The Clinton New Era, 1912-09-19, Page 3Ii*
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"ereeeereeee e- , eaanee--- .-
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Three Killed, Fifty 1--Itirt
Tc)r3ri.ado I\Tear Syracuse
Prot)erty Loss $250,000
ILaurier's Stand . Cfaulity i)gingsT.
wolidel,ttit 1)iscovel'y
• •
JaVreleelibeet.. Pastor", of the
"teetileatee 'Oeittece...Cforele, ates ,be0'
Liveepeol and Chicago Wheatertettafese"'
' -Are Meemen,t • c:‘ „at the' eitner 'Warmly Approved
r aay, , gae'C tlealttfthe
roost evonderetil diecoe'efY of l'eeent
1,eare wasthe diseeVeree ef 7earte-
tek. Alst th:nw. A 33 aeon as a
.songle then daye e of Zam-B,uk es:ap-
plied to a wonted oe a eerie, such
ataiusooc1 against blood
, Not 0110 slpecees of
,crobe has been found that Zeen 13u0e
• dime hot k019.
• Thanagain. As soon asZam-laties
is etaplet led to a sore, or a cut, or
' to 'skin disease, ltgeops the meant-
*•Mtg. That 116 why children are such
friends of ZainaBok, They ceteb
• 'nothing for the science of the
thing, AN they know es that Zgane
&Mk stops their peen, moieheaes
eehoulel never koageb thee. *
Again', As so,on as Z am -Beek
applied to a wound oe *a. deseased
part, the cell& iben,cialh the sitinee
'surface 'are so stimulated., that
•'new, healthy' teseue is' quickly
Lowlmed. This forming ` of 'fresh
healthy tissue tfrone below es Zam- I
Ruk's secret of healiteg, The t estop
•this formed is workedup to the j
surface end literalIe caste off the
diseased tissue •above it. ,Tilie is
• ,why Zan-Buk cures 'axe permanent,
.0nly the olihere day Mr. Marsh, of
101 Delorian(eei Ave., Montreal, call-
ed the ZameBak Cot and' told thean.
•that for over *twenty -live years be
had :been aneartyr to eczema. ails
hands were at one, time so aoyerpd
with sores that' hatred to 'sleep fin
gloves, Four years ago Zara Buk
was Intl:educed( to hien, and ,M
few months it cured hem, To-cla,y-
over thejee years' after his cureo0
a disease he thia,d for twenty-feve
Years --he is steel cued, *end eleet
leer eeio trace of tatty retorin of the
. eczema!
Ale druggists sell ZaineBuk at
50.,boix, or we well send free trial
ecx if you send thee advertise-
, ,ment land* a lc. *beam p Ito pay post-
age). Addee,se Zan-Buk 0o., Tome
Pupils Warned of
Schoni Dangers
Chieag0 Children Advised to Keep
----0---- •invited by the Winee-ein. quarterly
% board to become their Pastor after
• next con I eeen tM
ee. 'r. Fie be. t
1iever•,14+++++++•+•+•+••••••:. has acceptedethe libation, sub-
' ject the action of the stationing
eamenettee. •
With the probabelitic.s of aloe le
option fight being on On Brussols
leoth partiee ere onothe 'alert en
watching' the voters' lest. •Therie
are Wo' on to 100 appeals e-
1 ore. 'Court well be held before
Judge Doyle onSepte,25.
The contraet for the new Car -
itegio Lebrare • et Se:learn-I ha,s
eeete •awarded as loillows: Breek
and cement week pi-ranee:11g and
painting, Me II Eege; crepe -ate
work, Mn. Jos. Keating ; tend hot
water healeng, Mr Ge A. Sills, The
rsesv,7e0,10l cuntracts amount to about
nu +
The Liberal Chief Defers Discussion
of the Navy Scheme Until Announce-
ment k Made -His Future Is Un-
certain, But late Can Still Defy
His Opponents --Big Reception
Is Given Liberal Leaders.
