HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-11-28, Page 5ELER' Of the Best Quality and Newest Designs can be bad at H LLVAR'S !@�rrts�,a�tt+,.gifT,.�e,.•.c.nw,rsvnyp�•141yf. We Guarantee the it Goons we Soli and Court Comparison. Gold Brooches chi Pea s Pearl Sets Cuff Links Necklaces Gold-filled Fobs W. 11e it .� YAC JEWELER. and OPTICIAN EYES .TESTED FTSE At the annual general meeting of the Alexandra and Marine Hospi- tal Goderich the annual report was read by the chairman, Judge Holt asci shoe el a very .satis- factory year. Tits per chess: of the ''Maples,'' the Property of the late aion.AT,C Cameron, was completed. The following were elected hospi- tal governors for. the \,ear 1912 : President Judge Holt . vice• -chair- man, Judge Doyle; secretary, H. E. I:Iodgens; treasurer (Sharles Nairn; Daniel MasDonald, Charles Seager, Pobert McLean. W. L.Eliot, Joseph Kidd Dr. Mackin (the latser re- prese!ntine the me tical boort, 1 )1 ICE' TO U+'DITOItS In the natter of the estate of Thomas Walker, deceased. Notice is hereby given punsuanit to Sec.• 55 of the. Trustees Act that' all persons having claims against the/ estate of the said de- ceased who died on or about the ninth as sr of M e • 19905 ar.e required to send by post pre- paid to tin undersigned Solicitor tedium E. Walker, Act ninistratrix, on err before the .20th day of December 191x, their names and addresses with full par- ticulars in wr(iiing of their claims, and statement of their accounts and ithe nature of the secui cities (if -any) held by them, duly veriified by Statutory declaration. And Take notice 'that after the said 20th day of December, 1912 the Admi.nistra'ttrix of the said testate will proceed to dis- tribute th.e assets of the said estate among ttlre parties entitled thereto, having r,egar(d only to the claims of whichl the shall then have notice and the said Aciministratrix will not be liable for said assets many pant thereof to any person oar per- sons of whose( claim notice shall not have been received by ser or her said solicitor at the time, of each distribution. Dated the 26th lay of Nov 1912, W. Brydone, Solicitor for Adminislratrix Constance Mrs. Taylor and Mies Ida Cole, of Ilthel,4pent a few days the guest of the tatters aunt, Mrs, 'Thos. Pollard. Mr. William 'Iiugitl, our carriage maker has 0 or 7 new cutters ready for the winter. - Mr, Froward Armstrong has a well I' drilled 120 feet by Mr. Edward Bell, gf Mitchell.- We understand they got lotswindmill-on of seater.it He intends ereetipg a Miss Ford, of Clinton, is to be our teacher after the New Year. Mr Howard Snell, vd sisLe r of e a Clinton, spent Sunday the guest of cousin. Mrs D. Tudor. Mr. tall our new store keeper is do ing a good business now. ' Our Anniversary Services which was held on Senday, Novembee 17t1s, Rev. Dr, Medd, 05 (loderieb, preaching and the Tea Meeting on Monday even- ing was a decided success.' The Lehi) Quartette delighted everybody with then music, Miss Ida Cole, of Ethel, the Elecutionist, was encored every time. Mr, Gibbs and Mr. Rends, of Seaforth delighted the folks with their violin selections. The speakers for the evening were : Rev. Mr. Jewitt. of Blyth, Rev. Miller, of Auburn aridRev. Peirce and Rev. Osterhout, of Londes bora. ' Proceeds amounted to almost $125. "Se.alortli The efficiency of the children in the Seaforth public school in fire drill was exemplified one day last week. The fire gong was souuded and the ohild• ten in each department marched out two and two in perfect order and were on the pavements within 45 sec- onds after the first sound of the gong. Mr. D. Shanahan purehased the O'Sulfiavan farm in McKillop which was sold by auction on Saturday. The price paid, we understand. is $.5,500. . Mr. Peter Eckert, of McKillop, has sold his farm, the old Eckert home- stead, to Mr, John Murray, The faun contains 150 acres and the price is $.12,000. Me, Eckert in return has pur- chased the 2U0 acre farm of Mr, James Cowan, adjoining Seaforth, fos'$17 000. The anniverse-•y services in eon- uiection eve 1r the local Presbyterian