HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-09-26, Page 12g, , , is - . ... ., .. M r''19'° *7^ • * : ki 1, IQ Q s+i!/�" •r , , �,, &- , , ". I I e7l In --� et I . �� Co 11- ,; d ���t' ManyI. ' ?� ` ' ;' Coalsilabbee h,',aatill, dressed' rile wo, a d `tr A* Y . ran _kze At,tlne tliuesfziln'g ofR Richard �' ;` Mts, John Riley. and children o "'bO)r was baleen,""toA"iexattdra;:Hoev ter, 4tItVine %j + t m Ptoe ,.; :so, . , Wedding' Gift n, �. ,; I pr ,. 4ir,•,IS ♦OwA9alip; !g44d. ,,5 .. oJi , 13ruoe'Field, is visiting at Mr, Bi R}legs, Niltah where )lie 1s nrnW neeove11.1 , .Work was chole b, • . , P. ' and W1111 ILil el b of -t' , Y E.Shcrebo"ttom s 1ld i I A veep quiet wedding took place on r t "Y e u ,again oma ntacb:1-ii ie viz 800 ,b.ueh :s , , , el of oats put ® 'Vednesday afbannoon at 2 q'aloek, at :week oa le V. Had ,there :Leon; no ono through im!l4 '� R �'�ilXlt. the residence of„ near g e9s than 2 J-° �� pit 1(1L12 h:4utch.' - ' When h a,lllrs. flarnih Cooper, a itohellp, 'lite boy tpoxtld Rilave �'atl'whga't.lavers,ged 3•fj,bwshe4$ t .. her g and, daughter; Miss 'been mueh ?store sen,ously+hurrt. the acre abed wa's a. One -a'atm a a`9' S a Evolgn Pollard was married to Ma Oats x,am. 40:bwshele;, per' 'vheit volt are purchasing a ° William Venus, of Bengali Rev. Mr, Last S u •,,. Present it is a matteirt . of , Qeterhout, of Londeaboro of Suit -Aev„ Mr. l,aeklabd . 8 ., 4 zn „berating, lhnllltt of Wroxeter me amu 9y .: c led the sad Bars , .,A Durin file est dew Money, azud, W1uat Sou wart} We exGendour congratulat;ona. 'The.,, Mr. Thomas c ;,o :o: g II, we'Its we have been lr,. Nolt}>nn, el e. young couple M Mzllan, of Hullott, ot,ithe deatJz.offltas' tett r "i,n,1V '. ,s, "J ep�¢15y, e , ehv g g, p e have taken up there rest. delivefied-in Seafcrth a. few days a o Zealam r d^.,• , 1 0;' slit!! 7I. and 13Clno' Their this is our stor dense in Aensall . ;tuber-- !i Y g a d. the local pwetor will .,, ,' 1? into stock teat #nen TRCyd �. works, the ,groom oath of very fine export steers. share cfrn blue"symp'atha Of the 'Co a° ` and attrnCtive llne5 1 , £or What you' tvamt as, Z.e41� There were t34 in the lotand the e o.f ith"'I P ] e Ol Fall IB9A 4'alltl!r L'i'd ile.Mise q w re,: s localft a,uel his hot aWja a'ad at the lowest he Sunday,sel%ool. intend having a ` sold'• to DSc, Jame Site y nJ and we would 0os4,ible T a, of Dubiin, for , cliarge,s. d 11e delighted to !lave y1�U COme Rn and.' price. Rally day service on Sunday, ',Spptsm. $7,60 per :hundred l weight, ' Eaxi A ,good variety of aril;' s er 29th, when a roe seryl ill wars. Y 'k'Oay meaning balsa, the, rhFa eltamine, the o•oods and CO �'� n a toilet-- ®ur valines: Never be- y •e held. ce w be M Themas McMichael and Son death occurn{ed' at her hohiiey 'M•an �.U'� , solelctetd frown laz'rge stocks and Messrs, George Daleand Son, at,- street al � fore have we SNOW n su h Mrs: Jiss. Cook is yisitin ]te _ _ C e7CC 1Dtional varies in comsa$tutzg o,f Exetctr, of Mary Dorene, WOO o- 11 - p rived hove from the London Fair on of 'Mr, Fm(a,nl¢ Wrirght, ibl --earn+th w. eats 'Mr, 'and Mrs. T. Adams, of 'Saturday forenoon last, 'whit then+ a y , r Silver Blyth fora whtle.r fine string,oN prize horses a ` in her 65tlls �y e::ur. "De•cenale ! braid DOl$ YOl�l' N�at�9l1. �.3118eS �ttd CQD-9idlr�en rs 10 antles nd colts. been all foy about ti,im° znopr(tlie o'f .al9t Children's Ser .e' Dl'e�se5 Cut class They made quite an imposing• been dropsy. , Corm�d��p� � � � , .. ante romfug uP Main street and are a. - Ladies 3299 Children's All'S �L79' BratreTlcld " Particularly fin lot. There- were. The Methodilst clvlrrclt, at Grlawid If NOlt, let us repair it for , . �i ���' )VAUCy China three stallions, sevavai breed' m ]3t d, is being pazar,led and t 0111at d. It you Rev. Mr, Richardson, of Kip pen, and foe g ,ares Rev. !P1% Good*; n?aY be only dint Don't • , Cliaelk 16tc d uglit venal colt--, all of the tt •>ns•wllo alas f'oa• cleantn on. Y, and nand n t fail' to see these,4jbefore bin buying. preached in the Presbyterian Church heavy draught class, also Mr tlie'pas,t yesx ,hecto' "tis's,stamt to W. gr stop" for lack of O,i011' I on Sabbath last. His sermons were Michael's fine pacing DIC Forster, atMoaumit Carmel , - Whatever the Reas don't ;The 'goods are nierv,rbeau i mtu;li appreelated by his hearer--: P g mare rind a Perp leP@ bat 13om, dont day - tl,fn l and mioderin• nn d-esig!n, On Sabbath next the Child 4andBorne roadster yearling.