HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-11-21, Page 51
01' tate nest CZgaltty gnteh
I\ewestbliesigaas can hit':
We Guarantee the.
Moods 'we Sell and
Court Comparison.
Gold Brooches
Pearl Sets
Cuff Links
Gold-filled Fobs
W. IIlr Il[ L,YA R
g fur! Ewan
lei no Ifsnoceisi Lai Escape I
At the great Hoek Child,
Trial under the auspices of
Clinton Lawn Bowling Club
in the Town Hail, ori
One of our most'recpected citizens
"spial be charged with
Breach of Promise
3 -leg -else Court Rules,
Startling Jrevcropesents
Ludicrous Situations
Local hits
An Evening of Refined Fur.
Prices 25e and 35c
Tickets on saleathair's store, Nov. 25
Open at, 7.30 Court called at 8.00
T9.wn and Country
0 --
:Rohl, Stevenson, of the eta con.,
E1 .Sick, is nursing a broken ar•m,
the leselt.of an accident which befell
Mei en Monday,* Ile was assisting
Melvin Stockton to raise a horse
which had got down in its spall and
eves melee to rise, and a hen they had
it Wiliest up it fell beck crushing his
erns between its body and the parti-
tion, 'The wrist was dial)cated and
:the arm broken ,gust above the wrist.
Last week a petition was presented
totbe citizens nt Porn wide, asking'
that Mrs. Geo. Willis, postmistress, he
allowed to remain in her present posi-
tim), Mrs, Willis has been assistant
postmistress ever since the illness of :her father and'
souse his death, has had
the office entirely under her charge,
ud has proved herself very efficient
The hoods of Saturday damaged the
bridge a toile and a quay e' east of'.
Germ village, known es Eatngey's
bridge,, by underwinii g ine of the
Ill•' Yli1tld o t`
Many of town and vicinity will'
1801111 with regret of the death of Dr.
J. T. Duncan, of Toronto,"which
Place at Montrovia, Ualifornia-on'the
' 4thinst. The body was taken to Tor-
to for burial. Dr. Diemen was a
I son of the lite Rev, Me. Duncan, who
+Prmany years was pastor , of the
es ayteriau Church a new utiles east
of our village, in the old brick church
l that was takerrdoron,when the church
iwas built at Varna: Tee deceased,
went to Oalifornia for his health some
l:inte ago. He suffered from asthma,
Ills sister, Mrs. Anna Ross was with
i him at the last but nothing could • be
I done
his relief, ref
, He le
ayes a wife
a and family at Toronto to mourn his
loss, He has also a brothel, Dr. Du
eau, at Ohatbam, and sisters Mfrs.
, uta. (�
a r•
Campbell hell
and Miss
Jennie Duncan.
Mr. Beatty, FlensaIl has vented J antes
Ross's farm, south of our village. • Mr..
Ross -has moved to Hensen to reside,
lie is still very 111,
The Presbyterial Sabbath $chool
are preparing for their Christmas tree,
Harry Little and wife celebrated
their 20th anniversary of their Wedd-
• ing on Wednesday of Last week, when'
: a number of friends and relatives as-
; semb'ed to congratulate them.. It je
the wish of their many friends that
they may Jive to see many 'more an-
niversaries. •
:Farmers Hers a r.e
still h
yfou h'
Mrs. Anna Ross, of California, for-
merlyof. this place came to Toronto
last week with the remains of her
brother, T. T. Duncan of Toronto
.. who
, died in California.
1 thA number from our village attended
the'Huron Presbyterian in Clinton
is week.
