HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-09-19, Page 8oxer
We are showing a complete range
of the very newest styles in Ladies'
and Children's Mantles, Golf Coats,
Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, Etc,
A Call Would be Appreciated
Uozer do& 93rown
At the parsonage of the. 0.n tiara°
street Methodist Church, Clarifton,,
by the Rev. S. J. AlLin, on the )4th
Inst., Mr. -Frank 3. Sturt, Illanager
of ithe Bank of Hamilton, Blyth, to
ISliss ,Beryl M. West, of Winghana.
Master Alex Eagleston, who mak-
es his home *mirth his uncle Mr. T.
Cottle, captured first 'arise at God-
erich Fahfor drawing, open to the
pupils of Huron County. Alec's
w ork shOws reanaricable„ talent and
we look for,great things from him
in a 'few years,
• I
t In a few days ,MR. J. fa. +
+ 13.710DES, Arnim,. Ont., na,amu-
• fa.ctare.r -of Ladles Reatds,
± Switches, Puffs, Curie and +
+ Pornpodores, made frorn 'Your ;.
+ own combings. Will call. at +
t every house in C1Ijnto ith t
; a full line of -samples, carest
• prieeN ete., etc.
On Thursday evenjna,of last week
an informal At Home was given at
the Manse, by the niernhows of the
Girls' Club of Willis Church, to
about. one hundred young people
including Model School and C. 0,1.
students, The -enter tailiatinldathad
been exaell,ently planned, The
early part of the evenatag was Sp;ent
In ;games and, after dainty reftresh-
an mats had ,been serredea short pro-
gram was given- and a delightful
evening was ;brought to a close by
the ,singing of Auld Lang Syne.
'Q1111111 Dread
Made Clean
Elaiced Clean
Sold Clean
First store north Grigg' s Jewelery
Grannetvare=.-Dargain Eels.
la farce Special
Lot No. 1 -Your choice for 50c.
Lot No. 2 -Your choice for 25c. See them in our big window
OtNo. 3--Yoor cboics for• 15c. On counter in, our stove dept,
• .•.• • • • • • • • •
The above will comprise nearly every article manisfactured in
graniteware, such as -1
Water Buckets Tea Steepers Oold Meat Dishes
Teapots Pudding Pans , Dish Pans
Coffee Pots Wash Basins slay Moulds
Preserving Kettles . Rice Boilers Collanders
Milk Pans " Sauce Pans SoUhBowls
Bread Pans with cover. Chambers Pitchers
Dippers Covered Pails
Please Understand that these goods are slightly dissienged
but are big values.
Ottly those that interest themselves to 40e will
ever know the great vatutes they at*
at the Prtee
• •
Stoves, Hardware and Novelties
Locai ews
Dtsnicw MEETING,
".The'FInanclai Dietrite meetints
of the, Goderieth •District. Of 'the
ISietitiodist (Church, "is slated.fon
Tuesday and, Wednesday of nex.t
week at Seat orth ov J, E. Ford..
.is chairra.am. • -of •the--- district ,and
1i presiide.
The annual . meeting .of the W. C.
Ts U. Will he held at the ho8ne of
Mrs. J. W.Moore, 'Friday ever -Sag of
this week at 8 o"clock and stifill
•ellen dan ce is r &qv cated. , A special
collection, in aid of the work a-
mongst liunbermen be taken
A &p1) of freight cams jumped
the track on the Main line atRoek
wood Tuesday morning dela,yigg
the 1Tc:wont°t4an . that, is duel ,a111
Clinton at 11 aan. for two hours
The X. H. & :train .due _
name in ‘arter 5 p. m. and the up
train from' 'London alfter.„8,111.1 ,On
the one day.
/The regain+ ot the 1W0 -
men's Institute will he held atfthje
hoone of Mrs. gugh dlosis„Town-
send street', on Thuiraday alter -
Le on, Sept, 2274.14 The elfbleat willl
he "The influence of Women" by
Miss Tebbutt, All. the members axle
asked to jae preoent ,as, important
matters ate to he brought up for
Mos, Donald Ross has sold her
cottage on Isaac street to Mr. Ern
jacksont and will in future reside lin
Toronto) where her -two sons axle
attending ;university. Mos. Puss
and family have resided in Ittowirt
feolertsis..everial years ,and will be .griest-•
ly Missed in church and- socialcir
Sunday ,was a pretty wet day.
