HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-10-24, Page 7sintsOtlierWozzieritoKtiiiiir
1 -low She was Filially
Kestored to -H�'
• •
emporia, chit. - " I am passing
Ough the Change of Life and, for two
rs had hot flushes very bad, head -
es, eorenees in the back of'head, was
stipated, and had weak, nervous feel-
s. The aoctor who attended me for
umber of years did not help me, but
haere been entirely relieved of the
ove symptoms by Lydia E. Pinleham'a
getable Compound, Blood Purifier and
ver Pills, and give you permission to
blish my testimonial." - Mrs. Louis
Au0AGEt Sr., Hammond Ont Canada
New Brunswick,
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highly recounnend
Lydia E. Pinkharn's
to any suffering,wo-
man. I have taken '
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cured me. " Mrs.
Harvey Bank, New
3runswiek, Canada,
Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Com-
mund, made from native roots and herbs,
iontains no eareotic or harmful drugp,
md to -day holds the record of being the
nost successful remedy for female ills
ve know of, and thonsands of voluntary
,estimonials on file in the Pinkharn lab -
watery at Lynn, Mass., seem to prove
lits fact. Every suffering woman owes
t to herself to give Lydia E. Pinkham's
itegetable Compound a trial
If you want special advice write to
bydia E. Pinkhant Medicine Co. (eosins
lential) Lynn, IlEass. Your letter will
le Opened, read and answered by a
Roman and held in strict confidence.
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"" •- - • _
telegrams. The hatidWritlag Wa.S.
ratber's.. ,I3ut bow M secure It with-,
°tit arousing quite, reasonable 'sus-
picion? He tried, the bold. coarse,
"I rapy as 'swell take that top," ha
said offhandedly, "
Is Viscni.nt i1±cten1ian a so Iii
paety?" inquired' the bookkeeper.
Again' no dames Was, raised, since
the Earl's, repeated 'cleinands af 'Int
kormatiOn . as to' Miss Vaarenen'S
Whereabouts seowed that some sort
of link must -exist between him and
the missing tourists.
Medenham at in his car outside
My Dear George -If this rea-
ches you, please 'oblige me by 10 -
turn to -Mem at once 'Your atet
t is making a devil of a fuss, and
• Is most -unpleasant. I say no
' more now, since I am sure that
, you will be in Hereford before
wo meet.
Yours ever,
• "I can see myselt being yeey angry
with Aunt Susan," he gro,wled. in the
first flush of resentment against the.
Unfairness of her attitude.
But that phase soon 'passed. His
mind dwelt rather on Lady St. Maui's
bland amazement When she encoun-
tered Cynthia:: He could e.stimate
with some degree of precision her
ladyship's views regarding, the eighty
millions of citizens of the United
States; had she not said in bis 11001"
Ing that "Ainerican society. was eve
dently quite with the
head cut off."
That, and a vreastic computatiou
as to the difference between Ten
Thousand ad Four hundred. consti-
tuted her knowledge of America.
Still, he made excusea fat her. It
Has tio new thing for 9,n aristocracy
to be narrow-minded. Horace, that
fine,sgentleman, "bated the vulgar
crowd,' and Nicolo Machiavelli, fif-
teen centuries later, denounced the
nobles of Florence tor their "easy-.
going contempt of everything and
everybody"; so Lady St.' Maur had
plenty of historical precedent for thd
coining of cheap epigrams.
The one person Medenham was real'
ly bitter against was Millicent Poth
cawl. She had met Cynthia; she her
self must have frowned at the lying
innuendoes written- from Bourne-
mouth; It would give hime some satis
faction to toll Cynthia, that the Porth
°awl menage ought not to figure on
her visiting list. But there! Cyn-
thia was too generous -minded even t
avenge her wrongs, though well able
to deal with the Millicenis and Maud.
and Susaus if they dared be spiteful
Then the coming of Dale with
various leather bags roused Min Iron
the reverie by his father's curt mis
sive, and he laughed at the discover)
that he was fighting Cynthia's bat-
tles alreadyThe .
, . , raising
deal of dust in the neighborhood o
Whitchurch when its occupants no-
ticed a pair oil urchins perched on a
gate, signalleg frantically. It please&
Medenham to mystify Dale, who was
if Possible, more taciturn than eyet
since those heart-searching experi
ences at Gloucester and Hereford.
Ile pulled up some fitly yards er
More down the road.
