HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-10-03, Page 71.7 attalltel ligrroic regeeessesseseasagieneesteiree - --1,11,7-1ivrerg." : Y 1.401115 irratY copir,igile Me15ec3 d, ITairenitg ICI • tio;rit Ali Over The 1/Vorld -Known Ordy For The Good It Has Done. We know of rio other medicine which has 'been so successful i relieving the suffering Of Women, or received so many testiinenials, as has Lydia R. +,-Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound. ' In nearly every community you will I find women "onto have been restored to, health by this faroous medicine. .1Antiost every woman you meet icliOWS itit the great goodiit has been doing among suf- fering women for the past 30 years. -FoxCreek, N. B. -"I have alwaiis ` had pain e in the abdomen and a weak- ness there and often after meals a sore- ness in my stomach. ai Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCompound has done me much good. I am stronger, digestion is better and I enn work with ambition. I have encouraged many tnothers of families to take it as it is the , best remedy in the world. You can pub - Bah this in the papers." -Mrs. WILLIAM S. BOURQUE, Fox Creek, N. 13. 1- In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., are files containing hundreds of •thousands of letters from women seek- ing health, in which many openly state over their own signatures that they have •.., regained their health by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, many of whom state that it has saved them from surgical operations. - -- .., ! tit t ...., - MONTREAL, At A. ..., ,. ./' THE- -- STANDARD IS th3 Nd13e5at Weekly Newspaper bf the Dominion f Canadaol_It is natipnal 4n alt Its WIT1S. , k It us -e -S thd 2rgisE &pa -ail "efigt-dx- ' Inge, procuring the photogiaplis from i all over thd world, Its articles are carefully gelected and Its editorial., policy _ is _ ehorpughly, endepenclent . • ,,,,,,. 0 „A. subscription - fd 'The Standard posts S2.00 per year to any p,ddreSS tri ,canacla br Great Britain. pp 0 TRY. IT. FOR 19'12I' 0. Montreal Standard Publishing Csi.,, ' fro o Limited, Publishers, DON'T NEGLECT h YOUR WATCH AWATCH is a delicate piece of machinery. It calls for less attention than most machinery, but must be cleaned and oiled occasicinallY to keep perfect time. 14' With proper care a Waltham 1Watch will keep perfect rime for a lifetime. It will pay yen * well to let us clean your watch every 12 or 18 months. W. R.Cou n te r Jeweler and (iptielan. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. .Piano urdiseis shoe d noprsain • asleep Al lie kW ihe eiDOIERTY hestv4ke 0}7..arlh • One ef the B est ,quippecl Piano Fact()ries in C4Iiiiecia W. Doherty nano and ()Mail Co Limited - Paeitcmiete and Head Office CLINTi)V, ONT. ' fWeeteritf Branch, , •• 280 'HARGRAVE STREST, , NVINSIPVCI, 'upset-Altat ' le the bread al- ways flops on the note; huttered aide devnt; deesn't FL? So we had to 'etrug- gle 'ashoile on the, Wrong bank. It ,bouldn't be helped-413ot is., the acci- dent oouldn't-but I ought . uot t 'have -been on the river at KUM -a tate ivar!". •' , , ; By this trine •the girl's:left Men was ,hround her Tete -nate T,07traig her Intense eagernees.,to aesuaise.mrs. Devarie agitation she began to .stoke ,hair With the , clieengeged band, deoPly'sS'repathelic landlady,a mail- er of sergants, and mopt of the fem. 4ntrine guests in the hotel -all flit , men. were down on Ithe gathered to murmur their nangraia- latioes'; but Mrs. Dever, aismayea hy !Cynthia's ectiom which might hatn ;brought •about A °alias rophe, revived evitle phenomenal suddenness. ; "My dear child," she cried, eetelcan Ong herself from tbe encircling arm, Pdo let MG look at you! P want 10 beat upset, you say. Why, your Clothe 'must be wringing wet!" Make sure you are not injured. Tbs Cynthia laughed, She bad guessed Why her chaperon wished to keep b et 3iterally atarm' length. Site spread her skirls with, a quick gesture that gelieved an awkward situation. , Not a drop on my clothes," she 'paid gleefully. "Th e water just ;touched the soles of my boots but before you could say 'Zack Robinson' ;Fitzroy had whisked tae out of tha SkIff-and landed me on dry land." "You were in shallow water, then?' 