HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-11-21, Page 4ear Phone 78 The customer has everything to gain and nothing to lose by making the choke of good Furs NOW. Select while our;stocl}s are at their best—NO 1W. Se- lect in time to have Furs- ready for the first•day of cold weather. After one has compared alt other Furs is the best time to see ours—we stand by the result. We are showing this season—Sable, Mink, Fox, Persian Lamb, Russian Fitch, '.Blue Opposun, Blue Wolf, Blue Goat, White Tibet, Brown Opposum, Blrck Opposum, and .Zlartnot. Conlpa!•1sota tic lits to, Sell Our Furs. Children, Dresses, 'We are showing a large range of children's Winter Dresses— rigida of serges and pine:nate Pretty styles. We have them in all sizes. Come and see these ;while the stock is complete. Miiiinei-y $2 98 S,vtln•day we not 00 silt, 11 Ladies 'i'i''itiiase,l Hats, all good styles, sold regntarly t„1' $3 and S(3. Your choice S,Ii to clay ... .2.9S L COA 'hen Buyi1I; Never Lose, Sight of ilcli;< hliify Our Mantle busi- ness has been built upon that founda- tion. We consider a satisfied custom 'er the best medium of advertising. The increasing volume .of our mantle busi- ness assures us that this is correct Our Ottawa Letter The Huron Presbyterial. Borden guilletine have been found employment. in his Halifax plat- form Mr. Borden demanded the re- form of. the Senate and the placing of the ,outside civil service under the Civil Bervi' c Cdonmiissioa, iln Ids Ottawa practice he is to ing to reform, the sLi,ate ,by 'fillfng 3l with "discredited, petit cants” and to re - ;tom the civil service by dismissing as many Liberal entployet• t as can be got rid of with"ut disorganizing the service. Perhaps whe '•e gets the civil service packed with 'his own friends hewn] ter nelc air the Ilalifax plabform In the meantime the Tory love of gatronagis still working overtime. SESSION WILL ;3E LIVI:LT. With the opening of Pariieme'nt a little more than a week away,' in- terest in the session is 'Jecoming .k'eeln. When the mat BordsdrPar- liament opened there was nirt a ord in the speech from the throne regarding the navy question, This •was not surprising since the GOV- ern!memnt had nothing to say and wanted nothing to do with it. But the opposition matte ahnple amends for the .neglect of ;he G.lvcrn- trent, Now it is ;innotinceti'Ly Gov ernarneint orgacs that Mr. Borden's n vat proposit:ion-11is "..en erg en ..ty" Ida, .not any pe nsenent p: .cy will be brought d.;vil, wits t.iepro- iability of an apeeah to tlae coun- t,'y ,before any permanent policy is adopted. I't is also staled that) r. !Borden's position siill. be in accord- a.e e with the.'poue;hehae.<.dapt- 'led onrnium:erous occasions. It Lan vecarcely help Leing-that since Mr. -.Borden has twisted through :more 'eompl:icated eu.i s ulllLions on this question than ca', be easily follow- ed. The only way in which he can dodge all ',is previous pos,tioes is by doing nothing—which has been his program for c ter a yea::, It is intimated that the Httghway ,:id Bill wilt be rest tr'odueed a't this session. 