"You saw those Boys?" be said.
"Yes, my lord, but they're only hav
Mg a -eine."
"Nothing 01 the sort. skip molt
and ask them if they have found ou
the answer. If they say 'a day and
five twelfths," hand them a shilling
,each. Any other reply will be wrong
Don't talk just run there and Meek
'and pay only, on a day aud live
Dale ran. Soon was back in hi
seat again.
, "I gev"em. a bob each, my lord,
announced' grave as an owl.
While they were running slowls
down the winding lane that led td 111
Yat Medenham determined to make
sure of his ground with reference tc
Mrs. Dever.
' "I suppose you 'lett no room fo
doubt as to my identity in the mind
of the lady to whom you spoke eve
the telenhoee last night?" he inquired,
"None whatever, my lord. She
Wormed it out of me."
"Did you mention the Ds,r1?"
"Like an Wit; I began by giving hi
lordship's name. 'Why, I was ordered
to bed at eight o'clock, so' his lord-
ship could . smoke In peace, as 11
- "Then my father was detenninue
to stop you from communicatiang wit'
lite, if possible?"
• "If his lordthip knew that I crep
down a back stairs to the telephone
11 do believe he'd have set about me
'with a poker,' said Dale gritnly.
"Strange!" mused Medenham, witl
;eyes now more intent, on the hote
than on the road. "Influences othe
than Aunt Susan's must he at work
My father would never have rushed
off in a fever from town merely be-
cause of some ill-natured gossip in a
letter from Lady Porthcawl."
His mind flew to the Earl's allusion
to Marigny, and" it occurred to hint
that the latter had used his father'
name at Beistol. He turned to Dal
"Before this business is ended
shall ,probahly find it necessary ti
kick a Frenchman," he said. •••-•
"Make it two of 'em, my lord, an ,
let me take it eat of the other one,'
growled, Dale. e.,
"Well, • there is a bottle -holder,'
Said M.edenbead, thinking of Dever
,"a short, fat fellow, an Englishman
but a Irma satlfactory subject for
drop kick." '
."Say evlaen, my lord, an' I'll seer
a great With him."
Dale seemed- to be speaking Meltng
iy, but 'hire master peed slight heed te
Min then. A girl in muslin, wearin,
a rather stylish hat -now, where dit
Cynthiaget a hat? --had just saunter
ed to that end of the hotel's veranda
WhiCh gave a glimpse of the road.
"Make yourself comfortable in one,
of dee emttagers hereebeute," was Me
'elenhamas parting instruction to -his
Man. "I don't su-ppoSe the car wilbe
receded- 'weal to -date but you might
refill the, petrol tank -on the. off
cr3iiance. „sees, ,
Yee --my /ord."
Iltsr TM. ,P,IltiAr 701°
111114" Pfel at,„117 ettgt.qhfedalUnignIneSijalthe
epee. (loose' of The coach-11,9nm He
imight not have heard tri Vials, but
ilals eyes grew round, and his lips
mussed to give Vent to an imaginary
, knew, he told himself. 'He's a
!toff, that's wot lie is, Mum's the
(word, Willyum. Say nothink; 'special-.
fly to wins/JIM!" •
1 Bowing low before his smiling god-
Medenham produced the packet
of letters. It happened that the un
stamped note for Mrs. Dever lay um
perinoet, and Cynthia guessed some
part, at least, of its contents.
"Poor Monsieur Marigny!" ehe
cried. "I fear be had a cheerless
'evening In Hereford. This is from
him. I know his handwriting. . .
While father and I were in Paris he
often emit invitations for fixtures at
the Velo----once for a coach -drive to
Fontainebleau. I was rather sorry I
missed that."
Medenham thanked her in hls heart
for that little pause, No printed page
could be more legible than Cynthia's
thought -processes. How delight!al it
Edineeten Girl saved
"Fruit a lives,'
' ,grnfONTor,ftA:Le 6v2<fh190
"I had beena sufererfro;m19bY1:°d
'With that terriblmplant,_ontl
I have been treated by physicians ancl
have taken every medicine that I
f but without the slightest
benefit.. I conchuled that these was ese
cure for this horrible disease.
Finally, I read of "Frnit-a-tives" and
decided to try theni, and the effect was
The first box gave me great relief,
and after I used a few boxes, I found
that I was entirely well.
