The Clinton New Era, 1912-09-19, Page 5are VV'ill
oiye Mwny. a
ed ing: Gift
When you • ale purchasing a '
Pr ' 1 ,
osant it is • a matter!. of
money, and wire teyou ,ti'tanite—
N �
i n 1
o e 4ep
• Theta chi '
is ;your
lot what you want as l,er1g
and at` the lowest ,>nssible,
v r'.
a let of z
se1egted from large 'stocks
consisting of •
Silverware •
Cat' Class
I aaey China
Clock, Erten
;Theagoods are:new,ibeau-
ti,ful and um dot bi design,,
and suRerioz clnaluty
cHeladcluarte1js for waitches'
—we make a speciatlty :of
handling high-grade watches
REPAIRING of Watches,
-Clocks and Jeweiery .well and
promptly clone.
Satisfaction Cruarantesta,
4xod erielli
The persistent rnrttoe that H
Honor Judge .Holt was thinking
resigning and accepting,a very 11113d!a
tive position offered him ;.in Serino
ton cannot be eonftrmed as the audg
is out of town at present,
The UnionyBank ie. erecting a hand
some front to its present premises
Stone' imported' from Italy, known a
Carrara warble, is being used, and th
design something mictne.
farewell banquet wasgiven ' al
Reginald Platt at Edwards cafe hr
his friende on Tuesday, and they; pre
sentsd him with an Oddfellow's:-pin.
The presentation was made byy.,lllr.
Fred Sturdy, end Mr. Platt replied in
a most eloquent address: Mr. Platt
left for Toronto to attend. the Ontario
College of Pharmacy.
A. very fashionable wedding; took
place at St. Peter's Catholic Church
yesterday interning, Rev. Father Mc-
Rae officiating, when Mr. P. Ronah,
of Mount Carmel; was married to
Miss O'Neil, of Goderieb, The wedd-
fag was g t v held i
n the Sunset
Hotel, and rilerge number of guests
were present.
Hamilton merchants are going to
make a big push to get In the trade
that London has enjoyed for so many
years with this town, owing"to the
splendid new service. the C. P. R., has
o retied in their t t linennew'•
re 1h
Last `lin •
T re"
da large
a at e
party of utsi chants and manufacturers
arrived in,a special sleeper from Hann
were entertained
bythe le
Goderich' Board of gado. hey
brought the 18th Band and gave a
band concert in the evening.
I4Iiss Jennie (flew entereained
number of nttencie on Monday, .nigh 1
of n Mr. 8.1): Jordan; of Alden, New
York. has: been visiting at their place,
An enjoyable time was spent by all.
4aode,ricla btivatsltiga .
Mrs Jfd: PeFtou, of Oalifori'ira,,•^and.
, het; brother, Mr. Ben Slc QlenaiAnh
U i, an, s.
s .\Vllitechttirch, and their cousin, Mts.'
e A. D. Beaton, Clinton visited at they
home of Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Mair, on'
Mtge" Ella Hansuld, of Ethel, who
g taught at Cole's school, bas taken a
position ttlon
F as teacher in the -
Gross school Kent Go.. for the ensuing
Atter haying been closed for two
months to undergo extensive alter-
ations, and improvements, lion Meth-
odist church will he re -opened on Sun-
day, Sept 22nd, Rev, •J.' L, Ford, of
Canton, president of London Confer.
ence, will .preach at 11 a, m,, and Rev. •1
a the pioneer fanciers f :Emit Waite-
' nosh and bore the privation and. hard-.
ships subject. to the early setelers.
He Ieaves a widow, four sons and 'five
daughters, The funeral service 'was
held in the Methodist Ohureh on Mon-
day, afternoon, Rev. Mr, Anderson;
'f of . London a former pastor; bad
charge of the service, assisted by M4.
tt Iewatt and Mr: Millery of Au,In1en.•
Deoeased.was 7$,
( years of gigs,
els el
�nualThe W. F. M. Society held its
t ed.
thankoffering oLferi
,g meeting on 4Ved•
nesday last. 'Mrs, Larkin addressed
the meeting the offering was over ,570.
The Bible Soeiety meeting was held
in the Methodist O{lnrch on Monday
night, the agent' being preeent,
14Ir. Brownlee and wife, of Seaforth,
are visiting at the home of their
daughter, Mrs, Little.
