HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-11-28, Page 4111101 r7 ,
an41 to ,Malchig
Dress it iVc.tr
— ...,:..� ►r Phone 78
Couch&..e�• Furs
The customer has everything
y �, to gain and nothing
to lost: b making
r y Che choice of gocd Furs NW
Select while our stocks are at their best—NOW Se-
lect in time to have Furs ready for the first day of
cold weather. After one has compared all other Furs
is the best time to see ours -we stand by the result.
We are showingthis season—Sable,
Mink, Fox,
Persian Lamb, Russian Fitch, Blue Opposum, ,Blue ,
Wolf, Blue Goat, White Tibet, Brown Opposum,
Blrck Opposum, and Marmot.
Comparison RIelps to Sell Our Furs.
Children's Dres•
SVe are showing a large ranee of Children's Winter Dresses
made of serges and panaunas, 'Preto, styles. We have them in all
sizes, Come and see them while the stock is complete.
MHli!`iery $2.08.
Saturday we put on s 15 Ladies Trimmed Hats, alt gond
Styles, sold regularly for $5 and $5. Your choice Saturday...,2,98
. •o'Py
mil f..1
ll f 111%
Never Lose Sight,
of Re=iabiiiiy
Our Mantle busi-
ness has been built
upon that founda-
tion. We consider
a satisfied custom-
er the best medil.m
of advertising.'ihe
increasing volume
of our mantle busi-
ness assures us c
that this is correct
•'Oman: -
Liberal Leader in the Senate
Ottawa. Now, 22. -Sir Geer g
Eiuss, ex -Premier of Ontatio, w
+o• -day chosen by a fully attend
caucus of the Liberal Senators t
lead ,them In he upper 'House, i
succession to0'he titre Sir, 1liichar
Cartivrigh". Hon, Mr Rost( sk o
British Columbia was also nomina
ed for the poli`fon, but ,the ehoi
of the maiori'`y fell upon th
veteran ex -Premier and Ilse de
'0isidn was made unanimous. Si
•ueurg,' himself did not attend th
Laucus, and the proffer of 'the lead
ership was made to him by a corn
mil'tee Of the ;:00,'U5,consisting o
o enators Darn !!strand.. l,eigue
•Ja'dray, Edwards and' Power.
Sir George.was most cordially re
-ceived by his fellow -Senators whe
? •e joined the caters as in response to
,ihe invitation.
In a.nnouneinrt .his acceptace of
the ottier of leadership he ex-
pressed at the sa:ne time his deep
regret at the loss to the Seng to and
Canadian public life or the late
;leader, Sir Richard Cartwright, Sir
George expressed the hope that as
:loader he wank: always 1•,.able. to
.ce'nduct the discussion of public
'-gnes1ions in harmony with the
iews •
of his fellow -Senators,
1 nt
soli d -
$ X
Bence .of the Seoste as one of thae
great estates of'the Icahn, He
voiced the confluent hope that he
'Would begiven all needed assist-
ance, in the conduct of the business
o the Senate, and in realizing the
aim of maintai,ni'rg high standau•ds
rofpnblica'nd political morali'y
S.Sit4 'George's long •ecperie,lce of
`I,iiblic life,extend.ng ove a period
of rorty, years in Loth Fed •r•ll fund
Provin •r91 p litics, has large k,a iW-
3. o I tit It
edge Ofall I e po rttc1l. issue" oaf
.,atlrament and 1.,1, well-recogniz-
ed , L
esti Powers 01 oratory and debate.
e tochoice a
c of e s t ader, although
el ill oneof the y.ornger members f
the tt�enate in P0101 0f si•;,cice aft
Ottawa? Hewes apnointe 1 to the
rapper Chamber' in 1907'
The caucus i
e c uc R •e�
< sse a r s lut'o.
