HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-11-14, Page 7E CPNTO _••2,4
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I„'; i1t
an but Mfrs. Devar discovgred thou Il1eaded in his behalf
1 t if S mtnonds 'Who: had stood
, , 'telegram, �•Btt , i ,
,The afar, andntonacted & e ion Bpi” Kop, refused to be brow-
They hastened thought iter Chel,hi ghtI eaten by a British earl,. he certainly
ed at the that she might 'be (b American
would. not grovel before 'an
Pautocrat- • He had .endured a igood
Ideal settee five' o'clock that morning.:
IHe told his tale honestly and fully '
recalled toLondon-which she would
not regret, since a visit to tire dentist'
to -day is better than the toothache all.
next week—arid Medenham, steeled
himself against imtninent unmasking,'
But Mrs. Dever's main business in
life was self.
r have just heard from James,"
ishe cooed.', Hiepro:Weed to run up
to Shrewsbury to -day, c but dhds he
cannot- spare the time. Count'
Edouard told him that Ma'. Vanrenen
was .in town, and, he regrets he was
unable to call before he left"
' "Before he left?" demanded Cyn-
:tbia. •
Yom: father, dear,"
"Left for where?",
' Mrs. Devar screwed her eyes at the
pink slip.
"That is all it slays. Just `lett'?
' That doesn't sound right, anyhow,"
laughed Medenhant, '
Oh, but this is too ridiculous! and
Cynthia's foot' stamped, "T have
never before known my father to; be-
have in this Jack-in-the-Box fashion."
"Mrs. Leland wil clear up the whole
mystery," volunteered Medenhaim
"But what mystery is there?" pur-
red Mrs. Devar, blinking first at ono
then at the other. She bent 'over the
telegram again. '
Tames sent this message rronh the if ouwriteNationalDrugandChemical
West Strand at .9.50 Perhaps Ire ]tad NNow;, can you walk to the hotel?" Co of Canada, Limited, Toronto, t49
just heard of ?vle. Vanrenen's depar- : 1
Lure,,, she said.
Judging Lent Cynthia occasional he even sympathized with a father's l
references to her father's character : distress; though assured in his own
and associates aleden:tam fancied it "lnincl that It was wholly unwarranted; G
vas much more likely that the Amer!` he was genuinely sorry on hearing SUNDAY
can i nitre fie magnate had merely re -
that that Sir. Vanrenen had been searching •
fused to meet
Captain Devar, But .the many hotels of Bristol for two
therein he amistaken. hours before he -came to the right one.
At the very hour that the three But to be treated like aserf?—no, not
were settling themselves in the Mei'- if Siutn onds knew 11!
curt' before taking ten, road to Leo- The ear stopped with a jerk. Out
Minster, Mr. Vanrenen; driven by a PP
perturbed but silent Simmonds, stop loaned the driver.
ped the car on the outskirts of Whit- "Now you can walk to the hotel,"
church and asked an intelligent -look- he said, though he distinguished ,the
ing boy if he had noticed the passing hotel, by an utterly inappropriate ad -
of an automobile numbered X L 4005. jective.
"1 s'pose you meau a motor -ear, The more sudden the crisis the
sir?" said the boy. • more prepared was Vanrenen—that
Vanrenen, a tall man, thin, ,close- was his noted characteristic, whether
lipped, with high cheekbones, and healing with men or money,
long nose, a man utterly unlike his "wlrat has bitten you?" he deman-
daughter save for the wide-open, all- ded calmly. '
seeing eyes, smiled at the naive cot- "Port ,must find somebody else to
rection; with that smile some enchan do your detective work, that's all,"
ter's. wand mirrored Cynthia in her came the, stolid answer.
father's face. Even Simmonds, who "Don't be a mule."
had seen 110 semblance of a smile in "I'uZ not a mule. You're malord a
the features of the chilly; skeptical d -ad row about nothing. Viscount the death and the resurrect -mu of the
man by whom he -was dragged out Mt'denhatn is a gentlemanto his fin- Chriet and was probably apart from
of bed at an unearthly hour in the ger tips, and if yon were one you'd the multitude and is the first key op-
ehemy,g at Bristol, witnessed the al-rn0' that he wouldn't hurt a ]tali• on posed to the leaven of the Pharisees.
ehemY, aihd marvelled. Nlss Vanrenin's head, or any lady's, Matthew 11101 Mark say thllt He hall
"Yes, sir, rather'," continued. the £ r that mat Ier:' conte into the consts or tons 2f (Mesa.
boy, rimming over with enthusiasm. "V]tere my daughter is concerned reit Philippi, and Luke adds that He
Here- went along the a
lie nrows'.
