HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-10-03, Page 2• , ' .. " est reaSems ler , ' guarantee •Oltelletusexi3lain • '0 N ' • 1,, ' '• . h SOLD BIT- ' BYam , . . cell" and find &it' the why We soprompt-i back 1\e/OCIary•s . With • °Ur' ,, ' YOti Why the "`.$theshine, is :Called.. ..,, . ' " T 'li'e •.' •J Understudy of tile . ititto, ir, Sun. , 31D . ' , tdc-.., iSc Sutter lenient with, .I' enespirions, or terr0,-; f„.,44,,. ,pertioe's arreeted'et fail" bailee:, 'allowing .theme ' ' to letien triiien, lieee eteted ot ' /ailing ',Itheeni: and : thniti nermitting , tholes to • ig 0 o.u.ite11.11tee 'other 'fair. "Frottri, 1S.iiiturdayiee, dellye. Children- Cry' .' , FOR FLETCHER'S- . ..k-!•z4es A S T. 0 R • 11' A ' . WEEDS LONAHF1 SIDE ' , . , , . OP, THE ROAD. ' ' ' , . , , ,, „e„ ne, ,. leve , reached toe eceee-Vele,'"4"' let. see:Klee sown' eele, t it . nt tl ie. et t ion , .th lead in 'front -ei'f tbOl' pro.P,Drt, Ithardly ' Sednie Rea, etleak one ..tliaire,aneawil ee,sdhsoicio:i0,(1;cie/li,itexilliileciehdt;.flt,eettne7l. • aiid: hereby improve' the epeemirrince of anicl benefit the eenaitry and the man next, to hien faillOW: them (to. ,gr ow anernocleiebeid. Why 'not . an wage mem' on them...and clear the out enitie, ely? IL" IP .11_ • Ir _II...7 Aft On1/0041 b. , quickly stoes.ceeetis, cures colds, heals Me throat and lands •• • 25 cents.. . , Mlft.:DOWNE'Y'S VIEW. , • Speakling at the. meeting 01 ith,e Publec• Health, Con.ve.ntion iln To- 107110 MrJPDown.eyof Ceilia. ,. . . , , c superintendent of the. Otlittfier o elee thous.and f eeble-nui n dot) peoplo gave some interesting Btaeletlies. "There ' are " he ere•d, "at /least sl,,t eheeesan,d' fealicenal,ideid people, 1111 Cattle:to Of these pea:150)1y one- thati have been ideutifited, and •ar[o renewing scene atitoil Hon, But e gx oat ,ammy eerie aims to tear the penal:14es imposed' upon them either in -their °Wm hota es or hir ded Li 1110110Y ' . ' , 'WEAKEN' ' ' '''':,'' '' ... „. r, r , , , . . WOMEN. ,eseT 'pleei ilirille:Ptli P, ,e'ml5cP e0 that Wehawe ne'.ertietta Pr sheel4ers.' : ' ea• If t'. s,. I, disk :role:chine, wilt . 't9'lea'''' '' ' ' 't' '711Ste'll' aet'en , , . 1 0 8:. I -etaV stone eougeS, . cures oak's, heals • t e throat and tunes. , -. - - 25 &ants, ' ' 'I,' ' ' ' ' ' .` ' • ' ' ' - ' • PlIaXICIS ETO, ' • omeeroN B A fl li f.e' ,R. roliVoli,e °et:: 16002, el.:a ' • :' ' - : BUTLER's1 COURTSHIP , , -......_ . B El 1 FN 'D. plEmsTRtEr ,' : - . • ..., .... , . . ' '''' , . . , ' ' ' ' t r :,Cartl r ilAii.Y.C613411.Y....' sotei:...:' '1;f: 4Orr‘ ' ,. .. . , ,, ., . , ,New. 11(4,1:1411-41, lid S. ,ir c,ngthOkotaiti-• ' 'ed :.:::: 7. :sy''' .16.411' the.PI: r °V; ' tt doP:ice,‘'.'eP:n it , ttmese tweet-so:that' all of the surtae-e- ;Witt be, eiposed•and-be easily Washed? " A SS O'Clia6.0' . (Pedaled for 7711'6101 . ,, , , b'n.e(fesilll'ict1171)::lioc7taemn'suiefi:ii:ntirmil'F'u'X' ' . efax‘ es eneenSproveen,eliete, ' ' el ' ' ' IT; ' ' ' • ' , . . , extriiztoris B. MILLE Ocinneyariee, Notary public, In' Mc 11,ce 'Mt Dr, lill'illiankfe /Pink Pelle . .. ' ' -i- '• . , e . . . , t ', s• • ,hines may be so ecinstructed's that there' are °MY. a few pacts, and :,pet,thOiq few be,mere difilcult to weelie . and :keep. theaa thee a 'machine With a . , • , . . . 'greatenumber, . . e ' ' Huge Signa box ' f , The Signal -box at•St. Enoch Station, ' GlastOwe IS' the largest in , the:United ' Kingdom.' It, con tains 488 le/ere, ' • . ' REAL ESTATE AND iNSURANtr Issuer pil llearriaere Licensee ' Herren' se, poaBilotia alte:ix:allw,n. • "Pm, iota' . to, be ri-dardedi limeatn," said lanles,' "and,. I 'euPp'oee "Yen syent. Want', - ,, 4 ', ' ..,, '. , a' manie• ,nlan. f.91-., hutiel* ' ' , ., . ' . "Indeed,. Jaines,".I replied, ,"thatede. , , ' , , , ' PendS'elleen,yeal." " ' : '' , r e' ' ' ‘' -18 it beppiness 'vciu,re sayiti ?' „ `S.vvenilt: itin'ili,tqrYbenird. reebenee?" „my,. g, li.:1 some : . • ". ' `,_,,' . . .