HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-10-03, Page 47tea)d` tat o 0 C Wear' Ores ll)[akin Phone 7$ Doll` 2utllidllin 'Dislpl ay of Trionocd.M'll�ner Original and Distinctive Hats in Great Variety •"Lovely!" "Graceful!" "Most Be- coming!" These words come natur- ally to cue s" lips time and time again, as ouo passes from show table to show table. and examines the Most beautiful creations that go to make up our autumnexhibit of what is new and fashionable in high-class millinery. We javite you to see the Display while it is at its best. FURS of Quality The customer has everything to gain and nothing to lose in making the choice of Good Furs NO W. After you have cotnpared all other Furs is the best time to see outs -We stand by the result COBS 01 Qualify Never in our business 'experi- ence have we been able to offer our trade such superior mantles as we are now showing. We spare no elf rt to secure the best that experience. skill and money could make, and we now' offer them to you for your choosing. Every woman expecting to buy e 'this season should see our display ot Mantles, We are showing over 1.50 Different Styles •••••••••••••••••••• • •' •THE CHURCHES. • WITH' T . • • • 41••••••Ole ••••••••••11 WILLIS CHURCH,. A Twilight einsieale will be given in Willis Clench 071 Thsnksgiviug day, On'oher 2S h, from five to six p. tn. The shrual Thankoffering meeting of the W. le. A1. S„ will he held on October 17th. The ladies hope to have .Mrs. (Rev) Larkin, of Seaforth,to give .an address, On Sunday afternoon last. a special 'Children'. Dry Service entitled "The .Joy of the Harvest" was held in the 'Chorclt. A pretty little program 'was ' .given by the ehildten rnclu ling Re- sponsive Readings. Chorus by the Primary Class and a duet by Misses Hattie Greig and Bertha Yates. Short ' and interesting addresses were given by Dr. Stewart, Rev. Mr. Grant Mr. Scutt At both services on Sunday, ex- cellent music was rendered by the choir. 'Phe solo part in the evening .anthem being taken by Miss Barbara ,fdclvor. - Two thoughtful and inspiring 9'r- •nions were delivered by the Pastor on Sunday, that in the evening being especially for young men. WESLEY CHURCH. 'Rev. J E. Ford took as his morning 'stext "The Purpose, the Spirit and -the Results of the School of Christ" ., and in the evening '•Commencement Day in the School of Christ." At the ,League service fru Monday night a report was presented of the ',Convention recently held et Seaforth: flev. T. J. Snowden, of Varna, wilt ...occupy the pulpit next Sunday, both •morning and evening owing to the pastor being away on Conference work. An interesting service was held in the Sabbath School Sunday afternoon when a Bally Day program was pr'e. eented and all enjoyed. Following was the program presented: 2.1.5 Oi'gen Selection C. J. Keller 2.30 Opening Hyrnn, Lord's Prayer, chanted Exercises by Primary Dept. 'Opening Song Prayer Birthday Exercise -Seng Hear the Pennies 'Dropping 'Temperance Exercises / Closing Song and Prayer Address, "The Message of t]:i.e, Flags"., C. D. Boucle Roll cull of Classes' Hymns Scripture Selection Class Song rhe School Primary Dept. O Canada Four Boys Scri : titre Selections The School Rally Day Refreshments The Pastor Collection for Piano Fund Solo Miss Zech), McRae Hyinn Benediction ONTARIO ST. CHURC e . At the League on Monday evening which was in charge of the Christian. Citizenship Department. Rev: Mr. Oaten, of Brussels gave an interesting address, Mr. Oaten conducted the. services unda., ' es in the 'Church on S y, and kindly consented to remain over to .address the