church were held on Sundae, wren 'Principal Gandie , of Knox College Toronto, who preached able and el- oquent sermons a large congrega- tions. ongrega-tions: Monday avenin'; '_he annual tea nree`ina wee held to the ,base- ment of lie church. Supper Was served from 6 to 8 o clock •s filch was followed by an excellent pro- gram in the audisorium, Adds eases were deliv xed by Rays Hell, Bence field; Richardson, Kipper: Cars - ss ell, Me aillap , and Barker Sea forth; interspersed with music by the choir wnde the leadership of Mrs. Kind sr, and the Tmperia, Male Quartet of Stratiora, Goderich Township Born in this Tov'n,ship.--M; s Alex ander Porter, of - Wingherrr, who lived oln the •boun-levy line, died early Saturday mouning. She had been in her usual health previous to this, and had taken lea ul'tli. her family an the evening pre reeding her death. About 3 o'clock n the morning she took suddenly rd and passed quietly away. She was in her 77th year, and woe one of the old pioneers in thio ciistrict, being born in Goderich Township, Ir; the year 1856 she was married to Alex- ander Porter, of the -loweslnp of Turnberry, and made their li"mcon the Boundary line of that township Cantil 15 years ago, when they mov ed totheir present home, where ?die died. Mrs. Porter, was a tautnch member ofthe ']taroh oS Bngland, where she will he inueh missed. She leas es 'r sorrowing husband and nine children Three Chicago anti Return $16 20 from Clinton ACCOiJl T 01 i.ell,ernatloilal Live Stock Exposition '.tickets good going Sunday, Dee. 1 to 'Wednesday, De,: 4, inelassve, Return limit 'Mondui.,Dec2. 1912. Proportionate low ;ares from other points rn iantario. The Gr lid Trunk Pacific Iiaiiway is the shortest and quickest route 'between 'WinulPep -Saskatoc r. Ed- monton. Secure ttclrcts and fall) arratilers . from nearest Gra cal Trust' Agent. JOHN RANSFORD & SON, Agents' A. 0. PATTISON, depot agent A.E. Duff, district passenger agent Union Station, Toronto, Ont. TO CLEAN UP our large and csoace stock of :a ,cy said staple groceri,s we are often- ing thean fter-irrgt'hean atslight.ly reduced prices for this week. 4t'h want our regu- lar patrons 'to ba 4. the be irt. of UN USRALLY 'LO V P.Lgt ES, but they are weep nese for new ens tourers. All the standard bra. ds of ordinary Q'rocerire aswell 'ar a largo essortrneln't of spa us, washi -ar pow- ders and cleaning materiels of all kinds, S.BZ4RR Groceries and Provisions, Foreign t (pend. Domeatrc Fruits, Etc. CLINTON, - ONT. i Our Alun==To Please BRINGS CUSTOMERS -BACK Furniture buyers at this store invariably come back when they want more, and bring their friends with them. To Use Our Furniture is t) prove that itis as good as it looks, andh t at is n say 'ig a whole lot. Substantial Furniture can be bought here at money- saving rates. Why not secure what you need now while prices are so favorable. Atkinson & Dunford Furniture Dealers and Funeral Direetors-Phone- 104 NIGHT AND SIJND UY CALLS -Phone: No. 127 or Phone 16 ehfldren predeeoaeed' her. • Mr. N7dw0Jrd Marshali and Frank Marshall were at Goderich last week on business. Messrs. Herb Cox and MiltonWoods Packed 325 bailrels of apples from the orchard of Mr Jno, Woods. Mr. Nelson Yeo has sold his fine farm of 140 acnes to Mr.'A. E. Mathe- son, Miters, and will leave at the be• ginning of the New Year for Toronto, whore he has a house and lot. Mr. Yeo will held a sale in. January of ins stook, etc. We will be sorry to see Mr, and Mrs. Yeo leave here, Miss Minnie Teo, of Tacoma, Wash- ington titate, is now visiting with her, brother, e Mr. Nelson Teo. Get ready to pay your taxes Winter appears to have come at last s and most of the farmers are through with their fall work. Presentation and Address -Last Friday evening about 50 people, mem- bers of the church choir and also of (toe's Church came as e surprise to Peter Cole's horse to present Miss 'Flossie Cole ivitlr a token of their appreciation, Miss Cole was absent but was soon brought. borne, An ad• dress, which we give below, was read and a silver cream and sugar, set. Waspresented