HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-10-03, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 47, No. 14
OCTOBER 3 1912
W. 1-d. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers
Would Like to Receive Budgets of News Each Week From All Its Correspondents.
Roya 1.Bapk
Head Office, Montreal
Icripilial Authorized
.. ;Capital Raid -lip - _ 11,500,000
Reserve and undivided
profits 12,5D0,000
Mr, W,'H. Mugkle a pioneer car-
tage agent at Toronto, is dead.
Tho first Canadian -built gas -
electric car came to Toronto from
Ifireston 1:uvder its own power.
Get ihlt• ,Bet. it, Pays.
Is well known as the rbr3r place
TOTAL `ASSETS 175,000,000
for sip ,.xr
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226 ;BRANC'HES band.D' oval$15000 were rec.nt1tyfill-
IWiitH world Tido connection*tiouconnection*ed
iby us. riite for 'Catalogue.
antere,st allowed on Depp,sets ,,: ..w maxonm" `."-
General t1am,kimg beeiinese fts{ans-
1 acted.
idiC E Polvdc "s
Colga,tea B'e1at
Colgate Violet
Colgtes 'Monad Violet
o t CashmereBouquet
CoIgatos Dactylis
Wiliama Karst
Williams Violet
Williams Carnation
Royal Rose
Royal Vinolia
FILIGIE-ECLAT. Wo !think it
one of 'the best.
a.E.i 1VI-+Y
Dispensieg Chemist.
Have y ou tried ;he new
Po FlourCarte? It. has
;been te;3ted and declared lex-.
ceilent by some of the best
cooks ie 'Clinton.
Potato. Flour Cake
Break 2 ogas into abowile 1
tablespoonful cold Water, beat
untie light, ads exadartily 1-2
cup sugar ; max -and sift bald
cup potato flour,
baking powder, quarter tea-
spoonful salt; combine zn x
tore; quarter Leaspoon1ul va-
nrcrcl1a; 1 tablespoon,fol melted
butter, sprin- 'wee, powde*
ed sugar. (Bak, i.0 to 26
Where do you get at ? Why
at O'Neil's, .only 200 package.
Phone 48
The Molsons Ban
lneorporated 5811115
Record of Progress for Five Years p906=1911
CAPITAL , $8,000,000.00 $4 0 000.00
RESEaVE 3,000,00000 4,600,000.00
DEPOrITS . . 23,677,730,00 35,042,311.00'
LOANS AND INVESTMENTS . 27,457,090.00 38,8851,8014.E
TOTAL ASSETS 33,090,192.00. 48,
• Agents and Correspondents in
Has 85 Branches %st Canada, and € , P
the Principal "ties in the World.
at all Branches.; Interest allowed at highest current rate. .
Clinton Branch, C E•DOWD1NG. Manager
WIHch da Y0ll PreIeF?
ERE are two brand new styles for Fall. The
Raglan -shoulder is very popular with the
high-class tailoring trade, and when styled
correctly, as shown, it is a very smart over -sack, The
button -through, patch pocket style is neat and stylish
ani makes a smart travelling or street coat. These are
only two of the twenty Overcoat styles we are showing
in the famous loth Century Brand make.
Another shipment of Sweaters just
r Deal For Everyligan.
A Square
father Splendid Weather,
of for Blyth fair.
Rev, Colin Fletcher, of Thames
Road Presbyterian church, Usborne, A Giaod Crowd Attended -List of
conducted the services in the Egmoud- I
Winners Announced
vine Presbyterian shoes last Sun h da
forenoon and in the Seaforth Presby-
terian church in the evening. At the
close of a most able and instructive
sermon on Sunday evening. 'Mr
Fletcher referred to the fact that the
drat sermon he had preached within
the bounds. of the Huron Presby-
tery was
resby.tery-was in the Egmonville church and
rhe second in the Seaforth church in
the evening, Iie,was then the youngest
minister in the Presbytery and now
be is the oldest in poiut of service. He
is now the 'only minister who was
then in thenow .
Presbytery who i is o a
member of it, and most of there have
Wane to their [final reward. We may
also say what, perhaps, is not known
co many of the members of the Sea-
forth congregation of the present day.
On the occasion when Mr. Fletcher
preached his first sermon to. the Sea
forth congregation the pastorate was
vacant. When they came to make
their selection Rev. Dr, Stewart was
the flrst choice for a call and Mr.
