HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-11-28, Page 31
:Canada . [ , heodd I ' Foreign Cables I (Ica
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1Stri Royal Ged I Reaches
penitil of - Domitli--tri arliament
eorge Float
Quebec Port Under Iler Own Steam
LETTERS ER01111141411ER
Every da -y ,;ive have letters from
thankful mothets elling es what
Baby'Own Tablets have claim for
their little ones, Scene piaitethren
for conetipationf callers for teething
troubles, and still others for vomit-
ing, indigeation and the many othee
ills of babyhood and ebildifoc.d. We
have received thousends of letters
all giving praise. Mrs W 0 Crowe,
Aidland„ Ont. eflys, "I think very
highly of ,Baby's Own, TA olets. I
"gav them to my baby when deoubl
eat with constipation and Ith ey :help-
ed leer eo much 1 always keep them
ha the house and now useno other
inedietne." The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mai: at 26
cents a boa from The De. WZInaMS'
Medicine o.,Brockeine, Ore
Accident to Power
Plant at Goderich
Goderich, Nov. BI- The hydro juice
received oue more boost in this town
when about 7 raclock this morning the
,power plant broke down, Just what
caused the accident to the engine is
not accurately known, but the damage
done was serious, the piston head and
cylinder interior, being completely
destroyed. Just bow long it will take
to make repairs is not known. but it is
likely the town will he in darkness for
over a week, if not more.
A W o man Of Few
Mts Httrrr It Bye. Main street
north; Mount Forest, Ott., writes.;
Your terns av for kidney, bladder
and stone:rttrouble has given me
great relief. Have taken thaete box
ee and now feel like living and vet -
ter than I have felt Toryears and
I give your
Fig Pills
all the praise, for hey are thebeet
'have ever tried." At all .dealers,
25 and 50 cents. or ihe Fig Pill Co.,
.Si. Thomas, Gm -
Sold in Clinton by j.E.Ilovey
Mr. John Scarlett
Meets With Accident
"Leadbury Man Sustairs Painful
Wound in Fall -No Option Fight
At Brussels
Brnssels, Nov-. 18. -John Scarlet,
who byes near Leadbury, south of
Brursels, met with a painfal accident
which has laid him aside from active
work. He was carrying a pall of oats
.down to his stable from the granary
when he tripned and fell. His face
struck against the rusty pail, making
a nasty gash in his lip and bully
bruising his nose. His hinnies necessi
tated the attendance of .a physician
and several stitches had to be put in
to close the wound.
There will he no local option contest
'in Brussels this year. The necessary
petition was well signed, but at the
eleventh hour the committee decided
to postpone the contest for another;
year. They hope that within another
yeat. tfes temperance vote will be of
sufficient strength to obtain the re -
»retired three fifths majority.
ae-fra ,
'Parliament Building -5, Postoffice,
efeseted, efa, , eee. ," weilearate,,
Rideau Canal, Chateau Laurier and Grand Trunk Pacific Station
Extra Congress To
Revise The Tariff
To (etre Common Ailments The
Wood Must Be Rade Weak
and Red.
Nearly all the diseases that at illet
humanity are caused by tad bleoe-
weak watery bleed Poisoned by pm-
- purities. Bad biood is the ause of
heactaclaes and bank- s lumbago
and rheumatism; debility rued lacti-
gestion, neuralgia and other nerve.
bles and disfiguring shin •dise
President -Elect Wilson Announces That The United States House
Will Be Called Not Later Than Ajaril-lmmediate
Action Necessary,
New York, Nev. 16 -Preel dent- I certainty es to what the general.
elect Woodrow 'Arisen anneunced purpose Of the incoming armlets-,
to -night that he eeit ran Congress tretiort at WaShington is.
together in extreerdatary session He has been irked to thit. eourse
rfot later than .A wit lb of next 7 -er since his selection by the leaders of
to ret ie the tariff'. In this slate- his party, by setertors and repee-
ment, made public on the e e of his Peintatives in Congiess and lty the
departure for e four -weeks vaca- ' buistness men of the country Since
tion in Beemucla, le as that he f.:th Of November he has had laid
has determined) tipon this course, before him the vfows of many men
not only because. he lane elected whose opinions bear weigh_ in the
On a platform which decieted f or consideration e question of such
an immediate d Onward revision importance. Not all of this mass
of the tariff schedules but also, 00 opinion bus been of the same
because he feels it is due the busi- tenor, but the cot:Beaus 0! view as
intere.sts of the count y that has been an favor Of immediate
they should be relieved of all un- action.
