HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-10-10, Page 370777
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Charles Tup
, at Age of 91
• • • ' ' ' • ., „ .
Trernpk?aullt on the Site he ,Chose as
a Pr6ser've for Lions .
, The memorial erected to Cecil
'11thodes,on the slopes of Table Mown -
•'Aida is both magnificent and fitting.
' The site was alWays a favorite one
•'with Rhodes, who believed that the
vlew trout' tile eastern, spurs of the
;mountain exeelled any, other prospect.
•tot the world for beauty. Ile made a
, 'broad road to it' and placed a seat
there. From it a very fine view is
obtained of Table Bay in the AtlantiC
to the,north and of Fake Bay in the
'Indian Ocean to the south, as well as
the Cape Flats and the distant moun-
• tain ranges stretdhing for 100 miles
to the east and north.
Net far from this seat it Was • his
intention at one tilne to build a great
temple, as lie called it, the object of
;which was twofold. He intended to
• make a huge enclosure for his
in order that they might be housed
• 'with the greatest possible freedom
and amid natural and beautiful sur-
roundings. The idea in. kb mind was
that the lions, enjoying a large range
of liberty and magnfficentl,•• housed
,would attract people to the mountain-
• side, where art and nature together
at their best must lift them out of
th m elves and inspire them with
• e s
lofty thoughts.
. Remembering that such had been
.11.11odes' 'Imaginings on the mountain-
iside, the Memorial committee decid-
ed' thet the best form, for the monu-
ment would be a temple dedicated to
• The monument has been built of the
granite which forms tbe natural base
of Table Mountain and has been
,worted to a texture which is not so
line as to be out of scale or harmony
,with its mountainous surroundings.
. In front of the monument is the
'statue, "Physical Energy," by
Watts, R.A.> representing a man rein-
ing in his horse after some great deed
and scanning the ,future for his next
!achievement. It was not designed by
Watts, especially for Rhodes or his
monument, but was presented as a
gift to South Africa out of admira-
tion for the genius of Cecil Rhodes.
Suggestions were made to place it
elsewhere. But It was Rhodes'
dream to make the Cape Peninaula
• the centre of art and beauty in South
-Africa. It seemed natural, therefore,
that this gilt of the greatest of Eng-
lish artists should be placed in
-Rhodes' monument on Table Aloun-
The eight lions, four on eithev side
, of the long fiight of steps leading up
ito the portico, are the work of the
late J. M. Swan, R.A. •
' 0 '
iaduct at
airli.,1:136:aig, efae. atno:addiplopanentaol,.. If? raecmif idthe,ilaoili_vdieialYa/r,'
:°.°P or anew Union Stati,oU
Quickly stops coughs, cures colds, beak.;
the to:oat and 1rue9. - 25 „cents.
The Property Corasnittse of the
330er d or Edocatien of Toronto, teak
Canada to orgatize the militants
SuPerint endent of BuildSng's.
,Wsna.J.Ei.Ly and, James Chip-
pington wmo crushed to death sn
r 'rho 'tfUnieralli, teak plaee ite elleunt
, Pleasant ,c6creetteryn. Terontoe !Eits
pMenits reelide Ekciter. „
Tlie,horne ofE.Naugham, 60,West-
'Wciod'AYee ITerentos. -Wee ale,getirtifY
s times 'byllightning. Wiese' V,Sugh-',
an (wise , \vies 'ISEes Bram ,Av‘ery,,. pf,'I
• Brinsells),,*as` uup.sta,Ses ,putting'Ithe
baby daughter Ito sleep, wheel ethe ,
shalt Istruck. The S , came '
• clown simian the .bed;leglitteinag being
.conclucted thessrom bedstead end
..toutteintately Ithe as pipe Ito:the'
, street.. No, sertious. damage,' was
-den& the Mother ortelbaby) although
the -eseape..Was Miraculous.
Last. week; A -anomalous- was
teed:Med by St. Paul's Pries1)3narilan
the G, T, R. yards at Allendale.