Montreal, 'Sept. 16. -"We want' a
larger market, and thet Market is the
United States," was the text preached
Saturday by Sir Wilfrid Leaner and
Hon. Rodolphe Iemieux, Who before
several. thousand perseens, held a de-
monstration at St. °lee, in the Oceunty
of Soulanges, Reciprocity was in the
air, while the devices were "Down
with the Trusts" and "Larger' Mar-
kets." , •
Sir Wilfrid told e his hearers that
'Canada had 250,000,000 bushels of
grain to export and as the time would
come when England could not take
this surplus, a market must be found
elsewhere. His Government had of-
fered a maeket; but the present rulers
of Canada were responsible for the
people's refusal and must find a sub-
stitute whech, he intimated, -was to the
south of us. •
Sir Wilfrid gave an absolute denial
to the statement made by Mr. Bour-
assa to the effect that he had signed
a secret agreemeet with the Imperial
authorities as to the disposition of the
Canadian fleet in time of war. He had
been in conference with the Foreign
Office four times and no agreement
was signed that had not been openly
submitted to Parliament. ,
For the first time the old\fgader
hinted- at a change in the leadership,
although he said that each time he
had suggested retirement his friends
had insisted that. the Old man was
wanted at the head ol the party. He
had, however, reached an age when
the future wes uncertain, Yet he felt
that he could yet successfully defy
• his political opponents. As for the
naval policy of the present Govern-
ment, the leader declined to pronounce
himself before the Prime Minister had
made known his policy. Then Sir Wel-
frid. said he would judge the matter
on its merits.
Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux, who be-
comes more and more Sir Wilfrid's
first lieutenant, was loud in his affirm-
ation that the battle of the tariff will
have to be fought over again, seying:
"The vote of the 2let of September
la,st was not a vote against the Meal
policy of the Laurier Government, but
a vote of prejudice and passion which
will not be repeated."
"Canada," he said, "wants wider
markets for her farm products, while
such deveces as "Down with the
Trusts' and `Give Ies a Wider Market'
floated to the breeze."
f. 0. Mouseeau, M.P.P. for Sou -
lenges, the organizer Of the demonstra-
tion on Saturday, said: "Reciprocite
is the one question which responds
to the intexest of the Canadian people.
It is in the hearts of. the masses and
is feared by the manufacturers and
the capitalists."
PendIS from IVIMItliS and Not
"Swap" Gum
• 'Chicago, Ill., September el. -With
the opening of Chica.go's public
-schools Son the enrollment oen,ew
pupils thef city health depar Oriente
came to the fore with act vice,. "how
to he happy En school.
Extracts from 'the Health Depaaft-
menit axioms, are :
Fresh .aer makes the mend bright
and makes teaming easy.
.Don't !shelf out. the • sunshine!,
teacher. Flood the e'oorie with suer
' shine; it's Gad's, ,beist &rem tdes--,,
trc'y eat '
.Never put pens or pencils M your
mouth. The Met enon:h they were
nia.y have .1mm' an' ',infected
For the name reason never ,sev,a.p
candy, chewing-gune °reputes. It's
flirty ance,adangerlonts thing to do,
Keep, clean, soap Isiyour good
friend. Treat your stomaeh
Eat , very tilltee candy and what 1111:-
iSa •eat he sure (that et ea
Donn run to school, especially af-
ter eating. Start early, so 'that
ou wile not be ubliged te run
Parisian Sage
• f1.3),r Women
Madam : Do yen wane, all abund-
ance of lustrous hair with no
dandruff or germs?
Before yen finish one bottle O0.
delepe,htf tel. PARISIAN Sage hair
tc.ivic, falling hate wiil ceate; scalp
Itch wllLbe ,butee memory, *and ev-
ery particle 01 dandruff well vanish
Besides thes your hair wilebe free
• from, dandteuer germs and Fairest,*
Sage wiliso iouris'n, the Itaireiouts
that the hair itself Will *become
that the hair itself will •Vecorne,enill
of life and nature's own elalellialrft
PARISIAN Sage is n,ot a dye -it
does not contain* daingarous lead
Or any other podeonous (ingredi-
ent. For your own protectioneaste
for PARISIAN Sage and request
Your dealein not to give youl any
preparation continaing Lead ore
Nitrate of Sievert, leaege botele
oe PARISIAN Sage 50 cents atW,S,
Te, Hoare es and •deale $ anada,ovar,
Corn For Horses.
le is not safe undee any circum-
stances to pastore hors,3$ In stalk fields
or tO feed them fodder finin 6elds in
which the core was wormy.- Great care
•should be ,exercised In choosing the
cone fed to horses. 'Often it is not
eboroughly cleaned by fanning. There
are too many tnoldy grains evhech are.
too heavy to be separated from the
• sound corn in this way. The safest
method is to pone the aliened corn into
water and skim off anti throw away all
the pate that rises to the surface.
• " . Lumpy jaw. .'
