HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-10-24, Page 3be444++++
+ Canada_ ••.•• „
P�reign Cables
+ ♦+++++4++ ++++ +++i�orrr�+��o•..��4r.•►•••••• ••• ••,•••,4$• •••f��•..i•••rd►•••r•.•o.• yx•r.roe•a•�o�a••oor�s40r1111+4si++++++i4+++•+i+4 +++++0444,044,04,...., .444 •
Bank's Wheat Estimate
Is 196,000,000 Bushels.
Winnipeg, Mane 'Oct, 19 -The Can-
adieu Bank of Commerce after a
comPrehensive and ayetematica1 ex-
amination of ccop condi ons in
Western Canada, places the wheat
yield at 1961000,000 ,bushels; oats at.
224,500000 ,bushels ; barley 49,600,000
,bushels; and flax 12,900,000 bushels.
The total value of the grain crops,
to producer's; as estimated by the
,bank is $2081,000,000.
eaIpreparing • re estimate'' .t1Le�.
>t p oP g t1
report; continues, "the -Northwest
Grain Dealers' Association figures
ci acreage were accepted. These di'f
fer a reciably .from the Govern.
=rent figures, bu'+are probably morelead
nearly correct. \ The- average yield,
however, has been calculated upon
reports furnished by our ow,n
trench managers auci managers of
banI h e reports ov-
ks. a --d t es
er every district in each of 'three
provinces, ,
Mrs. Wilson, 110 Wickson Ave.,'
Toronto, says, "About four years
ago a sore spot appeared on' the
right side ofhny face This spot
increased in size until it tecaane
about half au inch in diameter and
eery painful. I went to a doctor,
hut the 'ointment lie gave me did
zot have any goad eflfeet, The
sore continued to disiharge freely,
and was most painful. 1 had it
cauterized, tried poultices, and all
kinds of salves, but it was no good
and I continued to !Kiefer from it
for 'four years'
"A Jiannpie o Zein-13uk'was one
day given tome. and I used it. Al -
through the quantity was so small
it seemed to do mesome good, so I
purchased' a further supply,
"Each box did me more and more
good, and, tomy delight, before I
had been using IZam-Buk three
weeks, I saw that rt was. going to
heal the sore. In less than amonth
it was he :Lead 1
"I know a lady in the east of the
city, whose husband' eutlered for
years with an open sore on his leg
On my recommendation Zatn-'Bok
was tried in that case. The other
day. when I saw her, she tol.d inc it
had healed the sore. completely,
'My daughter, v:ho lives in
Lethbridge, Alta., has also used
Zan-lBuk with the same satisfact-
ory result. :I think it is, beyond all
doubt, the '° finest beaCiug balm
'Such is the opinion of allipe}'solus
who have really tried Zan. -,But. It
is a sure cure for eczema, piles„
abscesses, 'ulcers, scalp sor'es,,;ring
worm, cuts, .burns, scalds, bruises
and allakin injuries and diseasesy
HHe,:box, all druggists and stores,
en post free 'from Zatn-vuk.Co. Tor-
onto, for price. Incase of skin dis-
ease use also Zam-iiuk Soap, 26c.
Bright et of British Brlefs-Hap.
9 r,
penings in the United Kingdom
Seen at a Glance
Amongst the new arrivals at the
London Zoo is a bird -eating s;;.ider,
g atuneral
Driving F
A farmer was filled $1.25
1.25 at Otriagh,
Ireland, for furious driving' at "'a
Rinsed Sea Swallow
A teen cr sea swallow, w'ae shot
at Waltou•oni theNnee herring a rind
on its leg, on \vhich was 1i:scribed:
"Withers, Iiieh Holborn, 'Lender..
Dancing Lessons for Bad Boys
Dancing e''aeses have :proved sue-
eessful"in f p roving the manners of
the boys at the Calder Farm (Yorks) k )
Reformatory, accordingto a' -,14o103'
Office report.
