The Clinton New Era, 1912-09-26, Page 34.4+++++++++++++++++.++ feffe ++++++.444+++++++++*++.4444•404.,-+ 4•4444+4•44+.044+++++ 4.•••+••••t••••••••••••••••++++++++,++++++++ 1 + 'bi local , . , . , Foreign . an . . . .,. . . 4+++++++,...............++.......................e.a,ea......aeee.0410.9* 6.•"*"....."...."4""".4************************++4+++++++++++++++++++44+......0404. 44+t,t+44 ritish Consular Service Now Available to Oanada Ottawa, Sept. 18.--Arrangetne1Tts have (been completed between Sir . EdwardGrey, ,secretary of state, for ie otteign affalre, and. the Hon, George .E. Foster, rnanister of trade and eoranmexce by which whole o,f, the Bretish conaalar ,aervice, 10.X.- tendirpg to eve-cy point in the warred, wee he placed at the disposal of Canadlea .commercial lint °rests. Means are prey:tied alm tor build- up a Canadian cionsular • seta ice tin- der the ea:spit:es of the British see- . Tice. The plan .should arove valaut to Canadianexporters, as ainangente entsare Made for ejecta, - Jug eneoerardion eerie:By, NI Bile an- ' thearlec information as are Canedean resouxces and clegelopment will be avaaleble in all parts. of • the gie.be. It is regandecl as a great (step en. a.dv an ce. Mr. Foster has beeli working at thea. plan all summer. The !Minister of Trude and Com- merce, when he went to Faitglanda Was met by Sia• Edward Grey paid the Foreign Office officials in sym- pathetic spirit. As a result, the Canadian. Government lately Me- , ceivect .a despatch enclosing a sat - is they Foreign ()Vice Tr:mailmen- deem The eertding featares ol glee .agreement axle: 1: The Foreign Oefice agrew to furnish the Department of Trrade and Commerce with copies tit( ell trade reports from its consular of- ficers, as,suan, as they nre publish- ed, from any destrects which !May be specOried by Canada. as ref inter- est to Cana dein trade. 2. Canadian fjrtng Or business men -will beat liberty ' o apply direct to any of Ris Majesty's consuls in any part. of the waled for enimartation as to the sale of Ca,nadiren aered-• nets, 'methods of ,busin e.s s pursiiedt and ;the best! (means or gettnaeg in touch with markets.' Persons '60 !Inquiring will receive all .possible assestaince. To facilitate such ap- Idecation.s, lists of His Majesty's' eausular representatives will ale THE HON. GEO. E.FOSTER. furnished to 'the Depanement of Trader and Commerce, which will rendenethem available to Canadian ,busenese men. 3. Rlis Majesty'sconsuls will be auppleed through the Foreign( Of- fece with statements of !Canape's ' commerce, mesourccs and develop- ment, with lists oe the principal in- dustries and sources of supply, and the questions upara which Canadian IIM.MM•1111M1•100•1iiill, SIR E'DW ARD _GREY _ merehants (and manufactierere ;de- sire information. These statemietas will be prepared by the Depart- ment at Trade and Commerce, and will be kept up-to-date. The coal, suls will be in.structed to pay verde cuar (attentron to ;tnose en•artaers and !questions and to report there- on. Their reports will be forward - ca to the Department of Trade and Commerce by the Foreign ;Office without delay. 4. Canadian trade commissionerts well have full liberty to eapply Lo Majeety's canaille for assistance and (advice in trade matteae. Special trade representatives Sent out by Canada to study anti reportt 1.1, di have the advantage of the personal asststance of the consular staff; they will be eupplied with interpreters, and will ee introduc- ed to the principal officials and merchants, foireign and tredve, of he ecrantry raay be leaning. The valuable information in the retinae of the commercial attachee of the British erabansies xagetreing ail forms of commercial activity will be placed by Ine•ruction, at the ,clasposal of such special trade repaesentatiNes of Canada, and; His Majesty's consuls and attaelies wtfl he enjoined to 'discuss with !them all practical aspects of trade eon- detions and prospects. 