• ' . -,,' times' °Yee IPP ' haP,Pliss 'Inc"' smne,'' tunes unhePlfillee's• ' She's e wayWard , thing, and I can't always tell Met ,wbat $he's goire to do." ' ' . ' ' "what do you mean by that, ;lames?" "W ell, . ma'am,' one tine she'll cuddle up to me like a kitten to a warm bilek, and another she'll hardly sPeak to nap. And pm -always afraid that.she's gem' to fly ofe to eorac other ,feller." TaineS Was au excellent.man, and raked him very Leach, als eeeekne.ss placed me in an embarrassing positiOn, It seenied to me that he had given his heart to a eighty girl who would not conduce to his comfort' X didn't like to tell him so, and I didn't like to per mit him to walk into trouble without - , ' - - - - aTrni, ng him,, .' ' Ni hat you mention, James,',' I re" plied, "I would call the lighter fenii- nine traits, which you men seem in- Mined to relish." , "Yes, ma'am; thy re kittenish and mighty en° 'to the,Luan they're playin', With so long as they don't scamper off to play with some one else." "Don't you think that your girl aft- er marriage will settle dosvn and stick to you?" . "I dunno, ma'am, I don't think I be gocid lookin' enough to hold her." "Good looking enough! Why, games, 'good looks may attract a woman, la,u,e r " good looks alone will never hold het. "Don't you think so, ma'am" His gaze at me as he asked the ques- tion was pathetic, like clinging to a straw. "I know It, 1 replied. "Can't you bring your girl around some time and - let me see her?" "Certainly. I'm to see her Seand_ay night. I'll bring ber tben." • He did bring her, I• was surprised when I saw her, for she was but eine- teen and very pretty, vvhile James was thirty -Eve and homely. It was amus- Ing to see James look at me to learn if I approved or disapproved, and,' as for the gjr1, she a.ppeared very restless under inspection. I chatted with them on ordinary topics for awhlte; then t.ney went alwaY The, next morning, ft.' • br 1 ± .1 ' ti le Janies in the a ex ea r 111 , mee le hall, he asked me what 1 thought of bis girl. '`lean't telt from seeing her once," 1 said. "I woulci advise you not to hurry, If she's a good, reliable girl shell show it in time. If sbe isn't she'll Silo -9V 'that If she sticks to you far a few months wilbout backsliding it may be safe to marry her." ' "Yee', ma'am,'" said James. "I tbankGood you, ma'am." 1 s udied James' countenance from -e • time to time as an index of his feel- ings. It did not indicate that his en- gagement. 75I5 satisfactory, met one day he said to me: "lt's oT between my gial and me. At a dance She went off with another feller aed left nie Moue for the balanee o' the eeenine" , . " Why didn't you take up with an- „ „ , ?„ other gni , ,, „What toy, ma am? y, o . r ng your g 1 olege, Wli t b i i '1 t her senges. If she'd seen you attentive to another she would likely have shown that she wanted you, after all." "I'm not up to them rackets, medin• 1 jist told her It was off, and I itobld her what you said -ifs she was 11.11 r g t she'd show it, and if h wasa wrong she'd show it. She showed all wrong, and that is the end of it." "Web, James, try again, and " next • ' tnne Sifli "lir en 30m0 one more steady." Tames said, he' vvould not try again. • ' • • , , He'd liad enough a it_ Not long after tbis, wben It • was James' afternoon out, I was told that seme one was in the hall below tyho desired to' see rae. I went down and there was the .girl with whom' James • • . had broken. I fancied. s e ha a con- Hence to impart to ma,, so I led her 'upstairs into my bendoir. When there J asked her "what I coffid 50 ±01 her, "Make et up, if you pleese, mem; with' James." • e'l, make it lip with Jhmes?" "'Yes, mem. James hasn't get, uny sense about such mattets, and he re- 'entirely on von He's awful stnb- born. , If I wanted to see how Much he loved, me by a bit ee a flirt with another man,. instead of understandin` he just breaks It all "off yvith me, and we are." . , . . r r "Are you tnueb in love with him?"