Local Option
e 0 tl'EN SOUND
It looks es if Co.:lb-fuer Panty L ad
glean up the idea of .bringing,oura
-repeal vote at tile ermaing January
municipal eleetions. The town eoun
ell held its regular m'a'ting on Mon
day eVetning .of tacit week tut no
petition tea a repeat by -1'w was
preiseintdd, and ro discussion of
the question look place A press
despatch set oul say e that it is un-
derstood that eo action al. ng the
line talked ol will be taken
till next year. The Owen Sound
Sun says ;-"Quite a immber of in-
tereeted citizens watched the ince.
ceedings of the town coir - last
night, but they were disappointed
asno mention of Loa) Optima was
made. If the anis have a lett, facts
up their aleevo" dhey' are Ireeparig
them valet, Although the time
has expired for submitting a pe-
tition tothe eouneit that doe,s Ilia.
preclude the possibility .it some
move yet being ar ads., for Ole gen-
erally conceded that the anti -Local
Optionists have a ina!oxity in the
council and the matter min yet be
eases like .eczeima and salt rhCoeObroiled-it before the peoele on Jan -
allow how impure the bloo
is. No "fuse trying a ail fermi: re-
re,edy for each disease, becaese they
a411, spring from the one cause -bad
Mood. To cute any oi these troubles
ycei mut e,e't right ci iwn to tlie imot
of the 'trouble in the blood if nd thee
OB Wet what Dr, Williams' Finer P1,1, 9
do' They make new. rich blood aMlit
thus care these diseases 0 hen com
mon medicine fails. Mrs. John Jack
eon. 'Woodstocic, tant ,sufferfed
he'll nervous treubies aff 1 010]'
down condition and eeperienced a
complete cure thr tough the use of Dr
Williams, Pink pills, Sim nays
was a sufferer for e member el years
from neuralgia, and a general debit
ItY orate nerves anti system, I had
tried BoVeral. doctOgs Wad ma/ y modl
eines butte, ne o nil lintel 1 began
Dr. Williems' Pink Pills.. At the time
I began the Feile Thad grown so la Id
that I could hardly_ berm ray feet
forced to Wear elastic bancl
ages about the ankles. The pain 1
euttered atitienies from the neural-
gia was terrible. I had almost giv
en -up hope when I began thous° of
Dr, Willienes' Pink P. ins: In the
coarse of allow weeks I felt an
improvement and I e;ladly continu-
uted the USC of the pills until I was
Once more quite Well and elite to
tend to all my household cletie,s,”
" you are ailing • begin to cure
yourself today wille Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills Sold by all medicine
dealers or by mail at 66 cents a box
or ,six boxes for $V..50 from the I)r.
• Williams' Medicine Co. • Brotleville,
1 '
, , •
tinned, as .since its passing a
ge.eater volusnne pf bade. had been
dolne than f or years under he lic-
ence isysteni, Reeve Sanire„ int
.coromenting 0.1 Lecal Option, geld •T
the throat and lungs. f: cents. bettex tax. collections, our poor
"Under Local Option We hf: ha('
outokia stops coughs, cures colds, and heals
fund has not been called upon
which was very much in caa un-
der hcenee system. 1311alness has
been, better, accounts gong ritaucl-
iontintiance et 'our present linen.;
eial and moral prosperity by coniin
mug T. focal Optim.
Children Cry
The Sudden Death Of
Eir [bard Cluuston
The Hamilton f3?e.,tator has ism
ed a epeelal Waterfordedition
which deals Vitli. the busi-
ness, industrial and social life of
that lie village.
The following artarle deals with
Local Option.