FOR FLETCHEWS •car't' Be. AC.,atifhaetYpia:Lpoutlaerva. C-anace ethe:
A s A sess for the as;t yeetete. Sale*, .
fel pastor of eVielvalle chuurch Brus-
!Miss Wylie, ea e 1- in • • •
Children Ory
pe've n'°cecrt:e IcW—In:A!11%aVknoilic ,rh°:aci'dIndrYBY!.ei es sos 'A. .,liest!csitis p :hart!, n,ag
• ,
gistee eare inter .31 picture
eir Che,rles-Tlupper at the g g,10) p f 91. in one ofhis years. Courage, for -
His illness in England 'last winter •cef &mess and tenacity Of sturPese
eeemed. likely to proe'e fatal, and • are etill clearly yeyeated in those
slece then the -Venerable' stateskaan massive leatures surmounted by a
has snfreeed a severe. buyeiD thcs lerge forehead,: The eyee
death of Lmly Tuispos the wife of with something of their old fire
•Sixty-six years. In spite • of all, when the subject under -discussion
however, tte to-dayseeems quite is an appealing. one, and theee is
vigoronS. 'trades the sleyoted cue)) then also a tighteeintg of the linie5
ot his soe, Sir Chas -lee Ilibee.rt Tap- ground an unugually !strong chin.
per, Lady Tupper, an,d his grand- It 'is diftficult to realize that ssixty
ciaughtere, Mess Free -es and Miss yearrehave elaps,ed mane he de-
iii,leattiTrostypeeder, eThe caoiotils 3)hreefezgert:sioinf • !rliVom-day
givf iergstprPotaraliiisliecaolispileveienhz,
site Pacific seem to have, ginentirn to see his hundredth birthday.
-' except when
a nesv Lease of life, , • •'Foresasv Royal Governor-General.
phYsical vigor Leindisatet by
As welook back OD some bf his
,, I r .. tai.1 d f Of t le Ute cfleted es $2,50 . St. Paul s is a new is=le.',Itatti%esigie'i'kbalear,evthshaolit-t earliest utterances V e realiee that
• 1 e wee a seer ' and tnat things
I Ire '0 • ' ' •
gess .su, raee es, las come o congregation) now esigaged in . eases in the vicun. y of his son s whieh lie prophesied 'fifty years
the -signing of the coneenant to erection of a dine new church, ithe t
jacob Atlas, recently of Sudbury,
committed suicide in Montreal, on
learning that he had consamption.
Woodstock Council, by a raajoritv
vote, decided to asseav factories at
oner 42 per cent, of aetual value, ine
eluding business tax. •
t of eVhiels ha,s already eost ,lietau i a. louse a Jame. e stanley
1 ire. ,00a,aionally he v"es this or more ago, have adafelly come to
pass. Advocating ceseedsrittlen so
routine with a raster drive to enjoy far back ." as 180S, he said 1 "Who
the ocean breeeets and, survey the would donlat under these cireum,
majestic growtt. of Geseter Van- •
• stances, with such a iederation of
1 the five provie stet; !to whieh uLti-
‘:°.°.er' :Mental Vigor i manly the R,e;d Riser anic, the Sas-
- • !His mind is an keen and plastic! katchewatn country inight be add-
les memory oven of recent happen- I ed) as would give 03 Lae position
legs, as clear as they were during I due to our '. extent, resources and
his early manhood. He is at pnce a ietelligent population, =trammel -
surprise 4111d a revelation to his ed either by slavery or th,s ascena-
Wends and relatives. 'He is a con- ancy of any dominamt clearth; al-
etant reader of the magazines and! angst the last' gountry segue civil
newspapers, waiceing with. !leap I and religious liberty existe,
in.tereet the progress of events at , British Ameriea, ,stretching from
some and aercou. ' Lately Sir I the Atle:ntic to the Pacific, svould
,eharSes has been greedy. intere'st- in a few years presare, to the world
e I in Premier Berden's .sit to a.‘gittizaBtrartalsdhpionssvtea,tulutilloni:ig, esoyiravaptaiottah.:
England and his return, and on its
learings on -the future reeations • lee and feelings: ,bountl indissolub-
b etween the Dominion and the l IS' to the throns ot England by a