p O l t Of
'condolence to the family of the lake
,'cit Richard C11iwrrg•ht arta ,-ss'ng
the deep sense 011o.is in the death
tifane who h<Id soiong Ind ably
'upheld the best .traditions of tublic
trL ,F..;,E W. BUSS,
was elected in tine Liberal intel,esls
asnlernber for '4`:•'st. Middlesex in
was re eturne Of ed n1 aleotG0Sill they elections
of 1874, 1878 and 1882. In 18'•s he
entered (the 11 oW at 1 ebinc''t of
ntario as .1t r..,lm• of Education.
which Position 1 e „old nn 1' '890..fn
that'year, can th ret,reml„n. of lion
Mr. hardy, he ,succ'eecied to the
Premiership,. uccup,t,n;• ane pdsi-
an llie'Pi•ot racial Got e'•nmciiC
nut, its defeat in IDi5, iwo yosrs
later. t
was ,
a.lcd to the senate.
He was Knighted in 10.10
As a writer Sir George began his
career byo .
editing zt, -The Sirattu'oy
AOn arioteTeacher. uron Expositor at Tons
inclu,de, { The'7,i,c and Vane:. of
Hon. Alexander lackens,e,"lolntly
with. 'William 13ucldnghan. • "His-
tory or
Y of Public au'i Separate Schools
"Patriotic Recitations for • Public
and High Schools; and “Reports on
rho Schools of England and ..ter -
many." In addition rte errs • sen a
Sir Geo' (Ye Eons was born in
qn many matters of Ivbhc interest
°e' m
la township. I • Reser:
9 14 1,. , O t.
un y, and
Ni frequent cont::bncor to the press
Gehas delivered man addresses
on September 18,1.844, sone of James , before patriotic ^loop add societies
81cas, a native of1.os1-s,1t,•Scot-t en topical questions,
taasd. He received his education
iin'•.,t public school the Normal 1
„School in this city, arid Albe •t Ifni, -.1 Thr; ]tonne of Mr, John So t oft
uhc t
•verat,ly,. Iieilevtlle, I%:� is an .loaner_; of Grand Peur3, was destroyed' :by
LL.D. of StAndrew's - t: •
Y Ls Uwversf ae on Saturday 'tact. The (fire
.ly' Scotland, Cie University of aught from Cie chimrney and gain-
•iroonlo Victotil University ,,Me- ed such headway nothing could
Mamie- University and Quem s caught headway that no{tihng could
-' v t
After leaving
/11 uIer rteAlbert,be do
Y to
the building. "•
n : A
�Irxii a city he becatns a teacher and -.few ,belomgin�gs were cava'
.eubsequelntly respeetor of Public The 100 acre far'rn of the late Peter
eh.1 slMcNeil, � s and Ins ^tor Model 9
e of I •N '
,beim Lot 23,'Con.41 iCirei
,• rY
. o l s
�c, n s }i.e alsslli•I 1 nw i• - gg
e .e township ]nay: been sold b 'the , ,
vowin a solicitor in 1883 and a bar- cute Y h axe.
g rs, to Wilson Evans, 12ah-cos.
*Liter in 1887. ; tor the sum of $ I,6F,0: It is a,nex-
air George commenced his politi- cetlent faxen: This Purchase' will
its , eareer forty years ago, 1 hen. give 'Aar. Evans 221 acres,
Social and Personal'
Dr^'Slo•tn:t.j;.Gm g.A.'ndn 'fertierly.
of Blyth, has,been yarding his
sister, Mrs. : WOO `,balker 'this
Mt. Thos. Jackson, jr', Wa 1 in Tor
onto Mist week.•
Is' Gordan Taylor, formerly
the Moto., Weeks hero 'hes ser•tn
a position with the RUSSO: M,
Car Works, of Toronto..
Miss P. Allis' s spending a, eorple
of weeks with frronc's is To •on'to
1\Ir, Wm, Coais, of G',de'irh,`was
in town on Tuesday
7Vfi.rs Lynch, of Butch wood, has
taken a posi'(oi in J A I its I,t'a Dr
Goods store.
Mr. Cecil Rowr]en bas taken a
position in Tozen & Brown s
Mr. Thos. Ja_kson was in Exeter
on Tuesday.
