HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-10-24, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 47, N.O. 17 CLINTON ONTARIO ' THURSDAY OCTOBER THE NEW 24 ` '1912 W. 1-I. Kerr & Son; Editors and Publi1her' ERA Would Like to Deceive: Budgets of News Each Week From Ail Its Correspondents. 'THE loyal Ba,pl OF CANADA Dead ,Office, Montreal tGapiltad Authorized -::..$25,000,000. Capirt'al Paid --up 11,500,000 Profid, Reserve and undivided Fre _ .i 1 -: -, -.12,500,000 1 TORONTO, ONT. SECOND CROP OF RASPBERE1ES. I' Anumber of people in town and it the surrounding townships have .beein able to pick a second crop`ofl rails/parries. Get the Best. ' It Pays. ELLIo i:.� TOTAL ASSETS 175,000,000 325 BRANCHES With world wide cot aicetiowt Interest allowed on Deposits General %aarking business. Iteanle- acted. R. E. MANNING, Mgr. CLINTON BRANCH Baking Powder Made only with the:mically pure cream of tartar anid, bi- carbonate of soda. :ALWAYS FRESH, ALWAYS GOOD, 25c per lb. Would be pleased to give! a 'sample to these ho have not tried it. 1ICJ.&VAN' Dispensing Chemist. Is well known ae the rnrb'.ppl�ace for superior hns,inese ,and eharnt- hand education. Poen:ions worth 1$1100 amid $15000 were recently fill- ed by us. 'Write for Ca. ilogue. Sweet Potatoes Menu for This Week Sweet Potatoes Finnan Baddie, Spanish Onions, Fresh Sausage Peaches and Grapes, Peaches and Grapes arie now at their best. This will be a big Peach :week. The Molso Incorporated ISi5 Record oI Progress for Five Years 190&1911 W. T. 'NIL, THE HUB GROCER Phone 45 ank 1906 CAPITAL $3;000,000.00 $4 '11 000.00 ERNE 3,000,000 OC -1,6'00,000.00 DE"ITS .3 6 a 7 730,0 b 5 )42 3 l 1 .0 0 LOANS ANTI INVESTMENTS o7,157,000,OD 3S.S5d Arll,0 TO,Ine 1..ASSETS . . 33,090,IO2.00 45,237,274,00 Has E5 Braceh'Tr y in rail, rdo, and Agents and Correspondents in all tht Principal 00ties in the W70rIIL A GENERAL BANKI1e BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT t at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Clinton Branch. - C E. DOWDING. Manager WIIICh 40 You Prater? ERE are two brand new styles for Vail. The ter is ° ver ' o ul ,? with the Raglan -shoulder P Y P trade,' , high-class tailoring and when styled correctly, ectl ,' as shown,. it is a very smart over -sack. The button -through, patch pocket style is neat and stylish and a makes a smart travelling or street. coat. These are only two of the twenty Overcoat styles we are showing tCenturyBrand make.- in the famous 20h Another shipment of Sweaters just arrived.- CALL.AND SEE THEM TheMorrish h as Clothingti'qM rare Deal For Every Man, FEWREPEALBY-tAVIS ia-MAAAAAAAAA4AAAAAAAAAAA!LAAAAAAAMAAAAAAA1444AAAA.A, ON LDCALIJPTIUN FEATURE OF THE CONTESTS FOR NEXT JANUARY IN ONTARIO. 70 Municipalities To Vote On Option. Majority Of These In Western Ont- ario, Huron Leading the List With Nine. Toronto, Oct. 19 -Another big local option campaign will be fought out at the time of the neat municipal elec. tions in January I913. Voting is, ac- cording to the calendar, likely to take place in over 70 municipalities, com- prising 1 city. 16 towns, 20 villages, and 34 townships. For the moat part, the contests are in, Western Ontario, Huron leading with nine contests. Among the larger places to vote are Peterboro'. Lindsay, Carlton Place, Clinton, Oshawa, Pem- broke, Petrolea and Sarnia Most of these places have voted be. fore, but in a considerable number the question is now before the electors for the fist time. The striking feature of the fight, is the fewness of repeal con- tests. Last year of 178 places where repeal contests were possible, voting only took place in 15, and in one of these the the attempt to repeal was successful. Repeals This Year. This year there are 2.10 possible re- peal contests, but it is not likely that in 10 per , f thesew s r ill the issue be r brought before the electors. Repeal contests, however will be brought on in a number of places. Amongst these being the towns of Gait, Orangeville and Strathroy. The contest will likely be a bot one. and profiting by experience gained in former contests, the forces on either sidebetter organized uized than ever will be g before. re. Liceuse reduction campaigns will al- so be fought ont in Windsor and some other places. The Dominion Alliance office of Tor- onto, has handed out the following list of places were contests are definitely in progress. This