HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-10-03, Page 8rsaur- •-- �.« e'" '+41444440044.••.0•••••.•,•••••.•1••...•..•.4••••`141*. ;IMPROVEMEN,'TS. l 1.......... • Wesley Church is beinj brightened V ' Ili • L.0:ca1 Views 4••4.4•• `.C..•....♦444....4).11...•t.N •.•.1.4••4•. We have just passed into stock a complete stock of Tapestry, Brussels, Wilton and Axminster Floor Rugs, in the very newest designs, also Runners and Hall End Squares to match. If you are needing new Floor Coverings to brighten up your home for winter a call here will suggest many new ideas in Floor Coverings. Prices from $8.00 up to $37i,00., Lhioleu.s, Oilcloths, Matts Golf G f Coag • and. Blazers Women's, Misses and Children's Golf jackets and ,Blazers, in all the popular col- ors, plain and two tone effects, just .to hand. These are very. popular for fall wear, and the very latest styles, all sizes, Prices .$1.00 to $5,00 Fall Mantles and Suits ete We are showing the most 'complete range of Women's, s, Misses and Children's Winter Coats and Ladl.sDresses an d TwoP fete Suits Its ithis ever e er been our privilege to display. At prices to fit all purses. We invite you and your friends to call as often.. as you please. dozer ci 2?rown DIRECT IMPORTERS, CLINTON FLOTEL KEEPER FINED. License Inspector Johnson was in brussels on Sunday and e'pent part of Monday there. He surprie ed the hotel, keeper at the Central on Sunday worming and a convict- -ion was secured, A.,BIBLE AND A DAILY. Ther To oat Daily Dat y World offers yearly subscription to teat paper and anew illuminated Bible for $3 80. The World says a similar book cannot be bought for less than $500. Orders may be left at Tbe New Ern. ' Office. This offer is open to October 15th, and no later. Noliee to Advertisers s All "Ade," and copy for the "change of ads" 'must ,be in this office pot later 'them Monday evoaitre of ereb week, otherwise they wilp,bo too late. If a holiday falls on Monday the 'ad'vertieeija ehould . then see that their cony.* So on the Saturday ,bc- fore, asthi,s papeai goes to . press o,u.Thur;sday afternoon so as to catch cortain maids.:, This *also to your'radvamp tage 'as it gives you couple of days ' longer to adve¢'ti•ae geode. Tide rule groes' into force at once.. DIED AT BRUSSELS. Tuesday morning of tide week litre Peter Watson, ,brother-fn•fawto Mr, Adam Scott, of the J3aysfielil•. Road passed away, aged 74 years. dlo had a stroke of parafyaia 3 weeke ago from whieb be never rallied. This was the second a former one Deeming 5 years eines. "'Ans adui t family and Mr. Watson's 'second wife Th survive. o'funeral k. . took place T.lhursday afterroon'from, the Treabyterian churels. in whit.] be was an ender for many years. De- eettaield was a fine man and wle.,l. worthy of the esteem in which he was beld in the community. For Three Square Deals a day CONNER'S OOQrnemade Bread 'The Breed thae le eaten, L'he Brea3 tht,e; keeps tr ah marl m,aae ?fie Bread the: gives yeti a Square Doa1 Once you Try It You will alw aye illy It. • CMAS. CONNER First store north origg'd Jewelery 0111'. Preset Specials ARE STOVES, RANGES, COAL HEATERS' WOOD HEATERS, AND COAL -OIL HEATERS We have a complete arteortment of of the celebrated Happy' Thought Ranges, Pandora Ranges Canada. Steel Range, Welcome National, IE~tc. All the High Grade Class Thee ones todepend on for reliability and iurability. We have also cheaper lines, guaranteed to, do good work, only not so heavy and of course not so durable, as low in price as $28.00, with reservoir and high shelf. • COAL MAY in SCARCE; 'TIUIS WINTER Save it now by using one of our Famous or Perfection Oil Eleaters •ebilly morn Ings and evening, or a famous air tight heaters -burns chips. charcoal or wood, We have the Brightl;'Glazed Steel Stove Pipes' same price as the ordinary se, The Balance of our 25c and 15c oraniteware Bargain° Lots, with additional supplies, to clear next weeK 'for ...