HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-11-21, Page 3i1. t ♦. ♦♦. ♦♦♦♦o ♦♦ + +t+ ♦tt'♦tit t++t >• ot♦��► ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦at* ♦ of t t: •' ♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦t ♦ tilt �ttt t + + ._, ♦Nt�Nt#ttvttN?ttttttltW♦♦Nf♦N�♦ts�♦♦♦+►♦t,♦♦�♦t♦♦♦♦♦�♦♦♦♦♦!♦♦♦♦ a�♦o♦♦♦o*♦♦.oro••••r•'ao.•w.u't►♦♦♦'N♦♦♦NN♦♦♦� ♦. t N+++ t t ♦ TELE' F 17 ��� LAST MINUTE GRAPFIIC.BRIE S. The banana cuttiva�tton in Jamaica` iva:gi considerably damaged cdn.ring Sat- urday night" by strong gales, hecem-I panied by heavy rant$. The liner Mauretania collided with the landing, stege add carried away .considerable' worxltvor'k ab Liverpool- oei Saturday. The ship, however, was not damaged. lames Nailsea, foe: 79 years s, taxi. tient of Toronto, passed away at 16 Greenwood avenue, after a` short ill- eess, Mr. Wallace was born in Perth,. Ont., in 1832. The number. of 'labor disputes in e nr -th h nada during reale ,e t tong out Ca the monde of October was twenty-one. This compares with tett disputes dur- -ing October, 1911: With gas pouring from, a hole in the pipe just before it connected with the. range Mrs. Rebecca'Levi, aged 54, of 182 Palmerston' avenue, Toronto, was found dead Saturday. 19 H. Fitzhugh has not resigned the presidency of the Central Ver- mont Railroad Co, despite the rumors to the contrary printed in the New York newspapers yesterday.. .Two. men were killed, two others are dying p.ucl a ntttuber of. other per-' sons were more or less severely injur- ed Saturday night when two radial cars collided near Utica, N.Y. It can be definitely stated that the Federal Government. will, this session, reintroduce the bill granting a federal subsidy of $3,000,000 to the Tentiskam- in;, & Northern Ontario Railway. It is reported at Halifax that Wile liam' Dennis of The Halifax Herald has been appointed Senator, also that Clarence Jameson, M.P. for Digby trill be appointed to. fill another vacancy. ' The sudden death occurred at St. George, near Galt on Sunday, of Dr. Patton, a' :yell -known medical man. The doctor had been out milking a cow when he dropped dead. Death was .clue to heart failure. Mrs. 51. Smarting, , 2 Mutual street, Toronto, drank the greater ,portion of foes ounces of carbolic acid' abaut 1.30 Sunday morning She was taken to St. Michael's Hospital in the police ambulance, but. died later. A COL 3!1f' However Slight MAY TURN INTO You should never neglect a cold, how- ever slight. If you do not treat' it in time it will, in all possibility, develop into bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, or some other serious throat or lung trouble. On the first sign of a cold or cough it is advisable to cure it at once, and not let it run on for an indefinite period. For this purpose there is nothing to equal Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, a remedy that has been universally used dor the past twenty-five years. You do not experiment when you gIet it. Mrs. Louis Lalonde, Penetanguishene, Ont., writest-" When my little boy was two' years old he caught a cold which turned into bronchitis.. I tried every- thing to cure him, even to doctor's medi- cine, but it did him no good. One day I was advised to give Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup a trial, and before he had half a bottle used, he was cured. I would ad- vise all mothers to try it, as good results will' follow. My home is never without it: I See that you get "Dr. Wood's," as there are numerous irritations. It is put up in a yellow wrapper, 3 pine trees the trade mark; the price, 25 and 50 •cents. ' Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co. Limited,Toronto, Ont G. A. Case Dead. Toronto, Nov. 18.