1 was thrown curl by the Senate last year :after long ,dabatesirtfi the Senate joining 1gwith the Liberal ,Opposition in tire' opin- ion ton that the whore bill was,: patent device to place patronage and 3m proper influence in the hazels of the e Dominion io, n Go rer nent The e.O p - po ition demanded hatthe Pio- c poaed money should be ppcttic - ed amongst the provinces accord- ing ia1�g to population. Finast .:the Government- agreed +o theeprinci- ,embody p.e, but refused to bo y it 'in the Bill, and they. Just as obstinate ly refused any amendment Which would prevent the ,, en, ybE1 being used as a. ;bribe to. swing nye-elee-, din South was atiein ate as trona1. Renfrew atted`COL,idently trusted that the popularity of the ptinciple would carry it With the public, The Liberals did , eve.ryt,sing 1n their power toget the Bill through—out ,o ition did•tlh,ia• duty as a loyal opt s by insulting that it be poet thouggh in proper Ohape. There isno doubt that the 8111 will be as sharply cone t'etwted next session unions ; the needed reforms are made. East Indians brcugh' there as lab- ourers. He spoke of the difficulties of the work—not the least being the conduct of the while mon. He gave a short history of the Mission and the success attemuing their efforts, lin eonrltt,sion he mane ar imnass.on 'ed appeal foe sympathy, prayers and workers, i It was moved by Rev. Ide.learcy • and seconded' by Bcv, 0. E Ross that a t ate of thanks be grs en to the ladies of Clinton W.F.M S. for their hospitality on this 00f•051011. At the morning 5.:55300 011 Wed- resdaiy :Miss Dunlop, of Gnclerich, gate a bible reading and read a iera able paper on the :hi: ci : hapter of t onah The repot is of the :lia- fereat officers 1;ere• then read. the treasurer's report showing S2108,00 sent to the genera' treasurer. Of this $1123.70 came from the minion bands. The Secrete.Its of the Oil- ferent auxiliaries and 0tlssic., Lands. recd the several reports ;t iii" h allowed the good and extenset work beim done lo ail foreign ants cions. The follow' :g officers were el- ected fornext year : - President. Mrs. Larkins Seafrtii 3 I:st Vice Pres.. Nits, 5 1. Smith trod Vice. ilos. Carias-csell the) Vice, Mrs. Cenn,'Clinten 4th Vice, Mrs, Sharpe. Exeter Treasurer, Mrs. Scott Seafert.h Recording Secy, hiss 11.1. Graham Corressp0•n¢ling S''c''y, Mrs Curtis, Blyth t$ Secretalty of Supplies Mrs D. K` Grunt, Clinton Secretary. of Literature, Miss Strang Secretary of Mission Bands, Misty. MacLean. It wag decided that et resolution of symp�l:thy shou:id be sent to Mrs. Shaw, formerly of Egnio,nclville It was decided) to pack the ciootth-. lug to,be sent tothe West atdif- fereint Central pointe in place of sending all to Clinton and shipping from here., The closing words were rtiade•,by, Mac Smith and her inter oeting(talk ,grealt 11cas- was listened to with a 1 I g uro The cetiub closed wi t% prayer led by Mrs', Hamilton, of Cioderichr it b ' o Deaths Births, �lltt r .ltas � >i � t ils BIRTHS. FINCHClinton �' PLM, 1 In U ut o on November h h 0 "to :o Mi aro Srs. James Forint:, h (for. m,rly-111iss Wary Lawson,) adough-- ter. BY—In lin lett on November DAN i 4mber 18th to Mr. and MeS. Jno, Danby, a son, (still born), KENNEDY.—In Clinton, on Sun- day, N,ov, 17 to Mr, and Mrs CWm. Kennedy, a son. DEATHS D'UNCAN-At Montrovia, California, November 4th, Dr. J. T. Duncan, of Toronto,formerly of Stanley. . .REYNOLDS•—Ito Aurora, op .Nov. Ilth, Mrs. Robert Reynolds., for- merly, Emma Layers, of Bullet`,. ®C aL• 4211Q erso. ad IS. flow `only 5 Weeks 'Away Miss Belie O'Ner' spout', S ui day `n Stratford Mr. Toon Cz ai g;leit on Mt or! y £or Inclianapolbs, Di•. W,'Fotvlere of Toronto, is im town `this week. I Mrs, J,MeMillate Of Blyth is 'ia wn this week: ILI. S. Byaino ,hits been on the sick list this week. ' Miss May Ranee, 10 vis'i't ng her parents 10 Toronto. 