HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-09-26, Page 9.1.7,911,tr3
ntegeebertY q'he etriaiel'et •Phaolee
'Wee inocidated with • the .bloone 'Of
rth.6 other „fritter 'creel to-daYlhediree
two huadeed ,bnehee leeded eidith.
new kind or frulit that as aston,isli
ed the hartioultatal experte, The
feint is shaped like an elongated
-veep:berry, Only'. about, threetimer;
as big,, end 'has a deli:citrus flavor,-
Fle refused an Offer ' of $1,000 eote
one •Inenelreffi or the ,beehee,
Quickly stops, coughs, cures colds, heals
tho throat and loans. - 25 cents.
Telegraph opeeating offere
Bp) endid•',opportunities (for young
menwho wish to engage in the
ereat busineaa of transportation
No country in the woeld :Ss d'oirefes
be railway bLldixg Lht Caned a
is now en g,egeid en an a the young
-menwho go lute thas line
work becomes skilled orailevey
operations es almost ,absolatery
certain' eo wie great rewards
The one school whieh lis traaning
young Mere if or this field; with,
marked sueeees is the Central
Telegraph •end Radleo.ad School Of
Toron'to. See card in oue arty,
coluane. - ,
Electric Restorer for Men
Phosphonol rtoestiores everynerve in the body
vim and vitality, Prensmit'umrgedrec:yns;a°1clUleSetx°1rieal
weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will
make you a new man. Price 83 a box, or two for
85. Mailed to any address. The Ocabell Drag
eoeStenatherInes Ont.
Bkarti. .5c Sutter
Local News
Children Cry
'Winghana September 26-27
Blyth Octobee 1-2
Brussels • _October 3-4.
Bayfield ___,......Octuber 8-9
Children Cry
Although the formal order -in -
Council f.xing the date for Thanks-
giving Day this fall has not yet been
passed. it iF understood that the date
reconanenee 1 by the State Depart-
ment is lelorelay, October 2Sth, and a
proelamation will be 185080 shortly.
Dr. de Van's Female, Pills
A reliable French regulator; neve'r fails, These
, pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the
generative portion of the female system. Refuse
all cheap imitations, Dr. tie Van,s are sold at
85 a box, or three for 510. Mailed to any address.
The decibeli Drug Co., St. Catharines. one,
The Dominion Canners have inereas•
ed the priceo of several val Series of
canned goods. Peas will he The cents
in stead of 12 cents a Call, strawberries
25 cents instead of 20 cents. The open-
ing,price or other varieties will be the
same as last vear J. J. Nairn, of the
Dominion 0 einem Hamilton, arid
tbat 150 carloads of strewbevre s and
raspberries had been imported from
An appeal from the Methodist con-
ferences of Saskatchewan and Alberta
.for 100 young men to eater the
rates .ry and fill exieting vacancies is.
published in the current 'issue of the
Christian Gnat i in, and is eharecter-
ized editorially by The Guardian as
• orie which will "test the Methodism
of this country as it has not been
tested in days.'The appeal is signed
by John A, Doyle, president of the
Saskatchewan con ferenceseand T. P.
Perry, president of the Alberta con-
orniohly stops eoudhs, ogres colds, heals
the throat and kinds - 26 tents. •
John 'Hopkins of eidlKeleaPaaeeleles
art enue, Toronto, alter e. trereleth
y ears' experimenting, has succeede
ed an crossing a etnew,beery . with
If you are suddenly taken with Diar-
rhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Cramps, or Pains
in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus, Sum-
mer Complaint, or any Looseness of the
Bowels, do not waste any time, but
immediately procure a bottle of Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and.
it will cure you iu ea time, Mrs. H. L.
