HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-10-10, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 47, No. 15 CLINTONONTARIO THURSDAY` 'OCTOBER (O 1912, W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers` THE NEW ' ERA Would Like to Receive Budgets of News Each Week From Alt its Correspondents. mirlYMNP THE - Rohe Doig .peri'ur'smith re- keY n ceived a ,despatch from iWilkbs- �� �r�l�il of r,arne, Pa, aeytng his brolhtr John Bak was dyg in the hosptal there. oyalIds Doig left for 'Wliteshare en ��� �� Oki �a�rej Wedn'esd'ay afternoon. OF CANADA Mad office, Montreal' Gies the Best. It Pays. Mr, John Ransford Receives A ELLIOTT "Spanish Prison" Letter Of Capiltal Authorized $25,000,000 ' / • ; �// // �, New Type• Capital bawd -up 11,500,000 Reserve and undivided, profits 12,500,000 TORONTO, ONT. TOTAL ASSETS 175,000,000 Is well kno Wn es the regi, . Place for superior hus,(t�eete ,and ei,._•rIt- $26 BRANCHES ' hand education, , Poa''ions worth $:1100' and $15000 were recently fill-. IWilth world wide connection ed by us. Write 1or Catalogue. Interest allowed on Deposits General 1Baankiing business titian's - acted. ` Sweet • R. E. MANNINO, Mgr. Potatoes CLINTON BRANCH Colgaltea E''cla t Co1gates Colglates 'Monad Violet 4 olgates Cashmere Bouquet Colga'tos Dactylia Williams Sar ei Williams Violet Williamel Carnation Royal Rose Royal Vinolia~ v„ F�-OE GCLAT. We think it one .of the best. J. - IW.WWVJ Y Dispensing Chemist.. evasaann Menu tor This Week Sweet Potatoes Hinman Haddie, Spanish °mione, Freeb Sausage Peaches. and Grapes, Peaches and Grapes ante now at their best. This will be a iigekeach W. T. O'NEIL THE HUB GROCER. Phone 48 The Njolsons Bank Incorporated 11855 Record of Progress for Five Years )906=1911 100 6 CAPITAL._ . . . . $83000,00.00 $4 . 0 000.00 ,000,000,00 4,600,000.00 DESERVE . DE . .23,677,730.00 35,042,311.00 LOANS AD INVESTMENTS 27,457,090.00 38,354,501.00 'i1QTAL h.SS::TS . 83,090,I92.00 45,237,274.00 Principal and ents and Correspondents in all. the Haa 85 Rc .tithes in Canada, pat and s in tine World. -- A. GENERAL BANSIrb, RlTSINESS TRANSACTED.' EPAR.,TMENT SAVINGS BANK S at at all Branches. Interest aliovredhighest h3 )k est ainrr ent rate. C.inton Branch. - C E. DOWDING, Manager Mr. John Ransford, the well-known. Stapleton farmer, uptown G. T. R.,. ticket agent, etc.,, received one day last week one of the famous "Spanish' prisioner letters", a fraud which is be coming more or less 'of a "chesnit". The letter differs, however, from the old style letter, in that the writer in the present instance represents him- self to be a Ruesian banker from St. Petersburg, who hes fallen "indnr- ance vile." The letter follows Dear Sir -Although I know yon only from good reference of your honesty nay sad situation compels meto reveal you an important affair in which you can procure a modest fortune at the some timethat of my darling daughter• f Before being imprisioned here I was established as a banker in Russia! es yon will see by the inclosed azticte about me of many 13nglish newspapers whish have published my arrest in London.. I beseech you to help me to obtain a sum of $460,000 1 have in America and to come here to raise the seizure of my baggage by paying to the registrar of the court the expenses of my trial and. recover my portmanteus containing a secret pocket where I have hidden the document indispensable to recover the said sum..' As reward I give up to you the third part viz, $160,000, I cannot receive your answer in the prison; but you must send a cablegram to a person of my confidence who will deliver it to me. Awaiting your cable to instruct you in all my secre,tl am air, yours truly Tvansvitch. A postscript tb'the letter gives in- structions in regard to answering by cable, Where To Find It. Church News, page 4• Social and Personal page 4. Cynthia's Chauffeur pa'ge ,7 Local News on pages 1, 2,4, and 8. Sunday School Lesson -on page 5. County and District News Pin page S. Huron tCounty news on ,pages, 3 and 5. ` Sketch of Sir Chargee Tripper on page 3. Pwblia School report for Septent= ker on page 2. Good news on every page. General Sir Isaac Brock hAhM/cMAMhhAAldihhMAAA'S Local News WvVvVVv vvVWVVWVVVvvvVW leELL RINGERS COMING. life 13e11 Ringers who entertained such a Jai/4e audience last Spring will be in the town hall onThursday evening Oct. 17th, Those who heard them know what they.are capahlo of doing and a ilia class evening is guaranteed. 