Alotheleand. He Joe's not disguise tom,munity of interests, and united
his cordial approval pf . the public to it hyitheevice-royality pf one Of
speeches of the Conservativeleader the Promising. sons pf on, benseeld
and his colleaguts in Lundell, es- Queen, whose virtues have en-
eecially in.regard to 'nail al affairs. throned her in She h ca -ts of her
eellers Jease impre,secl wite his
remarkable memory, and the bright Pire upon -which the sun never
sstextbsj.e”cts in every section at an Em-
ness of his undimmed intellect. Ile
disdussee , with equal facility any A united awe' • a mighty British
topic that arises during converse- Deminion does stretch flora coast
non, showing apartielity lor con- to eoast anti pne of Que, 11 Vic -
temporary events, especially Da the
tics'. 'His voice Li .still clear and Surely hmo le fulfilment of pro -
Dr. -de Vans Female Pills,
A reliable French regulator; never fails. These
rills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the
generative portion of the female system. Reinse
all cheap imitations, Dr. ( e n , a ,
55a box, or three for$10. Mailed to any address. not unexpected as e la ,
sole Sooholl Drag Co.. St. Catharines, Ont. 1 Jailing health several months,' but
The Kingocancelles1 ' a ball at Bal- hes ep-Sendid coastitation had tided
moral :Castle owing, it is reportettli, ' hinnover until Saturday-, ,Alr. Bal -
to the political situation in 'Ulster. lantyre was 'the. eldest son of :fames
The police imptured aman at St. liablanityne, and was been at Dyke -
Louis believed to have been Smell- ends, Forfateshise, Scotland.. on July
cated in, the New MTestminstee,bank 23rd, 1830. HO was gam,elseence on
. I the Estate lef Earl of Alailie, Cm -
robber y. ,
'A great Unionist demonstration tachy Castle .beloan comeng to Can -
took place at Belfast on the eve of ado, din1854. After Living ear a time
the singing of the convenant to at Mitchell and Woodstock decease
iesist home rule. i ed. arrevete in !Brussels in !the yeas!
Apt ! 1857 and seemed the lot .aud'Ssuelt.
• thatalacahn k V street 1,PWAS' Li Wee , ti'l . ii°t, _in as ,,:dii. itelo',n
z,...=.1.::,ccedts, tures. colds. bents . where hetriesicieci up to Ida demise.
4ni cents. I The funeral ol lAnes. Ber'need
St. Andrew's School property to- Thomson helci last Wednesday af-
ronto, was sced to areal estate ternoon. Inane Carmel lsetesbyterban
Charch to ;Herniae:a Union Cemetery,
Three fireman were injured by was very tiatrgely atteelded. Sirs.
falling -from a ladder at a blaze on Thomson was 55 years !old, and
Bay' street, Toronto. ' ' prior to her marriage V. as Aliss Jo -
Mr. Samuel • Catlow, a Lie erpool annea Logie, of Usboxne Township.
financier, was found dead inbed at She was ,anSece ef bite late Illev.
the Queens Hotel, Toronto. WrmnLogie. She was first marrietd
C hil dr e n. Cry eo John Dimon of London, Alfter a
short mantled life her ;first husband
FOR FLET.CHER'S died, Anxt she still reanei•nted in Lone
e As. -E, 0 R 1 A don till about ten years ago, svhen
she moved tbithis district. Above
Rev.T. T. Shiel cis and Bev. W, E. utilise years ago she was anaefeiert to
Pescott attacked the ' Toronto Bernard'frhomson who peedeceesied
morality department and' defernid,ed hor ,a,bout (theta year's ago, For
Relv.E.)34.StiCiair. over a yew( her healttla had been
Dr. Immaniuiel IBenzinger of the Poor, and sho gend,ually grew svorlse
University of :Berlin will become She leaves two chiedren by bete first
associate professor in Oriental husbantd, essea inEdmonton and a
languages at the University of To- daughter et home,
. , Mr. !Geo. Schajoedcr of Dashsvoo,d
Electric Restorer fOr Men a London 'Hospital last spring, died
who was operated °entice cancer, in
ronto. .