"The -euor viscount,
T eta 'n
gentleman, man i
gam not a a t edisciples being
ford Road, lie did, yesterday mornin' I +gwas alone praying, Ills disci] I b
of a person who maks aim, tows.
He kom back, too, wiv a shuffer, an'
1 am just a fattier—a plain, simple with frim. We shall see iu the next
he's a-stayin' at the Symon's Yat father—who thinks more of his girl lessonthatHe valepraying niso at the
l3otee than of any other object in this wide lilac of Itis transfiguration (Luke. Ix,
r Vanrenen frowned, and Cyn world. If'1 have hurt your feelings la. 29). Luke records other instances
Chia vanished, to be replaced by the :I un sort, If I am altogether mix- ac ITis praying in chapters iii, 21; vi.
Wall Street speculator who bad tarten I'll apologize and pay. I m pay- 12: xi, 1; xxii, 41: xxiii, 3.1. He ever
"made a pyramid in b'Iilwauitees:" ing now. 7 his trip will probably cost talked with alis Father in heaven with
then, had Cynthia talo !ase fifty thousand dollars that I would thesant[, realization of His presence
phoned? Of course, his alert mind have scooped in were I in Paris to- tis, that of the people about Ilio.
bit on a missed mail as the genesis aeerrow. Your game is to attend to People talked Wheat and had
of the run'ite a Hereford early on Sun- t'he benzine buzz part of the contract' I
day, but be asked himself why he had afia leave the rest to me, Shove their opinions as they have today. The
not been told of a changed address. ahead,- and step lively!"
i Pharisees who believed in a resurrec-
IIe could not guess.that Cynthia To his lasting credit, Simmonds 11011 thot)gitt that He might be John
would have mentioned the fact had obeyed: but the row had cleared the the Baptist or Elijah or Jeremiah or
she spoken to him,but in the flurry ,81r; Vanrenen liked the man, and felt one of the prophets, at which, 00
and surprise of ]tearing that he was norQ that itis original estimate of his doubt, the Saddgcees scoffed, for they
not in the hotel
1 It
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So I bought two boxes at my drugg'ist's
and before I had used one box I felt a,
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I cap assure you I can hardly believe
it for if I lied onlykrown what I know
now I would not have spent over One'
Hundred Dollars for nothing when two
boxes of GIN PILLS cured me."
GIN PILLS are gaining a world-wide
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.rook immovable ' The reels TQundatien
'Is the' .great truth 'that' Jesus is God,
and other foundation can no ;man laY
(]Col. tit, ll; Acts lv 12). •
The church built' on this and on H15;'
great, atonement as Gad eau, never be
nio}ed, The company of all true be-
lievers in alim constitutes this,ctiurch,
and all :el.'se mutit,' come to;naught.
Peter was, given the keys of,tbe king-;
dem, not the church", and the Church 15'
not tbe.kingdo,m, but the heavenly'cen;
,ler ,of It; From that time and re-
peatedly. He began to tell, them that;
at the bands of the elders, chief priests
and scribed' He 'must suffer many
things, be rejected: and killed and aft-
er three days rise again (verses 31; ix,
31; x, 33, 34); but, although to' us
seemingly so 'plain, His disciples, did
not receive these r sayings, not even
Peter and John, and it is written con-
cerning them that up to the time of
His actual resurrection. from the dead
they knew not the Scripture that He
must rise again from the dead (John
xx, '0). They had not received the
message of the prophets that the Mes.
slab must suffer, die, be burled and'.
rise again, though we can see it plain-
ly in such passages as Ps. xxii; Jsa.