Lumpy jaw is due to a prea, and
when pus.diseharges from any of the
enlargements and falls on the grass or
feed of other coves these animels are
lieble to contract the. disease( In this
manner a whole beed may be affected
if tenement' is neeleeeed. _ wee
Children Cry
+ • +
• .—-- .•
+ +
,* Postmasters, agents, and *
,e' subscribers, in asking us by ;
+ label* to chauge addresses on +
t, TfIE NEW ERA will facilie
..... tate these being' made if they •
-4- will state in their Jetters the t
+ post office addresses , to which • +
* sech papers are at present he. ' •
eje ing sent. +
' •
+ In all cases evheA 'changes +
'..•,. of any kind relating to THE :
• NEW ERA subscriptione are
i 'asked It is important that pee- ''•
+ sent post office addresses +
4. should be distinctly stated, :
* Otherwise it is impossible for •
+ us to make such changes +
÷ promptly. •
• ••
+ W•. H. KERR & SON +
• , •
+ , 4.
top of the Bingen: court as was
The miners from tl3e Tyrol in quaint
costume headed the procession. Thee
caiee the various Catholics sedieties
and the representatives from foreign
Countries in national gronps. ,
The second division was compozed
or the clergy and bishops end civil au-
thorities to the number of 10,005le
was headed by the seminaries, and
these were followed by politiciane. The
elergy, to the number 01 80,000, were
in full vestments.
The court division, a mile owl a
merter in length, formed the last
per' of the procession.
Fullowing these dignitaries came the
'Irelidukee, ill state coaches and last of
*111 the Emperor. Bellied the' mon-
ere!' inde the most striking figure
in the whele procession, the papal le -
Cardinal Van Rossum, bearing
the host.
Electric Restorer for Men
phosphonoi rteostigeps proper
vim and vitality. Premature and sexual
weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will
make you a new man. Price 88 a box, or two for
05. Mailed to any address. Rho Scobell Drug
Stalathartues. Out: •
• Wants to Join U. 'S.?
London, Sept. I0. ---Jamaica's mob -
able future as, a dependency of the
United States hae promieent posi- •
lion in The Morning Post. A ge•nthe
man who is .cloeely connected with
e amain says that so far es the senti-
mental side ie concerned, it ie ninon*
• Lunately true that li•e younger genee•
• etion of mediae did edecated negroes
believe that the prosperity of the is-
land lies in the I lirection a a com-
mercial union with the United States.
Even political union they regard
with complacency unlees (Irene Bei-
. Lair) adopts a policy of colonial pref-
erence and thereby essiste the West
Indies. The inereaeing, production of
' sager, coffee, cocoa, .cec., offers no
alternative to the everinc.reasing cry
• for association with the United Slates,
eithee by reciprocity or by a political
union, in at least closer coneeetion
with Canada.
Unsurpassed for residential education. The
"Ideal College -Home in which to secure
a training for Your life's work. Thorough
courses in Music, Painting, Oratory, High
School, Business College and Domestic
Science. Large campus, inspiring environ.
merit. Resident nurse insures health of
students. Rates moderate. Every girl
needs an ALMA. training. Handsome pro-
‘..speetus sent on Application to Principal. 42
Rain Seriously Interferes With Vienna
Vienna, Sept. 16. -The brilliancy or
the great procession concludieg the
23rd Eucharistic Congrees was greatly
marred yesterday by a heavy rain-
storm. Rain fell continuously, drench.
trig many thousands in the procession
as well as thousands of spectators
along the route.
Parts of the parade showed little
hut the lines of umbrellas, beneath
which tramped Catholic societies, cler-
gy, •venerable bishops in full canoni-
eels, and °there through mud, nnkle
deep, and under such coaditions ,that
it vas impossiele to hold the celebra-
einn rnns4 in 1,hri anen no.
0 •
• •
An additional impetus to the. moVe-
meat toward the United States .may
arise upon the Completion of the Pan-
ama Canal. 010 West Indian plant -
ere :say' Dint the grewth. of feeling in
Jamaica in favor of America is only
natural, but that a preferential treat,
ment would restore the allegiance Of
Jeamica to Great Britain. •
Alaskan Railway Sold.
Juneau, Alaska, Sept. 16.-11 is re-
ported here that the White Pass &
Yukon Railway, which operates be-
tween Skagwey and While Horse, Yu-
kon 'Territory, 14 miles, has been sold
to the Getind eir'urile Pacific Railway
system, and me aefeiel transfer will
take plaec Javeary 1 1113. The deal
is said to have been negotiated by
W. B. Cloee of Chicago, wbo is now
151 tlui relent.