'put in the smiling proprietress. "Oh no, faiely dedp. Fitzroy Was Up to his waist in the stream." ' "And the boat upset?" came the amazed chorus. "I didn't mean that. What actually ?happened is, this. I discovered that !the hour was rather late, and Faeroe' Was rowing down stream at a great amce when some sunken thing, a tree. root he thinks, caught the side of the fboat and started a plank. I was so taken by suprise that I should have laat right there and gone to the boa kepi with the boat but Fitzroy jumped atraight away andehiked me out." Ready -tongued Cynthia was begin- ning to find detailed explanation rather diffipult; and her speech revert- ed to the picturesque idioms of her native land. It was the happiest ruse she could have adopted. Everyone laughed at, the notion of being "hiked Out." None of her hearer e knew what it meant, yet it covered the re- quisite , ground, which was more thau might have been acbieved by explicit English. , "Where did the accident take ,place?" asked the landlady. _Cynthia was vague on this point but when she told how the , return journey was made, the pretty Welsh waitress hit on a theory'. "Iu-deed to goot-ness, miss," she cried, "you wase be-tween the, Garren River an' Huntsham Bridge. It iss a bad place, so it Iss, however. Me an" my Young man wass shoaled there 01100, Wo wass." • Cynthia felt that her face and neck had grown postively scarlet, and she ccfuld have kissed the well-disposed landladyfor entering on a voluble ,disquistion as to the trieks by the rye on those unaware ot its pecub iaritles, especially at night. A gen- eral conversation broke out, but Mrs. Dever, rapidly regaining her spirits after enduring long hours of the hor- rible obsession that Med.maham bad 'run off with the heiress, noted that telltale blush. At present her object Was to assist rather than embarrass, 'so with a fine air of motherly solici- tude she asked: • "Where did You leave Fitzroy?" • "He say preparations being made to send boats in search of us, and he went to stop 'then n Oh, here be is!" Medenham entered, and the impul- sive Mrs. Dever, ran to meet him. though he had been in the river again only five minutes earlier, the walk up a dustladen path had covered his sopping boots with 'mud, and in the not very powerful light of the hall where a scoet or more of auxioils people were collected, it was diflicult to notice that his clothes were Wet But "Wiggy" Dever did not care now whether or not the story told by Cyn- thia wae true. With reaction from the nightmare that had possessed her Since ten o'clock came a sliarp aP preeiation of the exeraordirfayily fa gerable turn taken by events en fax as she wee. concerned. If a Drench count' were, to be supplanted by an English viscount, what better oppor unity of approving the change 'could bresent itself? "Mr.' Fitzroy,' she said In her shrill voice, "I can never thank you suf eiently for the, courage and resource ou displayed in rescuing Mies Van enen. You have acted most nobly t am only' saying now what Mr. Van Feueh will say when his daughter and f tell hini of your magnificent be- havior." , He reddened and tried to sraiie thoagh wishing most heartily tha ,these heriocs, if unavoidable, had beet kept for some other time and place gee could net believe. that Cynthia had exalted a not gory serious incident in to a "rescue," yet she might be vexed. If he cheapened his own services. In eny event, • it was deubtful, whether he evounl Wish her father to beer of the escapade until she teed him her , ,self at 'the close of the tour. , al am sure Miss Vaarenenfelt safa while in my care," was all he darea to say, but Cynthia proinptlY imam' eMod his' perplexity and carne to his ., "Mrs. Dever thinks far more o1 oar adventure thau we do," sh broke in l'Our 'chief difficulty lay in finding the road. 'Tile only time I felt Worried Was when, yeti crossed the river to retrieve- the ferry -boat.' Bot eurely 0 have caused etiough excitement for to -night. -You 'ought to take some hot lemonade and go to beceat ' naan Who, haa walked up the hil fret]. ths boethease.:, with "Me'denhain laughed and slapped hini on gtli alionlder, • , • ; "dome along, 91d • eleafil"" he eried "Yon certainly want a brit draught o gime' sort, end yoti musts not hang thout in those wet clothes." erarsued ,Mrsi Dever, "don't ' 11111W -flier Makes Wailerial Cure iffli-ittlie rtilr.