerning the trial in The Union Magazine. -MEN 'and asked his son what he thought bin if you allowed me to tell you. ex- , pit aud Mk; control a his property, , The Earl se ec e an egg, p , ;The two were breakfasting alone— tat the moment' there was not even a man -servant in the room—but Lord Fairholme had long. ago established the golden rule that controversial itopics were taboo during meals. Medenham langhed outright at the ,tudden change of topic. He rename- ered that Dale was sent to bed in the Green Dragon Hotel at, eight 'o'clock, and he had not the least }doubt that his father's ukase was real- ly a dodge to secure an undisturbed dinner. But he was under no delu- %Ione because of this placid meeting the breakfast -room. There' was (thunder In the air, Tomkinson had 'warned nim of it overnight." "There's bin -ructions while you NS hat good purpose will that serve'? mince of this world. Let those who e T ' I have heard the whole story from - Lady Porthcawl, from Dale, from that i would understand take the trouble to ponder, with prayer and meekness and Frenehman--and Heaven knows I have been well coached in Mrs, Devar's l submission to the word of God, the fol - antecedents by your aunt Susan lowing passages, for it is all important George, I am surprised that a man of to understand this present age, its irour sound commonsense should per- ruler and his doom: I John v, 19, R. knit yourself to be humbugged so V.; John xiv, 30; II Cor. iv, 4; Eph. egregiously.... Yes, yes, I am aware ' id, 2; II Thos. II, 7-10; Dan. vii, 25; that an accident led you to take Sim- xl, 39, 36; elf, 1, 10; Rev. site 7, 8; mond's place in the first instance, bet stria 14; xix, 19, 20; ex, 1-5. can't you see that the Dever creature Turning back from this faraway must have gone instantly an her bend- look to the particular incidents of the lesson, we note that it is not in order bd- knees—if she ever does pray, Which k doubt—and thanked Providence for -the chance that enabled her to dispose /or us to continue too long in tiny place of an earldom? . . . At a -pretty stiff of special privilege when there is work were away, my lord, the butler price too, I'll be bound, if the truth to be done and people in distress need- hispered, waylaying him. in the hall 'were told. Really, George, notwith- in Iis at the foot of the hill. Special Suet before midnight. "Lady St. Maur standing your very extensive travels limes and -places of speciel revelations has upset the Earl somethink dread- end wide experiences, you are nothing eeeefensself to us are to lit uste lmt- Ifure and Medentam had growled in but a kid in the hands of a managing 'nen- ... bp. Piano iirchwers should no/remain askep fie Ind ihair &DOHRTY is hag vniee on ark One 2f the Best Equipped Piano Factories in Canada W. W. Doherty Piano and Organ Co, Limited Pactoriesi and Head Office CLINTON ONT. Weeteeea Branch, 280 TIARGRAVE STRER'Ie IvirpcNiPzio, MAN reply: "Her ladyship will lunch here et one o'clock w to-morro, Tomkinson. "I am not being given in -marriage •-le.ve an arabula,nce ready at two, for be Mrs. Dever, I assure you," began woman the Dever • v ." she will be in little pieuds before I Medenham, smiling anxiously, for the have done with 'her. The mangling fatherly "tell me all about it" was will be somewhat orful." hot being borne out by the Earl's pet- ', "But what has become of Dale, my 'Mance. - ord?" went on Tomkinson in a hush - "No. You can trust me to take care l ed voice. of that," • tARTEKS IITTLC IVER PILL5a "Dale? He is 'all right. Why? Is 'But are you treating me quite fair - be in the soup, -too?" 1y? Why should the distorted ver - my lord. I've heard nothink sion of my affairs given by Lady Porte - of that, but he sent me a wire from cawl, a woman whom Cynthia Van- Britol----e renes could not possibly receive in "A telegram --about what?" ber house, and by Count leclmiard Mar - "About a horse." ignY, a disaPpointed fortune-hunter, be "Oh, the deuce take you and ycrur accepted without, cavil, while my, own buttes. By the way, that reminde story le not listened to? 1 -leave Dale me—you gave a rotten tip on tlae Der- out of it. 5 I am sure he told you the actual truth—" "It was a. false- run race, my lord. "By the way, where is he now?" • The favorite was ewer(' oft his feet at "Somewbere in the neighborhood of Tottenham Corner, and couldn't get Chester, I 'believe." Into his stride again till the field was "Have you discharged hire?" opposite Langlands Stands. After "No--whe should I?"