League.duet ,A t was rend ered by Misses Sievers end Wiltsb and a reading, by Mise Shipley, i r Local News. s M t ��ctf'Y'Y-1t-ul�i' rtitTV'V1�[y�7� WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. The regular monthly meeting of The Women's Institute was held last Thursday at the borne of Mrs. Hugh Ross when arrangements were made for a Social Evening to, be held it the home of Mrs. H. B. Obert do October 17th at eight o'clock P, AI,` A RUNAWAY, On Wednesday afternoon, as Er. Ern Blacker was delivering milk on Wellington street, his horse became frighteners and began to run away Some brave men. working in the Motor factory yard tried to stop it, frightening it still more. Deeming the home track to he the safest, it ren across the yard clearing the high wire fence with one jump. Rounding the corner of Isaac and Joseph street it slipped on the crossing and fell. The horse was found to be uninjured but one of the shafts of .the cart was broken, however this was soon re paired and Mr. Blacker proceeded his rounds. East Middlesex And N. Waterloo Vote October 28 To Fill Vacancies Caused by Death of Robert Sutherland and Re- signation of Dr, Lackner, Toronto, Sept. 30. -Following a meeting ot the cabinet this afternoon it was announced that the by-elections to fila the vacancies in the Legislature in Nast Middlesex and North Water- loo would be held on Monday, October 28, with nominations one week earlier October 21. The writs will be .issued. to -morrow. The vacancies were caused by the death of. Robert Sutherland (Liberal), in East Middlesex, and the resigna. !ton of Dr. H. G. Lackner (Conserva- tive) to accept the appointmentas sheriff of Waterloo. In East Middlesex the Conservatives ives t on Saturday_ nominated George W. Neely, ex -M. P. P., to contest the rid- ing. The Liberals have not yet made a choice. In North Waterloo neither party has nominated as yet.. The re, suit at the general elections in the rid inns was: ' East Middlesex. Sutherland (L,)' 2,039 Neeley (0) .....,'. .. ....;: 2,014 Sutherland's .n a' i 1 5or ty.. ... 2o North Waterloo;: Lackner (O.) .......... . . 8,r50 Euler L, LSU,.3 Marti!) (Ind.) 3 a n 3.1 Lackner's majority ,, 193 merest to W o, oteam ws rt vai�iM► n , r keeng' on the ,Ru, on Road. 'Will be Miss h7te G. N. W. pecato n sat Blyth for the for r the a y. �' YI. s•ld antreason'b r Social' anti,Personal'a t rms. Apply I Reeds Gleen, of Stanley took in the I ..n the farm! 'or ad ]cess Sealforth' Blyth Fair on Wednesday. post office, 141r. and Mrs; 'Harry Fitzsimons ME.LVIN CLARK were at Blyth Fair on Wednesday, Clearing- Sale ] y. Evans spent the week -lend in , i.•+*•♦•+i++•M►11++++t+f+44 Tiverton. Mrs. Jas. Ford WAS in Goderieh • Are you going away ? Are Last 4'r day. • you entertaining out-of-town :Miss Emma Doan deft on Satur- +, • .. . day for Buffalo. • Mr. and Mrs. J. Leslie Kerr spent ,! ♦ you going to entertain your Sunday in Brussels, ' • club members Do you want Miss Nellie Zuefle of Hensall, that next pleating of your i+, was in Clinton last week. + society announa-d in The ,4. • .NEW ERA? Itso kindly 'y • • telephoneN o, 80 and ask fur the + Editor. We will appreciate +,. • • greatly' favors of this kind. • i. , ♦+++++++++4i++••+++#4++++i Mr. Frank O'Neil was in Heasall lest week on a short visit. Mrs. Watt and Miss. Bessie visit- ed in Seaforth on Saturday. Rev. George E. Ross. of Gode- rich, was in town on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. John Howson have been, visiting In Peterborough. Mr,A,.J Holloway'i•isiled his son in Kineaedilne over Sunday. The Pastime 'Club will give an, informal dance on Friday evening. Mr. James II :O'Neil, of Hensall, spent the week-;etnd at bus home here. Mr. ',Thos. Trick returned on Mon- day from a visit -in London and In- ger•solL Mrs. Silas Andrews and son, Colin, of Aikens, Sask. are visiting, in town. Mr. 