Miss Eliza Moodie still continues
i very ;tow.
i Mrs. Teens, of Clinton, visited at
I the home of her sisters, Ars. McQueen
last week. r`
}( i
T tl man n' z e 1: ernes .
a Mends t7 u s
P its Mrs, J. g
M s . Lasl a
Y of as n
ill T} s,,�
w be'p}eased to know she is irttpi,oc• ne anpiyai c,}uilt}ta of tris W,iVI,S
oo't la
1 c m
q Tu p a ,
Miss McVicar of GocTerieh called
unlet sister here, on Tuesday,
Some 'mseriible,' creature, the
older nlig'ht destroyed over il(lrodis
gf`voyo fencing onaha rutin, of Mr
Medd of of •Goderich, called' on
friends here this week,
There Were a numbor from here
tools in the Fowl Supper at Constance
on illuuciay evening. All report inlay
Ing a good time;
Mrs, dos, Srevens bas gone to the t ?'cbaa ,Yeo, _byy cutting Nlle Wire, 'A
home of ]ler dauglzte'; : Rlrs, Brown senienee in Ce trail Priso'
fot'the winter. i) e no toou n vv°lid
ne'good for him.
Misses 'Lizzie Maines mid Nellie, Next Sunday is "Mac's Day" a
Mannie are under the doctoe's care.,I Flolmesvill t
J. D. Metivilte returned home from'• t e Methodist lead
t be ser . Twain
his bunting expedition in ' Muskoka • f song. The Will the services dile
and Was fortunate to shoot a deer. eChe then practising
been veryt our
Roy Crawford gave 'a ball. for the gent eeir and their
past four:
young folks i' •or five weals, and tllefr be
i ai t
Y �, i son Friday night. in the o k is`
Theywill z!
t i '
m !i1 •6
t h91
ay house.ed
li .
Fowl soloist
Miss K. Brown spent -Wednesday! ednesdaMethodistehof North Street
Y lSeicewill be Church Choir, a. e i., and
with licrfriend'Dles, F. Gibbs, of Olin Services be held:at.IU:30 a. in, ;
tun, `at 7 m preach.
Mrs.. JJno. Adams visited Mrs. ',Phos 1 On !ifondaly a ening z the men will
Roberton, of °Clinton one day this, serve a splendid Fowl. Snppec beginn-
ing at 6 o'clock. An excellent pro.
The 'evaporator finished up work
fol this season on Thursclay. They
have H
the t their ost of
Cnodti '
on o u
hand for dale.
The fine weather this week allowed
a rat of sugar heats to be loaded.
Hogs were shipped ori Wednesday
and Thursday of this week. '
Wednesday was also the day for
shipping turkeys..
\\r, L. Peffer moved from the hotel
here to the hotel ba Auburn on Wed-
nesday of tens week, The hotel here
is now van Lnt nut it is hopedeiotne one
will soon Colne to it, •,e
Llireshiug was finished up _hero on
We n
d esday.
D. Oantelon shipped a car of apples
this week,. This is the first of Fe l
exam a 1 Ri! also so b
6 eive
g consisting
solos by Rev. A. W. grown, of lien
miller, Mr. Fowler, of Croderich, and
Rev. W. E. Matson, of Stratford.
Several clergytnen will give ad,I'easea,
including Rev, R. A.. Miller. of Au-
burn, Rey. Mr. Brown and •Rev. Mr.
8llllson. An excellent time is assured
to ell who attend. Admission 35 cents
dad 25 cents,
Trip To New York.—Through the
enterprise and generosity of the frost
Wire Pence Oo., Mr. Wm Stauley,ot.
Holmesvilie, had a most enjoyable
free trip last week to New York, P, hil-
addlphia and Washington, as one of
the winners in the sales contest the
company pelt on this past seasonit
and l-Vinter apples for this season, is impossible in this short space to be.
