HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-10-24, Page 4k'.
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� I I ASK any Weil=l7ressed ' '
Lady where to `
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D&at v'gl,f s 1 ail l;
re title 'gstests •of
L Swar'ts kni' Wi ig
Nibs. D,S '4dbuff'is
It ental( ; ►ii*t♦tit*NNi*iitiii�ili
qri liorther
last week. Ake You going swap ? Are ;.� ,
mg ftfenlds i
lr, $ Y:n entertaining f
S! 1 z friends or relatives 4 Are
atrt to NlonrcreaL: nedjlrozir
.p, ii i r' : — --,.:—a u,uwl,Wu 1"VV •rig{'
1 + elubgt embers cavo you Ivan ..
1 11 A.T Cooper and son, Walrs t t AT THE �� '� • -naaeS
U`l� k', +♦ that next Gearing' of your. y BAZAA&.
are, tm1 :Toi•omto th'ie wee ♦ Town Hall to -day from 2 to 6,30 p:
Miss:1V[o Iia •Cluf4 has. returveid society annouriwd in The The kind that neither fades cracks .or curls.—
I - 1 ,-� I . . . \ Iydependable"m * , o f;, so kind( .m, you may see ,and find, l
that are abeolutel i from avian to btratford SIr,TRom 1\17W ERA , I y * �,,� o
and'she will say p.a amid London. , + he
♦. Mothei Goose. Rollers auaranfeed. Speelal orders sent for
i telepboneNv.30andaekfort
• -..
♦ Six LlttZe Dutch Elaidene - shades of all 'sizes and calors.
r �,�T , 'Mrs: McQueen,, who Lias spent ♦ Editor. Wa will appreciate
/QUsi C0� stirnlmerwith her daughter • Mrs. + greatly favors of,;I kind, Z`wo Javanese Ladies
Jae. MacRae, left yeste4rday •for her « Ffve Blind Mice
:h Oma iaz pet,
:111 Iilii Little Jack Horuer
terns -
To mtzstwomen the satisfaction ' , ''Mr's, Mooren of Detroit' is the . ,i*ii*i♦ii♦i+ii♦.i ii♦;' A Tea=euP Lnn:
knowing that her, Furs -are ri ht' is• guest other sister,,Myg, S.Cr)ch - - All ]cines of fancy articles
worth a much? .1s the C . D ^" 11
, § p ensure' 'of Mias M Gilehrf?t lies return Mr: Campion of R'eg)ria .)s the A Ten cent tea -
, , � ,:.. hawing them. from a visit to Sagilanty, 1Vlich, ; guest of his sister'=tu-law, Mr•s. Fresh Velgetables et0.1 etc.' m
g i A warm_J elcome. We handle the celebrated-
We spetidaliz; in Fur a,nd .Fur -Lined ,amiss Sadie Campbe% spc:nit flue Searle. o
eRltd Londesboro the ateat ' ,Mrs. Walter King will Spen,c� A go d trine, Ladies H' nae ournal Pat-
yi :Garments of alt kinds and better class , ; „ ' g - 1: nd' last taut no tleast a first- , .
of Setts and Single Pieces. ..,rof.Miss;May �Candwell,, 7 hanllesgivrng in Hamir tontheguest,
,..- M A`h of -her son, Mr. Robert Ki>zng,- who ciapa I _I , terns—recognized as Amer-
- _ -Mrs, c eson and son Hntvey, of is taenia er of a bwsiness colleg,aipt Concert inthe evening:' • ica�s best patterns, U •tO- M
\nrrnlgh'am, were the guests of the that city. , Comanenetng at, 8 orcloeIt, g
Lower prkes than ours04 I fnrmer'9 daughter; Mrs. Joe 1VTutch Y' - r date 'tn every way. 10C arkd
this week, • !Mrs .Rayner ands little son leave _1HE T,HANKSGI� IjNG
- Means Less Quality . Mrs. Joltm 0lark, of Nort9p Dakota Frillay mornfing for Clen'coe, Mr, p 1 Je
'''' 3avisitfnig,atthe Ltotv:u Of h<r fatly Rayner expects to join them later ROCLA'1VIATI01~'. . , Q eaCly.., y.