'Wm. Coehrene returned on Friday from a trip to the Western provinces. Mr. Harry Keller, of Toronto, 'spent the week-g'nd with his par- ents here. Mr, John Craig was in London this week. Mrs. F n, T, Beistowe arrived in town on Wednesday. • Mr, and Mrs, 3. L, Ooutrice have returned from a pleasant visit to Peterborough. Rev. Dr. Stewart left on Wednes- day for his home in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Bags and family have returned to Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Mulch and Miss De- light were in Winghem last week for the Fair. They were the guests of the lady's mother. Mr. W. Brown, of the Gunn Langlois Ors, paid a flying visit to Clinton this week. Miss Ruby Cook entertained the Miss Tena Matheson has. taken a staff of T. A. Irwin's Dry Goods y:osition in Couch de Co's millinery Store on Tuesday evening. department. 'Mr. 17, Irnrie leaves on Thursday Mrs. Bartholomou, of London is for a couple, week's visit to Toronto the 'guest of her daughter, Mrs. and Melbourne. Herbert Paull. Sir. Avery, of Exeter, was the guest Mrs. Archibald, who has been at the bome of Mr. A. Cantelou- on. visiting in London, returned to Sunday town on Saturday. Mr, lV, Darling, of Bernell, was in Mr. A. E. Al.lin, of Toronto, spent town on Tuesday. lV .Mrs. G. Yates. is visiting .in t the past week with his parents at g the Ontario St. Parsonage, Listowel this week, Miss Helen Bali B. 1., of ondors Miss S. Cowan left for Detroit on has entered upon her duties as Monday, where she has accepted a Science teacher at the C. C: I. position. Mr. J. Weir, Royal Bank,was called Mr James Smith e'cpects to at- home on Tuesday owing to the sudden tend th Mr. Norman Fitzsimons was at Blyth this week. Sir. A. J. McMurray took a run up to B yth on Wednesday in his auto, Messrs: H, Bartliff, Fred Jackson, R. Graham and eV. Walker attended i3lyth Fair on Wednesday going up' auto. Mrs. W. 3, Tozer is receiving this afternoon (Thursday) in honor of her sister, Mrs, R. Ogden, of Toronto. Ski'. W. A. McDonnell leaves on Saturday for California. Mr. and Mrs. John Ransford leave on Monday on a trip to Ottawa. SIr. D. Cook will .move. into the Cure house et the rear of the Royal Bank and recently bought by Mr. Guest. Mr. Mowat Chowen who has been in the great West for some years is vsiting at his home here. SI!ss 111. Hill,of Toronto. is the guest of Mrs. Geo Middleton this week. Miss Fernie Arlin will sing on Sun- day next at the League Anniversary services in North Sr; , Church, God rich. 141r. 0. le Hale was in Goderich yesterday, Mr, and Mrs, 0. J. Wallis and Miss Jenkins spent Wednesday afternoon at Blyth Fair. Mr. Thos. Mason was 'up to Blyth l air, Mrs, R. K, Logan, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Gilchrist re turns tomorrow to her home in Sag inaw, Mich. She will be accompanied by her sisters, Miss Gilchrist and Mrs, Shouts. The latter will go on from Saginaw to her home in Eureka, Cal Distract News. • ,' ' dri'� a Viscolwnt George a de Mau rt U 1 and h 'nobleman n x l,e n romunen4 cmc a p Fflt son of IConunt 'H. de QVlaudui., who ss an, officer in. the Wrench ntr ny and attached to(the Ministry of the uniterioltt, Paris, is: at pa<esen(t om an, enspecti�olnl tour i;n,Ontarlio, and _s spending some time in Groderich e Laurier' tweeting at. Wood death of his father