HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-10-10, Page 2ese
by McCiary4s to
save fwel---tb Cut out
d'Ust,,fus and' bother.
'and t� heat your houSe
evenly and comfortablY
in the 'cOldest weather..' ,We
guarantee the "'Sunshine"
Furnace to save enough to
'pay for itself. quicker
than .a.no.z,': "other.
furnefi94;you can •,
y t
Etyam & Sutter
TWO Newspapers That Shahid Be
In Every Home In This
• By apeciab lartratageraeast we at
able to after gen own paper along
With Use Weekly Mall and Empire,
the two together, from now la' Jan
leery 1st, 1914, iota $1,60.
This is an oppertnnitY for getaing
the two most valuablet papers fon
the homes and fleesides elf this des -
beet's, and weeee hoperul theft the
full value ef this unprecedentled of-
f el' will appeal in the Moist practical
way to all withinthe ?Amite of our
The Weekly Mall and Empire ea
cenceideal to tin the he,st town and
country paper publesbed in Canada,
and its -special, department deaf:died
to egrieutture, horticulture, dairy-
ing, poultry raising and •stiocke
breeding, reudeas it invaluable to
the fareasmg, inteeests,
Its Magazine section contains the
best ef 'the metrical t allteitaaurge, of
today, its scientific and legal col -
ulnas tsupply information on prac-
'Neal iyabjects and problmns ; while
the news sectio.n gives ties latest
happenings ca Canada and all the
To the people fo this community,
the merits ot meal own paper are
well known, so surely the best local
paper and the great metropolitan
weekly -the two together at lit-
tle More thanthe mace of on
should mean, many nosy ,subeetabere,
teesed all order ls to the orifice of this
Local News :a
During the seeson 1912-13, the
Seed Branch of the Federal De-
partment of Agriculture willl test
Mee Of charge samples of seeds of
grasses, clovers and cereal crops,
This 'has been' the policy of that
Branch since the passing of the
Seed Control Act. As a guide to
growers, dealers, and others who
desire to have eamples tested for
purity, grading and germination, a
leaflet of instruction's has been pre-
-pared. Under twee ty-th dee Mime
tered paragraela there are de-
scribed, among other thing's, how
to prepare, pack and address
samples of seeds o/ various kinds,
lasefut notes are giiden pn eualities
affecting the value of eeed 1± is
pointed out that anjury to wheat
from 'freest or da-mpness is usually
Infant m"
Cholera infantutr,i begins with a pro-
fuse diarrhoea the stomach becomes
irritated, and in many cases vomiting and
purging set in. The child rapidly loses
flesh, and, is soon reduced to great' laugour
and prostration. •
Cholera infant= can be quickly cured
by the use of Dr. Yowler's It -street of
Wild Strawberry. Mrs, David A. Cleve-
land,'Apple, River, 11.5., writes: ---"Last
September nsy little boy,four years old,
and little girl, two years old, were taken
one afternoon with itomitieg spells/ and
inc few hours they !fad cholera infanturn.
I had Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry in the home, and commenced
usieg it. The cholera got so had the
next dem, they passed Dothing but blood,
I kept on using the medicine, and in a few
days they were cured. 1 always keep a
bottle in the hoeseeas Idon't think there
is anything better for summer complaint
than Dr. Fowler's Exttatt of Wild Straev-
; '
Some dealcae, inay try to yea
something else, bat for tae gobct of Yaaa
childa health, insist ma baying "Dr.
Fowler's," . It has been on tbe nmeket
for over, eixty-fwe years, eo You, are not
nsittg a new and uetried remedy. Price
35 cents, ielassufectureclaenly by The
T. IVIAbam co., I41oited, Toronto, Ont.
aemarent inlhe eolor and shieerareB
eoteditioa,of the grain,. Millie a
kerisal of sound oats ifi tee-
suellY serat-teateeparcnt it not
:brittle a frosted kc nal iS derk ana
meetly, practieally at the tip, and
isusually brittle.. anstructione are
given for cleaning grabs and clover
secede, but growers 'whose farms are
not clear/ are recommended to meal
their seed loan nnellelencal condite
ion to a wholesale merchant whe
,has ,special potvee cleanersPer-
sons who desire to have seed test
ed may procare a copy of this cir-
cular by applying or it to the Pub-
lications Branch cif the 1)epaetneent
of A.griculture, Ottawa,
.1On account of the urgent, appeal
from the West for additional farm
laborers the G-i•an.c1 Taunts Refl.-way
have decided to run another ex-
eursitin on, 'Monday, October etth
from all stations in Canada, $10.00
to Weninipeg via Chicago and Due
luth, plus half cent mile !from.