to her for her work iu the I )hureb ind choir, having been organ - for the past S years. A pleasant even- ing was spent and all muck enjoyed the music of the phonograph, piano solos and speeches by Mr. Toting, Mr. Gray and Mr, 11. Yeo. Mr, Peter Cole replied on behalf of his daughter, A sptenpid lunch was provided by the Church members, Following was the address read :- Goderich Townsbip. Nov. 20 To Miss Flossie Cole:- . Deas Sister: -We the members of lade's Church Choir and Church wish to express to you our heartiest thanks for the services you have freely given as organist during the many ' happy years we have been praveieged to work together. We also wish to fur- ther show our appreciation by asking you to accept this cream and sugar se as a slight token of our respect and good will towards you, Hoping that your future years wi 1 be crowded with goodness and success is the wish of all present, Signed on benaif of the Choir and Church members, Annie Cooper and Rosie Whitmore, RipIlerA Last week delighted the farmers here. Carly and late they were to be seen in the fields trying to finish their ploughing. Another week•or two of such weather would be very accept- able to those people who feed us all and who have the best of everything themselves. They sure'v deserve it. Miss Morrison is spending 0 pleasant two weeks with friends in Toronto Mr. McKenzie, or Toronto, visited this week in the home o'l' Lir. J. 33. Dinsdale. He is a successful traveller for a good Toronto firm. He is a wel- come visitor.wherever known. Miss Dna Alair is home again for an extended visit. NW are pleased to see her, -- Mr. Themes rllllls who carne out last Spring from Ireland is starting back this week. He may come hack in the Spring. We hope so as we have plenty of work and many openings for such men as be is, Mr. Arlhnr Glendenning is going to spend the Winter with his people in England. He will be back sure,}, C„oderica Struck oa thea side of LI ,e head by a spout, Harry Rulscn, an employee of i he Goderich i;1evrtor an a Tran- elt Company eves knucked insen- sil'lP for a time Wednesday alter - menu, suffering a severe onto- e,: ,r . Reis reeiiog quietly at i resent and is expected to re- cover. A very cadet wedding took place last Wednesday In Knox Churc9i at 6.30, when Miss . e.nnie Drrlinglon, second daughter ofMr. and Mrs. J.hn Proudf'oot was unileu ir.mar- ridge to Mr. Wesley Edwin Forbes la 'e of Hyde Park, bait now 01Sas- t,atoon. The ceremony woe per- t.ormed by Rev Geo Puss in the presence of a few friends. The happy couple lelt ca the 7,t" tr T R for ,Buffalo noel New 1.ork afterwards taking up theirrlome in rs;.atoon, where ' she groom ii in the electrical bsiness, The bride will bemissed b, all around town because of her pop-ilsrily socially.. She was also an active member of the Christian Endeavor of Knox .hurch. Mrs: John E. Pepper and family visited at the home of Mr. H, Carter at the end of last week. Mr, Frank McGregor and his sister Clara attended the fowl supper. at Turner's Church' on Monday' evening. Miss Charlotte Johnston has gone to spend a few days with her uncle, Mr.. John Reid, Rayfield Road. Mr. Hugh McGregor and wife visit ed at the home of Mr. Geo. Hill, Tuck ersmith on ate first of the week, Rev. H. Woods, of Brucefield, held a prayer meeting in the home of Mr. John Moffatt on Tuesday evening. There wa.s a large attendance and a profitable tine. Mr, A; Can team finished the plaster ing of Mr. Thos, Baird's house this week. ario le now visiting ab his former's I home. Wm, Mustard has completed- his season'swork at sawing rola his mill ;'' will soon close down for a short, time. The two'ehurches, Trinity and 'rat. Andrews have decided holding enter• tainments at 01ristmes. The two delegates Reeve T,indsay and Dr, Smith returned from Toronto, with a firm Idea that a railroad will be booming' through here within 'r, few • months and people are induced to be- lieve it so close that they can almost Bear the train whistle. lirueefield On Friday afternoqn of last week Miss Ross Aikenhead entertained 20 of her