HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-11-14, Page 6i'tcago wheat Futuires ;1:1;P -es -Live- Stock-- 'tI Latest•,;Quotatiops, AGO Nov.9,-.r, ineasines's over :ep situatidn hoisted' the .wheat, d etostng prices w et'to , ne a, , c• to Vse ng at a, net a lower th %e. to s/se te finished '/sc lower .to o .,, and °ate wits, again of Sfle toangbd, 'fig- s varied from uneh g s to a decline .of 10o, Liverpool tuaelcet Closed on e . wheat a t 94higher; atdy her. Paris wheat closed unchangedto hair Detain yc'hher BodaPes R higher! and. Antwerp unchanged. Winnipeg Options • prey: , Op, High. Low. Close. Close. tt'.bat83% 82% ee... 8244, • S3=/i 829'0 IteT ",,•,r 84g's SSi/a, ':87% 889/x 87% Toronto Grain Market, wheat' new. bushel...,...,,$093to $1 00 n ]t 0 05 •• -Wheat, goose,, bushel ;; 0.65 . oats bushel sse ., 0.96 - 0 42 Oats, bushel ., 0 05 0 73 Peas,Ba.rleshel . ',.100 peas, bushel , 0 SO 1 00' Buckwheat, bushel Toronto Dairy'` Market. ent$' to • Does it hot sedan, .strain e; that o alamy people BW` -f r Ye 42 th a ' l Ear cwt 'yvi ec . A25cent Dottie of asisnp'tc wash'I i� -f • stijps'tlio't�ii anti] w>11 slur since any Qatlelnt, , Tide's.'Of 1it.. wash la and Soothing oil • of witatergrepili mixed, with thyro'', shad :gl'yceriue,. $eklno win as D, D'..33. Prey . and e i to ►;t'ha1 Butter, creamery, lb, rolls. 0 31 - 0 32 Butter, creamery, •solids 0 29 0 30 F Butter, separator, dairy, lb.. 0;25 0 30 0 20' /Butter, store' ;lots --0-4 /Butter, . neev-lald - 0 40 • • • • ':. Eggs, cold storage, doze• 0 27 .... 0 70 0 Hool0 Cheese new, lb 012' Honsy, extracted e .): eeev Cennbs, dozen' a es 300 .' Nfantreal Grain and Produce, 1 OssTP.'EAssNov, 9. -Cables ori i4fani- toba'Spring wheat came .Ciro at tee re Gent advance in prices and a moderate amount or business was worked for Dee. .,tan. shipment. 'Phe local trade;in coarse grains was. quiet. Oats o lir Fofferinrt g for yeyember shipment here, but ilian . at:;.,li hc. to 43c, afloat, u 1 available to the.continued limited a pp Ise available' on spot for' prompt delivery is steady at Quotations. A fairly scone business continues to. be done,. in. sP' ng wheat, flour and winter wheat flour' is scarce and wanted at'firm prices. De- mand for mtllfeed is g000. de toner. fairly 1 active with ; a strong ceipts for ' 'week were 7033 packages, against 5699 a year ago. Cheese con- tinues Quiet, but the feeling i5 steadier. Reeipts for '•,the week, 39,0.0 boxes, '` against. 89,052 a year ago. Demand itor. ,eggs is good. Receipts for thea p , Stocks: ur 1665 case's, against 5020 a yearn ' bar- rel eat 1,512,716 corn 7818, oats 26 ,910,llouar- ley 231,537,' rye 92025, elax 50,710, 216• 67c to 650, Corn^Amei•jcan, No. 2 yellow, 2 47140 to paths Canadian western, to 471,2¢. • 45, extra No, 1 feed, • Barley -Manitoba feed, 510 to 620; ma • lt- ' Ing, 73a to SOo. 60o to 57C. Buckwheat No. Flour -Manitoba, spring ; stet patents, et etc $a80; seconds, 3o straight .m$5; winter patents, choice, S6 .3to ;$'-atr rollers, 94.95 to 90; hags 92. hogs, 40. lbs., Rolled oats—Barrels, 05.05; '$2.40' a shorts, 526 to 927; 19159aed—Bran, $-3;inhorts, $92 to $ . middlings, 923 to 950; car lots, $til to Hay—Ne. 2, per. ton, az iptioff. ,We d D Da D, I,;tboratories Will eon! ttthie, the 25e, offer, as they re0104, i� regn>�arig, sold in $1.001• ots, t � t es, atlid' never ;boiorcl b�c(ela Pei aP ”, the market iv:Canada on ny special' offers. tr Y r'f 'to -night. 