in Wroxeter. Vleeount do,Mauduit who has come n Friday of this week, I Mir, Will 'frwin,of Bellevue,Alberta to Canladal'topurchase some eafutt Mrs. Brooks and ;firs. Ohapell, ofs! is this week the guest of his parents, lands, has great' confide nee nitlee Mitchell spent a few days with the I J. A. and Mrs, Irwin. future ofithe Went ,indus'try in(fhe former's mother, Mrs. Wm. Cantelon l Western' IOnitaabo, The V,iscovn t Mrs. H. Cook left t Miss Hattie Courtice ',vent to St willWe he leaving +Goderfch shortly'to W. a on Monday " Thomaso Friday I g for Ypsilanti 'Mich„ to visit her' n toattend the take the winter course on Estee sister, Mrs, Howlett, who is very funeral of Mrs. linrkc• Farming at Guelph Agricul'turel ilh The Misses Arlin spent Sunday in College, Boas to acquiire the ,nleces- Brus,e's, assisting in the musical part • nary knowledge for the isupemlin- Mr. Dean Courtice left on Moni- of the 1nniversary services held in tending ofthe large 'trails farms he day to resume. his studies at the the Methodist Church there. /intends to purchase. oehool of Practical Science in Tor - Miss Jennie Miller left on Monday Wes. IGrahaml and his friend, Mr. onto, for a visit in Blyth. Cruscoe, came up from Detroit in Miss Edith Stewart was in Blyth on his auto last week, making the trip Wednesda of 195 miles in 10 houra, staying over Dire, R. Ogden, of Toronto, is the night in Lotedons finny are 'bolth guest other sister, Mrs. Tozer. employees of the Krti Auto Co„ oll Detrailt. l,(Wes, 'being purchasin gAr and Mrs. Torrance Dunlop agent. He seaY d a few days returned on Mondayfrom o n i u two o weeks his parents, °Mn. and Mrs. J.:B;.IGrla visit in Turoatc and epringfield• ham, at Shepparid'to.n, and also 'vi+s vted friend's in IGod,orich, A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at tie, heree of Mr, and Sirs. John Brooks, '1st line of Morris en Wednesday, Sept. 13th waren their daughter Ruby was united in marriage to Monis Bosman, by Rev. J. Ei,Cook. The Zurich Baseball c'ub had a concert under their auspices, last week and 'procee,Js amountled'to over $115, and they win have $50 to the good. On' Mond ay Mr. Chas Simmons, of the 10tii concession et Ho nick dug a pee of potatoes from one hill. The hoinxa of 'Mrs, W. Blake, Ashgrove Farm, Ashfield, wast the scene of a quiet but pretty wed- ding on Wedlne,sday evelning, Sep- tember 18th, when 'bier daughtlelrl, Sliss Gretta Watson, of Sealorth Mrs. Wm. Cooper leaves next week Lizzie E. was united in mnrrliage to was in town on Monday. She will for Ontario, California, to spend the Albert W. Alton, of West Wawa - leave - to -day (Thursday) for Re- winter with her daughter, Miss Olive nosh. The house was ,boautieully gina where she will take a position. Cooper and Mrs, 3. A. At mstr•ong, decorated with dahlias, hyd¢iaing- cn the Public School stale. Mr and Mt s.'G Roberton and Mr. eas and gladi,olus. The ceremony was performed by Rev, 3'. 'J. Dur - rent, ossleted by Rev. Dr, F. J. Oat- en, A a'arlc honer has coarse to a God- erich man:in the election of J, Ades Fowler by the council of the Royal Mr. and Mrs B. D. ]iamsay and Mister Douglas were week -end visitors at the home of Mrs. Gil- christ. Mrs. Roderick .UacLeed, who has been vieitln: ole friends in town Luft on 'Monday herhome y fu r o m e 7year Walton. !Mrs. Axon sr,, leaves this week for her home in i.4liddleport after a pheasant visit at the home of her son, Dr. F. A. Axon. Master Terence Higgins -,vho'has I been the guest of his aunt :+eaves this week for Toronto to meet his mother who has returned from a - II' broad. Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Stewart and i son, Frank, of '1•%'ixlnipeg, are visit ing 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Glen end: rold friends in and amend town. Mr, J. W. Newcombe, of Fort William came up from Toronto last week for a short visit .to his lather Eine Mr. Newcombe and les sister Mrs. Evans, Mr. MacDonald, of Toronto, arrived in town on Monday evening and has entered upon his duties in the 0. O. T. Mr. T. A, Sinclair, M. A„ left on Tuesday for Toronto, where he takes a fellowship in the University in Toronto. Mr. W. Glen, Reeve of Stanley, wits in tzoderich on Tuesday. Mr. George David was the judge of roots and vegetables at Win ghain Fieriest Friday. fie is a specialist 10 this line, Mrs F. A. Axon received for the first time since her marriage ouFrid ty September e7th. She was assisted hr her sister -inlays, Mrs. DiacGbl, of Mitchell, Mrs. D. K. Grant, Mr,, Holloway and Mrs. M. D. SloTaggart. We are sorry tohear that Mrs. and Mrs, Luke Lawson attended 1 ate C H.fugh has been sick again at• fnnerat 01 Mao Roberton, in Aube,,.. the home of her )pother at London on Saturday. but her many friends in town will Misses Helen and Willa Pord,da„ .7 - all hope for a speedy recovery. ters of Rev. J. E. Ford, of P7'- .-y Dirs. Finlay McBnien and Miss Phi -trete returned from northern ss sh Arhhdltects as n Institute of: a'itf Annabel. left on Monday for Tor- atchewan this week, where they h . 1 Liicentfate o,ftha,hody, Which in- onto where the ]atter is in her final been teaching during the euro, S see in medicine. Mae McEwen 'month . They will rernaititah rm, 7 ` I liltrdesal oft� e r^U3afiisight h Emmen eeinane will remain in the city some months. I honor lis ontt that is given( otiiLy ,if- Rev..8. J Allan, the Misses Arlin Univer ity, Kingston. ! tea' along tehinl of practice of (the and 'Master Sher wyn were at Brus- Mr. 11, 13sacotn was in Blyth Ws e pro,fesslon. sees for Sunday'., Rev. Mr. Arlin nasday. The directose of the Gotlierich In- preached special sermons to the Miss Powell was in Blyth to the ; .. rustinal: Exhibition are enjoying a Sunday school and the Misses Alun en Wednesday. echo from the' Midway .in hsape took part in the inws:cal. exercises. Macars U. Hoare and 0, i hare, , , . •or' aisteht dor ,birea:ch ;of contract e:n- at E31yth on. d'b'ednesday to take i,: ' tered ,by,one. of the fiiasen :fists" and fair, .artune ,te'.dens whom 'the'y invited DI's, Thompson, to come 10 the Sall eair.i U(nlletss 11MMH/1MhMIfM.Mll,Iab4•,N/1/�.1M t C pson, and Miss 1 pievi;ously settled, it will came up Thouip,on,'>vere in Blyth on Wes:. , •e the.Octobcr slating' of elle divi- day �> visiting with Mrs, eleTaggart aloe Cowrt. Mr, A. Tyndall was N at Blyth v . , ensernilvzaedry <apt rviegtthy nwoddimopg,,IVwPaed nse11 ing on Wednesday, , Win Shepherd took in `.Blyth fail streeteptem,be�r 25th, lin the James Wednesday, INlet5uodiise. ,church, Exciter', wh Is .this en:thpastor ��� �� Mr. and Mrs. ,T..T. McCaugh e y, Rev'; G. H. +l4Ic ose McCaughey - t tot, assisted ,by >,ev. R. eftx.dim'o'nrT, Miss Mary were in Blyth this weal ' Vancowver. uncle , nc +e of theMean mmd'e un' - .� 1�'111111111i1t!q, a Mr. w� s+rl .i"v,.,�.