Motor•Cycllnn at Seventy-two
Mr. Robertty
Kildare, w•bo a k
up motor•cyclir, id.'
ing his n�echle O0
with a motor c
I3a11 Jackson, of Corm
t 72 years ,of age too
g, was killed while r
r. Ile hada epljisi
ear me
Adrianople Is the Scene of the
First Great Struggle,
re' Enterprise
Evidence e, the grosiily,`enterprize
of Irish fa ,_etre is found in the in-
cies g r r il. r of modern r. reapers
and, mowing' ,rrr-c:,:iLes that are being
Demolishing a Windmill
One of the oldest windmills in
Lincolnshire bas been demolished by
encircling it with a rope attached to
Et ' traction -engin,:.
First Change In Twenty-nine Years
tinder a C! ..rat:bl._ _c.",rm^ a bird
woman inn:ct of 11'ina;or \\" orkl.ouse,
who bad not rept outs,r'e the Institu-
tion tel. two .eine years, had a holt-
tablet. day at Eon',"yell Green. Surrey.
Strictness of the Censorship Around
the Scene of Operations In Turkey
and the General Unreliability of
• the Stories Circulated Will Make
It Very Difficult For the
World to Follow the Fight.
London, Oct. OL -Half a million, men
or more armed with the meet modern
implements of war are gathering
round Adrianople, the pl.� capital' of
Northern Turkey, for what military
men anticipate will be a long endur'
ing and hard fought siege.
7 he Bulgarian army, estimated to
number 200',000 men, reinforced by 50,•
000 Servians as soon as war was de-
elared, began to fight its way in three
columns through the mountain passes,
which divide the Balkan states from
the territory of the Ottoman empire,
They succeeded in driving back the
Tutltisli outposts, including that at
Mustapha Pasha, where it leas thought
the Turks might make a stand.
As Mustapha Pasha is only 170 miles
from the fortress . of Adrianople' a
long time cannot elapse before the.
main armies come into teach."...
The Turks already have 200,000 men
in, position and thousands more are
arriving daily at the front, so that
while their. adversaries for the mo,
meat have some advantage in nun.
hers the two forces when they meet
will probably be nearly, equal.
The Turks are apparently preparing
for a great . battle; and are satisfied
now to withdraw their tr,.-'ps from the
frontier posts as their opponents ad-
The dramaon which the curtain 'ie.
rising is practically cut off from the
view of the rest of the world, as the
Chiefsof staffs of the various armies
have imposed a most stfict censor.
Sardine Salad.
Six cold boiled potatoes cut into
small cubes, two onions, one table-
spoonful minced parsley, two harem
1 oiled elggs cut .iue twe've sar-
dines flaked,: 'garnish with split
:eaidines and parsley,
DYE; one can buy--w"hy you don't even have to
know whet KIND of Cloth your. Goodsra made
of...So Mistakes are, impossible, _
Send for Free Color Card, Story Booklet, eand
Booklet giving results of Dyeing over other colors.
Montrool. Canada.
;,..:rf.....>., sea
PROF. . DOLL 1N 1l11Jt1i
will be at the
Pl$.iti,lCu1)UrV ElOusC
- ON-
Wednesday, 'Oct 30t(
li'ith a I urge and varied
stock of the uewestParisian
L ntdon mad dowllroik View,
Liotrs ill Uitir i.00tts.
A Quiet Talk With toll,
Some persue seem to have the
opinion that'the niti,miber of avail-
able opportunities' inlife hes been
materially lessened during the past
€;oneratron cr. to S� e hear - it as-
serted, that the siuccess of many of
the mean of to -day is due to ..he lfact
that they began the work of climb-
ing at a tipse when there were n
ec manly people inserch of a chance
to make good.
;While 'itis true that the.popu-
lation of this country has greatly
increased, it is not true that there
has been a corre.spondinlg decrease
in the ratio of opportunities. deo
the contrary, the more p: ogle there
are the more things there are that.
have to ,be dlorve; so the chance to
make good has kept pace with tho
progress of the natior'..Indeed,
each advancement in civilization
has brought now opportunities to
tho front, so that, stop uy step, aro
filo nation has moved forward, the
door has ,been thrown open to a
greater number of possib.,e avenues
of attainment.