Drs:.Gunn and ,x In I,or were in
Stratford this m eek.
Mr. Arthur Burt, of- Winnipeg,
was a visitor at 'the home 9f. his
ulncle; Mrs, Jas. Tcv.lta,helj this 'week
Se\ eral days in town with his father
Thomas Carter of Stratford •spentt
1 st week who was very lata to sce
Mr, Herbert Faucets returned last
week front the „est
The Port Albert eurrespondent to
he Dtungannon News had the
follOWing loeat last week in redCr-
enee to the Bishop Williams' visit
to Pott Albert. .1tliss Sehoenhals,
our former organ;sL kindly came
from Clinton and presided in the
usual capable m saner at the organ:
Miss May Rance was at Uain-
• t;annon on:Ionday ;,eking part in
the Methodist church concert Miss
Rance has been eogaged to tats
part in a concert ,,t Wing•hum o
January lItL. - We regret to learn of the crate
illness 01 Miss Slulth of Stittttor
formerly of town
Miss Jessie Poster, of Gotturrc
was the guest of Miss Daisy Cop
'est Week
Inspector Tilley, of Tortr'to, will
visit the Modei school lo-n.c-rrow,
Mrs. Dixon. of Wingham, is spend
i1ng a few months w an he, daugh-
ter, Mrs. J. Foster
Mr, MacDonald left on S/•turcla
for his home in tr. o.,,, to,
Rev. C.R G+unne, u: Lon,Ion. Iva
in town this west:
Dir. C'.11 Hoffman, of,SI,ariord,
spent Sunday in :ew•,.
We are glad Lo see Utile Ileten
Grigg out again trier her a!' kness,
Captain A.M. Shephard Godctich
Cnttrio. anncinnces the engage-
ment of his your hast dacghter,
Helen, to Mr, I1 rmas I Inw.od
,.rest, The mrrttre. will Lake plce-
early in December
Mr, James Cutt jr,, of Blyth, was
in town on Monday for a shot t time.
Mr. and Mrs. J A Construe ina. of
Zurich. spent ;h„ Wr l: en&l 31 .0W.,
+ • Are you going rtw,4y ... Are +
+ ' y.-.11 entertaining out.of=town
friends 01' relatives 7 Are +,
you going to entertain: your +
elab Irwin hers Do you want �.
+ that next meeting of° your +
society ennounw(1 in The
• NEW ERA ? It so kindly +
+ telephone No,3Oand ask i'or'the +
• Editor. We will appreciate +'
greatly favors of this kind.
4. +'
'Mr, and Mrs I;trees i'Vlalbai'fv spent
few days with tacit dauglt: er 51's.
Wm. Sparks, In Stanley, last week
`Mayor 'Spot ton of Winghe n,
spent a couple of days .in t,?Wn last
Miss 'Helen 13011 spent the week
end at her home in London,
'Mr. J. Emer'so'n and Rev Ali May,
02 Bervie, drove to town las week
rand spent a few clays here. Mr.
Emerson with his ..sister, Mrs 11,3'
Cluff and Rel Mr; May with his
parents on Reitenbuty street
Dr, a•nt] 'Mrs, Axon Miss Grace
Mutt, Miss Horne, Mr Towne and
Mr. Frame Kydd, attended the
dance in 'Wingham last Friday es en
Mr. John McMillan and ;114;hies
rind Mrs. Ross, of Blyth, mere in
town on Sunday to isit Mrs Mc-
Millan who is Imo's escing favor-
ably after lie recent opera:ion,
Mr Knox Mair, of Chatham visit
ed his parents in town during the
past week,
1 Mrs, .
II ,13 Hyslop, op, of Walton, is visit-
ing her many friends in and a -
al sound 'Clinton.