]iii; Dan. ix, 26: Zech. ail, 10; xiii, 6,
7. Peter therefore said that He should
not speak of suffering: "Be 1t far from
Thee, Lord. This shall not be unto
Thee." "Pity thyself" (Matt. xvi, 22,
and margin).. Mark our Lord's reply
and note that what is not of God Is of
the devil and 1s an offense to God.
Believers ere either a sweet savor
of Christ or Salt that baslost its savor.
There is no room for self In a disciple
of. Christ. It must be always a denial
of self, taking' tip the erose daily and
following Him; always delivered unto
life of
Jesus' sake,that
for J
Jesus may be manifest in us; reckon-
ing ourselves dead unto sin and alive
unto God (II Cor. iv, 10, 11; Rom. vi,
11). There is no cross of gold or jet
or jewels or flowers seen in Scripture,
but only a cruel cross of death,
It means crucified to the world and
the world to us, seeing Jesus only. To
one life means business, to another his
profession, to another pleasure, to an-
other this or that great scheme, phil-
anthropic perhaps, or just to make
money, but one who is right .with God
says, "To me to live is Christ" He
does not ask as to suffer with Him
without setting before us the glory of
the kingdom to which He bas called
(1 Thess. ii, 12; II Thess. ii, 1.1; I Pet.
Y, 10)• and to which Ile. refers in. verses
38 of our lesson, and which we shall
see more clearly in next week's study
of the transfiguration, and to which
the last verse of this lesson (]lark ix,
1) clearly belongs. It was the God of
glory who appeared to Abraham (Acts
tree, 2), and we can only be sustained
to the patient waiting, as Pie. and
others were; But the ehuf•ch as a
whole is as blind to the glory oe Flle
kingdom as the disciples were to hire
death and resurrection, not becmlae It
Le not plainly revealed, hut becaase
other thoughts and ways leave no
room for Ills.
WATCH is a delicate piece.
Of machinery. It calls for
less attention .than most
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With proper care a Waltham
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well to let us clean your watch
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Jeweler and Optician.
issuer of
Marti ag'e. Li gens is.
Lesson VII.-FGurth Quarter, For
Nov. 17, 1912.
Text of the Lesson, Mark viii, 27, to ix,
1—Memory Verses, 30, 37=Golden
Text, Matt. xvi, 16—Commentary Pre•
pared by Rev. D. M. Stearns.
This lesson is recorded also hi Matt.
see and Luke ix, find we will consider
it with the harmony of the gospels
before us. nlimprtss in his harmony
says that this is the tiesr particular
prediction eooeerning tile rejection,
1 she forgot to tell the 'worth was justified. , (lid not believe in resurrection or spirit,
attendant who took her message that
she was at Symon's Yat and not at
Hereford. ,
"Are you sure about the car?" he
said, rendered somewhat skeptical by
the boy's 'overfulness of knowledge.
"Yes, "sir: Didn't. me an' Dick Da-
vieswatch for it all chapel -time?"
"But why --for that car in particu-
"The gentleman bust bi-s tire an' ere
watched hien menden' it,an' he set
us a sunt, an' prornised us a bob each
'if we did it,"
"Meanwhile he went to Hereford
and' back?" '
should -no> main
asleeprode het
' ars,. est
1, e �
fie .�,<. th
0 1
Piano Factories
in Canada
Piano and
Doherty W. -nope �
Oman ,
FactocLINTON, ONT ffice
Westerns Branch,.
At the hotel, of course, he had much but tine _Pharisees confessed both (acts
lr3ore'to learn than he expected. Odd- xxiii, S. His next question is the one
ly enough; the Praises showered on. that should lay bold of our hearts.
Fitzroy" confirmed him in the opin-
pin- "Whom say ye that 1 am?" or as He
clevethat Cynthiae,bewas the varixm of a Put it to the Pharisees at another time,
clever knave, he titled aristocrat
or ',nere adventurerer. For the first "What think' ye of Christ?" (Matt.
time, too, he began to suspect Mrs. xxii, 42.)
