HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-10-24, Page 5re:
Our Store il
Solve Many a
Wedding U i ft
•When you are purchasing a
- Present it . lis a matter of
money, and what you' wallit{--
Nothing else. '
Then this is your storp,
for what you went is Le*:
and at the loWeat
A geed variety of areeies
selepted frote aange stock&
coGoeisting of
Cat Glass
Fancy China
Clock, Wet
iTie igoods are, newabeaue
tMni and modeen in designs
and snperiee quality,
illeladquartens tor wethee
—We make a specialty of
handling hi.gh-grade watches
REPAIRING of Watches,
Clocks and Jewelery yell and
promptly done,
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
'WM 1111•11111101111
• Eleter
Exeter's tax rate hits beep fixed at
25 mills this year, one mill lower than
last, The assessment is $602,190 or
about $25,000 over that of last year,
Another sign, of prosperity ..:is the
increasing amount ot real' estate
changes. A considerableamount of
Mnding, too, is being done.
Mr. 174" J.• Carling, of Carling"' Bro
there, whose father was •in husioese
here since 1802, has exchanged his
house and stores, at A valuation of
89,000, for a farm of 130 acres near
Brighten: He will sell out his stock
•between now and l'iebruary.
Stan) ey
Miss Greta Ross,' of Seaforth, was
visiting at the home of Mr. Alex.
Thomson last week. ,
Miss May Campbell, of Clinton, is
visiting this week on the line: She is
the guest of Mrs, John Moffat,
During the past week the filling of
silos kept the farmers •in this district
busy. •
' Porter's Hill
Miss Sara, Cox, of Stratford, return
ed home on Thursday after spending
a week with her sister, Mrs, U. New
• ton.
Mr, and Mrs. Roy French and son
spent Sunday in Si aforth.
Mrs. Richard's, of London, is visit
ing at Mrs. Burke's.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gliddon and
daughter, of Dunlop, spent Stinday in
the neighborhood.
our customers the best grade .of
groceries that money and experi-
ence can buy. Our store is simply
clowded, with wholesome and Imre
things for the table use. The '
Butter, Sugar, Canned
Goods and Cereals
that 'we sell, althoggh very reason-
able in price, can he relied upon to
be of absolutely first quality. To
buy here meanis to save, and as -
ewes satisfaction, •
Groceries and Provisions, Foreign
nnd Domestic Faults, Etc.
Smicfies After . funeral
John MoBrien, of Huliett, was
Victim of 1VielanCholy,
Blyth. Orte Oct, 20.—John 5Ic13i,ien,
ef the bate line of Hullett. committed
imieide to clav, After attending the
amoral of Mr. G. Moore. he went
home and bung himself, He was aged
10 Yv,11's and had been troubled with • Brussels tax rate for 1912 will be
mei/in/thee ire for some time. 21 mills.
The work at the bridge drags on,)he
cement work on the abutment has
not been started yet. •
Mr. Joseph (tarter lost a valuable
cow, for which he had been offered
$80 on Monday night by choking
with an apple,
Mr. A. Robison has bought . the sea
s'on's crop of Mr. James Match and
will move onto the farm shortly.
The Rev, Mr, Carriers, of Grand
Bend with his wife has been visiting
here for the poet week.
The Rev. Mr. Male, of Tovonto,
preached a Local Option sermon in St.
Andrews on Sunday last.
The council is again at the work of
road repairing which is much needed
in mauy places.
Jas, Johnstone 'is busy preparing
one carload of settlers effects and one
carloed of apples for the ;North West.
A special meeting of the Council
was called for the purpose of consider
ing the purehe:€e of an electric light
plant but nothing definite was arrived
. .
Mr. Jas Barr, of the Bank of Hatiiii
ton has purchased the testurant bus)
ness of 51r. Neil Taylor and takes
possession on November 5th. Mr •
Taylor bas a phsition awaiting him as
soon as he can get at liberty.
The Methodist Church held their
Anniversary services last Sunday
when the Rev. John Holmes, ot
Talbotville,but formerly a pastor of
this Church preached on the occasion.