3irrs. H,W Cock is visiting her daughters in Toronto. Miss Daisy JJi idieton is visiting in Goderi'!i thi's tti eek. Mrs. Pauli retu^red of 'Midday from &visit in London, Mr. L. E Dohev''y, of Grdericln, was in town on Tuesday., Mr. Jas,' Ma.Muie ie, Of Myth, teas in town on 'Wednesday. Mr. Leonard "l ani of Tctoante spent the week r;nd''rin town. Mr. Decide 'Holioway, of Kincar- dine, was in town last week. Mr, and Mrs. John Craig ar,dfam- ily left' enMondav forTsounen. 1'Iiss Mabel Turner. of Bien, afield, was visiting in town this wee):. his. (Rev.) C R Gonne 01T ondon is expected intov'n nest week, Miss Mamie flail left on Friday for her new home in Constance. Mrs, Curtis, of Blyth,, was the guest of Mrs. Brydone this \"eek. lir. A. Comm, 01 Win ,i'hann gave the N'ew Era a a that 011 Thu'sday. , Airs. Carter, of Blyth. was the guest of Miss M.I'ay'or, this week. Miss S.C, Bare of Londe ),oro was the guest of Mrs Chidley tlat week Mrs. G. E Saville has 'beer con- fined to the house for a few days. Mrs. Shoenhals and ehillsen ar- rived in town last week limn fort ,filbert, Miss Anna Snmith, of Stratford, spent the week-end',vith labs Wm. A. Grant 3iiss t\ Morgan of Ripley spent the week end w,th her sister, Miss E. Horgan. James Mc?1'.Iath, oc Clinton, was in the village on 1i'edncsday. Dun gannon News. Miss Petrie spent ,110 week -end in Londesboroagl.. the guest of Miss May Caldweil. Miss Joan Dayment has 'toren a position in To z.er S Lroivn's for the Christmas trade. liiss Marion Wa•son of Scac:orth was the. guest of her aunt, )lis. W. e^. Fair. met week. Miss M.H. Hilton, who hocently left town for• Toronto, v shortly for England, Mr. Alex. Morris :ctnened last Thursday from the West, where he spent the summer. Es -Mayor Rumba)`, of London, was the :guest of les sis.er Mrs. ,mes Foul, this week. Mrs. (Res.] Frani; .Heivey, of Burl- ington, is the sues; 21 her father- in-law, Mr. C E 1lavey, Miss Bell ofLun3cn w•i., the guest of her sister, Miss Helen Bell of the 0.0.1 this week. Dr. and Mrs. Axon and Miss Grace Chaff will attend t11' Assem- bly in Wingham on Friday Mrs, llcGarve and Miss Wallace 1eturned on Friday from a • isit to Mrs. (Rev. \,Diele in Paisley, Master Murray Ramsay of Platte- ville spent the ;;Lel: end with his grandmother, Mot,. Gilchrist. Zit's. Riddell and Miss Yo'xnv of Auburn, were the guests et Mrs. Mitchell, Albert St., this week. Dr. Margaret McKellar of Toron- te was the gnest of -Mrs. William Conn while in town rttiis ;;reek. 3Irs. J. Wiseman who 1; e been visiting her mother, AIrs Grant, n St.Marys, retained how; last Priclag. Messrs, P. Coitle, J' ('uringha:ne, G If, David and lI D. 51c:egeart attended the Be over show in (- onto last "steek. Mrs, W. J Stevenson eient to Stratford on Tuesday owint.; to the severe illness of ;her sister in-law, Mrs. Bert Stevenson, Mr, Wilbur Ford. has, we regret to say, resigned his position regret Tozer &,Brown's and will leave in. slew clays for Goderieh where he hats accepted a posijlioal wilt: Hod- gene Bros, 3 9 1 gg S the Time For Plumbing, Eavetrou hin Stove Moving FL aEg B i 3 ALL ORDERS c c will receive prompt at - 2• tendon. Prices s gi ven 4 on all kind of S • g, g a �. flit Siding, Roofing, S oI dll I'1� `,t 11 Contract Work. a a 1 i &ByamSutter n'tar Plum er Stu 11 b s Y - 1o++++4+t+4.4+4•t•?4++4++444 • + ' ' Areyou ening away 2 Ase + ryen ente$'taining out-of•tewn 4 friends or relatives 3 Are I you going to entertain your club members Do you want , + + that