1lAYPIELD FAIR. Baytleld fair was up against the weather man pretty hard. It com- menced to rain about 10 °,look and the directors cuncelled the Band er - gagement, It is too bad as our neighboring v.Ilagealways has an ea• celtent fair. . MINOR LOCALS. There is a move on hand to ream - range the territory of the School ln- spectara,tes of Nitron Co., with pee. hires a share of Bruce Co, A third Inspector will be appointed so as to cover the work better. Few towns turn out a finer Cornet Band than Clinton and their popular- ity is evident] in the ascendant by the number' of outside engagements with well ple,.,ed patrons. • The Minister of Education desires to invite the attention of teachers and school boards to, the duty of 'comme' morating in a suitable manner the hundredth'anniversary ;of the death of General Sir Isaac Brock, who died in defence of his country: at Queenston Heights on October 13th, 1812. As the anniversary falls this year on Sunday the schools might hold celebration on Monday, October 14 Su si;;uai au uppvrtunity of honor- ing tl,e oliarA-ter of this n itional hero should not be permi tcii to pass OCTOBER COUNCIL MEETING. r auuoc.sec: in the scuuui,. It was the ( sagacity and uitr,rpid spirit of Genet al Brock which saved Canada at a c.i.i- g was held on Mon- cal time, and the qualities displayed Council meeting by him both as soldier and statesman day evening and did not last very should be impressed upon the school long. children of the Province as a good Several extra electric lights are to example of duty nobly done. The be placed around town at the request fol:owing reference to General Brook of the Property and Light Committee taken from the Ontario Public 'The Baseball Club asked for a rebate et History of Canada: - on Park rent and matter was referred tie thing the enemy overlooked, to Park Conamitte. and that was the character of the The unpaid street watering accounts Canadians. Fianna in just cause are to be placed in Chief Wheatleys and in detence of their homes, the hands for collection, latter were animated by a spirit which The Street Como -Atte had the follow- in war usually offsets an enemy's ad- ing report :- vantage in numbers and wealth. The Your committee beg to report as commander of the forces in Upper follows: -We have not been able to Canada Major-General Isaac Brock. complete the work passed at lasteoun- a man in whom such a spirit breathed cid meeting on'accounr, of scarcity of in this hour of danger. Be had al men and wet weather, however we ready served in the country for ten expect to be able to finish up this years, and he. knew and valued the month. The work we have not been local milita as well as the regular , able to get at is putting tile in low Local 'News u'sif P Fi'1 14 MFAR DID W8LL. At Br•usse'.s Fall Fair last week J. X. Wise, a well-known resident of this locality, took 61 ed, tickets and 2 blue ones in the exhibit of grain GRAND .OPENING. The Salvation Array Citadel which has ,been undergoing ex- tensive alterations and improve- ments, will he publicly re -opened on Sunday, Oct. 13th at 3 p, m., by Major and Mrs. Morris from Lon- don, aassisted by Captz:in'Gibbs and Lfuet. W habtaker, Inc officers ' in charge of the local corps. The opening ceremony will be presided, of er by Ex -Mayor Taylor and Major Morris will lecture on "The evolution, of the Salvation Arrny" This will prove most interesting as the Major is aman of wide exper- ience having recently had charge of the work in British Columbia and then to the Yukon. At 4.30 a great P kind. . : . men. Under the