Mr. George Turner and wife, of
Drayton, spent Sunday at their borne
here. ,
Miss if Mogdy is at present very, ill,
Rev, Charles Mustard and wife, of
' oronto, have' returned bailie. . His
ongregation in Toronto are building,
a new Church. The congregation was
mall I when -
1 taken by Mr. Mustard, but
f i 1 ht�
a guidance e it
i '
rapidly. s tniproviug
f Beans are now ripening fast if the
good weather continues they will be a 1
goochcrop. There is a Large quanU
Moving His Family:—Mr, Fred BI -
ford, late of Bni'falo, and formerly of
this place, who recentl,v accepted a
position in Toronto, has just bomeht
1 house on Summerhill ()resent, paying
57,000 therefor and will at once move
Varna his family to Toronto, they having re -
The harvest in this district has been 1 maimed in Buffalo in the meantime,
gathered in. Those who patiently Sudden Death:—.A telegram was re -
waited for fine weather were not dis.! ceiveu on Tuesday conveying the sad
appointed, :and got their grain saved ILII intelligence that the wife of Dr. And
in excellent shape. Threshing is now l rew Courtice bad died suddenly at
in full swing. their home in Winnipeg. No further
Grain is turning out well, but those I particular; were given as to the cause
who rushed it in in a wet condition 1 of the sad event. She was a most
will experience some difficulty ill sac- i estimable woman and leaves three
ing 1t. small children. Mr. Courtice who• is a
As, there is a large acreage of beans
sown in this district the farmersare
now anxious for a continuance of fine
weather to ripen the beans properly
and give them an opportunity of har-
vesting them under favorable condi- Stanley
tions, The prospects are at present M
Mr- Robert Stelek and Mr. Schnell,
favorable for a bumper crop. of Edmonton, Alberta, were visiting
Mr% and Mrs,. McDonald and their, old acqnaintances on the line last
'two daughters, Beth and Helen; who t weep They purpose leaving for Al -
,have been holidaying with friends I berta in a few weeks.
here, returned to their hone in De- Rev, 11(r. Carriere, wife and daugh-
troit today. ter, Marguerite, wore visiting on the
Mr. and Mrs. J., E. Barnwell have line last week. Mr. Carriere was at -
returned to their home here after tending the meeting of Presbytery in
Clinton, on Tuesday. They were ib
son of Mr. A. J. Conrtice, is 0 dentist
and will have the sympathy of his
Many old friends
spending the summer in the west:
The following were Visitors at the
London Pair : Messrs. J. E. Sparrow
guests of Me. John Moffat, They left
L• Beatty, A. Ings, Mrs. A. Lugs, Mrs.J•' Mr. John McGowan, Mr. Frank Ne -
John Beatty and Miss Eolith Mosel). Gregor; Mr. Ian McKay • and Mr.
Mr, ]:'rank McKenzie, of. Detroit, is 1 Arthur McQueen attended the London
home assisting his father on the farm, Fair last - week. Mrs. Uarriere and
Mrs, James Ester had the nnisfor- Mrs. John Moffat attended the Lou -
tune to fall and as a result is suffering don Pair last week. ise. -
from a broken rib, Mr. McGuire, of INImiitnha, wa>visit-
Miss Elliot, of Goderich, is visiting ing at the home of 11r. N. V. Dieh),
her sister, Mrs. Alex Mitchell, • last week,
on Friday last for Grand Bend.
Many of the farmers: their wives
and many others around here, spent
one or two days at the: London Fair
last week,
Those who went West on the Har-
vest excursions report a very wet time
Farmers here were all slir3Jes last
week on account of the fine weather.
The fields were rapidly emptied of the
stooks that had stood there for weeks,
Mr. John Daytnan, who is well on in
the eighties,has been quite ill for some
time but is somewhat better, His
mina ie clear as ever and he still de-
lights to tell of his early experiences
when this laud was new.
Mr. Jim. Landers is also c1hfined to
his room on account of a stroke he
sustained a few weeks ago. He is
steadily improving in health and hopes
to get out in the sunshine this week,
He was greatly Cheered onaccount of
the arrival on Saturday last of his
daughter, airs. Walter Osborne, and
his grandson. Roscoe: of 'Halkirk.
Mr, and Mrs. Osborne went West last
Fall and are reaping their first crop
this month. She reports a bumper
crop but also mentions the ankiety
felt by all because of the uncertainty
-surrounding the garnering of the
l eebnrua
A great number in our neighbor
hood attended the G.tderich Fair, thus
, Mt, K, 1 tuish and his two sisters
of Ashfield called on his brother John:
here on Tuesday.