He had grand crowds and the pro
coeds amounted toe$223,
The following is clipped from the
Free Press of the 21st regardingBlyth's
Fire Protection:- "There will be no
lowering of the insurance rate here at
present. An underwriter's association
Inspector, who paid an offieial visit
here the other day, found the fire pro
tection poor, There was a lengthy
delay in securing, a stream, and then
the pressure was miserable. Some igf
the joints in the pipes. moreover, leak
ed badly The system was hut recent
ly installed, and at peat expense to
the town." The above seems to be a
'correct statement and the citizens feel
sorry to think that their "Funds" are
being paid out for snch workmanship,
There seems to be only a dozen or so
in our village, that hue/tines they can
he ndle a municieal jab and this is the
resu t and always has heen a lark of
mechanical knowledge on tesir petit
and the sooner oer citizens sees ,that
and remedies it, the better financially
protected. Surely this will be, and
have as their motto, "Not Setisfied,
No Pay,"
•' 11011141141M Itott4I 41A,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/itI.A
Mr. Earnest .Rowcliffe has moved
from the plane lie -sold to Mr. Jervis to, '
the Wade property on the hNill. •District e'sys.
_Miss Grant attended The Teas , ...........
dUaoinvaeuudtiroeuidaatv,Wingham last Tbuts yvyvyytt yvy'yvvrcrirvvvvvyyvv
Mrs. Grant Sr., is not as smart as
some of her friends would Allis to see The SeracOnntiennial of James
bit hope for a speedy reeoverY, St, Methodist church Exeter will he •
Ur: and Mrs. George Layton spent observed on •December 8thmld, 9th
Sunday at Mr:john Medds in Hullett. Dr. W, S. Pascoe, flamiltou aioirner
Miss Nellie Medd, of Hullett, is visit pastor is expected to conduct the
ing her old school chum, Mrs, George Sabbath Borvices,
Leyton this w e •
Ma..jGOn Monday MrF
. W. J. Carling of atch aults
e en,,er Iveiseitilfbp ttgh'°gB
his cousin, iti611 t°
Mrs, Exeter disposed of his store and Iasi-,
James Nott, this week. They have ifdoentehestgel/ailrk8r: oiltrclifi°nrgd'goe tf 8 Ba rfialmmoni
not met for over 40 years. fie thinks Does Your Wate)i Dan
there are more changes in people than 13° acres near Brighton.
places as nearly all of his 014 friends Thereis now every indication that _ tei„ ‘,.,
phaaveeeep,assed away or left for other the proposed new branch of the C. P. COriele T
R. from Sb. Marys via Exeter to If Noit, let us repair it for' you.
Miss Nellie Medd, who has travelled Sona will soon be put through.' Ap
through considerable of the States plication will be made at once to the
and Western Canada and this summer Board of Railway Commissioners for
has visited Europe, has consented to sanction torthe leasea,emoenrguieoothuettatarof
Leaguegivean itdnextdxll
. es Iset sod atyh enignhob)
n ,d. On Roadi.nethe St. Mary's and Western
Railway to the G. P. R. This done it
eating Places she has visited." After is very probably that immediate acb
the address a tench will be served. • A ion will be taken towards putting
good attendance of the Leagues is through the road.
• repnetazkeset,,,ed as Miss Medd is a good
League was held this week at the
home of Mr, Levi Wiltse, Mrs.
George Layton had the topir. George Kelly, an old and highly
The way potatoes aro rotting they respected respected of the Sth line,
will be about the price of eggs next Morris, passed- that bourne Iron
Spring, We will have to eat beans whence ne traveller returns at the
instead and doctors says that beans age of 31 years. He was the 5th child
are better to eat than petatoes, of George. and Jane Kelly and, was
Miss Annie McPhail was home for a born at Ballingagh, Co. Cavan, Ire
few daYa last week when the family farm He came to America in the Fall
celebrated their mother's Sfich birth of 1849 living at Oswego. N. Y., Niag
day. ara, Falls and Buffalo before locating
The London Road telephone line is in Huron Co. which he did in 188e,
practically out of Commission as Cen Hie urothers, Wm. and Thos., had
tral has been reached by this line only taken up 400 acres of land in Morris in
3 days in three week. Somebody 1852, and upon. North a of Lot 22, Con,
ought to make it their teisine4s to get 9, the deceased settled remaining
the line in working order again.
there until his deaeb.