inspiration of Brook's Boston -Collins, ail, Bedunt ajnd s grew brighter ,Carrigan Loyatthe inspect g 6n leadership P w n and.wiles York -Mathewson n remembering hu w r ew Yor yi t voluuteers, Lo al s they and their £athere had been --0--- I part of the Mary Street ' drain and front of Wm. granolithic walk in t.r Jackson's property._ Your committee had an interview with Mr. Pander, a G. T. R., representative in regard to widening the approach to railway on Bayfield road, but up to the ppresent. we have heard nothing officially al- though they promised to let us know et once. Indirectly we have heard. that the G. T. R. does not intend to do anything in the matter. If that is the case your committee recommend that the Council appeal to Railway Commission to have the approach widened as it is necessary to have this done before this walk can be corn= platedand it would be dangerous to have a walk there as itis at present, We are also pleased to report that the Government Inspector has heen here and approved of the repairs to grano- lithic walks around postoffice, the - some to be done under supervision of Street Committee. Committee adjourned. Width 40 •,uPrctCP? styles for Fall,. The two brand new ir, ERE are 'oldp'1 with the ' s very o u ar rl eP - ho Ra g Ian s when styled d and Jan s tailoringtrade,Y high -alas k The • it is asmart over -sack, correctly, as shownvery button -through, patch pocket style is neat andstylish . are. travellingor street coat. These. smart and ;makes a styles we are showing t only two of the twenty OvercoatY O y famous zoth Century Brand make. in the Y just Another shipment of Sweaters ,Aust d CALL AND SEE THEM arrive Clothing C. . lot. Morrish.. A quare Deal For Every Man; in a large class of a th.bitois. HARD TO BEAT. Robert Sloan, of Porters Bill was • n exhibitor in fruit at East Huron Fall Fair at Brussels. 91e received 19 First prizes and 3 Seconds and had aline .show of fruit. ORGAN RECITAL. ,The Ontario street choir'have ern gaged Prof. 3iewlcett, of Hamilton to give` an organ recital inthe chur li on Dec. let. It had been int ended to have the • recital this mondh but it has been chengted to Decesnjbee'. 'WEN'S INSTITUTE, -. ;The Ladies of the Women"s In- stitute homefhold Mre He B.C'hantngat on Tuesday, Oct ,15th at eight o'clock to which the ladies are cordially invited. A small admiissron ,fee of 10 cents will be charged, A good Fiogran:Mae rendered =and refreeh'- nients served. GOES TO CALGARY. Rev. 4.'C: Wishart, li. A., of Brus- sels, has accepted the call to St. Paul's church, Ctlgary, at a�salary of 52,500. Pie closes his pastorate of 6 successful years on Sabbath. 20th inst., and is dere at Calgary on Nov. Ord. Rev. D. Perris of Wing - ham, will act as Moderator of Bros eels congregation during the vac- ancy , NEW MILLING COMPANY. Salvation citadel. Meeting he will be deli in ;Tyhe large riour mill recently own the citadel. A hearty invitation is ed by J. &. N. Fair, has been sold extended to all to attend these ser -1 to 'Mr, John Schoenhals, of Port vices. Albert, and Mr. R.C.Sing, of Gode- rich. Both men conte highly re- commended as poss getting capable i•it•s•If•i•••••••b••wN•••• business ability Mr. Xing lea well O �t Please Notify Lis 11 Yew deet rutin down, til you healtth thnot at enjoying d beyouree,, wo know'that in. -a very sbtoolt tote aboittle of ltexxall Wine of Cod Liver Oil wuli snake oni.wellandatrotig'° • ,Take chat: ��guasaantee tfori 1±, there 1s 00 better, -body build- er. Sold only at the REXALL STORE. W.S.R. Holmes Phm. B. known citizen of Goderich mid Mr. 1 Scboemlha's has been cage ed for l � sig year in Port Albert, and before that time l O s eight sin the milling bustoiess P ffea• learned his trade with the fel m a..a.