Wennipeg to destination but not be
yond MacLeod, Calgary or .Eldmon
ton, Returning half cast mile to
Winnipeg, •pleas $18,00 to destinat-
ion in Eastern Canada, The farm-
ers along the !Grand Trunk Paci-
fic pays the maximum wages and
this is an exeelleint chance for
young men to vibit the West, Vile'
route via Chicago is an attractive
one, as many large eitiee and tows
are passed enroute, which breaks
the monosony of the journey, as
there is something new to. see all
the time. The Greed Trunk Pac-
ific Railway is the shortest and
• quickest route between Winnipeg-
SaskatoonaEdnionton, Ask John
Bamford & Son tOlintoa, tor all
particulars, tiektes etc,
drid UMDAM
can be cured by the great fruit kid-
ney and liver rareedy,
Fig Pills
Brantford;Ont.. Aug,33,,191.1
Your anedica 0, 'Fig Pills, has
werked wonders tor 'Tb)e
x hemnatic imam ha 's e entiiely left
me and I owe et erything to your
remetly. You are at liberty to
pablish this la II. Gellman
At all dealers 25 ad 50 cants or
mailed by The Fig Pill Co. SlaTao-
mas, Ont. Sold in Clintan by J.E.
Hovey Druggist,
A. 'partridge unshed threugh a
window in Mr. Armstrong's hour,e,
east of Brussel% the other morn-
ing, Mr. Arneetrong was in the
1.-itchen at the time and on hearing t`he noise entered the dining -room,
To his astonishmeat he found a
large partridge standing on the
dining-rooni table, The bird was
soon eaptured but on account of
the wounds received died in a teve
minutes, On Monday morning a
similar noise was heard in the same
t one of the house. When Mr, Arm
strong entereid be Mund another
paetridge flying abcut, endeavor -
mg to make its escape, The bird'
had crashed through the same
window, only another section of "it
The appearance of the :first bird
was looked upon as strange, hit
when the second bird did rrecisely
the same thing it (mused great
astonishment as pertridges' are
very scarce in these parts and the
house is at least thremaparters of
aMile from any woods.
Once a mother lia2 used Baby's
Ow -n !Tablets she will always use
them as loeg as there are little ones
lathe house. They are absolutely
safe and never tail to cure con-
stipation', cone, indigestion or the
zuan,y other babybood and child-
hood ailments, Concerning them
Mrs. E. Simmons .Flamilton, Ont.,
says: "I have , Let been without
Baby's Own 'Tablets for six yeare.
have given them Loraythcea tittle
ones and find them 'excellent due -
Mg teething and at other times,"
The Tablets are sold by medicine
dealers or,by mei; at 20 cents a box
from 'The Dr. Williams' Mcidicinle
Co., Brockville, Ont.
--- --
Two Steamers Sunk. •
Hamburg, Germany, Oct. 7. -Two of
the' Hamburg -American Oa's' steam-
ers sank Saturday in the Lower Elbe.
The Vanaellia, of 2,607 tons, while
starting on her voyage to America,
oollided with a Beating dock being
bowed down the Elbe and sank Me
medietely in mid-ebannel.
Shealy afterwards the Graecia, of
1,760 tons, passing out on ber way to
the ,West Riches, oollided with the
wreck and also sena.
The crews of both the yessele and
twenty pessengors who were on board
the Graecia were brought back to
Ham ham
It was later reported that the -coal(
and bis assistant of the Vainclalia were
missing and were believed to have
been drowned.
• Tries to Kill Sir Donald.
Vancouver, B.O., Oct, 7. -It was
repoeted ih the corridor of the Hotel
Vancouver that an attenspt had been
made by some crank to assassinate"
Sir Donald Mann. It was related that,
a man &eel a shot tem a revolver
at Sie,Donald but owing to the ci,ctiv.
ity of ' the hater's yelet in ea/milting
the mane Sir 'Donald eteapect Maury.
That some unpleasant incident come
red was quite evident but exact de-
tails were not obtainable and no ar-
rest was raacle. It was Ieeened that
when the would-be assassin wasled
away he was threatening to Ian not
only :Mann but a member of other
peoininent Camelia -as, •
Liberals Endorse Sutherland.