"Fruit-a-tives" is the only medicine
that ever did me any good Mr Chronie
Constipation and I want to say to all
svlio suffer as 1 did -Try ' 'Fruit -a -dyes -0 '
why suffer any longer when there is a
perfect cure in this great fruit medicine"
- (alias) H. A,. GOODALL.
"rreit-a-tives" is the only remedy in
the world made of fruit and the only
one that will completely and absolutely
cure Constipation.
soe a boss 6 for $2.50, trial size, es.
At all dealers or sent on receipt of price
by lernit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
was to feel that her unspoken woa'ds
were mirrors in his own brain! listak8 Of Their tives"
But these lover -like beatitudes were -
interrupted by a slight Shriek. She
had glanced curiously at a postmark,
ripped open an envelope, and was
reading soinething that surprised her
"Well, of all the queer things!"
she cried, "Heres' father in London.
He started from Paris yesterday af-
ternoon, and found he had gist time
to send Me a line by paying a special
postal fee at Paddington. . What?
. . . Mrs. Leland going to Chester!
. . . Wire if I get Ole! . . ,"
She reread the letter •with heighten-
ed color. Medenhinam'i..'heart seek
to his boots while he watched -her.
'Whoever Mrs. Leland might be -and
Cynthia's first cry of the name sent
O shock of recognition through lim-
it Was fully evident that the addition
of another member to the party would
straightway shut him out or his Para-
dise. Mrs. Dever, in the rote of gear-
dian, had been disposed or satisfsc
torlly, but "Mrs. Leland" svas more
than a donbtful quantity. For sense
kindred, reason, perhaps, Cynthia
chose to tura and look at the sparks
Wye When next she spoke.
"I don't see why Mrs. Leland's un-
expected appearance should make any
real difference to our tour," she said
In the colorless tont of one who seeks
rather thee imparts conviction.
"There is plenty of voom in the car.
We must take the front seat- lit turn,
that is all."
. "May I ask who Mrs. Leland is?"
he asked, and, if his voice was omin-
ously cold, it may be urged in extenu-
ation that in matters affecting. Cyn-
thia he was no greater adept at con:
coaling hie thoughts than the girl her -
8611, '
.Aold friend 01f
".nours," she ex-
plained hurriedly. "In fact, her bus -
band was iny father'e partner till he
Still those radiant blue eyes remaii ed
To SelectReciprocity,
A Lifelong Tory Drummer Proves
HciW It Would Reduce Price Of
Guelph, Oct --A 'gro v er v tra-
-seller presented from among his
samples to a Guelph merchant a
pound tin of (tangy red sockeye
ealsmon put up in the 'United States,
This, lio said,, was to him a proof in
concrete form of the advantage
-which Canada would have derived
from the' adoption of the recipro-
city ate/eminent ' After paying a
duty o'50 cents aaer eloeen the
Guelph merchant was able to buy
these United States go cls for 15
vents per dozen less than he can
lily Ca aaclian produet hich" he
says, are no hetter„ and perhaps
not quite so good, in fact he pre-
fers the imported goods.
The Canadian salmon wholesales
at $2„65 per dozen; the Am-erican
rt $2.50, ineludine tbe duty Of 50
cents. If the iduly were rentoyeee
as it would have been by the trade
greelmein t, the wholesale let ice to-
day would have heen $2.00, and tho
consume): could ha;a bought his
goods Pest that much cheaper.
"I have been a lifelong Tory,"
said the traveller, abut Twant to
make a confession the people of
Canada made the mistake of their
aves when they turned dawn the
reciprocity agreement."
T0 Cara For The Growing Faintly
And trete Household Cares.
Whom there is a growing family to
care for and the another foils ill, it
is a serious matter. Many mothers
who are 00 ±110 go from morning to
r.ight whese work, apparently, is
never done, heroically try to dis-
guise their suffeting,s, and keep an
appearance 04 nheerifutness before
their family. OnlY themeelves know
how they are distressed by head-
aches and backaches, dragging
down pains and nervous weakness ;
how their eights are often sleep-
, less, and they arise to 011010 day's
1 work tired, depreesed and mire-
, eehed. Such mothers should
I know that these suf terings are us -
natter due to a lack of good nourish-
ing Veto& They should know that
the thing above MI others they
I need to give them neW health and
strength is rich, red bleed, and that
among all medicines there is 110,08
can equal Dr. Williams" Pink Pills
; for their blood -making, health re-
storing qualities. Eveey surlier ing
woman, every woman with a home
and farnity toicare for should give
died, some years ago. She is a charm-
ing woman, quite cosmopolitan. She.
lives in Paris 'most all the time, but
I fancied She was at Trouville for ,the
glimmer. I wonder . ."