Devar of complicity in the plot! ; It should not so much concern me
A nice kind of chaperon she must what others say, but what does my
be to let his girl go boating with a heart say, what is He to me person -
chauffeur on the Wye! And her Sunt allyl Simon"Peter, generally the
day;'b illness was a palpable pretense spokesman, answered, "Thou art the
—ar, arranged affair, no doubt, to tial Christ the Son of the living God"
mit, more h • '
"I s'pose so, sir." fair; Ian ot. toes a
Peter Vanrenen's attention was held thack s he owed to that Frenchman, similar ,testimonyiu ,Tohn vs, 69, and
:Marisny! that of Martha in John xi, 27. Can I
by that guarded answer, and; being an Inleed, it was easy to hoodwink look upon Him with His' eyes: at a
American, he was ever ready to ab -.this bard -headed man in aught that flame of fire searclhing me through
appeLamination, especially in matters eget';ecl Cynthia,. Count Edoaard des- and `through and say,'0'Lord, thou art
ailperlttiniur to figures, playc,tl a good deal of tact when be to Inc the risen Ify!ng Christ, my per -
Savoy isI was the sunt. he said. called at,the Savoy Hotel late the pre -
thesIt so, then blessed am
ro his very- keen annoyance he vivax night, but in obvious relief at I for our Saviour.Father in heaven has taught
found that.long not determine finding t'anhenen ill London lead, in-
toraight oil how long two then take duc•c•d the latter to depart for Bristol me by His spirit (Matt. xvL, 17). The
of stew coulda field ot grass, ways ane by a midnight train rather than trust words translated Peter' and rock in
thtoem h cerin four days tinct. wholly to Mrs. Leland's leisured stra- Matt. xvi, 1S,•are not quite the same,
the other in three. Indeed, he almost reg. the first signifying a piece of rock
caught Miceli saying "three days- aldt'. 11e did not go straight to. Ilerefoi'd easily moved and the other a solad
a half," but stopped short of that folly. for the best of reasons. He had told
"About a beforeay and three-quarters," siened, Cynthia of Mrs. Leland's coming, and
tie,emeyed the silence grew had: heard of it not from her in re-
irksome. ? spouse ouse to his letter. 1f he rushed off
"Wren sir. Is ft worth a' bob?" n w 10 intercept the motorists at
and es, urchin grinned delightedly. Hereford be would defeat, the very
"Ae da he said. urpose he had in view, which was
"A cany one
'cess and t interpose an effectual shield be -
man do one ird,quarter ins a day, and tween the scoundrelly lordling and his.
tweler man a .third, which is seven- Prey, .while avoiding' any risk of hurt -
donetiext day." , five -twelfths to be ig ds'.daughter's feelings. Moreover,
do day."
Though the millionaire financier ' he •\ties eminently a just man. Hear-,�:
was nettled, he did not show it, but ing ft'omI1'Iarigny, that Simmonds, the
grac the shilling with afferent good origssl u l tiug atti3ristol,itothe Bristol he went.
taco. From that starting -point, with his .
Dating and rlall' • ir1 this
• t fid iver. WI at (verse 20; Matt. xvi; 10). See his
ee"Did you find that out—orIsas it ,knowledge- of Cynthia's.•probable.
Dick Davies?" he asked. '
"Poch of us, sir, wiv' a foot rule." route, be could surely pick up traces
"And how far is the Symon's Yat through01tflp predatory
it }ar, at -mostMoreovams
Hotel, measured by that rule.
Salt a mile, air, down that ,there joininge Could
the party 111 his'
front, which by
I •
troweling slowly in ]the mar- this ;time he was , fully farther no th, on;
While t g Chester or Ea h .
row lane, Simmonds turned his head. either at
t follow that ,because the Transcending these minor
hisa self -
"It s aoesn
boy' saw Viscount Medenhanl yeater-'' of 4•saed fear of Cynt rw
day his lordship is •here now, si:r," he
said. •
"You just do as your told and pass
no remarks," snapped 'Vanrenen.