�,,:.d;.,o-.,. x,,_ -Hazel ' rt W. J, Paisley was at the :i' water Fair on Wednesday. Mr. S. Castles and family were, B yth on Wednesday. HENNESEY-CAST'EI,L. a record tittle 11[r: an'd Mre. Wzllianr Caalell that Icontaeins about 15.0 plums. nounces the rnarria a of their d,t :.: i Thera sole otheir, bunchessame tree, meaaiw aslage on the ghter Helen Lindsay to Mr. Hon , : • 11'Henlnesey on Wednesday, S , the 26th, at Belmont, Manitoba. bride was a former resident g. town, having. ,been a,mininer r Hodgen Bros. store and -has cal warm friends who wish her a'll h.g1r eznd, pines in her new hoane in Calgary . week,.ho w llj be laid up 'Inc 'conic ro a et u i ti I;Y 9hng Stove Moving i } ILL ORDERS will receive prompt at- tention. Prices gi b'e n n. • on all kinds of Roofing, Siding, and Contract W ork. R Sutter LA. a & y San •tar Sandal Plnntbers Y esaNalenseetiAnneesseennenseASSeneeetss , iJ , Jgnan, ori]��yr+daughter of Mn- ,and Mrs. John E. Dignan land Mr. Gay IWilllard Baiown, of Kingsville. Connellllor Mills, of Wingham, has sprig of; a .pi'iini,tr'eie Clearing sale of 'Pare.' stook and impi'eimernts, and household furni- ture, Friday, .Octcbe :; llth, at Lot 7; cont 2, 'Huldett ' Prank F arjnery. proprietor. T, Brown,' a'uc'tioneer. Farm tor Sale 100 acres, Lot 11, con, 3, Jlluilett, 11-2 sni",es from Clinton, 1 mile from school.. Good if arm soil clay loam, well watered and impr:=oved,2 acres orchard, good buildings, barn 50x51, stone Ihaseneent, clemeint floors, stabling Inc•12 bead of cat- tle and 5 horses, also 3large box stases; hog peel and hen house 17x ;'i- cement ,base+rnent; T-rr,om, two .story brick veneer hows!e with sum Iver kitchen, woodshed; and buggy hoose, convenient to house. Terms -2-5 of purchase money down, re- mainder on place at 41-2 per een(t. or otherwise to suit purchaser. Apphy on premises, S. A. BROWN Auction Sale of Farm. Stock ,and Implements. BOOK STORE, Palrtiul Hitt of School )Books deed ip Cliutoq Colla�;late Imstituute Ontario High School 'leader. . , .40 aighSchhooj l ng., Grennan r ,, ,45 Elementary English: Composi, 'on .40 Ontario School Geoj raphy, , , : . ,65 Ontario H. S, Physical Geography 00,. Ontario H.S Ancient History.,,, .75 Ontario H:S. English History... . 65 Ontario High School. Arithmetic 40 Hall and Knights Junior Algebra 50. Cameo High Srhou.l Geometry ,40 Ontario High School Latin Book .00 Matriculation Latin . , ,7g Whites First Greek; Book , ... •' , ,1.25 .l:Iigh School ;carob Gr'amniat ... ,60 efigh School German Grammar 70 Ontitrio High School Physics 90 I;aboratory Manuaiin Physics. .., ,35 Ontario High School Chemistry 40 Laboratory Manual in Chemistry 20 Ontario School .Book Keeping 30 Book-kcepiugBlanks........ . . . 20 Higher Algebra 1 9 Matriculation Algebra......: 90 Trigonometry (Hall and Kinghl)1,00 Colton's Practical Zoology ..... ..1.50 Robinson's Hist'y Western Europe .60 Bergen and Davis Botany 50 Fletcher Se Nicholson Greek Prose1.25 Virgil Aelleid Book 1] .25 Easy Solecleoos fron. i Zenophon 50 Minerals and How They Coeur, ...1.00 Elementary Mechanics 65 'I'enuysoriy Select Poeros . .. , . , . ,25 LeVoyage, Mons. Pecrichon 20 Auction sale of. choice 100 -acre farm, lam stock and implements on Wednesday, October 16th, at one o'clock sharp, on: Lot 31, eon.. 4, Tuckersmith, L.R.S., 2 miles east of Brucefie d. There is about 90 acres of the i1arnr welder cultivation, .bal- ance new lalnd end small bush; soil clay loam and easy to work ; ;no stones 01 stnsnps,: well fended and 1air:,y well drained. Watered. by spring piped to barn, an.l sprin:g wee athouse, Barn is 52x72 on 9 foot stone wall, cement and flag floor• cement silo 11x30;pigpen , 14x28. Six room brick house cellar full size and heated by 'furnace; frame summer kitchen and wood- shed. Stock -3 cows to calve in November; 2 cows to calve in De eember; 1' heifer to calve in Novem- ber ;1 cow supposed to be in calf spring calf; 21ast fall calves; 1 fa call; lifat heifer 2 yeare old; 7 year ling heifers; 