—Death carne With - DIA a moment's warnin to George ou g Alien Case, a prominent Toronto real ssbate man, at his ]tome; 613 Avenue road yesterday morning. Mt Case was .born at Essex, Ont., in 1858. Bit had lived.in 1.'oronto'moet F his life. For ten year's he wee prontinent in the city as a- real eett 1e broker, and was during that periucl n member : of the `Toronto Stock Ex. - h a nge. lirWYAI F, 11�L' fi1.,00�D. POISON %gill-rOlik Is A Sure Cure Tar, Jas. Dat.ey Of 7811 Otte Avenue, WititiP .,,.says ''A f'sty months since I was cured tel a Poisoned finger though the '_itii.oly use 'of Zam 13uk. '4 cut a desp gash ace tss the knuckle on the first Mitre' of my right hand in opening a lobster can' I angered at the -iuie with tee sor�e- nees and pair: lent had no. 'dee it ". oatld become a setioat a'oen,d, However, in about two days I evas greatly alarmed; as my whole hated end arae to the ,•lbow became tuf- denly inflamed and the filtg'tr ''as much discolored, showing signs of blood -Poisoning. The pain was dreadful and, I was. forced to leave °Many work and go home. "The wound on the kuuci,'le had been poisoned by dust and dirt getting r titre it. 'then decided to start the mala -Bak treat mect,and having first .'sthed the Dei Lap - plied the healin balm. ,It soothed the pain almost instantly, and by hest day tilers was a groat loaprov-. t:•enrt. "In a week's time, throu'.3•h pee - :severance with this wonderful preparation, a complete ewe was bronght about. Zane- [3,11; isiust tis good for eczema, ulcers, scalp sures, ab- scesses, :tiles,. lee,+'tt'o:en, boils, varicose` uteri's running sores, thepped hande ete It draws all poisonous foulness +£roan the •, mend or sore and then Lea's. 15 : it, too, for cuts ,burns been br vises and all skim iniuries. Znnt-Bait Soap should be used in do'niurtio': to the ,halm: for washing e''vem ids aascl sore .places. Etocllent, too tor bays bath. All druggists and .stores se,l Zam Buie at 50c. box aria Vann -Truk Soap at 25e. tablet. Pest flee upun 1 e- ceipt of price frim Zam-13t.k Co:' Toronto. !ore Btettl. i,gredients, Two cupfuls of t'oitnieal, On:, -]tali ' mipdta of sift -'d bread flour, One teaspoonfu: of salt. 'Two teaspoanc'.tls of i•cl.tna powder. One tables,'our:ftel of suga: , • Two eggs, Ono and one-half c -Pfuls of water (or part milk). Two tatriespoenfu'ls• of molted lard and butter. Method—Mix' all dry. ing't.die,nts beat eggs well t,td add to liquid, stir into mea: •'then beat en the melted shortening and b.h'- in flat pane about two iuch0'l deep 1� •ease pans well and alts t net itr is poured in dip le little mi:k over top' this snake a rice caws`. Vt hen serving eat in squares nt pan and then tape up with flit knit e. Galt to Seek Incorporation. Galt, Nov: 18.—At noon Saturday the special t,esessment ,commissioner, J, M. Scully, handed out the assess- ment 'returns for '191.3. Iletur•ns are exceptionally gratifying, showing an increase in population 11,126, and the total assessments $7,942,8. 0, an in- crease over lout year of $1,627,220, It was through the wort: of eommis- sioner Scully, at the instigation of the 1 Town; Council, that the assessment of the whole town was .revised, and a big change in the figures' made. It means that without doubt the tax rate will be lowered for 1913; also that city incorporation will be sought. Can't Win, Says Lavergne. Montreal, Nev. 18,—Armand La- vergne, 1VX.P.P. fot.Montmagny, in an interview yesterday ',stated that the Nationalists', would be defeated in Hochelaga on Tuesday, but that the cause would- tritunpli. in the end. Being asked what he thought Pre• mien Borden would be justified in do- ing supposing the -French Ministers were to, resign, as he said they ought to do, Mr. Lavergne repliedeethat Bor. den would be justified in appointing Englishmen in their places and for his part he did not. see any difference 'between English and Freneh, but he. was sure they would soon come to re- eognie the justice of the Nationalist claim. I' e claimed that if the people pronounced for contribution in any shape, Canada should have a direct- ing' hand' in the expendituite. Stuf.ed 13•iced Pott -lees. ingredients (for one sexv,ce): Dna large i�,lr"n One teaspoonful of uut`et One tablespoonfut of minced 'lean ,dam or cold ,beef, One-half