•Steadman, Pleasant River, NZ., writes:
"A year ago Ilia fall, my eittle boy was
•guddenly taken ill with diarrhoea and
vomiting, and as our doctor is ten miles
distant, it seemed as if I could not get,
help soon enough,, but On going to the
country store I ptir•dtased a bottle,• of
• De Fowler's Retract of Wild Strawberry,
and after the first dose could notice an
• improvement, and tlae neieday the,ehild
• was better and regained health. Since
that time I always keep t on freed," .1
• Insist 02 being given "De Fowler's"
.' when you ask for it. 'Price 35 cents.,
• Manufactured onli by The T. thibdra•.,
Coe Limiteel, Toroptongai . •'
The Huron Medical Society held
their quarterly meeLeiii, iri the Oetat
House Goderich, on WCSineeday, Sept,
11- There were•preselit Dre, Kee:re:ay,
Redmond. Adams, ''reenlett, of Wing -
ham; Dr, Gillies, 'Pwaster; Dr. Mc-
Kenzie, Monktone Ve, Wier, Auburn;
Dr. Gunn, (Maori; Dr. Burrows, Sea.
forth, and the medical profession, of
Goderich attended. ' The doctors sat
down to a luncheon at the Bedford
Hotel at 1 p. m., and at 2 p. m. ad-
jourued to the cotat room. Drs. Hun-
ter,. Taylor and Macklin presented
interesting caees to the Society. Dv.
Gunn showed a number of curious
petholgical specimens, and Dr. Weir
and Dr. McKenzie read papers, the
former an excellent one on Tetanus,
and the latter on Medical Hersey, The
meeting broke up at 430 p. m.
• Children Ory
Bonny -castle Dales "Every Day
Scene with the Indian Trapper''''op-
ens the Septemher issue 0.6 Rod and
Gun en Canada, The Adventurers
o2 a German Hunter in America, he,
an.g. ,atranslation from( the German
by Hon, 'William ReinVick
L 13.D., etc. relates the lexpeze
:•ences of Freidrich Gerstacker who
tieited iAm erica in 1837 and event
bar hantang in the 0 zakii-. Mouse-,
tams, Tette is "some diem' story.
rDucla Bunting is given 'consnlerable
attention in this issmie and includ-
es Duck shooting an the river- Sett-
gog, at Long Point, on the St. Law-
rence, en the Kootenay district and
an amusing Weston tele :entitled
Hunting in Sage Brush Ike's Duck
Pend." Decoy Sho•obrig by Regine
al d G•ourl ay :Ds eser,ving of sped al
mentionlas is also a well •defserv-
eng article on Rearing Wild Douche
Ducks en Captivity. Me, Jana es
Dickson a veteren sportsman mak-
es some suggeetions and criticisms
regarklenne Mr. Kelly Evans' Pish
Find Game report, "Pene and Dens"
as the subjectI of the Fox artielein
this aseete..
este mem tea- rues
esel' keno -ern) g • ''keed k P,
2.0i !silents end tetteldrete,
Ti K!r1i Tao Oave 44ays.liought'
Pears the. af
_Signature of enree/Ar7. .ere44.
Saturday's Mail and Empire bad the
following question add answer: -W.
S. D., Olinton.-Qu-A widow has a
life:lease ol a farm. She allows a man
to occupy, it on condition that he
shall furnieh her with a borne and
necessary support. Two years ago
she became dissatisfied with the eup.
pordwhich he furnished, and left the
place. Since then she has received
pethirig. Can she evict the man who
einOweinerossession of ths property
deereelle,-(2enJan she be called the "own-
•, er ' of the property, or, is the person
I who is to have the property after her
death the owner of it?
Otis -The widow is "tenant for
life" of the farm- which means that
she has an absolute but limited con-
trol over the farm dming her life. It
appears that she has allowed ocene
person to occupy the farm On condi-
tion that he shall supply her with a
homeand everything necessary for
her support. You do not say whether
ibis agreement is verbal or in writing.
But you say that the widow was die..
• satisfied with the support which her
tenant supplied, and that she lett the
• premises two years ago on that ac-
count, and has received nothing since.
• Of cource, she can either sue her ten.
ant for her maintenance during the
past two years, and can in that suit
ask to evict him from the premises,
on the ground that he has uot fulfilled
his agreement; or she can sue hirn to
recover possession of the farm. It
may be that she has a ',right to teke
proceeding under the Landlord and
Tenants' Act (Ontario Statutes of
1910), in a surnenary way • to recover
poseession of the premises. You have
not supplied me with a copy of the
agreement; and consequently I am
advising you under a disadvantage.