-79f caching NA'S: FitzrOY. , It would spoil everything it you were . '' • . . . 3 1 -ter graoious manner. Molest' des 1111 , 'eolVed ' Medeebam. , Diming hie yearsof wanaering he , had come across unexpected good eaalltlas in inen- from Weom he looked for nought but evil -wee it the same with wo- , men? He hoped sb. Perhaps this emi her; witlidla' scales Under the stress . •"You need liave no fear that the • schemina marrie-brolter had shed car will not be waiting for you in , ,the monde& Mra. Devar," 'he said, whiling frankly into her steel -gray eyes. "Did you say balepast nine, Miss Vanrenen?" he .asked, turning to ,anatch one Met look, at Cyenaia. "Yes. Good -night -and thank you • t • Sae offered her hand to hint before them. all. -The touch ot her cool Ele- gem waS infinitely sweet, but when he strove to surprise some hint of Iter thought in those pools of limpid light that were wont to gaze at hint so fearlessly, he failed, for all the daring had fled from Ceethia, and he knew -how Heaven and lovers alone can tell -that her heart was beating with a fright she had not feet evhen he staggered under the relentless Pressure of the river -while holding her in his arras. To the lookers-on the girl's out- stretched hand was a token of grati- tude; to Medenham it carried an acknowledgment of thee quality which should reign between those who love. His bead swam in a sudden vertigo of delight, and be hurried away with- out uttering a word. There were some, perhaps, who wondered; others who saw in his brusqueness nothing more than confusion of au inferior overwhelmed by the kindly condecen- sion df a young and charming mis- tress; but the one who did fully and truly interpret the secret springs of his action went suddenly white to the lips, and her voice was curiously low and strained as she turned to Mrs. Dever, ""Come, dear," she murmured, "I am tired, it would seem; and -you, you must be quite worn out with a.nxietY." "My darling child," gushed Mrs. Dever, "1 ehould have been nearly dead if I had not known that Fitzroy was with you, but he is one of those men who inspire coufidenee. 1 re- fused to admit even to myself that anything of evil consequence could happen to you while he was present,. How fortunate we were that day in toWn--" The man who had suggested that the hotel pharmacist could dispense hot drinas other than lemonade nud- ged an acquaintance. "Our chauffeur friend has a rippin' nice job," he whispered. "Wouldn't mind taking his billet myself -it 'rid bea change from everlastlin gaff. Hello. Where is he? I meant to-" Medenhara had gone, striding away up the hillside in every frenzy oi' happiness. Four days, and Cynthia as good as won! Was it possible, then, that the disguised prince of the fairy- tale could be a reality -that such ro- mance might still be found in this gray old world? Four days! He ,coold not be deeper in love with Cyn- thia had he known her four years, or forty, and he was certain now that he had really loved her before he had been in her company four ininutes. ' But these ifflapso,dies were cut short by his arrival at thdhotel garage, with the displeasing discovery that no one named Dale bad reached Symon's Yat that , eveniug, while the stolid fact stared him in the face that his cherish- ed Mercury demanded several hours of hard-working attentions if it were ;to glisten and hum in its usual per- fection, next Morning. , "Queer thing," he said, thinking aloud rather than addressing the stableman who had given this discon- eerting news. "I have never before known him fail; and I wired t6 Here- ford early enouglea "Ols, he's in Hereford, is he?" in- • He ought not to his, but he is, par," " "Then it'll be him who axed tor ye on the telephone?" "It 'ud be soinewheree about a quarter or half past eight. Lizzie tole me after the old leddy kem up to see • you'd taken the car out." Medenhamts wits were alert enough now. "I don't fully understand," he mid. 