We are called upon this week to
record. the death ot an old and vespect Co°1°Imuinitemillt°orsonstiT,rewa
e ip
ed person in the name of Me. John farming and remove to Goderich,
Stevens at the age of ninety years
and Berge ntonths. Deceased was On Tuesday afteruoon George Ash -
born in Devonshire, England 1821 and ton, near Loyal postoffice, suffered a
came when quite young to this coun Joss in the destructioe by fire of his
try and settled for a while in Toronto. barn, containing the season's crop.
Litter on the family moved to the Lori There is insurance of 30 0, but the loss
don Road, which was at that time a will be greatly beyond this. Children
forest and remained on the farm until at pley are supposed to hays caused
the time 01 1318 death. He was mar the fire.
ried to his late beloved wife Mary Ann Among the Goderich boys who are
Casy in the year 1$57. Re was a Man steadily going to the front is Hayden
of a quiet disposition, upright and H. wileams, son of 14. S,
honest in all his doings. lie leaves a formerly manager of the Godettiele
family of two sons and two daughters bettneh of the Bank of Commerce.
to mum the loss of s kind and loving The Toronto papers recoid the am
father. there names are Charles W., pointment of Ma Williams the young -
of the London Road rind 8 linnet R. of
Detroit, Evaii a of London Road and
Mary A , wife of Mr. John Diehl, of
Staley. The funeral took plaee on
Friday to the Clinton Centerty.
George Robertson, 19th coll.,' Grey,
had the misfortune to break his collt.r
bone while plowing the other day.
and Mus. Hillary Horton and •
cheir two daughters frett Goderich
visited in our but g on Saturday and
Miss -Jessie Linklater, of Bayfield,
and Miss Minnie Shaw, of Toronto,
and Miss Jean Glutton, of Oarthige,
ere all expected home for Thanks.
On Sabbath next October 27th the
Seam meet of the Lord's Supper will
be dispensed in connection with the
morning which will he at 710:30` a m,
Sunday Sehrot At 9.30 a, in- pre-
paratory eervitia will be held onThursi
clayevening in connection w,te the
prayer meetieg. A colic etion is to he
take); up at the morning service to
help pay for the now Communion Ser-
viee which h so been purehased.
Cioderiell Township
L. 0, L N0,145, Goderich town-
ship, intends holding a fowl supper
itt their hall, 4th cone on iTitelsdaY,
Nov, 5th. All are invited
The Goderich Tp.R. A will hold a
shoot on their ranges on Salk:0We
farm, OD Monday, Ott, 28th, <Thanks
giving day, weather perruitting„
T. 1.11,undle, Secretary
Mr.11allItutledge, of Goderich
towrship, is able to walk after be-
ing a great sufferer from neuritis
in his foot.
ea to the managership of the Darien
ion Bond Co. of T000nto. He has
been with the Company only six
months and his rapid promotion to
his present position is unmistakable
evidence of the confidence reposed in
him by the directorate of the Com-
Word was received last; week of the
death of Mr. James Rnby, a former
resident of Tuenberry and Winghem,
who :About four years ago went West
to reside with rehttives. On Saturday
the remains arrived ip Winghare for
interment in the family binoti plot.
Mr. O'Neil, of S'avnia, has heen no
pointed as portnenent G. T. R. station
ttgent ab Wingham and has taken up
his 'Work,
A dietressing accident happened on
Wednesdayea last week in the home
of Mr; and Mrs, Honfalve goderich,
A pail of hot water which was being
esedin housework stood on the floor
and one of the children, a little girl of
two and 1 half years, fell into it, sus-
taining .severe Scalding, Medical aid.
W 1)9 guickly at hand, and the little
one would probably have recovered,
but phneumonia cleveinped and ib died,
wile Doty Marine Engine and
Boiler Company, of (Jodcrich, Ltd,' is
the name of the.new dont-tern that has
taken over the evtensive engine works
plant on Brock, Newgate and Victoria
streets Hoderich, formerly controlled
by the Doty- Engine Works Co„ Ltd.
The new comp my is C:nnpoefill of the
fellowing gentlemen: John W. Doty,
of New York City, President; Fred
W. Doty,. Vice-Peesident and Mana-
ger: Jos. G. Reinhardt, Treasurer,
Chief Draughtsman and Mechanical
Engineer; AVM Protzdfoot, K. C. M.
PP., Secretary.
A dislresseiglat sad accident hap
ened East W'iovanosh on Monday
tielniesville afternoon last. The threshing nue
Airs, tared Leonard is visiting friends aline was at work at Mr. Naylor's,
in woodsock and will go 10 OartIS- and Wm, Naylor was standing at the
ville to attend the wedding of her rear of the machine, directing the
1 niece, IIiss elageie Kiel uti Wednes- blower, He was standing on the
' clay October 23. hoard over the revolving knives that
cut tbe straw, when the hoard broke
or slipped, ebbing one of his,feet down
on to the knives, Before the machine
could he stopped his left foot was
terrible mangled. Dr, Kennedy was
speedily called, 00 1010 keeled, and
the young man was bronght to the
hospital as quickly as possible, It
was found that, one half of the foot
had been left in the machine, and
there was no alternative, het to am.
butate the foot above the ankle, which
was done at once by Dr, Kennedy. at
last accounts, Mr. Naylor is doing as
well as could be expected, but for the
rest or lire, he will be sadly handi-
capped by the loss of a foot. The
accident is a sad one, especially for a
young man engaged in agricultural'
Ate. Leo Bristow of Seaforth, had
the misfortune to gut the first finger
of his right hand cit oil and the
thumb baclly cut and bruised by corn -
login contact with a saw at which he
he struck the telephone wires. was working in the furniture factory,
Fortunately he had presence, of Mr. T. 3, Berry, the well known
mind enough to grab the ,wires horse iniperter arid breeder or Hensall,
thereby righting himself and fell who recently returned from a pel.Th.R.S.
the rest ofithe. distance ifeet first ing tour in the old couetry, has made
and landed, on the • ground unhart several important; purchases, ..n 1 1 is
Such a narrow escape should be a horses have arrived and are now in
warning to children to keep away bis stahleaat liensall. The list cone
• om such placee. •mins nine Clydesdale Allies, there
Olydesdele stallions and three Perche-
- stabl(ons. There are eight two
Londeslooro year old fillies and one three years old
Me. W. H. 1,yoa visited in London old.' Of the Clydesdale stallions, there
is'one yearling, one two yerirs old and
over Sunaey.
Don't fail to hear Rev W. E. Mill- I he other five yeers old. One 'of the
een, Chairman of the Stretford Dis- Peteereeeh.eateTerieteiLsirti.,7::,,,Year '11`1 and the
trict 11 the Methodist Anniversary
next Sunday morning and evening.. The inspector for the Underwriters'
Seger biset, harvesting is the order le'dea3a,edecitteeieneneflayfdanaen bested tevi:iteetsee
of the day hero and many car loads
are being delivered at -the station. I fire protection, The bell was rung
Mr. Heney, our teacher will spend and the firemen responded," but et
seethed a long time before water was
the week end at his bogie in South-
ampton. ' pumped through the pipes, and even
. You will miss it 0 you fail, to hear then it was a poor stream, and sotne
the Methodist. Church,
Terence at the Thanksgiving supper of the joints in the pipes leaked. The
• new system that has been installed 1st
'The Sweet Sieger ot the LonclonOon-
lVliss Reel, of pert Oolborne has re- such i great expense did not show ttp
turned home after a nionth's visit 'as welt as well as was expected. In
with her sister, Mrs, Rev. Pearcy.
A f ' ' I consequence,there will be no chance
(Too. late for last -week.)
Furniture,Carpets and Curtains
Don't forget to inspect our large stock of up-to-date
goods. New styles in Bedroom Sets, finished in red
cedar, quartered oak and mahogany.
White Enamel Beds, Sanitary Mattress, Wire Springs
11. e ellew BLY1:11
at Low Prices.
Pictures Framed while you wait.
ur Airn---=To Please
• Furniture buyers at this store invariably come back
when they want more, and bring their friends with them.
To Use Our Furniture is tp prove that it is as good as it
looks, and 'that is saying a whole lot.
Substantial Furnitare can be bought here at money-
saving rates, Why not secure what you need now
While prices are so favorable.
Atkinson at 1:)unford
Furniture Dealers and Funeral i)ireetors –Fltone 104
NIGHT AND SPNI101Y CALLS—Phone No. 127 or Phone 10
Mr. Thos EUiott had the misfor-
tune, to fall considerable distance,
striking on the barn floor; while
working at Mr, R. Porter'a last
week, dislocating his shoulder and
breaking one bone in his arm,
C+. Holland Is away buying a
load of cattle,
Mrs, Mulholland arrived home on
Tuesday from Chicego, after • a
pleasant visit at that place.
The .ponietry statiop is doing alsig
business these days as many as
2,000 fowl coming in, in one clay.
What might have been a fatal
a ceident happened Clifton Proctor
lash week, A freight train passing
along at noon hour, the school
chihdre,n. 'ran ,up to look at it and
Clifton tried to stand on the corner
of. the bridge, while it passed a-
long, _Bat t he suet./ on ft ono the
train threw him uff ancl in falling
It may be only dirty, •'and need
cleaning, or stop for lack o/ oJII?
Whatever t he Reaso•n,, don't de-
lay. WE give thorough examina-
tion and regulation FREE. .
• Anything, more costs as little as
satisfactory Work canrbe done,
JeWeler and Optician,
Issuer t!1 Marriage Licenses
Oscar Neil of Seafoith, has per -
chased a fine, new "Red" auto. This
makes 20 care in that town.
Mr. Beate, Tyndall' of Tuelcersmith
recently picked from his. field a turnip'
which 'weighed 23 pounds. ft. is of
the rferby Swede variety,
Mr. Wm. Goulding met with a very
painful accident at the Bell Engine
Wo ks. Seaforth on Saturdity last,
when a heavy casting fell On his foot,
beely crushing three of his toe.
On Toesday a little son of lir. Roble
'Elastic, of Gerrie, had one et his lingers
badly smashed in hay fork pulley.
Considerable dissatisfaction is ex-
pressed over the way the routes have
been le id out tor the rural mail de
livery throughout Howick and Shine
predict that the Whole thing will tall
th winch.
On Sunday last a YAM belonging to
51t,. James Hastie, of tee Oth con of
Howick, went nese the fence into Me.
Alex Gibson's field to base a visite A
dispute arose between him and Mr
Gibson's ram with the result that the
visitor was drawn home on 1 stone -
boat with a Me ken nee.k.
The five-year old son of Mr. Henry
Young of Behnore. met with a very
serious accident on Saturday. He was
standing mac the barn door when tbe
strong wind blew it off axle it fell on
the little fellow breaking his colar
bone and cutting- h is head badly.
Gorrie has several cases of typhoid
Rev. Ms, Wesley and bride return-
ed from their wedcliee, trip to
Wtoxeter. A. reception was held
in the PresbyLevian church in the
evening when they were presented
with two handsome chairs by tbe
members of the congregation.
On Thursday evening bat, Mr, Wm,
Rainey, of the linja con., Howlett, was
engnged in picking apples from a tree
at his home, when in some way he
accidentally fell to the ground, break-
ing the emell bone in his leg and tis.
locating it at the ankle the clielnen te d
bone mote:ling through the skin to
meth an extent that it stuck ieto tl e
01)1 111 making the inettry a meet pale-
ful and serious one. .
