HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-11-21, Page 2• • .i..• !TA ;01 eseeresiet,""r77,7,71;77,7„, " 14o thr9ot and lungs. 1; n Oa soots, •,..ninelliete"e.ennItase .211.41 _ .ne • ' (`' " ,'':':•.:..,•,..''',::..' ,,',,...'•:,,•!:•• NO1OINTERS 'IO '4. Weies,• yon begin irlaing.eentiationle ieWlien,e.itieleling iialat,‘.,' Start*. you ioidaut„,thiiig is Aelt)A0c.d cold that ,We•and,.dangerouS, ;The sedan& Inill•nrtant et•keoNa-Dru-Co feerine aid Chloinalyne, 11:the Cold disappears „.i.,tiorikeo.syrup uveigortidrie is arnifid. drugs, and ll'ql2'..-ttl' moderately i i0,pleaSalit tasting ,`.°r94!nPt.P.Yan.' rdelien:Vointgiilts1:7 ' -p emoting anlecclifesio' g-trne vela, , Vane -di rtiggist has, f Linseed, Licorice Se. andsoc Wales, • foryou. Compounded n'ug and Cheinical ihnitd. . , ,,i',..,H.,-,‘,:•..;.,.. ',' CH, HO .. L,, . .. ,..... CURE A COLD _,.,,Ottayra, to sniff and feel tbe,nesal passages, irritation irt your coughing, the' first t, act at once: ., lee' beccarres trouble- . ,:, • . ,, , thing tn d° 14' 8yrup of Ianseedi, and keep it up entirely.; , of Linseed, Licorice absolutely freffpni can. safely be given. .young. chileiren„ and Tuck acting, iforoiteaetni°inn.g°f the expectoration and , , ' , , Na-Dru,Co.Syttip and Chlorpdyne in or can, quickly get by the National Co. of 'Canada, els ..00.1.0eii' a .'. • , ' , . , ..., . '''',..:, tofi5:.;,n,,.Y.1,0-b....':" inoin;tin 'ef ., •ii oat:, had facidei ' ,.,, Crone Is DiSappointing. , . , . 'NoY. la.-;.--A..,Volle14 rt. Jesus , , yegerday by the Oopses Mad Statistics - Office• •eoritaine eatimates' ,6f, the yield.,.., auality and Yielue,, of, the loot ;and fodder , etops ' 6.f' Canada' 'during.: the past, soris°°. bn'S'ed„upon .returns,, from ' griculthrel correspondents 'at t , of cetobeg, L , , , Lse . .. Upon total "areas 'for P6t4t0e$, I'M'. , nips, mangolcls, etc., hay and Iver, alfalfa, indelea. 'corn aeci sasar'beets, =minting to ir,732,000 acres, as cern' '. peced with 0060;000, aerca oise, year, The total value; of the, proclue,ts ie 192,500,000, eompared with, $2•23,750,. 000, a :decrease, in value of $35,290,000. IT.n.h4rio'cnie,chreorlieirils a:crcearauoartenatIlvb.yyl, celtlhd,a..ocifi.atellE11.-ssi hay and clover • In ni 1 le 1 than,last year in area by 426,000 acree, ' 2 000 mg ons and in value in yield by , , t . . by 000. - $2,580, t '' .- show increaset, All the 0 her .crops. except alfalfa, the area of w hieh in Canada is relatively small,' The area estimated to be sown to . fall in live provinces of Canada this , season aggregates 1,086,000 acres, as. compared :with. 1,156,g.J0,. acres, Etnlate area sown last y,ear. lan.., repres ,s a net decrease of 70,100 aeree, or six per reent. The condition of this crop on Qat. 31 was 92.67 per cent. of the standard for the five provinces. It Wes above 90 irteach province, except Manitoba, where the small area of abbot 4,000. acre,s had a per cent. ,00nclition of . 88 1-2. The pereeneage of fall plowing COM• pleted upoi3 land intended for, next year's •orops ranges from 45 in On. tatio to 77 in Prince Edward Island for.the east and from 24 in Alberta to 38 in British Columbia for the west. IRE ',13FOTAFOICINE FOR 4YOURO,' . , :. . CHRDRE,N,•': ,-.': • ; .•,. .., • - , .,. . ESC „. ........ ., I I .. . COatStOve,for ',Safe..., !,, '1:)..'11,,': ' , ,:,•, - ,., ,•,'P4c.140,9,x-IP.r,, ' .., . Ar",,EklitTElpli.u"stILIOLLalt(jI4,()00,.9•,,R.O. l' -pee ,' , liae.2- ,,',• rt oivenr" It''' 0. t , .,:13. ,.• . , . ,_, . , .., . ., . ,, . • ,,, • L , , , , ' Yrs. 12 ldoriC 'Itiobero'° ; Lae Lciag %lime , ,weiftenenerSS have used Bal y's.. owil.,TabiAs,for My letileY,whie sal-. „.:e. ,.......L, n .....,_..„_,, „,..„ ii , . T .ei , g."41,8Wi.d.ns• '17e ew• . '' :h. 'r 'Aitr'4,61<•• : . . tars ,Ithetalj, Linen.' ...,' . L. ': . , • ,, • •.[Iir''Islh,g18;t;elf!'ilVii,Lea:up'rtcr'clr;tePhtittlizalkr);.lan.'CIITIn4- ,.._. e, isecoeut; who IS. ninety-niie. years' old 'cl!OlXNTo h,..' Apply...tk' ...''''' .0., HOARE': ' e ...,',. • ,.. , .. ,. • -. - •." SISARL' SS. .11. . RLEi , , ,, and' Still 'Well and.l. cheerful, '"Live teinperately,.•ba •elove to anger; deri't take, of. exercise' in the ' ,. ,, i AA pane' tor nate ,'„ '' , '":' .