HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-11-14, Page 8Page e. adies an Misses Suits Next,'Next,' Pal b Misses and Dresses .1 JE ARE showing a large range of New Fall Suits and Dresses for ladies and misses, of the very„newest styles, in plain cloths, colors, navy, black, brown, green and grey. Also Fancy Tweeds. These are right up to the minute and well worth in- vestigating. eriecd lrom $15.00 up New Novelties -in Ladies Lace Neckwear JUST now our stock of novelties in Lace Neckwear for Collars, Cuffs and Lapel wear, The very newest in accessories. 'Values that will surprise you at 50c tip New Fall Rugs and Carpets ®UR stock of Floor Coverings, such as Mats, Hall Runners, Rugs. Carpets, Mattings, Oilcloths and Linoleums is most complete. We specialize in Axminster, Wilton and Velvet Rugs of good quality and also carry a large range of Tapestry and Brussels in all sizes, • From $8.50 up ZTozer f7 'k•/ DIRECT IMPORTERS, CLINTONG T1632@S�l�°C,A6i£i�r 'd' - ... _..,. .._ _. .,_ .,....._,.......,. ..suss .,. EDUCATION • THAT PAYS • Is just the kind you get un • der the very best conditions • at any oneY f Shaw's w s Schools • • Toronto— The Central Buri- • • mess College, the Central Tel- • egraph School, and Four City • Jeraneh $ileum Schools. ,Our • • new curric1um explains the • practical courses giver,: Write ; fora copy, W.H.eShaw, pre- • • 'sident, Yonge and Gerrard ; • Streets; Toronto •• • • sesess••••••t!A•nieveseses••I swinnesimagmemaimummusuma Notice io Advc shSCF S All "Ads," and copy for the "change of ads" must be in IEbii Office not aster there Mo,n,da3' ovou.ine• Of each th se they week, o erw 4iewiiUbo too late, If.a holiday falls On Monday the :advertisers should then see that their copy ie in on the Saturday ,be fore, as•thie 'paper' goes to press on Thursday afreenoou so as to catch certain argils. This is also to your advan- tage _na in gives you a couple of days longer to advertise goods. This rule gooe lento force, at once. TO BOOST ETiPCN COUNTY/ ***•••••••••••l•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• i.' iF •. 1\ T • • • • e ••••••$ Pt•Ptt•t•tOZ•••••N t•Y••M•Y}•i•1•••••N••N,• FINED $100 AND COSTS, rAVLtY pPENED•. 'r Last week InspcctouTorrance <laid” 'Tries BowlingA(` a'a'g1ain b '0m a complaint against J.11, Ryan, of opened with l Ir, Ernie Groan, Qin Zurich, for selling on St>nday -and charge am'd' already many of the ae it leas the second oSfeneo Mag- fellows (Pond of that Pornil of ere, istrate, Acosts. imposed a fine of excise have had :ads; e mood airtea, '300 and casts, � >a g t WEDDED. The marriage of Miss Winnifred' Evelyn, daughter o£ •Mr, A. H, Good- win. of town to Mr,Ssmuel Ritchie' MecMath only son of Mr. and Mrs.. Wm MacMath of.Goderich was•solem' nized at the residence of the. bride's father on Wednesday afternoon Nov., 13th at three o'clock in the presence of immediate relatives onlv,tbe'ceremony being eondtactedbyRev. J.E.Ford pastor of Wesley Methodist Church. The bride (who was unattended) was given away by her farther and wore it dainty gown of cream Bilk yoile and carried an exquisite boquet cif cream hrtriirl roses. The wedding marches firm Lohengrin, and Mendelssohn wee played in duet forth by W, Glenn and Mrs. Campbell. After signing, of the register.a dainty buffet Much was served by the brides sister Mrs. W. Glenn Oompbell. On a side -table were to be seen many beautiful `gifts from. friends and relatives of the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. MacMath left on the 5 15 train for Toronto and Niagara Falls amid the good wishes of hosts of friends also showers of confetti and on their return will take un their re sidenee in the home near Goderich whici the groom has furnished for his bide The bride travelled in a suit of brown whipcord and large Mark hat. The grooms gift to the bride was a ferlined coat with sable collar and muff. THE LATE ENEAS MICH. - The Exeter Advocate in' .nalcing reference to meeting