- Sea- Tuesday Sor St I'h0m•as, wheal-- ,he Y �rE give thoaough exanz5na - ' and superioi+ quell ten's Sun- forth ]ilxpositor.] l aniten,cls to reurain, tLon and r.egu1atzoat FREE, CY day will be in the ed iri the Presbyter• Albert Moss'er purchased tlhe 100 Anything, ig Bargains in all L,in es Off '�u Summer U,Dods &etadgwarten{s for waitches ion Church in the mornin A s erfa[ Y g, moa.-- eOats'as little as g P acre fattxt' two anile and a half west sart!sfactory work can , done. • -We maks la Speciality dren on will be preached to the -chid= London Read 01''Naunt Caraiiel, ov:med ,by Ed, ft - During Balance of Se tetln her :handlcug hilph-grae aches deco, who will occupy the froat seats un for the sawn d 6,900, ` ' Y of the Church, Lots of rain. o � Mt•. Moss- •----o�---.r • REPAIRING of Watches Mr. Spackman has begun the exec- Mr. and Mrs, James Nott left on er whll. tape posse-sbiOn at once.. . ` ' Clocks and Jewelery u el'1 and tion of a cement bridge near Mr, Kit: Wednesday for their home in Algoma Mlldndght ,Crro;' owned by ,Mt(: " I chen's. Jt is much needed as the old by way of the 90D. Peed Orr. Wio. h m AA* ja r� promptly dome. i a- wan Fail, � , one has been condbmed spine time a o- Mn Jas. Urfch, Wilhui] Crich and lin tho wagon' z^see at J,om,do'n F'aih I --- Satisfacbhon Guaranteed, Mr's. Geo. Mair and family g Layton went Wednesday an the last week. �1"Imsteel Bros e have Aomeseekers Excursion to New on. 'Mr. Geo, Lamont, late G. T. R, Jeweler and Optician v moved a. home Ch, where they put- tario, They will go as far as Coeb e. agent at)Wh gbam, has .beeln a - 7�,� SMALL PROFITS chaseda. home. the have many If the are satisfied the ° Pa,"mlted a e)ult for th • ;same row Issuer Ot lllllarl'l.`L,a.0 E9iOlil$e& nIOIlGIF% HiITSkN1E d warm friends an the village who re• y Y will Cake up g e W. �, �r v grettheirdeparturefrom our .,,midst. land. panty at"Appyn. I. .1 the connntity+s: fill 't hoajrs'e e��yA�1 John Wise. of.Tnekeremitlt, has sold Mr. Stevenson continues very low, At 4 0 clock, 'W'ed'nesday after, his fatty to Mr. D. Duenot near Am- 'ae be is over 911 years of age there is n'OiOnt Septewi;be 11th this linin!-- of front many view points the elate meas ..v.,�., her, Mr. Wise intends moving to not much hope of his recovery, 'Mr. wad Mrro. B. II, r.["aylor, East a horse show, All aft -*InroO:- was n •' JEWELER and OPTICIAN town to live. 7'he farm is rz 1{ord one On Monday evening the fog that fell Waw'anosh, w•as. the ,sOene of a requ.mgd to judge the horses, n a lElElEhl IaE$T1E1/ FTEE with good buildings. seemed to blight top of the pots. "Pretty tt InidlSng when tlreia ,slee0tnd Gram: and Seeds. ��I� Richard Cartwright ��� Miss Ahie Cart -has returned to God- toes. daughter, Anmfe E;; was united In Gra?inr and "wed's' tie•°e ,th,o head-' erfeh after spending. her vacation at around here-llooking n several Micor far�uais fen biers a rf on`no a to IbI:: A4,bbrt E. 'W,a1sh, .lrmiers •fn the agritvltural depart home. g • y, f East Wawanosh :;n fNhe ittem,t. 