Fletcher the second, In the mean-
time Mr, Stewart had received a .call
to his present charge, so that Seaforth
lost them both. Mr. Stewart remain-
ed in his first and only charge until
about a year ago, when he was forced
to retire though ill health, and Mr.
Fletcher is still doing good service in
his first charge and is as math belov-
ed by bis people as he ever w,as.-(Sea-
forth Expositor) •
Teachers Met at Goderich
Miss Consitt, Hensall, is New
President of West Huron
Goderich, Sept, 27. -At the 35th an-
nual meetingof the West Huron
Teachers' Association, held in the
local collegiate yesterday, the follow-
ing in officers Were elected:
President, Miss A. E. Consitt, Hen-.
sail; vice-president, Mise M. A. Bai-
ley, Dugannon; secretary -treasurer..
W. H. Johnston, Kippen; councillors,
Mies Sharman and Miss Minims, Gode-
rieb; W. H. Graham, Orediton; Mr.
Rydatl, Rurondale; H. R. Long and
Inspector, A. M. Robertson,' Goderich,
and W, B. Weidenhamxner, Exeter.
Short lectures were given on physi-
cal culture and military drill by Wm.
McKay, of Mansell, and C. J. McGre-
gor, of Laurier, 11. R. Long spoke on
arithmetic for senior- third classes,
Mrs. Helen Mayberry. of the Strata
.ford Normal School, also gave a very
interesting talk on French and draw-
ing from models.
Short papers were . given. by Miss
Murray, of Exeter; J P. Hume, B. A.,
Goderich, and Mrs. Helen Mayberry.
The convention closed at noon, every-
one voting it the best and most in
etructive yet held.,
Blyth Induction
Rev, Mr. Turner Takes Over
Pastorate of Presbyterian
The induction of Rev. Mr. Turner,
B. A.. formerly of Norval, i into the
Presbyterian Church Blyth,
place last Thursday in the church.
There was a large crowd in attend-
ance to view the ceremony. This is
only the second induction here in 45
years. Rev. Mr. Carswell,' of Mc-
Killop, moderator of the Presbytery,
occupied the chair. .The first speaker
-was Rev. Mr. Wood, of Brucefleld
The moderator gave an invitation to
any visiting clergymen to come to the
front. He then congratulated the a
congregation on their choice of a
minister, Rev. Mr, Pearcy, of Landes-
boro, who has acted as interim
moderator during the vacancy, gave a
history of the workings of the church
since the church was declared vacant.
Rev. Mr. Small accepted the 'call to
lieepeler on Mav 24, and Rev. Mr.
Turner was introduced to the .'congre•
The questions were then prase ted
to Rev. Mr Turner by Rev. $Mr.
Grant. He answered them all favor-
ably. The ministers of the Presby
tery then welcomed Mr. Turner to the
Mr. Grant, of Clinton. addressed the
minister; Rev. Mr. Pearcy addressed
the people.
Messrs. R. Somers and A. Elcben
introduced the congregation to their
new minister as they passed out of
the church, after which all went to
the school room where the ladies had.
prepared a splendid supper.,
[13y Our Own Reporter,
The old reliable Fair, `under the
auspices of. the Blyth Agricultural
Society was held in Blyth on Tuesday
and Wednesday of this. week.
Although the weather had been 'bad
been bad for fairs this fall •the Fair
bad the best day of all and the show
went uff in' good style -and the Direct
ors are well satisted.
The officers and directors this year
are :-
President -• William Peliock; 1st
Vice• President -Duncan Laidlaw; 2nd
V'ce President -T. 13 Taylor, Secre
tary Treasurer - Witham Jackson;
Direclnrs-Williarii Gray, W Beacom
R. Harrison, le R. Sloan,' David Laid
law, A. B. Carr, R. G. McGowan, R•
Wightman and James Oufi,mg
The Clinton Band gave spleddid
satisfaction and rendered'p,n excellent'
program during the afternoon.