to bre Held in 0 'n Clintonon on Thursday i ,NovN v o . at, con- cluded chided with the following paragraph •-We trust that the Council of Exeter and those of the surround- ipg municipalities will see their way clear to do their part to help - irg'al n the gocd work of setting before the world the great possibili ties of this great county, Vie must retegnize that Huron lee decreased greatly in its porulation in the last stew years, and itis time scmething it as being donee oi'inprove matters. • A GoOi Breams! Prepares You top Vow oag'S VIOrR r l3 cad and Rolls From Our Bakery Insures a good breakfast ev- ery day and then means good digestion, good health and good trnies for eau. To have every meal a suc- cess order the pure foods, full of wholesome nutriment from our sanitary ,bakery. CHAS, CONNER Baker and Confectioner oUr Preseoi SpCCIIS ARE STOVES, - RANGES, COAL HEATERS, WOOD HEATERS, AND COAL OIL HEATERS We have a complete assortment ot of the celebrated HappyThought Ranges, .Pandora Ranges Canada Steel Range, Welcome National, Etc. All in the Nigh Grade Class The ones to depend on for reliability and durability. We have also cheaper lines, guaranteed to do good work, only not so heavy and of_course not so drivable, as low in price as $28.00, with reservoir and high shelf, Owing to the Success of our Bargain Sale of Defective 't w'L a we have decided to continue a Bargain Grans C r table in all lines of overstock, odds and ends, and defective goods, ' Everything' not right up to the mark will be put on this table, and narked in plain figures. This will enable customers to get what they want at small cost, A Roofing Bargain tti (hear Ont d only squares Amati'te, regular $2,50 for . $195 5 " Mohawk, regular $1,75 for . 1.55 8, " Lone Star, regular $I 25 for . I:00 A few gallons of genuine Carbon Roofing Paint, reg; 75e for 60c • Above rooting is complete with natio and cement. • LAND Sues, Hardware and Novelties CLINTON' MARKETS Butter 26-27, Eggs 29-30. (Flogs $760 Wheat 85-92. Oats 35. Barley 50-60, Peas 75, • ,INSTRUCPING AT GODER1CTf An evening of dramatic entertain m.ent is to be furnished the people of Goderieh on December 12th by the Dramatic Club, an organization romprising some of tl: e . bright sung people of the town. Miss Ranee, of Clinton, is superintending the work of preparation. AN. ACCIDENT. Last Thursday evening Mr. Gor- don ;bIcGregor, Accountant of the Royal Bank, Led the misfortune to have 'his left arm :seemly cut at the e.ri.t, which necessitated several stitches. In the meantime he has been unabie,toUse his arm, but we hope it will soon be alright again. LIQUOR CASES. Last Thursday afternoon Mr. Hanna of the Normandie Hotel was acquitted of the charge of furnfsh- ing a bottle of whiskey on Sunday to a citizen. The case of R., Gra- ham -selling ov Sunday was ad- journed until Friday of this week Inspector Johnson laid the com- plaints and Crown Attorney Seager for the Inspector. • UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Mr. Van Norman, of Wingham; has purchased the Moving Picture Theatre here and intends making.it a first-class picture souse, It will be under- the management of Mr. H. Brooks who will always be on the look -out for the very best sub- jects to, be had surd will frequently put on special feature plays such as seen only in the very best thea- tres in the larger plaees. The wish is to cater the best tastes and im- provement and services wilt .be as good as the public demand: J. C. ROCKWELL'S SUNNY SOUTFI COMPA,v-I. The amusement 'hiving publicwill be glad to heat that the J• C.Reelk- v I1 SunnySouthS South Company Y n the show that lee ,=esou.:au bin 9 g g when they say '"goodnight Will appear in the Opera House Clin-• ton. Friday eveoieg. Nov. 22nd, This company was seen here about two years ago and diose who were in attendance pronounced it one of the moat pleasing ever appear- ing here, This season the 7,erfoim- survives, was married to