• .'11 ,•'• . .,: i''' , ' '' ' ' • ''HEACI7:111.e$1.A.:T133ceE18.t.517NnciDteti'lYNe't:leUtig" iiii.9'N'-fiAg. ' feel :froth eforaenee . toonne ,aos , voinitinge' -.also ofiiotiee pen.stination o , . pe .e.L , e L t . v . .., .,,, , , rem:nil:mesa ' them to e, , , ., , L., , L .'' L . • L ,. , .,. , . ,' en; ,e'. .;. CHOLERA SCOURGE., SPREADS , , L , L L , ',. .everrY" enmity fresh air:. and, above all; keep .cheere , . . L . ,. ,,, hou. id' .the' .. • tern' get. run' down -a, „,.......", ' , A. , cc:ember:table' /rattle . house, in' good ;repair, quarter aerie' of lalud‘ With fruit trees, ,con.veneently Ito- ' ' • '°°1-1°1'. ° kranria_ge.Licenses, Huron St., Olnitorine' * , ' - sees allmotners , '''21-14e vary ' be8 r4edic19•° fol.; y ming 'children. The Tablets are, leaVeriOn Metall othes, Inerllenttie not . ' onilY ' he: us they PromPllY' e,111•0 elan:tech trorlde, . eonenioatton , l' °lie, etc' e 'taiit becan.se ' thicS are .gna. allteetl• te IT absolutely sal o . aitd • free lfrom all•harnif0 d'xitga• aSoldt5 clays:Ines '' adiheotilx8 if:ceralreoTrest :vripl3LoW7iattli-11' i aras'lledidine Co ' , , ,, , - . ,,, .. - , ,L ,. , , . . Fiesu' rnptiOn,.Of "Hoslpilitie.,sf'1,,v,iF,Ion,:- . , . .,, , , ., IY a' Mov,.-nn the art 9 the miles , ,' to Force Turkey 'to ,Accept Their ' F,eice. terri'vs _ maiiro p .sha ' , • • , ,,- ' , , Dlaims . to Have Repulsed .B,u, k ' ' garian ,Attack at TchaPlia. f,,Li oanndearir,in. Nisotvic.elh8s.-yeThiseinnedeg.,Oafan'adtitonhes , digesteve organeY'PYreak-- weak -the 'blood thin, and.sluggish, take Vine!, which is Et sdelielous cembihation of,tbe medicine e-body-buildisate Properties of nods' milted.. Thie Very' comfortable pita 'C' erity will belsoa Qheaz ,. • ApPly to %LIR. SnJAS. TUCKER,. ' • Froincea's•Sh'ec0 ' , H. T ,RANOE! Notary Puhlie, ConyeS•a,neer, ' ' -pinaneial and Real Estate; livers; rith. the useless grease elimi- Sta,ted and. tonic 'iron ,added. We 're- . gard Vinci.' as one of the ;greatest body-builders and 'strength-ereatore in • • . ' - , ' ,, . ' . Wanted,_,.... , INSURANCICAGENT-kepresentipenPiro In , BUTS1:100 00101)(10f08.7. , Division Court Otgee• tile world for aged peeple. L , Mrs. Mary Ivey, of Columbus, Ga., ' , , , Coble and kitchen' gixl wanted at once. , . . ,;413131yyllitto° J ' RATTENEtirY Medi%-ai• ' --sie J. B. CARLISLE DEAD. ,•- . Bulgarians yeSterclay , opened the at- tack against the Turks all along the Tchatalja lines. The heavy says: "If people only knew the good Vinol does old people, you would be Rattenhimy Hou • se , Ds) 5. sr. Tmomvseng Widely Known Toronto Men Passes • • Aw • S dd I. . , Away u en /. ' Toronto, Nev. 18.-T. D. Carlisle, fornserly .one of the best known •rnen in Canada, 'cl,ed in a denson's chair evhile waitins far attention Saturday. Tho body w s removed f. . the °tee, thet • of Dr. Ifutehmson, 317 her- bone street, to the morgue. He had dropped into the doctor's office at 1.30,p.m, Saturday. Tha doe- ter was absent, and the maid left him seated in a chair, When the phyen. clan came in ten minutee later he found a lifeless body. FIeart failure was the eause of 'death . • J. B. Carlisle founded the. Manufac- turers' Life Assurance Co., helped to start the North American Life loser- anee Co., and in many other ways was connected with the insurance businessb' , . from its earliest days in Canada. He was intimate with all the big men in the business and political life of the -country three decades ago. Tn fact few of the younger men who have become prominent i p Torooto's /intim. ties but knew him . At one time he drew almost the larg• est salary in the country and made a very big fortune as fortunes were 'counted in the days of tbirtn or forty years ago. Practieally all the insuranc.e acts of the various provinces are based on his recommendations and expert °pin. ion. He was e,ounted the most expert aetuary of his time. He took somo part i, political life, and one notable instance remembered by Many eves his . trip to Ottawa with a satchel contain- ing $S0,000 cash, which he gave as a campaign eontribution to hie friend, the late Sir John A. Macdonald. The noted leader was the first:president of the Manufacturers Life, which Mr. Carlisle founded. His ability as a business man, besides pasopal attn. butes, made him co -unties; acquaint- anees, including -practically rill the present day big business men of the city. ' He was 79 years of ag.e. Sixty-one years ago he came to Toronto from Yorkshire, -when he had .been an nue- tioneer. e joined the Confederation H Life Insurance Co. and quickly was a big man in the insurance field, evh,ion was naturally rather restricted at tnat time. He soon started in to found new companies and made himself half a million dollars in a very little time. He formerly owned one I the best kennels of dogs in the country and