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The Clinton New Era, 1912-09-26, Page 1
Established 1865,' 'V 1. 47, No. , is THE, NLW IBIZAWouId Like . H': 'Kerr 84 Soni Editors and Publishers to Receive Budgets Budgets of News I9ach Week from All Its Correspondents. THE oyal Bapk OF CANADA Head Office Montreal .;C,alArbad Author -zed-:, .... •,$25;000,000 ;Capital Paitd-up 11,500,000 :Les sivean d undivided 'profits , 12,500,000 +fi.'OTAL ASSETS .,,175,000,000. 325 ;B`RANC'HES iW'ith world wide coneectiop4 learterest allowed on Deposits Genes* elan,kaleg buefwees Ithlaml9- acte,d, E. MANNING, Mgr. CLINTON BRANCH TOM u Po.wiIcrs Colgates 'E'elat •Colgatea Violet ,Oo1geteo 'Monad Viwlet 'Celestes Cashmere Bouquet •Csolgates Daetylis Williams Karel Williams Violet W ill iamsi . Carnation Royal Rose Royal Vimolia TRY COLGATES NEW PER- F! E -ECLAT, We (think It o,no of 'the best, a. 1E1, 3HE00‘730Y mspensing Chemist. WILL 9e,OLD ENTFIRTAIN'MENT.. The Ladies Aid of'Wesley IChureh frtenld hoedinji+ ',sri en'tertai:n men(! it the' town'haala on Nov, 19th. [More patitcu':iaa+s will be given later. Get the Best. it Pays. ELLIOTT TORONTO, e ONT. l Is well lenown as the runte: place for superior bus;n:ese ,an.: sheet - hand eelucati,on. Positions worth ;$1100 ,amide$15000 were recently fill„" ed by us, ;Write for Catalogue, POTATO FLOUR Have you tried ;the new Potato Peer Cake? It has heels' 1te!ebex1 .and dechaned ex- cellent by soave of the beast gooks i,n Clinton, 5 Potato Flour Cake (Break 2 ege's into abowie 1 tableepoo,ndul cold water, beat until: light, add gradually 1-2 cup sugar; Ines and -sift bald cap potato flour, teaspoonful baking powder, quarter tea- spoonful salt; 'combine n x- ture; quarter teaspoonful va- nilla; 1 tablespoonful melted) butter; spr,nkl^ with powder ed sugar. fBaks se to 25 knemutee. Where do you get it? Why at' Wale5L's, only 20e package W. T. ('NEIL THE HUB GROCER Phone 48 Th.e godsons Bank Incorporated 1l?55 Record or Progress for Five Years I90619II 1906 CAPITAL. , $3,000,000.40 $4 0000.00 RESERVE . 8,000,00000 4,600,000,00 DE PC -ITS . , 24,677,730.00 35,042,311,00 LOANS AND INVESTMENTS . 27,457,090.00 .38,854,801,00 TOTAleeSSEgS . . . 33,090,192.00 48,237,274,00 • Hail 85 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents la all the Principai l`Itiea in the World. GENERAL leAsNIEING BUSYNESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Clinton Branch, C E. DOWDING. Mana2'er Whic' do Vili PI'tIeF? ERE are two brand new styles for Fall, The Raglan -shoulder is very popular with the high-class tailoring trade, and when styled c!orrectiy, as shown, it is a very smart over -sack, rrhe button -through, patch pocket style is neat and 'stylish ani makes a smart travelling or street coat. These are .only two of the twenty. Overcoat styles we are showing Y in the famous 2oth Century Brand make. Another shipment of Sweaters just, arrived. CALL AND SEE THEM —77 Clothing othint.9 A Square illepal For Every Mau. Huron Students; A't Stratfordl' ` offal, M The Stratford Normal School open- ed this g, a ha morning, It u - gh very haste work could be done except assife ing• the pupils to their various rooms. Following are the ,Huron Stade t at the Normal. _ I _Myrtle Draper,ClintonCli ...:©dna M. Turner, Clinton Florence G. Aiteheson, Bluevale Anna Bell, Seaforth Keziah E. Brown; L,ondesboro Jennie E. ,fluff, Dungonntse Lizzie M, Currie, Wingbam Ella J. Chesney, Egmondville' Mary J. Curtin, Seaforth Ada W. Gardener, Walton Edna A. Hickingbottom, Auburn -Emmeline Holland, glolmesvllle Lizzie V. Johns, Winghanr Genevieve Jones, Seaforth -Edna M. Lyon, Londesboro Eva M. Love, Seaforth Mary A. Stewart, Blnevale Jessie R. Scott, Seaforth Mary L. Shaw. Bluevale Gertrude C. Stewart, Winghanr Eunice P. Sothern, Fordwich Gladys M. Stinson, Gorrie Grace C. Weir, Seaforth Marguerite Williams, Seaforth Norman M. Geddes, Belgrave A total of 24 ladies to 1 man from Huron Co, A light Docket. modigai Sir William Mulock Hears Drain- age