next meeting of your 2 isociety announ r.41 in The + + NEW ERA i' It •so kindly • telephoneNo.30anda'skfoi•the o+ 4, Editor. ` 1Ve will appreciate 4 • greatly favors of this kind. Z 4 + + 4+++44+++4+4+4444+++44+404 COMING EVENTS To chiv—Convention, "'1'o B lie/ rot to" ' Grin (flub Shoot. Friday—Ghon Club;; Sunny Sputh. November 28—Annual Sale, St. Pauly Church..' ' November h0 —Agnes Knox .Black, $oireeabef 28! Wein en's Instrtute, Decelnller 2-0onnell Meeting. December 3—Bowler's Concert. No Bonus To Rpm' Meows• 0, E. Dowding, FI, B. Chant, 3, McLeod,' Arth u- f harkson ;were in Seaforth Monday night at-: tending a lodge meefing. Mr. 'arid Mrs. 'r Sivai is of Gode- rich end' Mrs. Cornell of Cleveland were ca.11ors in , ticn this' week, owing to the ilti.ess of ribs. Swi1rte Mr. and MIs J Leslie IKe-i were In Brussels on TULnitlay dta:en,ding the wedding of the 1 leper s, sister, n,; Geo.F. lir Te ' r ;Pn 0 N t, Tv11sM1r,;,aletBo t Ferguson, of Toronto 1 .A.,Wilke ' las ailed 10Gode- rich on . Monday, !lasing received word of the illness t'1 his cla'y,ri;ter Miss Laura, who n as since Pinder gone an operation 11 r appe.,';ici''is. Clerk Campbell, or Hallett town- ship was in town on Satin:day. - Misses .Hariand, of Clinton, and Miss Biighans, „t Lnnclelbo: o, were r11e gacsts of Mrs. 301-11 Mills on Monday.—Blyth Standard. Dr. II,Fowler returned oo Satur- day from New Ontario wham he has been on a hunting expedition. The doctor bought '.si'11 him a 'One deer. and he an.; his 101011ds are dining on venison these days. M.i;s lua (solea left last: week for London where she will make a short visit before ;going on to Stewart, California, where she will spent the winter. En route she will visit friends at Jaeksee, Mich Mrs. J. IL Fraser, oaf. Qn'Appa.'le, Sask., who has been on 0 trip to Ent; land and Rome, visited her cousin Mrs. ,J 0 lledd and other relatives in and around I;Ondesborough, was suddenly called to Aurora owing to 'he death of her sister, 'Mrs. Rohit, Reynolds. Over The Teacups m MI's V7.3 Tozer entertained the 500 Club On Tuesriay evening. lfiss Hattie Holloway trill enter - tell) her lady friends this 00"01037, Mrs, 3,E DOhe :y mat r a small afternoon tet lest S.lurclay, Miss Elsie Ross entertained th.o 500 Club of the younger se' en Mon- day evening at the borne of her sister, Ilus Murray MaeEs'Ien. Mr, Paul: has ranted DIr,. J ';t elle-, inshaw's house 60 Maple st' eat, re- cantly vacated 11,f 31r. J. Craig Mr. T. Hawkins• ht s 111) ':11 into his new residence on High Street, oaaosocooeowasaaavam e WITH TIP( CHURCHES. a sa ssamaiviF?fiScpEe>IDrACioaas 011TARIO SI'. Cb3URCEC The Roston preached a .pocial sermon to young 1100,;11: last S'ur- day evening. The servii'es '00rie held in the basemen' owing ;o the repairs now going on in 1110 :ladi`or iun1. Mr, Linn of Toronto sang' ',we ,solos at the Young i'eopleie meet- ing, On Monday et einng. .'_' large number were present and much in- terest te,lieln, 1n the subject of Tithing." The Young Men's Bible Glees held: their nnnu.cl election ad ofucor•.s en Sunday, Nov, .17th. The, ;.;llow- rmg: were the officers elected for the ensuin0' y ar,— Presideint—Elmee Beacom: - 1a't Vice—George • Webber,, 2nd Vice—F) an;: Tyn lall. 3rd Vice—An tit u.