- " "Ceetain! Wby .shouldn't I be?" "Do you think you'll always love • Shure' . "What do you want me'to do?",. ,--, , ,. ' "Tell ,hini I, was foolitf." • ' "Why 'don't you tell him yobrself?" 'Me Won't believe. me. , He believe thOlIgh." ' "Very: web; I'll talk to him." ' The same , eeening,without telling or the visit, I rave. him 'e. little about the foibles, of women; eay- , „ . -thee he met .not take them too se- . . , . and advieed him, if he still Ili° girl, to give,' her another , if she f,elletl''again it would thne' enough to break with her per- , He took my adviee and It up with her She ha' made 'a very ,good wife, and jaraes gives credit Lot euglaeering the most Ira. -Part of Ws courtship. rrs, sebb, lt, I a eheea.... eoreee, ' l' 0' ,l.g Za' 4,c0i3if: `an,iy oeni fa ' : , , , 'pot to worrY. SiverY evosi'lamatitho head' :icefaleonesS over ei, geVre 41.01,1- feces,. shops, and la atones", isubjeet . . ,,Tee ' parte' . eoening en contact,' with . the eli`' ilk, shoUld be' 'may' ily .tinned, as "this :makes. we'sning easier an4 pre:'' . ' ' te 'eke parts from ruetine If the '..itIcqa's' Tea' , , over 170,000,000 lbs, of tea are teielteedd lirnpredeolnlYi.: 'rettt India te the • '' • • aE'T:o. 1.: nl, H T 'RANCE' NOtary Peb/ic, Conveyancer, P' • 1 d R 1 , , riesMtAteriireteonele-1/0Presentina n'oe.tml;ceereevooiti!Itonescie..,1Zyt.t isTliebjsee ,,d, coati; not GI eeeee'y' • • es,oseees „0:,1 eeiee, to setee, her , etteleineets:tee'lli;Etreeite.poe.sible 1 ts metre'. it le• very 'tedious , pee s „.start,,1 ,,...,. e ,..," - tee work 1.0 keep L'ee cleanMac"'ne,--7- e:l'er, no SeParator ls sa eenstracted- . , Forvvarding Bees' . TAT, bees may be sent by letter or within the United 14 Eire ra . Suraxwe Coraptialier.; ee. , . , krtViSien Court 011ieC . and te.huelell Up her ' tiVeteni. to Meet' any ineeistene. denier:1,db, Her future betieble de,pends 'upon et. •To.guard , that it cab be kePt clean and genital/ ' withoet taking it apart tenet" each,sele' parcel -poet Kitgdom provided they are Peeked: in suitable receptacles. ' Medit..,a1. .agtienst e breakdown in health the. bibod . Imust be kept rich, red and Nothing aration, In order to get the best re- ' sults from your machine wash .and . ,scald 'ail the part§ corning in contact ' DR I WTR014110Sed % , id geinn, Surgeon. BM Pare. Cart keep the ;blood in thin. toluene:ion, ' ..so well am Dr. Wirlitenes' .1.-',1.1- Pills ' Thev 1,:n‘ . . ,., ,,,,. ." ' s trengthen eeie nee:Mee/ re. se -1 ie :bring the, ki,o;W of I th,L1,ah-t1),.f. Vgjltl°!,,,'1 ahaek s, . and iioniew- ed energy to lest',eart people. Women *0040.1 . . . e Ivi.t.li the mill. aftet each sepaiati n, mast 'P'f the standard machines have . v . re el and horleontel gears, with . e lc - each end • of the Pilei oh hi . a bearing'. ,. , ., 'thas reducing the chance of :the gears moving out of 'Piece tMei minimum, and , SUFFERED ITU LA' E BACK . sneelal attention given to diseases of:lbs Eye, Ear, Throat, and NOE1), Erin carefully examined, and , suitoble t prescribed. Ogles and Residence. Tyro doors west of the Commercial gado( Moron SL • always . rest whenthe/ , should, but !they can keen .lthett' trenetth aud1ccep dI.seas,e• away by . th e o aces: ono) 1.110' or D le'd,r de 1:nins' pietic mil. orei,eor... floWn baS coner umioxnecteelv !Hwy ' ' ' '' ' ' ' men. obtain !new heiniell through th!,,s ' same medicine, Mrs. M.7'410-, this kind' of gearing wile 19211 -"for years witbout, any repair or"-ndiustMent it , the Machine ean 'be easily oiled. The oil and dirt should be evieecl off oeca-. gionallY and the betteings Wished with. coal oil, The Oiling of a separator should be as automatic: as WAS diOT ABLE TO STORIONTEEI UP ........