HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-10-03, Page 5•as , ++-v+ara r,vcic- wrqu net sinter, Mrs.? 'Rev.' Medd ,• auto ye, anon vela" - - r
( ) g is .Mre, Toho„
St n 50, Class 41, Sr, Dlrs: VP. Hiles a ent fast week with Milian; of town. The funeral will
i Room: wood 54. John Man a
When you, are orchis' y Ciljddoa ;58. her; daughter, ? Mre. Normuu -Carter.'; h$ held on ,Thursday. Mr. n
P > a Ulasa II Hale (iBtPordeie wa And
Prelsetnt: it its aI . maµt Tyndall $0; ler Tutt latter and little son accom anied s a faithful nrenaberof;t e - . • •
p W .. Presby. .,a
et-! of trade Bayley 54, Bernard Reynolde, 50 her home terian Ghucch �
lnortney, and what you ivd¢jitc•_ James + and a Liberal in poll f.,� .DUrin the. ast few W
East Class II; Br -Aima Airs. William L tea ,. :o: 5 9 P , eeks we have beep ke t bias
NoEhwng; also; Hale yoi: tae. returned . <a.r ,; y.,
+, $2.Loujsel3ale64, 11(yrtie Hun- homeafter.s end; ThoNepa Preach + re,,, a.. open ti and la6tno
P p p into stack a {,eat man nevi►'
Thetg Lhit+ is yo.r s o C C{ P . ng a couple we ez. 1 ollowmg rs a a . • r y
for What o m ter 00, hester liddon 40. Class 11 . with herfriend, Mrs, E. Rob -tso of sketch of the new s a %�
u want is 1. Jr= et n, Pastor of he and attractive ltnes•of FAII 41l' `r
-and at t •� $staid Glow 81, Alat;joi•ie Glow iS, Mount Forest: Addrew'a Peeshytanan L � �lllti.d': I��+l'd 6lill 9111 ';�
py hutch. .lilac. n R �e ,
he luwedt .., tarsitis Eddie Dale 63, Leonard Hunter 6D Mr, Fra k Rev. W. D. Turner: and we Iwo be
Frank 1`riokett has returned to delighted to have O[i; ¢Odi1G': in a •
price, s ton, co nt znL."albornatAppie• jt- and
A, no Annie 3hobhrook53, Besaje'Lockwooq this `v►cinityafter's nidi a month u . y •of.Lana k 'a '
spending' o r , bout rorty examine the nods and c0
good vanity of 3st yea 41, Willis. VanEgmond 39,-M. Fl, with hit friends , Yeaza ago and was g IlY are OUf ValUeS, „
m England- ,lilere a son of the late �W#,�� Never lie
aelt+lestiod from Barge stocks : Brawn, Teacher. aaetns,tobeseme attraction here_for JamesTurnsrotthat IaCP,' id fore have we SI]OW[l Si�Cl1 ex p. , r '
ptlanaI valves In
coaai�9sting of g, educated at Almoute High School, --""e+'--'-- , . -
toiikhis.B:A at McGill College and �,Oi'S X41911' �'atia°ll r►1111 Ladies' and ChIlAren"s Mantles;1.
Silverware raduated in g ";
Londeaboro. rank g 0 heplo y from the Mon•' ,
+r Cut Glass Francis Trickett, who went to Ln Staule trial Presbyterian Oo11e e, :Coe r Children s +Serge Dresses,
Bag y after graduation was spent in year t►rrCC$i1 , ,. r '
. laud afew months a o for a .trip: re Mr. Goa Baled : Mission I[ N Ladies" and Children's.
Y attended tire West Work in ,Columbia, ;which is °it, lot us repair it for you, S Furs, Et'e,
Y Tues, ay and looks ' I Ramon Teacbers' Association at (:rode- Alm caneldete - '
Fancy Clttna tuned safely ea d excellent schoolin Dt may be anly dirt d
Clock, Etc, though an ocean voyage did hjin good, rich on Thursday of least week. for one wbo la ' ' g Yr an need Don't t fall t0 See t al '
as rust entered the min- oleantng, or stop far lack a f aii14 heS-rhetOre l7(zyin.
the poles for in p McKillop telephone Dr. Stewart•ot Toronto was on bbe istry. After his residence i
%file goods are new,beau,j gibe were put in place to the village line hash we renewing old ae titin_ Columbia he was n $riti,h , 1 Whatever t he Reason, don't de- Z;
tifui and mod.egn lin design, o Tuesday. tances- 7, .# q cloaca to the pastor- lay. WI] give thorough examina
Mrs. Peart accompanied by ileo The townahi `co na Mills, Ontario, where for .loon an to ulatioh
ate at Ma g FREE.
auYd 'superior que,ility, sister arrived home on pFriday of last new brid r ° unoil are building a three yPa a ire minWeiedto thespiri'- $i Bargains '
i e °ver Cihson's creek, oak needs of that congregation, when Anything, more eoets as little as �' jai ll lT► iii IL,1TIe3 ®� fitllSlil33dl' �1OQDd1S
d3etadgwarterls fns ,vatchea week. Mr. F. Layton is busy threshing On he was called to the churcfi at Norval... , satisfactory work can be done,
-Wo make is .specialty ;of The evaporates started work on the line this week, This was seven years ago and during During Balance off °SepteQ36iDe
ha,ndling hiig;h-grade -watches Monday morning, The company got that time the best of relationship has ^---o-----
a second car of coke this week, existed between himself and congre-
',lj REPAIRING of Watches Blyth Fait+ was yhe drawing card gatian: At lfOrvaL'as e
$ for th men arrive his week. 19'in;,hattt well as ,at his Clacks and Jetvelery well and People here t former charges, a farewell and
Promptly donne. d on Wednesday Fucnyeisare busy Petting. in their enbation was held, , In Mrs, Turner �! �!
evening to take up sugar testa Por the fall gram, It is str+te that potatoes he has a most devoted Helpmeet, one t
Grt""g .