If the head : of the ' house of Vanrenen
r ud ed merely by that somewhat
weej g
unworthy :retort he would not be
judged fairer. He was tired physical-
ly, Worried mentally he had b
brought from Paris at an awkward
m,otnent; he was naturally
to his daughter; he believed .that Me-
denham was ',an unmitigated scamp
and Simmonds hie tool; . and his fail-
•reto solve 'Medettbltn's arithmetical
rob'em :till, rankled. These con-
a:rilona- others, may be
cone h•a In the un
fathomed deeps of a father's love for
,such a daughter there is ever an ele-
ment of 'fear. Not for all. his wealth
,would Vanrenen cast a shade r on
intimacy of their affection.
Ther herefore, lie would he wary, circ(hm-
lspect, ready to accept as most Bred
dole theories which: he would scouts in
;any other conditions; quick to discern.
the truth .slow to pont'eat wherein
an inexperienced girl had -erred, but"
merciless to the ` fortune-hunter' who
had SO jeopardized Cynthia's happi-
mess :and his oars.
Melt Tie¢dnche and relieveall the troubles tnci-
DInctiine e,blQ bilious
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smear from tate distressing complaint; butforta.
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i,¢s¢i a
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able brae loony Ways that they will not bewfl-
ling todowlthonttiviem. But after all sick head
Hence his appearance at the Sy -
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Yat ):total Beemed. 'to have no
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i1 lief.
others d
Oarter'eLittle Le¢er P1118aro very small
very enay td tams. Oneor twopills make a dose.
e etrlettyy s'ebetahle earl"do not gripe oe
pn e, but by thelreeuUe action please as 15110`
ci.me � With
A Lame, Back
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Mr. C. Grace, Hamilton, Ont., writes:
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I had used different kinds of pills, plas-
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Price, 50 cents per box or 3 boxes for
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-•f hear Jones, the sea captain, re t.
nanny or cue private I)01100 zu, the nerd luck. He married a girl and -
she ran away from Niru"
"Yes, be took , her for a, mate, but ,
she was a skipper."
cmp]oy of the steel interests. -
James.Simpson of Toronto brought
before Lite Premier a resdution anil-
ine fur ,a federal bill granting cheap,
Simple ant effective facilities dor the
f,,rmatic'n of co-operative societies.
Mr. Bordon, while promising his
careful consideration, said he could
not at present make a definite state-
It also fell to the lot of F. Bancroft
to request the repeal of the Lontioux
Act. The delegate said that while the
congress still lrclieved in Lite princi-
OTa ldren. Ory
emeing Inc ltelnailli.
New England teacher had put in n
busy afternoon taking ton of her
pupils through. the Museum of Natural
History, but her charges had enjoyed
ilea of investigation and eoiictrhatioii, every minute of the time,
in view of de ays in the working of "Where have you been?" asked the
the act and certain decisions in re- mother of two of the party, when
gard to it, they asked for its early they came home for diener.
rt,pea Dele "'We've been to a dead circus," was
Delegate Hoop, for the letter car- the response of one of the lads.
reels, presented the case of pr.rtt1ie1t
fur higher wages and shorter hours. �rpg n� ��69® PEOPLE
C, J. Brooke Dead, Wf19®I7! tg gqf�yyryy X111p�]�
Ottawa, ncv, i1—C J Break' E.G., SUFFERY9 diIFi�� �[v9i
�•1 the Meal film of Brooke 1C ('ltauvin,
Knit died atlas residence in Ottawa. Ffsoro •
Saturday mumu u_• telji\:in: a lengthy
heave .• He was in his 35th Fehr. Ire-
c:•u c l was one of fhb most lrutnhnelt1 ', Y 0'a$
ur mbere of the (Seabee bar. and
tante Cl'ow'n proreetitt.h' ill 11133 11e
co • of he late Wfit, 13. Brooke Itis one of the most prevalent troubles
wits the trim t
•rf itielnn,,u�rl, Ono., where lie was burn of civilized lila, and the Hoar dyspeptic
7, 1;m i's71 It n,srried. a deuce •- t'1rroteveneajoyamealiwithoutdietrt•ss-
i:h ld3
ter :if the date Alexandre. (uueren,
31.D., ?l-t',P,. Huntington. Qua, He
:mean the pt,u•tice of law at ilentrrul,
bee h time an advocatein 1,17t), In
1010 he w ru made feat -man of Ott vva
C u :itr arid 10-e;ectr d in 1911 11,s
wife:, two sons and a diluent:r :nrvtve
him. �`
Twin Cities' Railway Dispute.