- "Because I wish it." "After that Fei going to bed. • But "Why in the world are you so, vat - I forgiee you, 'Portikineon. You put reasonable dad?" _ up a ripping good lunch. YoU're a far "Unreasonable!By gad, I like that. better butler than a tipster." . Have I been gallivanting round the This brief eonversation ,bad 'Hunan- country -with soro.e.—" ed at least one dubiouspage in t "Stop! You are going too far. Tins must cease here and now, reoorde of the put few days. Medea- conversation any reopect for °Anent ham realized now that his aunt hal if you nave bolter, tieion till after you have met emptied the -dale of her wrath on Mes, but, that lady being absent the diecu though ntat for me, you must adjourn' Miss Vanrenen and her fatten," ; "See That Bald Headed Young' Man" eeemect to "completely lose ber nerve and stand paralyzed before the thxone for an appreciable time- The dresses were much more beautiful than at the previous drawing-roona and the flowers were magnifieent, orchids be- ing there in profusion in bouquets of a size undreamed of a fete year's. Canadian Held For Murder. London, Nov. 28.—(C.A.P. Cable,)— Fresh developments have taken place in connection with the sensational murder of Miss Milne, Dundee, sev- eral witnesses having identified. Charles Warner, a Canadians, as be. ing concerned. 'aVainer, who Saturday completed short term of imprisonment in Maid- stone Jail, will be taken to Dundee, Michael Fraser Dead. Throat°, Nov. 25.—With the death on Friday afternoon of Michael Fras- er, the Midland octogenarian, whose wealth a Sew years ago was figured at $80,000, the notorious series of court attempts to upset his marriage to Hannah Miss Robertson, his junior by several score years, does not end. Rather, it seems that the young wife will have to still further advance her right of marriage in order to estab- lish her claim upon his estate. " Tho effort put forth by Fraser's relatives to unmarry the aged man and his young wife has passed several stages of court appeal. The only course now open to the plaintiffs is to carry the case to the Supreme Court and request a new trial. One of the Toronto counsel interested in the case stated Saturday that he believed Mrs. Fraser's troubles are not nearly over -yet, and that even in the event of there being no now trial, she will have difficulty in proving Fraser's will when it is filed for probate. Ini'occl.'sRlioohodineo The Great English, xecmealt. Tones anti. invigorates the whole, nervous system, makes now in old Veins. Gores Nem:. pus Debility, .711-entat awl Brain 'Worry, Des. yontieney, Sexual Treelloc,,s, Emissions, Spar. matorrlarea, and Erects ai Abuse " Excesse4- Price $1 per box.. stator Ono please, siz will Imre. ffS' '1 NI 111 plain pkg. on reempt cif price. Selo ilepanavtalet anatt free. Th 'e %Wed Medicine Co. Mannerly reeeirismi vorenteetenfe Would Make Two Proposals. London, Ont., Nov. 25.—Col. David- soa and En.gineer McRae tf the Can- adian Norther a Railway were in the city Saturday and arranged with Mayor Graham to held a conference with the London di Port Stanley Rail- way Board Ras week, They intimated that they would make two 'proposals, one to buy the L. & P. S. Ry., and the other to lease it, though nothing is known as yet as to the terms or conditions. The offers may be sub. mitted to the ratepayers as an alter- native to Hon. Adam Beck's scheme of electrification. Sir Donald Mann, vice-president of the 0.N.R., when asked regarding the ' negotiations with the London & Port Stanley Railway, said; "I know little or nothing about the scheme, and I only heard this evening regarding the proposals." "I lenow he s oely 38," said one young lady tc another et a,aocial funcrion„ 'but' he leeks like 50," "Better say he looks like 60,' le - Plied the other, Yo -ung nen 'who use PARISIAN Sage never grow bald because the hair root is supplied witInplenty 01 nature's own nourishment, which means atell times an a,henceince of healthy hair. Young Man, if