1- .man. el w k f 0 " l ,'r I yy , personal al er bottle at 26c{ on our p . I commendation low SIT 'AolmeY" co e Gable So.. peiegrap1 Electric Restorer for Men p( to its proper tension the body , .New York Suisway, Traffic. •. Phosphors toitslprrer decay and Nov. 1': -Tile official vim and Viality, Premature decay aatdtoall s xwuial '--' Alhtiny, N. , "e New Y.ollz sub - make you -a yo 5nyadtedeat real. ilelebc vet. on the New g : o1'kle b. $6. Mituanotamaa.: -.Pride $3abeeo or Drug wurys•tdloflC]g vel tfu $6. ..Mailed to nny. address. The ti. �t Y ao„f1t:•Untkarinee.ORt.,, Phones For Train Despatching. Guelph, Nov, 11. --The. installation � al au independent telephone system for use ..in connection with the cle• snitching of trains on t'he C.P.11, Guelp,t-Godericlt ', asoinl' plrted this week.• It is expected by the end of the ereepiit Montt thiel; ; Will be i11' allap4 es that all despatch Will Louden b, n hone '' may • 1 le clone .111% 5 phone, • 1 -{on, Sam Huishcs For New Vork. Ottawa, Xi 11,—Foil. tutu Huihe i.l address tie C oo Irian C:ub in NeW Yor' :el Thursday e':ell n, °text PreMier Eiirden ie eleii re1i'01n'eil t , t t..a the Canadian Club in New Yiork son -c Lite during, November. .show that 303,000,000' passengers were `tion to the en er aJ . et carried, representing a dally {'vel' ge ''unconfirmed report that l the bad of ,C00 persons over a railroad .been captured. Thishand the capture aimed to carry only 400,000 a daY• of Dibra; an important town in Al- bania; by the:, Servlans after heavy fightingeon1titute all the military news of' importance since Saturday: Some idea of the bloody nature fact HAS ' MONASTIC, Rumor 'Says.Stnong Turkish '.Position Has Been Occupied By the Allies- Strongholds llies H ve Capture trop holds and ;Servians Have S g. i nImportant Town In Taken an p Bad. Are ds _ oa Pia R Ila A London,'Nov. 11. -The Bulgarian at- tack tack on the 'Tchatalja lines goo unrelentingly. According to a' eolre spondent at the trent tnrthcr, Ttl tut. positions have, been captured,,iatei0 their location has not been iu0ted, in accordance with the variable Bul- garian plan never to reveal infofnta- Th 'e is another ac in chata land In this object, has tile freedom a2i and Italy. But, support of and, Y adds, the mere; a0slrranee by aper fortify ttf I t ld no Y She i erv1atheEN. . FAL[, ? by s her harbor on the Adriatic would give security lend her passage through' Albanialabe conceded. . n t 0 oinnstatement,' 'According to an inspired s view of tlle'Balkan allies is, that the of alt autonomous'Albaniaeace,instead the t he °iu tin to p co p tub g •e of w ou Id be a so wtc per- petual Balkans, trouble and disorder among' the who ave v w 15ern sol es t ion people 1 en Ab la- v no na- tional a have never been independent, tionalfeelings and have va2lous`reli'g- ious ' faiths and nationalities with.irno language, : not even a cora common coin_ on alphabet, and clo net form ahomogen eons unit. These orders, it is under- - s read to stood; Would. inevitably 11f u" surrounding _states and. Instead of a ern'ianent settlement, Europe oold, 1 be left with a troublesome Albanian cptlestion on her hands: Servian Army Advancng, Bel t•ade, ,Nov 11,-1)ibra, 40 