5. Office ro.one in British co.natual- ates beeccorelece to Canadian commercial • rrepresentatines when it is possible and cone ea:elect tooar- nange therefore; but in such cases the consular °Nice will assume lo esponsitbility ion. the direction or work .of the Canadian trepresenitia- 'byes. 6, Members •of the Canadian com- mercial zeriviee will beeligible for selection. 'for and eneaance to the •Erlitish commealcial service on the terms and conditions applicable to other entrants thereto, 'subject fto the regulations of the British Gov- ernment/ lin (carrying en its ser' - These ,aarangernents resolve therroseavesarnitio thisy that Caned - liana cain use the .13tItish con:niter system to obtaen. information ("lbw.* foreign countries and that foreign- ers can repaar to British consulaa affeces•iared obtain information as to :Canaidean lascLa ahd opportunit- ies. There also iS opene,c1 the aven- ue to the buirlding up of a:Canadian serviee. NINE ITALIANS HURT. -- Bloodthirsty Affray In Toronto Results I n Arrests. . Toronto, Sept, 23. --Six Italians are locked up in Agnes stmet statinn and three inore are in a, serious cnnclitinn at de Micheeles Flospital se tho 'result of a terrible hula with razors, sti- lettos, knives', clube and beer anttles in a little hoardina-house at' 103 Uni- versity avenue last night. T-wo of those in tho prince station are charged with wounding, while the others are held as material witoesses of the most gruesome and bloody carnliat that ever occurred more; the foreign element in Tm•onto. Five policemen broke, into tho house, \Vh0,re 41bont twenty Italians live, and. theve fouud a vendetta with all its ehastly features. Four Italians were ighting with stilettos and razors, weapons. Accent:1re to tno interere- ter, the men aerested were reepimeible for the wounding. Both are giants in build The cause of the fight was a cele,bra- lion out of the ordierary among the foreign.ers. There ie considerable clan- isb feeling among those from differ- ent towns in Italy. All of those en- gaged in the affraiy hail from Monte- leone. Yesterday was known as St. Rooh Day among the Italians. St. Roca is the patron saint, of a few in- habitants of Toronto's " Little Italy." Those who worship St. Roca were afraid to celebrate the day on .account of the enmity of the' natives of Monte- leone. So the great day passed off un- netteed, and ...these foreigners from Monteleone were so overjoyed that their hated brothers were afraid to commemorate the day that they sim- ply had to give vent to their enthus- . heir laces rind heads badly gashed, iasm by consuming beer and otherwise Ind' huddled in a heap 00 the flour .making merry. The fight resulted. roar others lay 'helpless and bleeding as the result of wounde inflicted in the fracas. A woman, a wife of one. el the contbetants, who is new in GAVE VP ALL ROPES the hospital, was picked up in the hallway, her face having been smash- ed by a beer bottle. Six of the nine Italians were taken to the hospital and treated by a small ,army of sue- geons, and the others were locked up in the police station. Rocoo Learnbardo and Guiseppi Pag- giero„ both cut up themselves, are charged with wounding. The material witnesses, all Of whom came out of tillo affray with numerous scars, are Guiseppi Bagrinello, keeper of the boarding-house, and Mickel° Pugg- 'cola, Donato Puggnola, Joe Carreee and Fedele Rosino. All 'of them are street laborers, and, as far as the police ean ascertain, are related to one another—brothers, brothers-in-law and cousine. The affair started about 9 o'clock last night. A.ecording te an itallan priest, Donato and Mibkele Puggnola, two loathers, argued ,about something, an,d, not satisfied le ith (the yea , in - Oelltenaty 61 Broeli's Heath proposat to Alelebrate fie Salleatal laoltday ora Oct. 13. • At he suggestion of a depute= tibia ovhich waited, upbn the aion. Dr. Pyne, 'Minister! of Edecatione at Toxontoe etis poseible that !the' 13 of ,Octobea.