11Ir, John ;B,aitnd reports that the 1)1.-
1Mo' 'rain dull 801 the day was
.75 Tin, 'getting ,elose to a. full inch
ni water. Mr. Baird rn speaking to
the New Era ,states that in) l.00k-
ix-g over old gecords,. the rain tfall
in August has been nearly aqua
tu this.August, but it only came in
aifew good rain steransi and ;onto
continued wet spell as was the pat
Alt teachers who have to crime hy
,iraisr and who purpose
log the West Huron aches's'
Association are tinged to come to
od exich the egit ,befors, i.e., on
the evening of (Om 25fhl Past.,
oder to'bepresent nor the open-
ing session at 9.30 on the morning
is to be gbven on the square on
will miss Mrs MI snyterir 'a rivet
lecture. An open -ale Band concert
1 sto be given on lee sqoare on
the evening of tha 2Stb,
The Clinton Baseball team with
tmany changes went to Exeter on
Friday afternoon and won \from
that team by a score of 7-1, The
Clinton ,boys got at Carling in the
first innings and scored 0 runs
,before they quit, Exeter neared
their only rust owe foul. tip. which
the umpire called a falid ball,
Those who composed the Clinton
team were ;-.Wed,r-C ; Taskersp ;
Jchnson ; Kilty 2b:Draper as'; Me
Caughey Sb; McEwen ; Greig cif
Kerr rf,
A statement from the License Dept.
of the receipts and expenditnres in
Cerjrre. Huron for the year ending
April 30th, was as follows :
Receipts -
20 taverns ' $ 0700 00
3 shops.. ............... „ 1050 00
14 bartenders. .... . .... ..... 28 00
1 tavern, township ... ... 120 00
Fines collected 415 00
Transfer fees 110 Or
Balance from last year 13 00
$ 8442 76
inspectors salary and expenses 708 00
Office rent 20 00
Commission's travelling expen-
ses 129 00
Postage and stationery 33 73
Printing and advertising 27 50
Counsel fees ..... . 108 50
Magistrates and Court fees24 55
Detective service.. ...... 10 00
Paid PrOviecial Treasurer 8953 07
Paid Municipalities -
McKillop $ 52 00
Brussels 826 00
Seaforth ...... 761 07
0oderich 1369 19
Clinton ........ 914 10
3422 02
Balance to 1912-13 5 81
$ 8442 76
Winners in Contest Of
London Free Press.
*Number Of Local People Won
Prizes I p ReCently Conducted
BOoft.-LOte Contest,
The results of the recently", conduct-
ed. London Free Press hook -lore con-
test were announced Saturday morn-
ing and a number of local and district
people appear among the winners. In
the following list the names are those
of local people unless otherwise in.
Mrs. (Dr,) Rogers, Brucefield, a Kriel
izel violin ;Mrs, W. A. McKim, God-
erich, Honore de Ealzac's works ; B H.
Reynolds Wirgham Mandolin Mabel
Reynolds, Goderich, Robert Brown -
logs works ; William B. Whitely,
Clinton, Vase ; John 17. Groves, Wing -
ham and Margaret 1. Wilson,Seafortb,
carving sets ; Mrs. Robt. S. Winter,
Seaforth ; W. A. McConnell, Clinton ;
G. F, Roulston, Exeter; Oonstmice L.
Lange), Goderich ; Miss Elizabeth Car-
ling, Exeter ; Mrs. George ,E Greens-
lade, Bayfield and F, A. Selley, Hen-
sel!, all 2 pounds boxes of chocolates,
I 4i -t.,4•44.4-1.4-8,4„+44
+.1. .... $835 • 4Wher ..... L.22eto23e +
Eggs to 26c
• 85 to 88c
Oats ...... 35e ,
4. Peas ' 50 to 60c 4,
+ Barley , 50to6090
Beaai $15
Shorts • $1.40
The 35021 annual nieetting of the
West Enron Teachers'. Aesealiation
wilt he held tn Goderich on Sept.
26th and 21th. In eoesection there-
with the trustees of the
spectorate are, invited to meat on
the 2,7tfa the object being to organ-
ize allhusteee' Association,
The local Fairs will now have their
The Band gave an open-air concert
last Thursday night.
The leaves will soon begin to fall Mit
everything else will go up.
Elliott's' big auto took a load of peo-
ple to London last Thursday.
The new street sweeper does good
work on the macadam roads.
The London Advertiser has had can-
vasers in town soliciting for the paper.
All kinds of live poultry are being
brought to town for the Poultry Co,
The question of the how -"Shall we
buy coal or go South for the Winter."
Tuesday and Wednesday saw a
large number of our citizens taking in
the Goderich Fair
The Weekly Globe balance of this
year, to subscribers of the New Era
for only 20 cents.
Mr. James Doig received a car load
of stgne last week for to be used as
the base of the monuments, •
The London Fair had fine *wither
.and a goodly number of our citizens
went down for the Exhibition.
The New Era to December 3Ist to
any address in the British Empire for
25 cents. See announcement on page O.
Zurich Fair'started Wednesday and
will close today. Seaforth will hold
their Fair today and Friday, Many
from he will attend the latter to-
The Franklin Stook Go., played in
the Town Hall on Monday and Tues-
day nights. The plays were "Molly
Baron" and Ken blokes, Sue." They
went to Goclerieh on Wednesday.
The Oshawa Ref o inier says -
()riffle, the town that does the most
buying at home of any town in On-
tario tor its'size, also doe ths most
advertising in 115 local papers. Do
you see the paint .?
The annual Sunday School and Ep-
worth League Convention of rbe God-
ericb District will he held in Serifortb
on Tuesday and 'Wednesday. Septem-
ber 211-h and 25th. Rev, .1 E. Ford is
Hon. President and Miss L Stevens,
2nd Vice President.
One of.the most cleplorableand weak.
est spot in agriculture in Ontario is the
decrease in the sheep industry,. The
two prime causes for that condition
are dogs and the low price of NV001.
There are thousands ot act -ss in this
' province being tilled at a loss that
should be stocked with sheep.
It is urged with mach force that
automobile numbers should be short-
ened so as to be more easily read at
a glance and more certainly remem-
bered for instanee, AF041 or B592
would he much better than 24082
and yet by conabiniqg letter and num,
hers, as many combinations could be
had without running the numbers in-
to the thousands,
should he provided for new.
The longer you put it -old the.
more likely you are to wake up
some morning in a cold, come,
forties s house.
now that' you may„3need any
tirnes. Whether you prefer a
-steam, hot water and-31ot air syse
tem, wears ready to supply it
,and to 'do all the plumbing or
other 'work requi9ed to linstalit
It properly; '
Thos Hawkins
I , •
T ... :
41,,e e eV. ' 1
: . , i
2 operattners -and Station Ag- 5
• ent1s weik thoroughly taught •
• . lin. our School. The Central •.
• Telegraph ,and Ralgroad g'
School, • Toronto. Get our •
• hook "Guided by.- the Key." •
• it .explains au work and the `•
6 ' t :
• splendid chances for opera. -
O ore, ' 'Write W. II, Shaw, Pres- 2
: Sdent, Yonge, and Gerrard Z'
• ads., 'Toronto. • ' • .
• 6 '
• •
Nolice lo Advertisers
All "Ado," and eopy for the
--ochasisse of ads" M net he in
this office pot later than
Mond aY evening of each
week, otherwise tEey swathe
too lalte, If a holiday fags
on:Mew:day the ,ad vortieers
should then •- see that their
copy le 10 on the Saturday ,be-
fore, as this' paper goes to
press pm Thursday afternoon
so as to catch certain mails.
Thia- ,also to your -a el van-
tage 'exit gives you a couple
of days hanger -to advertise
goods. This rule goos into
Scarce at onPe.
His Honor the County judge will
hold ,a, Voters' List Court; in the
Council Chamber on October 2,ed
at 91a.an. There is a Wig lied o8
complaints of error and ontrassions
on the 'Voters' List of 1912.
A wedding; of Interest to manly
Cheltenham took place on: July
15th ;barest Norman, fin the Mac-
Kenzie Rimer 'Valley, whien IMies
Hudson was Married to Mr.101011
Fair, youngest -son of Mns. Jamas
Fairestd., of town.. The New Era
wishes them 'all happines,s in their
far away Northern, home.
$0.ME 131G POT.Eil ORS,
Last week Mr. W. Doherty show-
ed (the N'aiw ara a potato from his
garden that weighed 2 Lbs. 1.699 1-2
an ounce, It certainly was a good
one. .0in Saturday morning -Mr.
Josh. Sherman, of lot 35) con 13,
Goderich township, brought three
-into the New Era ()Mee that he had
dug out of his potato patch (that
lacked Unity two ounces of weigh -
:mg 4 lbs. Mr. Sherman stated
that there werie Leone potatoes of
a fair size in the same hill. Who
says Huron Co. can't grow potatoes
The citizens were ,indtod stupid's-
ed ito hear that Mr. Henry Smith,
son of Mr. and Mrs, John Smith.
who had heen well- known resi-
dents laf town, had died; an Wood-
stock after a short Illness 'of only
ass eek with pneumonia. Decleased
was .born in Lincolnshire Eng-
land, and cattle to :Ca)ada 37 iye,ars
ago with his parents. Living first
in the vicinity of Londesboro and
aiterwasids in.Clinton till 5 years
ago when hetmove.d to Stratford
He surviveicl his wile only a little
while,,she having d0.0 Iasi Decem-
ber. Deceased vas in town about
2 weeks ago helping his parents
slid sister Mrs IS A Downs o pack
tip Driotr tonrovt,tng to Wood/tads
where they ere now resiliansg. The
funeral took place fr..5eta the. e lox;
cn the arrival of the 11 o'cleek
ti atm Monday nm:Blau, interment
t eels; made al the Cl fasten c"metery
The funeral was -under tb • alas"
pit es of the 0 Q.IY.. O4WhLCh de-
c:sed was aDulen-Aer. Pec,
A ltin, conducted the Lervines. De-
ceased leaver to monist his stkddg,11
death, his aget pa_ontS, ikl)o 11010
in Woodstock, Two sisters, Mrs.
,A. Downs, J' Woradstosk and
Mrs, Geo. 2±05000, of t ; and
five brothers, 'William of Ardent
Manitoba, John of Toledo, George
of Port Herten, Hamar of Tort:Into
and 'Robert, s.11Tancouver Those
who ateendedt he funeral ,forn a
distance were and Mrs, John
Smith, Toledo . Ceerge Smith of
Port Huron ; Hamar Smith of Tore
013t0, and Mr, and Mrs, John Do ds -
v orth, of Seal frjh anu B, A,
Downs, of Woodstock, The pall-
bearers WC.',1r mem ben tine- C.O.F.
Messrs T, Monaghan A J. Morrish.
W. S. R, Holrnes, W. Harland, 1.
Dodds and 0 Cr COOk, Me80r0
Jno. Shepherd and I. Dodds cone
-hinted the Jorige services a' the
gi ave. To the r sfatis es and fig -0
parents the hear. felt synapathYsis
West Huron Teachers.
The :35th annual meeting of the
West Huron Teachers' Association
will he held in the Collegiate Insti.
tute, Goderich, on Thursday and Fri-
day, Sept. 26 and 27, The following
is the program for the two days
Thursday Forenoon
0.30 -Opening exercises, reading of
9,45 --Physical Culture and Military
Drill in Public Schools -Wm. McKay,
fiensall ; C. J. McGregor, Laurier.
10.20 - Arithmetic for Senior Third
with class -H. R. Long, Goderich.
• 11.00 -The Teaching of Art in Pala -
tion to Expression -Mrs. Helen May.
berry,'Stratford Normal School,
1 80 -Reading of Minutes.
1.45 -Municipal Civics -H, Horton,
2,15 -Third Class History, Hygiene,
Geography with Supplementary Read-
ers -Miss C. E. LeTouzel, Godericb.
2,45 -Fifth class work, Sr, IL S. En-
trance, etc. -Fred Ross, Dungannon.
3,15 -Freehand Drawing from Mo -
dee - Mrs. Mayberry.
4.00 -Notes on Our Work -Inspector
4.25 -Report of Delegates to 0, 111,
-Mise I. F,. Sharman, Goderich ; 11,
N. Creech, Exeter.
d 40- A trip through Western Can-
ada -H. 1, Strang, 1.. L. D„ Goderich.
Thursday Evening
On Thursday evening an eh tertain.
ment will be given,when the following
addresses will be delivered
"The Efficient Teacher"- Miss I, E,
"Medical les pee -Lion of Bch oola" -Dr.
Macklin, Goderich.
"Teaching as a Life Work" -Rey. J.
B. Fotheringiume, Goderich.
Other items will be vocal -and instru-
mental music and drills.
Committee -Miss Sharman,Ibepec.
Tom and other Goderich teahers.
Friday Forenoon
Opening Exercises, Reading Minutes ÷
Election of Officers, Report of Ram- 4.
lution Committee and discussion of re- '41,,'
port. ,i,
10,20 -Our School Readers- Miss +.
Jennie Murray, Exeter. , 4>
+is mow +
44.:+3%.:a.***11.4.2L+01f3Ellt.fili€4114itititiql4+++11.44+444.1417. 104*
Right Now for
Right School 'Suppliesat
Right Prices
ComplOte lines of Collegiate Institute and
Model School Text Books at regular
Big values in general supplies.
You Need •Thern,
We Have Them,'
Let Us Get Together.
RESULT -A Mutual Advantage,
TheW.D. Pair eo.
Often the ehespest-Aiways the Best
selling 0111 sale
We have still about Four Thousand Dollars
worth of stock to dispose of, so to close it out in a
hurry we will cut prices still lower
Now is the time to get your Boots and Shoes
for fall and winter. From now on, terms of sale
will be STRIeTLY eriSH. .
Men's regular $5.00 Boots for $.3.50
4.00 Boots for „ 2.75
, I
2.5o Boots for 1.5o
4.5o Oxfords (patent, gun
metal, and tan) for .... 3.40
Wemen's reg. 4.00 Shoes for , 2.75
3.00 Shoes for ' 2.20
2.50 Shoes for 1,65
1.75 Shoes for 7.25
All our Men's Working Boots, Boy's, Misses
and Children's Boots at similar reductions,
Women's Oxfords, Pumps, Strap Slippers
Children's Slippers of all kinds
Jas. Twitchell
6111.1011.106321.21.016141911111•11012413.UMMA.11113. ataer.maentramontroassonsaramaccommomonstenit.aluita
Ws.lkinc," and Riding Clover
I. H. C, Gasoline Engines
McCormick Machinery Pureps •
' and Windmills.
NW a Wile
Corner of Princes and Albert
onoario's sest RUSEIleSS college
Stratford, Ont.
Our teachers are all exper-
ienced instructors. Our cour-
ses are better than revert pnd
the equipment is more goal -
pieta. We do niore foroun
graduates than do other simi-
ilar schools.
Fourteen aPplications f or
trained help were received
during the past week, some
of these offering. over $700
We have three dlepartments,
Commercial, Shorthand and
Telegraphy. Write for out
free nate/ogue and see What
we are doing.
D. A. McLachlan, Principal.
.14.++++++++++++++++++.1.+4./.-1. ir.-1,+++.1-+÷-14+++++++++++.4.44-44
Big Price Surprise I
On Ladies Tan Oxford Shoes • II
41 .
4> *
4., Extraordinary end of the season prices to •
• enable us to clear put the entire lot of our
Lades Tan Oxfords, 4.,
$4 Ladles Tan Oxfords 10r $2 It '
ni ...
All- High Grade Fashionable Shoes.
Get a Pair now and Save Money,
• 4.0,40-Eoienee for Fifth Classes -J.
13, Hume, 13 A. Goderich.
11 20 -Oe the Use of Water Color -
Mrs. Mayberry..
12.00 -Question Drawer-E,L Strang
L L. D., : J. 'Blain'Tem, 1. P. S. ;
M. Robertson, B.A., Goderich,