Satf,sfa-ct,an Guaranteed. Berlin Co. in some places are in bad shape, and .tvho has held the love and esteem of Jeweler'and Optician St��� ��®��
The potatoes are an abundant crop that grain that has been threshed is the people of NOrval
but there is a certain amount of rot in turning out better than expected. r P generally, and ISSller Ol �J arria;; e, LloellseS SII ,A.D,1i PROFITS 101[ORE. 151JSINESS
every field, bliss p prior to leaving, the Woman's For- Patterson was the eigu Mission Society 'Conferred upon
W, M.
�� � �� euest of her sister. Mrs. Leckie, of her a life membership as evidence of
Palmerston, recently. their. appreciation of the assistance so
Tuckersm'ialt Airs, R. Dezell, has been taken ably rendered that body. Rev, Mr. ----- -'-- __..--" .
JEWELER and OPTICIAN School Report: -Monthly Report for to the General Hospital, Turner has one brother in the minis Bayfield Tiag:gitt. i'umplciu, H i:da iris, D t YTiss Livingstone, NJr�, Howrie. Cee f
S. S. No 4 Tuckersmith for month of Mrs: (Dr.) Agnew, who has been in tr•y, namely, Rev, H, R, Turner, of Service .via Oni,tted Tn St. n Carter. Squash, Mrs. Fenwick, Wil% °osey, Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Har
11 ZEES T1 S 1'ED . h>TEE Septeruher. Clrlss TV -Ida Ba11,M rile the hospital, has pone to her home liirkfield. $a also has two brothers rew a Church s Sunda gait ow' d son Oke, unions, Ii Edwards Fiel,rl Cushion, top, em,broideved' Miss Liv
Orich, Grace. Walters, Mary Turner, a azo' Elders in the Presbyterian Church at the continued il,ness of he Rev, Mr. corn, T, tH' Taylor, H. Y dwardia, inigston°, -Miss Agr$oiv, ' Laundry
Herman Crich, John Turnor. Cites giver. and Mr's• Abe Rintoul, who Appleton. FIe iss ]lueut spetLker, of a Met+iritic, C trans, Ed, Hagb;tt. Cabbage, Ed tag, _NZrs. Tamb1; n, Mmes Liv,
111.8r, -'Viola Wise Myrtle RoFeraoo, have peon visiting in Detroit, have re- pleasant personality and will soon win Airs Ball .Lid @I�s. 4Valti+rs, o£ To F>gg?tt; Jno Hag hitt, Caatiflower i stone. Sideiboard cover, Mt,s. lin
Elva Nott, Class Il[; Jr. -Winnie turned. the love and esteem of the people of ledo, Ohio, have returned home after Dd, 13aggitt. Sunfl.owcr, Henry Ed- t Mrs, Horvrio. Etching, Mrs.*Tam
Goderich Township Hunt; Phyllis Orich, Mabel Crich, Ed v contract was given recently for Blyth auc3 vicinity, two week's visit re tariff, wards, Sugar beet mangolda, Jas, bLyny Mra.'He1e: ,Bantle drape, M'
na Urich, Bort Walters. Class IY,Sr. sever -at new sewers, Work will be parents, ATr. Den,bolun, J.'pie, rs
Mre, Wm, Dunbar Bayfield Road started at once, _ and'Alrs. Thom,,on. ggl t, 'Flint corn, T ! HOWrire.. Slumber robe, 1Mrs. Hole,
was confined to her bed all last week, Wilbur Nett, Qlasa II, Jr -Georg
The members of the Women's Mis• Miss Dhggke Campbell is slowly re ?l Tay.,or, J. 'Be'ar.^, Sweet corny H. Mrs, 'laiwb:.yn. Whisk holder, Miav
having sustained through a fall tin Falconer, Vera Stephenson, Emily Leeburtn coverin after a severe illness and we Edwards, C. Wightman, Judges - Livingatnnc:, NTts. Tam.hlyn Couch
fu! inrury t° her back, Mrs. (Rev.)pW, Rujnter, Class I - Grace Stong, Pru siouary Society of the Baptist Church shall beg lad to see AI iss L'an, J B• Tierney, W. Warnoc(c, ie,:,�• Mrs. Icor 3 t out
est Urich, Jessie Ball, Clarence Er" i held their meeting at the residence of Miss Clara Fulford left last Friday l v+ i . ollectipa of
H. Dunbar of Bervie on hearing of Kenneth J1unt, Edward W alters V; Mr, and Mts. Sandy Kelley,, A£tei• morning tO visit her relatives'in Cali- herusuat good health. ;bail i❑ Dairy and Provisions— 7,adiOs work, Misa l,ir irngst°ne, Mts.