your hair is thin- ning out; if that little bald spot on top is ibeginming sprosd, try PARISIAN Sage. It is guaranteed loyfeV.S.R Holmes to stop falling hair, banish dandruff and scalp itch or money beck, 10 cents at dealers everywhere. RE Siek IlLeadaithe and relieve all 'the troubles Incl. dent to a bilious state of the system, such as 'Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress afterctlng, eating, Pain in the Bide, &c. While their most lemanatble success has BeeaBlIBWit la°11TIMS SICK Headaelie, yot (liter's Livdr us equally valuable in Oonetipation,euringand.pre• vane 0 g this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, Stimulatetho liver and regulatethe bowels. levemgtherenO in bode, tho Earl had received the full Sued the does. It indicated somewhat tbe Ilse For .the first time in hie life, ' obould 'when, breakfast Earl of Fairholme realized bis limita-f he ended, Isle father suggested that they' dons; he was actually cowed for al Ware. , tf ining of the county bench, ther t et tee should smoke a cigarette In thefleeting secoede. But tile arm-. e ate, mums - ory of a vas Ache they would be almostpriceices to thosewho suffer from this distressing complaint; ,butfortAb safely their goodness does notend here,and those Vito 0008 01)' them will And these little pills vain. able In so many von that they will not be Ung to'do withont them. Bateau anal& boa Once there, And the 1109) ei tbfil VIA Is the bane of soniany lives that here le tvliere we malto our great boast, lapels orals V111141 •ethers do, not. _ elltIOr'S,L1li10 Liver Pills aro very,arrinll and erneasy to take. 01100i two pillemaken dose. They are st,lctll, Vegetable and de tot gripe piesebut by ikair pane action Oakes -who 's,03 ;• cAos, mum tu. 21107 A. € Bye -Election Goes Liberal. London, Nov, 25.—(C.A.P. Cable.)— The Bolton bye -election, caused by the death of George Harwood, pre- vious member, resulted: S. Taylor (Lib.), 10,011; A. BroOks, (Con.), 8,1335, the Liberal majority being re- duced 500. Liberals attribute their success to industrial Lancashire's aversion to the Unionist tariff policy, declaring also that hostility to the Insurance Act is dying. The late memben though a Liberal, was wholly against. his peaay on the disestablishment question The Labor vote went Liberal. Proposed Extra Call, Toronto, Nov. 25.—To meet the fin- ancial ravages of death which have, been rapidly depleting their reserve, the Ancient Order of United Work- men have found it necessary to levy a special assessment upon all mem- bers this month. The necee,sity for this ternperary relief comes as it result of the gnashing by the warts of the advance in tic regular as:keement: passed by the left rand lodge oill- c,ers, but attacked at law by Guelph meralbera Q f the ceder. The special. tianeaameet iambi.. the prose:It regu- lar 'ae.a.-iemeet and is t'. bo eala with it. Drawing -Room at Capital. Ottawa, Nov. 25.—The second Can- adian edition of a royal drawing-toont held the stage at Ottawa on Saturday I night, when over one thomsand pea- ple made their bow to Their Royal Highnesses and admired the pretty princess seated beside the throne oc- cupied by her parents. All the ar- rangements were as smooth as those of last year, and there was not nearly so tench evidence M stage fright no- ticad in those Presented. People are now getting used to the terrible or. deal of bowing to royalty, and only one -woman M the many hundred CHILDREN TRAMPLED. Fifty Youngsters and Adults Killed In • Fire Panic. Bilbao, Spain, Nov, 25.—A terrible panic, was caused yesterday afternoon by the cry ot Bee at a moving picture show here. About fifty children and others were killed. Only one woman up to a ]ate hour last night had been found among the dead. The number of injured is not known, as most of them were taken to their homes by friends, ' The scene of the accident is 5 large circus, which bad been converted in- to a continuous cinematograph show. As the price of admission was only two eents the building was crowded to its utmost oapacity, for the most part with women and children. Tho operator of tbe machine last his nerve when a film ignited and screamed "fire." Ile was able to ex- tinguish the flames himself