••t•HaSa S S•t•••- Mitllirag'Co., of Milverton. ;The new The world's series is now in pro- f9��0 purpose inlProving and renov- ating between the New York base a ing the mall with .and 1 g machinery and a entirely new "chop ball team' and Boston. Foljowfatg per. In order to do so it will be a ' are the garage tip to date;- cow of months belfore tho new At New York, T,ucedayr ieini be fully equipped an run Boston -000001,300 r- 4. ming in its complete capacity" N.ew York-�-002000001 - 3 Ta d M :To run anewspaper all a1ellow 1 Boston-O4'ood and Cady.. has to do is'to,be able to write - a-- poems, discern; the tariff and money At Boston, Wednescl'ay, . questions, umpire a.baseball gamle, New York r..01010.003010-0 . report a wadding,- saw wood, des- crrbea fire so that the rleaders will she'd their wraps,:make $1 do the work of:$10, shine at a date, mea- 1 habit ` cure calico, abuse the liquor , i test 'whisky, sabecribe to Charity, go without meals attack free silvler' wear diamonds, invent advertise- ments, d rertisle- I ments, ,sneer at snobber:v, .07 er- look scandal, appraise babies, de- light pumpkin raisers, minister to the afflicted, heal the disgruntled, fight to a'fi�nash, set type, mond opinions, sweep out the otfice,speak' at the prayer•-arueetings, and stand in with everybody and evlerything SOME VERSALIT'Y. • New fork- oreau an yers, NEW FALL �.1 o,..7 StJITIN Now in Stock FOR the past nine years we have catered for Men's Custom-made Tailor- ing, producing. style, and workmanship fully guaran- teed. , Keeping none but competent workmen, equal to any in large cities, and. producing troops. _Brave, and judicious, , Boston 1. 3000000.0110-13 be wen the confidence and love of his tH treated after the Ret olotiond.ry War, pressed forward on all sides, more than old be supplied with arms. In Lower Canada the French Canadians, having fresh in mind the memory of their generous treatment a.t the hands of the British government, were prompt to vote money and men to repel the invaders. :The Civic Works 'sampnittce Ste- Commended the exlersion of Tera- and Concert Company Vey street, To, onto,• ata w• dte ,of Tuesday Uhlan beat the world's trotting record hall a second by trotting amide in 1.58, Original Royal English BELL RINGERS DIED AT AUBURN '1'he uta h ul il,ue a Jane Clark,' wife of Rve hart, A. 11gb res,.n or Auburn, sixty-six feet. jluclnding the Premier Male which occurred on Solt. 20th, ieof thi- W.'H. Xingatot of Mount Forest, t+ . ed one who ut to a resident of this has been appointed Local Master Quay -tette and Entertainer Place nearly all nit Inc. the attained the High Court of � thehad h i of 7 yeses darer f nape, and and Registrar of g had been a great sufferer for almost a Justice. • i, year during which time she was al Ten million tons Sault Canals pass- 1 most coutionousiv confined toiler bed,' ed througth the Sault dur- .tit was patient and cheerful Minuet a longue ` ing Month init heir, making it the best Town tl1 Mall, C1kfItOlA to the last. ;The funeral took plan to Mf lmonth in their history, It ill's Cemetery on Saturday after - pastwed 'years as wild for the Ita11y and , sub" concluded Thursdag Ep enih 1 �et+ H" non last the pail heeTels being past twelve. years has been 'Grand terms of peace, subject to .rati- lE !r( h le es•sis Oliver and Norman T+irnbull, , Trunk. agent at Exeter, and who gieation, of Ginud i3euu, nephews; Alex Gomer - 1 ,. - • ' ouz teen , r . of z us.,e s :a,n rasa word from; ad wartere o v t appeared before Store on Saturday,Oct. 't zth, n cousins, The be. pointed week that he had bean ap- the Clapp Committee toigive evi- o rei•ved bazsiiaitd, rrlalives and friends .. .-,-n-- <_ a- _-.,,.,...:M: •n,,,,d1 4.41niccinn ..-,5e Reserve Seats v:fte 1 helve the sympathy oi: the c..min tinIIV . ,,----,'..� .s.,,.,,.........