'here are profession and other
s of ,earfiuse a livelihood to-
day that mightjustlybeterr,tctl
ileo or crowded," but, to oflfse,tthis,
there are lines of activity to which'
we have access that were utterly
unknowen to our fathers. Alist
of unique occupations wooed show:
hurndreds of ways in which people
row earn their living in a novel
emp':oymeats, and, in the majority
el cases, these :forms of activity
wore unknown and unsuspected
until discovered by the person who
first 'followed. them. Finding it
dieficolt to secure the right
kind of lucrative employment
filth° other .trades soave bright
young elan er woman got busy and
bunted up a new way to make
money. ,
And, ,strangely enough, -Phos°
new avenues of .effort, are frequent
ley the best -paying lines of work
that one call undertake The simple
fact' is this ; There are lots of
people who are anxious to have
things done for them. To avoid
Coin these things themselves• they
No serious. fighting: has yet been
reported from the seat of war. :The
Montenegrins have captured Playa
and Ousinje, and the Greeks have oc-
cupied Elessoria; but these are regard.
ed as minor affairs, it whielr' no real
resistance was offered.
On the Servian and Bulgarian fron-
tiers the situation is little changed.
An unconfirmed report says that the
Bulgarians have captured Kirk-Iiillis-
seh, but, like many similar reports,
this is probably untrue.
From both Constantinople and Sofia
are issued constant denials of suc-
cesses clapped by the respective op-
ponents. For instance, an official
statement comes from Sofia declaring
that all thercported Turkish invasior!a
of Bulgarian territory are pure Moen -
tions, while, on the previous day the
Turkish Government took occasion to
deny the capture of a large number of
Turkish troops by the Montenegrins
at Tuell1,
This campaign of misrepresentation
has become so serious that the author.
ities at Sofia have issued a decree
threatening summary punishment by
martial law to those who circulate`
such inventions.
The Servian advance in the direction
of tlskup encounters little resistance.
It is reported tjoat the Servian head
quarters ale being slowly transferred.
from Nish to Vranya. In this district
heavy rains are impeding the open.
Large numbers of war correspon-
dents and many military attaches are
starting for the front to -clay. They
will work under the greatest difiicul•
ties owing to' the severe restrictions
According to a Belgrade despatch
the Bulgarian Government declines to
permit, military attaches to join the
general staff.
Porte Admits Fall of Tushi.
Constantinople, Oct. 21. -The War
Office denies the Montenegrin reports
of the capture of six Turkish batta-
lions and a large quantity of mani-
tions at Tashi. It admits, however,
that Tushi has fallen.
Up to the present there are been no
serious fighting err the Bulgarian tion,
tier. Everywhere the Turkish forces
are showing alertness fuel dei 5rssin'
ations not to'be caught'napping.
Greek Warships off Espirus,
Constantinople,' Oct. 21-11 is 'i'e-
ported from Janina that six Greek
warships and three transports have ap-
peared off the coast of lispirus. Their
apparent object, is the landing al
. t
Ladies with thin hair will be•in-
terested in our improved Transfor-
mations, The new designs in Curls
are very claintyand attractive. We
invite your inspection of these
For IThoas Wito arra Bald, are so constructed that only the wearer will
know that it is not their ower hair, They give the protection, necessary to
physical health. Adjust them-
selves as readily as your own
hair would., Light, strong, made
in any s&81e, wade 01' shape.
Tito onlySanitaryand11 a,t-
cnted Toupee tuanufatctnred
Do, not fail to. Call and see Thein
Do�'cnwend Co. of Toronto, Limited
Toe 0101186 of ualfl Nair 00046 105105Yon a 8!