No lawyer can give you ueefal advice
without knowing all the facts of the
cage, and the agreement made by the
widow with her tenant is the funda-
mental- document governing her
rights, (2) The widow is the "owner"
_of the property for her life, and Can
exercise nearly all rights of owner-
ship. • It has been held that a tenant
foe life may cpt deem timber for the
purpose of cleering the land, and mak-
ing it fit for cultivation, or may do
• any ,other act which does not impeir
the • value • of the property. See
&sunders v, 13inakie, S (a. R. 608 The
•tenant for life ole peopeety is subject
to ceetain resnictions,.• He or she
tria,y cut down timber -and sell it to,
obtain the necespary money to pay
the intereet upon the Mortgage,- or to
-repair the bertheirige. • See Drake vs
Wigle 22 0, Pe 405, Another cape,
upon the,saixte ;point is •Thatcher• v.
Bownsan,•15 QR, 265; -The "remaind.
niandsnetite ownernefees eitbject to'
eee•nee eseate ef the -
, .
, - ' • ,„
Telephone System should be a Monopoly
Han, I. 33, Lueas, • who deas • been in a warning;against stabile ova ea
England f,eat Some 'trine this sumlneit 11-13,,t Is hardly tale. 'Opt°
et as, rait hes .ohtlect at, etihe ''Perliae• January first , the •Government
merle Buildings', 'Toronto ,adet, FT11.- system • was •a very entail affair
day • toe .the firat tine, sineeleie vahile the Mein 'telephone develop -
it -us, •1n Beeperrind • he represent- merle Was under' ppi'Vate eOlnita.'01
'ccI0nitario: 'et the' :Empire • Deuce- Any defeete ea tee presetat sy,stere
tienal • iCorefetence, end ' reeponts VIere ele'v'elopea wider the. prIvate
that ' bels'pvectically 'eeeleinethat centred, • • The Geveeentent 15 east
the eonference wilt accept the en-, taking levee 'the ey stem now and
'vitatiein extended ..by him on behalf has not , (yet got ehings 'working
of the Ontario' Govennment 60 ineiet eenoothlye • •
in Toronto. , That meetiallg' •
probably take place man115, •
Kr. Ltleas Alpo made a study of
the telephone eituaticia, hoing as-
sisted by the Bretish Post -:Office
auth.ori tins. .
•dTheite are peactically ano eniral
teiePhomes there, etc( to any mend
that le the One important then
etre. 00111.1:tiOt$ 9.N in diflelaiat
Britaan that there is not Mach foe
as to learn ITIOna them, If there is
cent, one can say" 'he said "that any lesson, lit is that is not de -
'the eelephone syritent at the pre- se able for a Government '10 30 ergo
sent time es .easisfactory"flere I competition. Wi th a large coripar
have seed it said en some papeass ban, iThe te,ephene should eas,
'that the ceeeitions. there shoulcl be monop• oly." ,
lit Aif 396:1c.1011'mil Toronto
Lots of discomfort -- the r 0381 ivierionaiii o Sh'oal
blues -and, many Seri:We _nee, Main, has been visiting with his '
sicknesses you will a.,17..0;„ciif
keeP Y°6?5 twels, liver
and stotAaf1 in good work-
1-17,g_.,-.1;r-aer by timely use of
niece and nepbew here, Mre loam:
Terra and Mr. James McDonald, and
has been in the west for the past 18
years and as he is gettingnp in rears,
finds the couravy very cold, and ha
come to Ontario for a well earned re
Councillor Dames of Brussels, w ci
,had the misfortune to have his 4elt
hand badly injured- some Months ago
by the premature explosion of yna-
mite caps, has made a good ineeyery
with the exception of the little finger.
It was found to be giving,trouble
Sold everywhere, : boxes. 25e. 80 another portion of it was putat-
Eli Smith has sold his fine 200 acre
farm, Lots 1 and 5, Con. 7, rey town-
ship, to Richard Arrnstrbn , of Morels,
township, for $11,000, pos ession to be
given next March. T e purchaser
has now 400 acres on t le same line
in addition to the home, 00 in Morris.