The Grand Trunk leacilic has al•
wive declared mi"pose to build
beet:ell frmil t'ee r,...rseontinental mein
line north to White*, I-lorse and Dew.
Zell;gtaIP:nrifIsz.:-.!rer c..`"gg' chee,fils
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
The people fof0w en Sound ' . rine-
\ ersally ,regree the death uf •Dr. .fil-
denly bagan to grew dark. To the
len Cameron, a *vetenan physic:an
of that. tplace, teed father'of A number. ran Mee elene dance hail] westward I could sde a dark funnel -
ais cid- shaped cloud bearing townrel the hill.
(Rev.) Alfred, Brown, of Ceccleleich. I called to the children and a
Dr. Cameron who was aged 63, caMele cleared
to Owen 'Sound in 1.8b4. wheo ' the eves demelishcd. Many persons evere tea, wiefeenwe and Fan int) the back
Mien was 'the merest ' backWOods ielleared -el a, nts....z LEA,41.1pTid or, i mum, We haa not reached the door
hamlet, • . . , lightning -and rain were Lennie, Tellege , when 1 lamed a unipping and the fur -
Dr E. H . Cook eme pea chaeed e.N•eese cracked arid felt to the reaund, k Jr.trer in the iierloriees lilted up and
'Service:le. N.Y.. Ilree dee- I eau() tinseled. everything. in ite, parn,
soca mime killed and fifty, injured be feeeleeeeeee earn; and. 'crops were
a tornado which worked it teremile ruined and scores nf head -of cattle
killed. Ninth of North Syracuse the
deeastetion &mien Hitchere Hill
:vas next `visited and the settlernene
wee PreetleallY wiped out. Fifteen
retiliences, a number cif barns and
tho esehoothouee falling before tee
whirlwind. The home of H. A, Wen-
del, Which steed in the path of the
tornado, wee lifted from ite amuck -
trail of destruction acroee the northern'
part of Onondaga' County latee Yester-
day afternoon. Tbe property loss is
estimated' at .$250,000.
The, cleade •
Mediene, Syracuse.
J. leopp, Fulton.
Charloa Cleapman, Salina.
Without any warning of, its ap-
proacia,the black, funnel -shaped cloud non arid turned cnenplctely ever. In
first appeared near Long Brancliewa ths house were Mrs. )Nondel and her
pleasure resort ten miles from tuts three boys, all of. wheel escaped un -
city. There were about 400 Persens injured. Their experience WaS a typi-
there and panic reigned when euilding
after budding toppled ovee and two
massive interurban trollee cars were
hurled into 'a ditch.
"I was in the front roeth with the
II0YR,"'aIlid Mrs. Wendel when it sucl-
womee eFteeem$`e end fainted. Ruth- hurled agairist the wall. Then , the
the: resedenee, ei Dr P McDonald Inc westward, the tothado wrecked the
onCook has skived an excel:loot
property. This makes nhout Inc
30th property change passing
through tho hands of Ritchie &
Cosens, real estate agents, in the
peat six :months',
Cen tr0
see eet Weigle= De
Two of WiniIiams PoPular young
people became united -as one in
Winghani on September 11 The
gather:Moe took place at "Wood-
land," Ch.& :mate of the ,broei-z
Parents, Mr and Mrs Jelen Kerve
•whereiT,53 Aenie Laura became, the
bride of Ernst A Hammond, man-
ager for C Lloyd &Sons,
Rev: and ,Mrs, J, C. McPheraon.
Canningten, Ont., announce the
engagement or their • younger
dng1xter, E trek am i e 'CralV10"-'df
te Rev. T, Millarte Weeley 5. A.
menester of the "rcebyteenin
Church. Wrox,stur Out , ;Ltd third
son of Me. and Were, Joseph Wesley
Newmarket. The marriage will
take place quietly on 25eh Sept.
Itis not generully known that Dr.
Macklin, a brother of Godertehes
medico of that nanie (who paed
Goderich nhlyiO4 vteit a yeee ago).