Sim read the letter a third time.
Drooping lid§ and 0,500081) of heavy
eyelashes veiled her eyes, and when
the fingers t hording that disturbing
aoto rested on the eall of the veranda
again those radiant blue eyes re-,
inained invisible, and the eloquent
eyebrows were not arched in laugh -
Ing bewilderment hut straightened in
silent questioning.
"Mr. Vanreneu gives no details,"
ehe said at last, and seldom, indeed
did "Mr. Vanrenen" replace "father"
in her speech. "Perhaps he was writ-
ing against time, though he might
have told me less about the pest ad
Mere of Mrs. Leland. Anybow, 310
has a fine Italian hand in some things,
end may be this is one of them. • .
But I must telegraph at once."
Medenham roused himself to set
forth British idiosyncrasies on the
question of Sunday labor. He remem-
bered the telephone, however, and
Cynthia, went off to try and get in
touch with the Savoy Hotel. He with-
firew a littleeway, and began to sinneke
a reflective cigar, for he knew ,new
who Mrs. Leland was. In twenty
Minutes or less Cynthia came to him,
was difficult to account for her ob-
Flpus preplexity, though be could lave,
..!,vealet1" some of its secret springs'
readily enough, , • •
' I'm sorry I shall mot be .able to
Lake that walk, Mr. F1tzrbet," she Amid,'
Frankly recognizing 'tilteztta'efie 'Pain be
ween them. "We have a long 'day be-
er() us t�-morrow,'and evemulatentake
Pheeter good 'lime. as Mrs. ,Leland
Is owning 'gone fiera landau, Mean -
Contin d ext k
these pills a fair tria), for they wall
keep her in health and !strength, and
make Isegwork easy, Here is strong
broof that theee Pills clo what is
claimed for them. tare Henry
Thomas, Dryden., Ont., says . "when
ray siecond chitd was horn I was SO
weak and run clown that I could
seareety ecroge a 1 ooze My
Laby was small and week also, and
cned and worried night and day lib
til I discovered that the child was
starving', as my 1111150 11111 turned
almost to water. aly husband got
mo a supply of Dr. Virillianas' Vieth
Piths, and Ibegan taking thene,The
first benelficiat effects were notic-
ed in that roy child began to thrive
and ;baby slept better and natural
ly. It was not long until Ibegazt
to Seel the improvement mysetf,
and I daily gained mew strength,
and baby was growing very ros-y
and fat, I continued using the Pills
While I was muskeg him and found
me self with all the vigor of good
health, -and able to easily do my
houlsework, which had been ao
grea ta drag ongne before. I am
mow never without Dr. Williams'
pilak Pika in the house, and 0, an
occasional dose when I feel tired.
I can strongly reconament these
Ville to all nursing women, es-
pecially if weak or run down?'
Sold by all' medicine dealers 0r
by mall at 50 cents a box en: six
boxes for $2. 50 from The
Dr. Wul-
Basns' 'Medicine Co., Brockville,
• Sig Hotel tor tiesina,
'.11egina, Sask., Oct. ,I.--eullowine
tlse failure of certain citizens to get
am injunction against the City Coen
all restraining thorn frcen releasing
the site of Wascaem Park to the Ort
Trunk Pa.oifie for n n ety o years.
for a hotel, the council Friday night
gave a third reading to` the itynos
leasing the property, is 11 11 ted
.an early s,tartwill. he, made on an ex.
cavation 'tor- tim 'hotel to cost o
Lesson IV.—Faudh Quarter, For
Oct. 27, 1912.
'Text of the Lesson Mark v11 31 to viii
la -Memory Verses, 34, 313 -olden
Text, Mark vii, 37 - Commentary
Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. •
Departing from the region eia Tyre
and Sidon, where He had comforted
the mother's heart and honored and
commended her faith, He returned to
the sea of Galilee, a journey of forty or
fifty Miles, but nothing is said oe the
journey. How little we think of His
long walks from oue part of the coun-
try to another. It is easy to trayel in
our day, and there is a vast amount of
it done, but emu few do it on foot and
for Him, yet I do know some naisslon-
aries who aregeery like Him in this re-
spect. Verses 32 to 37 of our leseon.
are recorded only by Mark and tell of
the healing of a deaf and dumb man.