'Whatold lady, and why did she come?" "That's whet bothered nne," was the reply. "Everybody knew' that the young leddy an' you were on the Wye: Ideed to goodness, some of us thought you were in it. Anyways, it was long after ten When she -se" . "You mean Mrs, Dever, I euppose- the older lady of the two , who ar- rived in my car?" • "Yes that's her. She wanted to be sure the car wasn't goee, and nothing would suit her but the key must be brought from the orfis an' the coach - house ,door unlocked so' g she could see it witis her own eyes, Well, Lis - 530 see to me, 'That's funny, it Is, be - Cause she watched they two golni on the •river, and was in the box a long time telephoninn' to a shufter Dale, at HerefOrd.' Thinks I, 'It's fun- nier that , the shuffer who's here should be expecte' a chap named but I gaid nothink. I never does to wiremen. Lord luv yer, they'll twist a tale twenty ways for Sundays to suit their own purposes after- ward." . Lightning struck from a cloudless 'elry a secoud time that night at Sy- rnon'a Yat, and in it gleam was ra- ges:led the duplicity of Mrs, Dever. ageaenham could not guess the•double 'significance of Dale's message and failure to ap.pear, but he was under delusion, now as to the cause of •ithofie honeyed words. Dale had been Indiscreet, had probably blurted out hts empleyer's title, and Mrs, Dever knew at buit who the chauffeur wen Whose interference bad baffled her a He langhed bitterly', tint did not Pursue the inquiry any further. • aCan you clean ooachwork and 021{0 e asked, eitoopitg „AR, me- . The Mellen:Ian shuffled uneagily • Gnneig04, ONT., Aug, teth. 1911. "So much has been said and written about iiltruinalives",thal. it plight seem unnecessary forme to arida-1y experience. But 'Trait -a -lives" were So beneficial to me when 1 suffered With distressing Dyspepsia, that I feel caned upon to inform you of the remarkable and satisfactory eesults I have had from using them. Dyspepsia and Indigestion as everyone knows, can give you more uncomfort- able hoers ansi days thau most common complaints. "I am glad to be able to say to you that although in the past I suffered excruciating agony with Dyspepsi a, I am now in perfect health, " Fruit -a -tives " accomplished tbs e desired result and I have toehank them for my very favorable and satisfactory state of health N. C. STIRLING. Why don't you try "Fruit-a-tives"? 50e a box 6 for Sa.so, trial size 2,5c. At all deale' rs or sent on receipt of price by r'ruith-tives Limited, Ottawa. Quake Scare In Chile. Santiago, Chile, Sept. 3g-Greatetnx- iety prevailed here yesteeday owing to tbe possibility of earthquakes in Chile. So far there have been no signs of seismic disturbances, al- though they were predicted for yester- day. Several astronomers, however, have been endeavoring to reassure the people, deelming that no faith should be put m such predictions. Must Have Reply. Montreal, Sept. 30.-A special from Quebec says that the dispute between Hon. L. P. Pelletier and Senator Lan- dry as given to the public, cannot go unheededmid that the president of the Upper House will have to give it sittis- faotory reply to the representations made in the iamous memorandum to the Prime Minist•er. Ordained to Priesthood. Berlin, Sept. ;30. ---Leo O'Reilly of Toronto, a graduate of St. Michael's College, wile ordained to the priest- hood yesterday in the chapel of St. Jereme's College, by Archbishop Web- er of the Novitiate, in the pimsence of faculty and students, He will lo.avo shortly for Benne to complete his sta. dies Loss 3200,000 le Detroit Fire. Detroit, Sept. 30. -Fire of unknown origin almost wholly destroyed the Wyandotte plant of the Detroit Ship- building Co. hist night. Wileers of the coneern say the loss may be over 3200,000. Mrs. Pat Campbell Still Very III. London, Sept. 30. --Mrs, Patrick Campbell, the actress, who has been 1.11 for nearly two weeks nest, is pro- nounced to be still in a dangerous condi Mon. Granted Homo Csvernment, Geneva, Switzerland, 30, -The granting of 0051(1/1112 autonomy to Al- sace-Lorraine as one M federated German states wonld in the opinion of the French and Gorman delegates to the international peaCe conrcrence, be a decided step tc,warcl better relations between I,rance and Gemtany. They presented it reso1-tion to thin effect Saturda, and it waA adoptc4,,by, ticelsmation hy the congres:,. Kingston to Revive Fair, Kingston, Sept. D0.,-(1;tizens have held a meeting and lippoii,tecl a.com- rnittev lo drali, up Maria of organize: l'or la;r assocation, I<ingston had a Lrood 11111 ip till a few years age, when it was dropped. It will re. quire $5.