a steins of racehorses, together with valuable collections of pictures and brie -a -brae. He was of Romany de- scent, and before leaving England lob lowed the calling of an auctioneer, selling works of art ancl bric-a-brac. artillery , duel continued throughout the day. . It appeared to be a Bulgarian pre- - paration for a.. infantry attack. The Turkish fleet participated vigorously in the defence at th'e Marrnora, end lines and presumably Turkish war- ship; assisted an t,he Black Sea 'end also. ' Nazirn Pasha, the Turkish comman. der -in -chief, in a despatch last even. in claims to have repulsed the Bub ealan attack and destroyed three - - . .. . - I, B dgarlan battenes. No news of the battle has been re- ceived as yet from Sofia and no in. ..• fon:I-lateen az to the strength of the /owes engaged on either side. Nazien Pasha's headquarters are near the HarlemItein Banway station. According to the latest reports, the battle ceas d with• .e w. nightfall. The resumption of hostilities is not regarded as indicating the collapse of Vile peace negotiations, but rather as a means to hasten Turkey's eccept- ance of the allies' terms, by proving her complete helplessness, or. aS one correspondent phrased it, "to establish an accomplished feet before making further communications." The Bulgarian Government organ, Mir, reverts to the subject of peace, and plainly intimates that the allies are prepared to consider the question of an alliance with Turkey, provided the latter promptly accepts their terms, whioh would give Turkey the Opportunity of welding her tertitories into a Modern state and making finends of her conquerors. . The .Balkan states dearly have in mind the formation of such an alli- since as wnield be tibia to defy Euro- peen interference in the disposition of the spoils of war. Every day brings fresh despatches recording the terrible spread of cho- Jere. It is now ;stated that there are a thousand cases daily, with 11 mortal, ity of 50 per cent., while the Turkish authoritiee' are impotent to take imy meneures to prevent its further spread. This being the ceee, it is still doubted :whether Om Bulgatians will risk the danger of a match to Con. stantin,eple. It is, therefore, believed that hoetilitiee have been ineumed in order to Marr Marry the Porte' acceptance of whme atever tathe allies dictate. The ,sanititry beard at ,Constanti. maple has adapted a resolution ex- preseing el-avecianeern at the proepeet of either the Turkieli or the Bulgarian army °endive juin tile capital. The ainhassathas-of the power-, have taken Prompt measureF and W , .1 land de. taelimente hettay from tile foreign warships, for the preteetion sit the. fereien residente and prnmrty, The 'War cmtinites al other pnints. The ,11eteneerir.s have captured San L unable , to supply the. demand; it 18 the finest tonic and strength -creator I ever used," . We wish every feeble old per- son in this vicinity' would try Vinol onoar agreement to return their - , For .hale , . . 1 Wood stove, and lnaeclinan size coal heater. . • . DGIG, Marble Worics , • Aldan, Suriiieon. Etc ' ;medal attention g'ven to diseasee of:the Eye, Ear. Thiroat, and Non, Eyes carefully e,,ainined, and suitable! Prescribed. • -,, Two "ii ce and Residence. doors • west of the Cononterelal Bete; [ILLED . ' • . ,.. THREE BOYS ' • , Money if, it tails, to give satisfaction. ' Farm tor Sale , , Huron St. RES, ' DRUGGIST , : fVf. S. . HOLM ', CLINTON. ONT. ' ' ---- • 100 acres, Lot ,IS, con. 3, Hutliett, 2fr10-m2 tilischileoaol.lr°Gillooediiiratr°rall' mile1oy LES. 'GV/VN and WINDIER fir' W• 44“nuill" 14' 41 r"L". lit (18- Mi.' Dr ,,I. C. Candler. R.4, 41.1a, . , lrtay Man Confesses by .Post- • .' . Card to -Murder Mania. , ' North Bay Wants Hydro. ' North Bay, Nov. 18.-Crowiled Boil loam, well watered and ianproved,2 acres orchard, good buildin,g.s, barn Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Sight mills at residence, Rattenhart St. or at hospital, ' ' NE BODY IS DISCOVERED .