2ycarlrng steers; the Holstein bull Sir Canary (12354) 20 months olid; Dan jewel Merne'nt Mercedes, record at 3 y ears, 372 Jibs milk avid 161-4 lbs butter in 7 days, Horses -2 agricultural anares suPPused to be in foal.; 1 grey heavy. draft I£iddy, 3 years old, supposed to bo in foal; 1 agricultural spring colt; 1 driving more 1 years old quiet enough for a lady to drive; 1 .gene'1'al pus pose 2 -year-old filly. Pigs -1 registered .Yorkshire sow 18 menthe old with litter; York- shire sow due to litter' about time, of sale; 1Yorkshire boar 10 months i old. Implements -DlassaHarris p v Linder with sheafcarrier' Marsh• - , Y Harris -mower 5- " foot cut; Feast Wood 10 -ft steel hey rake; Mc- Cormick 13 hoe grain drill; Massey. o 1i- Ha'ris field cultivatorc nn u t1 a a'Ixlc s ator with bean harvesting attach- anen't; disk harrow; Perris double riding plow Perrin single riding plow; handle plow; single seuffier 4- section harrows and har,•ow cart steel, land roller ; weigh scales ca- pacity 2200 lbs,: grain crusher• Clinton fanning mill; steel bag truck; grind -stone; 1 Vele down, i agony gravel. ho,, 16 -ft. hay and stock rack, new; 2 sets double har- ness; 1 set chain harness; 13 net single harness; 1 set slings; \share in corn binder, and a 'lot of small articles, A large quantity of straw to be fed on the place, also 6 acres •,f ensilage corn rf •n,ot sold pre-' 10,119,y will be sold on day of sale in :lots to 'suit .buyers, Terms on farm wi'l,be given on day of sale; o.•o'n application to nodes signed. Terms on Chattels -All sums of $5 and nester, cash; over this amount 8 :months ece.d+t will he Ftii en oat approved joint notes. A cliscount of 6 per cent. per attneen Will l e given for cash on credit amounts. T. Browny auctioneer. Alex A: Watt Lrucefielid P.0,, proprietor. 1 t Auction Salle of Farm Sioek and Implements Thos, 'Gundry has received in- s:ruetions from the onclei'rign.ed to sell by public auction on Lot 36, con 2, L.R.S., 7.:nckergmith, on Tuesday, October 15th, atone o'clock sharp, the foil owin -'Horses -1 di eft mare 4 years old supposed to ,1b in foal;-; 1,gelding 3 years old, 1 leay draft filly, lyear eld, need Ly Cannnynra'n, Cattle -1 cow due to calve February i st ; 1 cow due to calve in April 1 newly ca I', ed cow ; 1 farrow cow; 52-ycan-ohcl steers • 2 2 -year -olid neiu'rs; 2 yearling. heifers ; 4 calves. .flogs -Brood sow. dee in December; 5' pigs; 3menths Old and•ll young wigs, Fowl- 70 hens and pullets. Implenilents -1 Massey -Harris binder; Drill; Dem- ing Mower'; Hay Take; Prerniier i i,' Plow, almost R � n P,o v new • %Valkin Biding ,g 'Flew; )Massey -Harris Gang Plow, n.ear,,y new; good McCormick Cul- tivator ; uliivator; Scuf ler; Land Roller; set Diamond Harrows; Root pna•Lper; Bain wagon, gr ivel box, wagon box, nearly new stock rack, hay Mr. Rolland Geiger of the rack; set Bobsileighs; Fanning mill. t; a 03ronson a good Me„Trite Cream peparator; eine was anthem Beverly Inlur ,d, on Stone boat, Mikado Buggy; single Zurich' Fain -Day, by one, of his ease buggy; good Cutter with children rsage hooses yearling wpend •sirik- seat inMont ; 1 set of .double har- ing him,: a severe':blow on the :shout- nese ;, 2 sets ,si ogle harness ; 1 Sugar er, it was knocked out of joint 'kettle ; wg hiiletrees, neckyokes grain bags ; shovelshorsand other articles toonumerous : to mention ; 1 good erose -cut saw and a. quantity of cedar posts ani second-hand lumber ; 1 Daisy churn a quantity of turnips and mengolds in diens ;:,some hay and sorghum; Farm for sale ,being lot 7 in the also a f ow houseehold articles. No eat concession Township of'Hu'llett reserve as proprietor has solid his containing 100 acres, ail cleared farm, Terms-Allsums of ten dol - but about 7 acres of bush, On the lars and under, cash, over that am - Mem ' a ;"' 1 1 n l a OW fele house xtt fur- ount1lmont s credit be g iven tiace. Large bank barn am with pee :1on furnishing joilnt,notes. 