15 one of the closest friends and
advisers of the •1 amuus (91110se Stat
°smile, Dr. film eat Sen. It was
through Dr. 'Macklin, .Dr. San gain-
ed soln,eler his moet •advanced edeaa
In politica! Iscience, and he 'Values
the frienclehip .and assistance of
the medical enesetonare roost high-
St, Peeples *e'llierch 0 oderich, -was
the scene 01 11 r:Ltv wed de) er
a lien, ells:3 'Morelia u Cente-
1 slew ream ca.! y of Ash w
boathouse ot the Syracuse University
navy, in which was stored the entire
crew equipment. All the shells were
wrecked and the loss to the university
house seenlc'l • to rise in lite air and
the next 1 remend3cr was groping
about in darkness. I Caflefi to, Ile
boye end we crawled threnell the :dale
window, which was t•esting an the
is more than :11'3,000.
Racine: aernss the entinerv. the tor.
as p,o,s,sehle eget out. As the North
The True Cause becomes populated, society will bee
. come mors settled and things well
ail Rheumansin
ee,gere _o wear a more permanent as-
pect. The wonder is that such a
country leas remained so Icing ren -
Duo to Acid in the Blood -Can settled. 'whele the West has been
only be Cured ',Himont:di the
Not many yeaes ago even
doctors thought that rheumatism
was only alocal pain emised, by
expesure to cold or wet, Now they dome: much ehat should have been
know that the trouble is caused by done' longrago. but the, govenne
tuhriee blood acid. sminego. it, caultot cl ,eretiitIlei merits of this and other days have
sadly neglected this great country,
b.kil:eoat aeoc c!‘ eicia:ctlteitlelsel s‘.6.. th leionfs in: in o(stscstilnerspe,raodt;s:31;_ao,:tlyeci_ in alt nancibt' Ituishicleiaokilv.tula.fesecoai .tititrode,:otots, tolit:stelgngdialoflIniii
latsd vet
are a helpiees cripple, tortu:fed dee' eimments and hes must do
the paint. gleams' worea 13:11:11 WOO
beLtOr than *they thus far; heve
and night, If the eieease tonches
the heart 01: means sodden death, done. otherwise, mane- tares well ee
welcomeng the old and new. ,worl
populations. But already. the van-
guards ,o,1the old rnces ,are here
their pnesence will ineen thgt they
will make known the rescources of
their land to their kith and kin,
New roads, wee being bellt, and
planned but: untich remains to be
Non cannot cure rheumatism weth
liniments, plasters 07. hot cic theeas
o many try to do, `eon must go
right to the roat of the *enable
le the blood. The -scientific way to
mire rheumatism is to take Dr.
Williams' Pink 'Pills, whch make
new, rich blood that gees .rIghetto
the root of the trouble, They
sown among •thre wheat end. the
es of this world and the deceit-
fulness of ricihes, well choke • the
good seed. I now conclude with a
word about the town in which' 'we
have spent our holiday. Heeler -
bury Is just *assuming' the appear:
00 00 of a w eltheite resid online town.
By steady perseverance, and com-
mendable reith end enterpreee •the
u,ni tell ill Mar riage Me, john sweep out the poisonous aced • te Wn has been brought to its pees-
jeowland, tee Meunt Canned The* loosen the aching juoits and mus- one .eletractioins, No town any -
ceremony wits performed with des and 1 ring ease, . age. freedom'
alni6 'Where could claim a Mari? .beallt!,-
Solemn emptene intea by her brother. x here bef•Mee had hens pain
Rev. *Father O'Neil. of PnrIellel,
essested by leatnees McCree
richt Hussey, • lee fa ol ea. • W 11 e,
Inslitown, Oho sanctuaeV. •
The; Milo:ring from the Tines of
Troheagee, Man., •well be read :with
interest by.errentis • cie the bride in
this district :-A quiet et -eat -ling was
solemnized .at 10 o Mock ion:Wet:line's-
day morning eat the licene of Mr,
• and Mrs, 0.D. lioberteoa, when
Mrs. Robertson's fsi ter, christeria
u.,croaden, (daughter, of Mr, • and
fihi s, Jas. °Orlon, of &Ode,. ;ch. Ont.,
a5 TrIlit0t3. 111 marriage to john An-
aus Watson, ear. of efr ancl Mrs. D.