Q 19 ° S
are perfect willing to pay well for
services if otherw'wi'll under-
ii'• It
tato them. The drlfrrw�ty bee been
--wnd to some d:gaee stiLl is that
it is almost i�mposarble to find
who `are willing to` perform these
treks, er who aro capable pf doing
retch work satisfactorily. Thein-
terior decorator-a".'means of em-
esioyrn,ent that has now attained the
dignity reran artistic profeseion-
was a unique means of !earning
money in the 'b?.ginniiig. To -day,
there are many men and women
derive good incomes, nlakiag other
peoples'' homes more attreetive and
comfortable, At the other rind of
the social scale we have th° "visit-
intr. and this, too, was a
novel way of earning a living when
first uudertal,.ei .
r 7 ow, when
It looks simple enough rr ,ar,isrtiit
we know that so many g
valets" are making -geed money,
but it took a m,arkecd degree of in-
telligence to first see this oppor-
tunity and device a way. 0610 eking
it a Practical means of livelihood
Most of us can remember when
these forms of employment were
regarded as distinet novelties. We.
might name scores of other ways`of:
earning a Living that were originat-
ed under similar conditions. Some-
kody used his witto take advant-
age of an existing ,situation and
was well rewarded for his prac-
tical application of common sense
to an every day e,m'ergeucy.
• Ana' don't think ,for emo'inent
that there are no: sender . oppor-
tunities awaiting the man or wo-
men who°has wit enough to find
them, :)1 is safe to say that there
' are still scores' of tasks for
which are is walking 'Chore are
fertile fields and int iting pastures
just over the wa11 on both sides Of
the road. Why not look fol' one of
them, you who are complaining a-
bout your present means of em-
Merger is Completed,
St. John, N.f3., Oct. 21,-JamesMan-
chester, president of the Bank 'of New
Brunswick, said yesterday that the di-
rectors of that bank and tko flank el
Nova Scotia had ,agreed upon terms
in the proposed merger and a state-
ment t would lie mailed• to the share
boilers as soon as it can be printed,
He said the shareholders of Use Bank
of New Brunswick would receive share
for share, and a bonus of 010 a share.
He said he believed the agreement, is
in the best interests of the shatehold•
err of, both banks.
Lumber Mill at Lindsay 'Burned. '
Lindsay, Oct 21.,-A disastrous fire
broke out, in the Baker Lumber Co.'s
mill, here at 111 o'clock Saturday night,
and in half an hour; tile old ini11 Bae'
burned tothe ground. Two weeks ago
the mill closed clown after a very busy
season, 60 or more hands being Laid
off, and thereafter the building wa=
empty, so that the origin of the fire
remains a mystery. The loss is ;010,000.
The mill is a serious loss to the com-
pany and to the town. It was insured
er .'mance of v:lith perple will
generousC.y,. Of : course, they
ars alittle outside of the beaten
path, but; the men who walits testae
'coed should' not keep. his eyes too
chose'.y fixed' upon. the path in
Tyyphoicl fever is due to the typ-
hoid brei' os.
Man is. the on"y' Cfriroal..tirat has
it, The bacilli find their w ay into
the human body exclusihelY through
tho mouth. Mill: and tater are two
of the chief typhoid carriers,
Air or lwound infections do riot
have to be considered, Therefore
food -and particularly raw foods--
should be carefully guarded
Typhoid may last from four to
six weeks, and Much longer, if
there are complications. Thosel
-usually met with are •
Secondary infe trona. partieu'nr'ly
pheumonia, inflemn.ation o' veins,
inflammation ofi glands, perfor-
ations and secondc,ry peritonitis
and hemorrhages.
A tired feeling and some- aching
are . usually, the first cymptoms
which appear after the bst,'i1111 have
teen in the intestines atleast ten
Constipation and fever follow,
and when ,he 0'n l,t-l0tus" is taken
11.1/111 probably be over 100.
It generally takes a week from
the time the fever shirts to befall. -
le certain of the diagnosis,
A . person having typhoid fever
should get the best medical and
cursing service he eau 'and then
obey orders absolutely,
Equanimity is necessary when
one has typhoid fever. There
should bee°, worrying and no
Demented Laborer Insults Kaiser.