Miss Lizzie; Horton returned home
last Saturday from Clinton, where
she visited relatives.
The W. 1 M 5,, will hold their re-
gularmonthly meeting in the Sunday
School on 7bueeday afternoon of this
week, . Our pastor Rev. James Hamil-
ton conducted service at Egmondville
last Sabbath, the pastor there being
laid up by sickness The service here
•e was conducted by Mr. Limberni, of
Goderich Obildren s Day will be
•observed h
nye on the last Sabbath of
this month and the Church will be
decorated with f+'owers and the fruits i , llttliett
.of the season. Prayer meeting will be ' Mr. Prank Glees attended London
held on Thursday evening. 1 Fair last week.
We are pleased to hear that the Rev.
Me. McFarlane. who has been ill in
London will soon be able to return to
his work, A student having preached
for the past tlbo Sundays was greatly.
Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Richards were •
the lust of the campers to retnrn to
Mrs, Hall and hies, \\'alters, of
Toledo; are the guests of their parents
Mr. and Mrs, Thotnson, ,
The fishermen are again replacing
large gangs o1 nets in Huron's waters
and we wish them greater success j
than their experience of the past sea- Myth.
son. I Dr. Sloan, of Toronto, is visitingre-
latives in this vicinity,
plain how it was dono4 Ask the ir mulock kt
bytert 1 p t, last Sunday and the months and his death was z
Rev. Pearcy is expected h next lot unex- agent. t,
eine for potted. The obsequies took place g \
Sundav, funder the auspices of tl B
Mrs, Johnston, of Toronto, is visit- j
ing her sister-in-law, Mrs, Crawford, 7 llaltltndban kcemetery.Onto the On •Wodnesclay- afternoon a chal-
lenge l f
Sr,, of the 13th Concession. 'game was played [between
Tie eder lleath at
the tman,l i ��� � Egmondville
nein of the Anglican. card �
l Fred Brown, of . Goderich; at 7 p, tn. I
A prayer • and praise service will be
conducted by the pastor, eoinmencing
at 10.15. As special stat chi' -
e iso
asked, and spacial :'musical selections +
will be given ,by the choir. On Wed- °.
nesday evening, Sept,. 2,i, a high class' '
concert will be given by the choir.ot
Knox chattel], Goderich, with a
and varied program, An able elocu-
tionist tionist will give recitals.
Miss Eva Buinett, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. George B'nrnett, will leave
c tc
Doef'roair Watch Bun
If Not, let us repair it for' ;you.
It may be. only dirty, and need
cleaning,, or stop for lad- oaf 0211?
Whatever tt he Reason, don't de-
lay. WE give thorough examine
tion and regulation FREE..
Anything more costs as little as
satisfactory work can he done,
I. ..
• J. Litg
onDlourlay fox Winnipeg, where on i of beans in the neighborhood, . Corn ' Jeweler .01111 Optician
her arrival she will be married to Mr, 1 18 also looking well,
Robert Dunbar.
Aoniverta y services will, be held in
the Ebenezer Church on Sunday, Sept.
22nd at 2,30 p. in., and 7 p. tn. Also a
lawn social will be held on the follow-
ing Monday evening at the home of
W. I
F Lobb, Refreshments will be
served from 5 to S o'clock after which
a good program will be given.
R Adams ad of coal
this week end made received
he hear is of some
glad for a time.
The evaporator is unable to start
work for the want of fuel, They have
been expecting coke for several weeks.
W. Armstrong got a dandy J ersey
0025 front Fordw{ch.
The Goderich. Hair drew a few visi-
tors from here,
W. T. Brunsdon and wife arrived
borne last Friday from Manitoba after
a pleasent visit of several weeks,
ev. Mt M
London Reit
More rain.
Mr. and dlrs. JamesNott,of Aigoma,
have been visiting here this week. •
. Very little fall wheat is
sown this
fall, which is something irnusnal for
the London Road farmers.
111r. John Stevens, one of the oldest
residents on the Road is very sick at
I present.
fMr, Sam Stevens, of Detroit, was
called home this week oil account of
his father's illness.
CRunty ®9,rng.
After a long trying illnesI, the
death occurred on Tuesday, of J, A.