Watson, of F,'ee ee
The annual [meeting of the Gode-
rich W. C. lee U. was held in th,e
Temperance, on Monday (aftennoon,
at 3 o'clock. The re4ptio-Is from the
difeerent departments shoeve,c1
splendid! work; 'done by the -union
during the ly ettr, The f 0 11(1‘yIng 01 -
Doers were. .eleceed : Peesedeinti,
Mrs, Davidson ; let vice, 'Col-
borne; 21-ed'efice, Mrs, Warnock; 3r,d
vice, Mess '11faye,se cor. sec.,
liana rec. sec., 11158 .A1*een ; tree.,
Miss Elliott; auditors, Mb's, 140,11a rsd
and Mrs. 1Waltex, Mrs. Colemene
and Mies 'Allen web e appointed del-
egates 'Nat'l* County ..Converition6
Which whit. (beheld ill lelyt.h,
• Anniversary servieee will he hold
in. the Preshyterean church St
Helen's on Sunday, Septeaufter 22,
leis just ;fifty, ,years. since, the old
church was opened. ,The service
will be held in Use new church.
Ileeellr,'Welson, of Toronto, well
have clea,eg,e of the 'services. Mr.
Wilson attended' church *seritice.s
an,d 'Slinday ech reel "When ahoy en
the old • church, which stele sitande
but it used by Thos. Todd topilo
dvesseet •lumber M, There well be a
tea-mnetine; alonclay neght
when , Rev. Mr. Whaley, of Taves-
stock, will he pec•sent .a.ead gave an
address, Ho'was the • pastor when*
the pew church was .built. Ilev,
MT...Craw of Fergus • will b* nee -
sent and 'Invitations heve 'also • een
nent to Tle,v. Me Mover' and Rev.
Mr. Andereon m Scotlend There
One of the features of the Saskatchewan exhibit ;
• evele'he oitherl speakers andtit good
• Na- program well be peovedeld:
• in the Government Building at the Canadian
• Neil •C. Coat te, now' of Toronto
; tional Exhibition is a large steamer with the follow- • ;
; ing in red and black lettering:— ' ••
; In 1901,1 per cent of Saskatchewan arable are -
• •
• age produced iS,000,000 bushels or grain. •
• •
i • In 1911, a decade.later, '15 percent of Saskat-
; d d
„, c ewan s arableacreage pro pee 2 e 2,000 000 •
I • • • ' • her eeveelly when unde,e thet enf In-'
• bUSilelS Of gra,in. ence °EU tioe and e squeal()
• By I Q 21 , less than a decade hence, Saskatche- nVeEb d!ketlepa it'eevay e*aeratte 'allow
but lormerly of Wnighoen, wet)
was charge!, wee b em y, was
again before Judge Doyle on Wed-
leeedelY inst Ceutte had ebtaice,c1
a Michigan divorce and maee
r I eel eg t h b e g •lour
children •by the eeconel inert:loge.
Re has been, making lefe Uneeeer-
alete foie the second wife, abuslife
• ,
wan will be Producing soo,000,000 bushels of grain. ; the mother to woailr, out her ow,n
• While Saskatchewan's production of grain was ;
• increasino• cl.3 per cent Canada's consuming' power •
• 6
• °increased only 34 per cent and Great Britain's im• ;
ports of wheat decreased slightly, •
; Where is this grain, ,to be marketed? Echo
C e as Sib 9 • Alt alfr,CK., T.
,c 'Robinette, K. oe Toe,onto,,.
'neared fete Coutts and replete oe
gtell ty , was put, fin with co es elite of
the Crown. Coutts was ordered to
tuendeh good leecitedi ties. 1:0 1:115 ,a-
enonseet of $1000 that 'henceeforth he.
would 'keep aW ,a,n,d not enteefen
with 'his debenict Wife, mine helievaist
ef/arined, thattelfhe dect ,teolt; do this,
Miss Beulah Slice:ay, Morpeth,
Ont., says: "Following an attack
of !measles I took inflammatory
rheuimetesm, joints :became
ewollen and the pain was almost
nu ea due able, Id, ed. Willi Iwo
doctors, but the, pain was only ree
nevoid wheni I \ens taking their
medicine, and soon eetuated. Foe
eix months 1 coneumed, to suffer
in this way. Then tried elecixic
pads, but they. faded to do me, any
good. Finally a friend Persuaded
me to try Dr. W Iliam s' (ilk Pills,
and I had* not been alelng theen
long before. I fonnei relief, L jcone.