the accident, immediately came to herr C the regular business they , ere enter- The big shoo of slight of hand work Y Tub but- Tamibhyn, Mrs. 'HoNvrie, quilt, Mrs
tar Falconer, Reginald Shipley,' Fornix Her two uncles Phillip and , ter, W, Watson J, C.Powney. Crock ' @
and remained from 7?'ridgy until Toes tained by Mr•. and Mrs. Kelley. Geo. Keough, of California, who had by peal. ,Johorton met with ;Huth but}et-, R; R. 'Harrison, W, �: Jenk- i Tam,blym. Kitchen apron,' 1V1re.
day of this week, her presence and 1 Rally day services was conducted been visiting here return Fd back{ approval by our public.. The enter ins. .Butter 2 -lib, roils R, Wight -i Tamublyra'' '.Mrs, Rowrie, Crochet
servtces were much appreciated and Sunda Miss Jessie Linklater, of. Bayfield, ta,nments were generally good and at man. 1 -Lb, ! v'ork TMrs, Ta braid. Miss Livitr,
Mrs. Dunbar senior, is gradually im F ex the Baptist Sunday school, spent Saturday and Sunda prints, R. Wightman, s ,
g p B, next; the
and an esce!leut program was pre• Y l her tended by large crowds. The shave is Z, •JendZina, Honey, Laidlaw Bros, i Si one, Mrs, TamhlSn Hardanger
proving and is able to gat around On Sabbath. next the Methodist rented. home, returning to her school M°A. now contnded at Blyth. k, R, S'�oan Tea .Biscuits D. Laid- I or I�orwogin, work, Mrs, This bliy+a,
again. Church will hold their anniversary dapmorning. ?acv, R, G. McGowan. Aiaple syrup, Miss Livingstone, Judges= Mrs,
There vete solemnized in St, services both in the afternoon and Miss McLeol, teacher at Lochalsh, R, R, 'Hai•rison5 J.NieT Mapl Col- tarter, Mrs, Cumming
Mathew's Church Winnipeg, on evening. On the Monday following a $eetortb spent Friday evening and part of Sat• �j Chilxlrens Com, hti
'Thursday 26thinst. at 2. o'clock. The literary and musical entertainment nvday with her friend ♦[iss 'ltnth t awls ( n{j (' l,eetion canned fruit, R.Rich�mond, ri' an- Darnibg
marriage of Robert Dunbar youngest will beheld when the Seaforth Metb° Mr. James C Reid, a highly-ros- Shaw, ou n try J. Cal,dwell, Grape wine, J. 'Me- `n sacks ors}ockings; J. Parrott.
_ Lowell. Trmato ^at. tnp, blies. flow- I Crochet work in,wool, Mra Howz•te,
son of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Dunbar dfatChurch choir Will be present. Mrs posted resiilept; died early Sunday Mrs. John Treble from near Ben• -,o tie, D.Laidl.aw, 1?icicles, R, G, Me-' �' t, Scott, 'Crochet work in:Co}-
Mr. a di Road and Eva daughter of Barker will give readings and there morning after a shOtt illness, LTe miller visited her sister Airs, 0. Stew CYc•wan,, �i', 7. Jonkintl. J'ickles, rnv 1 tong W, M. Scott, Mrs. Ho,vrie,'P n
91r. and hits. George Burnett 7th con, will be solos by the Rev, Mr. Barker, was :born in Kilburnie, Scotland, in art on Sundap. A vote wv'1 .be taken in Te,eswater other kind, . Ca1d ns, cld, 'Harv- ; til drawing, Mrs. rs. H o. o
,Goderich :Township the officiating A good time is expected. 1835,' and camp direct to Seaforth in The many friends of Miss Elsie Link o- Work
eget 1870 whore lie bra sine in Jauauaa'Y on a .'v-1,ary to q••epeal rte. Burs, R. Richmond, J Parrott 1 Plain, or ornamental, NTrs. Howrie.
gyman being the Rev. R. B, MC Pest' Mt, Snowden preached in tli° leavesa town -tip Tamil lived, lTe later will be glad to know that her the.socal op'tiom by-law, Pressed chi. lent, J, C Fatvne,y, W, i , Jwdge-Mrs. Cartel: Mrs, Cunt-
Ltheran. Though comparative yterian Uliurch last Sabbath g' y i£ sons and rare hand is getting better. Michael Kennedy is in jail Din Watson. Layer calve, C. Whghtman ing, ,
to the Western n City it is evening. daughters, Mrs, os E lmunda, of (moo Hate for zest R;eek.1 charges of assaulting his wife and I J H, Chelle we 2 pies. apples and I 'Fine Arts -,Orn m
gratifying to know that Air. and Mrs., John Rathwell has moved to the Seaforth; .Mrs, Thos Wheeler, of Mr, Phillip and George Keough, of faiti:t� to support g lpP i a eat or sase;Mrs,
Dunbar have already made quite a • farm lately vacated by his uno e,Thos. Brucefteld; Mrs, Joseph Gillespie, of P g 1 g pport his family. Mrs, puuivpkiny J.H.'HCliollevr, Lunch, T, Galbraith, 1VTiss I r vngstone, Ha:r 1
number of friends who have on the R-1thwell who has moved to Clinton Detroit; Mrs. Cyrus Bailey, of Sea- C1IeskI�ichar�rZ Fulford. ng their sister, Kennedy and their '}w° young Caldwell; J. Parrott, Hard soap, R,' painted placque in oil, ,Miss A sew
•occasion of their marriage prove,, their to reside,' firth; James and Jahn, Tacoma, ( chlildren-aboi' and a Krol -also ; G. McGowan, Ju3gee-i4lrs, Stack-( Mrs. A. Taylor, Piece of ,bnurlit
sincerity by many beautiful and valu On Sabbath morning a very lett Wash„ and William, of SeafoeLli, The Mr, Itingswell, of Brantford, is . are at the jail, in wart of a ,bettpr b.cuse and 'Mrs. Mills wO,]c an Heather, Mrs, •Helo, MrA
g pretty spending ,fere weeks here the guest 'home, App1,reation• has ,been made I Tam,bl.yn ; ,Burnt wo •k cn wood
able gifts. The happy couple were Children's day service was held. The funeral will be held an Tuesday to the spending
her son, Walter, t T RiTIT'-Winter a, P.es R, R.