• Trick. Treasurer -Mervin Elanley, Secretary-illirnitry Shipley. Libr. arihn—James,.Mair. WILLIS C•EIUECIL The annual business m•eetiing of the W.F.MS. was held rn the leot- ore room, of the church lust Friday The devotional topic -was taken by' Mrs Torraece and the Mis,_ sionary topic "Animism" was ton by Miss MacTag'ST;art. The folio *- fog officers were elected for next year—President Miss J Wilson losit Vice Pres., Mrs• Grant• 2nd Vies Pres., Mrs, Torrance; rran c e; and Vie Pres 1 s. Wali•ns, a , Secretary, Miss A. J Cowing; Treasure:, Miss la - Taggart, Executive Committee Mre, M acLeotl :Mrs D , I4ceEwern't Mrs. 13t. Melfwen Mrs 'Young; Airs Chambers; Auditor, Mrs. We, D r I err. The Young Men's Club herd their u eg:nlar biweekly .meeting on Mon- day evening n rn The Girls,' Club wilt 11 onscL next Tiuesday evening. 'There, will be a good musical program- andan ad- dress, ,by Mrs. MacLeod. WESLEY CHURCH. Ma•:s. Hi'neks Wife Of Rev. Dr W. IT.: Iiincks„ of Toronto, and sister of Rev,,Toaias 'Greene, will give a talk on her trip k.o No inand r v fav 1108 afterwards 'dress lathe ,native costume of a Noawegginn bride, at the league nett Monday evening, io 'We Are Getting Ready for This Big Event Deal With Jackson Manufacturing Company'Off at Zurich -Not An Incorporated Village, Zurich, Nov. 18. -The deal with the Jankson Manufacturing Company, of Clinton, is oft so far as the granting of a banns is concerned The villa;ge,not being incol pot ated;b ns no authority to act, lienee no by-law will be submitted to the people. The Township Council has the power of granting privileges to affected districts where the grievance dors not affect the ss hole township, but it has neither law nor precedent for granting a'bonus, No Your Christmas Shopping Early The newspapers have for sevei'aI years endeavored to betiiend .:hs merchants and tluL purchasers by ldvisinr; the fa:ler. to do their Christmas shopping early. 1. nla- ).rity of - thein probably not d the advice as ,nus.li :this yt'1, 0, CVC1• Vile the intluen e of the press is undoubtedly -anent, The New Era nos to confess that on a sub•te0 Sof this kir<id un ass t•he advice is put it to practi .' .• it Li like a sere:, on, soon all forgot.en. Th -e who have heed :d advlee to do Chi istmas shopping early will ha1•e derived •o much comfort and sati='action from it that they wet not need any further admonition to rep tat it. Briefly, by dointr Christmas s.,op- ping early you get the aovante,em .,f a bailer 0110100 when tette stoats are full, 1urth,-r if an; of our merchants have not jut exactiy u hat you want, and Clinton .nrer- ehants ha eo VOi )ed stocks, 11;, an be secured for : ot., whereas if you leave faint a week or two before Christmas it may got bepettsi11.1 to do this. Yon will get better atten- tion new, or in the next fillet or lour Wee,rs .t. In you will 1 you v Lite 11!1 the last day, or the last week. There always wil, besome late 0htistnaS snoopers e'310 1•ill crowd the stores ,he last :reek or two. Coneiderati n fon 'lie hill - ;,ant's employes 18acrther reason Which s'..o_tId impel early Christmas shopping. During the hc',day sea - sou they will be overworked to some extent, nu • all wh' do their Christmas shop fag early ,on - tri ute to lighten the burden, make these who serve more cheeifui,and this is to scene extentrepli,l the. snoppet•• by getting better service. Itis certainly in a cord ;with the 1 hr.stnu.is spirit o0 be thot,g_i,fttl ot this. b\'esometim s speak e t every in) th;s Sp'ri - a fur. Cl ri,•t,nas longer thin tie tren'•ra!'y 110 Would it not 1 e an equally good plan to nntrc:pa to and r0.: n:Luce the carrying of i:: LelOre Christmas. Chinaware The first time you have a half hour to