Case from Hullett Township. Only two cases were entered for trial before Sir William Molock, Chief Justice of the Exchequer Court, at the assizes which were held on Monday, One of these-, Kurschinski v, Swantz et al. -was postponed to the next We tings of the High Court, owing to the illness of the defendant Swantz, 'the other case was that of Potter v. Township of Hullett, which was tried without a jury. The action was for an injunction to restrain the construction of a drain under the Ditches and Watercourses Act. 0. Garrow and W. Brydone for plaintiffs ; W. Prond foot and J. L. Killoran for defendants. After hearing, several witnesses leis Lordship suggested that all parties should come forward in the court, and they haying done so His Lordship ex- plained to them the position and prob• able history of this litigation, and after the counsel had conferred and a petition had been signed by all parties agreeing to change the nature of the action from one under the Ditches and Watercourses Act to one under the Municipal Drainage Act His Lordship made the foliowing epitome of judg- ment to beissued in the matter : "It having been agreed between the parties that instead of the drainage sought here beitsg carried out under the Ditches and Watercourses Act it shall be had under the .Municipal Drainage Act, the judgement shall di- rect (a) no further proceedings to be taken or continued under the Ditebes and Watercourses Ant ; (h) the parties to proceed under the at unicipal Drain•• age Act and none of the parties who have signed the petition to the town- ship couneil, a copy of which is filled, shall withdraw therefrom ; (c) the costs of all parties between solicitor and client shall be taxed and added to the costs of the work and be paid to the respective solicitors." •••••••••••••bf••••• • WITH TER CHURCHES. • • • •f• 00••••••••••••••• ST. PAUL'S CHIJRCR. Mrs. W. Glenn Campbell acted as organist in this Church on Sunday last in the absence of Miss Bently. , wn.bos CBDECH; The regular monthly meeting of the W. 5'. M, S., was held iast Thursday evening. The devotional topic was taken by Mrs. Chambers and the Miss- ionary topic by Mies' Luella Welkin. shawl' Mrs. L. Paisley sang very • sweetly, "Guard While I Sleep." Next Sunday afternoon the annual Children's Day Service will be held in the Church. The special program pro- vided by the, Assembly's Sabbath School Committee will he used and an address will be given by Mr. O. 5.' Boeck, Principal of the Model School, 1t is hoped there will be a large attend- ance of parents and friends. Last Sunday Prof, F: O. D. Bristowe began his duties as Organist and Choirmaster in Willis Church. He created a most favorable impression, his rendering of several classical num- bers being admirable. while the bymns and anthems were played with -fine taste and feeling. The congregation is to be congratulated oi, : having obtained the services of so thoroughly talented an organist and so competent a conductor. Mr, Bristowe comes to Clinton with a fine musical record, For 15 years be held the position of organist in Obrist Church Cathedral, Fredericton. Since that time he has served Presbyterian Churches at Nia- gara Falls and Orillia. He has given organ recitals in most of the promin- ent cities and towns of leestern Can- ada and in not a few places in Ontario. We understand that besides being an efficient teacher of music, Mr. Bris- towe is fully competent to carry on the advanced work of a Choral Society. There ought to he a place. in Clinton for a gentlemen of such talents and we trust that he will meet in this com- munity with the success to which hie abilities entitle him.. ONTARIO ST. CHURCH.,, Rev, Dr. Oaten, of Brussels, ' will preach morning and evening nextSun' day. ' The pastor will conduct Anne versary cel a services t i Brussels. It will he Missionary Sunday in the Sunday School and the Junior League will assist in the program. WESLEY CHURCH. ;last Sunday night Rev. Ada, Ford Clinfien Millinery ppe� kgs