not forgOtton , by their friends in song service was led by the Sabbath Maitlandbank Cemetery. o have the chiil,d:,,n m,ad,e wa¢id's of Skoany C, Wightman, Pall apples,R, ; miss Agnew, Miss Lkvingstoaaw Pic
Goderich Township, etc. Surprises School choir. The pastor Rev, Fi. The postponed 'sacred conoert by Air. Parrish has been working; in 1ho Chihdren's Ai.! S,r••rety ,tura ofgnew, Count ngst-Mira
the Citizens' Band was Goderich for some daps doing some Jahm Sheardnrvn, rola for the x S..oans C. Wightman: Baldwin,• Livingstone, Mie Anew, scenery,
9n the way of costly presents came I Wood gave a impressive address to given in Vic•
from directions and amongst those the young people, The Church was tools. Park Sunday afternoon and at. stone masoning for Wm. Ohwith , last few years has opeehited a ki Oke, R. R. Sloan. Ring . Tom- in on,boltirk cloth g Miss Paint-
bended by an immense number from Mr. Tom Richardson with his blackamtth, ehop at the cornev of No hH• R, Sloan, C Wightmair, i Stone; Mrs. $els, C'ti s Living -
who remembered them specially, was decorated with beautiful flowers, machine and able helpers have been it ern Spy, R. R, Sloan J,'B. Tier ps and saucers
the Ladies, Auxiliary Of St. James' The Sacrament ut the Lords Supper town and the surrounding country, P v Vyctorla and Trafalgar street hand painted, bliss Livingstone,
-Clhurch. Middleton.. Mr. and Airs, will be held on Sabbath next in the Sunday was flower Sunday at the our neighborhood doing good work. Goderich has sold out and is�n,ov- l rnoy. R, I. Greening, R. R: S.,oalnb Mrs. Hel,e. Pla}ea gato.ne,
Dunbar are making their home in Presbyterian church, .Rev, 4 Smith -L+'+'ire{ Presbyterian Church, the Rev, On MOndav he threshed far H. A, and ing to his farm in Colborne, where J. B, Tierney, Ribaton pippin, J. B. . 'Miss Livingstone, hanri painted, ' '
Horace Horton in afternoon for Tierney, J. 1yleDorreil. GOidieji g e, Mrs. Howrie. Col
Winnipeg. Their numerous friends will preach the Preparatory sermon on Dr. Grip, of Toronto, preaching a Archie $octan and Tuesday for Wm, hewAl engz&ge Inlhe (!hick,-� P.wssett' R R. Sloan; J. c:aldwell, lection ofoil paintings; Wise A
'join in hearty r theirtfutur ns and all Friday afternoon. most appropriate sermon to the Sun- Fulford. Y ra"_sing fndustriy George ,Bedford, Roxboro Russett 11, R. 9:otn, J Aic- new, blies Livingstone, Collection
good wishes for Heir future happiness Ja.s. Ross who has been visiting his day school scholars, who marched in- Mr. Stewart with machine is also fosmmtly od Dungannon, has tak- I Dowell. Seckr•t -i-Fu). ther, J. Mc_ °f water color patntin, Mies tiv-
and prosperkty, father,returned to his hauls at Strxith to h the church she pia, some of the em over the ,blacksmith shop. Dowell, R. R, Sloan, Spthel, J.
R. rmgstonei Mise 3;ne'w 'Figure
children Lakin threshing at C. Stewart's ?wad A, Stir<
claire, Manitobr, fast week. Dan Ross g the place in the choir At 'the a eOal meeting of't Fl, Shoan W. Okt�, lt'aguer, J. B g , g
and the rest Occu parotin in oil Miss Painting
of our village accompanied biro, He pying the seats h bIr' Elliot has been hasp finishing township eounciJ., on Saturday Tierney,�R.R.Sloan. :ben Davis R. Alias Agnew, Figure painting iu
Auburn will visit in the Vtieat for n shirt time, rvaerved for 'them in the rrntre, Robert 'McKwaimy of Nile, roan ,ap- }rater enlor, Mrs. Taylor
Man p complaining Marched down the aisles they de- cement work in Mr. E. Shaw's stables.
Many people are con lainio of the g ti. in, C., i ht 1 tet Bey, Gravenn , ?42ra, Flow
Mr. John Murdock left for Saska- potatoes rotting on account of the wet posited their hoc+ wets on a table in h1r• Shaw will now have an up-to-date P°'inted township clerk for Col- stein, C,'Wightman, R. lt: Sloan tie. Animals, oil, Miss Agnew, Mrs
toon on Monday. After spending a weather. The are a splendid : crop. P pt a their i stable to be proud of, borne to succeed F, W, AlcDonagh, $lon,herjn pippin, R. R, Sloan, ;C, Re!e, Animals, water color; Mrs.