The following are the judges for
Wingham fall fair which are be
ing supplied by the Ontario Depart -
Ment of 'Agriculture; Heavy horses,
james Graham, Ederivale; ' light
horses, Same Eaststiood, Long Branch;
beef cattle and she sp, A. L. McMullen,
Chatham; deity cjtttle and swine,
A. Brethen, Nor earl; dairy produces,
Mrs. el. L. Woel rd, Toronto; ladies'
work, Miss 31. 1,6. Douglas, Markdale;
fruit and fiowe •s. W. W. G-ammage,
The elle:retie eness of the West-
ern Fair is best shown by the char-
eter of the visiters brought to
Lendon last V% nek, One of the most
interestengd was Mr John Goroo,
ef, Wroxeter, Ont, who leen I ese
than 95 years and 5 months 'ey °ling e
Having heard of tee actane of ehees
Western', he decided to come to
London, and on Wednesday last, he,
in companysveth his eonednelew,
'went to Queen's Park. Tha1 he had
a good time goes without saying.
In letters to friends here, Mr. Gar-
ton declares that he enjoyed every
minute of the Fair .He prides hirn-
esti oMbeing a Nimrod oif no merles
aleilite For 40 Years he has been
going to Muskoka e.axh fall to hunt
d eer. Although wi the) a Very short
distance of the centui y mark, he is
determined te ,q -C. again, and is mak-
ing preparations for another
b elc to the north land.
Parliament Likely',
To Meet hi January
Government .F7e:i"; Burden Of
st Vitality
Caneed y Kidney, Stomach and
EoWel pleorders
St, J Inn, N B,, September 15th,
)911- sly brother wa3 a great sat -
60:0 , exam ikideey, stomach an d
bow el troubles and was givenup
wo doctors. He was advised to
in' you Fig Pills, which Inc did
a , after taking five boxes was
impletely engineer', to health and
s ..eaetter to -day than he has beau
/for years. You can t recommend
;Fig Pills too, highly.
Work Ahead of it ' 3, W. Manvers
At all denim's, 23 and 50 cents qr
The Fig Pill Co., St. Thomas, Ont.
Sold in Clinton by J. IL...Hovey
Ottawa, Sept. 12,- Present indi-
cations are that the Go vennmetie
will decide not to meet Parliane fat
until January. This question me
not &et been formally nonsid red
ey the Cabinet. bat most r 1 the
Minestei's and a m.ajoelly /of 1 -he
members favor waitling 111 1111 the
New Year, instead ot assem earns in
late November with aloes ` Cheese -
m as recess,
The Governanent isi ' ecorn !sag
daily more !lmpresser with, the
volume and disesculliee the work
aheaxl, •airdi as en no hur y to again
jean essue with Sir WI reel Laurier.
and his followers oj1,thei (floor of
the House,
itis expected that, in any eveidt,
the .season will basy well into need:
eammer, and, tad eing by the, ex-
perience of the 3. ast prorogation,
it hastened IiIttle. if any, ,es hen e
fighting ;session J is on, by the pre-
erreinary pa-e4JflrsSlnflaS flow of
er,atory. ,
Eye -election, Dfue en Mantioba, '
Moreover, 3 bye-elecbon es due
in ItlacDonlad, Manitoba, to fill
the vaceetcy (reused by the ap-
pointment of Wm. Staples to the
Grain, 'Contaneseion. But reports
from. the •conatdenency arc .inew
decidedly raineavoeeble 'frora the
the Government standpoint.
With agrees, Ideated° in pr a-
spect foe the next two frit ercel
months, add no "wider truarikets/'en
zell.e,ve the situation, the Cabana is
u•nwtIleng to .beigin on the election
tine S all, hoping lor warmer evatne
fox the plunge after, the acute st ago
ori the blockade is past. •
If Parham) era ia not to meet
lintel January the ,byeeenection gain
more easely Inc postponed.