'Adis- nnent floors in stables, Plenty of count' of 4 per cent off for cash on water; well fenced, and under- credit amounts. T..Oundry auc- drained, 'Ilea farm he `yell) situated tioneer; John H. Wise, proprietor, Births, llarriat� es et Deaths DEATHS. FOWLER -In Clinton. on Sunday, September 20th, 'Francis Fowler, Y a ed 65 ears. g ANDERSON -In Blyth, on Sunny September 29th, ,lames A. Andre sun,, aged 74 years 4 months and 22 ,1,. vs, Fal'ui tor Sale Partial list of School I800ks lased in Clinton Model School School Management -Millar.. , . $ 1.00 Psychology -Gordy 1 25 Method of Leaching -Tilley 1.50 Methoil.of Recitation McMurray .75 Prangs -7Book sof Art Education 8.00 Syllabns of Physical Exercise :,., .25 Public School Arithmetic....,.10 " " Geography, .65 .< " (rammer .10 English History.,. .25 " Canadian History .25 Hygiene .20 Speller ..,... .15 Clomposition' .15 Readers 4, 6, 9, 14 and.16 Ontario Writing Course .5 Drawing Books, Nos. 1 and 2 Bach .5 tOOpeF tO,WANTON F. G D. BR1S TO tel; Professor of Masie. Organist of leillieleresbyterian Church Piano, Organ, Theory, Voice Culture. Ptupl s prepared, if desired, loss any of the exama.ning bediee iln Toronto on the London Cb'llege of Mus:,c (England., 'n ai grades and all ,branches, Specialr System for beginners Inc Janoforte Terms ye application. Auction Sale of 10U-lleod of Grade Cattle Mr; J. E. Lindsay will sell by pub- lic auction ' 1.frucefield,-on.b'rsday October 4th, commencang.at 1.30 o clock sharp, 100 head; of good Cattle, amongst which there Will be about 20 goodwenb' ed M 1 hCow a h ;balance Y s r• and two - 3 o a ea hugs a d o . ear -old Heifer's and Steers uS good quality. TEEMS -8 months pi edit ,n funnishin •opo o -+d 101 notes A discount of 4 per cent, stataighf allowed fol cash. J. E. Lawdsay, propeaetor; T, Gundry auctioneer. House for Sale A comfortable frame house, In good repair, gunner acne of land(, -with fruit trees, conyeneently lo- cated. This very coabfortable pro- perty will be sold cheap. Apply to 'MRS. JAS. TUCKER, Princess Street • Wanted Cook and kitchen girl wanted at cnce. Apply to MRS. J. RATTENBURY Rattenbury House :Colonist Excursions Sept. 25 to Oct. i o Spokane, Wash Nelson, B C . ....., .. Vancouver B C. @ Portland, Ore„ etc. ,-.• $46115 San Francisco Los Angeles Mexico City ono waysecond-class unc c.,ass from' CLIN TON Proportionate rates from all sta-• !:•ons !u Oaitario toabovo and other poits in Arizona, British Columbia, Caefonnia, Idaho, Mexico, Orelgon, Nevada, 'Texas, Utah and %easing- ton, Hunters ' Excursion Singe Pare :f. r Round Trip Going Dates October 7 to November8 to helots in Temagonu IJtc October 17 to November 9 To points in Temagami, Etc. t•i 'eluskoka Lakes, Lake 07' Bays, PennettoaNwgo,rtAhliWalt;c,i, n Ll»isksievfei,eJAd,rSgeyvle- , to Cobocon4 inclusive, Lindsay to Hali,burtee inclusio e, Madawasale to 1 arry, Sound-incluusivo, ' All tick- ets valid to return uarntl1 Thursday December 12th, 1912, ,except to pounts reached by steamier limes, Tuesday, November 12th, Secure tickets and fnllp ar lt icularsfrortGGsad Trunk Agents. Forfull particulars atickeke call on or write,— JOHN RANSFORD & SON, Agents A. 0. PATTISON. depot agent A,E. Duff,: disltriet passenger agent Utrton Station, Toronto,: Ont. rw