spare conte and look over our selections and you will • see some of the nicest goods that you would wish to see and select tro:m—English; French German, Austria. and Japanese makers. WIN Rol Books ioIO Origins? Santa Claus says: "Books are among his most popu'ar presents" We have the new 1912 Books including "Cor- poral Oanle ron"the new Connor book, and Many others. Thu .hristtne,s Globe • Will be ready soon, and will be better than ever. Price jot Leave Us Your Order Private Greeting Cords Printed with your own r'1a1110 on, :and as low as Sr per dozen. AS 10 see the Sample BoOlt r,ru�+•, CO r CLINTON i t '..laWinr=ai:w•r reeMS a nnamsca i u= -== _ =.rd.a ossa, '(.'here pa -sed away on the Jth hist, at his hour in 4A roxeter one of the now few pioneers of the country 10 the person of hitt l+'i'eclerieic Brown. lir, Brown was in his Stith year I,nd Up to L. two years iigo had alnays enjoyll g,ud health. Mrs Brown psedeceai,ed her husband abslut 73, years ago the ;amity consists of csvo deugh, 1 r—:Mies, Thos, Walker „1nd Suss U. 31 Brown, and two eons— 10onaud and 'I•'hanras, all of whore are residents of Wroxeter. - AUCTION SALES Thursday Nov. 28—at 1p.m Con.. 2 Stanley, extensive sale of Marin stock, Murray Gibson, prop; Thos Bilown, nuc, Tnesciay Dec. 3' u,, at 1 pm •— Coe. og Stanley clearing silly of Tarte stock and implements, W. Fowler. Prop; Thos, Brown, enc. ' An tioll Sale 0f farm. farm stork, and iinpliments Mr. Robert Marshall has instructed the undersigned' to sell by public atm tion on hisgpremises, lot 52, Bayfield con. Godehich township, p, Tuesday,a y, Dec, 3rdat 1 o'clock 9h ax' the fo fow ing. 'Mate 10 yens old, supposed to be in foal to Bar 1. Bay mare 9 years old, Bay horse() years old. Filly ris Id sired in 3 vemrs n ire b 131 I Bar Geld g 9 e rl ing rising 2 years old, sired by liar I Filly rising 2 years old, sired by )3av 1, Colt 5 monthsold, sired, by Bar 1, Aged driving mare, Driving colt 2 vedlH old.Ecows supposed tnin calf Farrow cow, Fat cow 3 fate heifers 2 years old, 2 oeats 2 yearsa o ld , St e er year oid '8 heifers 1 year old, 4 spring calves, Massey Harris binder nearly new, Massey Barris drill nearly new. Wood disc herr Prost & ow, Frost I' & Wood mower, Frost & Wood steel rake 10 foot nearly new, Set iron harrows, 'Turnip sower, Scuflfer,'Plow Gang plow Hay fork, ear and 100 feet. rope, Chatham fanning mill, Set bob sleighs, 2 buggies, Set pplax'rorm scales capacity 1000 lips, Lumber wagon, Gravel box, Set double •harness, 2 May racks, Set single harness, pulpers Set plow harness, 2 sugar kettles, Wheel barrow, Pea harvester, Capital cream separator 0011113' nese, A quantity of turnips and nuu;golds, All nt:311 loads of l;ary and abont;;110 i nsh,ls of oats, Forks, elinins and other ,Irtrcles too , ,' ilt.s i 1, ll numerous to men: ion. 11 1 M will also oft: r his form for solo subject to it reserved hid, l+,verything must be sold as owing 1.11 111 health lite pro prietor is giving up farming, Temp.:— Alt sums of gin ander ensh, on over that amount 11 months credit on 011 proved joint; notes or 4 per renr., • straight olT for cash on credit amounts Ilay, grain and :3 bit hollers dish. Rnbt, Marshall, PeSprietor. G. 13. Elliott. Anei.ione er. Servant 6N aitt.I'd .Apply to MRS. MALCOLM 11IcTA CiART Our shipment of potatoes from New Brunswick will not arrive for a fete days yet. In the meantime, we canapply a limited number of custome'l•s with small qua.nlities•un- til the N. l3, ears tonne in