tinned useng the Pills foe a.time
and soon found. myself it peefect
health ,and f &ming I•14`e eybury cent:runty deseeve peosper-
ful locatior4 with Um lake on etwo
sides its orderey and well built
streets, Hai.lev Miry certainly may:
be pro -ad of Its peogress during the
past feev years. Built on resieg
ground westward and sonihwand
tram the lake a splendid veew of,
the lake cif the Pro viece of Que-
bec is obtained almost anywhere in
the town. Its. water works system,
is up to date and et is just complet-
hig its sewerage plant. Its church-
es and, school:, are very fine, Fee-
gusson. and 'Main sit eetd buele ul-
most of .briche in its bueiness sec-
tions. While scores of many beau-
tiful residencea adden ,ite, streets,
The towmis best eeee ferem the lake
and certainlee eoeks very beautlful
and Modern, The citizens of Hail -
poison. 'never 'Pee an 0.vporeten- ity as much, as an;y
town oi the
'Pink Pells as I canned '3113- 09110,1gh
in fa\ oe of them."
Sold by all medlcien dealers or by
mail at 50 cents a boar or siec
lares for t2.50 trona The De*Wel-
me1 ,MeelicinCo., Proekville,Ont,
lie- to recommend Dr. Iriam5 ' North.
Had Indigestion
ore ou
the Northland
(Continued from Dage 11
men's, places quite near. Semitnaoh-
eleis aseurnImig, ail the airs of a will -
be -active place, while Timmins is
well laid one.. with wide etc eel s,and
like Cochrane, planning well foe
the future.,
But -wheeever you go you . hear
the samea kind of talk sea the same
expressione of countenance, a, pe-
culiar cunning, as if everlybody had
stelae seeret mone profound tthan
any. eine else. Most of the people
In these towns are there foe awhile
to :make theie' pile, then as quickly
Severe Headaches
Mb. W. Moore, 132 Lisgar St., Toronto;
Ont., writes:-" After having been
troubled with ineligestien, sour stomach,
and severe headaches for over a year, I
was induced. to try 'Milburn's Laxa-Liver
Pills. One vial greatly benefitted my
case and three vials completely cured
the I can heartily recomtnead thern to
any one suffering from stomach or liver
Millauen's Laxa-lever Pill e stimulate
the sluggish liver, clean the coated
tongue, and remaye all waste ancepoisou-
ous matter from the system.
Price,25 cents per vial or 5 vials for
$1.00, at all dealers, or malted direct on
receipt of ptere by The T. Milburn, Co.,
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
TILL spEelPiLs
SEE OFR, Apple Palms at 75c StockePalIC at 80c
, Loaded Shells at 60c 22 short Cartridges at 18e
• Draining Spades, Cleaner, 114e,nu,re Foeles large and steal),
, Tensile& Forks, Pete, Etc ,
Timothy Seed 5, 25 -As the season is short, speak few days ahead
" Falga,r at Rock 11Bottoul PriceS for a few Days '
Highest Price for Rutter, Eggs, (Etc.
• answers, Where ?
and Yeas be,ought uP agaen, evolild
C A S ,T, ORIA. , .. ff51
, ,•
(dose l-owee-Live Stock- •-
• Latest Quotations.
• CHIf..1AGO, Sept. 14. --Heavy selling ,
In the northwest, tprcsurned td he
largely hedging, more then wiPee, out
today a, decided advance in wheat.
Closing prices we're ,weak ai. a decline
of 1-8e to 1-40 net, Corn finished 1-46
to 3-8e UP, oats a shack off to a like
amount higher, and provisions var.-
1g from 2 1-20 to 5e loss tct a else of
7 11`-h2ec.•LiverPoOl market closed today 51
lower on wheat anti unchanged to sd
lower on corn. Antwerp closed unchang-
ed on wtioat, Berlin Sc lower, Buda. -Pest
%e lower. Winnipeg' Options. vrev.
. Open. High. Low, Close, Cie:3e.
DeWhe. . . 86% SG% 8,5% 8%4,0
Oct, . . 901/4 99% 8901 89% 89%b
Toronto Grain Market,
Wheat, goose, bush 0 94 0 96
e'Reye6e.a.beu:leewi, bushel ..... -00 98 to 01 00
Oats, busbel o 43 0 46
Breaareleytubstr:i el 0 09 010
• Ittuckwheat, bushel 0 80 100 ,
Toronto Dairy Market.