0111' coal clearers find It hard work gin to'describe the many wonderful
to procure dealers of the herds: elite
beautiful things he saw on the
moods. the trip but he has brought home
Dr, Wallace Crawford, one ef'onr views
asedud osholwets lis which
will at anye
ret utned Missionaries from China, and time. The party of 50 were well look -
a vettor so ago tthe rwilllupreachy in the ed after personally by Manager Prost
Methodist Oliurch next .9uuday morn and Sales Manager Page and other
ing and evening: A cordial invite representatives of the Company. One
tion is extended to all to hear him, of the dealers was 82 years old and no
one enjoyed the trip hatter than he
• +tllytar, • 1 I3ev. W. T Pearcy preached Yarn
The firemen redeetiisd.• themselves + acceptably in the Methodist Ohurch
on heif it by theft fns'' run, themselves
About. last Sunday evening in connection
'one o'clock Reeve Milne ordered the with 3RSundaysr Missionarybutthe Oam
fire alarm sonnded w g ilio+ic Pastor
ed iu order to as
cel waspreaching
tained in what time water co cld be in C� ice inh,
The morning service in the iharge
playing on the buildings at the east- diet Church last Sunday was in charge
ern extremity of Dinsley Street, of the W. M. S., and the Epworth
Beg/neer Uttley wits up town when League and Sunday School and was
the alarm was sounded, and you very interesting.
should have seen him sprint to the Don't fail to take the trip through
power house. He certainly • "ran '•Ohina and .Japao by the moving pis
some". It was exactly seven min- ture route at the Methodist Ohnrch on
Utes from the first sound of the bell
until water was playing on Mr, .Jno.
Stewart's residence—a most credit-
able run. The pump, which has a
capacity of eight hundred gallons
per minute, proved too much• pres-
sure for some of the hose and they
Must, but no great' injury was done
lelyth's fire fighting appliance is now
in excellent condition. arid with an
efficient brigade 51)ould be able to
cope with ony conflagration that may
Rev. Mr, Honey, of Southampton,
spent last Sunday with his son, our
Mr. James Campbell was in Clinton
last Saturday.
Mr. Al, Braithwaite who has been
suffering from blood poisoning is able
to he out again.
Misses Harland, of limon, and Miss
Mill, of Bivth, spent last week •at the
home of Wm, Brigham.
Miss Manning has been quite ill
during the past week. She is now on.
the f'air'way to recovery, s
Mrs, G, Roberton, of Clinton, spent cho r, / more wealth than perhaps any other
`Sunday with her mother, Mrs, Riley. ! Mr. Jardine an old man of over ( city In the world. Here is an Mestere
Mrs. J, Ph Wins spent Sunday at the ninety years of age, who bought the l elan of the value of properties,a sale
did. Soecial car: and complete.
arrangements had been previously
I o give evey or andman thetbeet tvtrip fhe
had ever had. The beautiful summer-
like weather increased the pleasure
of the trip, Only a mere outline of
trip can he given here. At Niagara
Palls, N. Y„ special care took the piety -
over the beautiful George Route and a
visit was made to the tine plant o1' the
Shredded WheetCompauy from which
over one million biscuits are shipped
It 0,Y (tomorrow) "Kong'every day. After enjoying the even-
tjTornntu,atnblyn spent last Sunday party left rngail theirtte otvu speintcial' Palle
Rev, Dr, Medd who preached Amin inane for New York. A stop -over
1 vetsnn p services at who
last San was made at Albany where the state
day, wasa visitor here on Saturday, tblrtyl ive million
dol area which cost
thirtyfive million dollars. At410 the
party arrived in the great city of New
AuburnYork tan the i whole ich has a preen/teem larger
stud inchidesalaost every sof Ontario
Ma', R, A. Roberton had a successful Everything inY, Lti'onal}ty,
sale of house hold effects on Tuesday Y g New York is on a vast
sedans. The business section is crowded
and moved into the Anderson house
on Wednesday.
The hunting party returned Satur-
day night after being away three
weeks,-ea.ch having succeeded in cap.
tiring his clotted amount of venison,
most of whichwas disposed of in Tor
rs, Merritt who has been spending
the summer with her sister, Mrs, Wm
Roberton returned to her hone in
Winnipeg nu Wednesday..