list may be Supp'., i head or margin of the paper. merited , as municipalities have np to SEAG012TH LADY ocal News vVVVVV,yyt,VYVVVVVYVV‘VvyyywnvyyyVwTyVVVyyyyVV*N1 CEMENT. WORK DONE. - ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. The; work of laying the e Orient IMr. Alfred H. Goodwin, Batten - blocks at the post oLtice has been ,bury st., 'West; announces the. erne finished and aeveia1 other � x diad gage(msne of his•• Aircond as=sghter; blocks have been removed and sew., Winifred Evelyn, to Mr. Samuel. ones laid. Mr. J Andrews had the Ritchie MacMath, only son of ' Mr. workto" do. end 'Mrs. Wm, McMath, of 'Goderich Ont. The wedding will take place. ANNUAL MEETING, quietly, early in Navenber. The annual meeting of the Huron MAKING MANY SALES County Beekeepers' association will beheld at the Council Chamber Mr. C. Hoare, of the Music Empor- Clinton, on Oct. 31, al 11 aim, Out- ium has recently sold a very fine new. side speakers will be in attendance, special cireassian Walnut Louts XV and all bee -keepers are requisted Doherty Piano to Mr. Thos. McNeil, to attend, .1. Haber'er, Secretary, of town. This is one of the finest Zurich, pianos the firm manufactures and a credit to the skill of the builders. Mr. THANKSGIVING FARES. Hoare has sold several other fine pianos lately also. The G. T, R will sell return tickets at a single first .cIaS8 -fare, between AT THE BAZAAR. ail stations in Canada and from all Take a walk into the Japanese stations in Canada. to Detroit Mich., Pagoda when, you are at the. Bazaar Fort Huron and intermediate eta- and have the, .d'aughters of the Mi - tions, Buffalo,. Black 'Rock andNia- kola give you a cup of real Ceylon gara Falls. Good going Friday, Tea, Saturday; Sunday and Monday, Oet. 25th, 26th„ 27th and 28th. Good to Mothef (Mese basa hundred feces Mother or ie togive.away for red return until Wednesday, Oct. 36th. .price of pie toa hundred little Cbildren, 5 years of aye, and under B. 1e',half Mare. girls at the Bazzar, Come to the Bazaar and have your A SACRED CONCERT. fortune read bar- two little Geese. The Bell Ringers returned to town Six little Dutch Maidens have • cn Saturday and gave a sacred con ' Swerriv ets ed xto thn e isweet" n 1 attam ill serve cert ;n the town hall on Sunday ova evening to a house fell to over- - Bar in the town ball tcday from 3 to. flowing. The program was excel- 0p.m- Sent and in their three engagements A dainty little supper can ,be had they never played ••Caliph of Bag- at the "Tea Cup Inn" to -day dad" better than wars played on RAND TAKES OFF Sunday night, The performers did their part in expellent style. Mr. A distressing accident heppenrd on Dawson the Entertainer recited Monday morning to Mr, Adam Nicb "Christmas at the Workhouse': olson, who has been working with W. Coles thre.hing outfit when he had WILL YOU DO IT?. his right hand cut off in 'the thresher. It has occurred to us that our readers at a distance could do us and others a kindness by sending us marked copies of new.papere containing references to Clinton toys or giris young and otherwise .,r to events 'o ( eoneiderahle im- portance, Two thing's should be office where he was given medical observed in doing so however attention, The accident happenrd at namely to mark the-nrtiele plainly Thomas hill's place on the Gravel: with pen or pencil and to write the Road, near Cemetery, Mr. -Yicholsou mein of Bender somewhere on the is a married man :end resides at Con- stance Itis friends are indeed sorry to hear of this accident.. 1 ERRY'S PEERLESS PLANERS. East Huron Teacher's Association The 39th annual convention of the East Huron Teachers washeld in the opera house, Wingham, October' 17th and 18th.' The mooning session opened in due form. In the absence of the President, Mr, Holman. Mr. Field occupied the chair. Programme and 'Resolution Oomnaitteeswere appointed and re- porters drafted. Mayor Spotton opened the afternoon session with a cordial address of wel- come. Mr, Logan, specialist in :Pen- manship of Peterborough Business0ol- lege, was then called upon. He open- ed bis discourse with the utilitarian value of good writing as a source of ex- pression in all the subjects of the cur- riculum. It was shown that the mus- cular movement far surpassed the old detrimental copy -book system in that it is more practical. Mr. Logan demonstrated the proper position of pen and pupil to achieve