'Hardy ft'hiits, apples seed; ° 9 Miss Helen McDonald has returned presence %o-f'f]fty g-gestsy Re'v.R.A opera tveme m,uell im,svid; `� I (j41J from visiting at the home of• her sic- Muller of Aubur}n, --nee and �� �������� ���� nn �jlarllk1 assisted by!Will ,t,is seed ,Untara4's .finest so3Dd an G 11W �Q�� ��,��� shoot ter, Mrs. Ross, of S a Bllair, ille. Londe5i►oro J. Taylor, brother tri, -lacy ,of tiro p2e 6s;growry a,rlownd Zurich. Plnms James Ross of Straithclair, Mani• Miss Keziah kl, Brown left on Mon• t.ifde, peaafarmed the. r'erlemon,y, grapes and the _mallei fruits' off robe, is visiting his father, Mr Rose, day to attend Stratford Normal Pe4iltiolns are in ciacw'(altInn .alt ti:i,s season' were shown mot .for who is ill. School. W°,ngham a;9kin,g the council to quantity, but for anality, 1 p September � �tl lilll 30, A number from our vicinity yttend- After a fortnighYa visit with Mrs. take n vote ,on locai oPtio,n alt,the Hauldieraft of the i,-,,ks o,f ' ftY3 001 9 Caflada S Forenf alt ° UNC Man u �� �' IH�� N�� ��� liQ�: e U � ed the Seaforth Pair. A nodi num- Susan Crawford and other relatives in Janmiai'y e',ect:(ans, The " petitiomis cutch eettieine'nt w ,A y • her of prizes for horses came to our this vicinity, Mrs, Robert Johnston are ,be'Inlg fl;alrfgely signeld, thew dts'played,ia I neighborhood. returned to her home in Toronto On Miss Minnie Campbell,oyer f1,00M otf,the main ,build ®"`�� ����° Result ���° 9�I 'il+@9'����i�, IF Miss, Mahle Turner has' returned Saturday lase o,f;Ma ie daughter i'n,g, and it, is winderfwl wilst thio � ?� The Hueon County Rifle League from risitinn zrelatives at Drayton, guise resting of the Women's Watt• Campbell, Quebecteiesmt � oumg woman can do' .along these The re Goideriel., rv4to has ,been on lite s6aff tones. (Carpets, l lancets, kn(rttetl marsh 3Ousntittee met at Dungannon Rev H•''�oods conducted the An• Institute will be held fn the Forresters O;t!the .tetet•!''Il:rgh schooi'-,, has ,te- shawls, aind erabrci.der' bo' on September 6th to make arrange- niversary sermons in Aill's Green, on Hall on Thursday, October 3rd .it 2:30 cepted 'the) pos:`ition orf commercial demise i;n xio me In plea's li bore eve_ FOR GALL meats for the fall shoot. The next Sabbath last, P. m. Ali ladies invited to attend. spec',aliat of Sarnia :Collegiate I fact. � u e of phis A ������� �AfoJ A �®��� 0� LIBERAL �i���� 11 match will ire held at St. Augustine Rev, Pearcy returned borne last Fri• Institute, CattY;e and pouiLzy a et1e; cit bit- on September 30th, The ranges will day but Mrs,' Pearcy remained with Aiier anil.ilmess extendi ,g ovlet 15 ,•d, ,tV, the displays were 1lbbit be 200 yards and 500 yards :number Portees 11%1! iter pal+eats. years, caiiigitnatiho• in l�ttto'StOn Sept. 24. -Sir Richard Cart;vriol3t' Of shot$, five to score and one sighter. Miss Florence Elliott returned home Messrs. Asquith and Johnston got a but same yaars ago devel op mlalgiria the fa!supheld tOP 11 V `1Ock e,nd of g ` p `I a !lied with Position, prone, shorting off the on Saturday,having spent the summer carload Of coke for the evaporator and to,a para yt$c s`_ k g , and mast a'ttentiion was great suddenness 3t I i.25 O'clock this forenOOn. He was elbows. Shooting to comnlenceat 9 withher brothers in the West. are now taking iu a les rand will Craclr n V; t ,stroke, e, M.s. Me- gzvcur'totills department, a, m. The y g PP e S c ort street Godes Mr. ,Jacob Haaiber r, d a ilei:-- • lis- an inmate at the General 1iO5pital. prize list has been re ised Mr. Johnston of Manitoba, is visit- start work ay Few days, rich, passed ,raw ay on. Tuesd and enlarged, The range ofFIrers ap• ing at'WVm. Jotinston's, Wednesday was hog shipping day ].