•, , foe HARLAND 13RdS, Stoves, Hardware and Novelties PASTIME DANCE. The Pastime .Cafe will give an informal dance' on Friday evening. THREE 'FULL 'MONTHS .. OP RAINY 'W'EATHER. The, wet' wealt+her comtients* with emceasing eegula•'tiy, gain 1al'Lii g every two or three days. Itis hop- ed slow that the laultunrnai eguiVox is.pessed the a &ether conditions w f.l ,became more 'normal LORD'S DAY ALLIANCE. Wou'.d those who have any funds collected Tor this work, or those wishing to contribute, please, hand in, either to Mr James' Scott or myself without delay as ' :returns cn•ust•bemde by the 15th test, Giv naanes, as :all who contri,bute 25c epd •up sarda will receive the month 1Y Aa,tivoeate, -3 Greene, Treasurer. THE PRE t Liter Is c1 5ED` 'eNolmore free locals will be given, Coreespbndents , 1,' Plea ee thrix inmind,. also, and! do no,` bat. df'sappo nted if anyCrete'< of that nature should he mut out 'Mush AnIst,tutions arc as well, able to pay for ,adveris'n, as ;he Sons!!. * lip on thee outside by .the painters' • &thief Wheatly ie having a new shingle roof put on hie hones • • AN 3'MP,ORTANT Cl3ANGE, •.+•i•.l••F•+•II••i••1•4•D•or+ +• 4.44 -1 -••rete! e+4 CLINTON MARKETS i•, r• 4 Hogs a,, Sutter ::_.22c to B23e + Eggs.• - 25e to28c ;t• Wheat 00 to Ric + k,Opts' • 35e + Peas'n 5i! to ton ,1. •t' Barley ._.. 50 to Oin Bra+. $1 4•• Shorts ..... ,'n1.4d 0 4•firF••II•44$•3, •P•II•. 4-tieletteeet•teete r•t sae. .1. COTTON TREE. Mu liaown, cf (be Ke!tting oo.. bi s a Y7atton shrug,. planted at the Mott - ring factory who'll has already blooru.: ed and is ,low forming the ecetnn. The climate ..s ho,ve;$er'too severea it to thrive hn•eur,less in a hot house, LOST AT ZURICH:. The Senior baseball team' lost at Zurtch on Friday afternoosa•7ast py aseore of 0-2. 'A catcher and outfielder had to be prloduce'd .et Hensall to full up the' team Kilfty pitched toe the locals. LEAP YEAR SHOWER. papers are to pubLish it for nothing , For several weeks the weather 11,biels are printed .alt' this' office a man has .been sAowerinlg-vs !every, local will, however. be inserted free clay. On Wednesday 'evening the or charge. • • •younig people of lVesliey chureh ANOTHER .HIIRONIAN TO to took shove h ne ur rEdgar o the Easanits Sim'boe, day M, is TB:E FRONT. ; about to join the ranks of the [Beres Rei*. Dr; T 11. Hazlewood, who for edicts, in the near future, with a the past four years has been the ' hontntiful supply • of household pastor of' Central IVletbodisl. church 'ateneils. It being aleap year as_ novation shower a to ho the groom', nam' a eBloor tstreet ' , Toro to �t a pPorrit very interesting time was enjoyed se etary confeinper as chief field by alt. Edgar is a general favorite secretary o e ry f r teinpeaamce and moral �r ith tlae boys and girls who Ifelt reform work in Canada. He will they could not let him de. art from succeed the Rev, J. W Aikens, their range • without expressing who isresigning rstop to accept the past appreciation of his service in the orate of Metropolitan church, Tor- onto. Mr, Hazlewood it a native of ehvreh, Bowick township, and. has been ex- CORN ROAST. ceedingly popular since his advent to Toronto. . A merry crowd of young people motored to the hozlae of Mr. Wm, MET'DROLOGICAL RF.PORT. Glenn, :R:eevja of Stanley last Taves FOR SEP'TBMBER.1912. day evening. ,The night was per - The highest maximum temperature feat and. Gab, Elliott as chaafeur, was 86 ° on the 6th. The lowest lost mo time in, conveyingg the Load to their destination. minimum temperature was $3' n on the 0m the arrival 80 the Toe highest range was 2$o' on the crowd was Welcomed by the host ess Mina a • t' the �, M r ,the the lowest Tangs was 70 on Y a'lanm amd 'a 25th and nth. The mean maximum Y6aran^g bonfire, and the youngifeIk temperature for the month was 60.