teaspoonful of minced onion. One -tablespoon of milk, • Salt and oepper to `este, Method —Scrub nota toes tech, remove any ]blemish and cut small piece from each end, place in ketthe a of boiling water and coal;; 10 -min- utes; this heats them before put- ting in oVen and sacs time -in bak- ing, Bake into, oven uaetil soft, haat 40Nei outee ; In'mean'tiine pre pato fittinl ,� TO UPSET ELECTION Macdonald' Voters Ailege-Bribery and Corruption. CONSERVATIVE HEADS LiST Chief Petitioner 1s a Former Support- er of the Government — Giving, Lendingand Promising Money, Furnishing Liquor, Intimidating Voters and Personation Are Among the Charges Made. Winnipeg, Nov. 18,—A petition sign- ed by John Ernest Woods of Somerset, a prominent farmer and a former Con. servative, and by Dr. Andrew W. Milds of Treher.tle, dentist, against the return of .Alexander Morrison for the constituleney of Macdonald, was filed Saturday. The petition alleges amongst othme things that the Respon- dent Morrison was by his agents and other persons on his behalf, during at and after the said election: (1) Guilty of bribery and causing rmdrte influence as detlned by the Election Act, (2) Giving, le•.'''ing, agreeing to give and lend and offering and promising money and ether valuable.considera- tionc and of promising to proenro and to endeavor. to procure money and other valuables, ennsidorations to and for persons entitled to vote at the election in order to induce such voters to vote or to refrain from voting at the election. (3) Promising to procure and to'en- deavor. to procure office, place, and employment to induce voters to vote or refrain from voting at the election. (4) Of making gifts, loans, offers, promises, procurements, and agree- ments for divers purposes for the per - pose of procuring the return of said Morrison to serve- in the House of Commons. (5) Of advancing and paying and causing to pay advances, paid money to persons to be expended in bribery in said election and of repaying to persons monies expended by such per- sons in bribery in said election. Of providing and 'furnishing drinle and other refreshments at his expense dut- iful election and for paying for and engaging to pay for ewe' drink, and of repaying monies to persons which had been expended by such persons in giving and supplying drink and other refreshments at the election on nomi- nation and polling days for the pur- pose of enticing voters to vote or re• fr'ain from voting at said election. (6). Of using undue influence and intimidation and having endeavored to intimidate voters to vote or refrain from voting at the election, (7) Of the offence of -personation. (9) Voting and of enticing and pro- curing persons to vote at the election who are not, entitled to vote thereat and whom they knew ever• not entitl- ed to vote thereat. eager To Hear Naval Plans, Ottawa, Nov.. lee—There Ws; no Cab- inet session on 'Saturday. Tine entire Cabinet took a day ot'f and Premier Borden, Hon. W. T. White, Finn. .1. W. Orothers,and Col. the Hon. Sam Flugliee went out to Lausdnw•ne Park and watched old McGill defeat Vate- ity for '.intercollegiate honors. Practically everything is in readi- ness for the opening on Thursday. "The cards are stacked for what I' believe will be a great session." was the way due of the Ministers su•tnmed up the situation Saturday. Not very erten in: the past has Buell interest been awakened on Parliament Hill in an, approaching session. "Standing room only" signs are Ming t •ouncl the corridors of the House of Oommous • every, available' gallery'seabb being tak-- en. for the, opening clay. ' enquiries as to the proba.ble.date of Premier Borden's announceaiene of his naval proposal are lemming iii from all parts of the country, and it is being predicted that when the Prime Mieiste-r rises to make bit t.'uola anti.` cipated navel,.speeeh lie will have the biggest and most representative andi- ence that hes eve'. greeted any speaker in. a Canadian Pail lament. 