�st,?rnhcr 75t4t a, I•lay of honey, Mr, R, S. Stade hind llPointed are John Web.9ter. Geo. Leslie Cox has returned home after and quite a lot were on hand, I?d&V The £oiloth year• an exltiibitionl of horn., s, and Ma•. At ten o'clock a Consultation of •doctors decided that his isteblut, A. Boyd and Robt. Me- spending a mootp in the west, $500 f 3espatrh ,tensa' J, ]?getter, ofst,wes. There w.as a life tva5 rapidly aSSino and the roved t o Allister. I egister keepers a The chicken shi g Qttatva appear;mM, in the 1VLai1 .amu fele Sj,ilwOr exhibit, an'd as innght be y p Y p o be right. The appointed Anniversary services will he held in here again pPin is 0n the go' EhnpLe is good riewa for'Goderich: exprected iln this German dist 'c venerable statesman lapsed into unCO115C10U5n s are.: F. D, M:tcLenn,tn, C. Asquith, Bethel Church on Sande September Arran+geanentls have be n r t, e5riJ[ to 11i5 I. Miller. D Glenn, W. Bisset and D. 9th, Services 'will be conducted by W Brigham has rented his cottage for ttnlarlg:n' t ie ImaOs 't ,fiwi0 showing O,f 0aiio:ns, from the .demise. Beecroft. The manageruent tyii[ en Rev McCot•mick at to:30, '30 and 7 € g rte 9.aa•bor facilities Dutch s"et,o np to the+ ,big w,+nRea- to a Win baro citizen named DIr q ' I ,;,eh o meet (he inarrtitising o,niron. Pre eat*es olid ]s"oma eOok deavor to obtain two markers from o'clock. A 'lhanit offering will be Rc'herteon. divisional headquatrtPrs for use on the taken at each service, needs under l:b traffic. A whiiief ,is :Ing formed an appet;zInl 'section of Heart failure Was the immediate 'Cause of his death, al Theze are indications of rot :salon st i g range the day of the shoot. Score the potistoes but not much g nOty wnt or cons there; ll c d:s la The potatoes shown though Sir Richard underwent iii operation f colds will be used as at Poing Ftu'tn. 2'here iasome harvest out yet, Late and a contra--`.; w:ts. also, Ie't fon• tine are rreeordybrfiakers ' O si;e for p or hernia Ye At the shoot held, Point Farm in e dredaii In and 1feasnll pas, flax, millett and buckwheat. g filling Of 50,000 t 's district, Gently. June last there was a special prize of There are some of th'e citizens En the yards favi t4to a'c�v Goveriumce"; - $5Offered by W. R. Telly be anyone Sept, 2I. -Robert •Dewey was' bad- north part having a new drain made •e10vator ,at PoirtN Arrth'ur,7' The Prise, Wfnmeils.. Lady Cartwright and Other nlelRibers �f the lair ii were making a `°possible" on the range that ]Y bola tf at t:nO Ilensall Tlouat a4li!I1 to the creek on the east side o£ the Messrs,, Ntrabeagall[ R Son, foe+trt,cr wehm tardier tv:ats tryLng-,!tox1aliev:eia rOs:,denfta orftGadba'ich, ,suiitured a Am,omg the prize winateas in the at his bedside in his fast moments. }his end was peaceful. ,day, As t re-- pPzsOne, the, Reid, of road. vagi of contests prize w Dungannon, and Bisset and Gold- comveyo: wh6eh had become clo severe loss, ,at P'mr'ry Sound list 1r!xin co ,teitn:mer, JOhm'1 a0f, H. thrope, of Colborne, each made a "pos. ^d h:is hand ryas caught. IIis week, w'heai, t'h`:er factory was I;ader C. Ratner, 41r,, ' � The funeral will be private . sible, there was some uncertainty as fingers "were .badly crushed, and thle Stanley burned, $m,ih D, to who was entitled to the prize. flesh ,to+n, orff fire back of (t9te Dir. PeCer Douglas, Of Hensall, and Dignan, John Deeper, Finally Mr, "Kelly suggested that the hand, The cords of -the ashm• ,below Itis brother in•Iaw from Detroit, were egetablea--War Rider. Alolnze matter be left in the hands of- the rhe elbow visiting their sister, Mrs, Atex, Sparks Poster, Bort:' CIM*, bowls Rader ' l were badly dhlimn,. Dr. g P. Ernest Rader, 'V, Brook, J. Btaown, � � t � � r ' t League match committee, with the NIMhss rmtrd is•.o,tt -ef him' at the end of last week. Goodly Crowds °,rl� 3I fala AiRx a++r++6 sol ut following.result: '1'hetl.ree men'who Miss 1VIortom, evaugelis't, Tomopnrto Mrs. John McCowan Jr„ wag in 7ui 1. made ` pnssiblee" at Yant ]rearm on a:altes charge of 1±h . London last week with her daughter, ate Arts -Thos Jo'lunsbn., J, �, Jane 1st lo-tsb will shoot off the ria, 1ho Met1t,dist !Church next Sunday Grace. pg Forest, F', J, Wi,ekwile. for kir. ICel,y's prize of $5, at St A Kitchen Shower: -Miss MargaretD�t� j'rj+j1 Laaei,s ti''orlc-P, J. Wiekv%ire, Ro- ThO late S}: Re:tarcli Cartwright t1+ ctvem;rag, fair land Dyer, 'Ml.s. F, Mess, g ........................ *4. Augustine range. throe al -e o the lianSeI1 Petty has � one rto Loaf- Isabella DfcEwen on Thursday after- 5U0•yard raligP, Ali throe are to shoat dom,, where Ore has seeulrgdi a good noon, of last week entertained a large Flowers -TKOs. JOhesO'n, George ryas ,thy o4drst sun, of f.he laleRie + + at the same ttu,e, and any rnan not Campbell, g. R. Je,hasoxl, B v Cartttright, chaplain• _o the f }Mill + posiltiorn, nttmper Of relatives friends, The iira;lns and Seeds -Geo. Clausius, force at Kingston, Anitartio, Ills NGS FOR WHICi11 A pp ez8nt will'forfeit his chair to srtid E, J. 'Carltlsie and sister, lVlgs, chief feature of the entertainment Apples and Plums Feature Fruit U. Ti•umnicir•, J. Brown Lou' aran,dfather sv.as Run. 'Richard,, + HoUday; OfIndian Bead, tubo, Otara was a kitchen shower for Miss Eliza. s Wurptt (az twzuz'ltt s Lint + .SIR RICIIAI�II A� I The prize list for the fall shot is as beth McEwen. 7?he re Alex. 1Ra0nie, ted Empire Loyal Follows : I and vasitirg their. paab�ttts, rMr presents were )exhibit Heavy Horses in Po,tiltr is t, and a Loxsuer, line;,: cif rite + lMra.ICamllusle, od Alberta street, numerous and useful and a vary pleas• Y --• W, I.% Battier, A. G, f,bt, nd Pleas an U """ lst-League Medal, have rebuained tO't'16e wase ' ant tint-- was spent, Plenty -Poultry Ciood, Cilaws�vu4 B'C!:u'k, Frad Brock C, peer Casabda, ' * + 2nd- $$ 00, hits. John Gilmour,Mra. Alex Thom. Trwmmcitt and aftertyazlcls a member 0,f the + + 3rd - 87 50 Trackmieni are ,busy putting fm the son and Mr Huh Gilmour were I t .BnFm•e C�onfederatfoii + T'he above l5st includes only win, Leg�stative 'COuaoil. 1 + addrrtiomiNl switches lotto G. R visiting friends in Hugh on Friday nerd whose ,uannes appear moxa Si;r Ricli tad was boL',n in KiWR- j * 15.33 1807 -Lennox and At? - 4th to 0lh- 1 00 each, yard, and woatk on,the new ;staltu°Ii of last week, 5eaforth, Sept, 20.-Pexlfee't than once on tffte 1.Lst Of awards, ' Ston om Dec. 4, teas. 3a was eau- ♦ din ton in tile 7th to 9th -1 .,50 %s ill lieithti next ,in ordeal. Married: -On Tuesday afternoon at weather favoeed: bhe din --trots of g e Parliament Of 10th to 12th I.2 • Mrs. B, Tihoanpson is seriously ill the Seaforth fall:? fair, held he•de to- CO-nlcert .at Night, catod at Trnnity Co''l.:ge, Dublir-, I ++ Old Canada, t 13th to 15th 1.25 " the home of Mr, and Mrs, Daniel 1n,1859 he was mar;ied to Francds, + 16th. to 19th-1.of) ' " and bort J;ift(tle hope Ofrecover,y is Gingerich, Brontion Line, Hay, was day, and asazeawlt animnsemrc A comrcert was gin Hu in the town rho otdeat darrlhlet of Cul.ALes, • ACCer Confederation, 2.. > „ cn'tertaynsd. Crowd Was hall and !t was a elation, +* th to .,9••d- .75 the scene u a happy event, when their a t, ,was The packed. 14,[easr$. 4V Law O, of -Cork, li pland.'' He sat i or_ •+y c + A 24th to 29th- .50 eldest daughter M'ss Emma was tatdoor department, rens fully up ko T. 11Tel;drwm, Floyd McPli,ari and G. Lennox and Adrl;lnolnit fr�',m 1863 ' + 1„ 6r 1878 -Lennox, in !louse + Usual tyro prizes, amounting to $G, united in marriage to DIF, Valentino the stan,d!a cl R. all clas'srs. There Mirlifga,n-, and Misses :Ethel Thom,p- 101867, for L on..ox fti0ma 1867 'to I + of Uonunons, 1)efPated in + Goderich Gerber, of Stanley. The ceremony ryas an�exce' t.n.t display of1ruit, sow, and +^d(nfa L, Slmutiu,ofLolatien, tO 1678. rfor on ,was de1867 toIl. + ISiS. "' On Wednesday at the faer gronun;da was performed by Rev. Bender, of especially 'apples ,a,rid pi iniv. The contrilbutea to,an excelfemt mzwsicad Flo ryas the 'meiniter for ; tx: The Watson Tradung Co, and- the a Viarge ,hoary 1re:;u,g; .exhibited by Tavistock, in the presence of a number leading ;features o'f the outsido ItrogxamThe co!nce t was much em- Izuro>v A e 1S751552 -Centre' IIuron, 14TeNe,11 Brols, b oke duct of of invited guests. We, wish the ou❑ depat tmonk was 'the horses, les- ]0'Yad and served as a ,flitting close dram NO . embe., 1878, to r + Contested Centre 'W abs Iron Wolthcs are new Indus- pelirt Y K , g se May, 1882 aaci Tor SOuth IIu¢'o,n Wellington . rules in NOI'theru C!nrario's conn. t' i couple a bi 1 er5a:,1 the •heavier --]assns. 1n for rtha m oorymakiing of the: day, and sled named Gen, Newtna Ppy wedded life, t Y y' in 1SS ,hut was defeated, Lromi December, .883, to 1887, He , + ' merci.al arid malnutaetazlin'g evolu- bmploybd by them, tried' to drive The marriage of Mies Elizabeth Ann cattle, sheep amrd swine ,Cbp. torr -, rePpe,sented South ,Oxford from 1887 I + tyo,n,,. It,back' but 'the a,almlaii becomtin third daughter of Mr, and MrF, Mal- PeUlti it was mot so keen, a:Ithoug4r + 1S&31897 -South 1-Iuron g the uaiut , a un,twl 1904, In Septeatl,ber, of 1904 he am,grY niwshed •atliim and knocldni --alar Mchwen, of tins township to q Y oif the andmra+ls was off T p /�(� i r t + + 3887.19 4 -South Oxford + Sib ,Wilfurid' Laurier hard. a rids Win; down (made ,a,nasty Robert McLaren, of 1lensall, took the ,best: LinpoiIUIT 'tire emafr(v' liisit 1 �la �II'lj�j� ��j� +� was $'ia ed: 4o he Senaft , by Earl I + y gash tvi,th, �ll1� Grey, { + M01-1912 In the Senate + Over the National Traneconitilnentla,l bile tusks l.in ore of 'bier iib (s Place on Wednesday at; the home of was fw11y as'large as'foirfiner vs'arf;, . $ and addressed alar,ge gathemim , g fie' ( the bride's parents. .Phe ceremony rt,me r e ;r fi,�r bird-- beteg ,z,ha;c-n. Has Early Career, I +O+iM�N+4�+i+i4+� g iR fore anyone co ti id inteiifevet Two Record i++.++ 4 the'rouncRiouse at Cochracte, ingdicail an'fn; who were; was conducted by liev, Dr. Stewart, T:he horse xiaces unci other leve',rts" finflanciall e m cart fbY, t Formerly pastor of Willis Church. The were frnrtea�dyt1ng and lexeitifn and Six Richard he O o -e. i Co i, to 0f tb,e bride who was given away by leer, rosuted,as followa: g (s, and wysaiti;, oldest ,Con civet,+�a fumilics in fy J'rbmiea• dureiwig father wore a gown of white Silk - Upper Canada, st>d bn the eaY,by the absence of SO' W lllrid Lawrieu} and 2.40 trot -••1 nom le'on, J Ttr ar er U r ser was attended by Miss Mary McLaren, p y Des ire 'the Rain R®Cel is days of his pttbl,ic life gave 5,ndf- O'ur tame$- in 1897, 1907 and 19.11- g g Seaif Geen,:2 SieterEthel. r, Kling' p P Show .;,dual Su ( O wa a,dOle, ail to Wasfh9ngto¢i1 sinter of the room. The room` was o t lapoit to Ser John �. Dl:ac g' e ���'C�'C�I, supportedhq Mr. William 'McEwen. Substantial Surplus Over Donald, Sane° file Ya'eifzc --carded urian o08oat Itopaumote bate,rr�,_ OPPORTUNITY LJjj��� Mar Dougal " playe8 the wedding. 2,50 pace -1, Roadml.,vster jo., IT An Former in 1873 he acti>d %!t ,h n•nci m'as's ,adore .bdtWe,0 Pahada and ' the m ch. Over45 uests were l'Iau•dock,',Ilenisall, L Tb'zi,y Reda, J. Y mer Year, member of the Liber a,, p1TItIV, f,i8;st States. FOR A LIVE MAY Ili C'LiNT(�N Afterdeleunerthe happpy coupleeleft, Coulter, Goderi'ch. 3 Ea,i,l Chaplin, ----- tinder 'MaeKOnz5e, meat um"dam,,, He proposed a,ont comimissiom, on the afternoon train froml3rucefield J Ranalxl', Q.:'intoo. Make, and later S:Irt'Wi1b id Latirl- j and reprtjsented Canada 'om ' hie TO snake some Clean, honest mon-- o' for London and other Solithern towlis Qunater .uUl:a foot ra _ The Coderich fall fail, , tate biggest ter. , ttnglo•-A ner:can jo1-tt high conn - y, , iving information and on their return will live a.t Elea• - ee, open 1 success in its history from a Iinaracial Dui ing its eaar:y days "be ryas ! nscl$siom zat Quebec in 1,808 alnd art t to those who have requestCd lt, re ardin an Ofio sell• Thebrundsome presents testified F Sm6th, Seafosth ;"".%NJ. M•Lovuga!li standpoint, drew to a rloee asst Wed resLd nk o8 the O a li wash:,ngton in 1838 , !nal Yrotter,rs 911, 1 e nt ztiO lR,elfolrhn a and 1833: g z, to the high esteem in which the bride nesday night, and the committee in C-10 r!!n !Toronto and late o: th IIs was a orated aanentber Western ToWnsite---p, of a subdivision. This is a gen- half m,ide ,bicycle race. open -1W, char a are bein rl f e 1 , pp , • of g :end groom are held: The house was Hwdsan r i : g , being on all Eastern U''bsa'ao 1.ili a) dssocia- the p.:n y councrl to 1902. Iii YJpB tlelnenS proposition, and we Want'onlV inen 0l nod IPrettilydecoratedwith flowers. ,7 Egmont.,:1le; .2 Russell sides. The receipts show a highly t;:on, r be decl:ilned th appointinieat of ,aye, Sealorth substantial surplus pier last year, He was.DIi,Wster ofFinamcc Ia"Ile ,Lletntem�ant-jGoveiaior oif .Ohr,t'a0'i'o SCdridin; who will not misrepresent, Address IN yard a ash; ojre; -,t, U. 1Yle- despite the fact that it rained the re• and a aiin 1a 1��t b' P .�lackeat-ie rdm:.nlstra:;on frAm ter refi;sea'rie accept ��ES ' , O . Johvt}11OI Porte is 11It ;_2, 19 , Gr,ieve caediog Tuesday night and nearly aU "1873 ,to 1878, amid su:bae oen'tl wh`4e the bDfvice. In 1908 he carried !shit a TERN CANADA REAL ESTATE CO. ��linty �mlt : ,'9 1?. wednesdaymorning. ;n O `! y sure 5ui favofr of old abe,anm Opposition waS ,he �n,fef speraker Ozitiea• a•.�... - Stock Exhibit Poor. oi,has partly on r-0 iscal ",subjec'M " Itaperval Pede at,low. 11 204 KENT IIUII.1)INO, TORONTO. In debate he dev,e',open great' ' A quiet ,but very prett • we dial � -I.' , u The Feati:t exhibit b ae well ti to the 1 was he who su � <t was so.lemncized at the T area q� p standard, P powers of orat,ary, maeb superiroz It ggestt d .Chart �� f liil0�da ug the apples and Io.any Of Nis, oponenta or fNiejnds, Canada, with ht„s c1Ose acquaim�taniee ; Road Presbyterian, chavrcli Om ;Wed- l HYI Ufl ears werecieooid of --gine. Owing to conditions ,belt -.u. the ltd tblac " Missy the lack otstifflcient sun. 'Phe roots and Was onr;ry ithvaled bv'lion, Wil- pn Ghrlst room, Sept, Yl'th, whets• . thfs year weep ver ai' Liam llaAc.ti a'1'! and +ir Gecri" etPV . ,%ad the Mother C'ou;•tr7; ,and wdlt'h I zanta Louisa Itussoll6 out s ecfinene. The f Y rn and pont ftcrss. !Hi,ars aeecla in seco;iida the t•s fnew Idle and vigor reaching oult I ,yeruingest daughter of'Mh•. and Mrs. '�� P owl, while not quite C. fad towards bath @he o Ig strength so numerous in other veto of thanks to the'volaniteeas Old andAller me(w uss'eu Exeter NomltQt was years. were • •" `� David It 1 -- p, ur.•vted in Marriage to Mr: Robert ' of. good quality. The biggest fall away who served t1b4 ilglt Niue NortRi wos;lieLa, could ,b° th'c lnerclyum Eliot To P VvaS'�r a E' " "" a, Pa pest xebell!nn .eotill ill ar od las lvow..d ,bryng about ,an, al'lianee° orf "Dur Ar 1C�I Ti:nmey of dna T ov�nshi 1 i pl? • red to be in the horses and ;cat _ g t� Mr: IW ism, p' Ek tie. What exhibite there i One Of the reat¢s.t " :m,as(ier feces the English -speaking peoples of th(a•' BRINGS ['�' (j �g� zdlra®t IBan rows, a ifortner hibit of Horses a I+eatute A ain weFo m this g p C USTOM QQ BACK 1-kinow.n: ho; I- g department were of the best in uali f prir'hilamenitary; eloquence 1Gverr tvoAd,'whi,ch ,mo cortibination of In!alt . ,+?, BACK u;el to keepor •o!f1tF7xet- r _ q ty. no,ns dare trrea't li ht:y , , er, havirng Syr several e ir� tut the.entrces'inconnection, with all dela,vered sli Ca.lradu, In his later" .. ; g 0r whaae qq a ,kept , , farmatockwasfarf, earshef Irefully vst.-,.faanan,de they daiT df,sr ard: f Fiarntture buyers at this store invariably come back theiC:ormmereval'House dte,d un.. a from Y u y a atned h> r,eput�a _ S' , S a Y Zurich, ort }; . ,..z, u_ as in other ears. t:ati, as or •' r d.(sp ped to urge the d,tsar:misa'ne'nit s r.