Mr.s. Peter Ker is expected home
Il, i from the' West this week,
I, Ree Dr, Stewart, of Toronto, is
suPplyi'ng fo,rafew weeks at
Mrs. Dodswnrth i4 ap'lidin'y a few
weeks with friends in Berlin
Misses Amy Howson and Jennie
Robertson Airs Win Gnnr and 'Dr
Gandior; attell,T.rc1 the Anniversary
'services in Seafortli on Sunday, at
r:hich PrinciPat Gnnrliea' of Knox
Mr. Dodds Holloway. of 11 inc':r-
di no spent the week en .1 at his
Lome here.
Mrs, Kenneth Choweu has return
ed from a month's t isit to Ch.cag'o,
MissEdnaTurner of Stratford
Normal spent the week end a1ner
home here,
Aliss Belle OY\t: I was the guest of
Miss B. Monism, Set -depth on lues -
d ay,
Mr. J Forrester left tf,ra week
for 'Wall.erville, where he has taken
>' Position with the American Motor
Co11a,^e pr acherl
Misses MaY'Forbos and J'9tSie
Thompson attt7nd-,l tIel .lance in
Missi:Sollo Q?.N••il lfasbraect 0 tire:
AAlcsn1 tin l :lar;chter Fi,a
are visiting frientis 1n V1'ellslcy this
Mrs, 1<1111an1'11•lason returned on
1.01,5ndertaaY. after a p1ertssnt unlace
el,.s'vis}t at the honer of ince',
rents, Mr. and 1.1rs,'Ed' ar•d'Hei-
mon, at E2ster•,
Mr, Robert `,lir•own j;r., formerly'
HnlJett, has talren a position
th the C.P.. RCo at Streth,e3na,
Over the Teacups
s now only 4 Weeks Away
R —
We _.
e •F�.I ,� U�.tt�ff7 Readyfor
This Big Event
m �
China re
The first time you
have a half hour to spare
come and look over our
selections and you will
see some of the nicest
goods that you would
wish to see and select
from—English, French
German, Austria. and
Japanese makers.
Mrs. R. Byari is entertaining
't .few !frielnds this es ening CThurs-
'Mrs. W, McCon,ie71 entertained a
few of her lady friends on Tuesday
e1 ening
Mrs. J. Lindsay gage a small tea
c:n Monday evening.
Miss Jean Payment (entertained)
the 500 Chin 1 O11 Monday la
A number of the young ladies of
town called on -the e u ide-enc ,t, hllss
Pella 'Clad, Inst 11 day eveluing
.arid gave her a shower oL granite
were Miss Clnf1f 11.3 ben very
ao tllar with rah t9xe young T o.n r
P cc ie and
y $ 1 1
she will be mash missed in social
cn cies.
Mr, and Mrs, 3 , W. Moore enter-
tained 'the members of the 'Young
Men's :Bible Clasi of Wesley (hunch
on Friday,evening.
A very success( al dao .e was
given by the Pastime Club cnWed-
a,cSsday e1^ellitly,
Dliss Margaret Landsl orough,
do-ahtes of Mrs. Jas. Lunt!-bo-
1mull Of Tu-lt,.rsmith Ti"nshiP
,oninnit,ed stti•.iue fast Tnes lac
B®1 Ciovrw, London, Wins live
Bird Championshipof the Province
H, L. Taylor, of Ridgetown, Won Western Ontario Long -Distance
Trap -Shooting Champir,nshi!p Again.
The live bird events of the 22nd annual tournament 01 tate Clinton Gun
Club were contested last Thursday. There was a large attendance of the lead-
ing shooters of Western Ontario, and, while the birds were a lot of bard fast
flyers, some good scores were n11de. Th weathert
, shooters, the only drawback being a strong cross -wind. s Moet favorable to the
Mrs. Boles i9 visiting friends in
Messrs. John and Janes Mc-
lacherty, oe 013:1,,' kb were in
Win last week,
Mr. and Mrs Jas Horton, of Lunn
ley, visited at the house of ID'. A.
Innis during the past week.