3A t74 1 1109 Inlitntsan:d. Children, Tholintl u gave Always Bou ht LOST, VITALITY Caused by hIdney, Stomach and Dowel Disorders St. Jo9nn, N.13 , September :.8th 3rothiee Was 0 great epf- rezer from kidney, sten-inch and bowel troubles aril teas given ui' by two doctors, 17e was ad c iised'to try your Fig Pills, which he did, and after taking live boxes was completely restored to -health and is ].tetter to -clay titan lee lots been for years You cant recommend Fig Pills too high,y, J, 'W. Manvers .0.1 all deela:'s. 25 and 10 't:.is or The Fig Pili Co., St. Thomas., Ont Sold in Clinton by J, E. Hovey Druggist, rf61� i // p\ Pert p 1 hh l l a Doq't` Enuy, a Glorious A Head lOf Nair Your -hair may not be heavy as other women's; Young Lady ; it - may not radiate its lnst'rous" splendor; it may not be free' from, damdruft.t but that's no reatkei why you should worry. In Paris all women who Bare have fascinating hair; in r Canada all women., young ladies and girl's who know about PAR1SI,AN Sage have a wealth of•brilliant hair and give credit where credit is due; to a ond;,rfuf , del igbtJi:ll-PAATSIAN Sage, the meat nate tunic grower, dandruff remover and beutllrer. Sold by de•ler•s everywhere for only 50 'cants W,S11 FLi„n'es eel is it on money batk plan. '" stops scalp itch instant: v and ore.'erves the reiural color anal beauty of sire hair, A Musical Suggestion. Steins are not new suggestions for Christmas gifts, but a musical tankard that plays tite good old convivial tune of "For lie's a Jolly Good Fellow" ore CHRISTMAS. `GIFTS CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR HER LADYSHIP Homemade OtteringsThatAimost 'Any Woman Would Appreciate:'' Woman ' Pre ants That Cost Charmm s 'tone 6 Little In T me or v 7 Any pretty trifle made to Contain pias mattes .an acceptable gift tor Christmas. d tral'eling conveufunce that is as useful at home .its abroad is made titter the manner ut the old. time needleboolc thttt :roiled up, The foundation of it is a strip of ribbon or silk -morocco and chamois cat also be used, likewise cauvett-nttont xis inches ovittle and. twenty Ini:hes long. Lily this Oat on the cutting board and cover it with tiro thidt.lieSSeti or cot- ton batting. I'ut a layer o1 coarse white Manuel text to this and then one of coarse holed white net. Bind the edges neatly together with a satin rib- bon tuitteliing the outside of the con- venience, and their furl up tour or Ove inches nt the bottom of the strip and tart: the ends 10 term It pocket, Aboilt lite inches from the top put a plump pineusnion with cornersreach- ing 10 the strip etlrii'ti. Mitre this an inch and a nail' deep and slielc it full ut varicolored pins -bine, green, red,. pilot, white and th,e ordinary sorts. They will loot: hest it stark in in suite ortittiieni81 manner. in the. space ::hove 1 h rnshion put Mark and white safety pins iu :several sires. A Neckwear Gift. If you eve iu a !terry to get together a very presentable last minute gift take is look into your lacebox and res- cue a few hits of lace and net, then Milady will like the useful little vans ity case seen in the illustration wlilCh Is made of ribbon. ,lust the proper size to slip In her purse or hand bag. For this, wide satin ribbon Is select- ed and two pieces of it, with a Oat bit WAS A CO FrMED QYSPEPTI1 Nevi Prods' 11 a` Pleasure to Edey Moat Here is a ease which seemed as bf and as hopeless as yours can possibly,.b This isthe experience of Mr. I3, 9, 'holy; 384 Bathurst St:, Toronto, in' hie;'o W055S 'Gentlem—heave to zeh pl eastirei. tuentioning teen you lire benefits receive f Tort your Na ]Ara -Co Dyspepsia, Table and can cheerfully recommend them., simply had confirmed dyspepsia with its wretched symptoms, and tried a'ho. all the advertised eures with no sueees Vou have in Na-Dru-eo Dyspepsi Tablets the best curative agent I cord find, It is now such a pleasure'to enjo meals with their consequent 'nouris, inept that I want to mention this for tl; benefit of others. The fact that a, lot of prescriptions' to -called "cures” have failed to help yo is no sign that you have got to go 'o suffering. Try Ne-Dnt.Co Dyspepsi Tablets and see how quickly this sterlin remedy will give you relief and start yo stomach working properly. Hit does:,: help you, you get your money back.' S' a box at your druggist's. Compotiii,de by the National Drug and Chemical C' of Canada, Limited, Montreal. . i• ois with which 10 apply tL A small oblong mirror has its, edg bound with ribbon and Is then sew fast to the other side of the case. Very narrow ribbon encircles tl case and serves to fasten it togeth when folded over like e little boo Illustrated is a vanity case of still a other variety, The Inside of the cal IS shown, with a pocket and powil puff on one flap and a mirror on tl other. Manicure Set. Women who 'not ittil's their ors nails will en,loy having one o1 the rte egiw7telittiotess MUSICALSTEIN. "...l when liquid is poured into its capa- cious depths is a novelty brought out for the first time this year for the mere man's Christmas present. The stein Illustrated is a musical affair of gray greeu pottery mounted In sliver. Pretty Gift For Invalids. When planning the holiday glfts do not forget the invalid. Make a bag of dainty flowered silk tie cretonne, running inch wide satin ribbon in the top for a draw string, and lining it with delicately scented silk. Have the drawstring very long so it can be hong on the bedpost In easy reach of the invalid's hand without the necessity of her i.'aisiug herself in bed. 10 the bag 15 a small paper pad, pen• til, handkerchief and anything she may need that otherwise would have to be blinded to het' by au attendant. Novelties For the Dressing Table. A chafuting gift can be easily made from a picture Ara me. l3uy a frame any size you choose., but instead of in. setting a picture put in a piece of bright chintz or crctonue- Then bay two small braso hnetdles end attach' one to eurh end of the frame. - When this is finished hick a piece of One felt across the birk. This makes as prets y ty a tray as an one could wish.. The family. remedy for Coughs and Oblds. `Shiloh costs so little and does 00 much It takes amine ' to manaro cCure Iles out of whole clot].. A woman uses remnants. The way of the Imine' essor would not seem h'ual if 3m eonid:art ford pneumatic tires, It might be well fox sonic wives to remember :fiat naggit.g UoeEn'L make the nag. go, • Phone Rates Reduced. Ottawa, Nov. 18. --The .Railway Com mission has issued its judgment in the Montreal teleplinne tele, and there are several points in'it rf interest to ether Canacli n cities. ' The applioation was one on the part of the city for the reduction of 'rates to $30 and $50 for residences and, busi- ness phones respectively, from $35 and $55; and the abolition of excess mileage charges and discrimination as , between, one district of the city and another, ' /.. The effect of the judgment as to rates is that the farthest extending flat rate L that to Montreal WVes shait, be taken' as a radius of a circle to be described with the main phone ex'' change as a centre. Within this circle the otdinarry flat rate shall be given. "The value of the service is a most important factor,' saysblist judgment. With every addition to the tolepliofie. network the t'atge of facility is widen.: ed foe dare elreacly using a''Le/ Ephoiie. and consequently he is constantly stirring in the progaessivi utilization_ of so-called id,o plant." Bears the �i 9 r/ ignattere of l .44.4e4e14' Wt oc o Elozp.odislo, "21,S !Pie Grent English, Remedy. rL 1e call dmvigoiateethewholas nqe:eineg Fi'rteitl Latins new lilroed10 gid Veins. Cua!e8 �revv sun Dokitit . 