Keep Children Well
Durisg Itot Weatitor
Every mother knews 'now fatal
the esot summer laaonthe ere to
small children. Cholern infrattum,
diarrhoea, • dysentey and stomach
troubles. .arle rife this eime and
often) a precierns little lefe is lost
alter only a_ifew hours illness. The
mother who koePs Baby's Own
Tablets en the incase Peen; safe The
occasional use oe the Tablets pre -
v e,nt stomach and bowel troubles;
or ef the trouble comes
as At genleralllY does• -the • Tablet.
Neill eying the baby salfely through.
The ' Tablets are sold by meideline
dealer's • orhy reale at 25 cents a
bo cfrobi Mho De. Weinman,' Medi -
eine lOonBroeltviele, Ott,
District News.
Hay Council passed a bylaw pro-
viding for the issue of debentures to
the amount of 87000 for the purpose
of paying for a new sehool house in
l'ehlie School Efectiori No 7.
Mro, Wm. Armstrong, of Bressele
took, fourth prize for farm dairy , bat-
ter; first for farm , daery preats atid
2n61 in the special priee. Mr. Arne
etrong has been a prize winner tor
To Ilse. Concrete for
King Edward Road
A porton e 1 the 11 ng ndward
Highway is to he built of concrete.
the :contract foe 168 coneteuction
having been let on Sept. ilth by the
Honorable J, E. Canon, Minister of
Agriculture ama Highways of the
Province of Qaebec. The King Ecl-
weed Highway is the Canadian sen -
01 the International' Highway
coctinectiaegt Thloaareal with eeverel
large cities of 'the United Steeps.
1J etemately itis expected that nthis
read well continue as faxl eouth as
Mianei, Florida.
It / was the ex-engine:I intention
that tete entire highway should be
blab of macecIaan ; but the lionoe-
able Minister, who has under hie iu-
reedieticed the Canadian ,branch of
the work, has become interested In
concrete roadways and has deckled
111100 thes important undertaking as
a good place to try it oat. Geyer:re-
ments and municipalities are grad-
ually ,coreing to recognize the nec-
essity '011' a mote Permanent Term of
ceadway comet:cacti:on. That 0051-
eretais tke mate:Leal whi h . est hr. -
fells all the reqnsteenents ol lenre
maneat roadway, is a fact that will
ultimately obtain. world-evede, rec-
ognition.. ,
AAA Ae4aeset,ItAINP/set Afeltetet AAA,Aesie
Little Bits of News
Qqabee, Sept. 13.,-A farm olf e40
acres, jest outsede the city iimifte,
• changed hande yesterday, the peke
paid being- $70,000.
' •
, Halitsex, N. S. 39. -The beau=
tient: hew 13ayview Sept.otel, at •Yee-
naouth, together with its' contenee'
was -enterely desteoyed by Nee, this
mornengewith oat loss of life
Brandon., Mai, Sept. 19,--:Chatees
lhoonnson, of 1Wlni,icsg, employed •
On the new Canadian Pacific bridge
here, slipped Moan a. scalfeold and
was .deoetanod this morning.
Marqnette, 3t1ch,sepf. 19. -That
a anieunderseandiag of signals pro-
bably wies responsible foe 'elle
,between tee stesen,ere .James
Gayley elnd Ron.soclaer oOi August
1111, resulting in the siname ()lithe
Gasaley, was brought out at Lied
hearing to -clay beIoi' lJ. 5. eteame-
boa.t lessemetor a. •'
: • •
'New IfYork, Sept. 19.-Ha11e,y Poi -
4101e, en. whose ,apartment "Bald
Jack" Rose vema,niecl while the p01-
60(5 Were .seaeching for him, wasar-
rested linedaY by 'Deter:these 'Thomas
of Mee 1).ebtrier, A leeeney's oleetees
Pollok Rae endested ona body at-
steckamettee 88 a. walnese in ttle jfeatoe
Doe proceedings.
ea;f , r at in eel' .thrs
Part o
, :6116dt "Sir4e;' 'ThOR')0
s 4Pci lainsielietere on, roue
. , .