The 'speeding events were watched'
with 'interest and all were well con-
tested. Following were the winners -
2.40 0 Class -
Nettie, Dr. Clark ..... ...1 1 2 2 1
J. Johnston 3 3 1 1 2
Earl Kaplan, J. Reynolds..2 2 4 3 4
Lady Kaplan, T. Millet :..4 4 3 4 3
2.15 Claes
Road master, Murdock. , ... • .1. I, 1
Tony held, Coulter 2 2 2
Emma Direct, Farr 3 3 3
Green Race-
W. Lowry 1 1; 1
R. .Armstrong : 3 2 2
J. Johnson 2 3 8
Geo. E. Henderson, starter; WBea
com. L. Kennedy and R. Sloan were
the judges.
Following is the prize, list for the
outside department-
RORSES-Meavy Draught -Brood
mare with. foal.J. & ii.Dennis,-J. G
S eir • foe J. Speir
P , 1, .
2 year old gelding .or filly, 11 Dale
& Son, F. Toll; team df mares or
geldings,T:H• Tavlor, beat .four
colts, R. Newcombe 1 and 2; entire
colt 2 years old, Grey Bros.
Agricultural -Brood mare, Seale -
Elroy, Jas. Douglass; foal, Jas,
Douglas, J. McElroy; ' 2 year old
gelding or filly, Jas. Forster, W.',T,
Grieve; 1 year old gelding or filly
3. Caldwell; tear., of mares or gIe1d
ings, J. Forster 1 and 2.
Geeterat Purpose -Brood mare
Scott Bros., Prank Little; foal Scott
Bros. 1 and 2 ; 2 year old gelding or
filly, Scott Bros, 1 year old geld-
ing or filly. ' A. W. Sloan ; team.
mares orgelldings, Scott Bros,
Carriage -Brood mare, •R, G. Mc-
Gowan, C. Wightman ; foal R. G.
McGowan, C. W'ightman; 2 year old
gelding or filly, W. McGill, J. Par-
rott, 1
ar-rott,1 year old gelding ,: or filly,
Scott Bros. carriage team. A.'Bean
`Sunday School and
Epworth League
p 9.
The annual convention of the Sab-
bath Schools and Epworth Leagues of
the Goderich District of the Metbo-(
d st Church was held in the Seaforth
Methodist church on Tuesday and
Wednesday, September 23rd and 24th.>
The convention opened at two o'-
clock on Tuesday afternoop,:with de-
votional exercises and Bible reading
from Matthew 1Sbh chapter, by Rev.
Gem, Jewitt, of Blyth.
A. business committee was appointed
to attend to any business pertaining
to the convention.
A telegram' `of "greetings and best
wishes for a successful convention"was
read from Rev. Dr. Stephenson, of To-
ronto. A resolution Was passed that
this convention send greetings to the 1.
W. 0. T. U..' convention which was
then in session at Blytlr.
Rev. George Jewitt,of Blyth,gave an.'
address on "Essentials •• for a Suc-
cessful Sunday School." Mr. Jewitt
spoke of the many things thatwere es-
sential to -day that were not consid-
ered so a few years ago. Rev. R A.
Miller. of Auburn, District Sabbath.
School Secretary, read a report from
all the Sabbath Schools of the district.
A most interesting discussion followed
this report. • •
At six o'clock the delegates sat down
to supper provided by the Seaforth
friends in the basement of the church.
After all present, had enjoyed to the
trill this meal, Rev. J. H. Osterhout,
the President called ou all those pees -
env who had at any time attended
Alma College Summer School to tell
their impressions of the school. Each
and all who responded spoke very
highly of the benefits received frons
the Summer School: and urged all who
possibly could to attend next year.
The evening session opened at 7.45,
with a song service led by Rev. A. W
Brown,of Benmiller, Rev. ,k. Brown,of
Goderich, presiding.' Mr, F,S. Sauvage
ofSeaf Orth verywarmlyw lcoree the
delegates to Seforth. yMre A 111. Rob-
ertson, of Goderich, made a very fit-
ting reply to this address, Mr. 'Wal-
ter Willis, of Seaforth,sang a solo and
the choir rendered a beautiful anthem,
The convention is deeply indebted- to
the choir, who so cheerful y and ably
nave their service in song, and to Miss
Iva Dodde,the organist, who gave such
valuable service through all the ses-
Sione of the convention. This session
was closed by Rev. J. H. Osterhout,
demonstrating the use of the lantern
in Sunday School and $,pworthLeague
Wednesday opened with 'an early
morning prayer meeting. The first
session of the convention opened with
devotional exercises and Bible Reading
by Rev. Dr. Medd, of Goderieb. Re-
ports were read from the District Lea-
gue Secretary, the District League
Treasurer, and the District Missionary
Vice -President, A discussion on these
reports followed. Miss L. Carr, of
Blyth, District Vice-Pesideat. RRave a
demonstration of.a0hristianEndeavor
meeting. This conducted of eong,pray-
er and a very interesting talk on"Con•
secretion," by Rev. Mr. Allin• of 'On-
Jtoadsters--$road bare 'WTaylor tario street church, Clinton. Mre.