- . . meet- ings have been held every night last week et the R,oyal Theatre prepa,ra, tory to the voting on the Hydro -Mee- trio and Nipissins Power Co. fralmhise • Fridayi'it theatre bylaws. nightie was 50,51, stone ;basement, gement floors, stabling lor 22 head of c t- tle and 5 horses, also 3 large box stalls; hog pen and hen house 2c, cement hasseiment • 7-rc om, Xxie b . / . , . LL s a ory house . DR. J. , W. SHAW. PHYSIOLIN. SURGEON. reourbenr, ete., oftlee and rewdence on et webers, BC. onvoside W. rarranie residence. , eformation From Unknown Slayer /esults In Finding of Remains- Man Says He Has Killed Three Lads and Has Tried on Twelve " Other Occasions - Police Are Trying t3 Locate Hm. i Buffalo, Nov. 18. -Confession of at test three marders and admission sat there are still snore, is the start!. sg disclosure contained in postal ads from a modern "Dr. jekyll and fr. Hyde," in the person of the mur- erer of six-year-old Joseph Josephs, >ceitted by the police and made emb- e here last night. The murder of m Josephs boy, whose entire body in ecoraposed fragments was found on aturday in a eesspool near his borne e Lackawanna, after a search of over year, is believed by the police to e but one of a long series of similar cimes committed , throu,gbout the auntry by the man who, according > his own confessions, Las an irre- ;stibl° mania kr killing boys. Sat' rday's gruesome discovery -was made y followirtg the minute instructions Dntainecl in the postcards which iiPti Regan of the Buffalo pollee has eeti receiving from time to time_ • Young Josephs disappeared about 4 'clock on the afternoon' of Oct. 12, RI., His father, George Josephs, a rerninent merchant of Lachawanna, isisted from the start that the boy ad been kidnapped and a country. ide search was instituted. The case t the time attracted widespread at- ntion, as the father from time to time aceived anonymous letters warning ire to discontinue the search on pain f having his son mendered. Sato"- ay's developments indicate that the turderer took this means of creating re belief that the boy was still alive. In one postal ... .rd Mailed from Bos- ea, the unknown writer speaks of 'ordering a boy in Central Park, New 'ork City. It reads: • 'Wednesday night, Dec. 10, 1902, I nticecl Michael Ricca Oruik, a news- oy at 86th street and Central Park Vest, New York City, is • ii the perk pposite the entrance to the arsenal °lice station. I strangled him and ist- escaped the officer who found em as I eame back (few words here legible). Three times have 1 taken fe, 12 times have tried, and cannot elp it.'' • Another card, dated Boston, Mass., ev. 9, 1912, and written apparently y the same person, and also itin.sign- I, states that the writer "unfortuin tely had too much money," that lee as a prominent, fraternity man of a igh degree, "honored a.nd respected." My son," it continues, "is married ad happy. Can 1, tinder ' .e oireurn- ;slimes, give myself up? I can, of 51100, but there are still Mare mar. ars I have not told you.. Shall I sneer The first pasteard received was post. , ,arked Boston, Sept. 11, 1912, , and as addressed to Supt. lalic.hael Regan ! the Buffalo police department. It tads ."I am sick of trying 1.> fool my. ;If. I am a homicidal maniac, I dled Joseph Josephs of Lackawanna, .Y. 7 strangled him as I did others, lease advertise the fact. Post it or . rite for , information. Come to (ink nudges make the balanne of the card t•clecipiterable.) The second postcard was addressed Chief Roy Gilsen of the Laeka- anna police force, as Mows: "Boston, Mass„ Sept. 17, 1912.-10 at only knew the remorse in my >art on , account of the rnmders I lye committed as the result of my anicidal mania, even you and George isephs would pity ine. I am -writing iS Just getting over another &rank try to forget the ones I killed, but ce Banque s ghost, it will riot down, ana fast going to pieces mentally ' cl spiritually." The last postal card was dated New irk, -Nov. 12, 1912, and stated that ' e writer eXpeeted to be. in Buffalo ednesday, the 13th, and that he mid oat t tit' 1. t t• t ' , , a ,e po ioe s a :on a, , 11 n., ',Se.' shall expect you • to, be. in nr ,acatie " • 'e• A ,, R Den seem ' and was the only card of the ' sies to hear a signaeare. The writer I not keep the appointment, 4... Cho police 'and federal authentic's -Boston and New York have been , , led to asst the local -officials in seeetteepiet to locate the murderer. . ,., ......... NiCvsbois Murder Confirmed.,' qew York, Nov. 18. -Records in the' zpLeneee, csrpco. in ilits oilybear out > text of, the postai dard Written to, ell:tiff:al° police, giving inforrnatime the strangling of Michael Kruck, , ,we iewsbey, in oent.