The Clinton New Era, 1912-09-26, Page 10elshoreclay, eeptembee< 2601 9,12,
'age 3,
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British Consular Servic e
Centenary of Broelles Death
Now- Available to Canada ,ismEhooi
Ottawa, •Sept, 18.---Arrengesneete
have been. completed between Sim
Edward Geley, .secretary of atate,
fee Iroteseign aelelre, and the Hon,
Geoege.E.Foster, roonister of trade
and commerce by which whole of
th,e, Bettie's). ethmatilair ,service, ex-
tending to every point in the WOaed,
wiel be pieced at elle disposal of
Canadian t orcial h.nteatests.
, Means are pee vie eel aleo foe build -
sap a Canediaa donsular sees ice am -
,der the auspieet of the British ser-
vice. Ilse plan 'should prove of
value to Camel'en exporters, as
algaesgeteleuest ere made for seem-
ing information rapidly, neeau-
thentee information as (to Caned-,
tan reso,ureee and development Will
ayabteble .'n all parts or the
gtabe. It ea regaeded as a great
.step in advance..
Mr. Foster has beell working at
this plan all summer. .
The leftnister of Trade and Com-
anerce„when he weee to Engem:cis
Was 'met by Sr Edwarel Grey and
the Foreign Office officials in sym-
nathetfic spirit. As a result, ;the
Canadian. Government lately Tee
reeved ,a despatch enclosing n sat-
isfactory Foreign Cef (ice, rneanoron-
dem. The Sea,dtag features of the
• Agreement ame
1. The Foreign 'Mike .ageepe to
nenesh the Department of Trade
and !Commerce with copies ,of aLl
trade imports from tis consular of -
Peers, as semi, as they :We pthialiSii-
ed. from any .cll,stirects which 'May
be, specified by Canada as of inter-
est ,to,CanaciSnin trade.
2, 'Caned:an firm s orinesanipti
well beat Pberty '0 apply direct to
any of Ms Majesty's consues in any
'part of the wereci Toe sinfosenation
as to the sale of .Ceneclian prode
ucts, of .business purspede
and the best imems or geteellg In
touch. markete.Persons, 'eo
enquiring we] receive all ,passible
assestence. To eacilitate such 'ap-
p1Scatioine, lists of 'His Majesty's'
ec.nsular represeneateves, will be
furnished to ;Oise Department of
Trade and Commence, which will
reindenithem available to Can;adian
,busSnese anen.
,3. Olis Majesty's, consuls will he
supp•Iiiied through the Fornign, Of-
fice with statements Of iCanAdala
' commerce, JleaotirCeS end
nenit, with lists of the principal in-
dustries and sources of ;supply, and
the questions upon which Caeadialn
* Illolidaly on Oct. 13,
merchants Saud manufaethrers ide-
ssre inferruatien.. These s t at entente
witI beprepaeed by the Depart-
ment af Trade and Commerce,• and
wet be kept op -be -date. The con-
suls will be instructed to pay patter-.
clear .atttention to :these imattees
and iqueettons and to report there-
on. Their reports will be forever&
cci to the Department of Trade and
Commerce by the Foreign /Office
'without delay.
4. Camedian trade commissioners
\eel have full liberty to eappiy to
lis illajestY's consuls for assistance
and 'advice in trade matteee.
Speclal trade eepresentatives sent
out by Canada to ssuciv end report
wsil have the advantage of the
personal assistance of the eons'ulae
stale; they will be eupplied with
ieterpreeers, and will be intreduc-
ed to the principal officials and
reerchents, foaieign and native, of
ihe eountry tee. may be eseSting.
The valuable nformation in the
ofeitee of the commercial attache.s
of the lirritesh erabesaies se:luting
all terms •oe commercial activity
willbe placed by in.SOniCtien, nit
the .clieposal of such special trade
repeesentateve.s of Canada, andi 'His
IVIajesty's consuls and attaelies welt
be enjoined to discuss with ltheen
all practical aspects of trade gone
ditions and prospects.
5. Ofteice rotors in British eonsuml-
ates wet be,aceorded to Canadialn
commercial • tnepresemtativies when
St. is possible and cone eaelient tem. -
range Usenet:aye; but In such eases
the cementer °Deice will assume no
sespotneibility .for the direction oft7
work of the Canadtan crepeestenta-
6. Members .of the Canadian cone-
merefial .settivice will be eligible for
selection tor and entree/lee to ithle
;British commericial service on the
terrtus and conditions applicable to
other entrants thereto, 'subjeot to
the regulations of the 'British Gov-
esenceerisn 0n eantying en its sine -
These ;arrangements resolve
theimiseives,(Anto 'Nile,' that Canad-
ians earn use the ;British con:slit:it
system to obtain information about
foreign conotinies and that foreign-
ers Crab riepair to Bs itish consular
oftineseand obtain itiformation ks
to .Canadlian ilainds and opportunit-
ies. There also is opened th,e aven-
ue to the building up of aCanadian
ser v
- —
'Bloodthirsty Affray In Toronto Results
In Arrests.
Toronto, Sept. 23.—Six Italians are
locked up in Agnes seen station and
three !nem arc in it sel'ious rendition
at St. Michael's Hospital as the result
of a terrible nista with razors, sti-
lettes, knives, clubs and herr Isottles
in a little boarding -lions° at 103 Uni-
versity nvenne last night. Two of
those in the policr station are charged
with wounding, while the others ere
heist as material witnesses M the most
gruesome and bloody cenibut that ever
,oceurred among the foreign element
in Tfil'Onto.
Five policemen broke inlso the hbuse,
where about twenty Italians live, and
there found a vendetta with all its
ghastly features. Font Italians were
ightieg with stilettos and -razors,
heir faces and heads badly gashed,
Laid' huddled in a heap on the riOur
four others lay helpless and bleeding.
es the result of wowids inflicted M
the fracas. A woman, a wife of one
ef the comb -tants, who is n,ow in
the hospital, was picked up in the
hallway, her face baying been smash-
ed by a beer bottle. Six of the nine
Italians were taken bo the hospital
,anicl treated by a saute ,army of sur-
geons, and tile others were locked up
in the pollee station.
Reece Learnhaedo and Guisappi Pag-
giera, both out up themeelves, are
charged with wounding. The material
witnesses, all Of whom eame out of
the affrey witb numerous sears, are
Guiseppi Bagrinello, keeper of the
boarding-house, and Mickele Pugg-
nola, Donato Puggnola, Joe Caneee
and Fedele Rosin°, All Of them are
street laborers, and, as far as the
police can ascertain, are related to
one another—brothers, brothers-in-law
and cousins,
The affair started albeit 9 o'clock
last night. According to an Italian
priest, Donato and 1V1iblrele Ruggnola,
tw,o broth.exs, argued ;about something,
and, not satisfied with!the result, in.
dulged i wilding stilettos. ;Others
in, the house joined in ,thauffrasr, and
the entire 'nine men foltlit 1 one
sinall room, haedly large enough to
anconimodate them. When the police
arrived no liquor could be found, but
were a number of empty, bottle,
Toronto Ont.
weapot,S. Accord:II,: 10 tile interrire-
ter, tho men tirreeted were reeponsible
far the wounding. Both are giants in
The cause of the fight was a celebra.
tion out of the ordinary among the
foreigners. There is considerable elan-
isli feeleng among those from differ-
ent towns in Italy, All of Mose en-
gaged in the affraty hail from Monte-
leone. Yesterday was known as St.
Ruch Day among the Italians. St.
Bach is the pittron saint of a few in.
habitants of Tormitiee " Little Italy."
Those who worship St. Bach were
afraid to celebrate the day on 'account
or the enmity of the natives of Monte-
leone. So Mie great day passed off un -
apatite& and...theSe foreigners from
Monteleone were so overjoyed that
their bated brothers were afraid to
commemorate the day that they sim-
ply had to give vent to their enthes-
iasan b eonsutning beer and otherwise
making merry. The fight resulted.
Mr. Jacob 'E. Herr, 111 Orange Si.,
Stratford, Ont., writes:—"Ten years ago
I suffered with a very peculiar disease.
I would go to bed feeling as well as could
be, and after sleeping for five hours I
would wake with a severe pain in my
back, then moving into my side and
breast. The pain was so terrible I
could not lie in my bed, and usually had
to sit until morning with a pillow propped
up behind my back. With all my pain
I would go to work, and after working up
to about 10 o'clock ths pain would leave
me entirely. The same thing would hap-
pen the next night, and every night for
two years. I tried four different doctors,
but none of them did me any good. I
tried a great many patent medicines, but
all of no avail. I gave up all hopes of
ever getting well. A friend persuaded me
to try Milburn's Heart and NerveTills.
I bought four boxes, and after using the
first. one I felt a change for the better,
And after using three boxes I could sleep
alt night. The pains were gonet.and,
was eornpletely cured-, '
Milburn's Heart and Nerire Pills are
50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25, at
all dealers, or mailed direct ort receipt
of price by The T. Milburn CO, Limited,
At the suggestion of a deputa-
tion. ,which waited, upon the iFfotn.
Dr. Pyne, elenister of Educatigneat
Toxontos a is possible 'that the ' 13
alt,October mays bet aside cia-a,
holiday/It 01, the school 'children of
the provisme to commemorate the
death et the Butte of • iteusetnisiton
Heights iorarOctober 131 1812, 'of BM
Isaac Brock wed Wool, Colimel Mac-
cicaiel, A t torneyeekeinex'al or tblo
province. The deputation consise,
ell sot J. A. 'Ma.cdoinelle K. C., of 'Glen
game"; iseelle.-Coloinel D. Mei:Robert-
son and Claude ,Maedoseell,
Tbe. Sormal request was lfor a e.ehool
heetclay for Coo connty o'f Gleageee
as Attonialey-,Generel
was anatiree ot that county. Tbe
proposal to „extend the holtdeeS,
thee/agile-et 'the whole pretence was
also made as an addition to the
suggestieethee the tire n,f Sir Isaac
breck mid what lie did foe, Canada
should eserea.d by all school teach-
ers to theer pupils. The Minister
Wee' empressecl favorably, and pro-
en:sed to:loving the mateet before
the 'Cabinet,
Make Holders ol Vacant
Land Pay Most el Taxes
Alberta Legislatare May Give
Rebate of One -Half to All
Who Improve Farm, .
Edmonton. Sept. 19. --To further
reeeve agriculture from the burden
or taxation and to place the ;burd-
en upon speeulatiive holders .of
fame lands, empoataintamend-
meets to the iliorab elunScipalities
Act wee be sought at the nex(t see-
s:on, of the Alberta Legislature,
By an Act passed at the sesseorti of
the Legislature last spring, !eiesess-
ment of land was made the siole ba -
Fie of municipal revenue, while as:e-
late 01 25 per cent, ol all taxes was
pi °vedette for theebeeetrit all:tam-
ers who aupeove !their holdings.
It Is now proposed that Ode rebaee
shall be raesed to fifty pen cent., so
that the mien who awns a quarter
section wholly ander cultivation
will pay re taxes exactly one-half
is, hooch as the man who es owner
of an adjoening onimprovee tranin.
Mrs. Leigh Deliberately Refused Food
For 44 Days.
London, Sept. 23.—Discuesing the
release of Mrs, Leigh frnm Mountjoy
prison, The Daily Expre-s :e.ays that
the woman had undergene a hunger,
strike and forcible feeding tor forty-
four days and that her collapse was
due to deliberate starvatiee she hav-
ing acquired the knack of ejecting food
as soon as it was administered by
means of the tube.
At suffragette beadquarters it was
said on Seturdae that Mrs. Leigh and
her fellow -prisoner, Gladys Evaes.
who is ender a sentence of five Years
for havine tried to burn the Theatre
Royal, where Mr, Asquith was to
speak, were offered the privilege Of
wearing their own clothes and having
the hospital diet served to them it
they would abandon their hunger
strike. This they refused. 11 was said
that Mrs, Leigh had abstained from
water as web as food, and the prienn
attendants had to strap her in a chair.
as both she and Miss 1?,vans sinashed
everything breakable in their cells.
Unconditional Discharge.
Dublin, Sept. 23. ---Although Mrs.
Leigh was released "on license," the
official notice of her discharge simply
gays the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
ordered it so that she might be remov-
ed to a hospital for treatment. The
woman was taken in charge by friends
end immediately visited a hospital,
Thence she went to a private house it)
Dublin, where she now it. Her re-
leaee from prison was- ordered after
a medical examination by Sir Christo-
pher Nixon, ex -president cf the Royal
College of Physicians in Ireland, and
Sir Thomas Myle,s, surgeon to Rich-
mond Hospital, and prnetically
ainounts to an uneenditienal dia.
Mrs. Leigh Threatens,
Sept. 23.-elsboenix Park was
the scene yesterday of a dismeterly suf-
fragette meeting. A letter from Mrs.
Mary Leigh declared that unless el ies
Evans was liberated within s few
days, see would lead a march on the
prison to effect her release.
Dr, Hedy, a promising youngedoethe
whose patentee rondo 10 1lsuisto.n.
died suddenly of hemorrhage of tbe
brain at Powassan, 'Ont.
The orphan cbildren of a Lanark-
shire minerhave proved to be the
hens to $300,010 left by the late Ben-
jamin Bunter of Beeoltlyn, N.Y.
The Spanish Government is peeper.
ing to mobilize the ensplayes of the
raileoadse bringing them within email
,of nowrial law, thus Checking strikes.
juries R. Robertson, a well-knoevn
Owen Sound business man, met with
a seriousaccident when his auto taro.
01 turtle and hurled the oceepants
" you, -rvotaen- As Busy fyos Soo it Ail
Overheard in a Street -Car.
There's a lesson right there!
Little blemishes of com-
.plezion, •=all sores, eruptions,
spots, are not only unpleasant
to the person afflicted, but are
the first thing noticed by other
A little Zam-Buk applied at
night to spots, eruptions, sores
of any kind will do wonders,
Zam-Buk is not a greasy
preparation which will go ran-
cid on your dressing table,
It is made from healing, herbal
extracts and essences. Always
pure, fresh and ready for use.
Doesn't lose its power. Keeps
indefinitely. Healing, soothing
and antiseptic all the time.
Try it!
50a on all druggists and stores.
nun I.:poem by Auto,
Toronto, Sept. 28—Robert Martin,
bedel ot the University of Toronto,
who lives at 758 Crawford street, was
seriously injured on Saturday after-
noon whets struck by a Telegram mo-
tor delivery case Mr. Martin was rid-
ing a bicycle along West Bloor street
from the -university to his home.
While cutting across the road to tura
moth. on Ora -wine -1 street he was run
down by the motor ear whieh was
traveling at a fast rate. He was
thrown against the curb and rendered
unconscious. It is feared that he will
not recover. He is now at hen home
id r a precarious eondition,
Seven Years In Prison.
Galt, Sept. 23.—Seven years in the
penitentiary for bigamy end seven
years for perjury, terms to run concur-
rently, was the met:epee imposed upon
Ernest Moyes of Berlin in the police
eourt yesterday morning by Magis-
trate Blake. The crime was one of a
mon despieable character, Mayes' vic-
tim being Lens. Schneer s licrlin, a
blind invalid. She was else charged
with bigamy and found guilty and
committed to the house of refuge at
Berlin. The convicted woman had to
be brought to Galt in an automobile.
Moyes, wilt: pleaded guilty to a
charge of bigamy, had to face e charge
el perjury, summated in taking out a
marrieee license on September 9 by
sayingIsewas en unrearrie I man.
Killed Near Port Credit.
Toronto, Sept, 23.—The bpdy of the
man who was streak and killed by a
C.P.R. eeprees tee, miles west of Port
Credit Friday -night when he was
wheeling 108 bicycle aloeg the tracks
wits identieed at the city morgue (11.1
Saturday morning- as that of Levi Pad-
gett, 31.1 years of lige, who lived be-
tween Port Credit and. Erindale. The
identification was made by learvey
Peare oi 'Loree Park. 'the lexly will
be turned river th the Donner at Cooke-
ville, who will hold an inquest.
Vanderbilt Cup Rare Postponed.
Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. e3, --The
Vanderbilt cup automobile leces have
been postponed until the week follow.
ing next, because of rain for srveral
days, -which made the reel: uusafe.
Any irregulatity of the bowels is
always dangerous, andehoulcl be attended
to at once. If the bowels cease to work
properly, all the other organs become
Milbura's Laxa-Liver Pills work on the
bowels gently and naturally, and will
cure the worst cases of constipation.
Mrs, J. Hubbard, Port Colborne, Ont.,
writes:—"I have tried many remedies
for constipation and never found any-
thing so good as your Milburn's I,axa-
Liver Pills. We always keep a vial in
the house, for we would not be without
them. I always recommend them to
my friends."
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25 cents
per vial, or 5 vials for $1,00, at all dealers,
or mailed direct on receipt of price by
The 'I'. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,
Final Revised Figures of
Reciprocity Election Vote
Ottawa, seek 17.—A Mae book 136,994; New itlronewhek 79,e72 out
giving final details of votes cast ise of 101,112;, 77,686 , out lad
the lgeteeral eeectitort of SepteMber 88,588e British Cohenebla 43,559 mit
21, last shows ilhait oeet of a toter oe 011,83,081 ; Sasketcheveans 89,043 Oat
185,0)000siv,otees on.the Itste al -lehe lee -10,41e; Alberta ee,775 gee pelel'e)e
Mine ipefeverices, 1;3e7:52.8,1(exetre1siefd ' 228, ., .., „• • ,.
the trairichese. • ' e• ss' e .
lail Ontania the ,aetuall Vote case' j The ,figuires show 'that entail tfiVe
was 080,572 out of a Intel queened eastern pkeevances the 'vote ' WO
list of 693,4.85. In Quebec 324,039 out more ealeigely ireco.ricieldf than iSeetlee
of /55 288 ' NOVO, Sesser& 113 000 One olf Wur, weetealp provigeeo. $
Canada, tee Empire and the Wdrld
in General Cut Down to a COltirrIn
A case rabies eves, discovered at
The payers deemppreved of any
outside loan to Oblea,
Violent ,scenes were renewed en
the Henigarian tower House.
The first motor -liner, the Christ-'
inn X., arrived at New York.
Sie Rich.zurcl !Certwright euccees-
folly underwent an operation.
The text of the Ulster antlehome
• rule cat:extant was made,pueltc.
A "skeleton or a mastodon, has
been!Woad ineltlalAtde township.
A hundred people were mimed in
riots at a football match in,Belease,
Sixty thouaana British .tnoope
took the field !for war manoenvees,
A settlement of the Maio-Tank-
ish war was reportedito be in. Sigh'.
Five addetionalelethodist
churches afre platiamf•or Torionto.
Fred Partridge, a 'Turkish 'and
Ca -pupae Wee veteran died at Corn-
wall, •
Gas -electric ,C:ITS may be used on
the recta's 1ise feora iToeSento ito
Bev. Alfred 'Hendees,oe, Clerk of
London, Presbyteey, clieci at the
age 00 69.
The Canadian Medecal Associa-
lien will hold its stext gatherensge
at liege/see
The Fecleratio.n of Canadian Clubs
ra eeteng, at 'Fred evie to n, N ec-
ted ofeseeto
Hcsxut J. W. Seto, father of Pates,
miser A. L, Siften and Hon, Cleffortl
Siftonels dead
Two public wharves for Toronto
Bay have been plansee,d by the
learlsor ;Board.
'Royal Higlen•eee the Dake of
Connaught end party reached Vase-
couver, completmg tee toter across
the con ti n en t.
The cornee-stone of anew Car-
negie Library, to cost $10,000. was
laid at Port Hope.
The peach crop in the Niagana
d:istriet is exceeindly ;but
pickers are scarce.
The, funeral of General Nogi, the
here of Pont Arthur, was an.iin-
luessive ceremony.
Herbert Roberts, a ;telephone
lineman, of Branefortl, was elec-
trocuted, !amid -air.
The, fourth annual. eon fere-lee AA
Federated' Canadian .eltu,bs oversee
at Frederectese N. is.
The East Middlesex Conservative
normen•ating convention will be held
on Saturday 2.8th Met.
Edward Kidd, M. P. for Carleton
county, deed at ;Ottawa. after an
illness of several weeks.
Wm. Laine, for a,niumber Of years
Councillor ,and 'Reeve of ;Hollins:id
Landing, died nf dropsy,
The first of the serles of Ulstee
demonstrations ragainst home rule
was' held at Enniskillen.
A. M. MacKinnon, 'of Guelph, Loc-
al. Mester and Regstarar oe the•leigh
Court, died at the age 01 80.
Dr, W. G. Hotme, a former surgeon
lin the ,British fleet, depeacated the
talk of with Germany.
Sedne,y Seeord, a.Hendirie teams.
star was kitiled at St. iCathecrilasee
by beling run over by a Lorry.
The huge drydoek, Duke of Con-
naught Mihail way across the At-
la,ntio on its way to Montreal.
A Imam arrested 1:11 Sam Frapacisco
is ,believed to be 11. E. Shelllh;er,
wanted ihn ;Toronto for theft.
• Harvey MeNortan of Tecumseh
died in Windsor or blood-paisonine-
from, stepping on a rusty nail.
Nine-year-old diaries Cou'sies, 29
'Nemec cis avenue, Toeento was
instantly killed by alive wire.
Canaditarn pure-bred poultr.y-
raeseiris ca,ritied ofe enemy nest
prizes at New Yo,rk state Fare
Samuel Takes, tor smailly 40 ye.aa's
postmaster and merchant at eller-
rickitelle, died at the age of 80,
Leaches', McInnis, aged 85, walked
ore the wharf at Pietou, N. S. He
was reseued, but deed oe shock.
A tierce enigagem,ene was 'fought
near Benybazi between Haitians and
Turks, The latter lose 800 keeled.,
Dtrectelea end atones of the
tera,nicl Tennis Pd Milo were elected
at the eorapany's ,ann eel meeting.
James Kelly fell tutu the .hold of
the tug Nether on t be 'way feom,Sier-
lea to the north shore and W al; Drill -
Six Lamer Gouln, Lady Gatlin, of
Quebec, ;and a part y
started tor a ehic weeks' tour olthe
wast. ;
The Grand eleents! ,Beelway hes
am-tango:1 toque' eounel-falip 'tickets
for 'Beni& eatre to the Laurier
tugs.. •
fitr Ware's] Laurier and Hon.Rod-
o,lphe Lemieux aroused geteat en-
thuslieseb. at Ville Marie and Haley -
W, G. WiLl, a crack reflemen oif
the I3theloyal Regiment of Hamel -
tan', .ahot hes wefe dead andltheln
Th e Britioth army man oeuVree
Were ,sieddeney ab an ti oared, owing to
the resSollartionery 3'esu1ts
Mei Gabel, Councet arnoseged !
mass Meeting Wee addreestece by
Mr. J, Kele, 'Hardie on the Gedinan
war ;scene, .• _
Sir Warred Laurier .addresseici
mosses ,then, five theusand people
et Cobalt, and wee welccmed by
Viee-PresIdent James Schoolainet
Sherealain, oetthe United State% is
suefering !nem ,a.bietairdoevn owitnig
to( the Steele of 'his duties,
A Oliver sanctuary lamp •seratjar
lo those lo the Chet cis ot the ReleY
Sepuelchre has .been, pMegepaettedto
St, JohnSs'iChurch'Peterboro..
The !Beard orllome Missilone eif
tlie PreebyterreanisChurch cle.cided
Oen plans for, manning the mese
geese Needs dutbng : the ',cotaitreg
The altex, poeltiono0the etealmer
Moreland • 'Om ',,tourOd to Setae,
having been .seiv,aseect by the Reid
Some Vegetable Hints
Try ;baking heels la a meelerlatie ute,s wylt beeneee tender, than 111)111.
event, ert.a covered dish; peee sird int* cold Water and then elloeve,d
serving with butter, pepper to beef. Salt ,added in the cooking
and sale w1l toughen the kernels.
The large yellow tometoes, which,' es,..; deliewais tomato dish is tele ;
are, eosnewhat sweceee then theired" Peet tthe tormatoes and place them
ones, are del'iolons ses,Vell with nig- In abaking dish, spreakling with
art a,n,d esseesm, pepper( ,anicl salt, and doteeng with
A 'lteespoenful er sugar added to butter. Coyer with a thin layer of
the water tin which the eabloage is crumbs and hake for an hoar met
first 'boiled Improves the 'flavor 04
the, yegetatiles. '
Cold boiled patatees sicced Isprin-
kied with Hone ape put in a eauce-'
pan with niitk tie cream to cover,
and 'seasoned with pcppee and ealt,
are goad leallowee to simmer
eer at leas t halt iinhoisa'.
Beefed cabbage wermed uP tender
and butter le delicate, .
In cooking' slatinee beans do not
ader the salt"tell ithe,y are neertlY
'Core plunged into/' boiling 'water
and .boeleci Doan tea to twenty mad-
'Vegetables that are table' 'its•ed In
a stew wALlike the meat, Ise ()).F bet-
ter Haver iffebrowned
Salsify boned till tender and 'then
mashed makes deltelous, mock. oys-
ters. Seon the mashed v,e,getab-
let eWith butter, pepper end eat.
Dep by the (epoontal into .13e6tette
egg .iend then, ,ento crumbs, ander&
in ,butter oriloacose eat.' •
Calatetsbcseed till tender and 1
theirs 'polled lin'egg and eriumba are
deflections ;fried' in deep lat. .
..grgite20¢4451•Wrsr.10W-11611.10.61V4;01121.74,11.010, ASICEPOIROMINIMO11
lyre '.60,Wrtacte•er,..4, .491
*Pert and Impert
The early worm fills along -edit
The homely girl can act as heat
own cheperon,
Many a good farmer never saw an
agricultural co
Louie," wanted for the inierdex if
the gambler Rosenthal, eaPierted ito
a ,Brooklyn flat.
Thirteen were lolled and feftY
irtjeretdi xii a radevaty smash
The French army man,ocoveets
ole ,bessupsest to an end with a shall:a
,1) a I. tee.
eames 'Robertson, aged 68, warn
Willed en an elevator accident: at
the Continental Life Wilding
Torouto, and Hugh TAY11011115
elevator was amested.
A eels tan t As seestin exit !CoMmies-
sictner Lyon alt 'Toronto estenated
at tile, ex tension of ,Ter aluerser
sec eet ,a te 66-f oo t width wooed
meet about $6.00.000.
XICV. AS. M. awes, 1015 macecoman
minister who was out on parole on
One way to avoid excitement is to a charge of defrauding a Syria') widow
live Within• your income. out of hat husband's money, has been
When a artuu e'ets full he is apt to
use alet of esnply words.
- —
Soanetieues amen who is really
handsome earns a living in spite of
.A. woman thinks it is *.a sin to do
lots, of thengs she 'Mil coax amati
to. do,
You may have .notieed thak peo-
ple who Retell to reason always a-
gree with you,
When a.young widow makes up
her' mind to Marry a ;bachelor, Ire
may escape by dying.
If anian can't blame any- one else
fer hes troubles, he can at leen
chive himself to drink.
elenkeys never worry, probably
because they Ewe in, ignorance of
Darwin's theory.
Ie yau Teel that the woestiewels
you a living, it's doughnuts to
fudge that you are too lazy to col-
lect it.
Siter, Thoneas 31. G eorg e, foe yeaels
in busioese on Young street Tor-
onto, died, aged 66 years.
Mr, Hell. Frankland resigned
iromi the National Ex-
hibition, Direetossate.
Toronto, men • are pro/noting a
railway to connect Ottawa, Present
elorrisburg. and Ainprior.
Loek drattelets fin the Sault canals
ere increased to 19 feet and 19ifeet
5 lin•ehes,
James Bruce of Hamiltom,will
likely ibe confronted with a,mturcleir
charge by th•e Crown Attorney.
"Lucky" Scott has return,ed to
St. eahn. s Nftd., having secured
Capt. Musen's Artie ex•pleaelle: party,
The 13th Royal. Regiment of
amilton co n eluded a suc cessf ul
t nree ,days' cete,breation of ets stesui-
A bner Perlin had hie right arm
torn oft at the elbow when WS coat
eoet oml.otil7 shafting San atNew
Liekeardi sawmill,
Hans Johns ton, a Ma cod Olen
sectionman of Geier g etiown. died of
a reactive& ,skull, received Tin jump-
ing off a jigger for his h.a.t..
Sir Weaved Law:Mess navy policy
teas warmly ender/seri by an 'easier
thustastie meeting at St. Clee.
Soolenges county, an Sat:m;(121y.
His 1VIejesty George V. has be-
come iColonelein-Chier ,cer the Black
Watch, with which the Monteeeil
a5taellulljaitgehcil.aucl Regiment is closely
Mrs. Joseph Chembeellaim denses
that her h.usbancl Is 511 in Eseenlaiticli
Three peesetas wen). kelled ,tted
Esrey ey a tornado inDlearee
(saga county, N.Y.
Two flying caliph:nes collided M
,the air latChicalg,o, restelitinig' in
the . death of 31 W, Gill of Balti-
more. ,
'Gyp the Blood' i . and Lefty
An additional tax of fifty cents
(gold) per hundred pounds on coffee
exported from Guatemala has been
ordered. the total tax now amounts
te $1.50 (gold).
eosepli Devlin, M.P. for Belfast
West, was injured in a meter car
accident while on his way to attend
it meeting of the Lilclooney. The
meeting was abandoned.
Joseph Goodison or Romney Town-
ship, near Leamington, who had au
arm so badly injured while threshing,
hes succumbed to his injuries, Wood -
poisoning having developed.
Dr. Rudolph Hering or New York
was elected, president, and Dr, James
Roperts of Hamilton, vies -president,
of the American Public Health &esti-
elation in Washington Saturday,
Max Kessler, a Russian Jew, bound
for Toronto, conressed to the inuni-
gration officials at the Falls that he
had stolen $70 from his employer in
New York, and was sent back to the
Captain Herper Wilson of Winnipeg
was the only Canadian to get office
in the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the
Independent Order of Oddfellows,
meeting at Winnipeg. He was elected
grand marshal.
H. J. D. Astley, a British aviator,
who he'd neede several notable flights,
was picked up in a dying condition
Saturday at Belfast after a fell and
taken to a hospital, where he suet
cumber.' to his injuries.
At the close of the military manoeu-
sires which terminated on Friday,
Hon. Sam Hughes and the Canadian
officers were presented to the King.
The Minister of Militia had ale.° the
signal honor of dining with leis Ma-
Youthful Burglar Heavily Sentencsa.
Belleville, Sept. 23.—A young man
named Frank Smith, who claims El
Paso, Texas, az, his leeme, was on Sat-
urday sentenced le this eity to five
years in the penitentiary, far burglar-
izing Mr. I. A. Geoeselle music nine
in this city,
Suffered With
Ner e Tr uble
Mr. Chas, W. Wood, 34 Torrance St.,
Montreal, Que., writes:—"For two years
I had suffered with nerve trouble, and it
was impossible for nie to sleep. It did
not matter what time 1 went to bed, in
the morning I was even worse than the
night before. 5 consulted a doctor, and
he gave me a tonic to take a half hour
before going to bed, It wee all right for
a time, but the old trouble returned with
greater force than before. One of the
boys who works with me, gave me half
a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve
Pills. I took theta, and I got such
satisfaction that I got another box, and
before I finished 11 3 could enjoy sleep
from 10 p.m. rail 6 a.m., and now feel
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are
50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25, at
Taplriol rcdoeenathloey,ors,thnoctr. mT eimledil bdui ere:tea:. 111;1 pi Lode.
SUE OUR Apple Payers at 75e Stook Pails at SOc
, .Leguled Shells at 60e 22 short Cartridges at 18c
Drainirrig Spades, Cleaner, Manure Forks large end small,
Ensilage Forks, Etc., Rio •
Timothy Seed 5 25-s-Ae the season issh°rt,i (Meek Wee eayealioad
Sugar at Rock litnttosn ]rriees fon aloe! leieye
Highest Priee fur Butter, Eggs, Etc.
teVe Yeeetel
Mireckeng Compare), after neserey