They p p front n the poi rc and kept p t yore hand: -bliss Elsie Linklater is who has resigned on account of his i, i Taylor, Mrs, Hetet Landscape, oil
Tow weeks visiting here, I Mr. Buckler, who vete ill last week j song until all were seated; r•emovah to Goderich, 1Ir. NT°Iiwa, ghtman, Tatman sweet, R. R. bliss Agnew, J. McDowell. P '
Mr. lames has sold his farm to Mr. J is slowly improving, , at present suffering with a sore hand, i'n Sloany•. J. B, Tier7eyz Aiann, R. R. Land-
archie Robinson and intends moving Wm. Aikenhead has gone to •Lon The doctor found it necessary to lance is well known throughout the acape, water colr,r, Mice Living- it on Tuesday. Y township, g l acquaintances coo v, S Ca dwell RiiR Sloan. Ona Aon'ne, Airs, 7`4yl.or, Crayon draw
to the village don to resume his studies In the blesli Zurich p, Has nor n:n' Mrs. Taan,b2 .n
Mr. Wm, Patterson has rented his ctrl soh'o 1. -This is his final year, Returned Home: -.Mrs, Keth Me- with;mum:icipaL,af-fafrs, and will n,o tarlo, R. R. Sloan. J McDowell. Pe- > "' Y Mrs. 'Howrie
QQ uarrje who has been home On :L visit do,ubb dtt9char a the duties, of hie Pencil drawing, Miss Livim s
farm tti'Mr. F. Carter. Mr. Henry hia ieron, of Winnie Prayers have offered through- 2 vawltee, W, Ok. M ,owell.w e- g wane,
The ishan[ has reopened after he visited Last week nt the" home oY Winnipeg,
cut the.district for a little sunabme. II to her father Mr. D. LLwson's Dunlop, now o,frf9ce, witch satial,actiork fto (the `,'each J. Lr Bern Mrs, 'Ho}vrio, Pastelle Mrs
The rain and dark weather Kaye made t left on Monday for her home in Reve.. ratepayers and credA to himself. Canada Red, R.R. Sloyn W Bare. Alias Livingstone. CollectionHot°'•
ne r anod is
It furnished
it good as Scott. He is one of our former Citi things ginomy The Potatoes, beans , stoke, B. U. Her' brother Ed ancom Atm w and w -to-date be-afiailP
Oke: of,
new and is furnished with all the zeas who has made nod in the West, p ° p Col.verts, D, Laidlaw �R,Lt, Sloan, Pen a'� ink slcetchea, Miss Living-
, latest equipment and is a credit to the g and late flax, may be a complete fail. panied list-. system, is to be inata'-led inthe A:,e'xander, J.Barr, It, R, Sloant, 20 atone, 'Mrs. `HeS4e, S}:,ecinien china
trustee board and'building committee, are if the unfavorable weather con. M:ss A. Anderson is again back to Presbyterian Church Wi4oxe'ter �z pippin; lt, R. Sloan, W, Oke. An, Painting, Mfrs. Galbraith, Mrs, How-
the work has been finished to the tinuesi Much flax is blue -molded and leer work at Mr. Lawson s. She has this talk. Y tie. Hand painting on chile, satin or
I Sir Wilfred Laurier, accompanied beanseit is feared, will rot. been unable to work for five weeks 'Mr,.and Maes, W. Gregg of Gorr other named variety J. B. Tierney, rie. ,Mian
satisfaction of all tl e e having been . ty gon.Mesar3 F' ' li R. y�oarti, C: ab apples, R. R. Liviivgaton.e, Miss Ag-
sa complaint raised e -e b et-, the cost isbpr, Graham, Auction sales,of farms, stork a.nd with a very sore hand. We hoe xie em,telita'ne,d an'an r r o 't
King and tMur•pby, starts his tour impliments are numerous this fall, the i soon to see her fully recovered. P on Saturday even: a the jsi'vcr arvdia pple T,hylar, Collection of -r'' painting o;ng,ass . tail, Miss
of repairing is in the neighborhood of four ofolder Ontario at'Corsiwall farmers claimingthat the liacl. of Ale,. Stevenson was the ,anniversary of }ilei wedding j at- apples, R.R..17Sloan; R, G: McGowan A ow !Miss Livingstc,ne. Copse
S1ii00. { today. + guest of g d y Other Fruit. -Years Siletdon W, nhotogiapha, Mrs. Tambiyu.