girlfriends inhonor of her cousin, Miss MadgeAikenheed, of Carberry, ] A very pleasant afternoon was spent, Mr, and Mrs. Rathwell, of Clinton, visited at the home of their nephew, John Rathwell and other, friends in Stanley last week, Their many friends in Stanley are .always glad to see ?hens. Mr, Fowler, Of Stanley, who lately rented bis farm to Mr. Harvey will have a sale and return to Toronto Mrs. Rattenbury was last week the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Dunlop,of Clinton. IlLoimcsville "Men's Day" -Very Large congrega- tions were present both morning and evening last Sunday on the occasion of "Men's Day". The Pastor preached in the morning from Hebrew's 11-27: And Moses endured as sexing "Flim who is invisible," and in the evening on "David's dying injunction to his son Solomen," "Skew thyself, a man". The chorus of twenty-six male voices was in excellent form and gave some very fine selections Mr, Willaterrills very cleverly presided at; the organ and at the morning service, Mr. W. H. Lobb gave a splendid solo and in the evening the chorus was greatly re- inforced by Mr. James Fowler, of God- erich, who also sang a solo in excell ent voice. On !Monday evening the Church was filled to its utmost when the Wren again played their part nobly,. In serving a snurptuoiss dinner, poss- ibly four hundred and fifty people en- joyed the good things that the Holmes vile people are reputed to be able to serve. An admirable program fo'lo:r- ing consisting of Berm ins and practi• cal addresses by Rev. J. H. Osterhout, Mr. Manning, at the Royal Bank ;,Mr A. J Irwin ; Mr. A. T. Cooper ; Rev, 19 A. Miller, of Auburn ; 511'. W. S R. Holmes and Rey. 1V. A, Brown, of Benmiller. The chorus gave three selections of music and the soloists of the, evening were Rey. W. A, Brown and Mr. Wilson, of Goderich. Every oue went away delighted with the evening. Proceeds amounted to $138, Tnckersmitli Turner's Church Anniversary -The Fiftieth Anniversary at Turner's Church. Tnel:ersmith, was an event of unusual interest and was celebrated in becoming manner on Sunday and Monday last. Services were held on Sunday afternoon and evening. Rev. J. E. Ford preached a fine sermon at the afternoon meeting and the pastor of the Church, Rev. S. 5. Allin preach- ed on a theme befitting the occasion in the evening. A large choir under the leadership of Mr, Robert Gibhings sup- plied excellent music at both services. On Monday evening the ladies of the Church served a supper that was re- garded by all as one that could not be excelled. The number present was large enough to fill the Church to the doors and the occasion will be remem• hared with much satisfaction. A very fine program of music and readings was provided by the members of Ont. ario St, Choir under direction of Mr. B J. Gibbings: Turner's Church which is connected with Ontario St. Church,Olinton was opened,it appears, in 18554, as a part of "GoderiehMission" and until 1870 formed part of'eClinton circuit which included Clinton,Hnimes ville, Tipperary, Lnndesboro and Dunn's. The present church building was erected in 1860, at which time the pastor was Rev. John Mills, who died only a couple of years ago, in Guelph. Turner's was at one time connected with the old Rattenbury Street 'Meth() 'list Church. At the church opening, the preachers were Rev. Samuel Fear and Rev, Ezra Hurlhutt. In 1870 the minister of Rattenbury Street and Turner's was Rev. James Graham, father of Rev. J. W. Graham, educa- tional secretary, Ontario Street Church dates from soon after this period. Porter's Hill London Road Mies at Ply? spent. Sunday at Alias Annie MdPh•nil is hone waning Iter home at Plyth, Siiss Mara Johusl'on has returned on her mother who is very sick. Watch Faints Does 'Your Watch Run .Correctly If Not, let ns repair it for you, It may .be only (laity, and need cleaning, or stop for lack elf 0141? 