(130 Is put the present grounds a.ntl bu;Idings sh,p,,, for the fair. Often Want quick relief from biliousness -from • its headaches, its sour stomach, hiecoughs, flatulence, unpleasant breath and the general feeling of good -for -nothingness it causes. Thousands -through three gener- ations and the wide world over - have found, as you will find, that give the necessary relief quickly,' Safely,' gently, naturally. This harmless family remedy is iustly famous for its power to put the bowels, liver, kidneys and stomach ill, regular active working order. In every way --in feelings, looks, fictions and in powers -you wfl • find yourself altogether Vetter after you have used Beecham' Pills For Quick Relief You orightto be sOre to rotxt1 thedirection0 RICE* REPORTS I1adaWes'l :'4eWhtFutures °seOrgh:7L1:e'Sek- tst:9:tkn C tGS23.Vb tsIowed Strength today maknlY 00 acceont of , Ruasian reported dareage. The cioee was tee to gso Ingber than last night, , te mem the outcome varied from 1:9c de- cline to Inc to Isse advande. bats fin- ished see off to %c te Vac up awl ,l12 - Visions unchanged to a fail of 100: Winnipeg Options. - 1-ligh, Lop, Close, Close. Wheat - Oct, twry elb 074/ 0711001 87% i 0411 0413 5413 5413 0414.4-- To -day. "Tester. 0 ctob er „ „ ... . . , 2810 383,1 November 30b • 8882 December ,..,,.., 33a. 335 Toronto Grain Market'. Wheat, new, buthel 00 to 3.... Wheat, 'goose, bushet .-----0 54 0 96 Oats, bushel . .. .,....... 0 40 el 'Si Parley, bushel ... . ... 0 60 0 70 Peas, bushel .......,.:..... 1 00 .,.. Buckwheat, bushel ........ 0 SO 100 Toronto Dairy Market. Butter, creamery, lb, rellS... 0 28 0 SD 13utter, creamery, solids 0 27 0 28 Butter, separator, dairy, lb.. 0 27 0 28 BUtter, store lots 0 21 0 21 Eggs, new-lald 0 28 0 10 Cheese, new, lb0 15 0 151/4 extraetea, lb 0 72 • Roney, combs, dozen 2 78 3.00 Winnipeg Grain Market virINNip.scr, Sept. 28. -There was quiet trading in options, with prices stronger for all months. The opening figures Were Ole to tte higher, and business was trans- acted around the high points. October closed lAn higher, November 2o lower, and eDheacengrnebder %a higher, with May un - The cash demand was %eon for spot and fair for B. and I. +Data were active, Oc- tober and Novesnber being firmer and steady. There were 265 cars in sight for inspection. Cash grain Wheat -No. 1 northern, 90o; No. 2 do., 89e; No. a do., 88e; No. 4, 81c; No. 5, 73c; No, 6, ti.Thei feed, 520; No. 1 reJected seeds, 84c; No. 2 do„ 8214,c; No. 3 do„ 790; No. 1 tough, 84e; No. 2 do, 53e; No. do., 80e; No, 4 do., 75c; No. 1 red winter, 8.313e; No. 2 do., 8713e; N. 3 de., Ko; No. 4, 72c. Oats -No. 2 Canadian western, 46a; ex- tra No, 1 feed, 43c; No, 1 feed, Cul No• l'eBeciail4e0Y4To. 3, 580; No. 4, 48c; rejected, 44e; feed, 41c, rlax-No. 1 N.W., $1.57, • Montreal Grain and Produce. MONTREAL, Sept 20. -There was a rood demand for Manitoba, spring wheat from foreign buyers, but cables were all weaker, and the prices bid In Most eases were from 44e to lo per bushel below cost, based on the present asked rates for ocean freight. The oats situation was unchanged, s'upplies being scarce and prices strong under a good demand. Flour Is steady and fairly active. Butter strong' and prices advanced under a good de- mand. Receipts for the week were 13,370 packages, against 1e,000 a year ago, Cheese is quiet anti easier, but there is no actual change In prices, Receipts for week were 03,561 boxes, against 61,580 a year ago. Eggs active and ,firm. Receipts for week, 1410 cases, =dna 3770 n year ago. Corn -American No. 2 yellow, 810 to 85e. Oats -Canadian western, No. 2, 544,30 to 55c; extra No. 1 feed, 64e to 54110. Barley -Manitoba feed, 60c to 61c; malt., InIrEgioelraIlitMoeaa8n1Leitoba slid lig wheat patenM, No, 2, 74c to 75e. firsts, $5.50; seconds, $5.30; strong bak- ers', 55.10; -winter patents, choice, 05,25; ;2trmailed gthotvor.ao3to .nollie_rsBv,05 , to 54.;90; do., bags, bags, 90 lbs., 12.40. Afillfeed-Bran. 523; shorts, 527; raid- dlings, $28 to 329; moulllie, $30 to 535. Hay -No, 2, per ton, car lots, $13.50 to $14. Cheese -Finest westerns, 1313c to Mc; finest eastents, 18130 to 1314e. Butter -Choicest ereamery, 27110 to Sign; "PleTgl-S'Stle01'10.c0tedto, 2A91)1cie. to 20e; No, 2 stock, 52:2Pe,7ot5to.o.o2t2ee's-Per bag, ear lots, Mc to 70a. Dressed bogs -Abattoir killed, $12.50 to Pork -Heavy Canada short cut moss, barrels, 35 to 45 pieces, 528; Canada short cut backs, barrels, 45 to 05 pieces, 021 Lard-COnIPOund, tierces, 375 lbs., $10.25; wood pails, 20 lbs., net, 010,75; pure, tierces, 375 lbs., $14.50; pure, wood pails, 20 lbs. 11 6 1 ' 461VIHnnenpotis Grain Market, mINNEAsoids, Sept. 2S.