Mrs. W G Synth refurnrd on
1;Tonday:from •t visit to her daugh-
ter iin Godeu•
DI Newton, or 1,ucknow, spent
the week enc] in town with iris son,
J. S. Newtan, who 1s attending the
.Model. Scbooi,
Mrs. Chapman and grand -daugh-
ter, Pe :Me, of Ripley aro he
o MI
SR guests SS P
Chapman A
at the'
me of ?,sits J. W
l aw
A large number et people +from
town attended the fowl supper at,
Holme,selite and l'uriner's ascii,:
Tuekersnnith on 'M •nday night of
,this week
Mr. J C4 Stanbu"y, of Exeter, :ss as
in town on 7.httrsday.
The principal event was the first on the program, 15•live hinds, for the Hill
cup, a heaut•iful silver trophy, donated by Joe Hill. of Toronto; the conditions
being that it should he competed for as the Joe Hill cup for"the live bird cham-
pionship of Ontario, WI contestants to stand at SO yards, and the cup to he
won twice before hecorn,g the property of the winner.
This event was won by B. Aw Glover, of London, who tied with the old
reliable, "Shorty" Camelot), of (Linton, with 1.1 out 0115, These two shot miss
and out to decide who should take the cup. Glover killed six straight, but
"Shorty's" sixth was "dead ont of bounds " H L. Taylor,. 05 Ridgetown, and
Geo. McColl, of St. Thomas, was next up, with 13 each.
The detailed score of the Hill cup event was as follows r
G,111. Dunk, Toronto ,2 2 2 1 0 2 0 2 0 0
P. Wakefield, '°
1 1 0 0 • >> 1 0 1
W, Hatt. Dresden 1 2 2 1) 2 Il 1) 2 2. 2
T1. L. Taylor, Ridgetown 1 2 2 (1 0 1 1 2 2 1
R. Day, London ? 2 U U 2 2 1 Il ? U 2
R.D. Ernstie, 9t. Thomas 1 2 1 0 L 0 2 0 2 2 1 2
8' Kerr, Orediton 2 3 1 tl Cl 2 1 2 1 f) 1 1 0 0
R. Coff1 2ey,
t St.Tho2
Thomas 1 1,0/
1 12'2
0. 1t;
S Thoma
ti A. Short, London J 1 0 2 0 0 1> 2 •2 (1 0> 2
h, W. Glover, London..... 2 '2 2 2 (1 2 2 2 2 2 2 a: 9 2
J. E. Cantelon, Clinton- 2 I 1 1 1 1 •, 1 3 1 3 2 2 2
"Lefty Louie," New York 1 1 0 1 1 2 (1•2 1 2' a 2 2
Shoot off, mise and out 2
Glover,., 0,
2' 0' 1 0
O 0 0• 1:
1 1 2 2
• 2 1 n.
The other events resulted :
AAAAAAAAAA.,A, G• 3r: Dunk -
I'. Wakefield
> H, L 'ria .l • •
R. Emilie
P. herr... :
a I� the Time .................•.................:
ffie For R. Coffey. ......:.........•..•.....,,
G. Mr. .......,
A. Short
} Plumbing,
T. Tillman
B. W. Glover
Eaeetroughing } J. E-Cantelon
7;. Cx. 1Vhite
Stove Moving
At b'lile o
Leer eks
The second day's shootingof the Clinton Gun Club'
was concluded s tournament, which
on Hirda was held under favorable ble circumstanc.
ALL ORDERS a high wind, which made the flight of the targets irse ular es, except, for
RS holest; and made some
in the
willreCPive prompt t at- The
event, the fifth annuallong•distance clam io n
ern Ontario, was won by IIL, Taylor of Ridgetown. This is r r'eCertion, Prices given 4econd cell/Menthe win 01 ths event, and' the Ridgeo,vn enol has won the
on all kinds of ' same competition four out of the five times it has been competed fon High
average �was won by, 13 L. Taylor and R. Day ; second was won by J, E. Hovey
And P. Wakefild: The scores are as follows :-
Roofing, Siding, and
Birds................. ........ ...20 .,20 20 20 25,15: 25 15 20 20
Taylor ......... ... ........ ...........,18 20 I0 18 19
13 21 11 18 18
'Kerr "' 17 19 19 17 2212x 17 I3 17 10
................„ .............14 19 15 18
19 10 18 13 17 15
Wakefield d
15 17
24 11 14 18 18 17
;20 13
:,,1010 17 14 10 14.