Anniversary services will be held in
Baptist Church next 'Sunday at the
hours of 2:30 and 7 p, m. Mr, Albert
Hughes of McMaster University will
he the preacher on the occasion, Miss
McRae, of Clinton will assist the
with sky scraper buildings and the
streets are thronged with people and
automobiles both night and day, Its
famous Broadway (14 miles long) lit up
at night with miles of electric lights
and thousands of coloured electric
signs on the ops of the many sky
scraper buildings make it a veritable
liairyland. Its three great methods
of transportation consisting of elevated
railways, surface lines and wonderful
underground systema, which cost fifty
.million dolloes, are constantly throng.
ed with traffic. Trains of six and
seven coaches rush along at intervals
of only two or three minutes both
clay and night. New York contain
home Mrs.
Stitt property some time ago was.
o the H
cruseo f
Refuge o on
l y last he being itnfitto take care of
The iron men are busy at the bridge,
and although the content work is riot
completed we are in happy anticipa
tions that tine work will be completed
this fall.
Winter Tours to
Criiuloriiia, Colorado,MIealco
and ,Pacific. Coast Points
1T'iae Grand Trwik i airway is the
meet direct route frons all points
.•s3 through Canada via Chicago
Doyble Track i'aet Severe,
Pineal Roadbed, Modern Equipment
Unexcelled Dining Car Service.
p All elements of safety and'coin-
Ne more`de,airable route thapp via
Grand Trunk to Detroit, thench via
{'a'a%cin(nati to Jaoksonvilie;' Palm
33aeeh, Nassau, etc.
Round trip tickets, givingg choice
ed all the beat routers, together with
a;e]l intfornaation and 'reservations,
'ammo be obtained from nearest G;T;
2. Agent.
.iifillly RANSFORD & SON., Agents
A. O. PATTISON. depot agent
A2, Duff, district passenger agent
Modem Station, Toronto, Ont.
1'.e and
Dried or Evaporated, packed in
coxes in -a dainty manner, or loose,
are amontg: the houselheld mecessi-
ties which are to bit had hnre.
Needless to say the quality. and
condition is perb::at,
make the • Success of fevery good
madding and tempting fruit cake,
Come in and buy aoine and prove
Our statement,
Groceries and Provisions, Foreign
etnd Domestic Fruits, Etc,
Our. A:1==To Please
Furniture buyers at this store invariably come.' back
when they want more, and bring their friends with them.
To Use llur Flarlilture is to prove that it as good as it
looks, and that is saying a whole lot.
Substantial FC lti!e can
be bought
at money-
rates, Why not secure what you need now
while prices are so favorable.
k n
•�.i � �.n �
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors—Phone 104
NIGHT AND,SItNDtY CALLS—Picone No. 127 or Phone 16
Porter's Kill
Ml s. Sterling is visiting a 1 Port
Miss Ruly Potter visited at Mr
S Castles in Clinton last week.
Mr, Peter McDoug111 is s!nib ding
h'• o weeks at Port Stamey, fishing,
Bethel Sonlday School will hoed
their niulual 01)/is tar] as Tree on Fri-
' ei ty et ening,; December 20th, look
1 for particulars le, tee
' W. J. Marlen hat), the misfortune
to have One of his'hoeses legs beols-
e,n and it Maid t6be
Mrs .Rs G 'Webb, of Se t orth spent
aweek wish her rlaugh:ter,Mrs.
,201) Shobrobdt,
• Wrn.loggart returned hoose Fri-
day frond the West defter spending
nearly two years there, •
Stanley .
Mr George Baird attended the
Library Institute held in Stratford
on Tllursalay and Friday, of,last
week. There was afair atteedance
of delegates and sones good work
was done,
The Sabbath seliocl in S. S. No ,1
S'tnirr'ley, closed last ...Sabbath Io' the
muter months The 'School had a
successful summer's worn.,
Mrs, James McQueen and. 8Iiss
Bessie McGregor attended the Pees
byterial of the 1W, FMS held in'
t Linton on •Tucstl•i•ran:' t' eu'nesdnv
of this week.