Berlin, Oct. 2.1.-Wlaile to Emperor
was attending the dedication of St.,
Michael's Church yesterday, says a
Hamburg despatch . to• The Tageblatt,
a laborer, apparently clementecl,: press-
ed through the erow,dorrnd addressed
insulting words to hien, The man was
placed under arest and was taken bo
a hospital for examination.
fretting The attitude should bo
one of acceptiug and trusting, and
if you havesecured the best of aid
it will bo conlparitively easy'to fol-
low this- course.
Tho old-fashibneu,-I eg-drawn-
cut typhoid has practicalty-"b410L1,
eliminated tlirroueh precaution and
rare. Thenext step is to prevent
the disease by removing the causes.
Then what is the man to do who
has not had the disease and pro
poses to keep dear of it
In ordinary times be careful of
the water. Do not drink any raw milk 'unless
you are sure the source is safe,
Do not let others peel fruit ana.
l ti egetabi,es to be eaten raw= if you
tan do it yourself. 16 yon cannot
prepare them yourself and are not
sure how the work is done or.by
whom, eat the cook .id vegetables
and fruit.
Cook oysters and clams unless
cer'taiu about them.
Do -not east food there Cies a-
Wash your own hands'before -eat-.
ing. Imsiet that others should Have
clean hands when preparing tho
If a (cook is employed see that he
or she has not had typhoid recently
within the last stx mouthy, or has
not. been in places whore there wan
ditorial omments.
John Boli has ordered a section of, there should ,be no is.eeond nor
his feet
to the Levant so as to third class butter of'fere'd. If at -
watch over British icterests, The tempted to,be eo'ld the grading pro
.. p
e cess ho 't be applied o h t o� �e'
old Lioni must still be ale prn� with es & w d splay d s that h, s
one eye open, , who will not seek -to produce the
best will suffer by such a reduet-
is once more a necessity
mug yFootball
-o--' ion in price as will teach the lesson
b .' t of greater pains and the
0 employing bettermethods.
hand sold despite the loss of an,ear f euiP' oyr i" t
or the cracking of a leg thecrowd
will cheer as lustily -.as Lever, For , It is of no small
interest to note
the fellows who dslight in strep- the changing condition in the
uous sport Rugby has the call. progress of Conveutiuni`� he0d by
---o- the Public School and Collegiate
word teachers. The 14 and hatter -of -
Don't forget to say s good,fact theoretical subjectsare giving
for Huron, Co.by either word or
If you read the press to -day
ay demonstrations lin technical worts
11 b 1 h.m5stre creased interest in Agri -
many of them are in
pe11 d place to the more practical with
r t w o
ou wt o, se re o P plus the nn
sounding the
culture.' This is the day of teach -
praises of their le 2alities, i)oas 01 ors' tours to points of interest and
do any good? Try it and see. if the instructors are wide-awake
--o-- ! and alert to making the best use of
O" 4 nitryl
Over . ranks canoe to' these opportunities it will be well
g for the pupils under "their charge.
Canada during the month of Sept -
School days are golden,and should
ember, nearly hall o f sv'hom re- bo made Much of.by both the home
mained in .Ontario. There is a and school,
growing desire on the part of new-
comers to make this Province their I • --o-"
Vere gro' wthe
home, for wallies Ci e are not sorry. II lennarwereksoPLoy ilP
rdad. Mnleased a 'er, listiithng-
tushed British statesman who has
Monday., October 01.111 will Le Can- been -visiting in .Canada. Ile said
ada's Thanksgiving Day. Beep 1t "There isms country in the world
in mind and write` ,doth abet of that offers such opportunities of
things for which you have good succs to leen oanada, f energy aond chonar-
. cause to: be thinkful. It ratty aur- asteresas does CNt
iri•is0 you to knowdeet you ere the... should they strive for a. great Can,-
recipient of so many, perhaps un- ada but for great Canaians. To
afknow'..edged • favors: Good will that end the national life must rest
come to you if you ?ii c on Thanks on the golden tripc'd, Education;
giving avenue. and Religion;" Such
' sentiments are worthy of being
y - ^-- well remembered by Canadians as
i, o . theycontain in brief form the
1roYin .ale:e-ti�,a•are slat f r, , ,
October ''8th in Bast 'Middlesex and essence of true Nationhood.