miles° seutllti'est of Pr6srer cl, , in Album , was taken by.the Setvians after severe fighting, dcosdi 5 of pri- vate advices. T had of Ott- TuLltish Macedonia tunny its say that •le t a d Several r al Bulgars 7h family remedy for Coughs end Celdr Shiloh costa so little and does so needle Bourassa Not Running. `1Tontrea1, NOV, Hs -Henri Ilulirassa' who' wee mentioned at' a probablecan- didateagainst Hou Lout Codcrre in' Hoeliel'l'a;'tuluotu1cis that he will not be a candidate, taking urcasiell at the , Same time to make- 01.0110 wry 9' strong charges against br.th mattes. Re did nub accept: a nomination, lie' becleee'of the etntpl efty 01 the two r'trty leaders to en: u e the ,'loc- ti•e1 of 'Mr. ('odetle, rutin nab he ill°- ,1n'i the opinion to prevail for eve trul .119.6 in ardent„ e shy 1106 sus- p:cion 56 to the t"ol complicity Iplicity of 'both parties in this ;rave ya.aion cif enntributiOli to tine. Iurpisial navy y 1391 o to 1 c $ .a • to ens ' est westerns, run ees s— Gh n a` , to 1 5t 1- c • s F stern e+,t ea r n _ to i! oic est. creamery, eY 30c Butter—Ch seconds, 2Seee to 29e• No. 2 stock, 'Eggs-Sele0ted,., 300. to 31c; n D 2_c.950. �21at 900 to Potatoes -Per bag concis, t Hogs -Dressed abattoir ]tilled; 912 to s1a 25. Pule—Heavy Canada rshoront cut loch, --:°' •35 45 pieces, $29. Ub15., 45 to 55 pieces, 922. 575 7176., 59.50;. 'Lard --Compound, t, lb tierces wood Pall 20 lbs., net, $ pure, 576 lbs., $15.50; pure, wood palls, 20o,, net, Dr. de Van's !Female ,Pills A. reliable French regulator; never 10 ref llatlng tate hese pills are exceedingly, generative11aetafioos. Dfemale au'aitre sold at 05 obo p 5 5 box, or three for co.. SMailedCatharine.. toa On 3ho Sooboll mug Found Dying In Bedroom. Toronto, Nov, 11. -Won. 7 • Adams, d sn*rrI GO, unconscious coam ndition tionsin his in bedroom at noon by his we,it yesterdayshr after: Dr. W. J. wife and died sitiltO. I Duffties was called. The jet ha the room was turn..d en, and the fumes of the est apilt'g , gas were 'Q'Y \1r. Adams had been in ill -health fur some time. Cormier Dr. John 3. Thou ipson will ate this °pent an' inquest, at the. It g afternoon_ Ca11ir.lreIl Cry FOt': t'.ETCHER S CASTOR! A. ,310. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 9. -Closing teat 1 new, Man., 7s lOd; Liverpool, Grain • and Produce. .—Spot, steady; No. , 5an., 7 Dec.,d No. 2 Man., old, Ss; futures, to 5005. 7s 1315; March, 7s 7%d;-MSY, .lain Corn -Spot, easy; American. mixed, dried, new, Os 110; futures, flrm; Dec., ss 19'i.d; sen„ 5s Med. Floatr-Winter patents, 30s 3d. G1s., ba- con, cut, 14 to 15.1715„ con, Cumberland cut, 26 00 01ong.clear50; oleo: bellies, 14 to 16' lbs., long clear middles, light, 2S to 34 lbs., 72s; short middles, heavy, S5 to 40 lbs,, 71s; clear .hacks, 16 to 20 lbs.,. 63s; shoulders,. square, 11 to 19 lbs., cis. Lard -Prime western,. in tierces,. 55s 6d; .21mesican refined, 57s. Cheese-Canadlau, finest white, new, 64s; do., colored, now 65s. . a 'Tallow -Prime city, 32s. Turpentine -Spirits 31s •3d. 'Rosin -Common 19a 109J•a0. Petroleum -Refined, 9%d.. Linseed Oil -33s 35, Minneapolis Grdgin Market. this war,ray be fornl,ed froth bled. there. lh,r sa.n 1 , that ,it is new estimated tha219011100 50,002 i enrlei'ed.' it'I,aj. Popo- bo have heed.: put out of of hos- i Moliaastir has,seir aau cav- Erle rSn iV both sides since the opening! vicli, in command a . 