-. Mr..9.•Grace, Hamilton, Out writes: "I was suffering with lame back, and for DRS. /MIN 'and RANDIER . Pr. W, Gunn, L,J1t. 0, P., L. li. 0.S.. Edits Dr • .1. 0, Gaudier. B.A. N.C. Office -Ontario Street Clinton. elight wile. at residence, Rattenburr St, or at hospital inns, Bever street, Toronto, says.: For several years I was almost a• eeinstaillt litrvalild, unable to do my housework and .speneding much .of • • e my teme inebeo. My reervee eeemeerl possible. The splash syste'm that is used 'on smile of' the separators makes the oiling au- tomatic, requiring attention about onceld a week. and with. an oil cup for the ' . . two weelo was not able to straighten up to walk,. and hardly able to sit down for the pains in my back, hips and legs. I had used different kinds of '11 t . . ' . , Pl. s, p s erse limments and medicines, without . DR. J. IN. SH Vif. • FEYSICIAN, BURGEON, , tenliWgtie„nanneetel°41.1=;essirtZaceT. Ha • luis, . 16/ 161W4M"'"WW; ' -i- Local News * gfAmlymmaymmigilk, Chil d.r e n Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C AS'TORIA TEE FALL FAIRS. Brussels , _Oetober -4. Fordwich: ...... ...October 6 Mayfield , * ,October 8-9 Dr. de Vates Female Pills with the criminal class for offences for which they should 'mot beheld ejlier nioe'ally or legally responsib- heel He lenge(' the tteevlsiorr am/ strengthendeee of the prereeint On- tario Act. `.0nlY hY'VtlirdnIg iJI1 au lAstit11110111 6110117d an icilaft beheepeld Reittoratinn 'to normality was km- possible. In.' conclusion he gaid : "With the we.11-lbol-do and (well -{dei- v eloped , practiwing race suicide ; and the p.aupers, degenleaeat es axles' and defecteyes ece,eleing 1., ore doubtful pleasure 01 largo families, there es some ' ground ,for the eugenics moveen mt." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S "Wag IS trilll 'ClOWIll w'r".41 oPt 'U.'? 1" • . that allany friends thought I wase • kJ a hope'ess decline. I wan as' pale as a (ionise. Twas so Lloo,dle.s,s that if I cut my 1fing,er . it would not bleed ; inylembd were swollen far beyond their n9lial size. Attila . - /east .exertiont rarhear t. would pal- .. neck bearing we have the .danger of the bot hearth.' reduced to a minimum. . Although a series of oil cups with the .snaP lever Proves very satisfactory': 'oil must he furnished the neck bearing either by means of a clip or a beavy oil pad, because tbe' "bowl travels at a relief. One day there was a B.B.B. book left at our door, and I read about Doan' KidneyiPills, and I decided to try them. Before r had half a box used I felt a great deal better, and by the time I had used two boxes I was cured. I have no hesita. tion in recommending DR. F. R. AXON moulwrisr CIOU'll and Bridge Work a SPeclaitir.7. Graduate of C,C.D,S... Chicago, and 2.0.11S 4: ronto itayli'eld Ma -1110/11111VS, 3lay let to Deccioth piltato violently, and I frequently had faEratiao. apells I was undo tdrtocisimtmeeenieet,,aboy:dee.00ldendoectaleresdabyntn.4t belabored brought home -some Dr, welianes pink pins ainc11 I be 'gale taiknig them. They, seemed to Igo i 3 ithie root f o elle tirembile, and in the course f dew 'the treinenclous sPeed and needs a constant . •• , , „ ..,, , . bath of MI to plevent heatin,„. rile lower bearing Of the spindle must also be so arranged as to be oiled constant- ly while the mac:bine iS in use. The other bearfugg must be provided for in some way or other and, as previouslY Stated, as nearly