Tho marriage of Mr. 7' J. Bride to
Mb's leis Spence took place ab the
home of the bride's brother-in-law, 33.
.1. Pallis, et Newbridge on Tuesday,
After lhebu !limey -morel trip they will
tike theft: home in the West.
The cont met for constructing tbe
Mt Gee drain in Morris township. 1515
given to Joseph G reen way at 3715,
ntosannonmononsintomnr Temperarice bless Meeting in Clinton of lowering ° the insurance rate at
• - last Sunday afteroeon, '• ( present.
00 000 0 is iite,00 00 00 00 8 0*
The regulor monthly meeting of
the Ladies Mission. Chicle was held
on Tuesday eveeirIg,
The Ladies A id intend giving a
tea in the church on Friday even-
ing, Nov. lst, Fertheir particulars
le ter,
Large cope: ega tions attended both
services on Sunday last. Rev. Mom.
Oke and Spence, of Toronto, were the
speakers 111 the morning. Master
Douglas St:tuber:a sane, ,
fu the evening the Pastor, Rev, 8.3,
Allin pointed ont the "Evidences of
moral and spiritual growth, personal
and National," Emir members of the
Bell Ringers sang with the choir and
gave two excellent; quartet ts,
Next Stinclay evelling the choir as-
sisted by Miss 'White, of Windsor,
wilt gave a service of praiT.e.
The ladies of the (thumb will give a
Halloween Suppee in the School Room
ot the Cherch on Thursday evening of
next week,
On Thursday evening of last week
the Thankoffertng meeting of
the W. F. 12, 8,, was held i n' the lets
hire room. The following program
was given :
Bible Reading—Psalms 108, Mrs. J.
Solo— M iss Bolee. -
Trio—Misses Chidley. OhNeielticIvor.
The address of the evening was
given by Mrs (Rev.) Lerkin, of Sea -
forth, W110 gave a yeey interesting ac-
count of her trip to 'Vancouver to at-
tend the General Conference of the
VV. F. M. S., et, which delegates were
' preeent from, all parts of the world
Greetings were brought from Ontario
Street Church Missionary Society by
Mrs 13, G. Courtice. The offering
amounted to in the neighborhood of
$75 00 which was most grauifying.
Kindly bear in nund the Twilight
Musical to he held in the Church on
Thanksgiving Day from five to six at
which some of the best musical teden1
of the town will take part and Prof.
F. U. D. Bristowe will give an organ
recital. A great treat is pronaisecl for
those who attend.
, 4
• We are placingin stock' nearly every day InanY new
lines of seasonable goods. We've never,.h4d.14rgerpr
better stook than we will have this fall when our goOdS
that we have on order are all in stock,
Iteadyamade and Ordered elothiag.
• Our stoek vvill be better and larger than el;e' r before
'See our prices before you buy 11
1,11DIES' OORTS—We have the largesk add best
stock of these goods- that we "have evei, seen in
Clinton, and our prices are low, considering quality
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers—Our stock in these
lines is nearly all in and we are still at bid prices, al-
though wholesale prices have advanced 10 to 05 per
cent. We've always sold this line of goods with a
very small margin.
Our stock in other lines that we carry is very corn-
plete, and will be sold with small profits,
Conte and See Whatiffaie
SMALL PillIFITS • 14101i/1 111115INESS
Plum -steel Bros.
Mr, Onetenee 1+eisley, '
Soeial'Committee, convener, 'Mr.
J. J. Imrie'
Entertainment leetamittee, eon
t en.er, Mr. Jas. McRae
Tee next meeting will be held on.
Monday evening et 8 o' 'lock. There
alter fortnightly onSVIc nclav even-
ly gs.
last Sunday Rev, 0.0 Kale° of
Granton preached in the morning.
In the eveni* RevR. Abra-
ham, Ph.D., of Toronto, preached,
-under the auspice's of the Alliance.
Rev. 3.31 ,Osteihout of Londes-,
oro will preach meet S'undaYs
morning and evenieg, owing to the
pastor being en the FloresiceCir-
eult, dedicatee; a new cherish.