Mr, Crich in ace is absnhtt,ly new and up -to- 1003, she being a daughter of Richard fire -minute in every detail It is ,and Mrs. Roe, of Brussels, Deceased aharaetcrtstic throughout, 1 sing a was Bailiff of the 4th Division Oourt, mixture of fun, mecodV and dancing was a mentor of the Chosen Friends nsisting of 111 the 'feitures pe- end attended the eletho3ist churcb, culiar to the negro in Dixie Laird',, pe - of presented by rel cos of the cultured He had been in the employment se \l . Harris, of Brussels Factory end educated class, :tee ,om vul- garity, without any ob,ectional feat anclftiithful empnloyee looking after ; tures; at the earns time sparkung bis workrttrefully and with satisfac with wit and goo3 humor. Comedy tion to both the public and his employ uisall that is aimed at an nothing Pt'. The funeral took place Saturday I else is reached bar some very clever a'termoon from the family residence, singing, dancing and hrillieg spec c Jahn; rectricv, Dr.Ofret condnct- Wales, which will make the audien ing a suitable service. Pall hearers ee sit up and take notice. It is were G ofdeceased's brothers. Wreaths snappy,gingery: t t i i P h ge y en en a nt,rg and were placed on the casket -by the well calculated to drive away the Women's Missionary Society of which blues,• Dating from the opening Mrs. ()rich is a member, the Chosen Until ntil the final 'call of the cur- Friends, sheaf of roses from, W. W. tain there is not amoment when and Mrs. Harris, Misses Belly and some of the numerous cast are not members of the family, The surviv occupied rendering matters pleas- ing brothers of the family are:- Whit' ing to the aulierrce. The olio is field, Louis, Onslow,Eti, John, Iddo, composed of eight high-class van- and Gifford, Tuekersmith and Clinton; deville stunts. they are the kind and the sisters are Mrs, Modeland. that not alone please but' have Senfnrtb; Mrs, W. McDonald, Wash merit as well. The organization. is ittgton: and Mrs, .1 Ball, Tucl ersmith; accompanied ,by, a solo concert band a.nci Miss Sara Oriole, Clinton, Mrs, and a superb orchestra. The band Grich, niother'to deceased, who resides will head the Koonto\en parade at in Clinton, is 78 years of age and en noeen plon, 1'heacepricesdat25o,'3b. f admissionanal80 lednteaves, joys comparative gond health. All the members of the family attended Seats are now sellingat Fair's Book the funeral except Mrs. McDonald andand Mrs, t r. rinln'e son. S. G, Store. Mr. O Owing to us not receiving the follow ing from Brussels last week in time for the paper we now print a much Fuller obituary notice of the late E. Crich: -Mr. Crich, who died so sudden ty Wednesday of last week, at the Immo of Reeve Shortreed. 9tb line, Alorris township. had left home in the enjoyment of apparent good health to follow his avocation of collecting cream for Brussels Butter factory. About 9 a, m. when ready to leave Mr, Shortreed's he was stricken with apoplexy and died at 0 p.m on the even ing of the same day. never regaining conscionsness. The remains were brought to his residence here Thttrs day. Deceased was the eldest of a family of 12 children of James and Mrs ,`rich, of Tuckersmith and the sulject of th's notice was the first death, excepting the father who pass ed ,,way 12 years ago, a very unusual condition with so lenge a family. Mr. re hill's first wife vets Misr Neziah McDonald, of Tnckersmith, to whom he was married 32 years ago, she pay ingNature's reit 1000,leaven two in g chilliest, Thigh i„ now of "Francis, Saslc and Mrs, S. G. Castles, of ()tie Ion, Lot U, Con, 17, Grey township was the first home of Mr, and Mrs, Crich and the former bought the Oak ley farm 221 miles South of Brussels 11 years ago and moved ere Brnsseis Castles and children' were thele from j Clinton The ,,ereavedwho were se: soddenly' plunged into deep sorrow, share in the •sympathy of it wide circle of relatives and friends, No more pointed:illeetration could be given ^ of l the uncertainty of life than the de mise of Mr: Dried' who left home ap parently in the enjoyment of good health and three boars later was be, y.Pd jutpian help, 1,144• ..AAA*AAAAAA AAu*.LA 1 District Nuys.. C. C. IP Commencement Concert TOWN HALL , • CLINTON, NovJ MVi1BE. R. 14,- 191,2 PROGRAM 1 Chairman's Address Rev. C. E, Jenkins. 