White .-
10 14
Ell 13 20
Thompson ,,,,.r..19 18
••.••:'••, ..,..;,,...15 17 16 19 21 12 17 14 15 18
Duff 17 15 15 18 14 14 14 17 13 13
Hovey ....... ..... . ......:.....;,,::18 10 18 10 21 13 17 14 20 17
Passmore • 18 13 14 10. 17 12 18 ,13
Bell 13 15 14 0 la 7 10 ,13
,,,,.., .... .... ..... •... ,� „ ,., 13. 9 1 is 18 14
Y1- 0
2- 0
2• 2 2 1 0.
r 1 2 2 1.1-5
15 "25 15- 10
9 19 13 8
11 20 10 9
13 wm
14 0;
1 (
23 11 9,
9 18 10 <t
12 23
11 18 11 110
1,3 21 14 9
9 20 Z.3 •
12 8
... . . . ... ..:. . ...: 1.4 22 114 9
14 17 9
17 11 „
Contract Work.
13yam 1
V Iter
Sanitary Plumbers
Why not Books
for Chris i ?
Santa Claus says :—
"Books are anion his
Most pojsu'ar- presents"
We have the new 191 2
Books including. "Cor-
poral Cameron" the new
(„onnor book, and many
lhris mas0,1ebe
Will be rc::d,,' sora,
and ct'1]i be bs ttcr [%33-11
ever. � Price. ...... oc
Leave 1•=4 V blir
Greeting fi ardS
f'riritecl with your own
name on, tlr,d as low as
I per dozen, ,t;;,{ t0
sec 3he Sample Book
,.6U:_� .^Eega=1:'s•. Saia=2-.,,,,^E.---•---ee
evening by drowning; hers,']( in a For Sale
har•rel of water. She had beein de-
ep,ndent for some ,.1nle FI11d Was
cein"' carefully watched, bin. man-
aa'e to get away from the ]rouse
Tuesday, and was found dead a fele
minutes later in It barrel of water
near the house Coroner Dr.J Cx.
Scott decided an inquest was un-
necessary, it being a clear case of
ir'u'i ci d e.
Auction Sole
Of farm stock and implements: -Mr,
T. E, Mason bas instructed the under-
signed to sell by public auction at lot
27, con. 6, Mullett, on Wednesday,
Dec. nth, the following: Horses -
brood mare 10 years old supposed to
he in foal to .13 ankfield Baron,. weight
1500 pounds, gelding rising 41 general
purpose 2lillies rising 2' years well
watched, siredby Bankfield Baron, I
spring colt, filly, sired try Baokfield
Baron. driving mare 11' years old.
Cattle -2 corns supposed to be in calf,
due in
A ril
cow sal rto
p v eyed a in
ea f due in June, heifer 3 years old, •
2 heifers 2 years, Polled Angus, 3 heir-
ei s. risintr 0, Polled Atte:Lis 2 steers
2year.s: old, Pulled Ara:u„ 1 sperm;
ea] s r
e calf mord c f 2 1
,9 ITo
s 1
�t rood 'soW due to farrow Jan 231 d,
11 pigs. 41-2 months, olt1. ?mple-
m n 1 a r
o 'n i der ,
, n e 1 u c, t� i• ,
. O, 1
truck mower e'.c J'I,Csi•mirlc,
Sulky rake Frost Sc Wood. cultivator
Massey -Harris, disc harrow., seed
drill, land roller, turnip drill, Perlin
Sulky plow, Walking plow, set iron
harrow new 1 sections, set hob sleighs I
new, set lighisleighs, wagon with box,
gravel boa pig rack, hay radlc, fann•
ing mill, cutting box, palper, set scales
set heavy harness, per harvester, I
baggy, road wagon, cutter nearly
new, grind stone, stone boat, Daisy
cntarn; Capital Separator nearly new,
washing 1. >
machine, tun* kettle, 3 bed I•
steads, 1 centre table 3 dozen chains.+
some il
pictures, hay (ere
140 Flet
rope, Slings, and nd pulleys, whiffle'
tref,s, ueckvokes,.0 guantitAy of feed
coal' and marigolds, and about 75:
g hens, forks, ts chains, hoes, grain
' A Sable Muir • between, Clinton
alnd Hanley's, or. t.icc R'iylte. i Road
Ian Nov. 16th,. Finder Will please,
leave it at The New Era, mitit. it.