• ma yi beset aside ate ,(a( holiday, itor the school charlatan of the province to commemorate( tho • death rat 'the . Eattee of 'Q13E101.5012 Heights lonOctober 13, 1812, oe ,Sie Isaac Brook and Lit, Cotoeiel Mac- donel, .Attorney--telenexal ee the province. The deputation. C01/1Sie, ed ot J. A. efacdonell,•K. C., oit'Glen gamey; LeinteiColonel 1). M. Robert -- eon, and Claude Miteelonell, The lonnal raciest wasiine school heeiday tor tate coanty Glengar- ry, as Aatorney-Deneral MncdonI was ainatirve of that county. Tie peoposat to extend the leoliday; throughout the whole province wa.s also, made as an addition to the suggestion that the bre of ale Isaac Brack and what he ded for Canada should em read by all school teach- ers to thear pupils. The ;Minister; was 'impressed favorably, and 'pro- ran:se-d to bring the ruataer beirore the Cabinet. GF EVER GETTING WELL 51ake Holders ol Vacant Land Pay Most °I Taxes Alberta Legislature May Give Rebate of One-galf to All Who Improve Farms, Edmonton, S'ept. 19.• -To further relieve agriculture from the buideu ot taxation and to place the burd- en upon specillative holders of farm (lands, important amen(c1-• meads to the Rural Municipalities Act well be sought at the next ses- sion. of the Alberta Legislature. By an Act passed at the session of the Legislature teat spying, assess- ment of land ware made the aole ba - 51501 reveaue, while a 'e- late p135 pee cent, 01 all taxes was pit:waded' tor theebenead of game - era who imp/love :their headings lt is now proposed that this riebaae shall ,boraised to fifty per cent., so that the man who OWIIS a quarterl sectioie wholly ander cultivation 'will pay in taxe.s. exactly one-half as, Much as the man who is owner of aneltai an ing un improved Cram, Mr, Jacob E. Herr, 111 Grange St., Stratford, Ont., writes:—"Ten years ago I suffered with a very peculiar disease. I would go to bed feeling as well as could be, and after sleeping for five heurs I would wake with a severe pain in my back, then moving into my side and breast. The pain wag so terrible I could not lie in my bed, and usually had to sit until morning with a pillow propped up behind my back. With all my pain I would go to work, and after working up to about 10 o'clock the pain would leave me entirely. 'The same' thing would hap- pen the next night, and every niget for two years. I tried four different doctors, but none of them did me any good. I tried a great many patent medicines, but all of no avail. I gave tip all hopes of ever getting well. A friend persuaded me to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve•Pills. I bought four boxes, and afrer usitig the first • one I felt a change for the better, dul ed wielding stilettos. Others and after using three boxes I could sleep in. the house joined in eheeaffeay, and Mac entire nine men fatIght in one small room, hardly large enough to acieommorlate therm When the police , arrived no liquor could be found, but ,there were A number of empty bottles, 'all night. The pains were gone,,and I was cempletely curede " Milburn's Peart and Neree Pills are 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25; iftt' all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, COULD NOT FEED Hltn. Mrs, Leigh Deliberately Refused Food For 44 Days. London, Sept. 23.