London, • Ont,, Oct. 7. -The East
Middlesex( Liberals on. Saturday en-
dersed the eandidacy of Willie -in antoll-
erlancl, a Conservative, who is run-
ning as an indegtendent in the bye -
election 'ter' the Legisleaure eigainet
George W. Neeley. Mr. Subleetland
declined to state his attitude en the
Rowell "abolish the bar" platform, -
Heavy Movement of Grain,.
Letlibriage, Alta., Oct, 7. -New grain
is moving out of southern Alberta at
Ilia rate ef a hundred 'ehousailas bush-
els a day. More gain has already
moved than be thh end of ()etcher in
seeme, ferraer. eeasorle.
roil of. Bite°
Or rtdo ater from the human systetii when
thoroughly tested by ,the chief chemist at Dr.
Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., tells the
story of impoverished blood -nervous exhaustion
or some kidney trouble. Such examinations are
' made without' (lost and is Only a small part of the
work of the staff of physicians and_surgeons under
the direction orpr. RV. Pierce giving. the best
, medical advice possible without cost •to those
who wish to write and make a full statement of
symptoms. A7n imitation of natures. method of
restoring- waste of tissue and impdyerishment of
• the blood and nervous force is used when you
take an alterative and glyceric extract of roots
without the use of alcohol such as
Dr.; Pierce's Golder' Medical Discovery
Which makes the stomach strong, promotes the flow of digestive juices, re.
stores the lost appetite makes asshnilation perfect, invigorates the liver and
purifies and enriches, the blood. It is the great blood -maker, flesh -builder
and restorative nerve tonic. ' It makes men strong in body, active in mind
and cool in judgment. Get'veliat you ask for I
right Pupils at C. P.
Standing For ihe rtionilt of Soilttentber
Div. 1 -Name, of those wh_o Jr,
iio,„2,)ees1.78, O;foTireh 711; . Elea .:)o
Keerip76, Erski Evans 75, Nora
Kennedy 73, 'Willis Ptace er 70,
Irene Cote e9, Mairjorte MeMath 68
Mary Chidl.ey 67. Mervyn Elliott 63
Leona Nediger 60, Deaner 'Ma
Reaszie 62, Viola Cook 62 Laren
I angford 60.
Jr. -Harold Hill e4 eer cent, Jan
Wylie 72, Bertha Yates 70. Doeeen
Stevenson 65, 'Wintaie llsapet 63,
Margaret Walker 82, Percy Ladd 61.
Mies Ford, Teacher
'Honor Roll of Div. 2, Sr.-- Berta
Jacksoe 51 per ent, Ruth MacMath
79, Irene Keller 78, May Rutledge 7/
Alice Peclatt 77, tharlotte Sheeley
;7, Leota Harland 74, Gladys Keller
74, Bessie O'Neil 70.
Jr.-Slau•wyti Arlin 89 per scent.
Marion Gibbings 74,Friecla Wants
73, Mabel Mal.sbail 73 Elsie Holtz-
haner 69, Murray lvIacNell 67, Leona
Hearn- 65, Aileen . Armour 02, Wil-
lena Keys 61, Hannab As.gent 60.
it M. E. Chidley, Teacher
Div, 3 Sr, clase-I Ida In vernenre
89 per cent, Jessie Jackson 88,13cl/ea
McCaughey 89 Harry Latvcence 80,
Bessie Harlane 78, Feed Wallis 77
Ernest Livermore 76, Clete Danford
74, Ernest Elan 72,
class-alerrit Necliger 00 e'er
cent, Edith Jones 88 PearlOotild 80
sa Deeves 79. Earl vermore 78
Flora Miller 70 Emile Little 60,
Lawrence West 07.
j. Wilson, Teacher
Div. 4 ar --ETAD Rr k s 90, lerancis
Yesbee 90 Willie Bell 81, aean. Boll
8e, :Hattie Livermore 80, Mildred
Livermore 78, ^Jim Waiker.77, Ans-
Jr0Se McGuire 13 Arnie I (reliance
71, Agnes Walker 71, Willis aooper
66, Josephine Yeseec 61, Stewart
Marian 60. .
Jr.- George Walker 89. Annie
Greens 80, Fred Peekit i6 Tom
Craig 84, Bert Sloman 82, Earl John-
son 81, Coca McIntyre 81, Alma
MeCorvie 80, Mark 'Tierney 80
Charlie Cole SO, May Fluker 76, Cora
Miller 73, Ernest 13radshaW 70, Geo -
Shipley 70.
L Stevens, Teacher
e s',,arialse 12.6, ...T.ack:N;yiglinngtolLu129,
1.111,1gelen21:ludd71.121, tVgin el ea, t CILT:
123, Norman. MeNce1123, Leo Rey -
122. •
M. M.Wiltse Teacher,
e_ Div. 8 third cl-ass, total 330, -Katie
lleatora 296, Charlie Me.mnjell 294,
Isabel Johnston 280, Russell Bezzo
et 265s Eleanor Plunteteel 260 Jack
Hoover 260, Noeman Counter 260,
latitli Hale 260
Second eta 3e. -Jaen Simpson 94
per cent, Phyllis Tozer 88, Olive
awrenee 86, Russel: Peckitt 84,
Kathleen Taylor 80, Vera Cook 76,
Cecil Ashton 70. Willie Argent 68,
George Turner 66,
Third class. -lack Seeley 96 per
cent, Helen Cook 94, Frani:, Latter
52. Norma Tactleavee. 91, Gordon
Camp.bell 86, Vila :Livermore 84,
Gerald Eames 82, Myrtle Wiltee 80,
Minnie Ker, Teacher,
Div, 5 Sr, elass-Jabez Rands 92
er cent, Fergus Reynolds 94.
_Match 88, Mildred Biggins 88, Amy
Hellyar 07, Bessie Murphy 86, John
Craig 85, harry Ball 83, Sam Mc-
Creary 83, Lottie Judd 82, Dorothy
Rorke 80, Gordon Hall 70, Marjorie
Beaton 76, Albert Wright 74, Eva
Boucle 73, Hugh elaguire 72, Russel
Britton. 70, Charlie McGuire 70.
Sr. class-Kentneth Carter 91 le
cent, Alec McRae 91, Bessie Morrish
90, Agnes Reyeolds 90, Cathaaine
Wylie 8o, MeGregor Cmant 82, Geo,
Carter 80, Stewart Taylor 79, John
Yesbec 76, Fred Elliott 76, A.ea Bol-
ton 74, Stwmart IVIeDenald 73, Jessie
McCreary /3, Marge' et lelezentet 71.•
H. Courtice, ,'reacher,
DIV. 0 Sit class -Pearl Carrick 86
per cent, Daisy Medgger 83, Neilie
aut.:edge 77, Amy Ge tad 75,
Wiibua Bezzo 71,1, Audrey Collyer
17,5, Gladys Wiltse 66.5, Marion Mc-
Intyre 65, Helen Clrig•g 61, Jtean
Miller 61.
Jr. class -Gertrude Fowler 81,5
pes• cent, Lucy Levy 785, Leila Mc-
Cartney 77.5, Harold Lawson 75,
Nesbit Cook 71, Percy Livermore 68,
Ruth Evans 67.5, Alfred Glazier 67,5
Percy Naming 67,e, Gordon LaWson
67, Doaglas 'Tozer bI, Herby Holtz-
hauer 64, Douglas ,Ball 62.5, Gladys
McGuire 62 Ethel Boucle 61,5 Mervin
D ()ay* 61.5.
Mee, Tiplady, Teacher
Div, 7 Sp. class, Total illeeks 25a-
Elea,noe M.Telegai t 231, Ivy Plewes
43, Frank 131 it Mb 225 adieenk Scruton
221, Charlie 0ook.`221, Hilton Butts
221, Swirzer Graeae 219, Robbie
Middleton 215, Winnie alelVtath 214
Walter ,Osbaldeeton 208 Anica Hill
Jr. class Total Market 150 -
Kenneth Enlace 181, Kathaaime
Gant 127, Mattio 1?iacker.127 Barrie
Hunters' Ex(
Single Parc far Round Trip
Going Dates
October 7 to ilemetiliber 8
to points in Temagotnit late
October 17 40 Neva -mbar 9
'To points in Temagarni, Dte.
to aloskolca Lakes, Lake el' lams,
Penetan,g, Midland, Lokefieldi SeV-
ern to North Ray inelealve, Argyle
to Coboconk inclusive, Lindsay to
• Haliburton incln Si s el Mad awn sak to
1 eery Sound incluusive, All tick-
ets valid to reharn uuutil Thursday
December 12tb, 1912, eecept to
pounts reached by steamier lines,
Tuesday, Novendier 12th.
Secure tickets and full' pertimemea
,from Genial Trunk Agents.
For full particulars and ticket5call
On or write,- •
A. OrTATTRION: depot agent
A.E. Duff, .tlistilet passenger agent
lanion Statiom TAtoxio. qop,
' Eight Die In Auto Cram.
• Philadelphia, Oct. 6.-A eollision on
a bridge in which 'tame automobiles
were involved: reeulted in the death
of Mega aim late Saturday inght at
Thirty-third and Thompeon Streets in
this city.
(Inc of the machines- containing
eihe men eanle On the bridge at ter-
rific speed: its rapid eepronch was
seen by lathe t. Spade, a rhiladelphia
coetractor, who was sting over the
bridge in the opposite director in a
motor. He tried to evoid the cer, but
he Was WO late in eteerhig out of its
eay and a cellision occurred.
Crushed Under Barrow. •
Smith's Falls, OM, 7.-Her1iert Hop.
kills, a young Englishman, met.• in-
stant (teeth al the weeks uf Frost &
Wood, 'Ltd., Satmelay. Ho MIS hi the
act •-si picking lip etme (a:ahem when
tile -cower of the nenaline bareow Id
oe his mak, cree11:1,1/ his betly into
an uurecogilizable shape. •
Auto Trip Ends In Death.
Schenectady, N.Y., Oct. 7.-Georee
Beguley, a merchant of TortaitO, Ont.,
was killed about five miles west of
this eity Saturday afternoon while en
route in his autemobile ham New
York to his home hi Toreeto. Mr,
floguley, who was drivieg, mem.
panted by his chauffeur., S. Hogg, had
tamed out to pasS another automo-
bile, when he ran into a rut at the
side of the med. He lost control Of
Ins car, which went down the 15-fo-ot
embankment, struck a pile of stone
anti turned turtle, throwing the chauf-
feur clear of the car, but pinnina Mr.
Baguley underneath. When passing
motorists had assisted the -ohaeffeer
to lift the ear off the lody of Mas
liameley, it was found that the top
supporting arm of the side of the seat
lied penetrated his back eaiteing in-
stant death.
The oha.uffeur ,claims that the car
was traveling at a speed of only 25
miles at, the time el the eacident. He
was not even scratched.
Boy's Fatal Prank.
Berlin, Ont. Oct. 7.-A fatal acci-
dent occurred here yesterday afternoon
in the west ward. Seven boy chums
were playing near the new Tubber tire
Macey when one of them suggested,
on. picking up a loose piece of wire
about six feet long abet they go up a
tree and get shook Morn off the Hy..
dro-electric wire 'which passe& at this
Walzec Kolitzlii, aged 10, a,nd Leo
Kiyinialc, aged 9, climbed up a tree
and the foemer put a hook on the one
end ,of the wire and, standing in the
crotch of the tree,. reached out and
received through his body 13,000 volts,
killing him instantlY.
His companion was knocked uncon-
scious and is now in the gerieral hes.
pital, but will probably recover.
Sank With Leaky Bora.
Ottawa, Oct, 7. -Roy M. Clintron, a
seven-year-old boy, wile droll/it-cc! late
Saturday in the Rideau River when a,
leaky boat in which he sees pleyieg
with three other boys, became de -
exiled from its' moorings and floated
down the elver. The other three Ines
namaged to jump, eta, but ymeng
Chutron, who was peddling, did uol,
netice the eenditinn of the beet, The
body was recovered late at eight.
Na Railway Strike In Spain.
aiechicl, Oct. 7, -The proposed rail -
read strike tleromehoul, al»do has
been called off by Wee lealere of the
cacoitcril 1,.1111.4 [011
Li'e Stock .tifikokerat Auctioncec
for ()omit), of 011rOtt.
Clinton, 416n4,.
'Farm' SItock Salmi st spec:Maim.
Ordeets lett ,atl New Ers...,0(12±003/
Cl.ilniton'promptly Vttbffiffitaleff ftp.
!Fermis eleaaonable 'and ,eetietrietion
ugaioladaearelitetheeaahoNNolev,isehadlpsi.phene 13 o(n 15,7
For Various 1)eparttnents
_pp y a , see ot
' .
tearing Sa_e
leering sale of !farm Rtolge, 'and
unplomentae, arid household furni-
titre, ,Feiday, Octcbe• llth, at Lot
7, con. 2, Hullett Frank Flaeanery
Tjeepriesey, IL',. Brown, auctioneex.
Valli! tor sWe
2 11-020 anaellr•eess' Lfe•ootm186.cal°t11.0113; :}11711me
from echool. Good term soil clay
loam', well`watered and improved, 2
acres orehard, good buildings, barn
50x51, stone ,basement, clement
floor, stablipg .for 22 head of cat-
tle and 6 horees, also 33arge box
etalls; hog Pen, and ben house 17x
cement basetnAnt; 7areorn, two
story brick veneer•house with sum
mer kitchen, woodshed, and buggy
house, convenient to house. Terms
-2-6 of purchase money down, re-
mainider on place at 41-2 per cent
or otherwise to euit purcamsele
Apply on peen:dims.
'Auction Sale ot Farm. Stock
• and iniviententg.
.Anetion sale of choice 100 -acre
farm, tarne Stock and implements;
on Wednesday, October ifith„ at one
o'clock sharp; on Lot -31, enis. 4,
Tuckeasmith, L.R.S., amigos east of
Brucefield. There is about .90 acres
•cd the dam under cultivation'bale
ancenew land and small bush; soil
clay loam and easy to work; Bo
stones or stamps': w&1 fenced and
fairly well drained. Watered by
spring piped tn barn, aul Faring
well at houses Barnis 52x72 on 9
foot stone wall, coinent and flag
floor; cement silo 11x30.; pig pen
14x28. Six room brick house, cellar
full size and heated by 'furnace;
frame summer kitchen and wood-,
shed. Stock -3 cows to calve in
November ; 2 cows to calve in, Dee
comber ; 113/01605 to calve in Novem-
ber; 1 cow supposed to be in cale; 1
spring calf; 2 last fall calves; 1 fat
3/alt; ltat heifer 2 years old; 7 year
Lag heifers; 2 yearling Steers '• the
Holsteia bull Sir Canary (12354) 20
months old; Dan jewel Mercena
Mercedes, record at 3 years, 372 lbs
milk. and 161-4 la's butter in a
days, Horses -2 agricultural mares
supposed to be in foal: 1 geey heavy
draft 3 yeare 015, supposed to
be in foal; a agricultural spring
colt; 1 driviag mare 0 years old
quiet enough for a lady to drive; 1
general purpose 2 -year-old filly,
Pigs -1 registered Yorkshire 501V
18 months old with litter; York-
shire sow due to httee about tame
cI sale; 1 Yorkshire boar 10 Months
old. IMplemerita, -Masa/1y-Harris
'hinder with sheaf cal tier; Massey -
Harris mower 3 2,-9 foot cut; Fasst
as Wood 10 -ft steel hie rake; Mc-
Cormick 13 hoe grain 'drill; Massey
Harris field cultivator; corn ealti-
ator with bean harvesting ettach-
an en t ; desk ha recw ; Perris double
riding plow Perrie single riding
paw; handle plow; single =Mile);
4-sec41on harrows and hareow cart
steel, land roller; weigh scales ca-
pacity 2200 lbs.: grain crushee •
Clinton fanning null; steel bag
truck; grind -stone; 1 low down
wagon., gravel hoe, 16 -ft. hay and
etock rack, new; '2 sets double har-
ness; 1 set chain harness; 1, 'eat
single harness; 1 set slings; tshare
in corn binder, and a lot of small
articles. A large quantity of straw
to be fed on the place, also 6 acres
ef ensilage corn H not sold pee-
s lously will be sold on. day of sale
in lots to 'ant heyers, Terms' on
farm will be given on day of sale,
o'on application to unideisigned.
Terms on Chattels -All sums of $5
and under, caeh; over this emoimt
6 months ceedit will be eft en on
'approved joint notes. A discount
of 6 pee cent. per annum will la
givee for cash on credit al)101113te.
I% Brown, auctioneer. A lex A. Watt
Drucefieltd P.O., prorrietor.
Yoeds Opposite G. T, R. Station
ith kinds 01 Coal on hand-
41;hestitut Solt Coal
'Stove Blacksmith
Furnace Coke
Kennel Coal and Wood
3 and 4 -inch size --
The Tile is of the very best
Brick to Order.
Phone 5e.
Plan s
4 .. See and here our finest
.4 r•
I New Stynsh designs of t
-41 Doherty Pianos and r..
1 x...
Organs, 55
,SpeCiall vahiCS in Art it
1 ,r
Cases To
Pianos and'organs rent
01, choice new Edn
"phohographs, Music &
variety goods.
Mtge Eniporium
c. Hoare I
Lanatedt :Clanton. IY.V.VrearaTTITYsir-tLY-Yer-VITY"
Farm lit)r Sale
Farm' for Bele, ,being lot 7 in the
lat. 00,120055100 Township of 'Hallett
toetainime; 100 aerate all (geared'
hat abiut 7 aeree of bus,h, Da the
lares is a LOW b,iek house with fur-
nace. Large bank barn -with ee.0
anent 110018 10 SO Plenty
well feneecl,, and under -
/bathed. This farna is weal situated
leing on the Ita,,,n lload, Will be
a, ad on,reasoliable tersam, Apply
1,n the fa,rra or ad Less Sealforth
poet (Mike,
luction bale of Farm Stock
and implements
Thos. 'Canary has received in-
ateactions from the anelereigned to
sell by public auction on Lot 35, con
2, L,ELS., Tuckeremith, oeTuesday,
October 1541i, at one o'cLock sharp,
the tollownia- Horses -1 dialft
mare 4 years Old, supposed to ae
in foal; 1 gelding . 3 years old; 1
beat y draft filly, 1 year Mae steed
Ly Ca•nnemant. Cattle -1 cow due
to calve February 1st; 1 cow due to
calve in April ; 1 newly 'cals e cl cow;
1 farrow cow; 5 2-yeete-ohcl steers •
2-year-oicl neliers; 9 yearling
hettere •, t caves. Hogs -Brood sow
clue in Deeem,ber ; 5migs, 3months
old and 11 young pie's, Fowl- 70
hens and pullets. Implements -1
Massey -Harris binder; Drill; Deice
ing Mower; Flay .Rake; Preanier
Ricling Plow, almost nese; 'Walking
'Flow; Massey -Harris Gang Plow,
nearly new; good McCormick Cul-
tivator • Seufaler ; Land Roller; set
Diamond Harrows; Root puleser ; 1
Bain wagon, gravel box, wagon
box, nearly new; stock rack, hay
rack; set Bobsleighs; Fanning mill
a good Molotte Cream Separator;
Stone boat, Mikado Buggy ;single
:buggy; good Cutter With children
seat in,front; 15iO4 of 'double har-
ness; 2 sets single harness ; 1 Sugar
kettle; whiftletrees, n'eekyokes:
• grain bags; shovels; hoes', and
' other articles too numerous to
mention; 1 good erose -cut saw and
! a 'quantity of cedar posts axi-1
second-hand latm,ber; 1 Daisy churie
a quantity of turnips and inaingolds
; in ; some hay and sorghum;
! also a few household articles. No
; reeerve as proprietor has aold his
1 farm, Ternas-Allesunss of ten dol-
lars and under, cash, over that'am-
, aunt 11 months eredit will be given
Sion famishing 'joint notes, A dis-
, coiset of 4 per cent off for cash on
' credit amounts. T. Gundry auc-
tioneer ; John IL.Wise, propeeetor.
Farm For Sale
A first class farm, consisting of
'lc) acres, on con.12, part lot 34,11u1 -
lett township, 3railes from Londes-
boro, and 5 miles frora Blyth, 1 1-2
• miles from School. A bank bare 36
, by 56, another been 36x52, drive
' shed 24x40. A brick house, plenty
nf water, about anr. (Acre of or-
eharch Possession can be given
right after harvest, Apply to
fBlyth, P.
Two Rouses to Let
The undersigned has two houses to
let, apply to
Jacob Taylor
Pasture Land
Some first class pasture land to be
sold in lots to suit piachasere. At
tractive pricee. Apply to
John Itensford, G T. Clitys-egeilt
Farm tor Sate.
The executor of the Southcombe
Estate °fleas lor 'sale 50 scree --
East half of lot 28, eon. 6, Hullett.
A first-class farm, well watered
and, improved, and with good
buildings. Alga the undersigned
came for sale, 1ot'29i eon. 6,Hull-
ett, 100 acres. These farms may be
bought together or separately. .
Ford & McLeod
We're DOW selling Timothy Seed
(Gov ernm ent Standard.).
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, a.nd fled Clover.
We always have on hand -Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
'Highest Market Prices paid for Hay
and all Grains,
Ford & McLeod
Before placing your orders for
your season's supply ,of Cal, get
our micas. The very best goods
carried ie stock and sold .at the
lowest poseible price.