'Whatever t ho Reason, don't de- lay. W17. give thorough examina- tion and regulation ]TREE. Anything nior.e costs as little as satisfactory work can be done. J Grigg Jeweler and Optician Issuer of Marriage Licenses Lome having spent a month at tar sister's at Munroe Rev. .Osterhout, of Lctn iesboro, will give aLecture and magic lan- tern entertainment .In Bethel chinch inext Wednesday evening, Dec. 4. A good time is assured A small admission fee will be collected, Anhiirii Mr. Sturdy sr., has been on the sic]: list for the mast few sacs. The W P.51 S. of the Metho:d:et church had a quilting bee at '. the Erratt house on Friday last. ';Ir. John Howson who has been in the Nest for the past few months has returned for ;he Winter iirlter,d ing to go back in the Spring Iowson & Lawson have bought the Young saw and pluining mills and intend mnoving the same tone present site of there roller mill. The anniversary zervices 1eld in the Baptist church last Smiday was well attended. Mr Hughes, of McMaster Unive'sity .preached two power fan and soul stirring ' osmoses 'Tbe subject for She afternoon eves ••Ttte Mission of file church'', Luise 8,2(1; and in • the eventing "The unavoidable Christ' Johr, J5 20. A very appropriate solo at ecu h ser- vice was given by Miss McRae, of Clinton. The cement wcrk at the bridge has been completed and the ap- proacb is being filled in'. The iron men are off work waiting for iron. Londesboro Ou" enterprising elli.en .Jthn Woodman is ,going tr. keep the 1 otel stable open and supply hay and oats for the Winter. Miss W. McGuire, of Di ussets, visited here dor a few days James Campbell has had anew coal furnace put in this week. Fredrick Gibbs has r'eturnett home from the West Knox church S. S. are preparing for a Krems T'ee and entertainment George Lyon is still confined to the house and does not make the itapreeement his friends wish. Miss Allison, -o' lfelg re e, ie the guest of her b7'other, Dr. 4.11irlon this week. Mrs. Dr, Allison is away on a visit teller parents at H'erriston. The regular ',meeting otthe Wo- men's Insti'tute•wili be held next Thursday evening at 7 30 instead of the afternoon as formnerly Mrs, Osierhout will have charge of Ilse program.Reel All ladies ,cordia]ly in - Albert Brunsdori who is employ- ed on the G. T. R at Port Colborne is horse for a visit at present. Wesley Lee en emplos;ee of the G TB. at Port Colborne accompanied by .his bride is visiting the home of his parents near the village We are having the first esperien ce of the sWinter this iaee)t, Mullett Robert Crawford spent Sunday with friends in Goderich. Wm, Henry had the misfortune to. lose a fine mare last week. Indiges- tion was the cause of its death., Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cartright and three children spent Sunday and Mon- day with the former's sister, Mrs, Wm. Andrews. Thos. Adams, Sr,, is en the sick list. Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Lee, of Port Oolbourne, spent this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lee. Misses Myrtle and Violet Philips spent Saturday with Miss Maud Tyner of Summerhill. Mrs. Lasham and Miss Elite, Beck, of Goderich, spenb last week with the former's sister, Mrs. S. McCool. Norman and Jeanet Hunkings spent Sunday with Clinton friends. Mrs. Argent, of Clinton, spent this week with relatives on the 8th . Con- cession. Mrs. R Carter spenb Sunday with I' her daughter, Mrs. Fred Shobrock, Bayfield. The road repairing by the tows icouncil is competed. John Thomson, of Fort Francis,Ont THE AGNES KNOX SLACK RECITAL TOWN HALL Friday Evening, November 29th, 1912. At 8.15 p.m. Mrs. -Black will by Assisted by Miss Beatrice Morson, Soprano, and Miss Patterson, Pianist PRoGRANDIE, 1, Instrnniental (Selectee!) 2, Ballads . Whittier, Kipling and Stevenson Agnes Knox Black 3; Song (a) "The Stars are !!ailing" Bell Acqua (b) ` 'Deep in My Hurt and Lute lay hid" F. Alyward Miss Morson 4. T-Inmour. 