Waterford is a Local Optic n town
The principal uta ()let 1, (AO co a-
bout cox years ego, end lie. since
been carried with : tareesed major
ities, thus indicating its euee -es
rn that town. Speaking :to 'Several
of the leading ;business men of
'Waterford, a Spoete for xepri. sen(ta-
tive was told that ',meal Option had
pro ed a big success. Ac least,
•social and industr_al condiiions had
greatly improved since its aclop-
item, and 11 was tbenearly
every business man that it be
Montreal, Nov. 25.-T1e death ot
Sir Edward Seaborne Clonston, Bart.,
one cif the best-known bankers and
flnanceris of Canada, occurred here
on Saturday.
Sir Edward fainted in the morning
labile engaged in a eonversation with
a friend in the Royal Securities
Building. Recovering a few moments
later he objected to being removed to
the hospital, contending that he was
all right. On the advice of his friends,
however, he allowed himself to be
couveyed to the Royal Victoria Hos-
pital, where an examination WAS
The hospital authorities at Brat is -
seed a bulletin announcing that the
baronet's condition was, not very seri-
ous and that the fainting fit had been
brought about by acute indigestion.
About 2.30 pan. Sir Edw•rd's condi-
tion began to grow rapidly worse and
he passed away at 2,45 p.m., death
being due to apoplexy.
Sir Edward Clonston was connected
in one capacity or another with twen-
ty large financial and commercial con-
cerns and is reputed to have been
worth well over a million.
• In private life he was generous,
iAg 'have been pal h, and the toWn
The itiurea Party. has been &king
about-briaging. on.1 repeal vote in In general is on a bolter bas a both
this 'town, It is not likelythat the from a social and industrial stand -
suggestion will he eerie -cc: oat. The leant, I won't sly that Local Op -
defeat of the 0105 0(0001 would be tir 11 Las brought this most clesir-
certain 10 01 were undertaken Corn.- able state of affairs about, butt I do
inen t ifig upon tie al tint lion the 110;,know that it has only been
Newmarket Rei eays fmagliest since thc people veld to
"Our town is ORO of the nu st or- do away with the licens•ed bar. I
derly and progxeestve in Canada. won't say there 05 00 drinking, be -
In fact, SO great has been 11,e -sue- ase- there is a certain amount, bnit
cess of 'Local Option that, 0 numberr lti9 a fraction of what it 'was under
who wore conscientiously Opposed 11iC&fl5a .system, an d 'drunken in en
to it when the vote was taken now , are a novelty oil our etreet," •
voluntarily take pleasure ie stet- !
they were nuclei- a ruieappr ensioe
and it has worked oat so 0101001-,
iy twin what they nad expected,
and it is so clear that the interests
of tho town have been advenced in
cry direction, that now their in-
ileenee is in favor 00 011-0 Act
"Wil 0 is it that wants to go back
tcf the old flystem7
"If there is a petition, let us know
who the inn -de -filial c\tieeus are
that are circulatteg it It will be
of interest to one readers to have
publiahed the names of those sign-
irg such a petition, ,
"Phe leading busi nest and pi e-
fessionat. men of the town as well
repeestentatit 0 ucern 10 other
Our local hunters are out these _days as
Spheres of linfthence in the com-
munity are e11 enthualastie for the
after the wild ducks and they say teey
are plentiful at present,
Children Cry
supporter and worker for practically
every eharitable organization in the
He was a great epartsman and in
his younger days distinguished him-
self as an athlete, playing laerosse,
football and racquet equally well. He
captained a Canadian team which
played Harvard University football
team in 1875.
Sir Edward Seaborne Clouston, bar -
net, vice-president of the Bank of
Montreal, and a former president of
the Canadian Bankers' Assoeiation,
he having resigned thatoffice 6weelc
ago, and was born at Moose Factory,
Hudson Bay, May 9, 1849. His father,
James Stewart Oloustou, was a native
of the Orkney Islands and was the
thief factor in the Hudson Bay Co.
As a lad young Olouston attended
the public schools and the Montreal
high school, and in 1865, at the age
of 16. he entered the employ of the
Bank of Montreal as cle.k. In 1877,
he was advanced to the position of
assistant inspector. In 1881, he was
made manager of the Montreal
branch, and in 1887, was appointed
assistant general manager, and in
7890, beeame general manager, being
further honored in 1905 by election
to the viee-,presidency, which*" posi-
tions lie filled at his death.
esoceecostimeeseelgeeeesege Diver, After Examining Vessel,
Nien and Events
Says Damage Has
igeoueeogeoceoemoseems0eaeue Exaggerated
will leave Toronto at 1.3) p.m .,
efdincisday,Deco:Ora .1.th, and
w ill run direct 'to the clock at Port-
land, arrieine there at 9.51. a.111
December 12th.