the best re- sults. With the aid of the board be showed the various steps in the pro- gression from the lowest to the highest grades. The address was followed by an enthusiastic discussion on writing. Mr. Logan is on the teaching staff of Peterborough Normal School and is. thoroughly acquainted with the sub- ject. This was followed by a girls' chorus under the superintendence of Mies Reynolds. The chorus was heartily encored and replied to by a second peformance. This was an excellent demonstration of what may be done by the Tonic Sol Fe system. This was followed byen address by Mr; S. Pickles, who is on the staff of London and Strattord Normal Schools. He first dwelt on the necessity ofMan- ual Training as a liberal education. If we are true to our profession we must develop the child's motor activities which are lying dormant.P Pn ils re• quire a certain stimulus and Manual Training fulfils this requirement. 'Elie training in the three Rs is now being At cut 7 o'clock when the machine .displaced by the training of the three' " had started, it was found that a board H's -Heart, Head and Hnd. had not been put on near the knives In his second address Mr. Pickles bo and'!. Nicholson eon was placing the first dealt with the methods of teach- ardwithout having the machine tug Manual Training. He exhibited stop. In a second his hand was excellent samples of handwork done Mimed- and toff He was caughtcu 1 nits and explained byPublic Schon pupils p � Shaw's This l driven o town to Da. lately pt their conetrttctfou. address as well as the first was greatly appreciat- ed, Mr. G. R, Smith of the High School Staff gave nn excellent paper on Meths ods in Arithmetic. H s remarks were of an er`'lcouraging character. The changes in the methods of dealing with numbers were illustrated and the prae- tieal side exemplified, IIe in ,de a Metric System, ' reference to the ,Ietrr b company i o en a _bort f Y Th aboven 11 The o p three night engagement, comment- its origin and its me deal displacement ing Thursday, Oct. 31st in the tows: of other systems, Examples of rapid hall. You all remember Patten & calculation and short methods were Perry in Jolly Jerry from Rainy, developed on the blackboard. This season G. Herbert Perry pre- sents the greatest and biggest re- pertoire company that ever toured Canada. Be has -Villi him that clew tion for the problem of Nature Study er comedian D in. Malloy and a in the Public School. 1:le dewoustrat- charming sonbrelte. Miss Hazel Cor ed through the theory of evolution the ince with high class z audeville close connection between man andNat- between acts. Special scenic and ore, Nature Study is purely human electrical effects. Entire, change of and the pupil should learn it in sucb a of program meetly. Obtain seats manner as to acquire the knowledge early. Plan open at'Fairs Prices 50 by his own affairs. Dictating of notes 35, and 25. A GOOD APPLE CROP. please Notiiv L1 If you 'feel runt down, ef.,you are not enjoying the ' goo health that should be yours,. V70 know that in a very oho* sane a,bot'tle of Rex.tII Wine of Cod Liver Oil wilt !make you wellaaxd strong Take onxr guaa+antee' Ion et, there is no ,better, body band- er. Sold only at the REXALL STORE. Q.R. Holmes Phm, B. Novemberel to present petitions. CITIES FS Peteebcro' TOWNS - Mount Forest North Pray Oshawa Pembroke Petrolea Aurora Carlton Place Clinton Forest Ingersoll Kincardine .Lindsey aleeford ' Sarnia Whitby victorious by five shots. The Wingham I scex'es :- VILLAGES • 1 Seaforth Clinton 1 Airs, 1V. It Veale Miss Iain:. Levis S ` 1� 1. l la. ON\ the The Seaforth howling green was scene of e v est n] ei estirg gime of mein bowli ig , last 'Friday afternoon between two ',irks of Clinton lady howlers and a similar number of Sea - forth ladies. The Olinton'ladie Were considerably strengthened by two of their gentlemen members acting as skips, but notwithstanding this handl• cap, the Seaforth ladies came out B;incrof1 Hayfield Brussels Dutton Eganville Exeter Fenelon Fa'la Fergus Georgetown Glencoe • TO W Amherst Island Arthur Brock Bromley Burleigh Cornwall Christie Delaware Drummond Dnnwich Etsthope, N, Lsstbope, S, Ellice Elora Eicott Front Esquesiug Fitzroy Morrish e Miss Uardno ,dliss Russ Lavis 11 a bone Mrs. Neil Sliss F. Attie Port Sts Port Stanley rvdSlcip., A. Slug Percy iTocvne 6 SpParkhill ;Sirs. Close • Miss H. Lavis Tiverton