autorhatic as possilile. Doan's Kidttey pins to all suffering as I did, or from any illness arising`from diseased kidneys. fTor. centsreee ipt perof bporxi,ceor by Tboxesie d5i1:7e2rciceaotn50all dealers, or will be mailed Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. When ordering direct, specify "Doan's." DR. EL FOWLER., DENTIST. speoi0or ocaerse'otvaskrenO'trioEmIaLk,8Easetnotvaret, irese,i, maul as painless as possible. a. we,eks inn. - PrTnenent...they, were making ivais ((eh 0 Pn-1.1n:;. Grael.t.i.e.iIy us I cpu- tinned takin„, the -NA._ the While the construction of the cireing or frame of the machine may look iike it is Fat in For Sale THOMAS GU N DRY Live stock and sweihzig of my Melba -disappeared; the weak spells came less, •aci,c1 le,ss frequent- ly; tny .appetete greatly improved and fenaily I was corapletely mond and e•thle to do n "1 w .1- weeh „ .., ois .s. Later +my a secondary problem, really very essential for two reasons: First. does it protect the °aerator from gettine caught in the gears and chains? See • „„,,,' c,, it ,-, ,,,,,,,,,d Wit rm, ,,,, """' - "" "'"""`"" ` • ` g et at the gears and bearings eaelly to --- A first class farm, consisting of 15 acres, ola eon. 12e part lot 34,Eful- iett township, 3roiles from Londes- horo, and 5 miles front' Blyth, 11-2 miles from School. A bank ,barn 36 general Auction eav GODERIOH ONT 110 thl stou sales a specials ,r, (hems se • h% esew__Ens. odice, Clinton, prt motes atteuneer dibi",TiriveridS reasonable. Farmers sole riot* A reliable French regulator • never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. dean's are sold at S5 a box, or three for SIO. Mailed to any address. - , County Doings -,-.• ease, daughter Eisele. seemed to he tror.bled• with an- roM• ,and eve s'ave her the Piles waeeth ihe same go.Od xesults." Why suffer in. any et ay when you can begin curing youreelf to-/Eay clean tbem oecasjonuw. 5715 t•D20 (HA . _." . .. ., . the old oll or, in case of overflew, on,1: I blir 56, another barn 36x52, drive shed 24x40. A brick house, plenty of water, about am". tacro of or- rhard. Possession can be given right after harvest. Apply to 'WILLIAM LONGMAN, G. D. Maaggart M. D. MeTaggat iVicTaggart Broca ..... BANNERS The Seobell Anna Co., Bt. Cathmines. Ont. APATHETIC NOTICE . Tho followiing pathetic notice was ,an the Mount Forest Confeder- ate east week: Senator McMullen desires us to say to our readers that oeveng to the impaired eon- detion of his sight, he la una.ble to recognize many whom he mete on the roacl or sidewalk, He will be grateful to any, especially to ela fleeted's, when 'Weer. meett him to stop hem and speak to bim. auicely stops collet's, cur cOlds. heals the actual and lundu - 25 cents. , 210.1)1. sheidd., 4111 nine, 'Morals township sold )315 lino matched teamof roan geldings to J.Hoetton oi Rensall, dor the tidy sumo. $500. They -were only three years old hut tippe.d the scales at 2750 poeunds. The Alleinal Hotel, at Fordwieh h.a.s been /eased by Mr. jos. Biesivether- lek. Mr. J. W. Edgar, Gorrtei South. was an exhibitor at the Toronto Ex- hibition and ''sucenecied in 'sec-L=1171'g second prize for a sheaf oi °ate, in the Field 'Crop Competition. The a ttend ance at Brussels Con- tenuation School is lai ger theimov- M. this yeah', about filteen More than last year eveth Dr. WiiliamS' Pink Pills Sold by enedteine !dealers, or by mail GEORGE : . 