Scott Bros,; 2 year old gelding or splendid to on unior pwort ea.
gue work. Mre. Osterhout has bad ex -
1 yea L. O. Charlesworth, A-'Holmea perience in Junior League work and
1 year old loci, , g or fillyri Scott spoke of its great importance to the
Bros ns W Sloa6 ,single driver, r uphuitding of the church and the:
C. Johnston, G. Keys; sweepstakes
best lnare or gelding any class, L. nation.
,O. Charlesworth •- tem mares or' At Wednesday afternoon session
gelding, Scott, Bros., G. R` Dale,.T. the photographer wao present and be.
H. Bone. fore the convention opened took sew-
Goderich; Berry' eral pictures of the church, which was
Brucefi s- very beautifully decorated, and the
kt delegates. Rev. R. J. McOormiek B,A.
CATTLE-Durhants-Vow with of Holmeeville, conducted devotional
calf, J. Barr 1 and 2; 2 year old excerclses and Bible reading. Dr.'Wal
heifer, D. Laidlaw , J.Barr i 1 year lace Crawford,. of China, was present.
old heifer J..Barr, J. G Speir, brei- Dr.Orawford had beautiful embroidery
ler' calf, J. Barr 1 and 1; Bull, T. H and work of the Chinese, and also
7 ayior, J.Barr'; hull calf, J. Barr, D. curios from China, These interested
'look, herd, bull end two females, J those present very much, as did Dr.
Barr. Orawford's talk. The convention was
Aberde' n Angus -Cow with calf very fortunate in securing so interest
JJHaggitt Scott Bros' foal WTaylor I (Rev) Osteykout f LondN.lesboro,hgate a
' in a speaker as Dr. Crawford. ;
Deo. Robertson, 1 and 2; 2 year old,, rev. J. F. Knight, M. A„of Charing
heifer, J.11, BJne, f oold heifer Croee,con.ducted a Round Table0onfer•
G Robertson, J,' H. Bonene ; heifCr cifepee on the Citizenship ' Departmeot.
El. Robertson,, J. H. Bone, bun calf, ,' This was not. only interesting but very
G. Robertson,' 1 and 2'; bull 2 years
.1.11. Bone; herd, neo. Robertson. Epprofitable to those present. Miss M.B.
rrateof Auburn, demonstrrted a L' it -
'Grade -Cow with calf, R:13. Har- erary 'deeding. Those taking part
r'son l and 2 2 year old ileii,er,'k.. R. were Miss Levis, of Clinton, who rend -
J. Barr, R.R. 'Harrison ; heifer Harrison J. Barr ; 1 year if heifer ered a piano solo ; ;Mise Alice Bell, of
er calf, Londesboro, gave a paper on "Music
3. Barr; 'steer calf, J, Barr, R ,R. .and its Influence" ; Miss Allin,of Clin-
Harriso"n; 2 year old Meer Jarnpe ton, sang a solo ; Mr. Naylor, of Sea-
Hellfrosr„ 1 and 2 one year old forth, gave a paper on "heading and
steer, J. Re11rosi H. Edwards ; hlerd What to Read," and Mies L. Carr, of
1 and 2, fat cow or Ire1'f er, R. R. Har
risons J. Barr; 3 stock steers, James
Befdron ; beet animal eweepstakee,
T. H. ,Taylor.
,e Judge -'E.11. Wise.
SHEEP-Cotswo.d -Ram, ram
iamb, aged ewes, 'W -Fisher,
Leicester -Rain, J. Snell ; sherlung
ram Jas. Shell, R. Richmond ; ram
lamlb C. Wightman, W. 'Fisher;
shearling ewes, J. Snell, R,- Ridh-
e eve' R ieb
mond ; aged ew s, J. nf� , . R
. R. Harrrsoni; fat steer, J. Helffron Blyth, Bang a solo.