„1 pat', . Knack's body as found on De.c, 10, 12e,the date mentioned on the card, ' , . an elteavation, at the point where rat '76t1i. street terrninatee' at • Cen- 1 .Park, A ;Coroner's', jury rettnined ' ' veidiet of death "irons asPhyxia- n, by .strangling, inflicted by some ssen• or 'Perstins unknown " ' , . . • , ' • ' ediari ,•,•,.,,, ., ' packed to the doors when Mayor Scott of Galt spoke at •considerable length, and enthusiastically of two years operation by the Hydro -Electric commission in that town, where the service has been profitable from the start and this year is piling -up a big ric e veneer with sure mer kitchen, woodshed, and buggy house, convenient to how*, Terms -2-5 of purchase money down, re- Inainde,r on place at 41-2 per cent. or otherwise to suit purchaser. Apply on preinises. S. A. BR,OWN IOR. 1.7'. 14.RXCIIIII DENTIST , .,„ . _ ... Lennie and Erre ,,e 11 orai a Specially% lo. c.o.n.s... Chicago. ana ti.e.D•S Eaylleld on-MondaYs, New set toneeeniss ANAEMIC GIRLS SEEM EV1RVWHERE . • • • . Nine Out of Every len Show Symptoms of This SerionS Trouble. , ---- .. ,c/ a, ,.1 asmin under_ So steadily . „,5 ,. i ' rine the healto of young. growing • .. g•rls and young :women that.itt,iis v rood/ dsd as one et the lignit% = . - teat enemies of her sex. ,Nine gle,1:eraa en out of ten are Voodless * " , more or sess, and In many easesne- gleet has allowed anaemia to .see , 't 810p into hopelase cleclioe, There le't security 'and new stre, gth for weak, tired girls anal women in Dr. et rlitons' Fink Pillfor Pete Peope. They ea -welly neeke the now, good b 1, /ood of health chat bardsb es the se;evaya :ired ', wealoiess, Jed the con•tinual bacicaelee ot ensemia. They drive a-esty headaches, the Icw spirits, rhe palpitation onthe overworked heart and the its of .cerveruenew, that mark thit wornen v hose weak bluod is -enable to nourish their wastieg framer,. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have given 'health to onhappn anaemies in eases toonumerous to record Here is one exeinsle. 'Miss Hattie B, Xi•illite of Whilavill. Ors, seos si-- 'Some two year-eago 1 Levine. aery Mach run doeves . I consolted a doctor wile told ri. e that t ams 5, bad case of anaemia snd nervous- oasis Iliad Most af the :tyros -toms , hat a ceompany tine troll hie, such osheadae.h .s. a tired feeting, poor appstito, and psllor. Thg doietcals medicine did not seem to p me raid then ' I ' esan chartaang 1 , om . . ' ene medicine '1,0 anotheii, bot enithe no,better results. Finally at.th • on of as•e- mother I decided °,.ugege"-- - ill' 1 .3. P111.1 I ams `" "ri Dr. • \ in cons I inte. 2 t two 'bol. •"S 0 nd by tane 1 tu...ten lthem I begap to feel better This cheered me very- much, ftud I e-entinued using the Kills until I , lad taken nine or tee boxes When L was again enjoying the very best of health, and ntcl " " ' ' ht . gonea Imo en!, as wet.. Ihgee Proved inmy ease that DrntV Pliams Pink r..ns are a cute or anaemia an can recom- f d mend them to similar Benne/goo. sold by men: eine dediers esr by ratig at 50 contr.. a hex, or six boxes 00 $2,50 from The Dr Willii. Tne alegicen.e ce,,Beteelt-enje, Ont. ' surplus. Farm or Sale • DR. Ff. FOWLER, , DENTESTe ..,er . Nii,' I ilt ,For S ---. Parra for sale being lot 7 in the lit concession Township of Hallett containing 100 mires, all eleared but about 7 a.cres of bush. On the Officeo over O'NEIL'S attire. Special ears taken to make dental irest, meat as painleos aa poesible. al' ,„ ____ • J. . g J tal UTTON Lon desboro Ont. farm is a DOW ti-iek house With far- Pace. Large bank barn evi th ee- raent floors in stables. Plenty of 'stater o• well fenced, and under- drained. This farm is well situated being onthe blinam. Iload. Will be S. ld on reasonable tt rms. Apply sn the farm or ad Iress Sea/forth post office. THOMAS GU NDRY . , Live stook and general Auction see I i GODERIOH ONT I is, ,, 3 rn9tom sales a• enemata „). Orders of 21 NEW ERA °Mae, Clinton,prt,motty attenclse to. Term reasonable. Farmers' sode note discounted i.,. 9 MELVIN CLARK I, G. D. IVIcTs,ggare M. D. MoTagga,r For Sale Farm For Sale MeTaggart. 44os. -- One single sleigh, one set of bul- gie harness, 'nearly new ; , singie plow, a double plow, set of harrows, and one new pulper, and quantity teed. - A first class farm, consisting o/ 75 acres, on eon. 12, part lo't 34, Hal- t townshi 3iniles from Landes- let ps bone, and Smiles from Blyth, 1 1-2 miles from School. A bank ,basin 36 i° y 56, another barn_ 36x52, drive BRIIIILICERS ALBERT ST , CLINTOE * Ceeraeral Bank/net Bilailltelll transacted ot cut hay and. green Apply st peemises. AIR S CEO. PICKETT AnnsoiL 51., torte, ----- '- hed E24x40. A brick house, plenty of water, about ELM, acre of cies- (e thard. Possession can be given right after harvest. Apply to -- NOTES DISCOUNTED Deanleaned. Interest allowed me deposits. 