•, 'tavrilitranin.a.TallAecIsarlriaL10118e1?::alt91).-'/EleKsetit'-
,111.1iniEiteg • to Sev,eden, Was '• toeslerY
nominated to eneceed ..fearon IlIelne
getout:Ilea! ' Von Beale:ere ar . LIS 1 iAm--
-enieaclor •of, - Auseeene'llungery 'at '
Marheban, Belgletnis Sept, ib:-Six-
y-dtvo personsefee ,Injured, lieV,i-
en of thein peel) bly eatelle, lar 0
b aenl collielon w nob oceitureed at
he 5 ttaelOh
in errn ito-aY, eSelvieral
of the cars, velsi dr were feded With
marketers; were teleeceped,
. Washington Sept, 19. -The time
en which Saiylue4 Gompers, •
Morreeont a ' d John Mitchell Ed
file eppeals eroiml their contempt
ef. court I. entenees Wee lo -day
extended' erom. October 1 Ito Nov-
ember L he three mer: ave Andes
fail emit ces fax veolatio a olf e,
court .im unetedne entire 13uek StoVe
& V.I.t4:07' Case. .
.............. ...'.r.i.7
'Ka .701011116, Angkatills tOPt. 16".'-'
The Legielative "`,".ouncil to -day
Pee (1' eeeels'ettetion to the efefeet
‘,11at ne desirable teat the 'Gav-
e/element tfake action .Lo prevent the
eemordea,n1 'beef combine orIts a-
gents erom obtaining aeoothold in
he Coannionwealth, and also ee-
qaestlangt the Government to non-
eult with the other Auelefellaat
States with a view Lo ge eimuiltlan-
eaus ,passing of ineceseary, eergaSlan
tacini to that end, .
New (Yortk, Sept„ 19-3.1'. Mon -
gale & Company, are planning to
tear, down the old.-teme Drexeil
bunding at Wall •tencl. Broad streets
which has been the home of the
Morgan( lean eor manse yeame, aind
that .of the adjoining building.
London, Sept. 19, -The Barnette
do's third 'party of yo ang 'emig-
rants, Nailed fele Canada last night.
The party compreses 109 ,boys, and
120 !girls, mala.inga total of 913 Tom,
this year,
Live Mock Ss General Auctioneer
for County of Huron.
Clinton, Ont,
Parra Stock Sales n specialty.
(Melees loft at New Ere effete,
Clinton, promptly eettmenclect to.
Terms reasonable and satlsfaction
guaranteed, otr call phone 13 on 157
Goderich Township.
Good House Wanted
Wanted a good house with mod-
ern improvements. May purchase
ef suitable. Apply to
A. FORBES, eliniOn
For Various Departments
Apply at the Office. of
ORGAN 00., Limited, Clinton.
Notice is hereby given that a
court will beheld, pursuant to the
Ontario Voters' Lsets Act, by His
Honour the J udge of the Count --
Court of the County of Hurnn, at
the Council Chamber in the town of
Clinton, on , Wednesday, the 2nd
day of October, 1912 at 9 o'clock a
in, to hear ancl determine, coin-
aint s of errpes .and omissions, iin
the Voters' Lisle of the muereipal-
ity of Clanton for 1912, 1
• 'To w11 Claris
Dated, September 13th, 1012,
learde Opposite G. T. R. Station
An kinds ot Coal on hand -
Chestnut .Solt Coal
Stove Blacksmith
Furnace Coke
Kennel Coal and Wood
Tile -2,12, 3 and 4 -inch size -
The Tile is of the very best
, quality.
Brick to Order.
Phone 52.
4 ,
4 '
4 i
I See and here our finest 'E
New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianos and
4 Organs •
pecial vcaalsneess hi /I. rt
4 „.
• Pianos andorgans rent •
ed, choice new Edison P.
phonographs, Music &5.
' variety goods.
1 MUSIC Ewporjuirn4 801C
4 81
4 801
C,.. Hoare
Wdtkeabarrts, Pae Sept. 1
srightla heavy rails stereo; »19Ye SerernayetereelyrItyy,
oljA-11}111-00 DYSPEPSIA
Proved et great Value to Me"
,• There is only one explanation for die
mashers 'of enthesiastic letters that we
eeceive praising, Na -Dr -en Dyspepsia
Tablets, and that is that, theee tablets
certainly de eure any kind of stomach.