The closing session of the conven-
tion closed with a song service, .the
President, Rev. 3. 11. Osterhout, in
the chair. The business 'committee:.
gave the following report : (1) That as
sabbath School workers it is our buss-
nees to devise the beet means to cher-
ish and to unfold the Divine seed of
immortality that is implanted in every
human heart. That the SabbathSchool
moat continue to exist more and more
for efinite.reli sous instruction.
would recommend that empbasis ' be
laid upon the necessity of organizing
teacher training classes in every Sun-
day School if pbesible. (2) T, at where,
as the Sunday School has distinct
obligation in view of the ebur 's pre.
sent duty to the non-Christian world,.
the Sunday .School being an integral
part of the church, and nota separate
and distinct organization,tbat . we re-,
commend the adoptionof the following
miesionarypolicy for every. Sunday
School l+iet, education ; eecond pray-
er•;; third, gifts'; fourth,' a sincere' ef-
fort to secure missionary recruits.'
(3) That we rejoice over noble aims
and accomplishments of Epworth Lea-
gues in the past year. We rejoice in
the splendid achievements of our rep
resentative Rev. G. G. Harris, in the
foreign field, and in the privilege that
is ours of taking a past in this great
work. We would therefore recommend
that the Epworth Leagues of this Dis-.
i ttheir appreciation in a
trrr� show e r appreciat on i
large increase in their giving, to the
Forward Movement, That we express
our hearty, appreciation to the' follow-
ing choir and who
have so gladly and willingly led us in
the service of song and praiee ; to the
decoratingcommrttee,who have taken
so much pains in decorating this beaut--
rfui building for our joy c,nd comfort ;'
s to the.Trustee Board, who hays given
us tufa magnificient church in which
to hold our convention ; to the congre-
gation, who have said by word and
action "Our homes aro your homes'! ;
to the adult Bible Class and the ladies,.
who provided the repast for us
last evening, and that the pastor, Rev.
Mr. Barker, convey these expressions
of. apiireciation to hie• congregation;
next Sabbath.
Rev, J. H. Osterhout then introduc
ed the district officers for the folloa-
ing year, ' They are as follows :
H rn, president, J. E. Ford, Olin -
toe President, Rey. A: W. Barker,
Seaforth ;:first vice-president, Mise L.
Carr, Blyth; second vice, Miss D. A.
Holmes, l3�olwesville ; third vice, Miss
M. E. Erratt,auburn ; fourth vice,Mr,
0. ill. Robertson, Goderich ; fifth' vice,
Miss D.C. Cantelon,Olinton ; secretaty
Mr. John Button, Seaforth ; treasurer,
Miss M. Lyon, Londesboro ; district
representative to Conference, Rev. R.
J. J. McCormick,Holrnesville ;, district
Sabbath School secretary, Rey, R. A.
Miller, Auburn . secretary temperance
and moral reform, Rev. A: W. Barker,
The President, Rev. Mr. Barker, in
replying to his introduction, said the,
mottoes for the coming year for the
Epworth League and Sabbath School
should be "others"and 'All at 55.'
Dr:: Wallace Crawford and Rev.3. F.
Knight both gave very interesting' ad.
dresses, and the choir beautiful. music.
This brought to a close a very success-
ful and helpful convention,
The fifteenth annual Convention of
the Huron Cou t Woman', Christ-
ians q
ians Temperance Union was held at
Blyth on Tuesday, and Wednesday,
September 24th and 25th, presided
over by Mrs. Follick, of Exeter, Coun-
ty President.
The attendance was good -represent-
ing the 7 unions -and the reports from
each specially encouraging.
The County Union operates 12 or 13
Departments: - Evangelistic. Sailors,
Franchise, Prisons, Parlor meetings,
Press, Anti -Narcotics, Temperance In
Sunday Schools, Law enforcement,'
Flower Mission, -Systematic Giving,
Purity and Mother's Meetings,- and
Medal Contest, each one under the
t direction of a Superintendent.
The work connected with prison
visitation and sailors has to do chiefly
with Goderich, and is well attended
to by those in charge- The vessels
callingthere arevisited,and
Withwhat is known as "Comfort
Bags." `These contain a number of
useful articles, such as Literature,
needles and thread,: buttons,bandages,
etc and a Testament. Clinton arae
complimented on' sending 6, well filled
taking the. lead.