•: 1,alouSE NOTES. Mr. A. D. Forbes, of Stratford, Is moving to town and will occupy the Tyndall house on Mary street, r t A>3ritish submarine was ran dor ;a 3folmlber ,at years previous to h•, of e4 u ins and Ler rnstLawson, of that,was operator fpr the G ',T,,Ry down by the liner •America and , Plan opens at b'erg's Book Clinton,n, a.ceind Chester Arzristron0 f of he crew drowned i 13 1 d Ripest Lawson of receivedhN q Col Ro Se el Pp t 5 o lints❑, second COMBINED MAITLAND-NIAGARA SCHEME IS ADVISED Mr. Charles Connors has rented Clothe ICF Men at prices consistent with ex- pense, and much below city prices. Whypaybig prices for factorae clothes when you can get a suit made to your measure at home, by Y and cutter ' need an experienced tailors, from Mr. 1). McCorvie's cottage on Rat - CHIEF POINTS OF EXHAUSTIYE REPORT OF HYDROELECTRIC COMMISSION ENGINEERS ON POWER teJ�•ttry atrset• p'... IsaacBarr has bought Mrt, PROBLEM OF` HURON COUNTY—VAGARIES Of MAITLAND RIVER—CONNECTION WITH oar' cottage ar �%ias bo street at. present occupied by Mrs. Holmes, NIAGARA AT STRATFORD TO HELP WHEN MAITLAND iS LOW as wits early tm N,ovemlberget, IMr. Thvtnas I)unibarpossession 'has moved The report by engineers of the electric form. - meet. The result is an almost ic- into the cottage owned l Mr. Dl - Hydro -Electric Power Commission on 1 Three estimates of fcost of pow- credible comparison between the trott opposite the hospit a a power scheme for tbe county of er on the Maitlulland-Niagara eystsm power obtainable at the maximum Mr, Bert Funnies has rented • the ivel on e respectively Mr, ' e -based b re- were given y w andthat obtainable, h atvacated et. Its P fro bt int la - the- mini-ua of inters� v< i y 11grecently is fullcottage x em Cronsly ,d. nd maximum e 'um a i minimum, mall develop- mi u mum.. Measuremea ke • a -the ' favor ofis taken t is inba anonwn� endhomes D comm�I' r• e minimum mends. We reproduce th m Bole of ma s.BlackHole fora year upto the end tbe Black athe ataput owerin tofb im mena is furnace g pnew a the Maitland River near Goderich up and maximum estimates for the grin• `of May 1912 formed the basis of'' es- Ane to an amount made practicable dor cipal Huron centres, thus: l timates by which is was calculated house occupied by Mi WAS, Downs, M a ing say nine months of the' year, with a.tie-line to the Niagara. powers , system to help out during the dry Maitland willyieldGoderich 500 $`0.41 1000 19.09 Season when the � $ 3 29.24 power.. It is 00 55.10. 00 ofd:.. 1 suntilei amB a -all m sI but ay calculated as -probable, though the en;; Clinton 300 35 74 800 19.30 wish theycould have had re- Belgrave 30 71,82 '80 38 34 orris wr 35.25 soils of flow, etc•, over. a longer Wingham • • •200 86.48" 500. period, that the Maitland system dur- Brussels ,100 ,86.26 200 45.64 flush period will yield enough Blyth 100 83.90 ' 200 44 45 p the p a - g 59.11 300 31.99 with'ta Mansell 150 o ai d -i factor f a. per to be_ 4 P37.34 69.70 200 Zurich 100,' surplus to' the, Niagara power eys• Exeter 200 62 47 400 33.42 tem, thus cancel what it .would Crediton 50 IO2,84 100 '49. owe for Niagara system help during"C rediton . the short season That at all events, Dashwood 75 11,40 150 43.25 800 .51 ' 1 28 Seaforth- , •. . . 400.. 53.6 ' h sen. proposition upon which th ro the F is P P gneers are' working, which propoei- 2405 181U tion they think offers the maximum all iv atter than an es were en advantage, being b Various other estimat w given, Niagara or an all -Maitland system. but it is not necessary. to burden the The conclusion of the engineers was New Era columns with them in view that for continuous all the -year-round of the plain preference • given to the power, development at the Black combined scheme• Hole was not advised ; but with the The Maitland` watershed is about help -out of a Niagara connection for 950 square mime in extent, and in the the low, water season, Black Hole early days kept .the Maitland a re. .0 spectable stream all the year round,. ower might usefully be developed F p g Itfva' of drainage, cu I eeff ecce d , if i out Uh providing for b p thus' r i to 8 ssa h. g P. e g over th p1 deforestation all necessary all'power requirements of - Mon and` the various towns and villages, of 'watershed have •modes radical change. '"to be tiow using The •waternowruns on rapidly; and Huish 'estimatedf wg mural storage e a s 'tile natural to er li ' v g ed Here is .est estimated t m ch it wan{ p.,ofw hi 1< he 1 et 652r timate 000feet, 7 le ort PP 8io10 h, p. night be turned into the. compared with the daysasbefore„s . • h 3S,800 24 b id Minimum Maximum ' that of se power con <„-• - - —_ moved have been got on May 30, 1912, that the Marlowe house on Maple street H. P. cost 13. P. Costwhich he recently purchased. J'I3 L E N LESLIE DEAD. D. O After a short illness from pleuro being the highest, whilst au . 