1 tl0tties.. The Turkish GOvecnment airy, has captutecl Dajran• Tchatalj lines. Thee of holding of 1100 The third Senders army is well on Melbas - ,The despatch vowed a its,way.towarcls the Adriatic, but pro - account to the front with t i cess is slaw on account of the bad intention to stir up religious fanatic loads. It is expected that Dula050 ism in the army is interpreted as the • ; will be taken in a day or t1+'o•c pta`tllas sansei of despair. is szo one of the ports which of seizing has I, 'these is no confirmation of the to announced her intention port that the Turkish. Government has and holding. opened direct negotiations -with the al. Hopeful of Settlement. p'immediate object lip - pea.. Turkey's o ' Paris, Nov. 11 —"Dan 'emus, but not cars to be to gain time, hoping 1110 hopeless," is the avay the political l' plight in' wlticlt Europe finds• herself something from the xfvalrles of the 15 su,nmed up in_official circle; in urgent l powers. She is also travel; lue diplomatic controversy circles, in theit diplomatic efforts a to entering Parris. The the .Bulgarian troops that to+een Austria and Servia over the, Constantinople. In lint in Siniiaction tiliot qucstir,n of Servia's access tel the there is anideapreva e Adriatic has the centre of the trigs, some innsortant diplomatic action t overshadowing all else, eceii the }ear on font to this encl. , itself. With regard to the difficulty be- Efforts at mediation have been pest- , tweets- Servia and Austria, the Vienna 1, cowl l,eenuse of thisas the eonr 2eichapost, in denying that any coin- 71l'tJition retards the attenlptifl;n: 1 1 thcied, le Alliance in 1 the burrs into accord. Si. hopeful nterl actionclby 13eh toric is intended, says that Aps- t tune in the situation lies in the hnoa1- patois re'tardittg l 1 that powerful influence is at YD a• the 'tori Aim'to make that strong -anti digestion good -and you ithan its weakest is stronger ease di� of stomach :disordered a tram �•q >9a � , e Vel rep+ 6°6�ti4°�t°Et'�D --.---- 18.97 will keep well! NO chain isatrond r stomach. akin man than his No )ink.s fo11oW. ask Nada from r active and the blood pure. M ,u. forest the erootee mi a healthy, the love of forest 60,01 .05 per withoutthetl ri 'nee ea Alcohol: geneld ra ducisfets, 1 cr Uottlo'fpr over 40 Yrars,'lilpJnt; general sutislaction... liquid $orm at 81.00 r :ID. tine se ea c� IF3 - al. l?' telt, ,lie mvy>T E90 df is ii,s n seawalls- Iris Geo A 4s t o8 er recelpt w roc sa IE lou preset. of Ynedlteflree gl,:e•?x9 or ¢rta¢3 Pio : by mall a . W10t 06'1 oto ttGttti,wZf+n+as+y:V1Y4+5�A1,4,a..al:Fs TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS, A. mail bag containing 9475 was stol- en at a branch 110010lice-in Toronto yesterday. Lord Furness, head rf 'Furness, Withy & Co., diod yoat day in Lon- don, England. D. Jr. Rankin of Collins Bay drop- ped }'P- ped dead on Saturday. Ile was 1 seventy -ears of age. died Mrs. John McCracken, aged 50, suddenly while. preparing dinner at Children Cry her home in Port Ct FOR FLETCHER'S Fifty thousand dollars' aby ge 'aa , 131ind 12ive1 Saturday I I A. done 111 fire Which destroyed the ptstntTice, a •r stores, 1119101 end c i b - 1 tee . .boarder smoking i in deur own abilit7,fs tivc- 10120 caused damaged 1110 brook of b'rdti 9 while in be yester- day, 1 tie. .. Hamilton, .. t.rG lh.. ''oil L O'Brien, 'ids u l) P thirds •- Maly Y day, to the extent Of 975. • 'Two children of lilt. std Aire. Ern- est Dosses of Campbellfnrd, teed four and two 901815, respectively, were drowned in the Trent river near their hone. Mike Andrews, 27 'West 'Burlington strut, Hanliltd , ''ell r.ff a (arnnd Trunk engine in the yards near• the round arouse early 'yesterday morning; t ui was severely injured. 