• p 1 ' Garter( Style Book oc
er, Mr, Jamejsl Stevens, lvho is ser in the wgelc, The Proclamation issued in the ; ,Monthly cit Ie' Bo
y , „, G• Tlianksgiviag in Stratford. Fitzpatrick, r'Deputy uojrernor-Gemma Ok {tee.
rowel, iii. ' Mr. amid Mrs. .vasa [viii fspet`ud g George 1-• Sir Charles Y y
Iy 1�T . Ca ood Kate st weks .u,t visited ry era(. of Canada reads as fuJlowe;
i Lr AN /.irr Y }Voodetoek past weer•: Miss Daisy Nlidd3eton, relurn,eld ,�
home last weielq after a pleasant "Whereas Go it hath pleased goodness
Misses mighty God, fru T'.fs great goodness
Plrsitin arid Tvfarp•az.et trip up the to vouch -safe this ear unto Our
scold chilly days are now here in sarcha The time tree'' eek, visiting i:: Lontdeslaoro, Miss el ,O) Neil, of Toronto Nvil.,Dominiony-
is no here n `• a 'o D 1 N
w et when f.t ht nand comfort demands .
e nd a
a a change in suety lust week, of 'Canada i bountiful bar
woman's wardrobe. The question of Fall Hats is one, of the hardest spend Thanksgiving at home, vest and other b,.esginasi
to solve under some conditions. You will find it one of the easiest if" 1VIz John, Torrance was at 'Lnrieh Miss Lydia Hiscox of London is `cWe, therefore, considering that
x" & eo
,on visit, our Millinery Department now -with the most complete test weed'• the guest of,Mrs. ,foe Ra:ttenbury. these blessings' enjoyed 'try Our •
st,:ck of I'r)rrnnings, Shapes, Ready to -wear and Dress Hats, A. Bliss A. Wit',lace way in. Goderich people througdtout •the, said. Dom -
stylish, , hercming hat to suit every woman's purse. on Saturday. : I -- inion do call for a Public and sol- , L.I l`�'lTON
This store Leans all others ill High Class Millinery Mr. James Smith paid the County emm acknowledgmcmt have thought
town avisit on aaturday. t A WINNING FIGHT fit„by an,dt-with the advice of .Our '
Privy Council of Canada, to appoint 11
Mr. D.M Perguson; of Stiat'ford an,l We do appoint Mcn,day the
was calling on; old friend's in town Telling of the pro�ress made in com- t`r'eaty-eighth d:ry of Oetobernext
un Saturday,
a9 O
f Gen al i` a
ha' '�
g bating the terrible 20t1i century plague- 3 t nksgz tag For °latttt�
Rev. K, J Beaton, of Toronto, ,was Consumption, to Almighty God for the .bound-ful brought ru and high prices were being
. M harvest and other blessings with paid. This I” OR rt ill noty go to waste
in toruli this week lie preached oat Notwithstanding the enormous increaso which (Canada has been favored or have to t,r d nn n forbidding ?lie 1 wood stove, and 1 medium. size
th3 Fionnretille circuit on Surciaht in population in Canada in the past fete this year. and 'We dO invite all, our tances toothe f;wfovies, coal heater. ~I
-Iiia NcGaxva iiia :-.Itss Wallace ,ecus, it is more than gratifying to be loving subjects throughout Canada poi: ngr,.ly+u, h,nr after the f;re DUICI, ylaib'.e Works
able to record that the Geht which the started tIv re rr rc,reely enough
f -a 0 'r. .1m S I
left on _('Londa, far Paisley tvhcre to Observe the e,tra day as a day of
. tney wf'•1 spend' n a•a;.,le of weeks NiltlOnal SLnlbar•ium Association are put. General Thanksgiving. water tlw.' N n ur t i „ui,h it bonfire, - ` _y_- , ,
:!` �rsrtin:g the former's datughter Mrs. tap uu a a�,,unsb the ` tthitc )lagan Of all which Our loving subjects Thetowt: h s.n, , f .hr mast ex er) i
g l T u p l or malt (-
, ' Diehl, . cos mption-is proving a.urinning one. and call others who (hese sive Pre ]a •t, e , --t,v,rfor i,s s,ze
Prior to 1590 deaths from Consumption presents p ,e,• , Ire a (zea --
;> in tiII pro, unl .nihl• t 0ping tied
i1I'e Beatrice Wliilr., of Windsin' 1 'nay concern are hereby required to lot
1.'i will be ilte guest of the MissosA _' lucre on tiro iucrense every year, In 1910, ta7ce notice and io f overn them- engineer, t,ut pe,etsta rr,i I niug'nQ >it' 35015th concession, tGodeidiol�towA
I 1 despite the greater number of citizens, the pelves accordingly," latter on the streets tt i h the
l:n a (z the Thanksgiving holidays figures in Ontario alone showed a decrease able result th tt when a fire breaks out ship•
Everybody knows the kind' of Ooats we MLvs' White will also sing in. Out- of 1113 over those of tan years ago. Isn't and ho is neadsd he is nGt at his post. C', H, ROLLAND.