3,Iletkell Safe WILLIAM LONGMAN, Blyth, 13,9. The MciCillop Mutual _ A moving clemenne sale by auc- tion will bo held by 0. Beare on Tao Mouses o L ., . Monses I Ct . , Fire Insurance Co. Ftserm and Isolated Town Prop Saturday, Nov. 34th, at his corner store, Clinnton, beene Blocs: of a rum,ber of lseemad-lis.nd organ or- gams and pianoe, stools. 'Mono- hs One art --- . Di e undersigned has two houses to le" t %poly to • Jacob 'Paylor erty Only insured. OFFICERS. J. B. MeLea.n, President, Seaforth. ,T . Connolly, Vice -I -res., Goderieli, violins etc, Sou- glaP ' I t * b ' • -genii' eoa a ove, tease lamer; nice sideboaed, sone comers, be.lstead,s, etc. Sale to commenee at 2 pen As 1 . 0 t . El, tt . m rno tong 0 6 018 ill , 0 "flock, near the N eev Bra office, all tlsese goods will he sold. All tun - raente 'andel! five jolt:Lye eesh: over '/hat Pasture Land . ---- Some first class pasture land to be sold in loth to suit pnrchasere. At teactiVe.priees. Amply to john Ransford, G T. In, City Agent T.E. Hays, Sec,-Treas., Sean:otitis ., DIRECTORS. Jas, LConnelly, Hennesvalle John Watt, Harlock ; G, Dale, Clint'on; D. F. 1VIcGrogor, Seafortb , J. Evans, /'oechw°°d ; J. G. al...1°v°' Wir414°P J 13ennewels, B clii • M ro , afeen, Shoots Up Pool -room. o Edmontan, Alta., Nov. 18. -Victor _Koss. a young poo wie ei, en eret 1 I -tl • t t Lewis Brothers' crowded cafe at an rl hour S. t I • d ea; Y e we ay morning an tried to hold up a number of customers at the point of a revolver. Ile began shooting up t , ha place and then rc,„ • , 1 into the street and started toward Howard avenue. Among severel men who started is pursuit was Sainnei Law. an employe of the C.N.R, W11 0 011tstrippcd the other pursuers. 1108S t d cl fl • d • t L tl 1 11 t, urne an ie a aw, se oz. e entering the left ear and passine through the base of the brain. ' ' t 1 • B I Ross is Stilla sage. a ore corn. ing to Edmonton he was well-known to.'ound the Calgary pool rooms. The chief of police says the shooting was ov about some woman er whom the men had quarreled, but this story does not seem of much. value, as Law has lee -en in town only a short tittle,P and ELS far as can be learned, does not k h"1 ' t Th - now is asses an . ere may poe- sibly be something in the enplane. tion, however, as both men formerly resided\ in Vancouver, and there may ' l't1 have bean a quarre there, Giovanni di Sleroa, ancl,the battle for the pOS,i;es,..lop ai Monastir is now co- ing en, All Um apprnachc$ t,, that, , , town are reperted to ee in Serviae 'lands - The political sieuation in Censtenti. ,nollic is serious.' Arrests ci \,*oting Turks continue and there are still ro mars of the poseibilily ol the restore. dell rI the ex -Sultan Abdul Medd. Itis• -it I ' th It '' , acps tt in c a.in n . 'nip CS that rimstria has greatly modified her demands on &rola. Detnenetratiens of sympathy with the Balkan aspire.- dons are ceusing trouble in the Bos- . . man diet which hee publicly proteet- • i - ecl against the Austrian Government's attitude in fawning the Albanian end opposing the Sermans. he town- ' T councils of %taint° and Sebenico, in Dalmatia, have been dissolves] by the Goveroment on 5050001 of their pro. Servian eyrnpathies „ a . i , lhe 1)aily Mail despatch from Com stantmo le timed 0 p.m., says; , Unofficial reports say that the Turks have gained a great success, The battle opened al, 8 o'olock in the morn- ing. The Turks succeeded, after some 11OUTS of violent fighting, in defeating the right Bulgarian wing and in re. r. , . ' , pulsang the left 'Mpg, TheY ealeturen amount els menthe or one year time given if desired. C. HOARE . Farm tor Sale. -- - .M- Bevan, Clinton. Each Director is Inspector of lessee lm his own district. Ladies Wanted ,..._- The executor of the Southcombe Estates offers for sale 50 acres!. - East half of lot 28, eon. 6 Hullett. ' , AGENTS. Robt. Smith, Harloelt ; Ed.11inch- ley, Seanorth • Wm. Chesney Eg- EmPitlYment - of•ered in •• Player Preu.matic Department. Light euita ble work amid plea sfen t aur- roundings. In. New Ycrk or Chicago this is considered employment for A first-class farm, well watered and improved, and with good buildings. Also the und I's' ed oftersf for sale, lot 29i eon! lgull 6, Hu - ett, 100 acres. Theee farms may b e bought togetheroseparately.7. r d 'II • J 'IV Y ed ' ' ill mon va e, . . ea, oemeav e, Payments may be „made at The Id 'Ma Clothing Co C1' t oral .2 en rare Or R.11. Cunt, Gode.rich. 0 -- tire highest elects cf lad onerators Y . . . Apply at the Office of JAMES SOUTHCOMBE. Clinton. W. DOHERTY 'PIANO AND ORGAN CO.. rannited. Clinton, . JA00B TAYLOR OLINTON GEOIICIE ELLIOTT Live Stock St General Auctioneer . for County of Dimon. Clinton, Ont, . Farm, Stock Sales a specialty. onni. 1 ft t, N f • . eat e a New Era , al fate, Clii t tl '' • n: •on, promp , y eucenacled to. Tennis reasonable and •sa•ti f t• s tee eten gum, an,teed, or •eaII 1oa13 on157 ford & illeLeod We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover, We always have on band -Goose Wheat Peas Barley and Feed Corn , s i . --0-e- • • Highest Market Prices paid tor Hay and ,all .Grains. --- Fire, Life and Accident Insurance • - Real estate bouotht and sold Money to loan _ ' Office Isaac Street, next door to Neve Era. . Germany Cuts Naval Expenses. Berlin Nov,18.-Soma 0 tl lead.• , ov, 0 le ing items in the budget of the Ger. man empire for the corning year are given in The Beersen Courier Saler day, One of the beading' * ' fi n a lima I dailies. ' The, tot -I ' A 4 income 513,..., expeneiture are balanced at approximately $762,- 000,000 each, an increase of about 574,- 000,009 over last year. The estimate for the navyis given at $'1.19 950 000 • ' , ,... „ or an increase of Sts 500,000. The ordinary naval expendi- tare increases by 54,000,009 anti th n ' • •' d' - e on-le:cursing expel> iture by $5,200,-lemkani. 000, but the extracrd• . ei i inary eepenri- tuts on the navy is •reduced b ii" 750,000 owing to tli • y ' ''' e a,pproactung cora- pletion of the na.val constructior: , program, ' • , ' . • HIER-DINNER MINIS ' • ';' 12 guns ancl 8,000 ptisoners. The Turk. tali warships contributed , largely to their success. . Montenegrins Defeated. °fla a n mop e, ov, .- le or r. C t t• 1 Nov,8 ' *T1 T 1 ish coinmancler at Scutari telegraphs date Nov. Godeanch Towcasheas ' Ford & NtcLeo d Grrand TruitkRailway System ' _ 1.4,1. CLINT° COAL Railway Tinae Table - . . ___....„,..,,,‘..,_.,......,......____..,____ under. of 15 that a battle oceurred on the heights east of Mus- . - London, Heron .. YARDS ' Yards Opoogite G T R Station ' ' " T.R. ' * - AtaaaaaaAaAaaaaalialia.adadada 4 4 in 4 4. • I"" and Bruce. ,North , Passenger London, depart... _ 8,80 a to 4.50 p en Centralia 9.40 5,43 Exeter ... .. .. , 9.58 5.54 Berman D d .in,atect r. e Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly 1,owerful in regulating the generative portion oft e female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. do Iran's are sold at 55, ,box, or three for 810. Mailed to any address. Tye Sooboll Drug Co, St. Catharine., On " , It lasted two days and term. in the complete defeat of the Montenegrins, who lost 1,000 killed . and many MO re wouncled. The Turk- ii., -1,,,c..,, , L... numbered 385 lulled and '"" '''""'" W 0 II ndecl. .. The, co:meander of the western • ' army, ander date of Nov. Th. tele- , All kiwis ' el Coal on hand- it.- - '-' uestitut Solt Coal Stove ,Blacksmith Furnace Coke • ,- e ' kennel Coa. and .Wood ; . . -2. , 3 an 4-inc size - Tile i ' d h ' , fl Tile ' fb le is cx , the' very est quality. &DA to Order. ll I. 4 Pialn(IS E 1 la 4 lio• 4 la. 4 ia See ,.., , , t 4 and here our finest p. . , , 0 4 ' • 0. i New Stylishdesigns of . 4 Di 4 Doherty Pianos and ip. 44 .4 r. Organs, ' 4 E 0. 1 .., , ,, _ , 0,„ spectal values in Art 1., . ,. .. . . ,...., 10.08 5.05 Rippen . 10,16 6.11 Brucefield 19.30 • 6,19 ' Clinton 11.00 6,35 Londesboro.. - ... . 11.18 6.52 Blyth.... ......... 11.27 7.00 Belgrave., ....... 1L40 i7.13 Wingham, arrive.., 11.50 7,35 - south • PaSsenger , Wingliam, clepart., 6.43 a m 3.33 p m Belgrave 6,54 3.44 Bbyth '7.08 3.56 Londeshoro .... 116 4.04 ' Clinton . , .. 7.50 4,28 • Brucefield... ... . .. , 8,12, 4.39 K, ippen 8.23 4.47 Hensale 8.32 4,52 ' , . RailroadeThreateris London ' ' Landon Ont , S, The ono,' o' I ' t ' * Nov.' •-' - ---ja- • commit el of the Board of ' Trade - which was appointed to consider Hon. Adam Beck's scheme to .eleet • ' ' ' rify the London and Port Stanley road, which. is owned by theely, .Friday jai t ' ' - ' - ' I' -' refuseel to recommend the proposal, until it was iven f n d I • • g . ur ier an more. minute oonsiderabon. The scheme in. valves an expenditure te the city of 4,800,000, Sir George•Gibbeins declared ' tho mformatio 1 igsnisheci ,bytiee Hy- . dro-Electrie 0Ornmisston, i'vas. too ' filieliairE:'' -TV- n'•", .."