- were soon, engaged in eating corn, 93 c, then can minimum temperature toasting marsltmetlows and also aas 53.170 and the mean range was their faces. Au amusing incident 168(1°, •Tae total rainfall for the oceured when one of the' guests ntonih.wThe t ncbes. It was a wee having partaken of several cobs of month rate having fallen on 18 days, corn immediately attempted to be- Tbunder showers occurred on 1st, 5th head the visitors Needlless to say and lith Pastures are good and fall be was captured as goon as pots- and e wheatis 1 -i � p and ook n[ti w 11, corn and Tont carefully guarded dor the 'crops are doing well. rest of the evening. Games, races and songs followed and the merry HOUSE NOTES. jubilant mood. party returned to town in ahiglhly Mr. Arthur. Forbes has rented the large home of Mrs. Pair er., on Beech street, and is moving there tins week. Mr: W..Nickle has bonght Mr 0. S.Haa ke's house on Townsend Mr, !Robert Miller has rented Mrs A1leock's house. IMr, J. CaHenry is moving into his new borne on 'Rattenibnry street. Mr.. ,3ellyar has mooed into his new home on ALbcrt street. Mr. Chas, WiLtee has rented Miss Porter's house on Huron street, formerly •oi:eatpiaa by 'Mrs, Easom, UL NTO I NUP 80 SHOT'S Three rinks of 8eaforth Bowlers came up on Friday afternoon last and were badly beaten all around. Clin- ton was SO shots up on the total. Poll. i owing were the players: - Olinton Sciforth J. Ford J. Watts P. Towne J. Taylor Skip....33 Rankin McKay Murdie Wilson Skip....16 W. Grant - Wilson J. Ned,ger Manion W. Elarbeed te,0 son J. Stevenson W Willis. Skip....28 Skip ....19 P. Clourtice. Stobie J. Rumford Neil 0 T. Dowding Bright J. B Elnave r' Sb De, Skip....26 Seip,:..13 87 48' A return game may le p'ayed this week or next. , HALF -ti CARL Y TAXES, It seems inevitable that taxies, lake everythi cg' .lee, slimed: go'up •card add to the high cost o' Lyng. hut there ;s atlecast Joe method Yywhieh the Ceun.il rah ame)fo- vte the burden, and teat is by beving the cares paid int in- -"talmvente irsteau o, ail at once, as bas ^been proposed oy the Clinton New Era on mute than one oocasioln lathe last few • yeses. The seimi- yearly collectionui tabes is in' fere° in Inane, towns,i:nbarrio and Co" Tia^gwood for instance, and in cities like Toronto and Brantford. A pro tnfnent resident of Collimgwood said recently that the change had .been a regular Godsend to thie workissgmen of that tow* "It Means,' he said, "that many a man who, after paying taxes early in December, would have litt1 or no mosey left for his Christmas, pre -i setts, is DOW able to hake hie chil- dren happy at that season" Tn many eases, a ratepayer . who has say, $3e to pay in taxes would find' it much easier to pey two instal- ments of $15 each.: It is not the wrorkin,ganen alone' who Would wel- come the change. business men, like to have Dirge payments broken up. Many people pee, , as lunch for light as they do for taxes, but be-, cause the payments ar., made month Ay. they feel itanuch less, and do sot ^gruruzble, though they may be getting very much less value than they do for their taxes Nor is all the advantage to the ratepayler,As one instalment would be payable perhaps in Jwty or August, the town would profile ,by saving anter •. est on a part of what now has to be borrowed to keep things going till the taxes come. re it may be too Aute to inaugurate half_Vearly taxes this year but the New Eta would idle to ase this, scheme, which works soWell in;Aber towns tried • in :Cla4ton;'at the earliest opportujn- I O ity 0000011.06660•4000.0O00d160• CLINTON DOINGS LIVE LOCAL NOTES MINOR LOCALS.' The summer is ended; fall is here. The apple pickers - and paokers are busy in this locality. Potato rot is appearing to some ex• tend in the crop now being gathered. The vacation season is now pretty well over. Visitors to and from are no t town now homeward bound, October, Council meets nextMonday evening. The Band will attend Brussels Fair' on Friday. They will also go to Bay field next Wednesday. All Canadian weekly napers going to subscribers in the United States are subject to a cent a week postage. An unjust Postal Act discriminates between daily to go free of postage, All $1 weeklies are thus $150 to sub- scribers across the lines which brings but 98 rents to the publisher. Leave your order for sale :bills at 'tbe New Era office. Satisfaction guaranteed. Thenksgiying Day is the next. public holiday. Modern Bathioo'm xi both en adornment and an economy. 