withoutdifficulty, difficulty; but the effect of his cry upon the audience was instantaneoue. Almost everyone within the building sprang np. The police and attendants were powerless to control the pallie- st -dollen people and were swept away by the surging mass which sought to fight a way to the exit, Scores were knocked down and trampled upon and many were orushed to •death in the passages from the galleries and to the streets. The, nerve of the disaster brought large crowds, who gathered ha tr fren- zied manner outside the building, and the .authorities had peat difficulty in carrying OD the work of rescue and extricating the dead and injured from the piles of wrecked seats, The manager and other employes have been arrested and are held pending an ,inquiry. '7f,e4746,,&44.40,41. ,:t.--,,,:000— ) i;ny. l),t ' fo ilf, , It ..„,, .954tgamt 2,..eiptcaintxperce haeraaae MO ,, , ONE DYfroAti HINDScretei. It's the CLEANEST, SIMPLEST, and BEST HOME DYE, one can buy—Why you don't even have to know what KIND of Cloth your Goods are made of.—So Mistakes are Impossible. Send for Free Color Card, Story Booklet, and Booklet giving results of Dyeing over other colors. ;The JOH NSON•EICHARDSON 00,, Limited, , Montreal, Canada. • CHRISTMASY TRIFLES. matce, somebody Happy by Giving Her a Reticule, Every Christmas ueedleworaer thia pear Is making a reticule for setae body. There is a craze at present tett these graceful hags, and styles rangr from simple entire of linen for ise with next stitnraer's frocks to the moat o elaborate bags of satin and gold lace, to be carried web opera and neater costumes. Simi) a bag, if It is to be successful must be fashioned with 11)0very hest of materials, and a really handsome bag of this eort may easily cost $4 or $5 for the materials alone, though the finiehed models in the shops, especially the imported .models, are tremendously expensive. The bendsomest reticules are merle of heavy, soft satin, veiled with gold lace or metallic net and oreamented with the tiny ribbon flowers which ^ may be bouglat all ready to apply. Simpler bags of satin, embroidered with silk or chenille and braided with gold or silver cora, are very effective also, and most dainty theater. bags may be made of Dresden ribbon, lined with eaft, heavy satin in a delicate pastel tint. Tbe large reticule is al ways, perfectly flat in shape and Is usually in envelope style, with one side buttoning over the other at the top. A thin strip of whalebone should be Inserted inside thelining across the topof such a reticule. Hockin Imprisoned. COntiglUbd pee tole§ Mbii LJ.ili8;2— Quaint Effects In Pincushions, A charmingly quaint little pineuah- ion and one that can easily be made by the girl vvbo can handle a needle, Is the Brownie cushion. Hunt up one of your long neglected friends, the ping pong ball. and vvitb watercolore paint a weird loOkIng face upon it. Then take 'a piece of sateen tbe. color you wish to dress Brownie in and cut It five taches long, by tbree inches wide. Sew this tightly, at each end to form ears that stand away from the head and gather tbe rest up behind to make the little baldbeaded cap, then paint In 'a littlefringe of bair io peep T1112 WOWING CtifilaIONI out underneath the cap, whicb will'Im. prove the looks of 13rowuie. A small, tight body is made out of a ball of raw cotton. Tbis is so cov- ered with sateen to match tbe cap and. sewed down fast in the back. Arms. and legs sr,- made by covering wide - ribbon wire with pale pink satin rib- bon. These are attacbed to the cotton . body before the dress is put on, and they can be bent into any funny post- ure you wish. It Is cunning to have - Mr. Broivnie look as IC he were sitting.. down in crossleg fashion like a tiny tailor. In bis two bands he holds a bow - of narrow ribbon with a long loop at- tached. Tbis serves to bang the little fellow up with if you wish to have him 81 the side of your dressing table. No one wants,to stick cold steel into thls dear little fellow, so at hi$ back you sew feet a long narrow cushion in which you may run all tbe plus and needles you wisb without marring the quaint looked your little friend. The doll cushion illuetrated le e charming t110e made of ribbon ante cream ;satin, toucbed, upe witb water, colors.