B11.1 rolgerValiDdl* tickets eind
tall particulars in.aY be obtained
ft 0111 'nearest Grand Trunk Agent,
or write A. E. Deft, D P. A„ IJnlon
Station, Toroilio, Ontario- John
Ransford &Son city Passenger and
Ticket Agent. .1:1one 5,, A . 0,
lattisOlO StetIon Ticket Agent.
Phone 36 a, •
fn connection with Chrialenea sail-
ing of Allan Line steamship .Sears-
- dine elan" from Portland, Maine to
Glasgow>, on Thersday, Decena, er
d the sove is now cured, W8
le ih, a special Gc and , Trunk train,
Zasn.Buk NV ill Care Them
The Particnilar danger of chapped
bands and cold craiks fciparr alto-
gether from the pain). is that the
cold is likely to penetrate and it
up inflammation, 'festering, or
bloocl-ipolson. Directly 'the skin is
broken by a cut, graie or scratch,
or chafed and cracked by the action
of the cold winds and water, the
one necessary precantion is to ap-
ply Zani-Bule freely.
The pure herbal mires teem which
Zana-Wak is prepared rree 30 eier-
leetly comtined a 611 trefinecl ghat
the immediate •ef ;eel of these Zarn-
Balk 0108310ga is scothing4 antis-
eptic, and healing. 11)ain 3Ginflam
elation are ,allayc,d, disease germs
expelled from the wound or sote,
and the latter is q,uiekty heeled.
Zam--113ult 10 11101 only a powerful
'feeler end ekin peirefier, it is
strongly antiseptic and genniciclal
and so forams the ideal protection
for the elcin against disease germs.
It quickly heals cold eraelca, chain'
chilblains, cold sores, etc,
Mrs, 0.70 Phoen, 10 eneliatel, Alta
elites ;-"Imuet tell yort how pleas
ed I am with MY hus-
band had am old frostbite on his
foolfor many years, and had tried
almost every known remedy with-
out any eft eet but 'the first applie
ea 'on of 2lam-63uked o help
him ,so much that he pose. ver.e,d
guebec, Nov. 26. -The U,N.R. liner
Royal George, whicb. went (Lahore on
the Isle of Orleans, was floated off at
four o'clock, or an emir before high
water, on Sattuday afternoon.
The Royal George, at 6 pen., left
for Quebec under her own steam,
making eight knots an hour. She en-
tered port at seven o'clock, the Lord
Strathoona. and Lady Grey eceone
panyine her. She had to remain out
111 ehe stream until the steamier Me-
gan:tit left the breakwater, so as to
enable the damaged steamm to enter
the Louise Basin.
Aa to the damage the- Royal George
sustained, Joseph Begin, the veteran
diver, says -vessels much marc damag-
ed have 1-0011 floated above and below
Quebec, brought back and either pee -
1 manently or temporarily repaired and
sent across the atlantic.
GOVERNOR E. N. FOS, who rose
from 0 lumber salesman to head of
u). Struievaat Blower Works and
now has won for the second time 1
the Governorship of Massachusetts. ,
P. trav,P.A3 ed CWAtt DA,
TU Ycl) &impogt
Bear 6
.„)1 24.--re67-17*-02-,
• /X aC.,e•ta
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y. M. C. A. BLDG.,
Students assisted to positions, College
in session from Sept, Si -d. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr,
Principal Charteted Accountant
16 We -Principal -
.311 55115 6O'- ,C.Frrov,T12,..4,7,-0,1..,,s.rr:,kWKr,`2 ON* 33131, 'VA,"
5 per cent interest Guaranteed
The Company receives sums of 5100 and upwards for a term of yeors
--invests the same in first mortgages on improved real estate and
absoluteiy eentrautees the repayment of the principalevith iuter-
est, at five per cent. per annnm,payable June 30th and December 3Ist
C &VITAL AND .SIMPLUS OVER $2,275,000.00
'It Is dad GOOrdlilee Damping, Limited
.L J. WARREN, President. E. B STOCKDALE, Manager
.LtS. TWITCHELL 4s SON, Representatives, Clinton, Ont.
the house."