Abrown (1t1c01 101 51'.e '•coring 5
years old, sound and in got,d con-
dition. qui.ct. c, wiry way apd no
afraid of autoes, threshing mnachi
^res, bicycles etc,. Will be sola cheap
Apply to A. O. Patterson, Victoria
St.. ' 14
1'ro1'essor of Music. Organist
of Willis Presbyterian 4 harem.
Piano, Organ, 'Theory. Voice
Pnpi,:e prepared, if desired,. lox
any of the exama,nin.g Jac dies in
Toronto or the London Cbuege
of Musk (England.) ':n al grades
and a1J branches.
Special System for beg'ituers for
1 ian�oforle. T :rats. +.,:t ,application.
o at H
roe new
store, nextto Counter's. 'ewsier
] y store.
Ree. Prices I b O®�
Buggies, Wagons,
to mention. Cornaafowltoo mangoldslons
arid 1
bogs cash, There will be ample atc-
comoclation fon horses' on day of sale
atthe .
e tarns !,yarn or at Air, Jas S.ne11's
and Mr. Jas. Southcombe's There
will he no reserve as the,proprietor is
giving up farming. .lerrns: Alt sums
of 510 and under, cash; on overt that
amount 10,months credit will be given
on approved loins notes or a discount
oft percent straight for cash T, 1.
iii i=on,' Proprietor. f.. Gub;rlry. Ann-,
t tepee r•s
For Salo
20 yearling barred Rock hens for
sale, ''Heins ste'through moultii:g,
are laying, are nicely barred. weigh
lbs. e each.' r
C e 1 a
P C 11 R?
o e. ]1
$ fifer
$5.00 the' 101 f" ar '515.00, if taken
at once. A, good chance for anyone
s rt n
i in good thorob • r
>; 1e l
K stock.
of largo Mize, also a •f,eW. good
cockerels for sale, also 6 ReseCoimib
Brown Leghorn hens, prize winners
at Clinton s'hoiv, 3 pullets and se-
veral good coekcrle8 for sale at a
bargain. Hens are good layers.
J/1, .P, Hovey, Clixl>;oil
It Rebuilt .Buggy ...... ..... $25.00,
2 Rebuilt Buggies, ..... -,,, . •. 35,00,
1. Heavy Democrat 25.00,
Sine -horse,
Heal Wagon S a�un. 26:00;
1 Rebuilt Cutter 7,00;
G n g
Estate t -
tiJ �.<, a
N 3
`V John 1
ld l
Clinton, Ori.
New Telephone
The B,11 'l'eiephone''Coot,i:pany of
Canada is soon t. prr,n due;, I ,sae
of its official Tel ephoue Directory
tor the dis(riet of Western :
tario, including Chateau.
Parties who conttssPin e becotn;
t1•g su�bsetibels or Whose who sobs.),
changes in thots ` i'cse 't e.
p r
t rl•y
local, place 'heir orders with the
manager al Once "; r incur a in-
sertion in this iOSrac,
neet:irag Gompalaiet�.
Should also lope, t additions stud
1. 1 '. m
es jttth•,ir fist <rfsu,lst:•irer,s,
either to the 'local man ager, or di-
rect to the special 0li'eprt's ;1elaart-
melntt Montreal.
Me Moll Telephone Com-
lull® IJolll-
pany of Canada