London (toad
Mte. Rathwell is visiting her dun_
gthters, Mrs. Arthus Stevenson and
Mrs, 'Perry Pltumsteel
property was pointed out on Lower
B: oadway, the owner of which had
refused 82500, a square foot or equal
to two end half Million dollars an
acre, In Lower Brood way we visited
the famous financial district and the
New York Stock Exchange which to a
large extent controls the stock mar-
kets of the whole world and member,
ship is in constant demand at a price
ranging from $00,000 to 805.000. Old
Trinity Church with its tomhstoues
dating back to the seventeenth cen-
tury was also visited at John Warinii-
maker's famous departmental sto e,
the largest in the world, ee walk
across Brooklyn Bridge afforded an
idea of the importance of New York as
a shipping port. By means of sight-
seeing cars, the homes of the richest
men in the world on 5th Avenue were
seen, including the Astors. Vender -
hilts. etc.. and they are conspicuous
by the absence of any lawn or grass.
A trip was made to the top cif the
Metropolitan Building over 48 stories
high and 700 feet from the ground
£tom which a beautiful view 'Sas had,
including the Woolworth Building
which is 55 stories high and is the
highest building in the world. One of
the most interesting trips in NswYork
was to the great Central Park Mus-
eum where many ancient relies were
seen, including mumniles who lived
over 4000 years ago and also pillars etc,
taken from the palaces of the ancient
Pbaraohs. including the far famed
Cleopatra's Needle, the great Obelisk
of Ancient Egypt, Another most
interesting visit was to Bronx Park
which contains one of the greatest
collections of living animals, plants
and Bowater of the world, The even
ing performance in the world famous
Hippodrome which has a stage larger
than four ordinary theatres was a
georgeous spectacle, Another -inter-
esting evening was; spent in a sight
seeing trip through the great Bowery
or East Side foreign district' with its
crowded quagters and where most of
the poor are housed. Leaving New
Moak by the grana Pennsylvania Rail
way Station, electric trains conveyed
us through the tubes under the feud
son .River to Jersey City from wherce'
a fast two hours' run brought us to.
Philadelphia, the Quaker City tounded.
in 1682 by William Penn and later the
home of Benj. I+'raanklin. In this City
812, Nelt an has an . de Mr, Herrn the American Republic was born by
Peacock anothe1 °fifer for Isis farm, she s}guinn of the'Declaration of In
Mrs. Diusto; is visit ire her 41.1er
flies. James Nott, this week .
Turner's church Jubilee r',eill be
cieete a draeying 'arch for tees sect
30$1 at next � Sunday and t ;!Vlonc
Mr, ilay•
Herlr3 Livermore e was a visitor
at Seaforth on Wedctesday.
Leindon Road Leave inlet dshold
iing their awn n Lal oyster au
:Dec, 10tH, This annual sul;per is
always a source of pleasure and
enjoyment and premises to be even
better this year
The League - meets no et Tuesday famous Fairmont Park of 3000 acres i
might at Mr. Frank Grant's,, which the Ctnon entennial Exhihi n 1876 was held. ' We enjoyed a ride
along the magnificent River ,Drive in
The Cheese factory has eloped Tor. the Park `Nash' t th g
s and one awoke and found. that they had killed
epentience and avisit tolndependence
Hall, in which is stored the famous
Liberty Bell, proved most ilteres,ting.f
Other. interesting points visited were
the IJ
. 5, Mint, e
1 Curtis is Pu '
where the Ladies' home Jour
nal and Saturday Evening Post are
puhlished,and Jobe Wannamaker's
large departmental store which, con
tains the largest pipe organ in the
world. • Philadelphia is known as the
City of Hones from the . fact that it
contains some 343,000. It has 54 small
parks and across the river is the
llolmesvitte in on, o beauttft l
capital of 113,, 11.... State
Does S
Watch olu• Iiun'`
• If Not, let us repair it for you.