,Zana-tBrik is also a eure etre for
piles, eczerno, uksra, beeessete
scalp sores, bleod-poisein, bad leg,
eruptions, etc, Its purely herbal
composition makes it the ideal helve
tor babies and young children. All
druggists end stores zee'. Zam-1301c
fiee. box or post free from Zam-Buk
Co., Toronto, fol' priee T7 y also
Zard-i.Bek Soap, ti5c. tlblet,
conSisting of Vestiun• led Coaches
a,nc Pullman pul
I T ls it Sleeping
Stock & Poultry Specifics
re Wonld not he Without, Zana-Buk in
e dpoasbtaptonselYftr
reoe, f
• large 64 -page booko (with in.
serf), 'on the common diseases of stook and
pouttry. 'Pelle how to feed all kinds of heavy
and light horses, colts and mares, milch sows,
calvecoand fattening steers, also how to keep
and feed poultry so that they will lay as well
in winter as in summer. It contains 360
recommends from all over Canada, from people
Who have used our goods, NO farmor ohould he
without it.
Yoa can fatten cattle and 11035 10 0 Month's
less time by using our Royal Purple Stook
Specific than you could possibly'do without it,
thereby saving a month's feed and labor and
the cost to you will not be move than $1.50 for
six pigs or $1.00 for one steer. It will keep
your horses in shw ocondition with ordinary
feed. If you have a poor, miserable.i00k'
ing animal on your plaee try i11 on this one
first and see the marvellous -result which will
be obtained. Our Stock Specific will increase
Ole oink flow three ,to five lbs. per cow pci
day, while being Ted in the stable. A. 60e
package will last a cow or horse 70 days.
wIll make your hens lay just as well in the
winter a, in the summer, and will keep them
free Trani disease. These goods are pure anti
unadulterated.nwe We do ot any cheap filler
to matte a large nackage, entirely different
from any on the 11101-01ar'et at *110ptesent time.
Royal Purple Stock Specinc, 60c •, four
Ole p01133., 15 511 Eh -tight tin, for $L50.
Royal Purple Poultry Specific, 26e and 00,
Poltgs., and 81.50 air -tight :tins that bold
four 50c nags.
Royal 11110110 Lice Killer, 21c and sos tins:
Royal Purple Gall Cure, 26e and 60e tinO ; 30e
by mail.
Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, 100 bottle; 600
RoyalPurple Cough Cure, 50c tin; tQe be
Royal Purple Disinfectant, 250 and Ole tins.
Royal Purple Roue Cure, 250 tins 30e by
Royal Purple Worm Powder, 21ctins; 300 by
Manufactured only by .
TheW.A.Jenkins Mfg. Co.
London, Canada
Women and Advertisements
OME statements are so saturated with their
own moral as to require no comment. "Rid-
ing nn a car during the excitement over the
naval battles between Russia and Japan," said Mr.
Thomas Martindale, before the Retail Merchants'
Association of Pennsylvania, "I observed that the
men were reading the war news and the women
were reading advertisements. Those ,women, I
watched keenly, read every line of the advertise-
ments, and then turned to the woman's page, This
ride was a distance of eighty miles, yet at the
journey's end the women had nor yet had time to
turn to the actual news of the day. The women
want advertisements to read, and you must present
your business in a readable sliape to be in the fight
these days."
is your Stock Moving? If not.
Then we can Help You,
New Era Ads pay—They
get right at the people.
Tkesmosssibsomams EakurazEmskimmogemardaziP
Stock Pails at 80c
SEE OUR Apple Parers ab 75e
Loaded Shells at 60c 22 short Cartridges at 180
Draining Spades, Cleaner, Manure Forks large and small,
Ensilage Forks, Etc
Timothy Seed 5 25 -As the seasou is short, speak few days ahead
Sugar at Rock Bottom Prices for a few Day0 •
Highest Ilirleo for Rutter, Egos Etc.