11Lc,tttd and 1Yrai t TPo,rj/, .Not. pe,adciing +Sexual7Pa rel atcva, Eetis.sso„s. Spew "motorrluta, am d. recd, o/ Zinumor .Nrcctitics, Peke 91 per box, sixf $5. One Mull please rix• TriU mire. Sold try all 0Ctugitists or mailer is plain pkgon Yeeemt of prim. New :pamphlet atnn'iitcS free. - The Wand hte•dinine: Co. if rt' er171 Th"uisn9 ' rerorontra at Nothing brakes a voman feel so insiguificant as t be refusal of a man to argue with, her. Ail Skin Diseases AR'E OCCASIONED BY BA''I:'BLOOD. No one can expect to be free from some form or 'other of skin trouble unless the blood is kept in good shape. The blood. can easily be purified and the skin disease cured by the use of Burdock Blood Bitters, than old and widely known blood mcdiaine. It has been on the market for over 35 years and its reputation is unrivalled. Mrs. Lillie .Mitchell, Guelph, .Ont.,, writes: -"I was ;troubled with eczema, My body wits covered with awful itching skin eruptions, .Although -I tried many different remedies Leonid get nothing to give me relief.. Finally i got a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, which completely , cured me." Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. NET JABOT. set to work on a stock collar and ;jabot like the one seen in the illustration, A wide piece of fillet lace fortes the high collar, which is edged at the top with folds of malines and blade velvet. The "fall." is of gathered malines in two layers, each one trimmed with in- sertion watching that used for the col- lar. A -pump bow of black velvet ea - !sties the pretty gift, An Easy to Make Jacket. A combing jacket is something any woman wejilld appreciate, especially if it is as pretty as some of those the shops are showfhg., The dainty things in the big stores are all bet abs olut e- 1y shapeless, two perfectly straight breadths being used to forte a sort of, Jaunty kinnono sack, with pointed bac; and front. The two lengths• have the ends east bias, this straying makii$g 11e front and rear points„and the sleeves 'are made by catching the breadth edge to edge under the arm. White flannel combing jackets are pretty with blue or pink satin ribbon bindings.., I 1 Make a Crochet Buckle, The girl who crochets can turn.ont Ina feedbours•several of the crocheted buckles like the dainty one pictured. ur OROOnitx BU01LL1C. 1Cereerized white cotton of a rallies' coarse number is used. Velvet ribbon is looped through 'the buckle with charming effect. ,441,"g ,,,,a; VANITY .CASE, ......_-. of cotton wadding laid between, are stitched together on the edge. On one side, extending almost half- way across, another piece of ribbon Is stitched to form a small pocket into which is slipped a small envelope of rice ander and a soft piece of chain - i i AiANICUn0 SET, manicure sets with the utensils e closed in a generous sized buffer. T manicure set pie -hired is in this no farm carried out In celluloid- polite known as it'ury. When is woman is get ling t best of amen in an argument may win out by su3deniy closii her mouth with a kisa Women and Advertisements OME statements are so saturated with their own moral as to require no comment. "Rid- ing on a car during the excitement over the naval battles between Russia and• Japan,” said Mr. Merchants' 'T.homas Martindale, before the Retail Association of Pennsylvania, "I observed that the men were reading the war news and the women were reading advertisements. Those women, I watched keenly, read every line of the advertise- ments, and then turned to the woman's page, This ride was a distance of eighty miles, yet at the tjourney's end the women had nor yet had time to urn to the actual news of the day. The woel'len want advertisements to read, and you must present your business in a readable shape to be in the fight these days." is your Stock 11!toe,ing? If not; Then we can Hop You, New Era Ads pay—'Tey get right at the people, THE NEW ERA9 I TO N TELEPHONE 30. usassmissmustossunessesm tffefliMMINEMI FALLSPECIALS' SEE 41i1T1I Apple Puree's at 750 Stock Pails at 80e 22 short Carats iclges at 1So I, raining Spades, Cleaner, Manure Forks large and small, Ensilage Forks, hitt„ Istc "Timothy Seep 5,,25—As the season is short, speak few days ahead 1 Sugar tail Rock YSottosu Pi'ieee for a few mos .eButter, . h Highest 'Price for Butter,Eggs, Etc. h Loaded Shells at OOe 'EMPORIUM ,1 . 11,211VIS DE LONSBORO