Some are damb because they cannot
speak and °deers are dumb because
they will not speak.
It is sometimes wise for those who
can both hear and speak to be as if
they were both deaf and dumb (Ps.
xxxviii, 13). Too many are dumb be-
cause they do not feel constrained to
Speak. Their remedy may be found in
P. xxxix, 3; tizek. 111, 27; Jen xx, 8, 9.
If any are inclined to plead slowness
of speech or the inefficiency of youth
they may be helped by Dx. iv, 12; Ter.
1, 7-9. All need that which our Lord
-commended in Acts 1, 8; see a result in
Acts iv, 31. All may come unto Him,
and He knows at once a right way for
each. His way with this particular
man was unique, but 11 must have
been the right way for hira. He took
him aside from tbe multitude. He of -
Mn takes us aside that He may cause
us to hear or see or know something
lIe tould not otherwise teach us. It Is
blessed to be taken aside with Him. I
like the verse 'which says that "we
should live together with Him" (1
Thess. v, 10). We have read of many
being healed by touching Him or the
hem of Ilis garment, but see His en-
gers on this man's ears and tongue,
and instantly he could hear and speak
plainly. Wag,the power in His touch
or in the words "Be opened," or in
both? Afore important for me to be
able to say that He hath touned me
and hath spoken to me, and taught me
10 507 "He hath done all things well."
Just here Matthew records that He
went up into a mountain and sat downa
and great multitudes came to Min
bringing the lame, blind, dumb, maim.
ed nntl others and cast them at His
feet, and He healed them, and they
glorified the God. of Israel (Mate xv,
30, 31). When Israel came out of
Egypt there was not one feeble among
their tribes, and when the kingdom
comes the inhabitant shah not my, "I
am side" "There shall be no more
death, neither sorrow nor crying, nei-
ther shall there be any naore pain."
"They shall hunggr no more, neither
thirst any more; neither shall tae sun
light on them nor ;my heat." (Ps. ev,
37; Ism xxxili, 24; glix, 10; Rev. vii, 10;
xxl, 4). Do you wonder that Jesus told
them of such a kingdom az He fed
them and healed them? What can we
think of those who know of such a
ktugdom and are doing nothieg to
make it known to otbers who miglat
be glad to become inheritors of it if
they only knew about it and knew hew,
to become heirs to it?
Iteturring to the record in Mark, re
read that the multitudes had been with
Him three days with nothing to eat,
and some bad come long distances, so
Ile had compassion upon them and
said to the disciples, "If 1 send then'
away fasting they will faint by the
way." Did Ile really care mid does Ire
care if we are faint and weary? Oh,
Yes, He cares: I know he caree. 31
matters to Him even about spanows,
aud be clothes the lilies. The disciples
seem surprised at His remarks and
ask, Whence can a nem satisfy these
with bread here in the wilderness?
Well, that depends upon the man, An
ordinary man could not, but who is this
man? --Had they forgotten that so re-
cently they had taken food from His
hands to naore than 5,000 people and
had seen Him control and subdue a
great storm? Yes, it is the old story
of Ps, "They forgot His works
and His wonders that He had showed
them. They said, Can Goll furnish a
table in the wilderness," Having as-
certained that they had seven lopes
and a few small fishes., He Molt thea
and greve thanks and broke them and
gave to the dieciples to set before the
people., and they dist all eat. and 701
e011Hect t u:;e1;
............e.eigesemesneteee a...ere-este •s -
as on the former occasion, thoimb Re
might have rained it from Heaven (Ps.
lxxvili, 24). The poor IVia0TV had a
pot of oil, and He multiplied that
Another widow had a little meal and
oll and He multiplied that. He can
creaM out of nothing, but He seems to
love to take what we have and in-
crease it. He wants it all given over
to Mtn, as these' and the lad gave all
into His hands, as He Himself gave
up all for nt. He has provided a full
and complete eternal redemption which
Re gives freely to every one willing ter
receive Him. Then He asks those whci
have received Him, and to wbona Ho
has given all, to forsake all that they
have that they may become His die-,
ciples (Rom. vi, 23; John 1, 12; Luke
ill', 33), to be used by Him as He will.
Ile is all fullness, the fullness of the
God head bodily, and we may be filled
by Him for the benefit of others (Col,
418; it, 9b 101.1
Ft I A
Fer 1it&t Stid
. , _
The Eiril Yet tiave Always Boighi
Bears the
gne.tuse Of e
age. I
Eczenia Curable==Prool
It is usltally very vostly to con-
sult a ispeelalist in anYdisesee, but
for 26 cents, Pet a sipecial offer, lWe
ran now giVe those euefering front
Eczema or any form olf skin disease
absolutely instant relief, with pro-
spect of an early glue. '
A special trial 'size bottle of Oil or
Yttintergreen, ThYnTol and QIY-
eerine, etc., as compounded in the
Laboratories ee the D D,D. Coto-
d 25c.
pany, May he had ia our etore on,
11118 -special 25 aent °Her. This
' one - ,bottle will- convince you -we
know rt-wevolich for it.
Ton years of Semmes' With .thte
meld, soothing wash, 11,1),,D. Pre-
acription has convinced ne, and We
hope you will accept the Riedel 25
cent offer pre D,D.D, Preeeription
po that you also will be convinced.
Sold by 'W. S.R. noleads.
Legal ['pans
And Answers'
(Mall and. Bemire)
M4 F, Clinton -Qua -I bought $145
worth of Inrniture over a year ago.
and paid $100•03 peeount. The furni-
ture dearer ennui ante took the whoie
of it away because I could not pay the
the 545. Iled he any leggl right to do
so? (2) Can I recoger the furniture, cie
sue him for damages or treepase7
Ans.- If you bought the fuenitere
to be Paid tor on the instelment plan,
abd signed an agreement, you will
y likely find that the' agement
provides that in default of payment
of 007 03 the instalments the vendor
can take potsession of the furriltuce
and reicuove it. These egreernents
are usually calli'd "liner agreements."
They are so worded as to gemerve to
tbe vendor a lien upon the article,
notwithstanding that he has parted
with the possession of it. They are
also celled "eonditiorial sale agree-
mente," and some of there provide
that in else of ' clefault in making any
of the payments the vendor can take
possession of tbe furniture or piano,
as tne case may be, and can treat the
previous payments as a rental, and
can retain or resell the article. I can-
not give you any definite advice on '
elle matter without seeing the agree
inent which you signed or a catty of
it. Lien agreements, or conditional
sale agreements, are not all a,lilse. -
J. Rin
. L., Egontille.- tau. -A per
son owned property on a street con
sieting ttvo lots. One lot has a
frame stable and the other has a brick
store on it. lie asked a woman to
lend him 1800 and told her that be
would give her a mortgage on gthis"
property. This con vereaticin took
place in the store, She loaned him
the Money and he gave her a mort
gage on the Mt that has the stable on
le She did not know there were two
lots and supposed she was getting a
mortgage on the brick store. The
lot with the stable on it is net worth
more than ahem 58:50. Can she de
eland back her Seth? (2) Can she de
noted that he should give her a mort-
gage on the store properte? ett What
proceedings should she take under the
Ane. -The women should have had
au agreement in welting with the
etorekeeper. He may now contradict
her story, and contend that his per-
sonal nonvenant to repay the money
iscplite sufficient security. If she
demends repayment ot the money.
he u ill say "it is not clue and her de-
nuincl will be refused. (2) 1.1 she de
mends 0 inertgage on tile grope, he
may hay that "he neves agreed to
give hit a mortgage 00 that pro -
poly," and may refuse to complv
with her demand, (9) I do not think
it would be advisable tor the woman
to con»nence an aetion now to re-
cover the 5000, or for better 5011)017,re
Thedoes not appear to he anything
to corroborate biz statement; and is
ut SE aunty, Therefore her
action agninst the storekeeper ntight
1 nil.
mow compiexion
Indicates indigeetion, constipat-
ion or liver trouble. FIG PILLS
will regulate you" system so
that you can sleep and enjey life.
At all dealers 25 and 50 cents or The
Fig Pill Co" St, Thoreas, Ont Sold
in Clinton by J. he Hovey, Dauggist
To Fight White Slavers.
Brantford, Oct. 21, -The report of
the social 'reform committee of the
Baptist Church of Outaria and Que.
bee, was the principal feature of the
Saturday session of the convention.
Progress was noted and it is likely
that an aPpointesent of an official
with . Dominion -wide duties will be
made to fight the white slave traffic.
The proposal was favored by several
delegates who took part in the discus-
Jahn BAnnerank, a rote, mut al, Slice
bury Hospital from injuries received
in a obilision at Pomo., on the
C.P.R, sixty miles west of Sudbury,
when a work train crashed into s6natt
Rat 400
House Opens tidy. 21, .
Ottawa, ()et. 2.1.-A special editiou
of The Canadian Gezette will be issu-
ed to -day, announcing the date for the
opening of Parliament, tor Nov. 21.
The official announcement is no sur-
prise, as it was practically assured
several days ago that Nov. 21 vvould
be the date.
Women and men "glee use PARIS-
IAN Sage can be sure their hair
nee er turn gray.
PARISIAN Sage will preserve the'
tertural color uf the hair ; stop it
from' becoming faded and 312 elesee
and by nurishing the heir soot give
to the hair a tuts tr e and radiance
that compels admiration.
PARISIAN Sage sto pa falling hair
,banishes dandruff, makes the scalp
clean amel tree ifrom itchiness and
promotes a growth of heavy hair.
Large bottle 50 cents at dealers
everywhege. Sold by N. R,
Holmes on money ,bacie if dissatise
field plan.
G.T.R. to Buy New Line?
Chicago, Oct. 21. -The Chicago Tri-
bune yesterday published a story to
Ilia effect that active negotiations are
under way by the G.T.R. for the pur-
chase of a controlling interest in the
Chicago Great Western Railway. The
story says<
"Active negotiations are under way
for the acquisition of the Chicago
Great -Western Railroad by the G.T.R.
"Local officials ansl directors decline
to say how Err negotiations Mtn gone,
or whether the big Canadian company
intends to absorb or gain coetrol of
the stuck of the middle west system.
Official anneuncement is expected
q'tk1,1 New York."
Duke's Tour Ends. „
Winnipeg, ()et. 21. -The vice -regal.
party passed through here yesterday;
the train making but a brief stop and
left, at 5.10 sem. for Toronto, where
to -night the duke will address the Can -
untie' Clubs_ giving his impreesions of
Ido western totir, which covered prac-
tically every important point hctween
, Port Arthur and Prince Rupert, ansi.
took just short of two nionths.
I Suff red
Nerve Tr
Mr. Chas, W. Wood, 34 Torrance St.,
Montreal, Que., writes: -"For two years
I had suffered with nerve trouble, and it
was impossible for me to sleep. It did
taot matter what time I went to bed, in
• the morning I was even worse than the -
night before. I consulted a doctor, and
he gave me a tonic to take a half hour
before goine'to bed. It was all right for
a Mile, but the old trouble returned with
greater force than before. One of the
boys who works with me, gave Inc half
a box or Milburn's Heart and Nerve
Fills. I took them, and I got such
satisfaction that I got another box, and
before I finished it I could enjoy sleep
from 10 pen. until 6 a.m., and now feel
good," •
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are
50 cents per box, or 3 boxet for 51,25, at
all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of
price by the 'T. Milburn Co,,
t,:yoronto, Out
0011,1111' 0, -
Drs. K. dt, K. 'TAKE ALL RISKS
1 et
Cured by the NeW Method Treatmen
Thourincla of young and iniddle-aged men are annually swept to a premature grave
through,Early Indiscretions, Excesses and Blood, Diseases. If you have any of the fol-
lowing symptoms COnSUIt 05 before it is too lot. Are you nervous and weak, despon-
dent and gloomy, spacka before the eyes, with (lath mrolos under them, weak bask,
klcluoysert•itabie, palpitation °Mlle heart, bashful, dreams and losses, sediment in mine.
p mples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn expression, poor memory,
lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, changeable
moods, weak manhood, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, sore throat, etc.
Our New Method Treatment can cure you and make a man of you. Under itg influ-
ence the brain becomes active, the blood purified, so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers
disappear the nerves become htroug as steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and des-
poodency'vrinish, the eye becomes bright, the face fill] and clear, energy returns to the
body and the moral, physical and sexual systems aro invigorated; all drains cease -no
on,lleatyq.uacks and fakirs rob you of your hard
READER: No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opiniou Free of Charge.
Hooka Free—"The Golden Monitor" (I(lustrated) on Secret Diseases of Men.
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
All letters front Cate& tweet he addressed
milisnissirssimmal ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
to our Canadian Correspondence Depart -
Beg us personally call at our Medial Institute in Detroit as we set and treat
so pettiest, in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and
for Canadian,husitiess only. Address all letters/ as follows:
vv te orear private address.