�tc l . Y Thts Neatute of the ie of Catnada s bees est the „ When they merit IriOCe,' and bCing ,their frtehds with them. snormm�g at his 'hom=e 'im 'Regitt2t lural' flair' e'mca was br our t ! fair has been tallin n,rb'cic speak -S. of tg world. .. Saak, - „h ora g back of the 'late, A : , (lose yea'terlday, mus', : �.t r ss, 'Ln and%unless tbe'mann --rent a -" , Sir Riehair,ld way tltel;.a'uthor , of To 11Ete Our Furniture is ,CO prove that it is 3S OOd a5 1 M=• James Earl passeld, away alt � m keR u Leader 'nS levers! it, + en,ate. paunrplalets, iiicitiding ''oo'o t bras'honne atE,1jmvrill ' on cyte of two hebyY ','aiS? snoweaja' epactal effort to make air improve- ( n .loo, s, and that is sa inn' a wh�ole`lot, g' 4 WOInday yesterda• a t ,: ment .otic r f - , contamin his recollect! ' le .hat rlroat e, arra will reap the bene- In,Jwly,' 1879, lee ,v.as created, a Ii, g , e, lens of the S £ er6,on .Ile k o;ni£elderata,on Pstip l ' y a last after randllmess been, nq tpgowe ryas imr,faii'sii'i'ng, and:' the`rain,Ad 'tits, C.M. and r ` Substantial Furniture can be foci ht h su erf nd has ,begin, aai. Lkiuele r G., a f oar July, .1896, meas In 1911 he I " ere at "Ii]0118 m rot mi ,;any way mist, the memir,y Races Good-, filimister''o. 'T ad nd ----tore! 0fn.- T, r.; (elrl3lat g Y sufrfaneal rtnd'his'd;emiWe wasm!ot izm. .nakyni f a( a ,a Cor ; Of. DetnVcrac :'' Saving rates. - Why not secure ' what You need .. -now lo'oked' Ser: 'H w"s h 7 g Some good race the Lauriler Administr n y : g s were pulled , pl'i, a atV .. IIs ,, while rices are s y R I W : d'W He nn is rLstyea- A'lthrough the wea`her wasIthr'eit feature of teas the Gow rhrtenr ' I; p o favorable. Att1 eibq bought Fid. 'Val- ena7u all rn which was ,the 2,2J, .rpt, .; , e lead' tin the ,. - ".::,• perks 100 arra feunm near D h gg -pro .imi", Lda ch ,town, .od; resulting as st did zn: a` close, , ul Senate since 190, and rias wren n . ,ea as wood, .l:y ,,t e, bilg brass band, turned' on,_ The res ' as the fast life, Iw 1.. ' and Wil1•italre p ti , ajz passesgion April let, nr. full I£osce, fib stn alts follow., member in public life of ;;• • : fir, . S, J,a» e r ',itips..'and aQtops MaNauis Luck O 11aeLenzfe's ,Old Gavard'a * " a' S, of ala: were.clased; steel e , : b : ' R ,w 1:,:.: • •1 w , t in„` �xetler.,last e u . ;, . ti,!ory.4dy weart Colter,:Glodertch, ,.:, ,:. , r Ttn Say 1909 heora ent rt,l C, M w ek loolfutig aftl�+ hta ',to :khas,, ;3 , >, , r e e aagWtd, ANKDIANI- I. , NE&IC1S.•, ' ' faux: isz.ar9r,,an,to,w.nj w e F i ?ter "t, ►nMlie a e1 err, G4dertrh,,,.. L 3 :at:a lrangrwFt by rile U rt , rb r , AA',On � !�„i � , Ple busilaPils., Mit, :uta' e. ".. ti 2 �,,t 'A Irz e t-, , i,.,., ,,. t.,� tsY and„bus lo, cart st e. 1!l>jjj. a.:f;a1w i .lj7iteon,,Ltie b,.r d , ..g th '" <tive a�p le. 14riq c yr.. 3,: 1;f,4.' im'0m e a lau thii�'s�atexs ,of: „+ .;,' „p ,cro' ms .t a sleet -b ,f ' !9 a. ,a,,,r, r r, .r.,a ;•,' s, ,,:>;,,i, - int t>uiiure'DefsterS aU4 Funer ;, 1,1,4"." 1, ,: 1' Y b ,M� ,int .;,',_ill e e ce- all nea5aor8 if e .end a dz:, �1 4: ., c,,,. r i, .r Ta en't. AL this gsfhhe,r' Gsne,1/14 „, PIl --tae' ua : r ss, i g lie' „ ra. mete, .o ha, [6,4.4' ,11V1►. 1f1,.,t ';- @..,. 51g, n,, !.T'avi ', ' ., a. iv ar ` ,:. .,.d., e, ur a o, e., ",i ":,.,. t, ,.,n 1 I,. a tyilkeduftlr''his. rlc e.ttfl, ,et;Tlui tiasrd of .!. eR.rauft. ehtdem ' - il`, ISAiit PiadlitlD 101h • 1217. a h .. eha�yd mn..,, • lw t .. , r, btiYt i. es a Rio bf 1Pf1ue 7a k e a1►eo.al.,fa,,tune+ oL,:,.4 a .: E here i4 n t,,, . s anrta�h .e :6., ,, . <.. t i q,,,.i' f lr�g , 0►„ .11llU .00 Q... hO ffi ,, F^ s u . , ....rr , n ,.., .. 2 . �., 2, ,eac4u►. 1>h h ,. P'04 .. eMa U i,'i ,ret„(r., :.r:, r,;; �:isbe►rhotrd'of,t�ilrtywfiva. EQt..lou- y: t _ , P. � ,- . l'„t ., ld. ,• , ::,k g t ofltheT,beral parclty .I stole . d ,,; W aril amt is .. i,>a!,,t t+a track••,, rt*as"""A �h 119 tt 11lFcWlitai:a t ' took pier „im �oadamide dal '( -.b of fFerlhat wiotor ah iKomunaillg, hit Gliaz r Y t r 76y, .,2 Wwgh,. t7ax 'rAx1 e/1?:, i R i �r ppa9, The h rs ie „1 4 ^ ' fir, uss, alit t ojafdi ell® "' aye - tl v x+l nn was �rowded with ' 'b�eyets 6' dx io 'take�o a't Uhlmioral" N'11, 1, , , Iil19pT, :h0 wait wlado.a;C,•C,d1l evttupt,t0t1 yn'ersia and'DibtsE; r , .