farm help fort ea them to retire. Archie Jiorton over Sunday, 26 ears ,a o the were, mvVied iti ogre, R. Vi'ightm•an, Winter ea •s C °liectidn of aieree,l ]sass, bliss
-- i Someone poisoned tho well of I3eary Votland, sen„ Branson line, A baby girl arrived to gladden the rn,ayrimon ,ago
Ithe :fte,, J. J,IFe p i ' Livin,,stone. Jud +e
Johar 11. Polk at Portland with lame of Mr, and Mrs. AI. Tobin on the -_ rl Y' onto ,�v iHaggitt, ti� , illcGawan, 1 a9I ham. P b , Alisa L, Brig-
tort a valuable mare recently by in- scan D>` pi'es9deoC of the ToMouito pears, W.Oke, Miss Dodds, 'Named a t
Sic Edward Carson and his folr ` Parfa groan, during the night, flarnmation, She was valued at $300. ISth; Mother and daughter are doing :Com,lerenee:
'lowers in Ulster signed thle coven- I G, W, Neely, ex -M• P. P„ was A mad do¢ was shot Saturda nicely, p5wms, C, Wightn:aur •Miss Dodds School Childrens Competition
ant to resist a home ru,3e Parlia- nominated by the Conservativtes of Y y p'ed and BAly Plcs: oaf Luri;dl Petition -
� t afternoon b a: merebant of Dash- NIr, John WilliamsTVilliams and daughter l oklectinn Of plums, 1t, 1R. Sloan, 1'2 chil,dron, audit 10 years --Writ the
I Middlesex East, wood. The dog had come from Vergie, from near London is visiting bion ,tonight a thousand telegraph tomatoes, Mrs. Fenwick, A,'Wight- fi'-st trr'a stanra9 o'f '+Se ,tean,ber'i
1 cmc the village liand e anapied t ouerrmed lnearroyb! oArthur and other relatives Rn,srs: rvh;,cli' rt'Sll be cu. into fence man, Grapes, R,t+ichmond, 'W: AM, Scconel Reader, 2. Aru1,L•iply 376941
p g Scott. Peaches, 12, R Sloan, , by 3941, showing the work. 3 Draw
and two boys, but his teeth did not
Judge -W, Warnock, a,map of Huron County showing
J penetrate the flesh in either case, The Manufacturers -Rag Writ, Mrs, the different torvuahips, J. 11°gartlt
do however, mixed tt with other Goderich dbrvnahal► Howrie. Yarn mat, J,Scott Par chiidr,nli antler 13 yearn- 1
You'll �� Find Us at The 41d stand dig's a,nd itis not known yet what Sudden Death. -A very su&18li: �y Fair Ladies Work -Lace handkerch.i,ef Write the f011p-5+in,dctim,biltatiOil'a u
i damage was done: death Allen in at the home of Mr, Syl -. • t s !`amMyn, Ribbon tunas each, 'lamp, ctr, hay, oat, 2
1�, VI, Scott, Mr
l�il FULL STOCK " vaster Allen in Seaforth on Saturday --- ,t ork, Misz Livinestine, lyil's- HOW- Write the first silanza of "A Cana;
K of HOUSE FURNISHINGS -- ., g last, Mrs, Alens mother, Rocks Jas. AlJonta:i,d
mornin J 2;'white He. Shadow cmlirtoclery, Alias Lav tlian, Boat Song," Third Reader. 3
Mrs. John Co%ouru, ox the sixteenth Rocks,
Cottst:titcc G 1'.Coopct•� lanld 2; Gwi- in(rstono, Mrs, Hpv,'ria; Gents initis Best specimieui wat,ar co'.or dz•awima-
concession of Goderich township, was nea fowl, W. Cite, J.�iRton;pigeons„ Alis. Hese, Alias Livingstone. Pal- Maria Mason, Nrar o
' `� ��'�`" Mrs McNeil, of Fuilarton, visited here visiting her daughter. She had E Ha tit{ i a d 2 • i low , Y Patter,. Ju:at,ca
her sister, Mrs. James Dale and other not en'oyed ver nod healCn for some go n Rhode is.and shaaiis, Mia• 1<imblyn, 141rs, iVlissts powe,l and Welsh.
FURNITURE for the Xitchen, Bedroom, Dininaroom friends. 1 y g reds,,, ,fat live chicken's, J, C, Pow- Howrie, batch qui..t in cotton ,W, P'lan,ts and Tlmv
time, tint on Friday night when re- carr CoHeetion of
Ball and Parlor. Floor coverings in endless variety The Constance Methodist congre>a• tirii. she thought she l b ey. viand 2, , AdGowan, Mrs, Tamb!.yn' Patch fO:lige, �ATrs. Fen';vick. Ge
b l g felt better Jwdge-F,Da'.,ey, Seaforth, eluitt i'nclath, anti silk quilt, star n blooan, DJrs, F> > Geraniums
Latest pa'terns til Brussels RU S, Fancy oilclothy tion have decided on having a fowl than she had for some time. On Satur �, 5 e'llwick Mias Dodos
y snppe"On November 17th and 15tb, day morning±, aboatsixo'rlock when INSIDE DN7pARTA�ILrN", Alis• .�ainlil•yii, Crochet quilt, Mrs Fuschias, A7ra. va'nwick. Il'au�P'
anI d Cork L1170IeUlI1: Futter particulars later on, her daughter went to her room to an I llowrie, A'L'a 'C.ni,hl.yn. Knitted l askat,,: ATass D•adds, 1YIrs, Fehtving
Mr. Albert R,tpson now wears_ a quire how she had rested' during the lite inside department was not quilt, 'Mrs. 'Patnblyn Socks or Display of ,plants in flrw Cls'
111 Goods MariCC(1'ilt LO y broad smile because his wife present- night, she was shacked find so WC41 filed as in former years, blit stocicings, AIa•s, Tanibl:yn, J. Parrott Dodds, ,A:Ii•s. renr4"i - ei, AYItes