7,, Myth,. P.P. ALBERT ST cLiwrom 7 la 50 cents a .box or six boxes for 0;2.'50 hen The Dr, Weliaans' Medi- e;e0 oclevi'te Ont - Co.,- ' ' , • . ' ELLIOTT Live Stock At General Alietioneer House for Sale or Rent . - ti. General Banking Bunialetles transacted for County of Huron. - NOTES DISCOUNTED elinto11, Out, Farm Stocic Sale a specialty. A 7 -roomed frame house on Huron Street, opposite. Co-mener- Drafts issued. Interest allowed cm depoeite, Onclers left at New Era Office, Mal Hotel, for ;sale or • to rent. . arra anD Clinton, promptly eattemincleti to. Ternels 'reason -able and eatisfaction guaranteed, Or can phone 13 on 1,57 Cioderich +fownship, House is being putin good order. Waterworks in connection. Apply MISS PORTER, Rattonbury Street The McKillop Mutual Fire insurance en .. . • arden BouRe Wanted Two !louses to Let Farm and Isolated Town Preps erty Only insured. OFFICERS, MINOR LOCALS. The politician's slogan is 'Get out the Vote." Tbe farmer's nowadays "Get LIN1IN6 THE EMPIRE , -- Wanted a good bouse -with Luod- The undersigned has two houses to let J B 'McLeen, President, Seaforth, • • Connelly, Vice J. -res., JUDGING A SEPARATOR. ern improvements. May puechase if 'suitable. Apply to A. FORBES, Clinton. , epply to Jacob Taylor -1 Godeech. T. E. Hays, See,-.Treas., Seaforth, es ill the, Crop."' • Thn,preeedente.d priees .on coal are prophesied, for • 'this . winten, 8u1110 671 the- know even. say that a substeltute for iihis precious, !fuel 18411 haVe to he found. If the Peat proposetion, about which we have heard so Much 1.3 to be. of enY 'service, surely now is the time to bring it along, ' Electric lZestorer for Men Phosphorite/ i: S9 e Y um u 1 e bodY toesigepsrzerr.sFoin;triestores --- South Africa Ready to Particpate in Wireless Scheme - One of the first of the "Britains beyond the seas" to express 'willing- , ' nese to participate in the se e hem of Empire wireless stations for the pur- pose of Imperial defence 7...: well as for commercial needs, is South Africa, The tlnio \ n Government has selected Pretoria . DIRECTORS. --.. Some of the Essential Things t,o Be e WANTED • J1OYS Pastore Laud -___. Jas, Connelly, Ilchnes'ville Solm Watt, Rai:lock ; G. Dale, Clit eon D. Considered Before Making Purchase, In an article of advice on separators A. W. Rudnick, assistant in dairying , in the Kansas State Agricultural col- For Various Departments --e- eAniely at the Office of Soule first class pasture land to be sold in lots to suit putchasers. At tractive eriees. Apply to John Ransforcl, CT' T. R. City Agent ; F. MeGrogor,Seafortb , J. EValkar Beechwood ; J G Grieve, , i 7.0D r-'13- epee -we -1s, B'reaeeagen;Wmeirt. hie,: Ewan, °neaten, , Each Director is Inspector of says: , , In buying a separator the most es- W. DOHERTY PIANO AND ORGAN CO., Limited, Clinton. Farm tor Safe. ' losses in his own district. AGENTS. smeatial points in be considered are: ,e, Tbe amount of 11: . nil to be' separat- ed, (2) the efficiency or the machine, (3) the life or durability of the ma- chine, (4) the ease of cleaningthe parts coming in contact with the 'milk, (5) . - the simple construction of and rigid- . i'' 1 1 Mir ft Pler %.,00 L..., 1 „I 51 1 ‘.., I N C OAL . ' YARDS ' ' Yards Opposite G. TX. Station ----- , The executor of the Southcombe Estate °Hein for sale 50 aeres - East half of lot 26, eon. 6, Hullett, A first-class farm, wen watered and improved, and with good buildings. Also the undersigned offera for sale, lot 291 con. 6, Hull- - P.obt. Smith, Harlock; Ed. Ifineli- ley, Seaforth; W. Chesney, Eg- mondvillel 3. W. lam Hoimenvillo, , Payments may be „made at The Morrish Clothing .Co., Clinton, or R.H. Cutt, Goderieh. vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness everted at once. Phosphonol ton make_ you a new ntan, „ Prlcek a 12ox. orkvo for es. Mailed to any address. The hicoball Drug CO.,StMatharittes. Ont. ' a -GESTION -ABLE SIDE SHOWS. iMr. ,T, Leckie Welson, provincial temerlintendent of lairs and ex- eatleitionl associations, eep,ores. to the Yovernment that the diaieetoes of ? i .1, :all deers in•their anxiety ' o i e .rease theee reeeenues