restores every nerve in ,the body an Saturday, Sept. 21st, alt his home
vim and vitaht Y. l?retl=eclegr gict =e'x'ficasl where he was confined -to his •heXI
weaknesS averted at once. Phosphoncgi will ever since the operation.
make you a new man. Price 53a box. or two for It ibeeOlnleS Our solemn dety to re-
St. oatharmes. Ont. cord the ,cleatth of Selly , Neratcott,
se Mailed to any address. The Scuba' mine
Mr. Alex. McGowan of the second _beloved wife of Air. John D.elbrid.ge
ot Eng 90Ih Conceesi,en of ak,sborn,"
coincesslon of East Wawanlesh, ;in- Who passed away /at St. Joseph's
birthed threshing on Saturday. Ile ' 'Hospitals London, 00 Sept. 19.
report's the grain ,generally, es good •The Exeter 'Closestable Is tin en -
On weighing abag of oats as !thee' ferce the bylaw of selling tobacco
came frame the machine, St 'tilsPold and cigarettes to minors.
the scales a&118 lbs. which leanest:- I Mr. titarnett 'Heywood of Exeter
ceptiernally good weight. Mr. Mc- has recently comPleted ,a small -par-
Gowan had over 300 bushels Of thbs lost table that emisierts 01 21 warn, -
ties of wood and 11,150 pieces. The
.0 Main table is walnuts while . le
decoratWe parts are of • rliftfeelent
kinds ol wood. The legs are square
Izottes::oneasd %Tyr . tures. co IA. cfrigis and contain 0,46e plebes. They are
'120,000. While en the :West tins
Swimmer thee treverand !gentleman
Preached the pulpit vaemet 'and, was
approached then as to a call but de-
clined advising that =the steguilate
plan purr:sued in,such v,acancies
lealovsed but !the cangregabilon is
anxieties to secure him.
After along and busy lide Thom-
as Ballantege, Church street, Beus-
sets, answeredl the rioll call of (the
skies last Saturday. His demise wa,s,
Great 'Secrecy Observed in Printing
• Last One Introdbced
. In connection with the new Home
!Rule bill, it ins interesting to recall
'elle measures taken for the printing
of the rpugh draft of the bill of MA,
and the care taken to erisure secrecy
The draft copy was mit up so minutely
'that each compositor at the offices got
only three lines to "set," so thatAs
could not form even the haziest 00 -
tions as to what the bill proposed to
establish in Ireland. The duty 00 ar-
ranging the numerous lines of type in
their consecutive order was committed
to one only of the most trustworthy
overseers in the establishment, and'
when a dozen copies had been printed'
Pr the use of the Cabinet the over -
!seer had the type immediately broken
1 `up and distributed. Before the Cabi-
net, however, bad concluded their de-
pberations on the bill a copy was
pund on a writing -table in the library
Of the Reform Club; but the tnder re-
turned it to the absenterninded Mises-
ter who, it transpired, had left it: there
after writing a letter, '
Turkey. Now Yielding
• To Europe's Pressure .
r$ritain Staii.4s Alc)pf
•' ,i,vizrcf11,51:56 'ttla5 5,xx.d ‘01:50 ret‘A, n.1145(7t51.61:
TURKEY MAKES AN OFFER 1I/S willtrigness to put into Seem-
The 'Porte Is Willing, to Grant Wider
Powers of Self -Government to Fin:
, Melia and Macedonia --e, Britain
Disapproves of the Strong Co -
melon Proposed by the French
Premier, M. Poincare. Russia.
Should this statement prove to be
eon erticle 23 of the lema y ge-
latine to a greater meant/a ef self.
govmement tior Rumelia and Mace-
donia. It is stipulated by the ?Otte ,
that the details • are to be settled by •
consultation with. the European 'tu-
mefies) commission, which comprises
-representatives of Great !Britain,
France Germany, Austria Italy and
Paaris. Oct. 7.—War or peace rte.
tweets Turkey and the Balhau stetee
is in the balance. If anythiag. it
might, be Mid that the scales swung .
class of oats.
pone toria's sons dwells' at Rideau Hall.
field of D011liniOn or Imperial
xe,sonant, his hearing excellent, and phecy.
I a G
s' ' decorated evith la chain patIterin
Elerth Ledge I. 0.0.P. received • each limas being made out of several
a handsome now set of regalia on pieces of wood and fatted! into
Tuesday. This lodge is now well groove. t 1.1 .1
equipPed this respect,
lir A 13. Carr, of .13lyth, made lalts 1 0 bil dren Cry
last shi,pment oftpituns on Friday
last, maktrig about 600 'baskets
tiles season. • The price this! yeas
was extremely low, 151 50010 easee
nbt realizing over 4 cents p.er bask-
et •proeit.
G.A. Headman, shipped one car Of
honey to W,,,imegPea', last week, ;and
another Seto follow in a day or
Last Saturday Win, en. Salter,
fonnierly IBites/els, (lied in the
General Hcfspettal Toronto, of Ity-
phoed fever, ill his 313r11 year, after
a seVere of ,seyelial .; weeks,:
acearate there will be a good chance •
that the medetion of the powers re-
sulting frora the Paris pourparlers
may prove effectual in preventing
war. The Balkan states demand that
slightly against peace 10 tie sense
Cheistten governors snell be appoint- .
that every liour's delay in the. powers'
intervention incteases the deager ef ed in Macedonia by the great powers. ,
hostilities, ,
, The -word mow rests with Great Bri-
tain. All the powers save Great Bri-
tidn have acaepted, with some macli-
Article 23 contains no peovismo of
this kind, bat it is believed that if
tee powers eould give some sun of
guarantee that Turkey would °eery,
out the tenets of this. article the mate
fications, the French Preimer s plan
ter might be accommodated.
for intervention, but it is understood
here that Great. Britain hesitates in Sir Edward Grey, the British For-
eign Secretary, has -returned to Lan-
g,oing so fax as to assume svith the
San. Ile is expected to consult with
other powers responsibility for some
the Cabinet to -clay in order to prepare
ing 'from Turkey broad reforms in
• Great Beitain's eeply to M. Poinearess
Macedonia. • lei te. It is believed that the British
Great Britain's precrastinatiort is
ceasing some „measinass and snina ari. Government disapproves of the strong
coercion. which is proposed and which.
deism in Paris. Such papers as Temps
Man Who Supplied
Gunmen to Murder
Rosenthal is Slain
• Mies M.,Campbell, who has been
teacher sof the Co,mineecien clepawt-
ment at the Exeter High School,
left tt or S.arentia, where she has been
engaged res (Commercial !specialist
of ibhe Sarnia ICollegia:te Ins'tittufte
Miss L. ICruickshanIs.e, of Serrinia,
has been, -engaged to teach itriMiss
Campbell's place. • ,
rceid Named In Walerfoo.
Waterlog, Oet. 7.e-Censorv11ti ens of
North 'Waterloo • assembled • Sattirdly
• afteinoan to choose a candidate to
couteet the I bye-elootion, Tho con -
smitten). AVItS unanimous in the 'selee-
tion eS Richard Reid ei Berl;n, who
in reply tole thoee present, that lie
apereeisted the lienor, I -at sail bo
cold not give them 51. definite answer,
but would as]: fdr,a week tf, consider.
In view of this, the'eonvention wns ad-
journed lor a sveels. Fred. Welters,
license ilepector, was nonsinatett,
but only l'eaci•ved three seitss Inee
the 'convention,•
• ts'lqiItti,
iat Fraud% whose good will toward!
I Britain was Shown in the -decoration
of the ,young Prince of Wales,
. ,
Becret, eervIcei • •
The aramitsit..sPent in..Britieh Gov -
met Seeret, fil'21-v,toi'l -op* 1640
128°,°°,°•' - _4-essece_. I
tituro,11Co. (Ip1019.' '
New %York Gunman Shot Down by
• - . Angry Pickpocket.
Npky'Yorlc, Oct. 7. --"Big lack" Ze
Shot end- killed Saturday night.
The east side gang leader. who wali
said to have supplied the gunmen for
the nurreer of Herniae Rosenthal, the
nimbler, was on a Second avenue open
tae 'When Philip Davidson. 53110 says
he isa fruit dealer, jtimped on Use
runnieg-board and fired the fatal shot.
Davidson is snid by denizens of the
sunlerworld to be "Red Phil," a Bos-
ton .pickpocket. .
Davidson jumped from the ear and
rnis away, but was captured, pistol in
Mine. He admitted the shooting. Ac•
tending to the prisoner %dig had held
him np early le the day in an east
, side hallway and robbed him of $400.
Zelig was rushed to Bellevue Hos-
pito 1, but before the ambelenee reach;
ml diet insteution lie was dead. On
his body, ths police sny, enly 12.34
was Mame aid -mesh a well-dressed
womae, whose identity was not, learn-
ed, • visited the Bellevue morgue not
Ione afienZelig's death a-• I asked the
autherties to turu neer to her UK
woicn she Said zelig had in his p
session when be was shot.
Davidson explained to detectives at
police iseti•dquarters that after he had
been -robbed he went to Jersey City,
bought a revolver and *after making
;event ineffectual efforts to gel his
mouey back, chased Zeleg about the
ter and shot him.
District Attorney Whitrann, as soon
az he 53.93 notified 'ef the murder, re-
itmeted 11151 the questioning, of the
erisoner be sloferred entil he arrived
at headquarters.
On Zeliges body several letters were
tours', in-cluding missives from
"Whiten" Tiewie, "Gyp the BINA.'
"Lefty Louie" aud "Dem" Frank,
elm are in die Tombs tor the Rosen-
thal mentos.
Zslie heel figured in numerous shoot..
iug [Strays growing mat of east sid•e
gang flehts, itail had snore than once
felt the, sting of hot lead. At Use
'dine ot his arraignment on tee gen
carryine chame he was shot, but not
seriously -wounded, as lie was en his
wee to tho criminal courie building.
It Win; expected that 4clig Ivould be
a, stato's witness in the trial of Lieut.
13eckstr, althowilt he litle deniec dr.
ninItitig Ulu Rosenthal slayers.. ;
has been forced, aocording to the
assert that they mullet nederstaud
British view, by the statesmen at •
Great Britain's lack of :es -meatier in
Paris, to compel.Turkey to accept the
the needed Turkish reforms, -tvlien in
Balkan demands, , ,
Varioas frontier ineidents conkette
to figure in the reports, but appar-
ently nothing serious enough to pre-
cipitate a WIIT bas yet happened.
1810 that country rose up in a body
against the so-cellecl Bulgarian atro-
cities of that year. Even with Eng-
land's support, and. this is expected
to merle to -day, the crisis is not re-
moved. The great question remains
as to -whether the powers can obtain
extensive enough informs h.ons Turkey
to satisfy the militant Balkan states.
Austria has given adhesion to the
plan formulated by the French and
Ressian Foreign Ministers to deal
with the Balkan situation. Austria,
however suggested a slight change in
the wording of the proposals, which
met with the immediate approval of
both M. Poineare and AL Sazonoff.
The only effect of the amendment is
to more sharply define the intentions
of the powers asel present a more
precise statement of these It is un-
derstood that the proposals do not de-
mand autonomy for Macedonia, but
urged the adaptation of the provisions
of article 23 of the tseaty of Berlin
Peaviding for lasger Moisure of
home rale. It is believed Imre that
the proposals as now outlined will
remove any lurking suspicion in Eng-
land that the continental powers pos-
sible were eontempating a settlement
Wholly at the expense of Terkey,
Gerrneey and hely have appeoved
their ally's modifications, so that, with
full adhesion of the British Govern-
ment, which is confidently expected
no -day, the powers will be in a posi-
tion to say • to the Balkan coalition
that the Balkan states Will no longer
have to depend on the premises of
Turkey, but on the pledeed word ot
Turkey Concedes Point.
Lei -ideas, Oct. 7.—What may prove to
be an important tlevelopment in the
Balkan problem came t role Consist 0 -
temple last night in the Mimi (4 a
to tne proieestoti is "to- oe-rdiffed:
_ — She has aiready sbown that she can
take the last' into her own hands. ,
BR-Iff commthrough h
tq "All rough life ws have to act/
° says Sir William Richmond. Yes, lnit
too emu chomo thet. fool s par
"In the racb of life a fobt ahead
Ivies the race," says Andreiv Carnee
gia: A foot behind is also sotnetimes
"elany women marry beeauso they
arc asked," rays a contemporary. Yes,
and their obedience elide there.
"Death ie a Grose," rends a head-
line, Not ae encommon place for it,
a t
"Love is like measles," said Edmund
Burke, Yes, the nerson suffering ls
soon SpOtted.
A doctor prealsribes week -ends in
gaol for email offenders. A. new sort
of arrest cure.,
Privilege is a, •taking eaine for a
rareher0a; absolutely sere to get a
Frank Beennan Dead.• place
"F irtatiOn jS ar:t,Y says Ntr. `reign.
St. Catharinne Ont., Oct. 7.—Pran0011 k
T. Bronsten, city editor ce The • Daily
The Swiss have a practical, quices neaseeTenkle1/24E2itnnikteselt eelnesitsinisantlE2===EThlismoi
He had been ailing far over trem years
The 8°111. of S
6_1'•°f°' flirts a.re usuallY
Bright's nisease-at the ago of 31 years, 0101mm. bel beee j and successfel method ef treating un -
Standard, died Saturday attest -loon of
DYE, ono am buy. -Why you don't evert have to
know what KIND of Cloth your Goods ere mude
of...So Mistakes are Impossible.
Send Inc Free Color Card, Story !Mallet, and
Boolclet 5101,01 results of Dyeing over other colors.
' Monaco!,
More Clashes Reported.
Constantinople, Oct. 7.—An engage-. s
meht has eccurred at benne, near
the Montenegrin frontier, between the
Turks and the Montenegrins. The
latter were repulsed, according to ad-
vices received here. The Turkish Gov.
etnment, it is understood, views this
affray as practically the beginning o
ostilities. o
Assim Bey, ex -Minister of Foreign
Affairs, has gone to Roumania to seek
the support of that state in the Bal.
kan difficulty. Collisionsnun reported to have oc-
curred Friday and Saturday betsveee.
Turkish. and Greek frontier gunrds in
the regions of Aletsovo and Elassone.
Several Moslems, implicated in the
Kotechane massacre, have been sen-
te.nced by court-martial, one, to death,
aeother to life imenisontnent and the ,
others to mi nor tenet.
Mrs. Esther Levi, aged 44, commit.,
ted sticide yesterday at her home,
Lippincott street, Toronto, by inhaling
illuminating gas.
joseph Turkington of Guelph, whe
had been drinking heavily of late, and
svas missing for several days, was
found dd. .eatie a stable yesterday,
The writ is out for a federal elec-
Mon in the County of Richelieu, Que.
The nomin•ation will take place on dr
Oct. 17 and polling a week later.
George Craig, tailor, of Three Riv-
ers, Que., aged 50, was struck by the
C.P.R. train near the St. Standee
bridge yesterday, and instently killed. '
Joseph Calvert of Moffat, Ont., near
Guelph, fell off a wagon loaded with
ertevel on Thursday and eras so bad-
ly ausbed ender the wheels that he
died Saturday.
Two hundred and fifty prominent
Mesons from more than a score of
ovantries spent Saherchty at Niagara ,
Falls. They were bound for Wash-
ington aboard a special train.
Two Syrians, who wen engaged on
sewer eonetruction work in Toronto
on Saturday were buried when. the
sides of the trench in svhich they were
working oaved in. They -were badly
TIneeseen erealtsaennesSeee
1111;:ILM government
steamer Navaeola,
Capt. Fleming in command, has ar-
rived in Belleville with from 300 to
5,000 yards of meshed gill nets seized
M Mesquite By. It will cost the own -
$300 plus the nets.
Premier Asquith declend yesterday
that he hed not lost all hope that the
unspeakable .ealamity M war might he
averted by th'e great powers worlsing
together in easeful clod loyal co-opera-
tion' for the preseevntion of Deans, ,
"A eeinian's like a horse," says )33d- ,••"'"'"""""
InundeBosainmet. Yes', even a bridal
elways Itecei her straiget.
Nailstones weighing • over , two
poueds fell in Rome recently. De-
cidedly a heavy downpour.
In South Russia there is a coin
worth one; tounthousandth part of a
peime, The clergy may be thankful
we haveme such coin here.
At a Shoeburyness wedding, we
read, all the guests wore bunches of
radishes.. Pass the salt, please.
A surgeon says 'that drunkards feel
pain. , No, that is left for their
•''relatives. --John Bull. ,
Switzerland Has Admirable Way of
i• Dealing With Negligent. Parents •.
, frwaloanalkygnat,
t* ----
lISOtUlI set to ,.......,,sic. To the tine ee ,.'pne mc, ! worthy fathers of Camillee who. 'ill- —=1--'-'-'-'''''''''
0179tr.A.Milri Payees at Stook Pails at 800
• / Loaded Shells at 00c 22 short Cartridges at 1Se
Draining epades, Olenner, Manure FOrks lttege and small.
• Ensilage Perks, Moe Ebe
Tititellse Seed 5 25 -is the season is short, speak few clays ahead
Singer at Nock Bottom Pricee for a few Days ,
Richest Price for Butter, Eg,gs, Etc.
and retired troin active dirty two
merlins ago.
Ha waa the eldest son of Crown'
Attorney Brealeen, was a imminent
member a tam Knights of Columbus
an 1 Catholic Order of Forester, and
active in all the Catholic societies in
the cily and, district. IS widow aid.
ten mentles old eleld survive.
• Child Burned to Death.
Toronto, Oct. 7,--Hcr entire body
terribly beetled, Mildred Rath aged 5
years, of 51 Sussex avenue, died at
two o'olock Saturday al.-tot:110MS in
the Hospital for Sick °Michell, Play-
ing with matches is attributed es the
muse ber death. Dr. il"rebilcook
Was called and sett her to tha heseitai
where she died two hours latet.
• 'I e c.hildren or de -
the Ones " sve presume. , teat t ten w v s sin(
among . ,
Courteous Lad, which woe a race .
at Wiedsor tho ' other day, 9505 *10 ' A SWiSB bLIteber, WbQ •10, nevidoesere
end has e large family, ,appeared he -
polite enoreth to let the othetsgo Mefore the tribu
1, en seaman is not a leader se "inaa,” ;nal, at Nyom near; Gene -
saes Lady Tree, Yet she freguseitls! Vas on• chergee of illerealing, hss cbil- ;
'dron end., deserting them, and svas '
(found guilty. He was sentenced by '
Ithe magistrete to two yearS' confine-.
tra nt in dm "Colonle of Orbe" (dans ,
ba.S 10111. 011 ft bit Ot sestaa.
The eeseniee se es see_ .•,••-
Mides Cotton Root otiapotind:
- The great Morino Tonic, and
ere .Only safe elfectunl Monthly
Regulator onwhieh w,omon Can
depend. Sold Id three degrees
ot strength—No. 1, $1; No. 2,
10 degrees stronger 13; No. 9,
for species eases, *5 por box,
Sold b/- UP druggists or Sent
iton of Vaud.), which le realit;v a,
prison for the "work -frilly"' awl where
they are forced to worked -Le preftts,
lof their fabor being employed to ,ssire
eport their wives -And finnilles, and, the, ,
,•money sent regularly' to the cemnanne
tof the prisener.
If after two years, when, the starts •
Icher will be liberated -he deat• to
re -start his haute and wont. he la at
.edi es- • T OertY t6 d
flealtIlleilloitheo.,Tosoires,Otts. dartrieMknesPsC) ° 15°' . • --
,4CtS^Ktftstlw.ffilent 1:rei
yesooneOreTteVW, fAA-4107%1310.41.4' AINAWA, r2,,cev '-, tttttlril.t
To make some clean, honest money, giving information
to those who have requested it, regarding an original
'Western Townsite—not a subdivision. This is a gen-
tlemen's proposition, and we want only men- of good
standing who will not misrepresent. Address