2 Glee ()lab (a) Sabool Song ' (b) `Some Day I'll Wander Back Again" 3 "Fanny Squeers Teaparty' from Nieltalos Nickleby Se I -A Tea Roost in Squeers' Horne Se11-- Sitting Room in Squeers'' Home CASTE, r Fanny Sgrieers...::;.:...,,,,:....;...... Grace Walker Matilda Price .: . . . . .. . . . . .. ........ .. ...Daisy Copp Nickalos Nicjtleby , ..11 -ugh McCrostie John Browclie ......... .....FredFordel. 4 Glee glib `,Simple Simon" 5Frolic. ofthe Sunflower , ..., ............. lO,Giris 6 "'1'e]] Me Pretty Maiden" sextette from "F;loradora" Irene Wilkin Fred Ford Lula Howe Manley Shipley`' Ruth Rennie Wesley Caldwell Veta Lobb Clifford Witmore 7 "Toxin's Fiancic" A Comedy Act I Library of Mrs. Stanhope's House Act II Same as preceeding -one hour later Act 115 Same as proceeding -after h 'Theon CASTE; Mrs, Stanhope............................Dorothy Tierney Bessie Stanhope, her daughter., .. ,Marion Guinn Alice Maynard (engaged to Tom Stanhope) Madge Yates Beulah Crump (the stenographer), ... ,Hattie Turner Wilda (a maid)...... ..Lida Bowe 8 -Glee Club ' ,,,,,.; ,,.., "The Men of theNortli' Presentation of Prizes HOD SAVE THE. KING.. Bay lield The McLeod Bros, have gone to ) Port Stanley to finish up the season's fishing there. ' The Council is sending a delegate to Toronto in answer to a correspondence about the touch talked of Railroad. Mrs, '• E. Reid has returned from Owen Sound, We are obliged to record the death of Mrs,Greenslade who hg's lived nearly years in this place. The lady lived to the good old age.of ninety seven and was In.nraetically good health to with in a short time of her death. The fun eral occurred on Tuesday last, London Road Miss M. Oantelin is visiting, at Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Hanley's. Mrs. John Maddison, of Denver, Col. is visiting at her father's, Mr. Benry Livermore. - Last Saturday while drawing the threshing 'machine into the barn of Mr. Henry Peacoek, in some way Dar, John Biggins came in contact with what was drawing1, in the separator and got his leg badly hurt. We are glad he is getting along as well as can be expected. ,. Hallett Wilfred Farquhar of the Gravel Road is under the doctors care at pre- sent, The syndicate threshing machine finished their season's work last week. James Southcombe has nearly re covered from the effects of the fall he had out of an apple tree three weeks ago. Mrs. Wm, Ferris and two children of the West are spending a few months with relatives in Hallett and also her parents, Mr, and Mrs. McDonald, of Morris, Harveytlunkings and R. Carevision have exchanged drivers and both think they have profited by the deal. lirucefield Temperance Sunday was observed in our Sabbath School on Sunday. Mach regret is felt in• the repealing of the Loral Option itt •Tuckersrnith. ,lar, Stobhs, of St, George, formerly station master of our village bas lately returned from a 9 weeks visit in Eng land and Scotland with bis wife. They have many friends in ori ,village who are leased to learn of their visit Fis t to their natty land. d Miss Etta Davis visited this week at the home of 13, R. Higgins. A mild type o1 tneesles has appeared in our midst. Two families are quar- antined John Murdock,2nc1 Concession of -Stanley went to Lucknow last week for -a number of young cattle to stall feed during the winter. They are rt fine herd. John knows how to feed t b-tn. Me. Forbes, Clinton herd a car load of coal at our station this week, The price was $0.00 per ton. Died et Loutaon-Mrs. Ann Green slade, a lady of 00 years, •who came from her lhome n - at Brucelield .t couple of weeks =ego to visit bee daughter at 220 Clarence street, Leedon, died 31on day morning. Mrs. Greenslade had been rather feeble for several months and her death was s n unexpected, aLU n Y eo ed, P The remains were t'orwarcled at 4 : 10 to P,rucefield. Services were conduct ed in London by Rev. U. 11. Genne, of Christ Church, \Wellington street. • Londesboro Oliver Lawson and iVin. Bell ar rived from the West this week. The evaporator, here is doing a rush ing business with Mr. John Johnson, of Aeburu as manager. 