'Berlin. Nov. 11.--1'he 101,1) r r water-
loo will proceed at aura t:, apply to
the Ontario hailwat at:d Municipal
Board to adjudicate the cflfierr.l vee hr+-
twea) that municipality and the city
el Berlin rr'gaulil.y the profits 111 the:
Berlin Street Railway earnings, al
v,ineli WA'ati.rloo aesc.rts it ;is not re,
t a: Blit
i' noxi share ]
tial\lair tS 1 I
flet iii taxes its street railway which
Waterloo claims it c•annut legally do , f;o„ Limited, Toronto, Ont.
as it is a municipally owner] railway,
To Be Radial Hub.
London; Nov. U,—Chief Engineer
Gaby of the Hydro -.Electric Commis-
sion has prepared a map showing the'
expected route of the combined' radial
ratilway and Hydro -electric tra,nsmis•
sten line, north and west of London.
The. scheme purposes to use one
right-of-way for electric railways for
the 'carrying of Niagara power trans-
mission lines. The map shows a ra-
dial from London to Windsor, another
from London to Sarnia, and a third to
St. -Mary's and Stratford, and on to
Gocler ich,
These transmissionrradia] lines to
Windsor and Selena leave -London- by
way of the Part Stanley Railway eight -
c4 -way. The purpose of this in part,
is that the Part Stanley Railway gives
right-of-way into the heart of the
business centre of London for traction
ing after ter effecte, for nearly every thing teifhat
+cry a weak dyspeptic stomach acts as
gut irritant. Burdock Blood Bitters will
regulate the stomach, stimulate secre-
tion of the saliva, and gastric juice to
fa^imitate digestion, remove acidity, and
tone up the entire system. St.•
Mrs. Dennis Hebert,
blan., writes:—"I have used Burdock
Blood Bitters, with great success, for
dyspepsia, indigestion and sour sLomaclt-
I was terribly troubled with my stomach
for montbs, and spent a IM of money
without getting any relief, until I hap-
pened to see about a woman using it,
and her trouble seemed the same as
nine: I tried one bottle; and was se
much reliever], I bought five more, and
have taken them, and I now Can any-
thing I w
Manufactured only by The T. 11Silburu'
Strong Delegation Waits on Premier
and Hon. Mr. Crothers.
Ottawa, Nov. 11. -Premier Borden
received a deputation representing the
Trades and Labor Congress of Can
ada and the ,Letter ,Carriers' Associa-
tion'on Saturday, when important re-
solutions asking for the betterment of
certain condieions affecting working-
men aatd trade unions were presented
to him.
Hon. T. W. Crothere, Minister of
Labor, was present, and both the
Premier and the Minister of Leber
tools the gree,teet interest in all that
].'resident Watters introduced the
deputation 'in a 'short speech, in
which he informed the prime Minister
that theywere the representation of
one hundred thousand workingmen.
ILe• especially drew attention to the
condition of the steel workers in Nova
Scotia and askedthat a royal corn
mission might be appointed' to look
into; the oonditions, ` He said that not
only were the hours of labor Much too.
Jong and the wages too low,, but that
ofoems and oreenizexs of unions were
suWeet t on one't'treatment e,'r
The man thatg ets the dollar is the man that keeps• after it. DO
not expect it to come to you. Go to
Hustle is the medicine that makes healthy home .trade:
'A good town does not happen accident. It, represents the
WORK of theP eople who are in it.
rnot "justgrow,"il°�e Topsy. Tris the
store does
A prosperous
result of the owner's LABOR.
Make e vert' dollar 'do some tall running before it gets away from
you and then DO NOT LET IT GET AWAY.
Hard mark mina home trade.