STEEP & COMPANY Orders may be left with 13eacom & Smyth, phone No. 41. Unreserved Di`pcl'sion Sale Unreserved dlspler sign 5,1e of first-class pare 'nett steel; Mrs , Wesley Fisher tt'ft rc'i!. by ,nubile auction 00 her p:'elni5es, 01s0 mile =. aouth-east of Eet'mllier, on Monday Nov.25th, 1.512, Rwnlinencing at one u clock 'Sharp Irl, in:r 1 1 I, s ; c fn , foal ; general pnr',osmoreiu'5 years i olrl; Agri cultural mare .31 years ' old, supposed 'to ne in ;feat to i hlenlevit Chief; 'waft fog:. ;meta; pm pose foal, hotl b,y Ci,e dovit , �lhief; tory due Tam 30th. con; gine larch 1st Foci. Angus hill 7 months old; r''7 Angus 00W 7 ear0 old • reg. Angus heifer 2 years crit; 8 head of land 2 year old steers and heifers; 7,'es C'ots- wold ewes; i ewe lambs ; 8 reg, Lei- cester ewe 11eg 1 enceitr lamb a11)110r of4 1)0na1 this rail• n reg. C.xlord ewes; 2st.11t pigs ; 113au1p shire sow ; 3 'IT•unr,iro 'c . pig; 'n number of voun J pigs ; 3 pure bred sows, registered; a q; antity 0; straw; i set team harness • rid- ! ing plow, nearly new • road .uggy; Rig 13. mower ; so, sleighs, '!'very - thing must p05113 RAT 1t, id to Jia highest bidder, Os the ender - sighed is going out of pure. bred. soil.. 1'7FMS--Ali num 1 of $10 and under, cash; oxer that :nl,ount ten months emelt; will he g i s en on furnishing ap•1 i'O\ shd joint 1 ' i kable notes A. 11licount of 0 per cont. straight allowed for cash on e.radit amounts. 5 11"esley 1\' Fisher, proprietress. Thos, ixu:er]i h , sue - Colleen NOTICE . Wm. Moon, the Huliett 'f'ax Col- lector, 'will be at the follocvi;ng• places io collect taxes -Clinton, on Dec, Ilth, houdesbor•o . Ivov Loth and Dec. 13th. !.ub'arn, Dec dth, Constance, Dee. 11, 5.ti,er cent will be added on 'unpaid taxes after date, Dec. 13th, Viiflvr MOON, Collector, Bullet; Meeting of the Huron ;County Commit The Council of the County of Buren 1Vil't meet 10 the i'0u::1i1 s C.lanlber, in the ._t,tatL,1, of CToderich. on Thursday, De. eml}e1 3rd at 3 a nt . o'clock.' Ai]. WLG 5 ah al the 1 0 tconnty, requiringsettlement must. e placed with ..e clerk before this date Dated Zr ,,v. 1 '1 `L 1 , 10 W. LAN'1'. Clerk. Sale For :Saiz or to Let ,i A small farm of about 20 51'1'esin' the Township of Stanley, In county '}f Huron, 7. nroviit '.e of Ontario be- ing composed of Lot number 35 in the first toncesiiOn of the said towns hl. For fTli particulars write, A. T,F ;is'JT'i Byron, Ont. Lost ci ;bol cs nta Aiso �e n ilinr ngai sum of money, Finder please return to owner amd receive reward, A;.S„ MAFHESON Lost In Clinton, on Thursday evening, Nov, 7tln, a got`) ring with int:ials or graved on stone setting. Owner ofifers %liberal re'vard for :is re- covery, Apply at NEN 1,3331 OFFICE Colt 1Oa• Plc A general p,urnose r olt, comi ,g ti niontbs old, by Voltaire. Apply ,to FIRED WAITS, Ia e,la.clreet Clinton. F. C. DERIS ~ti'O E Professor of Music. OrgartiSt t15 t•. .. of ll'i 1 I x ,�l> tc.x•i:6ii'tt•tr li � rC Piano, ➢ oOrgan, Theory,, Voice Culture. ' :Pup!.:,s prepared, if :desired, lion any of the examining ,bl:dies fin Toronto .L' o n o or the London College of I nsin (England; 'a1 ai grades and al, branches, iSpecial System tor 1L iPQS f0 r 2 iano,forte. Terms en app:Acation. Stu'clio at Eloare's new store, aiext to Counter's s 7ew„lerp ;stops. For Sale A comniodic as brick ,hoose at a 1 argain. Furnace, electric1' - t' g nae, x h an !bath room, hot and co.a tveleer•, also a ptable on the prem!sec. for in- formation apply at la) NEW ERA