HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-09-19, Page 7Nn" 'S • 1 ntere:tin F.xP erience oi:71'wo 8 Women Their Statements Worth Reading. �AI 45 to 50 • White Oak, Ont.—"At Change of Life When, doctors could do no snore and I was given up bymy friends, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- bie Compound came to the front and did wonders for me. I had been having fe- male troubles f or years, my head trou- bled me severely at times, I had bearing down pains and back- ache and I was'very anaemic from excessive flowing. I rec- ommend your Compound highly and do 'allz can to advertise it as a genuine wo- man's medicine." - Mrs. SYLvESTEa MANNZNo, White Oak, Ontario. The Case of 11Irs. Ttirlin, Circleville, Ohio.—"I can truthfully say that I never had anything dome so much good during Change of Life as Ly- dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "Before I had taken one half a bottle of it I began to feel better, and I have eontinued,takfng it. My health is better than it has been for several years. If all women would takeit they would es- cape untoid pain and misery at this time of life." -Mrs. ALICE KUILMN, 358 W. Mill St., Circleville, Ohio. The Change of Life is one of the most e critical periods of a woman's existence. Atsueh times women mayrely upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. ., MONTREAL) w riTHE STANDARD is this' NAM -teat Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion :of Canada. a It is national tr aft its aims. - It uses the mi5st expensive gngrao- trigs, procuring the photographs from• 11 over the world.• " Its articles are carefully selected and Its 'editorial; policy; is _'thoroughly !independent. • A subscription to The Standard hosts $2.00 per year to any address In Canada br Great Britain. ee ;TRY IT FOR 1912!: ep Montreal Standard Publishing Cele: Limited, Publishers. ' ' DON'T NEGLECT YOUR WATCH A WATCH is a delicate piece BIfm Machinery. e It calls l1s for chm r a kss attention • than most machinery, but must be cleaned and oiled occasionally to keep perfect tirne. '- With proper care a Waltham Watch will keep perfect erne for a lifetime. It will pay you well to let us clean your watch every r2 or r$ months. W. R . Counter Jeweler and Optician. Issuer of Marriage `Licenses. By .LQutla Tracy lo"oPyrighh' by 'MeLLeo d & Allen, TaronJte eye had seen and her quick brain was Iletook advantage of the opening arvellne at certain details iII etedette thus presented, and was able to inters; am's costume. There are conditions' even .in England, In which' a flannel Ptiit is hard to. obtain, and the Man- Ilex- of their. Coming to SYInon's Yat, seemed to;arecluee the buying of; ready-made garments, + a solution, which would occur to an American instantly. Yet here' was that incom- prehensible chauffeur clad in tike cor- rect regalia of the Thames Rowing; Club, though Cynthia, oe course, did not recognize the colors. "How did you manage' it?" she asked, wide-eyed and smiling: "I hunted Fthrough the hotels and met a man about 'lily own Size who was just off to town," he said. "But—there are gaps," I thought they 'fitted rather well. In fact, he was the stouter of the two: "Don't be stupid. The gaps are in your story. Did you borrow or buy?", "I borrowed. Lupkfly, he was a decent fellow, and there was ne trouble." "Did you know him?" By name only." weakened the self-imposed guard on "Do Englishmen lend their clothes his lips. There is excellent, author - to promiscuous strangers," • sty for the belief' that Desdehiona "More, much more; they give them ioved Othello for the dangers he had at times."passed,` and, did ,With greedy ear de - She was silent' for n few seconds, your his discourse, yet it may well be He had persuaded her that oars were; conceded that an explanatory piquancy. preferable to sails on such a still ;would have been added to the Moor's still night, especl'ally as he Was not. account acquainted with the shallows, but het had not explained that ir he rowed Of most disastrous chances, and she steered he Would be able to of raising accidents by flood and field,' gaze his fill at her. "What colors are those?" she dei if the lady were not a•maid of Von - mended suddenly. , ice but :hailed from some kindred city I ought to have told you that •I, that refused to range all the virtues happened to find a member of the club; to which I belong,' he countered., Then; before she could pin him down to a definite statement, he tried to est her in stories of the campaign. without committing himself to details. Nevertheless, a. man who had served on tile;'beadquarterst staff