• Here is a typical letter front, MiSd
Bliza ArtiSWOrthy, Canso, N,S. :
"It is with p ea ure 1 wite 16 iiifornn
you that your Nii-DrenCe DesPePela
Tablets have proved of great value to
Inc. I tried remedy after remedy bot
without any lasting good. Having heard
of your tablets curing sucit cases as
mine I decideIl to give them a fair trial.
They proved satisfactory isn my case."
The remarkable success of Nit -Din -Co
Dyspepsia Tablets is each it success as
can only come to an honest. remedy,
Compomided anegeding to tut exception-
ally good "forilrala, fret)]. Imre mere -
genie; lessedeseeseet4een be, et you ere
trouhled with yeetr s dinitetilledeeie
eddidr Dreggist about' Sea -Mei -CC
Dyspepeieelelelete, compounded 'by the
National. Drug End Chemieal Co, of
(Inn, 'Limited, and sold terougbent
the Dominiou, at soc. a box. •' 142
Sales Lady Wanted
Dry •Goods. Ole haneng exper-
i epee prefereefcl,
•'Apply, IRWIN'S
Private Sale ,
The Misses' Jeekson axe having a
private 'sale of there furatturfet at
there home on •Ontario street. FM.
eiture anay.beseen dureng the day.
Farm For Sale
.A first class farm, consisting of
75 acres, on eon. 12, part lot 34, Hut -
lett township, 3 miles from Landes -
bore, and 5 miles from Blyth, 11-2
miles from School, A bank barn 36
by 56, another barn 36x52, drive
oiled 24x40, A brick:house, plenty
of water, about anr. (Acre of ore
ehard. Possession can be given
right after harvest. Apply to
'• . iBlyth, P. p.
For Sale
An eight roomed (frame house,
:n good eonditionn, 'with stone cel-
lar, tow p water. Hal half acrei of
land with young plum 'orchard.
Occupied by Rev, Mr. Wylie. Pos-
session given by ,Oeto,ber 1st.
Price 5000, APplyt
Nene Era,
litouse or Sale or Rent
A 7 -roomed frame 'lessee on
Huron Street, op/resit° COMIller
eial Hotel, for sale or to rent.
.House is being put imeood order.
Watt -work e in connec bon. Apply
Ba•ttenhury Street
Two Douses lo Let
The undersigned has two houses to
let, apply to
Jacob Taylor
Pasture Land
Somesfirst elass•pastere lend to he
Old in lots to suit purchasere. At
tractive prices. Apply. to
John Rensforcl, G •.r. R. City Agent
.1311X3,011f.E. •,
JpAttEIBTDB SOLICIffifelell NO:12AIe
.•• 001111807e
'elonneyance, Notary Public,
Oentrniesionee, etc.
Issuer of elarriage Licenses, •
• . Huron St„ Clinton,
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
• Financial and Real Eptate,
INSURANOXAOHNT---Renresenting 31 Fire le
,0008 =pada.,
liar:vision Court Office.
Farm lor Sale.
The executor of the Southcombe
Estate offers for sale 50 acree -
East half of lot 28, eon. 6, Hallett.
A first-class farm, web • watered
and improved, and with good
buildings. Also the undersigned
offerfor sale, lot 29; con. 6,Bea11-
ett, 100 acres. These farms may, be
bought together or separately.
Clinton, s
Ford t McLeod
Were now selling Timothy Seed
(Government Stanclarde.
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover.
We always have OM hand --Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
Highest Market Prices paid for Hay
• and all Greene.
Ford & AlcILeod
Before placiny
goar orders for
your season's supply of Coal, get
our prices. The very best goods
carried in stack and solti at the
lowest possible price. '
Orders may be left at Davis
& Rowland's Haaelevare store, or
W. J. Stevenson,
At Etectrae Light
Boot Maker and Iteyairer
Opposite Postoffice.
Repairing done promptly.