a Success' How dear to my heart Was the old ftaslrioned bonnet, !Theld tl fashioned, bonnet we al used to see, The simple old bonelet, the oft re gold rose. Exquisite in its simplicity i . was a charming model of rose velvet, the rolling brim veiled with chiffon and trimmed above and below with two flat monnts. Oh le bring back. the 'bonnet teat s otsbuta'V The window decorations displayed at the different stores, on Thursday evening were original and dainty. At Couch and'Oo's, the south window, de. ,corated",iii white'and pink, with a huge 'basket of mums was declared by many iio he one of the prettiest ever seen in (Minton, ':In' Tozer and Brown's win dole wereshown the daidtest of even- inggown fabrics, taatefelly; arranged while'beautiful ferns and bouquets of•, aste added`mucb to the effect: Miss Cant en's window was in white and green,the background cleverly,ar- \ ranged to represent a: brick wall with window, At Mr. J. A. lrwin's, the south window with its rich autumn tints and"shiided lights formed a pleas- ing eontra't to the lighter hues of the others. In the north window was a splendid dislay of ladies' 'suits in the seasons's most fashionable styles. Despite the%inc'emency of the wea- ther, the millieery openings on Tburs. day evening were well attended. Nor could anyone visiting the millinery parlors marvel wt the fact. Gaily lighted and decorated rooms each with a countless array&; of hats --and such hats. Big hats, ',little hats, beaver bats, satin hats, high, bats, flat hats, street hate, dress hats, simple bats,and. elaborate bate, all calling forth "Oh's ! " and "Al's 1." of delight from an admiring throng of womankind. The mostpopular shades this year, appear to be black and white, rose, pink and brown, the latter' including tan, carrot, burnt orange and the fashionable cinnamon .shade. The hate are made of a-varietydf materials, the best pattern hats being in plush, velour, satin and heaver. Far trfmm• ing ostrich mounts, - ospreys and willow plumes adorn the more deems, are models, while quite often a• single flower in the fuscbia sbade gives a note of color to an, otherwise dank hat. In many cases this trimming is shelves the brim. Irwin & Co. • At 3. A. lrwin's store, the rnillidery Parlors, in charge of Miss Borne and Miss Hill were artistically decorated with autumn leaves and festoons of white, Here many handsome hats, were shown. One that aroused much enthusiasm among the young ladies was a large white beaver with rolling brim, the only trimming being an exquisite pink willow mount. An- other much admired was a black plush with chiffon edging, 'trimmed with gold applique in collar effect and a took as his sermon "An' ahalysis of the 1 burden of sin." On Monday evening the League entertained the Model 500001 students and a very enjoyable time was spent' by all. Next Sunday will be Rally Day at the Sunday School . and a special service will be held at 2:30. The school is asking for a sum of $50 to pay off the balance on the school piano, Looks like Hydro Power At Goderich Maitland Sheme Likely to De- velop -Commission's En- gineers Meet Council. Goderich, Sept. 24 -For some time back the town has been waiting some definite report on hydro power from the commissioners, Yesterday En gineers Gahil and Yates met the town council in the courthouse. There were representatiyee from the . municipali ties of Clinton, Seaforth, Exe,.er, Heosail, Zurich and Blyth. The proposition which they put be fore the meeting was that if 1,500 horsepowet was guaranteed they would develop the Maitland River Power Company and sell it at $,27 per horsepower. Its the meantime, if it was wanted at once, they would can struct a line from Seafortli for the same dgure. No difficulty is felt,here as 700 horsepower will be used here alone. Clinton, Hensall and Exeter making ue the balance. When Maitland power is available and the horsepower is increased to 2,400 which it will he in two years, the rate will be reduced to about• twelve dollars, Definite