issue pee- nets to questionable side .shows, Mese prenideldengs are in, con- 'seventeen of 'the provincial laws ender which.. gkfarate are Made Ito lho lairs and ef continued! will re-, ialt lin the le tihdrawal of the exanits. Mai. Willson also, comp:lab:10 thdt pollee), anagie.raftes are to a site at where a high-power ' station, similar to those which are to be installed .in other parts of the Empire, will be built. General Botha, , through Sir David Graaff, notified the , Secretary of State for .tho ColonieB and the Postinaster-General of the in- 13 e rn tention of his Government t d f Ymind 'a the cost of the installation, which is estimated at $400,000, . From the point of view of defence, the seheree as highly imperteent for - ' from the Pretoria station: the, aclminis- trative capital' of the Union will by day , ' d 1 ht b f it h' h - an n g , y means o s ig -power e . . . . e d duplex stationerece Ting and trans- mitting at the same time and fitted nese the , _ . . ._. lie or gems anci pinions, (61 t . ett, 100 acres. These farms may. be oiling device, (7) the construction of casing or framm . e The efficiency a the machine ic very ess p essential oint This does not re- All kinds of Coal on baud- Chestnut Solt Coal bought together or separately. JAMES SOUTHCOMBE. • abater!. JACQB TAYLO it P euraroxi . . , ,. fer alone as to whether the machine - Stove Blacksmith Eli rva,ce Coke Kennel Ford & lirkLeod Fire Life and Accident , Insurance .. . .. Coal and Wood Tile -2i, 3 and 4 .- inch size- . . `Ile Tile is of the very best . . qUallty. Brick to Order. We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Altalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We alway.s have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn ---o--- .53.1g:hest Market Prices - Real estate bought and sold Money to loan _ Office Issac Street, next door to New Era BEcAmE, so wEAK with automatic apparatus, be in corn- munioatior with both England and Australia,. ' . , paid for Hay ' and all 'Grains, . Grand Trunk Railiwil System , ... ri FoRB Es Ford & McLeod - Railway Time Table ____ . n [A ' rRoivi uidRKEA - • Had To Quit Work . - , Diarrhcea; especially if.kft to run any length of time, causes great weakeess, so the onfy thing te. prevent this is to ' cheek it on its first appearance. You . . will find that a few"doses 01 Dr . , Extract of Wild Strawberry Will do thiS mickly and effectively. Mr: Juo. R. ...hilderhOuse, Otillim. Ont writes:- „. ., ' When in Fort William, last summer; I Vas taken sick with diarehma, and ' .eesene so weak anti, sufferectsuch great min, I had to quit wrirk. Our menager ,dvised Me to by Dr., Fowler's Extraet ' f Wild Steavelierryesteoh'iny way honie bought a bottle, and.after 'Lakin four reses I Was cured. We alway'sf'keep ,a in the house. • We . ie ^ .'13' ., • ' l.,1 e ,,,, , 4.,,, e , • . ii e. 11 90 •, .. , ii, ' e ..„, , ,:. 4 ' 0 1 , , .` ci, ,.. ' , V • "e,,: aee * 4 17 'l . s ' lies ' there , . eine?" eee . S'011, Jameg talk , tug riouslye toyed c.hance, be uirinedtly. Made, bon ale portant ' London, Huron and 13ruce. rbono 52. amononmenownow„ North Passenger a If .ei it, . , . AAAAAAAALAAAAA.A.A.AAN,AkAAAA,41 4 4 4 "kw 4 i rialiOS 41 43 ' L. I 0., I* - ' I See and here our finest : 3 0, New Stylish clesic•ns of b' 0 0 A.I.B Before placing your orders for your Season's supply of Coal, get our pric,es. The very best goods carried in stock and saki at the towest possible price. Orders may he left at Davis & Rowland's Hardware store, or with . , 'W. J. Stevenso . I London doped.. „ . 8.50 a.m .4.50' p en Centralia 9.40 5.4,e 1 Exeter 9,53 5.5t. Benson 10,08 s.o5 Kippen - ...... 