Suit cases and Trunks re-
paired. '
A trial will convince you of
the neatness and promptness
with which I execute my work
Store open‘every evenince
doian, 0,50
00, Etc- .
seecialattention given to diseases oft1t8
lllyee, Ear, Throat, and Nose,
. pyen carotene examinea, tine euits.ble 1
Office and Residence,
i'Vro doors west of the Commercial Hotel
Huron St.
Dr, W. linun 1 10 C. E. 0.5,,, Mtn,
pr. 55. gaudier. ISA 19)51,
OMee-Onterio Street, Clinton.
Night eons at residence, Rattenburs01.
or at hospital
• DR. J. W. SHAW.
reorreneur, ctc,, alien cnci residence on Ra,
tenbury eta mode, vv. FELIMITOR residence,
DR. P. 24..18XON
Crown ;tad litradgc Wort; a Specialty.:
Graduate of 0.0,0,9... Chicago, and 11.0,0.9
Daylierd en'sloadays. /Slav Ist to hecesub
R. 11. FOWLER,,
Offices over O'NEIL'S stove,
'Special care taken to 'Make dental treee
'anent as painless as poseible.
Live stock and general Auction se"
V3.1r StrilE sales a speonda), indets 3i Al
NEW Elie °ince, Clinton, pr intros attenood
to. Terms reasonable. Variant's' sale not.
G. D. McTaggart M, D. MoTaggise
McTaggart Br4IE0
it General Banking Bash:MeV
Defiler leaned, Interest allowed en
• deposits.
The McKillop Mutual
Fire insurance eo.
Farm and Isolated Town Preps
erty Only Insured,
J. B. McLean President, Seaforth.
J. Connolly,' Vice -Pres., Goderich,
T.E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seaferith,
Jae, Connelly, Hclmesville'John
Watt, Harlock ; G. Dale, Clirton ; D.
17. McGregor
Seaforth , J. Eyries,
Beechwood ; T, G. Grieve, Winthrop
J Benneweis, Brodhagen; M. Me -
Ewan, Clinton.
Each Director is Inspector of
losses in his OlV21 deatriet.
• Robt, Smith, Harlock ; Ed. Hinch-
Seaforth ; Wm. Chesney, Eg-
mondville; 3. W. Yeo,
Payments. may be „made at The
Illorrishi Clothing Co., Clinton, or
11.11. Cult, Goclexich.
Fire, Life and Accident
Real Estate bougtit and sold
.15Ioney to loan
'Office Issac Street, next door to New
Grand Trunk Railway System .
Railway Time Table
London, Huron and Bruce,
• North Passenger
London, depart 8,30 a m 4.50 p
Centralia 9.40 5.43.
Exeter 9.53 5.54
Bensall 10.08 5,05
Kippen 100.6 6.11
Brucefield 19.30 6.19,
Clinton 11.00 6,35
Lonclesboro 11.18 6,52
Blyth 11.27 7.00
Belgrave 11.40 Ida
Wingham, arrive11.50 7.35
South Passenger
Wingham, depart0.43 a in 8.33 p ni
Blyth 7.08 3.56
Londesboro 7.16 4.04
Clinton 7,50 4,23
Brucefield 8.12 4.39
Kippeace 8.23 4.47
Ilenaall' 8.32 4.52
Exeter:- ...... . . 8.48 5.05'
Centralia 9,00 5,15
Londonearrive 10-00 6.10
Buffalo and Gode „
Wes' Passenger
• 31.1 pm pm p
Stratford 10.00 12.20 o23 10.20
Mitchell.- 10.22 12.45 5,55 10.47
Seaforth .... 10.45 1.10 6.18 31,32
(Minton 11.07 1.25 6.40 11.28
Holuieseille 11.16 1,33 640 11.38
Goderich 11-35 1.50 7.06 11,55
East 1 passenger
a m pm pm
Goderich......., 7,10 2,40 4.50
Hof meseille 7.28 2.57- 5.06
Clintbn 785 3,07 5./5
Seatorth 7,52 3.25 5,32
Mitchell 8.16 348 5,55
Stratfora 844) 4,15 (120.
lre'ef?" ernes.' ine: