HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-11-28, Page 1aenerreers ..etener‘et.e Established 1865, Vol. 47, No. 22,, CLINTON ONTARIO. THURSDAY "NrJVEMBER 2 1912' W. H. Kerr &Bon, Editors and Publishers THE NEW ERA Would Like to Receive Budgets of News Each Week From All Its Correspondents. THE BOY WANTED, ' „ I Weekly .CCL Report 0 yai a i.,k . 13 At New Era office to learn Pa-d'Is- ing trade, Good wages an 1 --- poets for bright soy with gcod pub II SeienrO2- 31, Elio, 1 94 ; E el aun- OF CANADA Head OffIce, Montreal lie school education lag 93; E. Weems.° 90; 51 C0t.li: 89: Carbert 88' 0. Col*: 87; J maale- 6 87 C. Beaceet 8r • V, Evens 80; .1 Smillie 84; 114, Hall 83; E Wise 60; E.Brisson ba; H Mariana 79; Harland 79 ..V.IkaeTaregart 79: M. Davidson 79 P 51efaritt 78 A. :El- liott 78, S. Aglicale 58 t W'nea Hee- 77 E. Powell 77; V Hearn 75 ; G Huciie 78, I. Roberton 71 • R Ronnie 74.. al Jamieson 12; H. Shaw 72 R. ('howen 71 • E. Grolier 71. C,MeCoe: 71, p .li Tompsota 70; P. Yoder 69; P. Can- to! in 69; 74. Milne 08; H Johnston. 68; S. Smillie 57; WeCrildwell 07. S Rathwell 67 II. Wallis 67; ce. Math- ewson 64; 01. Cook 81 : IL Rodaway 63; M. Mair 63; L Kennedy 82; Bothwell 61; 0, Meuul 61; C, Kaiser OE Holmes 57, le Dewar 53; 1 Gould :11 ; S. Co e It 16; R. Forrester 38, II Arethm.eti V, Evans la ; S. Smillie 80; F. Th.-n:11)90n 78; el. El- liott 76 ; J. 5:mtire 73 P. M.of fait 70 V Hearn 64; 11 W den. an 62 • 0 Cole 56; C 111cCool 53 E. Morning et J Frith 54; V. Carbet 54; C,Ieets, 7 52 IL Shaw 51; 51 el...Taegart 48; E Brisson 48; P. Potter 11, M David. - eon 38; K, Goei ye 38; S. Anew 38; O. McGill 36; H. Holmes 36; W ('eld well 36; M.Cook 34: C, Beocom 34; M. Mair 34; 2.Wellis 42; 3 5,1 ton 30; KeChowe 23; hlaut Cook 28; E. Jamieson 26 A. lime 24 , A Hoare 24; A. Mathew son 22; H. Dod away 20; A. Elliott 20 :.G. Emile 20; A. Dewar 20, R. Ranini e 18 , Rae - lend 16; L, Cook 16 • E. MeNangl., o )6;L. Rathwell 14, D Can;elon 14; P. Wheatley ne • 1. Harland 12,; E Powell 8 • I. Gold 4 ;13. Johnston 4 , R. Forrester 4. •1. Badmen 0; L Kennedy 0. III British History -E. Beacern 78; E. Gray, 76; S aced. 76; N. Garrett 68; G-. Walker 33: W.W,iIker 63; 5 Henry 61 A. Meer ilea 60; S. Wylie 60; C. Nienolson 60; 1), Copp 79; 'VI. ReYnoRls rr. Yates 94; G Draper 93; W. liteNsualiton 92; M. McAllister 51, F. Pod 50; E. 1 eitcb 50; 3C. Itei 1 40; A Cooper 49; 13.MeCroszie - For.!. -1 :4; W McGregor 40; M. Meeioenn "8, L. Ford 40; M. Genn 38; H Cantsien 36 I Wilkin 28; le 13rew n 29; D Barr 26; N.Robtney 13. TV Freardi Comp „a tion -le. Tur- ner 60; H. Middleton 51; R. Jewar e0; E. Torrance 46, 13 Harlan., 42; 1[1. Shipley 42, D, Tieiney 30 1V German .Composicion -M. Ship ley 49; R. FIarlaym 42 IV Botany - el Shipley 84 E. Windsor 76; 1 Gam 73 R. lila Joh- ford 69; C. Kilty R Harland 48 TV Mediaeval Ills tory- C Katy 85 B.Ilarlaed 15' M. Shepley 52; 12 Toner 82; D. liereee 35, B, Mid- dleton 31, R. Dewar 28. -. CS1taj Au:thole:zed...en, ... . $25,000,000 Capital Ptied-up . 11,500,000 Reserve and undivided ' profits ...... 12,500,000 • TOTAL ASSETS .......175,000,000 325 BRANCHES [With world wide connection Interest allowed on Deposits ' General n3anking bueinese Wane- actod. R. E. MANNING, Mgr., CLINTON BRANCH Christmas Shoppers Early shop, ers get .best choice Wa:c. recenved OUT Christmas Goods Larger and hotter assortment than ever. Elidner Goode' liana :Lags, Perfumes pm. fume Atornaere Manicere ser eimes, Te'e' and Manicure Sots, Gillen,: and 'Cigars, Eastman Cameras, Fountain 11 c e.s, Ete., Le, . You'll Find it Pays to may Tour Christmas Gifts Here 1.111(..)70-1;.:1-17 Despeesing Chen, ea. e 4virn,,,,,,,,,14r,11,,V. Winter Terni FronlJan. ELLIOTT • TORONTO, oN'r.. Canticle's High -Claes Lonireercial School! Highly recommended by iormer eiercieuts.• Gracile ;es en sirong demand Write lor r etir Cate/ ogne. New Raisins New Currants -Quality is Excellent and we are Ready for Yon WIth 311os Valeeeia Reisirts 25e 9 nos 'Rest ne Van -nail • - $1.00 11. lbs. Best New Pa eras Currants . 81,00 New Lemon Peel per lb, 150 New Orange Peel ...... 15c New C,tror. Leel . 20c New Cookirg Pigs 7c New Dates 7c 18 lbs lierlpatris Granulated Sugar for $1.00, 20 lbs Yellow Sugar for $1.00 W O'NEIL THE BUB GROCER. Phone 48 T Moiso s 'tan Incorporated 1855 Ree Ord Of Progress f Of Five Years 19064911 1900 CAPITAL , $8,000,000.00 $4 a 000.00 Eel!: It V E . ..... 3,000,000 00 4,000,000.00 Del23,677,730,00 85,042,3)1,00 - • • LuANe e VESTMENTS . 27,457,090.00 38,854,S01.00 TOT A L Fel'S . . . 83,090,192.00 45,237,274.00 11:03 85 rn'h'e io ranada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the 'Principal "'ties in the World. A GENERAL BANRIINb RUMNESS TRANSACTED,. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at ali Branches. Interest allowed at highest Current rate. Clinton Branch. C E. DOWD/NG. Manager kfP tl ERE are two brand new styles for Fall. The Raglan-silaoulder is very popular with the high-class tailoring trade, and when styled correct'y, as shown it is a very smart over—sack. The button-th-rph, p:tch pocket style is neat and stylish an makes a smart travelling or street coat. These are only two of the twenty Overcoat styles we are showing in the famous 2oth Century Brand make. . • Another shipment of Sweaters just arrived. CALL AND SEE THEM , -- -- -- - __ _ _ ... 'The iikorrgsti Cif)hIng , • AFqirare 1 eal For Every Ilan. .. • oeseemetteatisaisoleakaa 0 a WITH TEA OHURCHES. • setias•etseeecoaaastatos BAPTIST CHURCH. Anniversary services me') l'e held On Sundae., December 1st when Rev, J. G Brown, D D., F oreign Wale- elon Secretary, will preach weeping and evening. Special anthems by the choir at cervices The new Hymnal be used ter the first 'time at these bet v;:(4. .A heart y welcome load. ONTARIO ST. CHUBCH The service on Sunday ee ening last was ccilductel by Bev J Greene who preachedi nn nterest- ing sermon on "The love of God," Next Sunday eveningti,e con- gregation will accept the in iftation 0, Wesley church and worship in that church. The League meeting on Tuesday evening was led Mr. Piekett ,Timely addresses on the 3 empere ence queetion were given Ly Mr. John Newton of the Model class and 1dr. J. A Irwin The church chair supplied the music on Monday evening for the Jubilee entertaipment in conneet- ion with Turner church. Read- ings were also rendered by Misses Lucille Grant and Fernie Af.in WESLEY CHURLS Rev, 3.E Ford will he nu ay on Sunday at Goderich and Rev W.E Treleaven, of Lueknow will occupy the pu7pit Mrs 'Hineks, wife ef Rev. Dr W H. Hineks, of Toronto, and sister of Rev. 3. Greene, gave en interesting talk of her trip ,lo Norway 1n1808 She look the audienee from.' Berlin Germany, to Sweden and Norwc,y and touched at the prinlipci cities Marmite. At the elc,se she clre.secl in the native 002) 0010 of a ale rweg- ; tan ,bride. Her acicheas was indeed ; inter ending. The Womenn Associali WILLIS 0321112032 hold tbeir regular monthly meeting ' on Wednesday of next 'week, 1 The Young men's Club w1l meet a_ext Monday evening and will sit as a Meek Parliament, The regular monthly meeiing of • the Gill's Caul. was bald on Tees - day evrning, A 'ery interesting ; I:Ingrain was ien. E, I Becker sang very ErWe114, "afar- ; guerite." A duet "Twilight" was ;sung by Misses O'Neil and 1 hi lley , and Mire MaeLood gsva, r r exeel- lent address On [The i 1E'55801 Voice." It was deeide;c1 to pay at [ once the balance clue on the piano end ,send! $68 to 511w:ions. C'boir practice win be id. On Saturday even: og o this wa eh in- stead of Friday as 'usual. , An afternoon tea will be grven in tile lecture, room of the church next Thursday afternoon frJrn 4 to 6. Adreirisio.n 10c, • Send "Booster" to England To Make Dili Huron Kiloviin MR. JOHN RANSFORD URGES A SYSTEMATIC CAMPAIGN TO ADVERTISE LANDS AND PRODUCTS OF THE FERTILE COUNTY—PLANS TO SECURE FUNDS DISCUSSED, Organization Effected at Clinton -Meeting, With Mayor J. C. Greig, of Seaforth, First President Huron County will try a close. of publicity :or what: ails it. Lan:Lipton County's ....uceosz,7u1 ajvdrtising campaign was quoted extensively 1. y speakers at an organization meeting here last Thnesclay altar noon 'and letters were reed giving information :from Dr. C. 0 Fairbank end Reeve Sti ..ree • of Pit tr oleo,' andSecretary J, M. Ade me, or Sarnia Mr, Joseph Elliott. of Goderich who represented the immigration pertinent of Ontario teal:in old land, told of handing out Lambton litwoetirlaleulyaevion taLhoenedejarit lona'i 91tenhequael Pleasure in info -ming intending emigrants of Huion's agrieeltural 1 esources Deleam les res:sed themselves strongly in favor of thoroughly ',writing up" the dis- t! i '‘t in the near future and furni- r bin ce Canadian agents la Great Britain with literatuee. The following officirs wets ole?t- ed President Malor 3 0 Greig, Seaforth; vice-Preaelent_ Reeve Leckie, Brussels , secretiry, Mr James Mitchell Goderich, easur- eieReeve, B.C. Mennings, &ode- nch ; executive committee!, Reeve ealuek McEilloP TovanshiP • ayor Spotton. Win gham Mr John Ransford Clinton Mr, W J Hea- men, Exeter ',Reeve, 1 5,01j0, of tirey TownshiP and Warden Sto- lle:re. Parliamentaiy epresentativ es of 1.11VIT).1.11sP".°;'s.4,' 5B1 iPlbePr,; W. Pronadfoot,P,13 • B N.LeVis. • 51 1? ;J IVIeriny 11,1,P„ nd So ‘.vinan 51 P. we: E ,named honorary vice presi- dents, None When, were present, the tureobers el the 1.30USO Of COM- M .3.U3 being in Ottawa and the re- presentatives in the Legeslefure absent for same reason 11)0 at- teqriance was about 70, Loug Agitated. Tile raeeti'ng 'Was ealled be Mr .3, • 11'11581°rd, President of the Chilton Board of Trade, bat the mee ement hes yeen agitsee 1 for some Lime in elorlerich and o neor pares of the connty, Reeve 'Leckie, of iliusrele, and r !.hers, tried to get a grant of $2,000 or at least 8,e,000 from the Ctuaty Council al en last eesion, but Mr.Bansford and others es tiring afEer0000 0195d 11 at a Lam -- Tanga) be undertaken kf raise funds ;rem the munleiPalities, suePle- mcynt it 'with the pravineia, giant pied %tied inuch cases and then go to the ,Ccruncil for ad. While representatives 01 rulal municipalities were decitieo)Y 10 • the meeority oltne meeting, many o f those who spoke believed that 'he Council had taken the proper f•cluive in asking tn. e fQ2 30.'altlra- tion. andwould, when next aP- Proached., be ready With pub- ei . The meeting finally decided to lave the executive committee welt on the county council at' Lts . De- cember rae•eting. Mr. John Bamford, who Was ask- ed to preside, stated 10 a brief ad- dress that Huron County had lotrt nearly 1 030 in popUlation-,acivall,- 'or a decade. One" statesman had estimated that each immiee ant was worth $1003 to Canada, so that the financial loss from the We s'ern exodus on this 'basis was enormous "Wo have the cLeapefft land In snada " the opoitci added 'evIten you consider edinate, railway 061- ities, roads and 'the serial, educa- tional and religious facia les. The very largo pr Closes that were advertisel The railways Prefer ,plane eeople where payments riusl be made for the long haul on traffic. Send a Men Over dea was that the County anuncil ought to spend $4,y90 or $5e.60 a year for three yearout edu-ational car. 0,aige is nee:led. Now eve are a ssue Id that Go iletich ryuld p depended on ;for 1 comer. butien 00 8,5)30. Tho board of Trade has inter viewed Canton o \en Council and diet body ha will - tag to pay its ehe've. On the same ,soale as the proeosed G0001.1011 con- Malrl'hona i !14sti8 • . j3IRTHS. BREWER -1'a An .21:011 13'O-% llospi 101 $tratloYd, Oita., on No ,erabet [ MR, JOSEPH E,'LLIOTT, Gorlerich, :2Blitei\43a1.02)?%toof. MErdmoailaittni za:.\;r1:"(1,Hauaargela •the takingoran actino inciterest for 4 1 -libation it wouldhe only about tea cents per head of panulation. We must have a pamphlet. for distrion- ( ion among inreaheme immigee hie roan the old noantry, and 1 berieVe we could eend a first-claos mail to back lip of r literature, see agents, rn[d address meetngs an etuld pay an his expenses fo. 88,000 yearly. Tnere is o use adv ei Using ici one year met tlen dropp;ng it." Lam:biota at Work Mr. Joseph Eloota of Grderich, peinted out that Ontario has many competitors in bitidfng fc i; British .,.migrants and that Australia is Putting up a stronger fient In the London office of the Ontaiie, Qov- ernment t[he epeaker hin:self had given out many copies of Larit ton timenty's literatures 'While ne had none from Herrun.• and had tae ex- telle.nce of hea, lea ;sore eraigrat- mg parties "3,0 1,aa seleetv 0 Lamb - tin as the;: future borne as a direct ult of readion; this lit- eature Lambton is no Ie,lleT 'data Hu- me," said the speaker "What can beat Mc -Killen and 'Inekersmith for mixed and dairy farming. Peres of (Mderich Townanip anci Kay and etephen might do nano: ram e in (bit g, owing th !II are being done. "In England I had it. any enquiries for small ;terms r dairy or Peu:trY Minns or market gardenir.g. The erne of 50501)111m farraieg :sneer, :ad when living; in the country will be mote delightful •then it is Lan - s) der ea to -day." The Time To Start Reeve Leckie, of Brussels. who, in the Oomoty ()penmen -loved tor a grant of 52,001 for this work, avhich motion was defeeted, point out that tbe i'ural representatives bad not expressed themselves against the scheme, lint desired time tor consideration. Perna- ers had the first interest in the matter that of the towns and villages was seczondari . Farms are becoming, larg- er, and first -elms land being leased for grazing. "Farms selling lo -day for 56,000," said the speaker.' ought to bring 510, - 000. They are not selling at anything' like their productive value, or at what farms are bringing elsewhere, .about 95 per cent, of this county, if cleared up and drained, would be fit for cutti- vetion. I think it 'is time we spent a little money -at least 52,000 for this is sataccirt11:1"tY of 10 rural municipalities. And this is the time of the year to Mr, James Mitchell, of Goderich, urged the appointing of a strong cone inittee to prepare a pamphlet and be reedy to give the County Council in January an estimate of cost,reminding that body that the Ontario Govern- ment was willing to pay one-third of such publicity wor15. Appeal To The People. "There is one thing sure," said Mr.. David Oantelon, of Clinton, "the peo- plepf the county have to be educated along this line. I favor appointing men to bring this matter before the people at the different polling places at the coming municipal election." M. Oantelon, who had shipped 1,000 barrels of apples during the day, add- ed a word about the crop : "If Huron would take up spraying and cultivating of fruit, we would get as much as Lambton growers. • I consider this scheme one of the most important factors before the peo- ple at this time. "Publicitv is the thing,' was the opinion of Mr. J. C. Greig,,of Seaforth. "I propose that we organize at once." To put the meeting on record, Mr, J. B. Hoover, of Clinton, seconded by Mr James Mitchell, moved that a publi- city association be forined. Will Council Adt Now •••••••••••••••004110•11esliati Men and Events: SIR EDWARD S. CLOOSTON, Ban ker and financier, who died end' denly on Saturday in Montreisl, Child At Goderich Starved To Death Reeves Parents -Roundly Scored by Jury-inthinal Action May Follow. Goderich, Nov. 25-0oroner 'Dr. W, J. R. Holmes' jury to -night found that the death of the little child of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Reeves. of this place, which occurred in the local hospital on Mondey night last, was due to inani- tion, and roundly censured the par- ents for not !ookiug after the child and providing it with proper food. Drs. A. 0, Hunter and W.F. Gallow why conducted the post-mortem, testi- fied that the chile was not properly cared for, and was in a sterved con- dition at the 81700 06 its death, .Six- teen other witnesses, 'moreover, the majority of them neighbors. declared that the Reeves children were often left aloue at night, and were by no means properly looked after. No announcement wds made to -night as to any action being taken in the case. The Local Option Campaign, ,,RwOramor Folio tying is a revised list of places to vote on Local Option. pae It Te rIbE0Sr 0 TOWNS Mount Forest OarltonAur°Place North Bay Oshawa Clinton Pembroke Forest• Petrolea Ingersoll Sarnia Kincardine Lindsay Winghani VILLAGES Meaford Bancroft Bayfield Dutton Eganville Exeter Nenelon Falls Fergus Georgetown Glencoe Markdale Morrisburg Newborn • Port Stanley Parkhill Springfield Tiverton Thamesville Victoria Harbor Westport TOWNSHIPS Amherst Island King Arthur London Brock Bromley Burleigh Cornwall Christie Delaware Drummond North Gower Dunwich Normanby Blom Pembroke Escott Front Sandwich E, Esquesing Stephen Fitzroy, Turnbeery Hibbert Whitby E. Hemsworth Louth Maiden McKillop Monteagie Morris Nichol much support from the County0ouncil illyth W I M'll The ehairman expressed doubt that could be depended on until the towns and villages movided some funds and secure a provincial grant and then ap- peal to the Council. • ' lionimillor J. Ne Govenlock, of Me' Klin), favored the plan of securing support from the tovvns first, Mr. 530. Mr, Greig, Reeve Leckie, 'and Reeve 13, C. Munnings, of Godericheiad more faith in the County Council and thought a grant could be obtained in January, if nob in December. Hoover nes° thought it wise believing the County Council would supplement the amount raised, Mr. G, te Petty, ot Exeter, believed the Clouncil would give support now, 'Dr. 3, W. Shaw's suggestion of an adjournment for ten minutes so that heads of municipalities might meet, and form a committee was approved. The following delegates registered 3, C. Greig, Seaforth ; 10. Petty, George Aoynt, „Tames Johnston and J. Lorne Scott, of Remain ; H. 0. Munn - loge 3 0. Laitbewaite, B, W.Orabam, H. J. A alactEweie A. G. Nesbit; James Mitchell, W. E. Kelly and A., Porter, Goderich ; W. 5, Hearnae, Je H. Scott, A. Ford, 5. G, Starenny, , hi. Sceitheott and OH, oF Ex eter ;Mayor George Spotton,A. (.3088115 Wingliam ; J. Gribbings, 0 Jobnson, 5,13 Hoover, Bever, E. Ford,Rev. 5. J. AIIFo, Dr. T. W, Shaw, F HO, W. Jackson, S. 5. Andrews', D. A. 30OVT0F. ter; L. Trick, C.' E, 1)ovading, G. Hoare,. S. Hunter, of Clinton ; George Lindsey and Dr. (2.W. M. Smith, of Hayfield -William 'Glen, 8taeley I TowesteP ; Robert W. Liviegstone, ey Townshipea. N. Govehlock, Mc- TowuablP Get at -rho R 0) 0 T I That is the duly way to re- move any trouble, 11'. it i;s Cough or .Cold. get at it by [using Holmes Lung Tonic St is the best fer your cough and is 23c at the REXALL STORE. W.Q.R. Holmes . Phrn. 13. .......eoredearamoomearossturanemeaseszaw $6.50 Trousers $5.5 This week our special in Men's wear is Trouserings, made to your measure, with best trimmings, and guaran- teed fit, English stripe Worsted and Scotch Twe ed regular 6.50 for 85.50 Ordered Clothing Be well dressed if you will be respected wherever you go. Come in and have our Mr. Towne measureyou up for a good Custom Made Suit whether it ,be a busi ness or a Sunday Suit. We Guarantee all Work Turned out From This Depart- ment. TOZER BROW et Men's Tailors and Furnishers Destroyed by fire CIIMIN6 Property Owned by Ottawa Man Was Uninsured -Built Twenty -Seven Years Ago. Myth, November, 25. -Fire eaely yesterday learning totally destroyed the woolen mills property. The mill, which has been closed. down for several yeare, will he a complete loss to the owner, Mr. T. R, Forsythe, of Ottawn, as it was uninsured, Immo. diately on the discoveey of the fire an alarm was sent 40, hut despite the tact that a new waterworks system has recently been installed at s, big cost to the town, the fire had gained too ninclo headway by the time the brigade arrived on Cho scene for the pressure:available to be of any use. The fire wades the passing of the fie t manufactory located in this town; it was established by the present owner's fa her 27 yea V6 ago, The Bible Society held a union Meet- ing in the Presbyterien church no Tuesdaytevening at which there was a very good attendance, the three mmisters takuag part, Rev. O. baler, of Trinity Oluireh, gave the first ad- dress on "Go ye into all the world and preacla the Gospel." Rev. Mr. Jewett followed, Rev. Mr, Terner, of the Presbyterian church, closing with an able address. EVENTS „November 28 -Women's Institute, November 28 -Annual Sale,' St. Paalfa, Church. November 20 -Agnes Knox Black:. December 2 -Colleen Meeting. December 3 -Howler's Concert. in the Town Hall, on TUESDAY EVENING, DEC.'S, Judge ooen:' Clerk Miss kr Rance 11.T. Ranee DiqoafidnutcYact a'a.,11.".i.Iencvlteouvre Def's Attorney ,Je cwi °'s Att00a Wic3orrlicalet-eiC,(3511:1Ass 7IN Court ,Oeficer D Crier C-1- ay, Yeten 1Vitne;ssea-Reve Mr, jeakins, Shaw, Mayor Giblcings, affiss Me - Ivor, Miss cliial.,y- Jurors-0,E Dowding, 3 Minton W. J. Stevenson, D A Po; pester, W. Grant, J. al !Lend, T eackson, ire J. Nediger, iliVisewan, decleson, N. Bail, A. J Grigg. Wickets g5O and Hae dal ;vale at Fair Store Booze open at 7 Court called at a °sting of Huron o. •• • •. , • , ••• , • , ' • .