—Discussing the release ot Mrs. Leigh Horn Mountmy -prison, The Daily Exprees says that the woman had undergone a hunger. strike and forcible feeding tor forty- four days and that her collapse was due to deliberate starvatie a, she hav- ing acquired the knack of ejecting food as soon as it was administered by means of the tube. At suffragette headquarters it was said on Saturday that Mrs. Leigh and her fellow -prisoner, Gladys Everts. who is onder a sentence of tive years for haven: tried to burn the Theatre Royal, where Mr. Asquith was to speak, were offered the privilege Of wearing their own clothes and having Mw hospital diet served to them if they would abandon their hunger strike. This they refused. It was said that Mrs. Leigh had abstained from water .as well as food, and the prison attendants had to strap her in a chair. as both she and Miss Elver% smashed everything breakable in their cells. Unconditional Discharge. Dublin, Sept. 23.—Althorigh Mrs. Leigh was released "on licenae," the official notice or her discharge simply gays the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland ordered it so that she might be -remov- ed to a hospital for treatment. The woman was taken in charge by Mende and immediately visited a hospital, Thence she went to a private house in Dublin, where she now it. iler re- leage from prison was ordered after a medical examin.ation by Sir Christo- pher Nixon, ex -president (1 the Royal Colle.ge of Physicians in. Ireland. and Sir Thomas Myles, surgron to Rich- mond Hospital, ane prectically amounts to a,n unconditional din. charge. Mrs. Leigh Threatens. Dublin, Sept. 23.—Phoenix Park was the scene yesterday of a disorderly see fra,gette meeting. A letter( from Mrs. Mary Leigh declared thErt 0111CS8 Mies, Evans was liberated within a lee days, she would lead a march on the prison. to effect bar release. xjggiugssigiatjalistlikiL- - TELEGRAPHIC 13RIEFS. Dr. Maly, a promising young doctor whose pareota reside in Haeristen. died suddenly of hemorrhage of the brain at Powassan, Out. The orphan children of a Lanark- shire . miner. have proved 'to be the heies to ,e,300,000 left by- the late Ben- jamin Hunter of Breoklyn, N.Y. The Spanish Governtnent is preper• ing to mobilize the emplyes of the railinads,• bringing them within tertch of arterial law, thus checking strikes. James R. • Robertson, a welaltnown Owen Sound business mare, raet with a serious acciclent when his auto tarri- ed turtle and hurled the occupants • 1- , • , Overheard in a Street -Car. There's a lesson right there! Little blemishes of com- .plexion, ,small sores, eruptions, spots, are not only unpleasant to the person afflicted, but are the first thing noticed by other people. . A little Zam-Buk applied at night to spots, eruptions, sores of any kind will do wonders. Zam-Buk is not a greasy preparation which will go ran- cid on your dressing table. It is made from healing, herbal extracts and essences. Always pure, fresh and reatly for use. Doesn't lose its power. Keeps indefinitely. Healing, soothing and antiseptic all the time. Try it! 500. box an druggists and stores. ritin ritown‘ by Auto. Toronto, Sept. 23., --Robert IVeartin, hedel of the Univeasity of Toronto, who lives at 758 Crawford street, was seriously injured on Saturday after- noon when struck by a Telegram mo- tor delivery CST. Mr. Martin was rid- ing a bicycle along West Bloor street from the university to his home. While cutting across the road to tura south on Crawfoid street he was run down by the motor car which was traveling at a fast rate. Be was theown against the curb and rendered unconscious. It is feared that he will not recover. He is now at him home in a prezarious condition. Seven Years In Prison. Galt, Sept. 23.—Seven years in the penitentiary for bigamy and eeven years for perjury, terms to run concur- rently, was the sentence imposed upon Ernest Moyes of Berlin in the police court yesterday morning by :Magis- trate Blake. The crime was one of a most despicable character, Noyes' vic- tim being Lem, Schneer 4: Berlin, a blind invalid. She was also charged with bigamy and found guilty and committed to the house of refuge at Berlin. The convicted woman hied to be brunght to Galt in an automobile. Moyes, wilt pleaded guilty to a charge of bigamy, had to face a charge of perjury, einarnitted in taking out ri luau:nee licenee on September 9 by saying -he was an unrnarric I man. Killed Near Port Credit'. Toronto, Sept. 23. --The bpdy of the man who was struck and Ifilied by a C.P.R. exprese two miles west (if Port Credit Friday eight when he was wheeling hie bicycle along the tracks was identified at the city morgue on Seturdey morning as that of T,evi Pod- gett, 30 years of age, who lived be- tween Port Credit zincl Erindale. The identification was made by Hatvey Peeve of Lorne- Park. The body will be. turned over the comfier at Cooke- ville. who •Will hold an inquest. . Vanderbilt Cup Raze Postponed. Milwaukee, Wi s„ Se pt, 23.—The Vanderbilt cup autornobile races have been postponed until the week follow- ing next, because of rain for several days„ which made the race uusafe. IF YOU WISH TO BE WELL YOU MUST KEEP THE BOWELS OPEN Any irregularity of the bowels is always dangerous, andabould be attended to at once. If the bowels cease to work properly, all the other organs become deranged. Milburn's I,axa-Liver Pills work on the bowels gently and naturally, and will cure the worst cases of constipation. Mrs. J. Hubbard, Port Colborne, Ont., writesa--"I have tried many remedies for constipation and never found any- thing so good as your Milburn's Laxa- Liver Pills. We always keep a.vial in Mao house, for we would not be without them. I always recommend them to my friends." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pals are 25 cents per vial, or 5 vials for $1.00, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn CO, Limited, Toronto, Final Revised. Figures �f - - - Reciprocity Election Vote .Ottawa, Sept. 17.—A blue book giving final details of votes 'castin; the 'general b]ection, of Septeenber ',Heftiest" shows ith.at out of Aeolian oa 1e.85„0.,000(,..reaters on the list a eel .itaie nine PeOfteitadee, 43071528,1 lexerreieeel, the franchise. • ..'"(-- • En) Ontario( 'the (actual vote casa was, (e80,572 out of a total qualefied eget es 693,485. In Quebec 324,039 out of 459,258; Iluva Sgt11a41.311/00 opt ell 336,991; 'NW !Brunewick 79,,072„ Out of 101,1121 aVianatalete 77,686 °Kit red 88,588; British Coilitunbia 13;559 alit 0 e ,83,081. ; Saskatc1Vewine89,043 Out ai.142,414; Ala?erta 1be,775 out a fo7•;- • 228. •• " • • "' • .. ,•,r( •.The eigurreie Chow tha.t flare easteirin ParoVences the (vole was' , more baggy !recorded/ thapa anaiht for •Welsteuti provinces, Otisy Eyes See it Ail WHOLE EAlTli INSIGHT Canadae the Ernaire and theyOrld in General Out Down to a 0011,11M1 A case af ralbhes,:was, dist° vered at Br antf Orel; ' ' The PoWere clitiapproved 01 anY cutsircle loan(' to China. . Violent. scenes were renewed en the (Thein(garian lowea House. The fleet emit:or-liner, the Cheist-' eau X., arrived at New York, Sir Richaect 'Cartwright 'success- fully underwent a.n operation. The text Nettie Uleter anti -home eine covenant was made public, Skeleton 01 0, mastodon has been( found in Malahltle township. A hundred people were I:nu:media riots at A football match inaBelaast, Sixty thoueand British troops took the Hein (foe wax manioeuivers. A ,setteement of the Titalo-Threee ish war was reported to be in eigha. Five addition(al Methodist churches afre planned toe Taranto, Fred 'Partridge, a 'Tuekish and Crimean Wee veter en died at Corn- wall. ' Gas -electric (ens may be used on Mac. radial inc from D'ogonto to Guelph. Rev, Alfred • Reneteason, Cleik of London Presbytery, died at the age (ea 69. The Canadian Medial Associa- tion wjl hold its neva gatherangi at Regina, Federateo,n of Canadian Clubs rabeten.g. atirrecterictoa, N.13., 5tC- ted °Deicers, 11001. J. W. Siam), father of Pi'e' nater A. L. Sifton and Hon, Clifforld Siaton, is dead Two public wharvee for Toronto 13ay have been planned by .the Harbor 'Board. We 'Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught and party reached 'Van- ceuver, completieg tee tour across the continent. The• cornett -stone of a.riew Car- negie Library, to cost $10,000, was iadatPort Hope. • The peach crop in the Niagaata district is exceeindly heavy, ;but Pickers are scarce. The funeral of Gc.neral Need, the hero of Port Arthur, was •ainatu- pi essive ceremony, Herbert Roberts, a teeephon.e lineman, of Bratobroacl, was elec- trocuted latinild-air. The fourth annual Lon rename of Federated( Canadian Clubs opened at Fredenictbei(, N. 13. • The East 'Middlesex Conseevetive nominating convention will be held on S,atueda.y 28th inst. Edward Kidd, M. P, 1 or Carleton county, died at ,Otlaiwa after an illness of :several weeks. Wm. ,Lane, fox anumbea ref yeatra Councillor all,C1 Reeve at Elrollland Landing, died ,01 dropsy. The first of the series of Illstee demonstrations against homerule was held at Enniskillen. A. 3d. MacKinnon, (of Guelph, Master and Registrar of the High Court, died atth.e age 01 60. Dr. W. G. Boone, a former sur;geoin in the :British elect, deprecated the talk of war with Germany. Sidney Secard, a Hendirie teem- ster, was kieled at St. iCatherines by beeng ruin over by %lorry. The huge drydock, Duke of Cone naught behalf -way across the At- lantic oults way to Montreal. A !Mari arrested in San Francisco ie believe.d to be It E. Shealher, wanted. ,en Toronto for thee t. • Harva.y •McNorton of Tecumseh died In Wi.nalsoi: of blo.od-poisoniare from, stepping on.a.musty nail. N'glaaYear-old Harry Cousins, 29 Mealock avenue, Toronto was instantly killed by alive wire. • Canadian . pure-bred poultry - raisers careied obe an•any first prizes at New York state Peer, Samuel Jakes, for inear,:y 40 yearagi postmaster and meechatit at Mee- rickivile, d,ied at the age of 80, LauchienaVIcEnnis, aged 85,w.alked okf ith.e wharf at Pfictou, N. S. 'He was xescued, ;but died of shock. A tierce engagement was (fought near Benybazi between Itailiains and Turks. The latter mat 800 hilted,. Dirrecteles land olticers of the Griend 'Wank Pacific were elected at the companyle (annual meeting. James Kelly fell Lett, the hold of the tug Maher nn the ei.e.y li•otre Sae - nee to the north shore and was Ileill- ed. ( SW Lamer •GO11113, Lady Gotha of Quebec, ,a,nd a party .cielfailenda startled foal 'a elite weeks' tour of the et -'est. The Grand Wank! •Ilaill.way bus auttainged toisell •round -tip ipickets tor ,aingle ifa(re to the Laurier meet- ings.. Se( Wilfrid Laurier amd FlorneRod- °lathe Lemieux aroused g'raleat tent- thusereere at Ville Marie and 'Hadley - bury. W, .G. Will, a crack ref I orn.aini of the 13th.Royal Regiment of Hamel - ton, shot his wife dead andithetn himself, The British army nea.noeuvaes were suddenly abandoned owingto the revoketionary results of ein- ecouting. The Laboa: Comma arenanged ; a mass meeting to be addressed by Mr. J. Koh' 'Elairdie( on the Gellman war scame. Sir Wiefred Laurier addressed more. (than five thousand people at Cobalt, and Wee' welccaned by eleven( nationalities, Vice -President James Schoolcraft Sheri:Warn, af the United Staitee, as ' suefering Wolin ,a 10 eakdown owing to( the atraen of his duties. A saWer sanctuery lamp semelae to those in the Chinch. col the Holy Sepoillehre has 'been paleseenteid to $t, (Tobin's Petealboro. -The'!Board of Home aVlissions of the.