Orders may he left at Davis
Row/end's Hardware store, or
W. J. Stemetnson,
at EleCtric Light Plant,
• Root Halter and Repairer
OppOsite Postoffice.
Repairing done promptly. ,
Suit'd cases ' an Trunks re-
paired. ,
A trial- will convince .you of
the neatness and promptness
With which I execute my work
I' Store open every evening
OlfilaR,L,ES fl, AISLE
Coneeyanee, Notary Public,
Commissioner, etc.
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real Estate,
INSURANCE-AGENT—Pepresenting 44 Fire In
trlSion Court Office.
iician, Surgeon, Eto
meals,' °Mention given to diseases of:tbe
Eye, Ear, Throat, and Nose,
Eyes carefully examined, and suitable !
Office and Residence,
Two doors WCHL of the commercial Betel
Huron St.
Dr. W. Gunn, I It. C. P., I, 111. 0.8,.
Dr ,J, C. Gaudier. M.A, 111,11,
Office—Ontario Street, Olinton.
Sight mills at residence, Rattenbar; Bt.
or at hospital
ccoucbeur, eto,, office and residence on 110,
tenbury B,, ounosite NV. Varran's realcience,
DR. P. n. axes
Crown and Piridge Work a specially,:
Graduate of C.O.D.S... Chicago, and B.O.D.8
Mayileld on'illontisiya, May list to Decerab
Offices over O'NEIL'E store,
Special care taken to make dental testae
ment se painless me poseible.
Live stock and general Auction lee
E'sa stone sales a Eiseman:, (Adel a at, at
NSW, Elia office, 011uton, prt Mptly aatendod
to. Terms reasonable. Verniers' eirle not*
G. D. aleTaggart M. D. MoTaggar
eiraggart Bras.
ot. General Banking Business
Drafts issued. Interest allowed on
The MeKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
Parm and Isolated Town Props
erty Only Insured.
J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth.
,T. Conerolly, Vice -Pres., Goderleh,
T.,E. Hays, SecaTre.ase Sealonth.
Jas, Connelly, liclmesville, John
Watt, Earlock ; G. Dale, Clinton; D.
McGreeor, Seadorth , J. Evan%
Beechwood; J. G. Grieve) Winthrop
neemewels, Broclhagen M. bra -
Ewan, Clioton.
Each Director is Inspectoe of
losses' Mills own district.
Robt. Smith, HarIock ; Ed, Ilin,ch-
ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg-
mondville; J. W. Yeo,
Payments may barnacle at The
Morrist Clothing Co, Clinton, or
13. H. Catt, Goderich.
Fire, Life and Accident
Real estate bought Mtn sold
Money to loan
Office Isaac Street, next door to New
Grand TrunkRailiway System
Railway Time Table
London, Huron and Bruce.
North , Passenger
London, depart-- 8,80 a ro 4.50 p mOsntralia ....... 9,40 5,43
Exeter 9.53 5.54
Benson . • ... . .. 10.08 0.05
Kippen • 10.16 6.11
Brumfield • NM 6,10
Clinton 11.00 6.35
Londesboro. ..... 11.18 6.52
Blyth 11.27 7.09
Belgrave 11.40 7.13
Wingham, arrive11.50 7.35
South Passenger
Wingham, depart6.48 a m 3.83 p m
Belgrave 6.54 8.44
Blyth 7.08 8.56
Londesboro, .... 7.16 4.04
Ulinton 7.50 4,23
Brumfield ... 8,12 4.30
Kmpen - 8.23 4.47
Hensall: 8.32 4.52
Exeter 8.48 5.05
Centralia 0,00 5.15
London,'arrive 10 00 6.10
MAUI° and Gode
Wee, Passenget
aro pm pm pm
' Stratford 10.00 12.20 5 25 10.20
... . . -10.22 12,45 5.55 10.47
Seaforth . . .... "10,45 1.10 6.38 11,12
Cliuton 11.07 1.25 6.40 11,28
Hennes -11.16 1.33 640 11.138
Goderich 11-35 1.50 7.05 11.55
EastI esseneer
am pm' p105
Goderich . . .... 7,10 2.40 4.50
lielmesville 7,26 2.57 506
Clinton....... ....... 7,85 3,07 5,35
Seatorth 7,52 3.25 5,82
. 8.16 8,48 5.55
8,40 4,15 6,20
Is trp-Prp-DA%