A most interesting event was:a
medal contest on Tuesdayevening.
The Church was well filled, and the
evening very enjoyable. After some
exercises by some of the juniors, and
a spirited address • by the Rev. Mr.
Pearcy. Presbyterian' minister from
Londeeboro, the contest was introduc-
ed, and, by the way, Mr. Pearcy is a
thorough, pronounced prohibitionist.
The contestants, 5 or 6 in number.
were from several of the unions, rang -
ng from 10 up to 16 'years, who in
former contest had won the .silver
medal, and now were contesting for
the gold medal, and the judges were
Rep. Mr. Pearcy, and Mrs. A. T.
Cooper, and two other ladies. The
recitations all bad bearing upon the
Temperance question, and were listen-
ed to with intense interest. The prize
was won by a 18 year old boy from
Exeter, Maine I think is the name.
It was a masterly recitation. The
rest were commended and presented
with a neat souvenior pin.
Complimentary resolutions were
passed by the Convention in the
following order. To the Minister of
Militia, the Ron. Col. Samuel Hughes
for the stand taken by him in the en.
'orcement of the anti.oanteen Law-
ToJohnson,our Inspector Oliver In -
To D
speetor foe his stand in the enforce.
ment of the License `Law.
To our devoted', Missionary, Miss
Sproule,: and to the trustees of the
Church and the friends who so kindly
entertained the delegates.
Pres. -Mrs. Follick, Exeter
Vice -Mies Sarah Bendy. Blyth
Cor -Sec.-Mrs. Fitten, Exeter
Rec•Sec., -Mies Allen, Goderich
Treas-Mrs. Rev. Sharpe, Exeter
Evangelistic -Mrs. Davidson, God-
erich '
Sailors -Mrs. Howell, Goderich
Franchise -Mies Mulvey, Wingham
Prisons -Mrs. Holland, Goderich
Parlor Meetings -Mrs. Buchanan,
Press - Mies Williams, Zurich
Anti -Narcotics -Mrs. Robb, Brussels
Temperance in S. S. -Mrs. Harland,
Lumbermen -Mrs, Rends,' Brussels
Flower Mission - Mrs, Davidson,
Systematic Giving -Mrs. Bender,
Medan Contest -Miss 3. S. Murray,
Mother's Meetings -Mies Bentley,
mond; ewe lambs, J. Snell, R:Rich
Boron Students At London mond. '
Any other •breed -Ram lamb, lew•ee
E ehearlimg ewes, W. Fis'hler ;fat sheep
J. Snell, C. Wightman,
PIGS -1 orasniro- Hoar, brood
l sow, J. Alton ; boar littered 1912; 3.
C. Powney, J. Alton ; sow littered in
Those from Huron Co„ who are at- 1912, F1. 'Haggitt, J. Alton..
tending the London Normal School 'Tamworth -Boar, W: T. Grieve ;
are given below. Those who are, listed ,brood sow, W. T.- Gs:eve, W„Oke,
in Grade A have .,already bad exper- sow, 'W. Oke 1 ani 2.,
•Improved B rk hire-B'oar 'brood
fence as teachers and will write :e e , , .
der,r their -
examinations at waster.' The remain.
theh- sow, J. Alton; boar littered 1912, W.
der, or Gristle B, will not complete Oke, J. Alton; omit, littered 1912 J.
course until June:- Alton 1 and 2.
Grade A. Judge -C. Bern bridge.
1'OUL Y-Tnirkeas, J.C, Powney
Mary L. De ell, in ham, geese, J Alton 1 and 2 ;
Rouen ducks
Beatrice H, Rowe, Wroxeter, J. J. Ilaggitt ; other 'chucks, J: Alton
Emma' R. Keyes. Varna,: '1~.R. `S'loam; Wyandottes, J. Alton;
y Leghorns white, Laidlaw Bros, J
ldary Polley, t odes ich• . Barr ; Leghorn, brown ,Mrs. How -
Lottie A. Robinson Goderieb. rie E. Ha itt
other Se horns G.