Mrs. J. A. Case- - Miss E. Lavis Tiverton Mrs. W. Ament Miss M. Alain lh,unesville 1Slies Ste her, Jacob Taylor WestiaHarbcr Skip p 14 Skip 16 vVestport - - 27 2`L Majority for Seaforth ladies- 5. NSHI PS klibbest Himsworth King Lou3an Louth Malden McKillop Monteagle Morris Nichol North Gower Norrnanhy Pembroke Sandwich E. Stephen Turnberry Whitby E Where To Find it, After the ganie the Seaforth ladies entertained their guests at the club- boose,where refreshments were served A. return game was played Monday afternoon and the Seaforth ladies won tuning advantage of it, He want by 8 shots. Miss Kate Ford took Miss to get thnt a1] of1 an:d awinay ,be F. Mlle's place and Mise Rowson the 1ore the baepd weather sets agar pierce of Miss Edna Lavis. A lunch Dr. W. Sloan and F -A, An'dersoin ar was served for the visitors, down there 'this week. Me. Percy, also of the high School Staff,followed Mr. Smith with a paper on Nature Study, He provided a sole - by the teacher was strongly conclemm- ed. Collections and notes made by First Form pupils were exhibited. In The Blyth, Standard says;- Mr, concluding, iMe r. karcyic a lrouldr tee R, R Sloan o; Goni•:i�'h ro;'nship spent Sunday at his home here, his taken np in Nature Study. The ad - mother is still seriously 111, but dress was highly applauded, he couldn't stay, longer than one On Friday morning the officers for day, on account of being busily en- the year 10J2 I3 were elected:-Presi- gaged with his apples, he has al deaf, ilii. B, S. Scott o£ Brussels ; vice - road taken 700 barrels off his or- president, Mr. A. Naylor,Seaforth ; chard and still has 400 barrels and 2tx 1 vice-president, 0.11,m1 Lis Smith, Bros ^ird is trying .to get the most of sets ; executive committee, 1\leesrs. them oflf this week, the weather is Bouch, Holman, Fowler, Misses Mac Gregor and good for the operations and he is Welsh ; secretary, 171. Stalker. Wingham Local news on, pages 1, 4 and '8. Ohurch news en page' 5, ;Our Ottawa Letter on page 2. (;'ypthia's •,Chauffeur and. Sunday School Lessons on page 7. Facts about 'yphoid1 fever ;A quiet talk with you; and Editorial C.pmmeir ' e on page 3, District and Huron Co. News on page 5. Personal and Social News ;Small advte. an page 4, ;'Good news en every page VIPURTANT'TO LADIES. Every Country Editor Should Be the Agent of Ten Crest Concerns Well Paid Prof. Doren wend or Toronto begts to antaouincce that he will be at cthe Battenbury house, on Wedlneaday, t display Oct. 30th, with a complete � p y oS the �ne;w�eht London Paris ' land: New York creations You are in- vited to eail and' inspect hit goods.), Miss Blyth then gave an interesting paper on. Art, setting forth the value e of the subject in all branches of study. An outline of the course and the meths ods in teaching was also given, Mr, Field then told the audience that Miss. Blyth's remarks were not theory but that she had put them into practice with excellent results. Miss Rance,of Clinton, gave a bright talk on Golden Silence and Silver Speech. There has not been enough stress placed an reading sings it ie of value in all subjects; Natural Reading should be encouraged and is indispensable as a means of prover expression, •Mr. Musgrove, el, L, A, gave a splendid talk on matters pertaining to the con• ditions of previous times compared with present conditions, The teaching profession has a bright =and progress- ive outlook. At convention some years ago the majority of the teachers were males, Now it is the reverse.; Whether this condition was better than the old Mr. Musgrove declined' to say. Mr. Scott, of Brussels,expressed his appreciation of the honour conferred noon him in electing him President. Ile then gave a splendid discourse on English Literature as a ceiore about which all the other subjects are gath- ered, Then followed a well rendered sol by Miss Mackenzie, short but Mr,-PaslifE then gave a o interesting talk on school sports,show- ing the value of physical development as an aid in building up a bright : and healthy mind. It also breaks down the barrier between the pupil and his in, structor, Mr. Holman, the retiring President, closed the session with a few remarks on "My Ideal School," dealing ..;minion larly with the well balanced pro- gramme and the good relationship ex- isting between teacher and pupil,thcse dal •sof an ideal ole being the main feat School. The Resolution Committee met and drafted the following resolutions: - 1. Resolved, that a` hearty vote of thanks be tendered to' the people of Wingham for their hospitality and hearty welcome. 