1 101 Alex. Donn, 11 well-known te;td,'nt of Hamilton, died last even - at the City Tl0spitsl, titer a tin- :testi,r illness. 141 was 72 year's old was born at Ntagarra-on tate-''wide. Work anis been suspended for the assent on, the Providence extrusion f ' ; the Central Vermont i1ailwpy, knnv;n is theSouthern New 'England. 1 stoppage is dor, to the unsettled :sirctilion .£tire. British money market. tin 'Saturday y nlol nl015 •Ar tliur, three- , 1 015 on c;f los Teclnir, of North rl say. tit shat with i a. Bullet front a ,. Iver tn1 die 1 yesterday. One boy t -u take it away from the ycun'0- ;. c-r,i:dien wlr r h liing0 l e loped on ..,1 cu lilt, 601151er 01,1 the eicpio- 1MINNEAPOLIS,0t%c;May Nov- 0--Wheat-Dee„; hard, 55810 to 3.1 915 .cash; h3S9'ac, No. 1 northern, 36�ac to Mei No. 2 do., 0P/ac to 85;kc• gild to Gfc.. Corn -No. 3 yellow, Oats -No, 3 white, 290 to 29%0. Rye No. 2, 5So to Glc. Bran -$18 to 518.50. to 91,55;se- •,,�.. Flour -First patents, 91.35 t ' •ond patents, $4.20 to 94.50 first clears. $2.30 to $3.50; second tears, $22.40 to 9,70. Du uth Grain Market, DULUTH, 1 norlbe•ny85/s0; No,.2, 8•i1e0; 37%0; December, 35s6c asked; May, 99%sC to .Ice CATTLE MARKETS. East Buffalo Cattle Market. BAST BUFFALO, Nov. 9.--Cattle- Firm. Veals-Re4C4nts, 100 head; active and .steady, at 94 to 911.. Hogs -Receipts, 4500 head; fairly active .and 10e to 15e .lower; heavy, 98.30 to SSA; mixed $8.20. to 99,20; yot•kets 97.75 to 9825; pigs, 9,,60 to 97.50; •roughs 97,15 to 97.25; stags, 95 to 90.50 dairies 97.75 to 95 20. Sheep and Lambs-lleceipts, 5600 head; active; sheep, steady; lambs, 100 higher; Lambs, $4.50 to $7.25, Duh' Nov. '9: Cattle -Receipts, 05; market,, 200; market, slow an0: weak; beeves $5•36 into 91065 , texas steers, 94.40stockers feed weet- cern steers 5,5.60 to 99.251 1-_rs, '9115 to. 97.10; cows and heifers $2.75 tee C.40; calves 46.75 to 310.15. - weak; 1 Bogs Receipts 12,001 110111 97.85 to $7.95; mixed $7.45 to 98,10;' heavy, 97.20 to $9.10;.' rough, • 97.30 t0 97.50; $ ige, 9050 to 36,90; bulk of sales, 37.70 to a' 1 s. ea Y,' • $rc 2 ''t'market�-.sk tine, 92,40C15 X006 native, $3.90 to 91.60; western, $3.ti0 to $4.150; to yeo.riingsr 54.75 to $5.55 lambs, 9530 : 7.50• western, gain to. 97,40. '. ;sr 11,21 ti vii Ny P1 td1Y4' r,l �tl;!�i���l���l�ll�►► �IIi,I IIaI�,I�iI IIID tt Chicago Live Stock. 1 jf Liv,orpool Cattle Market. tiTOE'CtPOOL; Nov. 9. -Sohn Rogers & 'Co, cable there were 110 States; or, Carta-. lian,cattic. on offer at Woodside Lelyage eedaY, The supplies of Irish Troekerwere ala ine e0u 91005d a . 11910 10) 25rlast week and eel pe • lb. s re - /)trained t ,,.J ,$Or LTisi't, sleets. ,'Dr. Creelrnan Goes to Atlanta. ate p -- m: (fleelmav, College, has -presidentAil the Georgia ' where be wine d ess the t will address the Amerieali' T'armers' Inatitute . Workers and the alACetle 5911 A chelation pi At es and experiintllltal farms. ' During salt e absence of Dr. Creelman the pr Prof: tlai chair will Lei occupied by (1. TkDay. 