during the protracted second phase; of the South African war could hardly fail to ex- hibit an intimate knowledge of that history whicb fs'never'wrltten. Though, erithia had met many leaders of thought and action, she had never be, dore encountered one who had taken art In a struggle of such peculiar sig- nifica.nce as the Roe}• revolt, She was hot an .English girl, eager only to hear pales of derring-do in Which her fellow - Countrymen figure heroically, but a pltizen of that wider world that refuses to look at events exclusively through British spectacles; therein lay the f,erm of real peril to Medenham, He lxad not only to narrate but to 'con Mince. the was called, on, to answer questions of policy and method that few if any of the women in his own circle would think of putting. Ob- viously, this appeal to bis intellect on the side of the Mistress of the Adriatic. More than once it chanced that Me - carry the war into the enemy's coon-; denham had to exercise his wits very ty quickly to trip his tongue when on "Ey the way, I hope I am not peethe verge of some indiscretion that string; oh the fact that you have con excuion would betray him. Perhaps he was • seated to take this little s , Miss Vanenen, but may I ask how you; contrive to appear each evening in; a muslin frock? Those hold -alis on woke up in a maze from a dream that the motor are strictly utilitarian, and was not less a dream because she was a mere man would imagine that mussnot sleeping even 11 some unwary ut- lin could not escape being crushed."' terance caused her to ask what man - "It doesn't. I have a maid iron; per of man this could be. It for me before dinner. At Hereford But that can never be known, since I shall receive a fresh one from Lon; Cynthia herself never knew. The one don, and send this back by post. But sharp and clear fact that remained fancy you noticing such a thing!: in her mind as a memory of, a sum - Have you any sitters?" ,,,x„ mer's evening passed in a boat on a "Yea, one." river flowing through fairyland, was "How old is she?';:e ,:, provided by a set of circumstances far "Twenty-three." "iry;� ii removed from tales of stormy night- ' "Dear me! A year older than Me' riding After De Wet or the warp and Oh, Ought I to have said 'than I'?' weft of European politics as they fresh That always puzzles me." ; ioned the sere -cloths of the two Dutch "You breve Milton on your side. He republics, wrote: ,,Neither the ono nor the other should Satan—than whom no higher sat. ' be blamed if they found a boat on the Still, it is generally allowed that Mi1- Rrye a most pleasant exchange for an ton wrote bad grammar there." eager automobile on roads that tempt- . Cynthia was awed momentarily—; ed to high speed. At any rate, they a quotation from ' Paradise Lost"' al -1 gave no heed to the time until Gyre ways commands respect—so she thia happened to glance at the hori- h rked back to an easier topic , " "'els nut, sister married?" e unduly cautious. Perhaps his listen- er's heart bad mastered her brain for the time. Perhaps she would not have 0 Plan e v asleepnihehet /he/ 'V/A DOI�ER'fY ishalite/ e ? b, esr!h ()tie ti of the Best e M Equipped Piano F actor es in • Canada; W. Doherty Piano and Organ Co,, Limited Factories and Head Office CLINTON, ONT. !Western Branch, 280 HARQRAVE STREET, ( . , WINNIPOBt. MAN. "Wbat is her bnsband." lyee:eteteale "She married rather well, as the' saying is. • Iler husband is a man named Scarland, and he is chiefly interested in pedigree cattle." "Let me see,'t she mused, "I seem; to remember that name; it had some; thing to do with fat cattle, too. . .. Scarland? Does he exhibit?" Medenham wished then that be had: pot been so glib with the Marquis or Scarland's pet occupation - "I have been in England se little during the past few years—" he bei' gen. "I hope you haven't quarreled' with; your sister?" she put in promptly. , "What, quarrel with Betty? I?" And he laughed at the conceit, thought he wondered What Cynthia would say' 1f, on Monday, he deviated a few miles' from the Hereford and Shrewsbury, main road and showed her Scarland i which the ark n Towers and the p marquis's prize stock were fatening.! "Oh, is sheso nice? And pretty,; too, I suppose?" "People generally speak of ber as; good-looking., It is a recognized fact,:. I believe, that pretty girls usually)No, no. Apples are not the only wrecked. Many of the boys swam to have brothers not so. favored—" forbidden fruit. May I vary an um- land and others floated ashore on oars "What, fishing now as well as row- worthy defense? The woman came and pieces er wreckage. A number. ing? Didn't I say you had a Norman with me and I didn't care." - were rescued from the surf byofficers aspect?" But I do care. Please hurry. Mrs- of the training station and ared for ' "Consisting largely of a scowl, r Devar will be real mad, and I shan't understand." have; a word to say for myself." Medenham bent to it and the out - "But a man is obund to look fierce! sometimes, At least, my father does, rigger traveled downstream at a rare though he is celebrated for his un- pace. Cynthia steered with fair ac - changing aspect, no matter what hap- curacy by the track they had followed Pens., Perhaps he may look like a against the current, but the oarsman Sphinx when he is /carrying through (glanced over his shoulder occasion - what he calls 'a deal,' but I remem- ber very well seeing lightning in his' Frye when an Italian priece was rude lo me one day. We were at Pompeii, and this Prince Monte-sgmething in- duced me to look at a horrid fresco kinder the pretense that it was very brtistic. Without thinking what. I' was doing, I ran to father and complained about it. My goodness! I wonder the yet," she said, with a note of anxiety,!lava didn't melt again before he got . "You are not making enough allow through with his highness, who, after rt eo All, was a bit of a vi uo and may have really' admired nasty subjeets1 o long as they conformed certain; tandards of arts." • "Some ideals call for correction by' ftf,,,,h,e toe of a strong boot—I share Mr.; t7anrenen's views on 'that point most emphatiealln" Medenham's character was one that; He was then Immersed to the waist, transmuted words to deeds. ele drove, but he flung his right arm around the 'ail'? onward -with a powerful! Cynthia and lifted her clear of the Sweep that discovered an •unexpected' -efnitiug 2raft.-�travomw.t"----- hoal. There' might ve been sor.pe'eteSit onS shoulder. Steady your- Sanger of an upset it the calf s�i3' hi 'self with your hands on my, head,' gon and saw that the sun was repre- sented by a thin seam of silver hem- that the five boys unticeounted for ming the westerly fringe of a deep blue were drowned. sky.,It thera we a moon, it was hid- The known' drowned are: R. C. Har- ken— by the hills t metes h10 'ase fan, aged 18, Bloomingdale, Ind.; I. L. "Whatever o'clock is it, she cried Shworth; 18, .Pittsburg, Pa.; J. Wel- in a voice that held almost a sound la T8, ,T.ureee, Ind.; J. A. Patton, of sear -e. - 23, Stanton, Chid; V, N. Amtrobus, Medenham looked at his watch, and 21, Indianapolis, Ind, bad to hold it close to his eyes be -1 The party, in whirle were twenty - fore he could make out the hour. four apprentices, let the training sta- "Time you were back at the hotel," tion shortly after two o'clock in he said, swinging the boat round quick- charge of Gannett's Mate Negis and af- ly. "I am afraid I bave kept you out ter oruising about for two hours head - too long, Miss Vanrenen. It is a per ed for North Chicago, feet night, but you must not risk catch -1 A few minutes later, while the eat- ing a chill—" 1 ter was north of Lake Forest, a squall "I'm not worrying about that sort struck the boat, the sails were lowered of chill—there are others: what will and an anchor was thrown out. Mrs. Dever think?" When within 200 feet of the shore, "The worst,' he could not help say- the cutter overturned and its oceu- ing pants were thrown into the water. ""What time to it, really?" Capt. W. F. Pullen, commandant of "Won't you be happier not to know? the naval training station, saw the we have the stream with us now—" danger of the apprentices from his "Mr. Fitzroy—what time is it?" headquarters and sent a motorboat to t craft also was "Nearly half -past ten o'clock. You the rescue, but this capsized before it had gone far and the men in charge of it were obliged to swim back to the shore. Later a force of rescuers were sent along the shore to'where the cutter had been oYl1 BEST Of HEALTH "fruit -a -Hues" Cured Hps.Hfleu iatism P50F..J. F. DAVIS 563 CHURCH Sr., TonoNree • I want to say to the people of Toronto and elsewhere that "`Fruit-a-tives" is my only medicine and bas been for the last four years. Previous to that, I had been very much troubled with Rheumatism and Kidney Disease, and bad taken many remedies as well as employing hot applications of salt bags etc„ without getting satisfactory results. Noticing the advertisement of "Fruit- a-tives"; I adopted this. treatment alto-, gether and, as everybody knows, since taking `Fruit-a-tives", I have been enjoying the very best health and find it a ,pleasure to follow my vocation of Dancing and Deportment Instruction". Pros'. J. P. DAVIS. Prof. Davis, the celebrated teacher of dancing and deportment in Toronto, is quite frank in stating that "Fruit-a- tives" alone cured him of distressing Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble. 5oc. a box, 6 for $iso, trial size, zsc• At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. TEN BOY DROP S Boatload of U. S. Middies Goes Down at Chicago, GUNNER'S MATE' IS MISSING Boat With M. N. Negis in Charge is Capsized and Five Are. Dead and Five Not Accounted For Out of the Twenty -Four on Board Gunner's Mate Negis Admits Blame and Then Disappears. Chicago, Sept. 16. --rive naval ap- prentices were drowned and five are missing as the result of the capsizing of a cutter from the United States naval training station at North Chi- cago, I11., late yesterday afternoon. The bodies of five victims were recov- erecl and identified and it is believed did' not leave the hotel till after hail - past eight." "Oli, blame me, of course. 'The wo- man tempted me and I did eat."' ally, and advised her as to the'prob- able trend of the channel, "Keep a bit wide here, he said when they were approaching a sharp bend. "I believe we almost touched ground in midstream as we came up. She obeyed, and, a wide expanse of! low-lying land opened before her eyes. • r"I don't see the lights of the hotel] ante for the way in which this rive turns and twists. There are sectional) M which you box the compass' dura. Ing the course of a short—" A sharp tearing noise in the bottoms of the boat amidships was followed by en inrush of water. Medenham sprang upright,' leaped overboard, and caught the port outrigger with his ,left hand COS skillful •hands, As it was, they' fes f were puck, in deep water within a few seconds. Cynthia laughed without the least . when the plank was ripped out eche had tremor. uttered ho sound, and she followed his "You were kicking my Italian .ao;" instructions now. implicity. She was quaintance in. imagination then I hope) perched comfortably well above the river when she felt that he was mov- ing, not to either bank, bat down the center of the.stream. Suddenly he ud:" et go the boat, which bad swung Wail, well, let ns forget the Signor, broadside on. ' Principe. Tell me about yourself "It es staking and the weight was How did you come to enlist? ' In' my' pulling me over," he explained,. still country, men of your stamp do not in the same quiet way; as though ho. join' time army unless some national 'were stating the merest cornn%onplabe.' 'aisle arises. But, pe`rhalie, that ape Some'thrill that she' could not ac pplies to your case. The Beare nearly' nount for vibrated through IY$1! holly; beat you, didn't th'ey?" ; sae was not- eeteneeriea in the ledge. he aid, and his voice was so am, signal that the girl could almost have laughed. Beyond one staftled "Ohl"i yon see new that you might have been Mistaken," she cried. "PVelf in this instance I only touch -i 1 ontintled nett Week at houses near the scene of the wreck: Gunner's Mate M. N. Negie, who was in charge of the cutter in which the boys were drowned, atter aiding in the rescue, disappeared. He is said to have told friends that he held him- self responsible in a measure for the wreck and, that he feared it might af- fect his mind. Owen Sound's New Industry. Owen Sound, Sept. 16.—By a major- ity of 934, the ratepayers of the town on Saturday declared in favot of grant- ing a loan/ of $60,000 and other con- cessions to Hugo A. Gutenkunst. of Milwaukee for the establishment of a malleable iron industry in Owen Sound. There was no real opposition to the bylaw, only 28 votes being cast against. ..Work will be tom rented at once on the new 'plant, which will comprise two large foundry buildings when completed. The agreement calls for the erection of a large plant to cost not lees than $100,000 when completed and to em- ploy no fewer than 150 men in the first year. In turn the town giants a loan of $60,000, also a grant of $4,000 with—which to purchase a four -acre site. The new concerti will have a capac-• ity of 25,000 tons, and is to, be running by New 'Year. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the - --. A. IhLbO., LOIVnom ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue free. Enter any time• J. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr, ,Principal . pattered4ceountaat 1a Yice-Plkfoipa! d n; Noges Act 'Itfautled. Polito, .Sept- IO,-The,dthnzatio deaths of Gen. Count Maresokd Nogi, the sol- Bier hero of japan, And that of his wife, the G'ounteas' No`gi, who, coinoi- dentaliy with what wall cololdercd the supreme melfient of 'tbe nation—the -' departiyre from the capital,of the hotly Of the, late Nmpetor Mutsu'hito for its final resting place at Mogoyama—cote- mitted suicide, the general; by gashing his throat with a sword, and .,the countess by stabbing herself in the abdomen, is regarded by the great soldiers of Japan and by the general's other countrymen as a magnificent, act bf patriotic duty, But the nation be - ung in the deepen mourning end the new, Emperor being forced into Becht Bion by'ehe death oe his father, itis impossible to confer the ' reual post. humous " honors ,and, consequently, Gen. Nogi oite ally is, not: :lead. Blind Pigs Raided. Kingston, Sept. 16,—As -a result of a raid en Saturday 'afterno:n by Pro- vincial License Inspector' Morrison, County Inspector Morland and City Inspector C. W. Wright, ,two ex -hotel, - me i hate been ,summoned to appeat before the ,county magistrate charged with having liquor on their premises and a very large quantity of wet gonde was confiscated.' It is understood a charge ,�e, to be laid against another man for selling liquor to the. two who have no license to sell liquor oh' the premises. The inspectors hired a dray to carry off the liqucr. Train Struck Buggy. Welland, Sept. 16.—Fred. Tilley and wife had a narrow escape from instant , death when their buggy was struck and demolished by Miohigon Central passenger train No. 73 from Buffalo at 2 o'clock. They were thrown clear of the train, and although no bongs were broken, they received minor in- juries, and. were taken to Weiland County Hospital, where their injuries were attended by, Dr. Howell. They will recover. The horse escaped. Deckhand's Injuries Fatal. Brookville,' Sept. 16.—Robert Gates, the dockhand of the steamer Alexan- dria, whose. left leg was severed by having it caught between 'a rope and .• i sn-ubbing post at Iro9uois• died ye s- terdaymt1eBrockville General 3 os- pital from shock. Ile was 22 years of age and unmarried. An inquest was opened and adjourn- ed to get the evidence of the boat's crew. SNOW IN MANITOBA. Three Inches of Rain in Virden,and ' Frost Is Reported Elsewhere. Winnipeg, Sept. 16. -Some snow and sleet fell in Winnipeg Saturday, and from Arbor, Man., also comes a re- port of wintry temperatures and snow- falls. The weather over the prairie pro- vinces has been much cooler, but no frost is reported except in Northern Alberta, where the lowest temperature was 25 degrees- Very heavy rains have fallen generally in Manitoba, some in hastern Saskatchewan, and lighter and more scattered rains in other parts of Saskatchewan. There has been Bao rain in Alberta. The official report says that 3.40 inches of rain fell in Virden during Friday and Saturday. Portage Plains had a fall of 2.45 inches and Boisse- van reports L57 inches. Winnipeg only had 1.30 inches, but out in St. James the fields were so sodden that tine roads yesterday morning were Ise - der n - der water on the flat for two or three bTheeN'f'ain fell yesterday, but the sky was overeast and extremely cold, A slight frost was experienced at some points in the immediate vicinity of Winnipeg Saturday night, with no damage reported. H.M.S. Audacious Launched.. Birkenhead, Eng., Sept. 15 -The new battleship. Audacious, one of the King George V. class, was launched here on Saturday. The warship already has been 18 months in building, the delay in her construction being paus- ed by labor troubles which have ser- iously affected all British naval con- struction. Many improvements have been in- troduced in the Audacious, the details of which, however;, have been with- held by the Admiralty. Tito Kind Nell Have ellwaye nought, and which Ins been in wise for pv'cr BO years,, hos borne the signature of and 1icrs been made snider his per lir - t s f infancy. o f 5 e t, fa t ryY'. r [i,-iioty'rzoa:iotoileceii'oyorYlrit;Iais. {{ ' Alt Counterfeits, Ir2litatior srind i°i",:ne" -us-good" are but Experiments that trifle ve 11, tenet ezici..zt 'er illi, izealth of • Infants and Chileta'en I x icrzerace against IJ+'x )er/111mA. �:tikJ hat is CAST Castorks is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, ?are- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. 11 is Pleasant. It contains neither 013i Map Morphine nor oilier Narcotic substance. Its age is its 'guarantee, it destroys Worms and. allays Feverishness. lit cures Diarrhoea and 'Windt Collo. ,It relieves Teething Troubles, sures Constipation and -Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the IStonaach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Aloe Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. CEi'11U1NE 'CASTOR A ALMA YS Bears the Signature of The find You Have Plays Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CCNTAUR COMPANY T MIA FIAT 05555T, N W YORK CITY. r..,9 Motorists' Fortunate Escape. Welland,Sept. 16.—A miacul ms es- cape frodeath occurred yesterday when a motor ear, driven by Fred. Me - Collum, a young sun of J. 11. Mc- Collum, turned turtle, throwing ail R:te occupants out and wtecking the car. McCo11um received severe but not fa- tal injuries, and was attended by Dr. Binns. Other occupants of the car received minor injuries. Found' Clendennan's Body. Owen Sound, Sept. 16.—Saturday about noon Percy Denton, a farmer residing about six miles below Leith, found the body of Maxwell Clenden- elan, drowned seven weeks ago nn the bay, when the boat in which he and several others were capsized. The body was sent to Lindsay. Good Harvest Around Edmonton. Edmonton, Sept, 16.—harvesting to the Edmonton district is proceeding rapidly tinder ideal conditions. The grainis in splendid condition with high yields and prude of all barley 90 per cent. and wheat 60 per cent. Oats are cut and there is no damage from any cause. CASTOR I Por Infants and Children, The Kind You. Have Always fio ght Bears the Signature of Everywoman's Complexion is bound to show whether or not she is in good physical condition. If the complexion is muddy, the skin sallow; if pimples or skin blemishes appear it is then attention must be given to improve the bodily condition, There is one safe and simple way. Clear the system and purify the blood, with a few doses of This well known vegetable family remedy is famous for its power to improve the action of the organs of digestion and elimination. They will regulate the bowels, stimulate the liver, tone the stomach and you will know what it is to be free from troubles, from headaches, backaches, lassitude, and extreme nervousness. They will make you feel healthier and stronger in every way. By clearing your system of poisonous waste Beecham's Pills will have good effect upon your looks—these they Will Beautify and Improve The directions with every box ere of special value and importance to women. Sok] everrwlere, In boxes, 25c, .moo. 5-4)-4. � O4 o" } ei 108 Cheques Will be Distributed Among Canadian Farmers. Will You Get One of Them? In addition to the twenty-seven,first prizes of $50 each, there will be eighty-one other cash prizes, ranging from $10 to $25• in our 1912 ]PRIZE CONTEST FOR FARMERS This contest is along the same lines as the one which was so successful last year, except that there are three times as many prizes, and therefore three times as many chances for each contestant to win. Every farmer in Can- ada who uses "Canada" Cement is eligible to compete. The conditions are such that large and smell users of cement have equal oppor- tunities to win a $50 prize. The contest is divided into`three classes,, and there are . first, second, third and fourth prizes ($50, $25, $15 and $10);n each class. CLASS "A.-- Prize. to be awarded to the four farmers ineachprovince who ate float "Canada~' Cement oh their farms In 1.91h. CLASS "a"--Pd.ee to be awarded to the four rumen in•eacb ,- ptorioce who wad photographs of the best concrete \ work sono with "Canada. Cement oil Hies, farm, 3x'1912, CLASS "C.—Prizes In p ,1 be awarded to die four farmer In each province who amid the hent descrip- Non, telling bow any piece of concrete work was draw wall "Canada" Cement,- (Etudes me for .prizewort be AeCumta oled by beta irapof the work.) send particulars of your W12 Prize Contest.: In addition to thus being divided into classes,, so as to give small users of cement an equal chance with those who use more, the Contest is also divided into nine divisions, one for each province, So you see you need only to compete with the other farmers of your own province, and not with those all over Canada. Don't think that because you have never used cement, you cannot win a prize. Many of last year's prize winners had never used cement before they entered the Contest. We will send yon a free book, "What the m. ° Farmer Can Do VV'ith Concrete," a �p that will not only help you in the Contest, lest will tell you every- thing yoip$uld want to knowabout the useeef cement on the farm, Ooo' lay, but wad no 5000 ,Mme nitd adds.') today andret tbte lien: book and full partic0larx nF1hc_hrizc Contest richt nway. :e1 Mc aleltePr postal or coupon,o a, Addreas +Publicity Manager Canada Cement Company Lir/etitsd 501, Herald Bldg. " Montreal 1 v ' .,HTwEjr live book ' What the Fanner can do with Concrete AV will be sent to ill who request details of the_ -Prize Contest:.