• • PresbyterianeChurch decided aPon plans far, mianhing the mesa einea. Heide 'clueing the ecoluitnig The after poirtion of the ateaMete Moxeland Was • tove'ed to saitlaa, having, been .sialv,aieed by the Reed Wrecking CornPlarle after needy tWo year's? , ; Some Vegetable Hints oven,. en a covered dish ; peel and ' Try ,battling beets la a moderate 6:i06, serving with hatter, peppea: cl. aiit: The a aege yellow tometoes, which are ,aoenewhat sweeter than; 'deemed' one, are delicious ee,r1r,ed With- Bug e in aam. - 4.4easpoonfu1 of sugar added to the water lin which the cabbage is hest boded improves the 'flavor oa Mac vegetabees. Cod boiled potatoes liced apein- kled with Ilona and put in aeauce--. pan with milk or cream to cover, ly 'fox at least hag anhater. d ocnoeit.il and eoaseened with pcppee and ealt, are (good 1! allowed to sltraner alo w- and ;butter is delicate. add the sett teal they are [leerily ofil.ecl cabbage weemed up in milk Ini cookeng• steinee beams do not .I. dun ged entre' boil:lag water and bailed frOM tell to twenty Mali - utes henaore tenclet(' than if Pal ante cold water a,nid then illkeveeld to bell. Salt (added in •the cooking , will toughen the kerne(lo Ai (delicious tomato dish ies thlis ; Peel Ithe tolmatoee and place them en releaking dish, spria,kling with PePeerr and milt, anal &there wit!). butter. Cover with a thin 'layer of crumbs, ,and bake for tinhorn filaa rno mate oven. • Vegetables that are to be ueed etew willalakethe meat, beer& bet- tor (flavor je(browned first, Se:leiter 'boiled tilt tender and then mashed 'make:a deliciatis mock oys- ters, SeAson 'the masheld veigetab- les with butter, pepper end salt. Dip jeyehe fe(poonful into beer/tent egg aod then (irato crumbs, ander& in butter oribacoo, fat. Caratets bodied till tender and there (polled In egg and crurinbs clerlielons aried in deep( let, di? $1.1 w *Pert and Impertg9 - 0.r.k SSJ •-,,,,,,,,oreee-Oteeteeetterae-ea The early woram fills along-lieat want. The homely girl can act 'rasher own chaperon. Louee," wanted for the murder of the gambler P.osenthal, ealeturted tin a, Breoldyn, flat. Thirteen weht kihiel and fifty injuxed, ni a railway emaeh 1131 England. The French army Mall0eruivneg et( ere (lartoupaht to an( end with a sh(aen battle, James 'Robertson. aged 68, wee killed en an. elevator aecident at the Continental Life building Totonto, and Hugh TAyliora, elevator was axe:est:ed. Assistant Assessanent 'Commis- sioner Lyon oe Toronto eatienated tnat the extension 'of .Teraulialy • aet ata 66-f 00 t WiCh WOUICI Many a good farmer never saw an ccet about $030,000. agricultural college. .teee. 11 PC. awes, -the macecourrin minister who was out on parole on One way to avoid excitement is to a charge of .defrauding a Syrian widow Live within your income, out of her husband's money, ha $ been • When anmn gets full he is gptto use al.ot of empty words. _ Sometimes a man who is really handsome earns a livingin spite of A woman thinks it is at sin to do Intel of Wings she aiiM coax amah tb do, You may have -noticed that peo- ple who listen to reason always a- gree with you. When a young, widow makes up her mend to anarary a bachelor, he may escape by dying, If ainan can't blame my one else f.or his tiroubles, he ca.n at least drive himself to drink, Monkeys never worry. peobably because they leveitt ignorancie of Darwin's thectey. 111 you leel that the wor,e1.0Weti you a living, it's doughnuts to fudge that you are too lazy to col- lect: it. CANADIAN NEWS. • Mr, Thomas E. George, far. year in business( on Young street Tor- onto, died, aged 66 years. Mr. IH.R. Franiklaud resigned from the Canadian Natianal Ex- Mbitioll Directorate. Toronto. men • are promoting a railway to cement Ottawa, Prescott IIIorsinleburg and .Ainprior. Lock draughts in the Sault canals are increased to 19 feet and 19Seet 5 inches. James Bruce p1 Hamilton, will likely aecontronte.d with arrearaler charge by the Crown Attorney. "Lucky"Scott has returned to St. Joh.n.s Nfld., having secured Capt. Muon's Artie exploring party, The 13th Royal Regiment 01 Hamilton co 11 Old eri aeuecossdul three days' celebration of iits centennactle A bner Perrin had his right arin tome oft at the elbow when his coat coat °allow .s leaf Ling en al N,ew Leskeaedi }Tans Johnston, a alace,donian eau tionman of Geer ge to wn. dued of a fractured (slcall, received (an it -Men- ke off a jigger fora, his hat. Sir Wilfred Inurieeei navy policy tvag warmly enclorised by aln 'enee, thustasti,c meeting. at St, 'Met, Soulanges couut.y, on SatuadaYy. His Majesty George V. has bee come ,Coloinel-an-Chief .of the Black Watch, with which the Mointrelal 5th Highland Regiment is closely afalleated. Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain denies that her husband Is .ill isa Enegilehd. Three perlsoins were killed ,and fritty Injured by a, tornado in ,Canioner crag a. county, N. Y. Two laying 20 nhsnes eollided un die alt' at Chicago, reediting' in the death or H W. Gill of Bata. more. - ''Gyp the Blood' and Lefty ANOMMIMIONIIMONIMINIMMINY pardoned. An additional tax of fifty cents (gold) per hundred pounds °a coffee exported from Guatemala has been ordered. The total tax now amounts to 31.50 (gold). Joseph Devlin, M.P. for Belfast West, was injured in a motor car accident while on his way ta attend a meeting of the Litclooney. The meeting was abandoned. joseph Goodison of Romney Town- ship, near Leamington, who had an arm so badly iajured while threshing, has succumbed to ids injuries, blood!. e poisoning, having developed. Dr. Rudolph Hering of New York was elected president. and Dr. James Robet•ts of Hamilton, vice-presideet, of the American Public Health asso- ciation in Washington Saturday, Max Kessler, a Russian Jew, bound for Toronto, confessed to the immi- gration officials at the Falls that he had stolen 370 from his employer in New York, and was sent back to the States. Captain Harper Wilson of Winnipeg was the only Canadian to get office in the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odclfellows, meeting at Winnipeg. He was elected grand marshal. H. I. D. Aetley, a British aviator, whe had made eeveral notable flights, was picked up in a dying condition Saturday at Belfaet after a fell and taken to a hospital, where he suc- cumbed to his injuries. At the close ef the military manoeu- -nes which terminated on Friday, lion. Sam Hughes and the Canadian officers were presented to the Ring. Tb4 Minister of Militia had also em signal honor of dining with His Ma- jesty. youthful Burglar Heavily Sentenced. Belleville, Se.pi. 23.-1 young man named Frank Smith, who claims lel paso, Texas, as his home, was on Sat- urday sentenced in thie city tc five years in the penitentiary. for burglar- izing Mr, 1. A, Goodseils music store in this city, Suffered With Nerve Trouble ti. 0 YEARS IMPOSSIBLE FOR RIM TO SLEEP Mr. Chas. W. Wood, 34 Torrance $t., Montreal, Que„ writes:—"For two years I had suffered with nerve trouble, and it was impossible for me to sleep. It did not matter what time I went to bed, in the morning I was even worse than the night before. I consulted a doctor, and he gave me a tonic to take a half hour before going to bed,. It was an right for a time, but the old trouble returned with greater force than before. One of the boys who works with me, gave me balf a box of lafilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I took there, and I got such satisfaction that I got another box, and before I finielied it I could enjoy sleep from 10 p.m. until 6 a.m., and now feel good." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are • 50 cents per box, or 3 Opens for $1.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt ge price by the T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. 41MOMMOIMIMMIIIMMIWIMIla 1 1ri.i!„1.4 specIALs SEE 0131 Apple Parers at 75e Stock Pails at 80c ,Teieded Shells at 60c 22 short Cartridges at 18c Draining Spades, ()leaner, Manure Forks large and small, Ensilage Forks, Ete, lite • Timotisy ced 5 25—As the season is shore, speak'fes days,ala ad Sugar at Rock llottom PrIees for it toy 114tys IllaitteSt liriee for Butter, Eggs, Ete. , EmPe L'ONDESBROIRC140