It may be only dirty, and need
cleaning, or stop for laekt off MIR
Whatever i4ho
Reason, A don't t
de-, WE give thorough examina-
tion and regulationIREE
Anything more costs as little as
satisfactory work can he- done_
Jeweler and Optician
Issuer Irl Marriage Licenses
otic next stop. Its broad streets and
fine residentiif properties stand out in
great contrast to the crowded rest
dances of New Yo•lc, The White
.House, the magnificent Capitol Build
bauCongressional Library are.
beautiful orarchitecti e. be
ing Largely built of marble and gran
ite, Final the top of the famous'
Washington Monument (555 feet), a
beautiful view was had in every direc.
tion, A delightful trip was made
across the river to the beautiful estate
of George Washington, known as
Mount 'Vernon. Here the old home
is preserved and the view from the
high ground among the Virginianiills
is entraeing. In a beautiful tomb on
the estate, Washington and his wife,
Martha are bnried. Before leaving
for home the dealers expressed their
appreciation .by presenting to Mr.
Prost a beautiful umbrella and canes
to Messrs, Page, Smith and Morin.
Mr. Wm. Stanley begs to thank all
his customers who made it possibie
for him to win the trip and hopes to
hceve the pleasure of not only booking
there again for next season but also
rnany new customers and he is more
than ever eonvineed after en trip
through the factory at Hamilton' that
in Frost Fence he eau give every sus
touter the best value for his money.
(Intended for last each)
Council met •pursnanL to adjourn
meet, all members present, Mr. H.
K. Revilie was present and addressed
the Council in regard to a1 subway at
the 4th Concession Railway Crossing,
Ile suggested thitt the Council should
bring this matter before the Railway
Board as the crossing is a dangerous
one and should have some protection,
The Council took no action but left
matter over for further consideration.
Moved that following accounts be
passed : —
Miinicipal World. Stipp] ies..,.i 3,00
Goderich Star, Printing .. „ 55.00
Selecting Jurors ,.... , ..... 7,00
Jos. Jervis, fencing , Colborne
hridge. hauling cedar posts and
hanging lantern 1,00
Geo. Middleton, lumber ...., ., 1(3255
Rnhert Brown, tile 1:8,00
Moved that Ootuncit adjourn to meet
first Monday in December at 10 a. m,
N, W. 'J rewartha
Seaforih, Noy. 15,—At an enthus-
iastic meeting of the Seeforth I-loc.
key Club, held in the Council cham-
ber, the following officers were elect-
ed for the coming season.
Honorary president—]!rank Hlitag,
Honorary rice president—J. P. Bell'
President—Jane E. Willis.
Vice president \V. McDougall.
Secretary—Henderson Smith,
Treasurer --Walter Watts,
Executive committee—Chas, Aber.
hart, Dalton Reid and Allan Olose.
It was decided to enter teams in
both the intermediate and junior 0.
H. A.
An organization meeting of the
St. Marys Hockey Club will likely be
held shortly to get everything in read.
iness for the corning season, Although
the locals have Dist four pjayers of
their last year's team—R. Riddell, W.
Lee, T. Lowe and G. Wicks—yet they
have sufficient ipaterial to fill the gaps
made by their removal, Of last year's
regular seven L and.
. Wilson, Striolter
chulte ere still available, and will
turn outto eeaetie when the season
opens, Hayden, Ttter, In Wilson, Seel-
ove, and a number of last yea'''s,
jduiors, will make excellent material
for a classy intermediate team, and
1 sere should be no scarcity of players
to prevent the rnonagement from hav-
ing evena stronger line up than last
year. The season of 1012.13 should be
the most successful the local club has
yet had,—(St. Mary's Argus.1
Armow Church Calls
A Cranbrook Pastor
Rev. D. B. McCrae May go to.