-Close-Vneat -September, thn; December, 677/ec to 554i northern, 86‘bo to 88444c; No. 2 northern, wM1/2aye,190.17,‘t80,,,,teo 954; No 1 hard, 352; No. 1 Corn -No. 3 yellow, 60c to 700. Oats -No. 3 white, SOc to 30,4c. Nye -No. 2, Me to 64e. Bran -$18.50 to $20. Flour -First patents, $4.35 to $4,65; se- cond patents, pea to 34,55; first clears, 52.20 to $3.50; second wears, 32.40 to 52.70. Duluth Gralri Market, DULUTH, Sept, 28. -Close -Wheat -N0. 1 hard, 88,4e; No, 1 northern, anete; No. 2 do., SAChe; September, 581/4e; October, 87%e, nominal; December, MO asked; May, usgie CATTLE MARKETS. Chicago Live Stock. c1-I/OAG0, Sept. 2.5.-Cattle-Recelpth, 400; market drill and weak. Beeves, 55.6e to 311; Texas steers, 51.60 to seen west- ern steers, Sam to 80.20; stockers and feeders, 51.26 to 57.50; 00905 and !lettere, MO to $1.85; calves, $8 to 511.50, Hogs-Rocelpts, 600; market weak to 50 lower, Light, $8.26 to $8.85; flexed, $8,20 to r8.1/0; heavy, 08 to $8.80; rough, $8 to 38,20; Pigs, $5 to 3010; built of sales, $8.31 to 32,70. Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 200; Mar- ket slow and steadS,; native 53.50 to $4.50; western, 53,60 to 34.50; yearlings, 54.75 to 55.50. Lambs, native, $4.70 to $7; western, $5 to $7.25, Cheese Markets. ViCTOligAVILLE, Que., Sept. 20 -- Two cars of :Meese sold here yester- day at 12 3-4 cents. ST. 1-IYAQ,INTHE, Que., Sept. Butter sold Rare today at 27 1-1 cents; cheese at 12 8-4 cents. • WEISBTOWN, N.Y., Sept. 28. - Cheese sales were 7300 boxes, offician 15 5-4 cents; cumin 16 1-4 cents to 16 1-2 LONDON, Ont,, Sept. 28, -At today's cheese market 785 boxes were offered. No sales. Bidaing, 13 cents to 18 1-8 cents. BELLEVILLE, Sept. 28-15e5 boxes of White ,offered, Sales were: 545 at 13 3-8 cents; 480 at 13 5-16 cents; 200 at 13 1-4 cents; 320 at 13 3-16 cents. ' COWANSVILLD, Quo., Sept. 28. -At the meeting of the Eastern Townshipe Dairymen's Association held here this aftemoon ialsc eactories boarded , 581. Packages or butter and 44 boxes of cheese. Four buyers were pyesent. Butter sold at 27 3-4 cents' no cheese , Conference Over. Balmoral, Scotland, Sept. 30. -The seciet diplontetic conferences between King George, Sir Edward Grey, the British. Foreign 1V1inisteit, Sergius Se. zatioff, the Russian Foreign Minister, Count Benckendorff, Russian v,mbassa. clot at London, amcl othe,r diplomats, have now concluded and the states. men have left, the oastle. No state- ment has beets issued in conaiection witlii the conversations. • . I. 1 - 11700a% rattlanasiTA !27 The Great Estattsle Beeneft.. .',;• Tapes and Invigorates the whoDt lb '644 1 aryons avatetu makes 00-w 1.1 °Niro Defrittioldircum.,__ area VV. 014.4 t11, 11 .041411 (Ma 21Vgfit ,kearP11, Dee, lansdoney, SeseseotWeetiosess,.tendeas;ons, onstorrisosce, awl 1411100(2 of 41nm orlOseesses."- Thstecs 51 per box, 02 T. or $0. Op e will please. six, 9/131 (21110. Sold. /3 all .drugtuts or laitilea in plainult . On recerpt :79 Os1ee. Nese 3)2e45,150 Continued next ;week Sodevcryrlser. zu • matted tee rho woo mod eine Co. , Backache Is onir ao. Of 'meal atmetome Which soMe woraen en- dure through weakneas or diAillacOnnuit of the WoManlY organs, •Mrs. lezzie-White of Memphis, Tenn., vvrete PrsIkert, V. PesiejrC4ey'allssbfarQ11;ve-s; able to hoan my feet. • If believe I tted every pain end ache a woman ; ceuld have. Had a very bad ease, Internal • organs were very 'much dxseatied and my back was very Welsh. I suffered a great deal With nervous headaches, in fact, 1 suffered ail over. • This was ;my condition whert I wrote to you or advice. After taking your 'B'evorite Preserip- titan' for about three months can say that my health' was never better." Dr. Pierce's Favorite rescrytton Is a positive cure or weakness and disease of the feminine organism. It allays inifiatrunation, heals -ulceration and soothes pain. Tones and builds inz the nerves.. Du not permit a dishonest dealer to sttbstitute for this 'medicine which has a record of 40 years +of cures. "No, thank you, I want what I ask for.-" Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets induce mild naturist bowel moven-wet OrICp a day. ja-44-4.-4 4:4,4714"(4146(463)~ ST. THOMAS, ONT. Unsurpassed for residential education. The "Ideal Cellegoaleme" in which to secure a training for Your life's -work. Thorough courses in Music, Painting, Oratory,Itiglu School, Business College and Domestic Science, Lucge campus, inspiring environ- ment, Resident nurse insures health Of students. Pates moderate. Every girl needs an ALMA training, Handsome pro- speetus sent on application to Principal. 42 turkey's Latest Utt?,r. Ouchy, Switzerland, Sept, 30. -The Ttirec,italian peace negotiations have probably entered their final phase the arrival bore of Rechad Pasha bearing Turkey's latest , pro- posals. If these are aoceptable to ltalyo as is hoped; Recb ad Posh& will OSSUrge direction of the official nego- tiations and arrange the precise word- , ing of the peace treaty. , The Ronan ambassador to France, 0211iSSo Tittoni, is expected to join ILila Italian delegates. The drawing up of the final protocol, even if the LADDER COLLApsED Ttz, ptroTall'Aastaggfr: Three Firemen Are Seriously In- jured in Toronto. WERE CARRYING A HOSE While Fighting a Fire in the fvlyott Building on Bay Street the Men oh an Antiquated Ladder Are Hurled to .the Ground on Top of An- other Man -Three Are In the Hospital, But Will Recover. Toronth, Sept. 30. -Three firemen axe in St. Michael's Hospital suffer- ing from injuries and two others are also more or less badly bruised as a resadt of a fire which did 320,000 dam- age at the old Myatt building, 120-120 Bay street late last night. The acci- dent occinred when a line of, hose was being hoisted to the second storey and the ladder th which the men were clinging broke into several pieces. Oliver Pool of Derkeley street sta- tion, Arthur Taylor, Walter Joyce and John Joyce of Portland street, were all on one of the old ladders off truck, No. 2, Adelaide, street. Pool was reaching to catch the frame of the wiriGlOw on the second storey. He called to the three men below 30 run up the hose. But the strain was too much for the old ladder and it broke as the men neared tbe top. With the exception of Pool, they all fell to the pavement 35 feet below. The other man grasped the top of the ladder. As the piece struck the ground Pool dropped off and was only slight- ly bruised. Joyce was picked up and received medical attention at once. Fie \vas then taken, with Taylor and Knott,. to the hospital. The latter has a, badly strained side, while Taylor injured his head and one arm. Joyce receiv- ed the most seriouS injuries. Ile is badly braised and ,is suffering from shock. All will recover. W. If_ Phillips, who drivee tho chief's car, was standing at the bot- tom of the ladder and all the men fell on him before lie could regain his feet after the tcirst, comrade alight- ed on him. It is probably clue to this nun that the injuries to the others were not more serious, as he broke' their fall. . • Mayor Gear3i. was at the scene of the fire shortly after the accident in- quiring a,g to the oondition of the men. The blaze broke out on the second floor near the elevator shaft at 9.25. A passerby noticed it and turned in an alarm. Although the firemen were soon on the scene the flames bad a good start. Chief Thompson stated that the lad- der was a very old one and was n,ot of the truss style. In any ease it should. have held our Men under ordinary conditions. Another fireman saiel that it had been used for the past fifteen years. ed, as the Turkish Government is anzousto have the eleetions over before concluding peace; otherwise the Youog Turks would have a trump card. Consequenity it is not expected that a peace treaty will be signed be- im., Oct, 12. Big Steel Plant for Welland. Welland, Sept. 30. -The Standard Steel Construction Co. will erect a. large plant that will employ twelve to fifteen hundred inen and have a capacity of lour thousand tons of struettu•al steel per muntli. Forty itei'es of land have bees; purchased. Temporary offices have been opened and construction will be commenced at °ace. They will locate here on ac- count of low east of procluetion, the only special inducements offered be- ing a etated taxation on land. Want Setter'Service.to Bermuda. Quebec, Sept. 30.