carry, but nobody has known such prices on % / irio lit Church on Sunday.
them as will be given this season. Tltis branch �; ) _ tills splendid testimony to the noble work Ili p11]5 I, l ]'rini O•(r . i and the pressure is very low. - _-^�
= j i Mrs. V')ll Prshw• or SteiliD•! going on? .. s li( tf§ j ---
of am business craws every year. Such results j q� /�i' gltEl., is visiting at the hone of g Maybe oil haven't a father, mother, Not ce to IkIlull's
never come lis chance, i S J' -~ Y�-�-
0 ri i���, Ali, Dick Fisher. sister or dear friend of .),out, own alllieted BIRTHS.
r iZs �J I but wouldn't it feel god to help some RU7.iKE-In Clinton, on October 33rr', ��► ���`�'�� �r8&'��+D�3 --�
'(tile Latest Novelties and • f I f' � rllr Jeno Croaks arrived back nor soul in rho throes of the dren.d cl+seetso to "Sr, and .Airs. 1I, E. kimlce a Ear, � persons ';�� I,om bis Western trip on Frt3:t) p , lve, Ea , Nose ,.In([ r�IC(l"ut of the JohnlLeslietate hereby
R �/ ! right and will be in Clinton and. begot back into the wage-carningelass- •,son, y.
i7 n °' ? 'I to return cured to wife and loved ones? y +requested to pay to Mr. W. D.!Fair,
/II f vicinity for -1. next couple of IIA1.1AWELI. In Goderich Township Dr. Ovens, Srrgewi, Ill 'Bar,
1Best 'ladles are always �J..._ � xonths,. Fre was in Calgary t111s Our proud boast is that no needy Con- on':rnasday.October23nc1 tOrllr', and Nose, Threat will be at Holmes" t Clinton, llro azrrOu2zta owing' by
I r 1 sumtirer ante( saw the "Stam ed. ," sum ztiyf has ver linen )ehtaerl trdmittance Airs. Per). Itablawoll, a sou. vxu store ou Tuerda , NOv. 5tlz I them, els the esttrtt as to be around
I M,l p' e to our uroo Institutions at Weston and g 3 t up forthwith, persous interested in 1.
JJt ITaxold .Korr, son Of,I ev: \V, E PI Morris, on October incl, to G'lassesproperly titled . cutazri �ncl rbcs a,vuou:ucarreuC v ttl pleaeegivo
+(iilll4l 111 0111 St0iie.` 11' r alluskolra because of poverty. I}nt the Aye !rouble and J ar. fls trtat,ec• it their nom tt t}�lcntion
@ Kerr, of 't'4 ell alit!'; 1o'rmve ly oLClin- ood work cannot expand without oar illi'• and Mrs. Win. Pipe, a son, y 1 ' 1
ton: is stippl5ing, avaeaucy near kincllysyrnpathyarid Diaterial help. y GIRFIINGti To Tuckersmith, on Oct, l JA.\IES WATSON,
ml , - Welland owing to the renzocal of a i ,_;intoe, Oct,10, iJ1s, Executor
young preacher Irol:i the work I The need is urgent. ' If you are Blessed IG h, to Mr, and alts Bert (.lhbinge, palOrll{ 88'1Ql$1'.ltl f9('d! ty II!
-, _- - Charlie Kerr ha.s resumed his Col- with that greatest of all blessings, good a, aughtzr, _._.,_
lege course at Toronto, health, think of your needy suffering MARRIAGES ---
�` brother and sister. Toa anInual, m;,eting ofthrr Clin- 501 ICE l �%l�•EWTORS
'.ie hahitnal use nt' tvin,as in their D'7r. Joirn Clalrrrrill), Nlr, Geor e' COL1,.11:1P1-7'UlV)NSl.\D-• Un il)e ion ITarticul.tural So;i�t1 will be
sensational for - r Thompson and ,Mr.'Frr. A Greivar Sand�[oupyoatmite,lrowoverhumble, 33rd,t)st,,+ittileP,irsonage of UcG 3' -�
vrrioits kids anc7 alcohol lir itavario,i 1 to It1R, W J (Tnnur, Chairman of theue, in the C6ml r Chamber, aro
,;.-- Fhapes, eves. rn socnllod moderate and Ma.ster.rlrchie,o.f t,,russets.were };xecutivo Committee or to la. R, xr,o:�t. ,llethodist(')hurcb, Cl,inr,tu, �e,sday, NotEml,er SCB, at 3 lj.m, % In the tuaatter of the estate of
in Clinton Loraslrort time On IVIOrz- Do.nAR, Soca Trous, 3ti Dina iVcsb by Rev; S. J. 111iu, Pranris ,f. C'r,'e All members are requested I be JoltaUslie, dercaased.
%- I quantities, to people who ars not iu dray. The came Over in the fox- roan, or If"gnzondvule, to Miss I'Ioi•• __
`he least temperatet It has been 5' ,Toronto, ince, vouvgesteauehter of ThInfolri .S'esent, lh D, 1'•ic'I'i�GGART, -
r-, .. r ~ �o ler o�i .hewn conclusively [hal: a total al,: u,ers auto, Every penny you send gena to help. ?'ovnser%d, of 7'uckarsutitlr. Ncrlice is hereby given piugua.ntt „
etainerstricicen'by disease orEnffering Mr. C:E Leppard, of \I'alJcerton, Ileaidepzt to See, 55 of the, 7.'rustces Act
from accideutsl)orvs me+ch more i •• and principal of the public school i that all persons hating claims
cuperatire power and ttulneh c uicicnr ll �.._...__.__ -_-. _..._-
I was elected president of the East 1 Londesboro 1 against tine estate of the said de -
'response to stimul;ttion than >thr F»uce Teachers' Association, , Mr, - The 0 ueorge Lvon is again confined to For ale ceased wlrcf died on or about , the
Murderer Alleged by Sexton to moderate drinker. Itis notable that Leppard has visited many times in l Iced earl is not in;ticirtg much iinpiove Sixth clay of iGctuber, 1932,
Have Made His ; many leading men who tt ere formeri) town as he is a relative of 'hiss "� � � inept, are regw:recl to scud b,y post pre-
moderale drinkers have recently vert Rudd. Aged hoxse for rale cheap.
Escape xrm...� practically acknowledged the weigh, _-- ]Marshall 6ratthwaite has tt rehiru 1 , pard to•'ti4.D, Fair. Clinton, or to
of h
of blood poisoning ill tile. neck and App'Y to I the undersigned, on 'or before the
i abstinence. t e testimony de frtvcn , total hiss s. FO Ford, es thi v of 14 or face like he hail last winter. A. D. BEATON 1 15th clay of November, 191'(, their
f ilIs, President Taft, ncr od and Airs. P Falls
ouch this week far, DJra, Lasha'in is still on the sick, last --- __.�__._ names and; addresses with lull pai-
i down
ownnhi ag asseveat
knows, d Nald teach
in Pails South where thewill I without. reach change. V titulars in wrWrig, of their clairus,
"iVa)icertan, Oct. i5, -Phis little town down los glass at 'dinner earl Nair( teach in the High, �chOo; there. $:er • "s ,�c4 v ,� Q g ' , Wanted
tltrt it
Ile- , i erguson, of Be.grave v,ril Lath(' slanted I and statement? of their acnouaa,ttei
fs about to see the erns solving e b an old , t was Char es stay down Si far- many friends wash 91er'a sucees•s'fu1I simply the Presbyterian pulpits next rtitieg
+ and tlro :nature of �lho seer[
,_ mystery whish concerns the burial of ,ever:" :Lord Charles T3ereaford sirnilrir term, ;t Sunclay. of any), held by them, duly verified
John•Haag, the only murderer ever Jy became a total abstainer late in (let`. C,E Jeakins M. e1 � "' r• .
-hanged in Bruce.. The tale is as sen- t life, and later testified to the bene r, ill be ( � lee Alethodis s are preparing fol, Employment of tered in 1'latyet• by Statutory der at elinin.
satiobal as the esra,ue from the Paris iicfaLstfects of the change, Dr. Eliot, one of the spaal:ers ut Clic Lingual !'`� somethin<,, extra far Thanksgiving ] neumatie lreparlmerit. Li"ht And Takci notice that after the
snobs of Jean Vrtlj a.n. ex•presfdent of Harvard L''niveisity, aenvonilon of thr SutidaJ , scliooi .., : �• services on Snnrlayand .lJonday, •tritahle work seed ,)leasruti' sot- t said 15th day of No, -ember, 1912,
In's ofJea •; 1805, ,n secrns, a, roan I said a few Association and tilt A. 1, P A. Of e �,- t Iloga were shipped this weekand the a•au.ndings. 1n 1,ety Yc,tl; 'or Chicago the said executor fpf the said
y years ago "fire recent the Diocese of T uron ',it Chatham price is advauced.
'ntttnet7 Stephen Neubeelcer, while re-', progres5af medical science has sa on 1Vi t e is considered ear.Er,'.oyrnezrt for ` estate Will proceed to ddte
turning from Seai'orth with the ro- isfied ma thrtteyen the moderate nee nada,, and Tuesday tLe::t, l'anitry was quite in i videnre on to highest class cf iacl operators, tribute 'aha assets of the said P tate
Deeds from a Load of rani ha lad y farm is lowering to Mr, A.H a • u (Ilse ,llu;y tt:n.p entprt.nintd a nun Wadnol day n tat brant; shipped. g y I • amour the parties entitled thereto
g of alcohol in any „ oop, r icrt on Aloncla > Iter of (per truly fr eucia un Tueeilat I g I >
Sold, was Lobbed and inurder'ed near the intellectual and nervous vigor.' morning for 1'oront'o. to to a 3 evening. The coal star y p still continues and Apply at the Office of having r.egaud only to the claims
hr. treat n (woad is not very plentiful. W. DOHERTY PIANO AND of whiolx the shall !then 4tat•e notice
V reiosa,.hy:a man who jumped into The general conclusion of today is nze,nt for rhertroattsm tvh)e a I -
.hia fileigh rind battered his head with thab alcohol is no more and no less ;keen bothezin .lr h h s i\Tisses Tt, ,, fiartlifF a)id Beulah There. is a likelyicood of the hotel ORGAN CO., L,,tmited. Clinton.. 4 and thLt Said executor will
g rml Ill sruu net r nein left vacant +z
a: club, John Hang was convicted of than a poison. There is no reason I Ward gave a T00 party last ;aaturdav g gain before gerw. _ i not beliable for said assets or any
�'be clime and hanged on Dec. 1.5, Why its 'sale should not be place? � MISS Fertile Antic 11a.s at Claude-.! afternoon. long•, part thereof, to any persotr or perms
` A.fter being taken 1'rorn the gallows, Linder the , restrictions Which y o 'Monday evening where she) — - p q v sons of whose. claim notice shall
'` the body was placed in a coiiiu ttnd regulate dangernns di alga: Its use eu, srizg, It was rather' unkind of the weather �$riaeeGela Route For s$a1IPoill Inspectors i z,ot have been -ecraeived at the tina
given to Geesou, caretaker of the article o'1' diet and refreshurent is cru, Tlie itv m'tn In unset the pi ns of rhe voting ] i of such distribution,
any frienela O'f-Mrs.:9. T . "elk last l+rrday evening. The, Wv ineis Mr..Douglas is still very low, r n ' , ((acted Oct
cemetery, for burial. demnect, aril its open sale as a het er• 1.Sanec twill be glad to know the she were all bought, and n ' Speakers n • + ;� ' sari t p O, 5: ober Ulh, 101.2.
1.Several years afterwards the sexton age Far personal profit and pnvc,rn t s to the )a.or car p s t .lid aF. [lie Tetnperanee !¢ \t , Fr done, Jaivea Watson
is now able, to take short drives af- 3
wrentrevenue is, to the light leaded nnd'th- ity pitrty started. err rltli.uicn spni:e in our churches On I E•xecutor's. S&ieitor Executor,.
..hold that the ro t.o tied never.. done its ght of all bt e ,ter her: illness. ---- ec or,.
;, ll lessons: of science and ex erienee A its way, when, rya cording i:o the pre• S t,bhath lest, when offerings for th,i IClinton.o Ill and hands
live. `tiodg toutivn)e in. � , , . p � C1t5eafoi th Ont,
n,. to 1)is hands alive..He scout! main- - criminal tolls to which 1'nture. •east- ]Ylrs, rl Couch is v)si4in"' i•edcitiv l dictzotz of anxious parents; the relit .rause, ryas taken carp. f lace, (rine Tnsp�action Plate .
in Toronto this ^s,eelc a I citrus down in torre;,ts and the ohnuf _ Jamei 7bess lrtul i sale of his f,trin Commences, -
tafning that a;u e)npty 'casket was aliens will look back tiyfth disdain, feui:•ennounce;l that it was ire os 'hle. crock :i,nd im leo 'rr F •' Auction Salle
11 lowered into the rave, %nd that ,the iVI s, Cxea ITanle and iYlr p ai p e is an . uday 9ast, Exeter, 8.30 Ellin. ti u..sday, Oct 29
o d corpse walked out, of the 4Ya - y, s (Milos. to [proceed. But "e+ery eland pas its 1.he fern) wa.s also put up butnot sold. Dashwood, 2 3U, Tuesday Cet, 29, p
�-supp se p l .er. [vent to Goderich on Satur> silver lining " The party ratur.nPd .to James O'Neil left, For .Moose'aw, Zurich 9 30 \I >due a O t 30 h MN
t Wir,etery. The murderer Is alleged 1ltallett, clay to upend a fe\v, clays, the Pastime Club reams and had Ii Ste=katr,hewan last week 1 t sd y c t At!e arid
sCo of Cows and young,
�o have been seen afterwards tending I • @lenaro h 8. 1?.n. Wed. Li e,, Oct.30th Cattle he Cells on I rid i ^
Ind John Knox, of lLarlOcic, • r nt ;Mr. V.:Bz' d v Jelly deuce, Then nn ltondtiy avenin Toanksgivinb service lull( he held inc, .Oct.
Garin a' Detroit saloon. The pin• 5bM y one t as .in ( pdet)eh ), is Bear 8,30 ,r,m, (huts„ Oct, 31 25th. ..C•ho usual uarantee.
Sunday with and
friend S, tooAppleby,* last TlYwx,(da when the moonlight lues perfect, the( th J. reabyteruaul Churches nn Sabbath Leadbui' 3,U0 p.nr Tai Oct3l
posed sale of the old burial ground Co Nliss Della pied James Alai sol "*pent y again started off for Bit field where a inorninn nextand' in the y' i i Holland & Cennel, Prol;rielors
pelt Ylia: fk,Yate.s wills end Tlia y eveuaing a 13russe.s S. S T. B,
Mr..A. P,. Sheerutgton, whose -Yarm Sancta with their sister, Vlre. p Thanks, deli Ltful.eveatfn was spent ''in n - special son service 'll , , I o 1), 1 tiJa ' Nov; Is )owls, Auekiouoer
Sunday Atvde, 1, gda c P will lit, held, lb,tnmhani.1l10tp,ii, tri. uv 1st - _ry �: _..,_ t
it abuts, and the consequent order giving at her home )n Listowel: ru andt"D..__..•.-..__-._,
that has sone forth for the removal' of �Viugham, Mrs, t g .roasting weiners by a bilge James Gr assick had a sale of hiy Ii1.yt�i, 9:00 *t,n1, Sat, :Nov. 2net �,
oftheboRdfesinterred there, will at. ="r A IT, Alexander turn spiendth,e: �onttre. farm stock and iniOnients on Wed• Lonclesboi'o, 1,00 au Sat,. Nov,2, _ +, D. l l�al �
_ . �___ _- nrcclrt
holiday )n Toronto With.her)11.other - y {'lin4on; 8.3U a,tnl Monday'Nov,i. Pro
ford an opportrtnity to discover what .AA^^Apt�A^p� MIS, P, Ill i ''- t\'..rs, Elliot a la asom of t><ttaic. qDt .utast
f�4VA0sa',�eM,9,Wd+ 1 lir t and t, ratty have returned -.
credence can be placed in the : old y ,��p R� L�, �r Godei'fch, 2,00 p, m ,fon. Nov. 4, l , ,
-i IMt. A. Oven of New Yorlc is _in i aft �tf2t g�� Frnui tTziiridge where they spent the Dun:gatrnon 9-0
0 a,rn Tuea. NOtr,fi nt' 6l'si$tni to sl)gfatt.ttt CJturClu
sexton's story. t ,tetra this week. summer. . Luckno.w, 2,30 p.m Tti.es. Nlov. 5. no, Organ, 'i'lteory. Voice
> Mrs. IVlimmao Ker ,w'as the guest -of Ctaltttse.
I Qppp ]�]a�] 1 „q All's., Greer of'4Vfal,hara over t1le 5� LQ cal News 1.'
�'� la] �RHflAk9 . b ppgqt��(/�]�]��]]gg���9�a au Lllofstoepared, if rdesirecl; 'foe}
ti ee]c end, , y�►�,, � - ��l4J@!now 3 Apple y t :aazrining .bL dies ilut
Z l the `imp Fos M , Jack Leslie tic oakland, Calt i/Lif(�Av1)'1ftl't �r-U"P A�.� � • � a � � e Tort ala ox' the London Co"lege
Ot lus;e lhnr,vtdl 'n ai grades
ppgg®®yygg' �g�]]�p'g� forma, is file guest of his islster �7 g��W g9(� e:nd n.,`.bramclies.
�6Ptp91a19� R)"i1�mbiing, Mi s, W,I)'Far,'., ;,PERRY;S PEERLESS PLAYDRS, �� 9��1d1 ]195 'r a• t
' Special. Systo�n for beWilliers fol
3 Mr. John. MCC1„eher.ty, tris `call This,Company which shall opena . , :,. Special.
T.ir.s'o:, a p:i.eatiom.
in%g ou Old frieaids in totvn raklom- 3 night engageiment at the Opera n < "< t1s p
-_ ? l~ed9`i�tA'011� i plgpQ� .day. `Ae lues on 1'iis, way 'home : to House commencing Out. 31 has come Large As An 'in Province
'The modern feral, inoveanent _ F Goderich ,from a trip to aha West, + direct from ,big cities playing to lflig g Y r
Erg , p g g sand Or Bushels May House l®b sate
as its name implies;, originated when Strr�ze• , ViB� ?11
Mr. Kra,mirsch, of BrAlf Ord Fn , houses, Zylze opening night `?The thou y
,no one thought of 'total abstinence. 1, 'teas the guest of 11•Ix. \V.Jackso,il, 1?r)n,cess=of ]: atche:) with vawde- _ a ', m .
When the latter !practice supervened er Sunday,
yML ,betwee,n, each act, 1)nnt fail Go To 1Naste.: A comfortable frame ,house, in,
Ut ���!��
it was because it was realized bh tt 3 Rev, T, C' .Robrnsc,n of Tos'on.to b see the` greatest attracliO.n drat ";� � good repair, quarter acne of iam,db
to impose it on. the victim of drink was a week' 1 has ever visited this territory. Sale with fruit trees, ,convenien,tl Io••
p l ILL ORDERS cmc yasito: at the houv_ ,
` ' while not, iinposin it oneself, ,rues of Mr. W. Graham at Fair's-prices_50 '85 25, All mail Luckuow, Oct.:.( JOhn Jovnt's ap rated. This very comfortable pslou
. ^a ho Bless' ati k, M good people who > , pie evaporator was burned to the Party' will be sold cheap.