Bruce Presbytery—Dogs 1011
Sheep at Brussels.
Brussels, Nov 13.—Rev, D. B
Ctae highlyesteemed pastor of Kox
brook, has resolved a
unanimous call from Armow congre-
gation, Bruce Presbytery. Mr. Mc,
Orae has been pastor of Knox (March
for the past 36 years. If he accepts„
the call it will be with the tbought of
having less driving and ministering to
one congregation instead of two. - • els
The sheep of the, farmers adjoi{iing
Brussels, are greatly troubled .with:
dogs. On Monday night Mr, W. Bacer'
had his flock of fine lambs badly
worried, On hearing the barking of
the dogs about midnight a nes hbor
thee 'season after having done a of the cleanest cities in America, was two of his sheep and had injured
dna' Win
r oL.�
Weare placing in stock nearly every day mane"new
lines of seasonable goods. We've never had a larger or
better stock than we will have this fall when our goods
that weve
kla on order are all in stock,
Readyainade andOrdered Clothing!
Our stoek will be better and larger than ever before
See our prices before you buy.
I. I
t and best
stock of these, goodsthat welave ever
seen in
Clinton, and our prices are low, considering' quality
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers—Our stock in these
lines is nearly all in and we are still at old prices, al-
though wholesale prices have advanced 10 to zg per
We've v always yS Sold this line of goods 'with a small argin.
Our stock in other lines that we carry 'i
IS Vary com-
plete, and will be sold with small profits.
Comte and See What we Illa,re'
Plumsteel `1N%rose
Fun-1Ru! arp els and Curtains
Don't forget to inspect our kr`•e stock of up-to-date
goods, New styles in Bedroom Sets, finished in red
cedar, quartered oak and mahogany.
White Enamel Beds, Sanitary Mattress, Wire Springs
at Low Prices.
Pictures Framed while you wait.
J4 He ehelle
'�/ 'rte
several others. The next day at noon
Mr, W. Armstrong proceeded to
bring his sheep from the pasture and
on entering the field found two clogs
eating one of his ewes. The fact that
the dogs had killed the sheep during
the day is an nnesua1 occurrence, aLs
they generally do their destructive
work at night. The dogs which ware
causing the trouble have been located
and disposed of.
Holds Second Service
System Adopted By Former Clin-
ton Pastor on Sunday Even-
ings Owing to Crowds:;,
The Ohrist n
to Guaardian contains
the following reterence to a former
pastor of Rattenbury Street illetho•
dist Church, Rev. G. h', Salton, of
:Doose Jaw :
"So large has the ettendanee',on the
Sunday Sq e vening service in Zion
Church, Moose Jaw, become, that l
Rev. Dr. Salton, the Pastor, bas de-
cided upon and is commencing, to re•
pent the entire service for a second
congregation after the first one has
been dismissed each Sunday evening.
By this arrangement the people who
attend Zion {Church may be present
at either the first or second evening
service, as they may prefer, , Surely
this is evidence, justifying the move
referred to above, looking toward t he
work of the Methodist Church Ex-
tension in the City of Moose Jaw."
Dr. Stanley Mahood, son of Dir. Jos:
Mahood, of Fo^dwich has been ap-
pointed Medical Officer of Health for
the city of Calgary at a salary of 53,-
The SpringbankTelephone Co., have
bought the Howick 0.'s lines connect-
ing at Gerrie. In order to give tree
service over the new lines they will be
connected at hordwich,
Mr, Thos. Lyes, of the lith Ho lent
lost a tine cow the other daw
y. She
choked on a turnip and the old fashion
ed way of sending it down was resort-
ed to, viz: using a whin stock or some.
thing of that sort, The gullet was
ripped opera, hut the turnip stayed
where it was and the cow died,
5 per cent Interest Guaranteed
The Company receives solos of 8100 auditpwards for a terns of yeors
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