150 bushels of apples are pared every day and 18 bands are employed, It is a good thing to have this way of -using up the apples as the packers are not packing them as they did other years, The Rev. Mr, Smith, of Hensall, occupied the Presbyterian pulpit last Sunday Rev. Ids. Peaveysupplied in Harriston. Threshing is almost over for this season, One auto passed through here on Wednesday and attracted quite a ctowd of onlookers as though it was the last rose of Summer. There are several car loads of sugar beets in the fields around here, The. land is so wet it is almost impossible to draw them. 31..Adams got a car of coal that should have been here over' 'a week ago and sold it at the car for $7,75 a tgn Miss Elsie Lyon visited Blyth friends over Sunday. Mrs. H. Fraser, who•has been visit- ing friends in this vicinity received word. of the death of her sister and left on Tuesday, Previously sold at' '$1.00, 11;25 and $1,50, for 50c cloth binding and alteDular titles, es;:. such. as David Harum The Foreigner . ords # h o L oteN th r Thei Dotr Doctor The Trail of '98 The Prospector Tnha C ace The Man from Glenga SohevitingSecoSeedds in Danny Glenary School Daysry Sky Pgilot Black Rock The Frontiersman Mrs, Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch. The W. D. Pair eo. Often the eheapest_Always the Best a.. j tattttttttt� . AAA^AAAANNAAAAAnniAAfunAnnwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1 1 9 a RUBB 13RS Now is the time to purchase your Rubbers for the coming wet weather, Our stock is now complete and our Selling Out Sale 'Continues We Aare a special Rue or idea's Long Rubber Boots at $3.50. ' Just the thing for this weather. Another Bargain A Special Bargain offered im Gun Metal and Patent in both button and blucher style, • in the latest lasts, re- gular $4,50, Will Either Sell the Stole or ➢lent. Jas. TwitcheU &Son eLINTON AMiwv,AA AMAAAAAAM/�M/W eadquarters FOR Walking and 'Riding Oliver plows LH.C, Gasoline Engines McCormick Machin/elm Pumps and 'Windmills. • ALL KINDS OOP REPAIRS AND EXI'ERTING. CALL ON mia�er L.NNIIe Corner of Princes and Albert streets. :e+s�sstm+ t WILL **YO Cin tral linsinessCollege Stretford, Ont. Write for elle large tree esti Logue of tits senooi, andyou will learn how You Can Sue-• teed. It will then rest wilth you to deei,cle is You ;Wail Succeed We are placing students in Positions paying 5100 and $700 per amnutn, and wehave many such applications for help whieli we eanaot supply. The ,best 'inie .o canter our classes is . NOW. Write for our free catalogue at once. D.A. McLachlan, Principal. i.++++$+++•F+4.++•i•+4+•1•+•b+'i•++ + oclor's T1111 TINNING QUESTION may ,;be a serious one to y' on pretty soon,If there are any ileaks in your roof or detfectg, in your loader the ;WINTER STTOEAIS WILL FIND 19." FIEM. Be prudent and Lain us. attelnd to all such ,m:attersl ttgnt now. What. we can'easiiy repair to flay :may grow into a mighty expense,. e job' if ne'gieeted ' livery, day rot put, i?,ft4 ,sending tot Ota rgcaeabb5 the thaness of its being( toolaie, Thos. Hawkins ' Agent il;' ►r The llecla'Fuxtia,ce • (Phone 53) • PEGI Not a medicinal But a man's Calfskin Shoe, built to keep you in good heaith— free from colds and rheumatism. A. man's. Shoe which'will keep you warm' and dry through all kinds of winter weather. This shoe is loot' an experiment. • We havebeen selling it for ten years, and know from experience what it will do. It Has No sre het a PairI�ow... RED JACKS4'N'S