^"-; ' . '. Saturday morning it was stated het , a ,Michrgan Cebtral official that thfft company worilcl with,cltaw• its London corm ec bi on' ft Mt. Beck's scheme was , . ''''''''''''-`-•'------ ' - _ ' ' ' A. tausl•'•al.bit is st pioca of good : • , luck. , , ' ---e- , . ' , , Children. Cry FOR r el.". f'. ' ' ' r Lc i ultER'o • se - , T'A a 7 0 FR' 1 A ' • * ' '' ' ' ' ' ' --..7.-- - i` , A judge lays down the law when Peliiits the bench.. ' . . ' -.-----''' graphs that a decisive. battle will be- gin to -day in the region onionastir. ' ' ' Hundreds of Turks Blown up. Athens, 'Nev, 18, -The eiplosion of , • a furlosh magazine at. Saloniki sev- . • ', . eral days ago did immense. execution. Phe megazine ivas close 10 the cavalry. . „ , , ny Jur • e • baTracks, ,where ma . . kieh pit -on , ere were confined Three 'hundred and , ' . twelve of the 'Turks were trilled and 430 wounded' - ' • . • ' ------- . - • Children Cry , , FAR r S . ....o. eSs°"" •LETLE•HER' ' ge... e ee • KO; ',A, •SI: I S...) FC I Ale - 4- Tureie irro e•Ino as gOM.) 'etnnroli- • . .t. b d i ' meets as, ever wore is e or. . ,•• , , 1 e 1. L -n -e- , L 1 ' • • t 1 Restorer• f ,lec_rife ' or Men restores ever nerve in the body, Phosphoric.' ta it. prote..i... atom., Death Thraugh Secret Past St. Jean, Mon., Nov. I8. --The in ' ' • ' - t o tAd 'e • - pies n he body of ri n Reoleard, who, was, shot by his big Danish el Mllft euna,, Bob o er, who a erwards committed suicide; was held Friday. The jury returned the' folloWing ver- . , tt., d' -11- ' • aeee . • • ha,v.e .corne to the oonclusion . . -that a eeteret, existed between IVIoller and Rickard; that Moller' .casne• Irmo IV' • •th th ' te V 1.' 1111111Deg W1 e en. n 1011 o taking the boy back or killing him; that the ' ' ' Ts A--1 , • -ORB IS r • .. Phone 52. ' , , liases, 1 ,, , .'" ' 1 Pianos and organs rent , , b ' ee• it. 5. be 0- Ilp Exeter 8,48 5.05 Centralia 9.00 5.15 LondonSarriye10.00 0.10 • Buffalo and Gode . wee'. Passenger . a rfl pm, pm pm '""•-"ns""'"'''''''. • '''' ' ""•-• C CD A J. -J. , . • , .. ' placing ' Before your orders for your season 8 supply o Coal, get •• f t '' 'our prices, The very best goods '''• carried in stock ands Id t the o a , e to p ice, , west possible e. ' - Orders may be left Davis '' ' i - ed choice new Edison 1 ' . • ' L • '0 - phonographs, Music et gi, b _.,, , 4 variety goods. , 4 ' ' ' , ' "" ' ' ' ,ii , - ' m • Eumarinin USIC .,...V.7."".. ' ''''' '' o '• , 1,. t• 1". ' Stratford -n...10.00 12,20 5,25 1'0,20 Mitchell-. 4 .....10.22 .12.45 5,55 10,47 Settforthon. . .. .. 10.45 1,10 6.18 11,12 Clinton . .... . . ...11.07 1.25 6,401,1.2S " llohnessolle,.. -11.16 1.33 6.46 11.88 Goderich.. .. . . -11.85 1.50 7,05,11,55 East Feessenger , . ain' Pen PM GOCieriC11.... .,.,..,7.10 240 , 4.50 Hohneoville.:,'7.26 2.57. 5.06 Clinton ,7r85 3,67. 5,15 ' Seatorth 7.52 3.25," ' Death of Hon. J. 13,. ,Rolland. '... ' ' r Mont, 1 N (1 tl to 1- rea , Nor, 18. -The ea, 1 . a, place soddenly Saturday from heart disease of H6n• 3,' D. Rolland, 'nem' ber of the Legislative Cou.ncil of h ' ' QUO -00. . ( The deceased was one of the beat, known, Merchants mid bankere in Canada, Ile Was president of the Bank of Heolielaga and J. D. Rolland Pa- per Co. and ea -president of the Cana- IVranufacturere 'Associatiom ' lie • .,. . was prominent. In all ternpera.uce arowements,in Quebec; and was a goy- ern or of Latial University. non. air: o , , , , _ „ nonetnet was DOrn in , Al 0p Dr 0 41 iii • , , ' .„.„...__ _. par vireand vithltty. Prenatargdepay and iiirlasexual weakness; agerted at once. .Phosphonol will - ill tY 'Ialt man. Price 13 ii-box„qr two for toa„k WI ali on toany address. The Illeobeit Drag ,V,O.,fit,; IStharinees;00. - • . --.- .' ' ' ' • boy refissed to go .apd1Met death from , a ievo-ver in o er 5hand, 1 ' ItS 11 ' 'and that Molle killed th' s If with i • , I : no e wi • ns, own re- volver." ' . at .. tir Rowland's Hardware store, or ooeo . ''.'"'' ' 'Steveltsnn, . .. . , , • 0 . - are C H . E . ' .5,32 Mitchell.. . .. .... 8.10 a,12 5,55, . ,. ra ora ,8.40 4.15 6 20- . . ' . . ' ..' ' To amarr 'Marriaee , n1L sh,e, s far , .• • - - 180 'bait 'before than after.• Inn" ira- - r ' ; . ' ' . ' • • • . • . Am .1_4 . 4-4 „ , .' ,, , ........ • . ' ililtliZCP: ' - _ . _ .... . ,_• , ... . Iltit, J. . . , At Electric ,L,Ight Plant. , . , ; • . , ' ' II. - It. 4 , , NEW ERA .T013 DEPARTMENT. -- - -- - • -- --'-'-' . . . r The conunon, peeple ineledie all ' then:lee Who do not ahave every • , . 'vsaKt e n ury , FOA r1TCRER'S • _ _ -- _ -. - - ' ' o__ - 14o thr9ot and lungs. 1; n Oa soots, •,..ninelliete"e.ennItase .211.41 _ .ne • ' (`' "