'Ohstening the and glittering metal work surely kn'ake an attractive combination. Y the cleanliness and sanitary ar- rastgement mean the saving of Arany a doctor's visit. The Cost of Stteh;a Bathroom Is high not iso hash as �*pra think. Have us give you figures for a complete outtut that will add Snore than- dovable its cost to the value of your' ,house. Thos. • t ••••••••••esoil •!N•Meeser ifear° e • R h • • shite work and.; y tau r • • • en out' Selina]. The �Cen Cantata/ • w Telegraph acid Rasllnoiad e • School, Toronto, ,'Get ant • S book "Gadded t by .the,.Key." • • . ,It sxplamlvs' owra work and the , m • splendid •chances for' openat-. • • or.s Waite W,11:, Shaw, Pere- • ideaait, Yoinge ,and., Gerrjard a • sts., 'Toronio. I • Section four of the Municipal Amdndlment Act,•1912, makes an rtmportant change in the .number of votes /required to earry a By lav greeting e:boinjus in aid, of'a(na,anu- 5acturiinig industry, that ie mow meee;ssary tjo collect 'this 'Ieeulltt.�is4o oil tails the ,dsselnit of ihroeNfo'u5. Lhe od•all the members of the Odtfnea and utwa thirdis of the rla(tepayea s seho actuates, vote on the 'by -Law. NEARLY A COLLISION. On Sunday afternoon, two auto mobiles rounding the corner of main street and the iluron Read without taking the precaution of tooting 'their horns, narrowly escaped collision. One turned in time to. avoid the telegraph posts et the corner, theotherjumped over the earl), just grazing A. J. Morrish's window. This is the secood accident of the kind that has..ocrewed in Clinton- within the apace of ten days.' Because no one-- was hurt we Iamb about it but we must remember• that many aone has been fata'ly:ii jilted : by just arca .L rntsbah we haven't so meet* people in Clanton that we can afford to lose the lite of even a street loafer through the care Iessnese or ignorance of motorists. "Au ounce of prevention" tbby say "is worth a pound of cure," yvbat to be done, about it? C,. C.T. AT HOME. On Thursday evening of last, week the C. O. L gave a large At Biome in honor of the Modelites and the young people of the town. The hall was beautifully decorated with red, white bluebuntingand many Bowers About 170 people were re Tele P P present and the even ing was a complete s'rrcess, A=bout 8 o'clock c mosrof of the young people had assembled an enjoyable hour was spent Hiting programmes. The evening was opened n a nomber of students singing the old collegiate song which was followed by a short address given. by Principal Treleaven, The music then commenced a»d the protnioad lag bean. • In the large ,cireie made by the young couples, games were in progress and were.much, :patronized, throughout the evening, After the eighth proinonade refreshweots were served by seversl of the young men and ladies, Mr. Bouch was represented by Fred. Slonraa who gave an interest` in speech en h gbe behalf o h f the Itiodel' s alae . Following the Home Sweet Hoare promenade the entire company joined in singing :'God Save The King' " and the merry crowd dispersed all being well pleased by the entertainment provided for them, C C I ANNUAL'SP,0RTS. Last Friday afternoon the' annual sports of the Clinton Oollegiate was held and were very sncdessful. Many of the various classes were not run, ii. Wallace won the junior chain• pionship and J. G, Windsor took the highest score in the senior champion P. The officers of the day were: - Committee -Miss Delmage, Miss Copp, Miss Lobb, Mise Middleton, Mr. O. Kitty, Mr. E. Torrance. Mr.: Ford, Mr, W, Oardweli, Mr, 'Treleaven, Olerks-Mr: Sinclair. Mr. Bouch. Starters -Mr,. Dowding, Dr. Shaw. Tirne Keepers -Messrs. W. Jackson, Forrester, M. McTaggart. • Judges -Rev, O. E. Deakins, Mr, 15. E. Manning. Clinton 0. I. baseball club defeated the Godericb C. I. by a score of 8 6. Following were the emcee:dui prize winners : Open to School 3 -Running 3 g Bases 1, Beacom; 2, McDougall, 3, Bris- son and Johnson: tied for third. Open to Schools 01 County 1=loo Yard Race 1, Ii.Reide2„Forbes,.3 Vickers, 2 -Running hop, step, jump 1, Forbes, D. Mathieson, 3,, Greig. Gins Events (Over Is). 