2, Resolved, that a vote of thanks be tendered to Miss Reynolds for the excellent numbers rendered... 3, Resolved, that a vote .of thanks be tendered to those who, provided the night's entertainment, - 4, Resolved( that a vote of thanks be tendered co those who contributed f; the on ention. 'e programme o c to th i' P g 5. Resolved, that there should be a Membership fee of 25 ate. 6.Resolved, that there should be a Trustees' Convention, (New York Journal.) We repeat that advertising in country newspapers. properly ntiliz- ed. is the most valuable advertising in the world for its cost. We urge advertisers to talte advantage of the opportunities offered by the coun try newspapers. We add, incidentally, that we don't own and never expect to own any country newspaper. A country editor with five, hundred circulation or more for• his daily' or weekly can talk TO FIVE HUNDRED GOOD, TYPICAL AMERICAN FAMILIES, ALL PURCHASERS, ALL DESIRABLE CUcTOMERS. Every publisher of a country newspaper should be, through his advertising columns, the trusted and valued agent and promoter of at least ten great industrial merchandising concerns. The country publisher alone is able through his columnsTO_SL•c'LL F RYTHII�G that is for sale- )JVERYTHING. His readers BUY EVE from nails to pianos, from pills to automobiles. They buy paint and roofing and stoves and lamps -hundreds of commodities that the city dweller never buys. There's not a community in the United States' in any of which ten or even fifty great 'American merchants and manufacturers would not gladly hire athigh pay a competent, earnest representative able to. talk every day to five hundred or, more families. And every business -like, hard-working country publisher IS 517011 AN AGENT, able every day to reach the consumers that nobody else' �an reach. COM THE COUNTRY NEWSPAPER IS THE BEST OF ALL ADVERTISING MEDIUMS. • And the publisher's profits should not be less than six dollars an- nualiy for every copy of the paper sold. Little .by little advertisers come to learn the value of the country r,ewspaper and .very rapidly, let us hope, the country editors will come to learn the value of that which, they have for,sale:and will demand and get their share of the national prosperity, acting as nutional,industrial and commercial representatives =' and not merely as the local; mouth pieces of local merchants;.barely able to supporttthemselves. The country editor with a thousand circulation can make' himself worth; to. the commuuityett'least six thousand dollars'a year.: Be can make his paper, EARN that if he chooses to do at: He nand be his own 'Master, not ruled by local merchants or coporations or politics-recog nixing; only his readers c e clients, customers, advisers and equals. NEW FALL CAPS NEW FALL ITS S� NEW FALL VERCOAT T l is the little to buy Now your winter supply when stocks are coniple We are ' showing the most range of complete Tete oHats, P Caps, Ready-to-wear Cloth- ing, Golt Coats, Sweaters and Novelties in Neckwear it has ever been our pleasure to display. oys' Clothing We have' just received a shipment of Boys' Clothing and Overcoats, in the very newest styles. Call and see them as often as you please Ken's Tailors anti �ao"nishc e,r' 7. Resolved, that the papers du livered at the convention be'grieema;' in full. The Report was adopted with the exception of resolutions Nos. 5. and le. c es h- at Goder�c a( -lad :Shot b BrOt�c Accidently Wounded in Arm and. Legs on Duck Shooting. Expedition Godericb, Oct, 19, -What easily have proven a fatal accident gnioset Oei- '• curved yesterday,' when Tom anel Harry, sous of JohnChristiohn this town, were out on a shooting expedition. Seeing some wild cheeks• on a pond, Tom made, a short els;l: across a field with a view of arousing.,. the•birds in order that he miglit able to take fire eon the wing." 3za., doing so, however, he got ns line with his brother and the ducks. Seeing leas brother pointing the gun in the rineeve tion of the rising b.rds, he dunks behind a post, but the brother Haft: fired,, and Tom received some of the shot in his arms and knees, one ebcst also entering the cheek. Only le, promptness in ducking as he did pre- vented a more serious accident, tTs'. rem a fatality..'