figures wilt be on band on Thursday night, and as far. as Goderich is concerned it looks as though hydro is here. Couch Sr Co, Of the decorations car tions at Couch and Op's suffice it to: say that the decorator was Mr. Percy Couch, whose skill in this art is well known. Here were shown many "chic" models for 'street wear, one most smart being a Persian Lamb toque with an uncurled ostrich spray; Verygraceful, indeed, was a black beaver picture batwith a pink ostrich ' bandeau. Beside it was a white beaver with a flower wreathin the fuschia shades, /Writ the cynosure of all eyes was a charmingg; tf11e1 in black velvet and white lace withthe rim slit so as to' give the longhack • to front line so fashionable tis season. • Like most of the best hats it was simply Fret richly trimmed, having ouly'two exquisite 1 black and white osprey mounts. At this store it was not only the hats that aroused interest. In the ready to wear department were ex- hibited many' fashionable snits and coats. The latter are made chiefly of chinchilla, blanket cloth and revers- ible tweeds,. Most of them are so cnt as to fasten at the neck when required. One very handsome model was of double faced blanket cloth in brown and green with a shawl collar, unique in design, faced with novel shaded silk and piped with cerise. A rever- sible boat -the latest New York fad-- was ad-was much' admired. Some handsome coats of near -seal were shown, one of them with the collar and back in 'the one sided effect and lined ,throughout with satin, Mhie Cante7:on & Co. At Miss Cantelon's the decoraions were in green and white with softly shaded lights. Many original and dis- tinctive models were here shown, many of them °sported from Europe. In fact Miss Caaitelon's great' success in the millinery business can be large- ly attributed to the careful study she has made of imported m'dels. Sonne ofh t a most admired hats were :-A small soft black velour with cerise nstrichspray falling off left side,finish- ed with ceriee cordis linksand buttons, the whole effect being eery attractive to the eye. One of the most recherche models was an Elton shape the top covered plain with black couch velvet, the facing of white velour trimmed With a superb Paradise spray, "Very stylish and becoming was a large black beaver with slight roll across back and with flat trimming of shell pink mara- bou. It was finished with pink velvet Teddy bows. ,ssirs'ted .by Mr, C. J. Pink, ie,a= d r se London q'uatrtet'te. etPrilday Forenoon. 14. Elec,tabini of .Orrlcers. ]6 Finan: •ial Statement. ]0 Mdse 1/3,May fiance, •''Golder Si:,en:ee arts Silver Spejlcb." 17 -Mr. H. A Petty, "Nature Study" 18-So,ng, >b1(es McKenzie. 119 -Mr, S, Piy tiles, "Manuel "Trlain- Wig." Friday Afternoon, 20 -President's eddeees, 21 -Mr, J. M. Field, ''Odds and Ends' It le hoped thcit a71 the, teachers of East 'Huron will remember their, duty regal -diet regular a'ttendanbe at convenfttoai. P ciaildext, rM f. G.V. 'Holman, ]st Vitae., Mr. J. T, Cuetis. 2rnd Vice., 'Miss .D, R. 'Bul'b, Secretary, J. Stalker, pro tem. Executive 'Oommittee, Massre, Scott, Stalker, ,Higgins, ,and !Misses Brock and ,Thompson, Births, Marriages it Deaths BIRTHS, GOSLE1GI13-In Clinton, on Septem- ber 25tb. to Air, and ears. Alex. Gios. leigh, a son. MARRIAGES BRITOE -POTTS-At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. t1eo. Potts,' by the Rev. Jas E. Ford, on Wed. nescley September 25th, Mr, Clar- ence L. Bruce, of Fort Williani•, to Miss Leona E. Potts, of Clinton, The Western Crops. A epeci'al despatch to 'the Globe I Bast night from Winedpeg. says, - , ''Threeheang is in ;full -swing through (: out the three Westrern• 1rovnnces, fallowing the clear weather and high drying, winds of the past • 3 days. The few peones where three! siting- had nok,beep resumed to -day repent that, wilt's continnred dr weather the ftartn,ers wet be ,busy to+(mors;ow, Frost of 'reword !see i /� a r 1 verSty for ttuls time oaf year 9:s Flee Teachers convention portod 'dhrrm,M the pest two eighth y Conventions It rami ed' 'f g [ (rbOir a to 15 degre(els,.buU ,The teadhers oe East Buio'12 Ira,- specturate wife meet en'cool/gotten Fri W,bngharee on/Th.,ursday',and' Fall" day, October ' ,el, 18, In ;the ',Town Halal, ,001, IThwreday eeemi(nig:thane will bola grand coneea✓t. The fol-. Sowbnig is: the program fol the two days,- , • fTluur'sday Forenoon, 1-Operflnig ;Exercises, 2-ReadMn' 1MiTintes, 3 -Appointing !Committees. 