, b'"g , leg
o dosis Mre
1 Coo roe
1 and li u
Grade :B,i
�i Howrie; IMinorcas, J. G. Speir, Jae
i,mmelett Holland, HoImesvlII0 Alton ;Brahana% J. G. Spoir•,, 1 and 2
Sara Petty Heneall. h' -'• ac .Mr 'How
b -ac kSpanish; Lange , s.
rie • Dorkinge
3. Alton,
Virgil rl Cobb of Toronto, allegro "riaWyandottes silver, Mrs. How -
was shot in the thigh during a 1 ria; lVyan,dottes any other, J. G.
quarrel. ' , Speir; A:ndalusians, 'Mrs, Howrie
Right Hon. Walter H. Long ad-.. red ,genre, E, Hag gitt;Bant'.,ms,Mr
dressed ' allargo anti -home rude Howrie; red cap, J.,Barr ; ,barred
t' t M B '1 t'l t o termed oe Page 6
Want Local option
In fifty
Wingham, Clinton, • Brussels,
Exeter Included.
ti a assay- BE , a oron, O, e n' u r.
The Ontario branch of the Domin-
ion Alliance has definitely decided to
introduce local option campaigns this
year in some any Ontario municipali
ties, more ' than half of • which are
large sized towns and cities, including
Peterboro, Lindsay, St. Marys, Wing
ham, Clinton, Essex and Parkhill,
The proyinee has been c]ivided into
six parts, and field secretaries will
" now until Janu
be kept busy
from x
ary ::I, organizing committiees and
arranging for the introduction of by
laws fax the suppression of the liquor
ofthe munici ahties
traffic' Sp
which will be tried this year` live
been unsuccesefuly contested before,
but the outlook • is regarded as most,
o"b bylaws
the passing f aw
favorable for p g v
n^xt January,
The following; is a list of places
where contests will be held next New
Yearn Day:
Notify y IJP
1f yonu'•feel run down, of you
,are molt enjoying the good
health that should be yours,
wo know that in a very ehorlt
*Lae .a,bottae of
115cxall Wine of Cod .
, • Liver Oil
'Will snake you well,and strong
Take aux'^I guarantee !for pit,
there its no better. body build
er. Sold only at the
.q.. Holmes
Phrn. B.
SUL• I �
Now in Stock
FOR the past nine years
we have catered for
Men's Custom-made Tailor-
ing. producing style and
workmanship fully guaran-
teed. Keeping none but
competent workmen, equal
to any in large cities, and
Clothes lot lien
at prices consistent with ex-
pense, and much below city
Why pay big prices for
factory -made clothes when
you can get a suit made to
your measure at home, by
an experienced cutter and
practical tailors, from
$20400 10 $25,00
We've seen others come
and go, but we are here to
stay. Using the same motto
as when we started:
Neil's 'tailors and furnishers
Arthur township, Arthur village
Aurora, Brancroft, Bistard and Bur
gess, Bayfield, Blyth, Brock township,.
Bruesele, Burleigh and Anstruther
township, Clinton. Drummond town
ship, Dutton, North Easthope, South
Easthope, Elms township, Escir90r.
Front. Essex, Fergus, : Fitzroy tower,
ehip,Glencoe, Kincardine. King towns
ship, Lindsay, Markdale, Me$iillop.
township, Meaford, Monteagle town
ship, Morrie, Mount Forest, Newboro,
Nichol township North Gower town
ehip,Oshawa, Peterboro, Port Stanley.
Springfield, Stephen township, $5..
Marys, Tiverton, Turnberry township,
Walkerton, Westport, Whitby, Wing; .'
bane, Oakville, Orrville, Georgetown-.
• 4.
• . .•y. C,+
Three aviators wee • killed while
fCrying in the Uaited States,
Robt.Sutton, caretaker of St;'t°1ro.-
Mae 'Church, St. Catharines,' died
ttnddonliy early yes relay Morning -
Eddie, six-year-0il1 son of Janrep•.
Keleher, 'Gulelph, was drowned in a
pond in an ir!nused quarry hack- off':
his home.
Drell, G. Lackner' has resigned -
les seat in the Lepisiaturle for
North 'Waterloo, to,becomie Sheriff
t county.
ofWa Waterloo cou
i e
The �Conserva# v cony !e tin '
on' wild
behdLd aoext Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, ,Bugg werae
given by Judge Barron itStratford
leix weeks to get out of Canada, or
go to penitentiary and pay costs of' prosecution for ill-treating 'Mr
B,egg's Tittle ,boy,