North. Waterloo, The MP P. in *°
the latter, Dr. Lackner, quit to take
the isheriffship, something that
should not be allon ed. It is not
just to scores of other good men: in
the riding and puts on expensefor
a bye-te5aetion where it should not
be necessary.
orb°? And Gordon Called
TakeSeats In Eenate
Belleville Distiller and Sturgeon Falls Lumberman Fill Places
Caused By Death of Senator Watson auci Sir Richard
Cartwright -Both Men Former Parliamentarians,
Ottawa, ' Oat. 16- (Speeial.1-l[en'-
ry Corby of Belleville and Ileo,
Gordon, of Sturgeon Fa' is have been
Balled to the senate, tial will take
their seats in the green chamber
when parliament meets in Nov.
Their appointments came as no
surprise fn political circles here. Mr.
Corby has rendered able eereiceto
the Conservatiire party in, Ontario
for many years, while Mr. Gordon
the we l -known lumberman, gave
isPiiis seats to 1-1031. Frank Cochrane
last fail, Itis felt that both will
bowortey additions to the senate
The appointment of Messrs, Corby
and. Gordon fills the senate vacaln-
les in,Oartarro caused by the senate
by the deaths of Senator Wilson ansi
the. late 'Sir Richard' Cartwright.
There will, 'however,, be another
shortly,. and it is understood that
Senator Sullivan of Kingston will
retire when parliament meets,
Remy Corby, ex -M, P.. who is 6t
years of age, was born at Belleville,
,Ont,and on the death. of his father
succeded • him in' the control Of a
Serge mill and distillery, Re was
for many yea's assistant chielf see
the fire department "'He is presl-
denr't of the iSellesille branch of trio
St. Johne Ambulance Association,
P.ewleville Natural Gas Co. asslBay
of Quint° Bridge Co .and adirector
Of the Agricuoural :Exhibition' As-
sociation of his district, Hewes
e.eeted iso the heelse a: ehererelone
Reel) civil es it pays a good divi-
dend. The gruff rodividua.s may
pride themselves on their curry-
eom.bing career but Life is too brief
to.spend it in scow:ing or fault-
finding. People who are supposed
to know say there is great virtue. in
a pleasant face and a cheery greets,
ing. Take a Look in the Altxror and
see if you think you cbuLd pass
muster on the countenance sicle of
the question,
Some American statistician has
discovered that 7 out of every 100,000.
people in the United States "pass
in their checks' by the murder
route. Our record ,in Canada will
soon loom up to favorable courpar-
,ispn with this black list unless the
Italian. element and ,other people
who use"nekgl'Y all the teams in the
alphabet, are holt. better instructed
in loftier ideals ah -'to the sccarity
for West Hastings in 1388, retiring
in 1901,• Ole was fer manyyears
president of tlee Conservative As-
sociation. ..
George Gordon, ea-M.P., was,
at Pakenhaan, O.ut.,, 17 years ago,
Ho contested .Nipi ssin g rensuoeoss-
fully in 1904, but w'as elected in
10103, and again in 1911, resigning
to make a seat for 'Hun, Frank CCoch-
rane when the latter was called to
the cabinet l'ir. Gemacet has ex-
tensive ltumsbering,intereste, being
a director of the Timaggami Lumber
Co., Cache Bay Lumber CO„ A J
young Co„ Strong Lumber Co. and
George Gordon es Co. He is a
Subjects taught by expert instructora
at the /y
"Y,'M. 0, A. BLDG.,
Stridents assisted to positions. College
in session frons -Sept. I'd. Catalogue
free, Ester any time.