4 -Mr A. Poslielf, "School Sports" 5 -Mies !Blyth; "Art,"; 6=Mr, Scott,` subject to be chosen, 7lhnxaday Aftelinoo'n. 7-Mr.. nlg „ .. 5. Pteklos, '•Manuel iTzja�n- 8'='Miss 0.22. Reynolds, ";Ctiortus" class of •gists, 9 -'Mr. 18.04. Sarabth, ',''Method's to Arirtbme(l 1e," 10 -=Mr. 5. R. Lo'gany teaches; of Writin'g, Peterlbore @TOr(mlall School, "penmanship," if -Address, lMiri, A, 'ff, Mua'grxive, L, A. 12-11r. Hoftrean, "lily Ideal School?' r nurnday Event g. 33,-A oon(cert 1by Mies B.,tlday Rance' , the actual, ,dam'age is sligght; as 'cult fettle grain r snth1s 'sit; n'dinlg' that could.,h,ave ueecn' o,f'any va„uo even we h wernr wea(tl lex, The f, epoxt1 to-night,indica(to • that conditions to -day have 'beep! as fiavorable a.,a could be asked Tog, and the': grain ih' tea, threshed: t 5s tw• ' gling? ouut a very good salmp],e." District News. Wan. 'I7m,nggh of Brussels, has bough a'hotet M Whitewood, Sask., and w,Uil be moving West shortly; An ,olid and well knower resident of Brasses, pain Nature's debt as tJMo,nd'ay flu the person 04 Wafter accson, in itis 76th ygaa. Der ceased was ,horn, in Weitealoo KM. At a Meelt4mrg of the boairr1, wif (axis, Standard Hank of,Ca'nada•heeld at TiononiCo, en Tuesday of last week. G, P: Schofield was elected ra dirk!-, or ' tofill the v e e a am y caused by Jhe death of 'Fred'eairtck "Wyld, Max. Schoifireitd will ,be Irelm,ehn Fled :(ak the firsts agent of the •S(tand'ax(d ' Beek in BrusseW and be ieyow ;tits ,GeneraR,a . ai$s(n,a,gea•( wlit',Is bas , 011!X. fx (T?art�5'tio ,' , 1 , , editorial INtot4S � u, We're l Dan N IiIIi Poet Ba71 tie'eItill 'a t thc4r.o:p ,of tiie heap iln,Ex glen,d"and' Seo:tl'and,', AJ energy ps,39000 people assemble ,to witness. Doane of the ,leig niatehes, CCanlaeltaru ,bowier's will; visit; the Wettish J ies'tnext Su'mmer'and give xh/biti i_.. e .+ r sonic of (their prafieieriey im ljcatilmg Miss Kitty, We would not ,be isurpeleed`41 Clxn:toisI4aos, xd5ght not included'(bein 'sphere tnunid'leas, It p wall the 'to • an, better. gety, "Six !tent-story'el'rectvres nuclei, ccn,straactbon'down town." .This is the In adeng pf a co'tumet in a !Mann treal daily [newspapers ,tndicatiinlg what Is deist there. These,'ai a 'of' flee ,buildinigs;,a d' may, cost a'ha l millioin each as they will ,be filttcid out dn�anodeen 'style, —.—p-- A million dollar's a montlht is Isatd to be the groes earnings! of the Intereoilonlal Railway. There was a. day not long past when thebal- a once sheet m cl�Ort have been �appro- priatekS psepaa'ed ontbiack bordered paper abut Hon, Georj;e P. Gr,a govt stead up amid the day of detfic- Its is gone, never to return we hope. In, view' of .the' fact,that the' weather pmogn,osticatioas occas- ionally go astray we venture the as- sertion that when Noah ,issued his probabilities, centuries ago, he'had no motion; they would apply so closely to 1912, A.D. Genteais' 7 an,d ] 2 "And the rages was wpofn lthe earth 40 days 'anti 40 nights," verse24 of the same else/stet says "And the waters poevai1ed upon the iearetih an hundred farad flirty days.' We ale not up to the rbCO: d yet a,s fair as teams limit is concerned, ;but there es time yet. There are 'now three vacancies in 'Dolmtnion House seats, the Ra cet being that of Carleton Co., the rep- resentative, Edward Kidd' , ,beiarg called away 'lest week .by.. tl,eath, Carleton ids at vary strong Conser- tattve riding with little hope: of change of heart. JAd: tor' Ross, of Ottawa, Is Mentioned 'as a probable candidate. His ,brethren of the gtvll, irrespective of politics, would