R ;; to find that -what ryas there made u a vert � _ et. C. iek, fon 11
CCS ed hum with a bouncing baby girl last hc�g mother waa dead', having quiet p y' et-° 1ye,et eCui,Clle pi -'e lii.9s L,ivi,Lg ' �'£ ferns iu lints, Mis. Fena,ck,
WCSC 4x511. F1l- week,.1111118
dita'b.,e exhibit, stone, Miss of n„,v, Juid
ly slept away during the night. Heart r , l luta oiderY on ger-Miss Gillispie, Mrs. Fear
- trouble wast the cause of her sudden Out, of li prizes J.K. 'Wise took boltinig cloth, 'Miss Livingstoxle4 'Cut F?AWers Table bouquet, Mrs "
death, Mrs, Colbourn's maiden name n firsts rn Grain, .T, J. Haggitt and Mrs, Rowrie. Dinbr•oidory on, sblilr I'Ornwaelc, Mass Dodos, Hand! b -
1 orEci's 1iill ou ,
bliss J was Grace Ann -Tunney. ' She was a. Rd. ;Haggitt, took th, biggest num or satin,, Mrs, Tamblyn, Miss Liv- quot, bliss 'Dodds, Mrs: -TPen vi
�L Jennie at the' arid So ger .her of prizes for roots, lb fruits R. in,.atone. Xensington enalaoi Collection, Of dahlias 1 - ok'
ehellew Y t• dao liter of Mr. Thomas Turney; of , p E dea•Y hits. Fenwick :
! • YTH were delegates at the' Sunday School. tire 4th concession of East Wawanosb, 11. Sloan, captured the big: en,d whi;o 'N.Trs._Tturniblym:, ' Miss Liv1n+=atone: Alias 'Dodds. `Collection or
and League Convention in Seafgrth She was only 46 years of. a e. Her J. AWDOwehl, W: Otte and J, B. Tier- Roman embroider Alliss -Li ' - ''A i's• Howrie Airs Pansaas, _
Bring in your Departmental Store Catalogue. last week. $ y, .Living , kenwacic;. Co.,- '
we, will meet their prices. ee Mrs, Canfield' lef death causes the first break in a faro• My wlso tool: a good many prizes. stone, A'i'rs: T'am,bl.yn. , Cushion top l•ect.ion of asiors, Misa' Dodd,sti Mrs c for Chica o On , y Fenwick. Judges- 51iss Gil: '
g � ily of eight, five brothers Arid three Tn the ladies departmient Miss L iy- Mrs. Howrie Mrs. Tuinbl, n.. .Sola ltapte,,
Wednesday last,, sisters. She was married in 1884 to ingston, Mrs. T'am,blyn; Airs, 'Re. l:illow, Mrs. Hele, Miss Livingstone ,Mrs, Foar.
Airy, NelsonZ'iewartha: and lough- her now bereaved husband, by their and Bliss Agnew.were thieprineipal I-lano ortable scarf, Miss I,ivin, -
1 _"`•-= Oox'slasst week vihe, visited at Herb union three children were born to riizewimaers. The Children's, ,and Stoner Mrs, Howrie. Drawn work ' -
them. Mr, Russell. Colbourn; Mrs. Syl- Sebool, childi•ens ,competition had 'Miss Living;stoZre, Mr:s'. JT°wli.e, 'SPECIAL PRIZES,
The Anniversary services in Bethel, ,vester Allen and •Mrs, Edmund Will the l hte'et
Church last Sunday were a decided i g'• i sntries• of any class; Honiton or point 'lace; 'W, M, Scott, ( J. M.,Jlam'1
.jams all of Seaforth: - She was tw ex Mrs. Hele, lobs, 1ambiyn, Miss Mrs, fTe,e,•, 'CrOebet work in silk, ' i to,ni, for .asst herd df .
Our'Aim== T /� Q success, the weather being all that egraplaty, kind hearted lad A rn w I' v � 1 ' grade cattle, R:R, Harrison,
'l A� Could be desired and the pen le turn- y and was 6 e , N iss Li ingston, Mrs..How Miss Livingston , Mrs. Hele, Eyle- J ;M 'FI
wase p loved by all her acquaintance& Her tie,. and Mrs .ta 'or tools the bi let waist or suit, Mrs, Flow ,i 1 ajnittaw for best mare or
ed out in crowds untill the, church s,,dden death i Y" P r.., Mrs', gelding, L.,O, Charle
i�l C ��r '�`' �'+ � s,asy, bereavement `end of the prize money in khofrrie Tamt,b7yn; Bedroviri, slippers, iIi' swarth:
BRING & C �••' S • O ,M nn BACK,
C�-+ was filled t s its capacity. A Thank � P,P , f ss I Dr. Milhi,e, for beat
Jt:i R5 lJt�y offering was asked incurred
to a off pl a ef� and fanny„ The funeral rdaughk �?> ts, Mrs, Fen wick, and Mis'd D°dd,g, Agrn,ew, Masa Livingstaxi . Fame xU pounds of,
Pay too in place from the -residence of her lough• divided the rizea for plants and" toilet set 'Mra y butter, R. Wightman,
FUrriltUfe I7Ujrer3 at th15 StOCL to dekitedness-incurredmtherePaiein of t r p p n Hawrie. AppliqulO Dr. Mc a
Vaariably come back the church and the i ter, Mrs, Allen on Monday, a,he pail• flowers and cut llorvers. ,work Miss Livin stone' _l T !!$.'ie, t for ,beat Dlbs oif
s lin °£ $S5.Otl was bearers mere ALr, Russel d of K Mrs,, Tani , butter•, R. Wightman
when they want more, and }grin their friends placed on toe Collection l'a bourn, her ' GRAIN -White fall wheat, spring bhyn. 'Fancy in cwshian NJ s -' 1.