5. M. Barrie and fan Maclaren Agnes Knox Black Aclvaucensent in Life John, Ruskin Agnes Knox Black 6. Scenes from Hamlet Shakespeare Agnes Knox Black 7. Solo- "I Love But a Day" Mrs. Beach Miss Monson 8. Humour from Early English Comedy Agnes Knox Black 5, 9. Selected Agnes Knox Black 90. Instrumental (Selected) QOD SAVE THE KIN(i. �a11 aninte� foods We are placing in stock nearly every slay many new. lines of seasonable goods. We've never bad a larger or better stock than we will have this fall when our goods that we have on order are all in stock, . '` Readysmnade and Ordered Clothing �rs will lock be better and larger than ever before See our prices before you buy., I414DIFS' eon:is—We have the largest and best stock of these goods that we have : ever seen in. Clinton, and our, rices are low, considering quality � Boots, Shoes and Rubbers --Our stock in these lines is nearly all in and we are still at old prices, al- though wholesale - rices .have advanced It) 1 -5 -per cent. We've alwaysP5h sold' this line of goods with a very small margin. Our stock in other lines that we carry is very com- plete, and will be sold with small profits, Come and See What we have Plumsteel Bros. SMALL PROFITS . MORE BVSINESS task 'Comfortable Couches Made Specially for people, Troubled with "That Tired Feeling " Feeling Spring Seat Couches Red and Gi'een Verona Couches Spanish Leather Couches 12.50. 96 00, 23.00 Couches Recovered at ltea„onable Prices 35, $6, $8.5o 9.75, 52'50, 54.50 J. Hm ehOleW BLv'rp Mrs. John Hunter, of town, is spend ing a week at her old home here, Mr. George Flanley fell in the barn on Monday and cracked a rib over his heart. He is reported to be doing as well as can be expected. An Old Pioneer Gone: -On Monday morning at 9 o'c'ocls John Plaetzer passed away at the ripe age of 88 years 11 months and 25 days. He was born in Germany and came to this country with his parents when quite young and resided on the 18th Concession of Hulled: -which was then bush. 1n 1850 he was•married to his predeceased partner who died about two years ago. Ile was a weaver by trade and a good one in his day, A grown up family of three boys -Adam, of Cheboygan, Mich, ;;Samuel, at Petoskey, Mich ; and George, of Toronto ; and three daughters -Mrs. Zuelsdorf, in Grand Forks, Mrs, H. Livermore, London Road, and Mrs. E. Holtzhauer, offtliu- ton survive, The funeral was held on Monday nfteianoon from his daughters home, Mrs, H. Livermore to the Olin ton Cemetery, Thus one more pioneer of Hulled? Township passes away, George Johnston, Grey township, i,ot a bad fall ar, ,5anruer Burke's barn and is only now feeling like moving about. The 'Irap was some- what obscured by haw ac.d Mr et on fell 10 fees alighting oubis lead. Mr. Fred Sotheran received word from the Post Office Inspector at - London that he was to be appoinfted to the position of Postmaster dor ” the Village of Fordwich. ••e•••0411••••••••••••••••••••••••••040••0•••s••••••ee • •• • • • • • •• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Flour Coupon OP lei. COOlt SONS Si ee. This coupon is good for 40 cents on each bag of Snow Drift • our best family flour. giving you the privilege of taking one to • five bags, providing this coupon is presented to us on or before • Decemher.3lst, 1912, • Our regular selling price of one Snow Drift Flour without • • this coupon is $275. If you present this coupon each bag of • • Snow Drift will only cost you $2 35. • Our mill is equipped with the latest and most modern flour ! mill machinery. We also have secured the services of a first- • class miller, who was previously employed by one of the largest ▪ mills in Ontario. Consequently, we are offering this inducement • in order to give every woman an opportunity to try our Snow • Drift Flour. Every bag guaranteed, • We are selling bran at $22 and shorts $23 per ton in ton lots • We are large buyers of Beans, bring us a sample. SIS • • • ?resented by a ,,.,,,. .. , • •• 11, COOK SONS gio CO., OE MSALL, ONT. • 0' 1 o 0041000.41•••••••••••••••000•••••••••••••••••••••000.6 without a doubt you'll find this out in all your travels round about the bread that's best with any meal— is just the one , and only real Mother's Bread better bread could not be made —that's vii -hat you'll say when you have tried this crispy, crusty hliw melt's thread H. Barihut Phone No. 1 and have it delivered to your house every day.