p g �, Mr. F.,Jackson it rretu.znod ,lo p carefully look round this evening between 5 and r �f-
tormedthemselves into total abstin• Will rect'1v, prompt at h; n.: �•nd,tewe homeoxcLers c g J Apply to tiIR�. JAS. 1LCKER,
encs societies were, for the inns[ Cc % c e y fro i.a slioz t trip io th.. Vi e.•.,, ed after, ,Obtain seats'e?rl.yt ,o,clock, '. be fire_ originated in one. of Flincess Street
art of opinion that they were them- C tentioll. Prices given Mr, Albert Jacksoar, ; who was . + 1. the dry kilns it spread up the wally' et
P p g reel, this suuvnler' on o,n,e of tine TWILIGHT MUSICALE. to the roof and along the dry pine pity `- --__-- ----
selves making areal swrifice lore the i , 1 • Sin6,.o Pare I er Routia 'Trip , i -
11 I S on, all kinds of titions with a• rapidity which hothin-
.goodof, weaker mortals, who could txreaL Lal.e etealuer,s, re thi gtaes!t�, Did :you eyes atten,don,e??? ,Have p y ,> f ��a$ll$t(l .
, mat be moderate aced wlio needed; in of Eris sisters', tilliss 7 ensue .T-' , t r . could check. Only i slightmind was ,Bet\veers
” abstaining, he r' untenance of Chose I ,n ng - rand 'Mrs Edgar Bast, t ou any adea wha� ?lis lilcel have blowing; winch was a.11 that saved tbe, —
a who co ng, L o & OQ1t h,,Sldl Siding, lt(l - , g , ALL STATIONS -IN SZN CAN A:
,. wllo could not be accused of doing so r !;s I oz o yQu heard that it to .ane of the most woo'l:en malls and perhaps, many rest - Cook and kitchen girl waute+l at
t -has. est as z ne from a r , y Ince: Apply h
though personal weakness. The ar tri to the'West. L popular Forms at entertainment flu Stum s•ta the west.' r it was dr Good Going, Pp.y o
C011tCaCt'�1�OC�Z. ;, P - Stumps the river flats were set
. -gumentfor total abstinence was that ++ r if. cities? :Pot the First tune in . p g 1VTI2S• J. ILATTENBUNse
b sure that he might D3. Fowler leaves an P);lday oil Et at far as twenty Cods away. ,October Za, 2.0, x7,.28, $atten•bur house
no one could e g ) lrwntin -tri .to t4ru Soo. He ex Clinton olue will .be ]rete( in ill audi a loss is about 3 000 y
not himself some time be carried be- I g p lO Mr.. Joynt the $ , I4etwrst Lin;zl Octotoi;r 30tiz ' - ---�—
h bounds of moderation or,i pects to be away about thzeie Corium of Willis Presbyterian church with no insnranee'. 'lo the town. the
gond the b n .
when his ,example might' prove a weeks• Thanks iVtn,' aftornooss -Moeda lose is very great also, as the evapora, , Mrnimunn eha:go `2541, anil�°dl
'.1 I s liable to exceed.. ' g g e" ter was one of the lat•gest Of the kind
snare to other i ��' U•�t1° _- �. -- -
By= Miss Lucy Couch -of Toroni o, who' ,t^et: 2sth, from S to u O'clock. Malce JOHN 13ANSFORD R SON A elite
IL' was not then imagined that " I rthe provi:nee, and near]; g --- .
_ has ,been wrstt;tsg ,her stink, Mrs, t� bo farmers aroun� +
science '. orzld become almost a um a note of thea and go. A rich treat Ifl hands, But to A. O: PATTISON. delta[ agent granted a good psau ani ;a smart
_would .; S:�nlLttr rliltllt(Iors A. 'Catuch aleft on WeduesduY for as. there were
b Sit William Y, -_ , • ? (ii em the loss is even granter, A,E'. Huff, 'dis,trict passenger agent boy at once, + ,
to the view expressed Y ,r, as assured, Tr.,kels 16e, dill
adLitchell where she }yrtl visit for a i , - tbousands of bueho)a of Frear ready to Union Sta'titan, tJ"oro to, Ont. " - , -W; T, O'NEIV;
teat debut of in ur that theta is a n
I S all to the inju ydone' to health by _ _ - . rfelw_ „dprm , to c ate,, ,
t ;.
. .,
. : 4,
, . ,.
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