8 iP telt Tl. Is I; I:r !ft; not only, keeps cold out, but conservesbody-warmth; body fat serves the same purpose it enables us to resist unsettled elements and serves' as the great source of our body -heat. Greater body -warmth means richer' blood, more fat, not obesity but fat which the body consumes for warmth, vitality, resistance -power --as a furnace consumes coal for ,heat— Scott's Emulsion does this. A teaspoonful after each meal makes bo'dy-warmth— healthy, active blood— sharpens the appetite and makes all good food do good. It drives out and keeps' out colds by raising endurance -power and creating strength. r Reject substitutes for SC)TT S Scott Sc nowue, Toronto Onln, to 12-61 tl 1 b Nnv 11 Prat trio hint no egotistical e0 edge 1,. serve Al but is 'only ail and. u lineal work on both sides to induce the :ha_ serve Allianian n;tt,iOtt 1 put•antp to Ihnl a compromise nsr the, e, Should thisfoil, Europe wee l furan h,trself tlu•t t coed 1,1 a dea,llOtl tl•e j3 Cotfien Cotton (Root Compound, The great Uterine Tonic, att4 Ie00vnloena190laoowchwmc depend. SWAM ihr00 .Ogne 2 ogee $$, of etren Js. tic+ r ' No. o. 8 10 deet c ter0:.ee 5 poi box So' ' ' 0500 0 -solo go 7 i t of Price rrtf a roes.; Tie t' P( ivftuitAn' r$gpl4tilfol6IlllCs 3c,a , lir '::';',„1,77,',."--,,f lt 5 yJ, ;1 i �,y v.� a,e•1J 11 •i "a1,,tf1 , art ST. TH051AS..0NT. Unsure: cul Oar ttsidential education, Tile "ddiel College -Rome” in which to twelve a training for yom life's work. Tbofongh courses in Music Painting, Oratory, High School, 73ustnes 0nmm>_ererend nspi inspiring tic mt- Scuncr L l' i rent Resident 50005 insures health of students. Rates moderate. E5001, girt needs' an ALMA training. Handsome Pro- -spectus sent on applie1t1on to Principal. 42 ,7r i,ila0;1100,00100,7110'...j ,+ i 'ed' M(ETHOIID TREATMENT will lure you and 10 bat all , led NEW Sou, Unbiotch09000 ulcers the e brain. ; the ue00 ivo, t nervoesnees,b osful ulcers heal. ncleneo uervesoairi the owe 10131010 bright,the face full and bashfulness en erg returns to the b dy, and 'Mae moa•tl, physical and mental energy Ug, systems are invigorated; yallt dm ins the vital waste firm the system, 'You feel yourself a man and )snow marriage cannot be a failure. Dou'e let quack and fakirs rob you of 000r, hard earned dollars. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Peter T, Summers relates his ecper'ienee ,a "I was troubled with Nervous Debility a it to indiscretion foriesee sews II y .deS excesses an youth. cI bees a arty .'(\ t 9 deopoodent and dtdru't.. care whether 1 •;, worked or not. I imagined everybody rim looked, ,, at me guessed my secret Ineaginativo dreams at night; s inched me -my back ached, bad p fF 7.; back of my head, hands and 'feet were • �• nie the morning, Ohay, ysbur, appetite, loose, memory, poor, efic. Numbness he 1hefiogerssotbland the doctor told. me he fearedparail010.. I tpo] all kinds in s of y t es physician and an electried c bete for three months,nsbut received little benefit I was induced to consult, Drs.EennedY G AFTER TREATMENT ® ry assorts TREATMENT liennedo, though I had lost all faith to doctors. Like a drowning man I ecentneneed magic -I New D%pxnon 'TREATMENT and rt saved rely life. The improvement was like arfie-I0llavofseat lthvigor m lrnanyr' �patients the nerves. I was cured mentally andPhysically. � and continue to do so. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We treat and cure VARICOSE VEINS. NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and nil Diseases peculiar to Men. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If unable to can melte for aQuestion 't Blank for '':Home Treatment. DRe.KEPINEDY&KENN-EDY Cor. Michikati Ave and Griswold St., Detroit, Mieh. �' �„ All letters from Canada trust be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence DePart- MISINOMEWIMI' mint in Windsor, Ont If -you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor-offiaee whichare for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian 130@inesS only. Address all letters as foliowSS: DRS.,KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Winder, Ont. Write for our 501001,,08ddress. ' , 1 r ��''ee •tri, ll' Sue lieu, ES17 '�Tc'(�T AND � t tlJ, lrtllc •111 anc•e an, Sv►•"`'"' � Entente -Austria, 111 Germany. , 'end I►7D .2 l folate SSHORTHAND Italy as nx,he ed tn (teat L'. t ul,. ts taught by expert instructors 1 s,'0 l e ;1115 I+ussia tu,l of 1,,,.‘,11,1 5 11'10 Sublec g at the till e+ un tet title. r l f I'S• 1) a cn •111 1 e onml exit l: it situ tri u lt pu uunent dipiouurt a ;- ltt tl We 1101111nrtti't it t. n'nlo.t certain (1tl ,vg, O M. C. A. th , LONDON,LONDON,DON, ONT. 0 siva l p ti,s 111 r row 1 i difficult and date tudents assisted to positions. College r I, mu,,, ossi,h'l'o 01.1 l e t,he cal is , CrIll we i..11 thinkLit ,et 1 S Sept3rd. „Catalogue , ,1, , rprti,,d Int 1 frsession.Efrom Sept C season:01.1y repeet that tt Ir a and free. Enter any time. .1.1.V. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt,Jr. bt t will even, , t' t h n :11 f- Chartexed accountant l ;00101 ec: 11, ais „s1rr,hl, .s,y Principal ;d6 Vice -Principal ?'0 C Ser7non by Rev. G. Gcrdon AioLeod , , , �: , �,l�lncl of I'resbyter1tl,T1Clifreb, ,..co 4'ppoplpp4's €Bea 1hk `H'rtis-i iiti s'9 • M'38i'.a� err'. b1@tlt,liJ ('QJ!,,NT•:'ti �•�,'1�.T,W'M"'we'.reAtc^�n',�4.�'t�r.3,r""T,n,16-n. ,d�,Mzs•"i':�"�'T+ erammazommxaseeram= kuw•' m,-r,mzoc nmccotr' atatwu'u..not"'° wugwruanuuuawtwwuwuwuwwwuwwwn .0 «.Am.-'•• ALL G QD :DEL SELL tell Bull.i' Ip Lieu 14St! Iu e ll'illtf'O=li ec :E tai itlitlhlllllla ieItC1l3LB11{ifil�ll t rt The housewife who owns a' Galrney-o'xford— WIa knows the o has daily experience with it—who l =the economy and efficiency of it— way it works is a Gurney—Oxford Enthusiast. • The fm rd Range an : e i ,, the si m total of 70 years experience in stove construction. It is a handsomethat works con big, 61rD••Sta19d1l1g?, stove, ata y rntl and unfailingly for its owner's satisfaction. It stands g&arca over herr interests, conserving her time and energy, effecting a daily saving in coal, adding to the household economy ailcl iii il:easing ',Luta w from a 'smo0tl,. 3n.Ilimg comes �; the pleasure 'which and well -ordered household. That's why she enthusiastically reco10. ends the Gilr'mey^�y rd whenever the question aloes up. Gurney -Oxford She wants her friends to learn, what ine knows to be a fact, that a Gurney -Oxford Rang( is a good housewife's most valuable and cherished Possession. }