-A deputation of business rani front Bermuda arrived in Quebec on Saturday, and inter- viewed Wm. Price, president of the Quebec Steamship Co., and direetore. The Bermuda .deputation request that the steamship Company grant an ins creased passenger accommodation on its line between New York and Ibir. in edit. Tbe deputation w,11 hay,: an. other conference with the clireaurs in New York on Thursday. Turks Were Attacked, Constantinople, Sept. I.0.-Auording to the oftieial account cl the attack •011 an ananuntion column on the shores of Lake Scutari, Sept., 23, the tatecicing party wee not composed of Malseori tribesmen, but alenteli‘s.Jill, E:ght Turkish soldiers and 4wo mon were killed and eighteen were ta'ken prisoners. The Porte has made an energetic protest to the Monteneg-. Till Government. . Couldn't Scare Teddy. • • liNiontgmtery, Alta., Sept. 30. -While addressing a crowd here y.esterday, Theodore 13.{:sevelt ri,stod nis band nu insulatod electric light wire, winch hung at the end of the bakony of tIuul hotel where he 11(12 standing.. "Look vut, colonel," shouted a man, "that wire is carrying 3.300 vtIts." The colonel withdrew his hand calmly, without missing a word of his speech. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the 2:edb//a-faferi T , M. C. A. BLDG.. LONDON. ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jo, Principal la Chartered Accouatant ? eitalainatal 'Dela-4e "'Sec:via. ? SECRETS OF HORNE LIFE Statements made by patients taking the New Method Treatment. They know it Cures aer No Names or Testimonials used without written consent CONSWITUTIONAV BLOOD nrsEAss. Patient No, 10574. "Tito spots aro all gone from my ling and arms and I feel good now. 2 am very grateful 1.5 you and shall never forget the favor weer medicines have clone for me, You can mso nomo hi recommending "I1 te any sufferer. I am going to get Tour. rled soon. Thanking Yon once more, ob.." SAPS TWO momfos cuusn nm. Patient No. 10765. Ago 23, Single. Indulged in Immoral halts 4 years. 'De- posit in urine and dreine at night. Varicose 'Veins on both sides, pains in Mick, weak sexually. He wriles,-"I received yom• letter or recent date and in reply T airy pleased to saY that after. taking two mouths' treatment 1 would, ,eonsIder mysell. completely cured, ,te have 0000 np Ow* of them coming back (ono year). ' I 9911E WORLgi SkinelS BITPER)3NT. Patient No. 15923. "I have not had a regular Ihnisslon I don't know when and, am feeling line, The world wins altogether different 10 Ino and 7 thank Cod for directing me to you. You have been an 10011001 dacter wall ma." VARICOSE VEINS CURED. Case No. miss, symptoms wilco he started treatinentt-Ag.o 21, single, in - dinged In Immoral habits several years, Varicose Veins on both sides -pimples on the 'face, etc, Atter two months' treatment. 110 writes as fellows t ---"Your weicente letter to hand and am vary glad to say that I think myself cured. My Varicose Veins have completely dis- appeal:eul for qulto a while and /1some O cure. 8 work harder and fcel less tired. I have no desire for that 'habit whatever and if I stay like 1.010 which I have every reason to believe I will. Thanking; you for your kind attention," etc. GAINED 14 POUNDS -IN ONE MONTE. Eatient No. 13529. This patient (aged 03) had a chronic, case or Nervous ne• Day and Sexual -Weakness and was run 'down ln vigor and. vitality,. After one month's treatmont 210 relsorts sls im feeling very well. I have gained 14 pounds in one month, so that will have to congratulate you." Later reporte-'I am +beginning to feel more like a man. 1 toei oenclition la getting better ovary week." TM last re- porti-"Doar Doctors -As 2 2001 tlits 10 the last month's treatynant that I will, have to got, I thought at one .time 2 WoUld nevcr be cured but 1 put con- fidence in you from tho start and Yen have cured me." . CURES CUARAPSTSso an NO PAY We treat and cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS 'DEBILITY, :RLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and all Diseases peculiar to men. CONSULTATION FREE. gooKs FREE. If unable to call write for a Question Blank for Home Treatment, , aNtesconsmemecnamenileterfropmSandmrt: adtegrd to our Cm ulo:t.caetiirarastVec KENNEDY, wa6R, fillz-rne ,ey fat N ae. aa; ' L Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich. j • ,