Hillen, hetter,linown as "Bert' at the
parental home in McKillop, in his 20th
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
Local Nees
A blew cement sidewalk ;stare im-
provement [that Mai. A, Goodwin\ sig
Mrs. McGaa"va is having part' of
her shouse dnc Onterf•ot street,
One of our local business Men had
occasion to telegraph V,•neouveaf,
and he asked !Miss Stewart, the
Great North Western opei\t;tor, to(
rush the message and aiepo:rt die -t
livet'y. The message 'left Cooper's
store at 5.45 p.m. and was deliverled
ustard supplied the Pres- j Sear„ He 7 d 3 21 sane afternoon C'zn v
ip int i s
the eitann'a GOOD ooD
Lodge, Seaforth GAME OP BOWLS. •
.Durinotke' past few weeks we have been
rept busy
opening up and 'placing into stock .agreat many
� y new
and attractive lines of. Earl and Winter Mere,hau4ise
and we would be 'delighted to have,you come me .in and
exa imi
and compare ar
p ues.Never be-
fore have we shown such exceptional tional
p values in
Ladies' and Children's A'Ianti s.
Children's Serge Dresses,
Ladies' and Children's Fars tc
9 Etc,
Don't fail to see thee% fbuying.
i . g
s Abe ere'buyln,,.
Big Bargains in all Lines of.Surra t ger Goods
"During Balance of September.
steel Bros.
101010.111 BPSINl:SS
encl. Itkree sons, A.H. of P2ietoriti, �
Man.; S. G. of Bovey, Man; and
Fred of\lGoderich township. The 1
funeral will ,be held on, TrUllay 1
front, idle home of Mat. 1Tibbs, and 1
service we'll beheld in St. Paul's 1
Church, conducted by Rev. C. E.
Jeakiins, at two o'clock,
( Births, Marriages & Deaths
ally favorable for apple production,
and with its coming population would
demand far more than even the entire
province could supply,
Races were pulled off in the after-
noon aed though not fast were excit-
Farmers' trot—.
Taylor, of Nile
Shields, of Dunlop
McMamus, of Goderich
Meyers, of Clinton
1 1 1
2 5 2
2 4
8 4 3
Surfing, of Porter's Hill.... 1- 3 5
SMITH—In Woodstock, on Saturday, ' 90 trotj—
September, 148h, Henry Smith, for- Booseenberey, of St. Joseph 1 1 1
interly of Utiuton, abed ; years, Cvlter, of Nlyth 2 ; 2
Ferrol, of Goderich .,..,.. 3 4 1
Young, of Colborne 5 0 3
Me0atil, of Oolhorne .,.,,, .1 2 5
Shelton, 01 Lueknow 2 ti 7
McLean, of Goderich....., 7 5 dr
111 been ill for many
Ston, Mr,.A, McKay has been engaged as
ads anvisiMt f .Haney, Sr., of Sarnia,
Engineer at the Seaforth Waterworks Ontario Street Methodist Churches
n, John Danby, south of the village. plant. Helen Larkin of Fen
The Meiiillop telephone line is being accepted the position of resident inept among the local bowlers. iPhe Event Dol Opened Tuesda f
built from the Oth Concession to the teprher of nano in Westminster rnhks were well matched and the y Y A ter- i
village z. s igen, R. College, game •keenly contested 15001 seam 0000 by the Chief Justice Of
Adams and 1J, Brunsdou are to Toronto, -_--
4 4
so.,s with which caused cons5deralile excite
forth has
jr Nov. Ned Shaw
11 I11�
Wd tea IL
g and J llutipn D • tilA •
phones. have The Women's Missionary Society of to The rtletlnodists, how- OntaYio,
Rev. Usterh nth had tiro weddings to the Methodist church at Brussels pur- ---
ever, showed their•1rify in Presbyterian Pastor for 15 Years--
attend toO to \eat hasdtir g nose holding.a jubilee on Sept. 20, at le •�ain0 and won out b}: triteeyersmall
J,` Hutton has -at gang or men at the sewlich a ntc 1 good program is to be' pre- mar„in til two shots, The players
nvcrc,— fair,
wb•ieb, Se
darn this week ana.some one stole u On Wednesday, 1th 'of September, Anglieans Ozi1 pd 17."—Theopened
bags of his cement last Sunday night, a ver St, Cll, fair, which is held Monday, Tuesday ,
Our t cement
er hes put in a cement ypretty, wedding took place at A. J. Grigg y
E, G. C• Ballo and Wednesday, a d:ty, opened only
crossingfrom rhe-]+,mpnrium to the Kelso Farm, Turnberry; the home of Rcj:C,E,.Jenlciais Nelsen , night. The attendance was fair,
Cressi and also at the front a the Post and Mrs, F. 0,Trait
Wright,\� rightwhen Percy Towne W. J. . Taylor ntl no doubt clot to the weather.