f; Wttil them. plate. two,sons-in-law, Mr. Sylvester ANen 'wheat s eltz 0r g new, 1 eAg I John, Motvil'le, for ,best two ar'
T!► UIiQ illi' F1'• Owingt°t'he Anniversar. 'services P Owed baa ley, J.K.. e. , Mita Livingstane,. Fanc 1, Yr8
Irniture Is tJ rove that it is in Hol eav Y - and Mr..gdrnund. Williams and her ,AVIse• white oats ka , t re,, Y, Old E, ioa star>L.C•Charleswp ,
J. Wise, 12,.R, nal a href case,: frits. ihorvriie, S H' r �`
I h as good a5 1t , g' illi next Sunday, the .three brothers, 14lessrs, Robert James Gra ey, for be t' herd,
looks, and that 1S saying a' whole lot, preaching service at Bethel has been a Harrison;liauison , black oats, mall peas, J. , bliss Living stone: Photo frame s ord all
and Thomas :Tunnev. The',remains' K.Wi'se; Timothy seed, J. Wis Slrorthorms, J. Barr.
' � g o .withdrawn. y nr 'Mrs. 'Tamlbly'n, lil•s, FIe1eb rCnitteii; , . � . ,
hibstavitial Furniture can be hof, were lard. to rest in Clinton cemetery, `_. aid'Law Bros. • rod clover, 2 rowed lace imcotton I S,'$,, Gidle9 for ,best pan of wllitr
ght here at money- 'Mrs, H°carie, Mrs, Lo� Gillahatdor hes P
Savin rates, wh : y Help us It
all the s]rocica of, :batd.ey, J. K. Wise; ensilag;�p corn; J. Tanvblyn; Knitted or crochet ant gglyypp
y nOt secure What you aced OW IIlytlt. of fate, -J.0lason, J Caldwell. rvoO'h shawl, Mra..Ta;. fancy I 'IV NNalan & Co., for ,Nb batter, J;
while prices aXe SO favorable. A good crowd was here To. keep our trust in Th Judge -John, , Pott mblyn, Mrs. C. PoranoYr
Potter, dowrie,. i0ae set tab.ie marls, Mra, iThomaa McMichael &Sob for,boat Pe e. for the Fair P Thee g n �t
The JohpaonAmuselnenc Co„ are Maker of man, be Thou Our 'ROOTS -collection of garden pro, Fele, Mrs. Tam.hlyn, Set iii do. -, •
.strength Nyde Stallion, and, four �oa1s, F.,p, ,
here in a tent giving a show, g duce, 'Mrs. Fenwick, ,J J, 13aggitt • Use, 'Mrs, 3ele, Miss Ler in ,s.tor !
g p McIntosh
" ' The citizens here had a pleasanb And our 17ternal Stay, early potatoes, R.G, McGowan,; late Battesilbura bate, Mrs: Hee ,
1 , Airs :� 'nfor aan creamery to ;farmer
. . I 'A surprise when•{ became known. that Make to See nit `'potatoes, J. J,Masoa, 4't,G,, 1V1c- Taanlbhyn. bFane love case' l
tl�i 11 s r Guiding sight Y,, ,Mrs, son for namiaZg dairy
Qn � n Mr. A.
B. Carr and Airs,' John Wit, In darkness and in Death Gowan; field carl•ots, J. J. 7-laggitt, Tamb'LynS Miss 1.1 inasto e: S. , llardeJ,,
I U- O d ford were married,, The` a h , . , , , i • • a n Tat Barr, EatO. Barr.
Furniture D • Their join Give us to feel hei•'S irit li Ed,l3aggitt, red eatrctfs, J,J.I Hag .IT -gr Miss Livrnmstene, Mrs, FI i
Dealers and Funeral Directors- g'atulatjoris, The p ver • , . e Wotnen s ;rmatitute for beat oe
in coo i wedding tit, I d.;Hag;grit Swede turnape,Ri Fancy iettin
NIGHT AND SUNT► lY C 1ltono JLO g was Immortal in the .Skies, g' > g, Miss Livingatane ned lturta, R, Rrchmond
ALLS 1'itone No. 1'P7 or Pli on Zuesday. "VPs th h' R, Sloan, David'Cuok; turnips any. Mrs. h$owraa, r Wardachian wo
y c ilaaeen. frail and, amalt' o'h r sic„I Jelin Wells, for ,best Ireav daat4t
onC XG An old residatit passed ' awe Sun t e variety, Ora Bros., 1. J,'Aias- Mrs. Tamibl n Mrs, 'ITawrie, Table 3
i day cra the person °£James A. Y Formed of the lowly sod , r yy y' e aware, G. Dale & Sony
Ander Comfortourbruised 1 on; -beets, C. Wig ;bun, lid. Hag -:.centre preens; Mtss Lfv'n ko
sOn, aged7� years, 4 months and -2`G . gift;; sugar beets W.'T.Jcmkin,s Airs: 'Hoath + " W. Jackson, fol the fastest' waylt
b ei dm :souls P ti g Hie,
father and Lord and God.. g able cove!., W; M, ing team„ ' G Dale 6; Soar,,' T2zoa.
ei. T
�, g' , gg' , 'd Scott MissLivinrstone,'Tray c?AthS'loaxrI '
nam Ol tvurzels J. J, iia itt !I