,Ou Teursday Mr, Ford at-
tends a .meeting of the London Con-
ference Committee at London.
On Mon,day evenipre . the young
:rieh met in the eltureh and decided
to organize 0 Young VIeinef .
The following offerers Were.electeid
tom Prea., Mr 17, 13rydeine
President, M. 0. 31 Yatsys
Vice,_Mr, Chas: Lindsay -
.See.-Trease Mr Reps Forbes
Program ICommittoe, coevener,
Mr. W. W Collyer.
Look-ou,t ,Coumittee, • oolrverner,
Weekly C.C.I.
French roan I.
H. Kitty 91
K. McGregor 87.
0. Phillips 27
C. Mair 81.
M, Lansing "ii.
D. Shipley 75,
E. McAllister 73,
L Sinclair 70,
G. Waltie 73,
C. Whitmore 73,•
B. Carter 70.
J. Grainger 10,
James Wylie 69,
11. Cantelon 68,
F, Reynolds 08.
W. Crich 68;
E. Miller 67.
E. Sanderson 673
C. Cook 60,
A. Glazier 64
P. Cunningham 634
A. Shanahan 614
Z. Churchill 57/,
C. Cantelon 52,
G. Seaton 483 ,
G. Beatty 44/
B. non 14,
A. Nedige'r 44.
L, Churchill 40.
L. McConnell 35/
H. Hanley 31.,
J. Forrest 32,
E. Kaiser 32;
A. Copp 30,
W. Appelby 22,
F. Pennebaker ta,
C. Thompson 20;
E. Sheeley 154
M, Smillie 15,
H. Stewart 11. I a
Composition Form IL
E. -Manning 68;
I. Roberton 00;
V. Carbet t 601
C. McCool 59,
E. Jamieson b5,;
P. Potter 59,
• J. Middleton 53;
C, Beacom 58,
3. Smith 57.
0. Cole 37.
K. Govior 56,
0. IlieGiUl6,
Davidson.31. 51.
R. Ronnie 55,
31. McTaggart 54.
A. Elliott 54,.
35. W 13,
M. Hall 53. i
M. Elliott 53. • ,
'H. Shaw 52,
L. Kenneldy 514
L, Howe 51. • ; •
J. 'Morris 50.
S. Smillie 50,
H. Johnston 45, : '1
G. Hudie 49,
'M. Mair 19.
2. Collins 49,
M. Cook 48, • '
S. Agnew 48,
I. Rathwell 48,
15, Pow,e1 47.
C. Hoare 47, '
K. MeNaughton 47s
M. Milne 47,
V. Hearn 41.
P. Wheatley 46,
D. Cantelon
10. Wallis 46
L. Cook 43,
C. Kaiser 43.
P. Moffatt 41.4
H. Harland 40.
F. Thompson 40,
0. riClaiorlaw:nd 3480.
10. .
M. Cook 34. .
E Brisson 23.
W. Caldwell 27,,
Geometry III,
J. Wylie 100,
B. Gi'ay 100,
51, McGowan 74.,
D. Copp 68.
G. Draper 62,
G. Walker 564
F. Brown 54.
N, Garrett 52,
W. McNaughtoe 52,
E. Beacom 52, •
A. McConnell 50;
E, Leitch 50,
W, McGregor 50.
a •
311. McAIisber 48,
11, Forrest 45,
C. Nicholson 46,
H. 34.
l. Cantelon 31,W. t I
31. K.BCWeajiadi 27.8tit. I lb ec2318; 1,; .
L. Fee:ilea::
LWMI: .ItYeaTellS°12(108, 221 '
N. Robison 16,, S. Henry 26, 11"1"" .
M, Gunn 0, —11
I, Wilkin 0,
Latin Prose IV, •
10. Deiwer 73,
'TShuiri)ntY bre!, e;, .
,Nliddieton 57/ 2
D. Tierney 50,
D. Ratchford 55,,
R. Reiland. 63,
T Glenn 52.
C. Kitty 46,
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