Office, their youngest daughter, Mary Stella, 0 d3. Dowding •J, Taylor Tdesday•was the big day. Early in
was uniteo in marriage to H. Henson Skip --21. the morning rain began to fall lightly,
-Wheeler a prosperous f i 1 Slc'p—'13
great crowds were on hand early and
I'orter'S 11111
Howard ,Cox returned home on 11Ton •
day, having spent a•.few days in Lon.
Mr, and Mrs. Tom Morgan and chil-
dren and Mr, and Mrs. 1+'red Morgan
and family and John and IN i11 Ster-
ling, of Port Stanley, are visiting in
the neighborhood.
Misses Kate McDonoall and Mirn
Sterling attended the Fair in London
last week.
Anniversary services will be held in
13tthel Church on Sunday, September
Auburn I Large quantities of plums are being
�Ir. shipped from this station.
George Lawlor and Miss . Agnes The new 0, P. R., freight shed 00x15
Ladd were united in marriage Moll- feet is about completed, and will
clay evening, A c be a
H g great convenience to the public.
owson and Lawson ' shipped four- 1 The new pastor of Presbyterian
teen carloads of bobbin wood last 'Church, Mr. Turner, of Norval, will be
week and Young's mill three loads of inducted Wednesday, Sept. 25th,
lumber, 1 There passed awayon Saturday
Mrs, A. Robinson is visiting her evening an old and esteemed
daughter in Detroit. mew resident,
i Mr. Robert Johnston. He was one of
An agent of the Bible Society paid i
the village a .visit last Wednesday
evening and gave an illustrated lecture
on the calportage work of the Society.
The treasurer's report showed an in-
crease in the offerings from this dis-
triet during the past year.
Some who , were late coining home
froip the Fair Tuesday evening failed,
to cross the river and had to leave
their horse at M Medds and hire a
livery horse before they could proceed
farther, We think that the Council
should older the gates closed at night
or have a number of lights provided
so, that people would know the proper
place to cross.
The contractee commenced the
cement work Saturday evening and
worked all night and part of Sunday.
to get it above the danger mark. It
is hoped there will be no more set
Mrs. Rot, A. Asquith bas received
the sad n1ws of the death of her sister
in T(incardine.
V «.
Aim==t Please
Furniture buyers at this store invariably come back
when they want more, ,and bring their -friends with them.
To Use Our Furniture is tD prove that it is as good as it
looks, and that is saying a-vrhole lot.
, Substantial Furniture can be bought `here at money-
saving rates. Why not secure what you need now
while prices are so favorable.
11tkinson 8E.. Danford
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors—Phone 104
Nf4IIT AND SiJNDAY CALLS—Phone No, 127 or Phone 16
young ittmer a Method t r'nl t tl canL'inning {tll noon, hospice this
of Grey township,
Miss Snarling, A. T. C. 111 , of 'Wing -
The stun 'Methodist rink and 1e
Presbyiet":aus play a (dealtetige
genie to -clay,
ham has accepted a position on the
Stan of the London Conservatory of
Music. The standing of- conserve -
tory Inas been raised and it is now
affiliated with the University.
The fine farm of Mrs, Benjamin
Case lot 7, London Road north of
Exeter was sold last Saturday at the
auction sale to Mr. Thomas Lan;, of
Flay for 57.500.
,the grounds were packed. The fair
Succumbs to Critical Operation.
Egmondville, Sept. 17 —Rev, Rev.
Neil Shaw, 13, A., fur 15 years pastor
of the Presbyterian Church here,
passed away this evening ,at the age,
of 55. Deceased underwent a "erica.
cal operation for an internal trouble
on Senclay, from which he had been
suffering for some considerable time,
was ntficiaily opened up -by Sir Will- He stood the operation well a.p
iant litiloek, chief justice of Ontario. parently, but a relapse set in again
A \\'ORTIIY CITIZEN DEAD He was escorted to the grounds by theyesterday. The funeral will •
On. Wednesday morniing of this 23rd Regiment Band, followed b • the tet t he held
week Mr. 5. 0, Plummer was calledboy y an Friday afternoonedeo at Radney, the
scouts. 1u front' of the grand old home of the deceased.
home to rest at elle age of 58 years. I stand he addressed the crowd in a few The late !tr. Shaw was a ru0{I 01
Deceaseldl was born in tris l'i;1i1 e " well-chosen words, mostly of greater .Hon, T. 1
of Bolton, on the ljuin.ber Rhee', , W. C rotor -an minister oil
•interest to the fernier., he being a labor, when the latter and charge of
Peel (County, 00 Feb. 25th, 13?8, At great agriculturist himse 1. which be the Wardsville High School. .He also '
the age oC 28 he lvalked u, 10 1 showedby spending most of the fore- attended the nCollegiate,
Messrs A. E. Puke and Rev. Powell .[iuron County gator tank u r 1 won en the grounds amongst the St.Thomas mag 58
1 a,nd in h live and subsegnently taught. school at
of Exeter have sold nearly 8000 pails the 13th concession of'Hullett andstock. 1.t)d etorvn. E
of plums off their fruit farm, lived there for several years. 'when g Entering Toronto Dei said it was hard to.find the best versify later, he graduated rn arts, to
:lbs funeral took place on Thursday he moved to Clinton, After a fejt garden in Canada, bet he thought 1.1+00, and completed
to Bluevale Cemetery of a Morris years be purchased a farm' Huron County was :First•. He coin tli- Knox big course at
in 2 tcharge
three years later, he
pioneer, in the person of John Elston, Goderich tojviis ' 27 on the 1Gtlt. con- f tented the. people of the comity on first charge was Tilbury, where he
who passed away his home m, the cessions and rets`decl thuald till 1888 1 their fine roads and said he wished he remained eome'fnnr •ears rafter •vii
econd lioe of Morns on'1'uesday eve-
ning. He came to Canada from
1;'ngland in 1Sii0, and purchased the
homestead on the second line f
Morris in 1553. He had always taken.
an active interest in the \S'inghant
I could compliment his own County of . he was called to the Egmondville
-when he etulioect to (C1icifo11n to' York on the same, ite considered ' pastorate,
active : pot- many years he took,d111 that the road from 1 t , There he had remained
m,terest in rnuniei11n1 mat- imartil the farm to the ever sine°. He was an able rniniseee
ice a sea at the first step for the 0111 and greatly beloved by his people,
tors •tad occupied t 1 e o n eL]w as the
couateil bre 1 t r) toduct•i
art, for several terms, He ons• Iluron l.nunty he ; Survive are two mothers and three
was a member of Si, Paul's church considered superior in production of sisters, The brothers are Dou g old.
all fair, being a director for many and foramember
roar ; horses and cattle to any in Ontario ' of the of o g
years, and at the same time of his and years. he was one : and what be had seen to -days d homestead, St. TilOr and J. I?.'bhahv,
years, id at' e president, He is of the
the wardens. .The member: wouldere- ;barrister, Cl .nho people
he family iarc+ four claugllte:s hard to heat, est C fruit were ! loved l Clinton people knew egad
survived bHisfour
sons and four • hirs. L. S. Scott of Tosl.1nito; ' Mrs, strongarded as the hest hi Canada', t and he ILev, Neil e se ce a sal
died in 1877. In s, ! strongly tt t'd the fainters to pay par. Church, 5 took the service 1l Willis\N
religion he was a Methodist, and in James iionsffeicl, i\llacCi'egoz; Dlau, i ticulal' •attention to fruit pro
politics a Liberal: Alrs, It, W,3iindey. P¢{andoar Mau.; wtngg, Church. He was an unusns 01 force
especially :fipples. Huron's so eelim ei- full speaker and expressions of regret
a and Airs, Hibbs, Godeelch :township and geographical position were espeei- 1 at his death were numerous.
1 ••••••ages•e•••i••••••.•A•.®••,ictelloseseagare••••81••••*meN••®•••••••e••
•••a••••tp111roeaif•••••esee Ls esses••••••a••••*§0
• -
M.0 •
• M1SS
•Announes •O
• 1
• •
• Faiicpenjng
• . ,.,,,,'" 1 5 r , :r,,, _. g
1 Thur5day Evening, Sept 1 1
• and est•
. •
_ 1, ��ve .
for This Season.
his is a Special. I -avitation fog-` yo
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