Eike•to:see him in, the, House, Toronto ::s putting in a nervy plea for ;the Provbn,cial govertumene to present the clay w.it,7it !the Normal Scheel eligible site for a city park, iThe property is very val'ua'ble and would make am,A1 ,breathing spot but why the city. should desire' to to smash the Golden Rule to sttome and have the Pro -Wince, of ;Ontario play Sancta Ciarus is cheeky evop for Toronto, Sir Jame's 'Whitney should tell 'them en his ,bluff 'way ''where ,!hely all= get'tling, 04',£ ;at." 0ntar:o ifs not in the mood ,of m�ak- i,rtg the presentation, Presidential election campaign in the Betted States Is warming up as the .date 'draws' near. R,00s'erieet,. the ,Bull 'Moose, is into tire, fightin hits usual robust style. 'Taft, as the 'kepublloan nominee, is .between two Sires and will cer'tain'ly havela loot eerie The Democratic s(tanid- ard berar',el:, Governor Woodrow 'Wvlsose taws he meeting with. massy encouragMg feature's. Ln ,a triangular contest it is net, easy to count noses but' itlooks a]iftele ae 1f;llalft will be the main squeezed out a i,d the regi iba'ttle 'beet:we/en Roosevelt and Wilson, Ho,n. Mr, Borden has been aa'keid by alargely :s'?Ign,ed petition) ream the West 'to take the navy q'uleallitoua out of politics: We have no doubt the Ben. Premises' would be [glad' to trade bt,ele to,somebody who would guarantee at would never comet back, It's sosuethen,g like the Diet- 0:mani's gun whose "kick" was about as dangerous aa, :the valley that preceded' ilk, One thing isearn. tain .the navy q-uestion is 'a Shorn in ,the slide 'of+tihe present Bonsine ion, government Who appear eo the '1 ,at sea, where) we suppope, the navy ought, to ,be. ----o--- Poor old Teelkey has troubles pt its awn and tlher bones will likely be well picked before Italy is sat , the I f'" 1 as f rho i sad aU'ter , h . i is ' e 't d r o p � ft ft. do the carving. elemetimes ;the, day af Tete -libation seems hong de- layed ,but Mr, ;Turk 'shoul'd ;below ing h,ad'deeam's es he endeavors to'. 'steal Steep hours orf;nlelerp i/0 vis- ions of the past are 'OLe fsceprie, nightmares 'presented to his view,. A ,buyilying' nation, like an lndavildh. nal, of rough—riding„ps'opewsities,, will have a 'l,if.tle !sympathy weaseled upclpl (them' ,when 'they k esett 'dlh e end of their tattier. TOY, 'gjein e'a(G- ly r®,Cyt{1`. i It1AC1 c1(geestp 1`;, . Customers o rs who have used our Paris Cnleen tell us theg, very 'quiuekly:, and success-, fully put the, potato bng out of businesu. i., Now Gel's Swat the Fly You can, kill more Flies in the' quickest time with RED FLY POISON than by, any other 'means. In 5c and 100 packages. J' Mangle£oot. Spiralette Fly Paper Wilsons Fly Pads Dr. WilliamsL ly. amidWillias In- sect Destroyer for your stock e Parisian Ineee,t Powder. W. A. McConnell t Please Notify Us If you Teel run down, of you are not enjoying the good health that should .beyours,. we know that Ina very shoett lane a,boitltle of Rexall Wine of Cod Liver Oil will make you well and strong ;Take our guarantee [for; it., there is no better, body build' - or. Sold only at the REXALL 'STORE, ..R. Holmes Phm. 13. NEW FALL RATINGS Nov in Stock FOR the past nine years we have catered for Men's Custom-made Tailor- ing. producing style and workmanship fully guaran- teed. Keeping none but.:; competent workmen, equal to any in large cities, and producing Clothes I0r New u at prices consistent with ex pense, and much below city prices. i Why pay big prices fort factory -made clothes where,' you can get' a suit made to. your measure at home, by an experienced cutter and... practical tailors, from,: $20.0010 $25 0 We've seen others coma and go, but we are here to. stay. Using the same motto as when we started: "QUALITY' UIT ' weenneweewn Mpg 1 fllep'S Tailors and Furnishers Three chief witnesses in tiara; •'' :Kyoshk murder; trial, confessed to- perjutly lathe former trial of the, ,y'oung Zndvan. ' The' Social Democratic Comgrierns, iu Germany denoutpees compettlbi on,./ `41-hpg'Iataz