30 I911 only 800 24 -hon h P, could' ave been got For 10 -hour power alarger amount could be assured, respective- ly 62,000 and 1,200 on the dates men- tioned. But the comparison in either e i almost case is humorous. Should the scheme become e e an actu- ality the Stratford stepping -down station would be enlarged and power would be stepped down from 110,000 to 44,000. volts here for a main line extension from Stratford to Goderich.' The effect of thec onnection though the report does not discuss this gfsf point,. would presumably be to modify in part tbe cost of Niagara power on this of the Niagara system. The scheme provides for deliverance of power to towns in Huron at 13,200 volts, and to villages at 2,200 volts,: transformation to those voltages be•' ing;. included in the above estimates. The engineers -state the Black Dole offers undoubtedly the best 'location for power development on tbe` Mait- land. The total drop of the Mait- land from headwaters to - mouth is 20.0. 0 10 $25 00 We've seen others come and go, but we are here to stay. (3sing the same motto as when we started: pneumonia John Leslie answered the finals roll call on Sunday. De -, ceased was born wear .J3ellevil e over 73 years ago, u, and Raft rem sided here for ovor 60 year's D e- cetaleeld followed the trade of car- riage builder and in his time was associated with W. J,+Hohnes and to the latter still resid Fred Clbaht, es %n� Clinton.la' Mx. Leslie in h1e ife hr r vodo onthe Council bo and e . e s e as well as a the School oo] Board r d and d trustee of Willie ehurrh. 11ie was pro -deceased by his wife, a-• tout 11 years ago. A grown' up fam Ry survive; James, of New York; John D., of Oakland, Cal;, ; Mrs: (Rev.) J. J. Patterson, Sarnia ; 'Mrs. J . 'Watson, Seaforth; and Mrs. W. DJF'air, of towns Deceased was an honorable and up -right man and will be greatly missed by hie many qly friondn• fnle funeral was hold du Tuesday afternoon. They aere ems- a d ' w vice till C house n grAve conducted ay Rev D.K. Grant. The hail-tbeftr6r;b, ` gV.9,i J,410 PPRtt, "QUALITY„ Men's TailOPS and furnishers • acksoTlr, , J, Wisetna'n,, W. Bay - done, J. Watson and W. D. Fair. Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Watson. were here to attend the funeral, -MAX HAVE A BRA'1�TCH IN IWfN,,OHAiM. The Wingham Times of last week bad the following, Jackson Manufacturing Co., of Clinton,. maim- 1acturers of clothing, are now trying, problem of the extension Ivo the of to t The their fast growing business.. company now have plants in Clinton, Goderich and Exeter and the help prohlem makes it necessary to open her branch in some other town. snot Bearing of this, Mayor Spotton. and R. Clegg, President of the Board of trade, accompanied by Messrs. Wm. Bone, O. G. VanStone,' 3, W. Mc - .gibbon,. John Quirk, E. B. Walker, W. A. Campbell and H. B. Elliott. went to Clinton on Monday afternoon with Mr. Thos. a conference Had and Jackson, discussing the advantages to be obtained by tbe opening of a,branch• factory in Wingham. Mr. Jackson promised to visit Wingham in the rear future when the matter will he fully proposition liked ru o y s d and a p t r i tt ee p l sc be ot- to �v placed before the ratepayers ed on in January, The Jackson Co. is an established concern and we would be pleased to see them locate in %Vingham. d Dr, Campbell of Zurich is the possessor of a young peach tree at his residence' that produced a peach measuring 101-2 inches at 10 largest eircutelereuice. A fine {Hare owned by A, Mi11, of the Brannon Line, was kicked by n1 • sand her le e t bores , anotherr he broken She was kr1led to ttM V?q liar, iir�fferti48, I.