1---50 Yard Race 1, J. Morris 2, Beacom', 311odaway 4, Elliott, 2 - Relay Race 1 Beacorn, Gould Morris, 2, Pow- ell, Rodaway and Elliott, 3 --Putting Shot 1, Copp, 2, Wallace, 3;McConnell, 4, Morris. Junior Championship 1 --Running hop, step, jump 1,H. Wallace, 2,Thompsot, 3 Copp 4, Remedy, 2 --Putting Shot 1, jRarlan,d, 2, Copp„ 3, Wallace, 4 E oblation, 3 -Running Broad Jump 1, !Harland, 2, Wallace, 3, Henry, 4 4-100 Yard Race 1,fElarlancl, 2, Copp, 3, Ke,ninceldy, •McAllister, 5 -Running High Jump Wallace and Evans were a tin,, 6 -Third -mile Race 1, Copp, 2, Wallace.. Senior championship 1' --Running hop, step, ;jurnp 1, Windsor, 2, McDougall, 3, Cald- well, 4, Cooper. 2 -Putting Shot 1 Torran�co. 2,wind,eor, 3,Washnap 4, S'J,atcirford, 3 -Running ,Broad Jump 1;^Brisson, 2, Windsor„ 3,C'aldwell; 4, McDougall. 4-T00 `Yard Race 1,,Brisson, 2, Reid„ 3;McDougall, 4 Beacon. g' Running High Junip Wrn,dsorr:tOooper.-and Beacotn,tied for lst, 4'foet _10 niches, • 6--Half-mile Race 'i. 1, 'McDougall 2 Brisson„ 3, 'Cald-1 .v 41 "4, Beacom. ++rte• . �,�•"�','"` . irru SDAY, OCTO,B'E71 3 912: �� rlr s j rr Previously sold at $11.00 41.2 for 50e cloth binding and ail Talar titles, such as The Foreigner The Doctor The Prospector The Man from Glengary Glengary School Days Sky Pilot The Fronti mosommengiorimer David Harms Lords of the North The Trail of '98 The Second Chance Sowing Seeds in Danny Rose in the Ring, Black Rock ersman Mrs, Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch. Thele• 4 Fair eo Often the cheapest--tways"the Best evviMMAAAANNM•sowkAnevvvNAA,v,A A A VA1Vn/�/ralsAt wkA1 Nvvm jBARGAINSI FOR EVERYBODY 1 1 �% OW is the season to purchase Rubbers for 1 r the covin fall weather, and having pur- chased our stock before the advance bythe whole- sale houses, we are able to give everyne an extra good bargain on rubbers purchased here. PILL LINES eeMPLETE Our Sale of Boots and Shoes is still on and prices to Suit all Purses, A Special Bargain A special' bargain .offered is Gun Metal Button Shoes for ladies, which were marked at $3.5o for ...,2.,�j Jas.Twitchell &Son CLi11ITON summon,.10V11lVWV headquarters FOR Walking and Riliing Oliver plows 1.11. C. Gasoline' Engines McCorariek Machinery Pumps ALL KIND EPAI'RS AND EXYERTIN'G, CALL ON Miller's 1111lc Corner' of Prances and Albert etreets. WILL,. � U. Cen tral Bu sin esscollegc Stratford, Ont. Write fol+ the Large iree cata- logue of tilts school, and you will learn how You. Can Suc- ceed. It will then rest wi'trh you to decide ,i° You Will Succeed We ,are placing etudente in posiltionc, paying . $t00 ,and e 5700 per •amnuna, and wehave many such applications for heap which we cannot supply. ;The ,beat time 20 enter oust classes is NOW. i\Trite foie our fate catalogue at once. D. A. McLachlan, Principal, + 3't+•b+++++4•+++++;1•;d,+.4» .>.il TO THOSE WI4 WANT TIME BEST To those who want the pick of the finest looking, best wearing, shoes produced this season, we say COME EARLY THE NEW PALL R LL STYLES ARE IN. • •• If you are one of the many who look to us to supply your shoe needs for the corning season, with something distinctive --En= tirely different than ordinary -Come and snake your selection right now. We want your business, not only for to -day, but for all future time. Try us once and you will not desert us,We guarantee everything we sell.to + give satisfactory service at the price you pay, and we always " Make Good." + FRED► JACK ON' �� FtS^.�i•a°^v.�•. fi�•r�r.�•t••i••t•�^•D••td •r�!��43•�i