J. W. Westervelt 0. W. Westervelt, Jr,
Principal 10 Di rtsreddAtncipaitallt as
Children Ory
Two ex -convicts; John Bergen and
1I. Bianehard, were sentenced to five
years in Kingston' Penitentiary by
Magistrate Brodie at Sudbury for high. •
way robbery. They had only been out
of 'prison a week -
Boys Are Arrested.
Mitchell, Oct. 21. -Two German
e 14 and 15 respectively,.
boys, ag cI
Were ar• es ell goniton Saturday
efil arge
on a c�iarge of stealing a Twrsc from a
hotel shed at Berlin. They took the
horse on Thursday and started west.:, -
Arrivip q; iV o. rjop~,taiey put the
gg F look .an .these
hots rli a- r t� sliccl. a,: - e
e_ one, •lase boys starteduc•lf, but they
back not gone far before they fell asleep
and the horse went home. The owner
and the neighbors took' the bays in
charge, and phoned Constable Coppiu,
wl.,p,.went out and brought them to
town, where the owner of the 'horse:
from Waterloo and Ohief O'Neil from
I3erlirr were waiting at ltfitebell.
and sacredness of life te�a: cl the The lads were taken to Berlin, where:
:wrong that is docs in :xitemr) they wfll.he tried. They had driven
to carve their country, -_p--
mein, tl _ orae about 120 miles, hiving been
arw4nu .err -tor(' and St. Mary's,
. -1,
Do you know
If notsure you
.ween a mushroom and a toadstool? �� , 1 y
. had Dotter post.
yourself without experimenting at
table unless you desire to have your Y Q tl MUST ft E E P T N E
the difference be -
heirs draw your, life insurance. -
Although fairly well trounced;by
Italy so that terms of peace have
been arranged Turkey is into
a scrap with the' ;.Balkans. Both
parties appear eager for the fray
and the rank and file will supply
thevillims over a dispute that the
Hague should mettle. It does not
look much like the arrival of the
proclamation of world wide peace
just yet.
100 cars of wheat a clay cut of
Calgary should do a good deal to-
ward removing. a grain blockade in
that section of the West, With a thing so good as your Milburn's Laxa-
goodFall and early threshing the . Liver Pills. We always keep a vial in
roblem of the carrying trade will the house, for. we would not be without
o less acute. them. I always- recommend them to-
Aro you agood butter maker? my friends."
There is no excuse today for of-, ' Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are .
tering anything but the best. With per vial, or , vials for $100, at all
hyetter grade of cows, improved tad or rriailed direct on receipt of p
hides. in manufacture and amarket The T. Milburn Co., Limited, T.
price'that must give' it good, return Oat, •
Any - irregularity of the bowels is
always dangerous, and should be attended
to at once. If the bowels cease: to work
properly, all the other organs become
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills work on the
bowels gently and naturally, and will
cure the worst cases of constipation.
flys, 3. Hubba id, Port Colboraie, Ont,,
writes: -"I have tried many remedies
for constipation and 'never found any
'ra,,,,,-.,.tctF.aOS.'s +~.[•,, ... 15, r1,10. „.,a,+t�11' .. rN
SEE O0'R Apple Pacers at rye Stock Pails at SQc
Loaded Shells at
hall° 22 short Carts edges at LSc
Draining Spades, Gleaner, Iganure Yorks large and small,.
Ensilage Forks, Etc„ Etc
Tiltlot'ity. Seed 5 25 -As the season is short, speak few clays ahead
Sugar at _Rock Bottom Prices for at few Days
Ii�rliest pr Price for Butter, Eggs, Etc.
n 1
Wig c
To make some clean, honest money, giving information
to those who have, requested it, regarding an original
Western rn Town i t
—rof 0 subdivision. n
This 1
s a gen-
proposition, and we want only inen ,of good ..,
standing w\ho will not misrepresent. Address
204 I&01NT I6IC13 .DING, 'T011ONTOa