10.16 OAS Brucefield 10.30 0.80 olinton 1100 43.35 Londesboro 1L18 6.52 Blyth 11.27 MO. Belgrave 11.40 • 1.13 Win ha ' 1150 e m arrive7.35 - ' ' South Passenger Wingham, depart6.43 a,m 3.3a p tet Belgrave 6,64 544 • 'Fs ' uenece aerie), seeonerom , will skim clean when. skimming a 25 • /A 4 Doherty 'Pianos • and 1... 4 . . • 4 e. et , Orga,fIS, * „ At Electric Light Flaw/. ,A , seareessonsenseesammasslasseaciassmenassaissse . Blyth 7.08 3.56 . Londesboro 7,16 4.04- Ulixitoi3 7,50 423 Braaafiew 8,12 4,8e per cent or 30 per cent cream, but if one must furnish' a 40 pet t cent or 45 per cent creain will this Machine skim . cleaner thairany other providing other requirements are equal? , The separa- tor, with.eare.,in keeping the tempera- ture of the milk between 90 to 100 de- grees Pe having the machine. on' a solid foundation,. the' 4.)Orid Milling true and . • • turning the erank at the required sPeed,'stould not have, more than five- hundredths per cent of butter fat. in the skimmilk when ekinlmiug a 30 per . . cent cream." - ' ' ' A good separator with reasonable care and attention should last from ten., to fifteea yearg, With, few or no ie- Pairs- • ' ' • ' . , ' When ....4 '' ' „..i. t 4 sspecial values in Ar . ' t * -1 . . ' . ' •• mi. *". ."*.j ' ' . aeaSeS n. 4 , ' . ,' 11' 4 .7-). 4. 4 , r kanos and:organs rent ":i.' li ' ed , new 1.• 1choiceEdison 1 . • , . ' Pa .1e: . +a phonographs, Music 8z 1.. . .. 4 variety g,00ds. 1.• 4 ' t le nite Emporitim 4. . ,e. e , , , ' , 4 : the . j. , .1.. - --'-`- , S , 9 TT Boot IlEaker and Repairer upp,•-• ' • Opposite Postoffice, . , R ' ' ' done epairmg promptly. • c., ! ,. ' OUR cases and Trunl-‘s re- . 1 pai ed. ' . . . . A trial win convince you of . , . neatness and. piomptness . With which I 'execute' my work Rippen 8,23 4.47 Heneolli 8,32 4.52 Exeter.. 8.45 6.06 Centralia Londone`arrive 10.00 6.Ve Buffalo and (lode v.,.. West, Passenges a ra p 03 p TM rl 111 Stratford.. ..... .10,00 12,20 5,2,5 10.20 Mitchell 10,22 12,45 6.55 10.41 Seaforth .. . .. . , 10.45 1.10 0,38 11.12 Clinton 11.07 1,25 6.40 Ilet-N Holmegyine 11.16 ' 153 646 IL39 G.oderich ..... -11-35 150 7,05 1L5.5 East I ossmiglm , a in p in p ea Goderich 7.10 2.40 4.50 Hoiniee'vine..., 7.26 2.57 5,06 . Ohntou 735 3,07 8.15 Seatorth • 7.52 3.25 i'LZ Mitchell... . 8.16 3,48 5.55 • °We have alsoinsed.. ' ' :foe our children, and;find it an expellent. , imedy for surtuner complaint.". - . ., Price 35 Gents. When you go.to get a' ; • • • ottle 01 Dr. Fowler's," insist on being ' , ,ven 'what you ask for, as we,letrow ',Of ' ... any cases where enschmulour dealers ' . , Vra hapcied put some other preparation,: , The genuine is manufactured only hY ,• be T. Milburn Coe lehaltedi:''ret.etttee" i•t-, . - , , , P4 UTsUl-errie the late Emperor of Japan, 'who -died: . , ; a e, a .ei of 45 years, d i et ch tirce .Iapan etherged froni her ' • . • ' • centuries iof :Weep, and became one et the- most ' gree i d ree • .. . . ag e ve all prog - stye ef natione., Muttiuhito Was born TL . . 3 .8 ' • , e 0, .150 Nev. , e 52, an,d eame-ho the. th on . • , - ---------------- ' • ' • • - . . • .seee , ,_ CATOR I A „.„- ' e „e ' .rer Intants and Oladreia, . 14" 4 V . separator leint7 'al ara Vialm Mgr , . il, , , , .„,.., ....,0 the li Ai II- hit t Bears the we say th , I) at the pasts of the 'which come in contact with . ' 4 , el. 'I.. ' • , ' • Store . ...... .. , . S r t • .. , . o ,... . . . , . t a f rd. . 8 40 4.15 6 eill) rank • should be so consMucted as .4 b il I d cl t • f t o' e eas y c eane we o no Le e r o , number of .parts to be 'cleaned, but .1! the cezteltripatien' of these parte. rein . " ,,.. - Ila C Hoare w C. . . 0,, 4 „ . p 1 r. open .every evening ..,..amaciiampowli rr. 'TIT A rrirn • NEWERA 'TOB DEPARTMENT. ' ,/,.. , - the giguatime of - • . , - to a rfTYYT,VYTITitTIYILVIXTV:trei IS UP-TO-DAT,E. , 4