Butter, creamery, lb. rolls, 0 28 000
Butter, creamery, solids 0 27 0
Eat:rr; ssgraerlotct,sr, dairy, lb, 0 27 018
0 1,; 0 24
Eggs, new-lald o 28 o 30
Cheese, new, lb 0 15 0 1501
0 11 0 12
Hiloonteeyy, oeaxintrbasc.ted, dozenlb
2 71 3 00
Montreal Grain and Produce. e
MONTREAL, SePt, If. -There wa4
considerable enquiry from Duropean
Olirees for new' crop Manitoba spring
"1"&c,t,'•-•but, as The prices 13id were all 3d
to 41/2c1 1507-19,Inifte below what exporters
offered, no new bustness was done. A fair
vol'urce of trade continues to be done in
oats over Vie canle and the local market
is strong. Flour is steady under a fair
for 4eelt wer-P46,0,§1.„11sekagja,. agathst
de.Q„.14,,....,9.11,ell active and firm. But-
ter si efig, te( 'good demand. Receipts
10,923 a yearertgo. lee :lee:see:eta aqua,
for cheese there was a better entzur.):.
Receipts for week, 75,188 boxes, against
R70e0,900ei patsyeraori. ago. Week, 1640,
acatgivaein,,atnd40f317r ma.
year, ago. Stocks : Wheat, 553,812; oats,
487,395; barley, 15,251; flax, 82,012; noun'
Corn-Anierican, No, 2 yellow, 870.
Oats -Canadian western, No. 2, 501/2e to
Ole; No. 3, 49c to 49Y.c; extra No. 1 feed.
60c to 601/2e.
Barley -Man. feed, 60c to 61e; malting,
70c to 750.
Buckwheat -No, 2, 74c to 750.
Flour-BfanItobe, spring when t patents,
firsts, 90.80; seconds, 35.30; strong bakers.
85.10; winter patents, cholce, 55.25; strs.ight '
rollers, 54.85 to $1.90; bags, $2.25 to 52,30. ^
Rolled oats -Barrels, $4.80; bags, 90 lbS.,
Milifeecl-Bran, V3; shorts, $27; mid.
dlItigs 928 to 529; marmite, 510 to $04.
Hay -No. 2, per ton, car lots, PIM to ,
C.hcese-Ftnest westerns, 13'41c to 13fIto;
finest easterns, 1349,c to lake,
Butter-Cholcest creamery, 2V,40 to 27%e;
seconds, 25140 to 261/2c.
Eggs -Selected, 23e to 30c; No. 2 stock, '
21c to 22c.
Potatoes -Per bag, car lots, 700 to 80e,
Hogs -Dressed, abattoir killed, 512 to
Pork -Heavy Canada short mess, bble.i
25 to 40 pienes, 927; bbls., 95 to 58 pieces,
Lard -Compound, tierces, 370 lbs., 910.25;
wood pails, 20 lbs. net, 810.75; pure. llerces.
375 lbs„ $14.25; wood palls, 20 lbs. net,
Liverpool Grain and Produce.
LIVERPOOL, Sept. 13. -Closing -Wheat
-Spot steady; No. 2 Manitoba not quoted;
No. 3 'Manitoba, Ss 21/2d, Futures firm;
October Ts eld, December Ts 5%d.
Corn -Spot quiet; Amerlban t..ixed, old,
no stock; do., new, mixed, kiln -dried, TS
31,1d. Futures firm; Sept, 5s 4%tl, Dec,
05 11/2t1,
Flour -Winter patents, 29s O.
Hops -In London (Pacific Coast), 19 Ha
to El 100.
Pork -Prime tness, western, 1030 94.
1 -Tams -Short cut, 14 to 10 lbs., 60s.
Racon-Oumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., 070
td; short ries, 19 to 24 lbs., 71s; clear bel -
2:15, 14 to 18 lbs., 015 50; long clear mid-
dles, light, 23 to 34 lbs., 70s; long clear '
middles, heavy, 30 to 40 lbs., 81s 0‘1; short
clear backs, 10 to 20 lhs, 93s; shoulders,
square, 11 to 13 lbs., 070,
Lard -Prime Western, in tierces, 57s; do., ,
American refined, OSS.
Chccse-Canadian, finest white, new, Gee
6d; do., colored, new. 60s.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
MINN-a:APO-LIS, Sept. 14-Olose-'-Whea.t,
Sept, 86Y.c; Dec. 84Gle to 89c; May, 931/20
to 93%e; No. 1. n'Orthern, 001/2e; No. 2 do.,
84ttic to 87%c.
Corn -No. 5 yellow, 71c to 72e.
Oats -No: 3 white, 81e to 320.
Rye -No. 2, 591/2c to 611/2e.
13t,an-$20. ,
Flour-FirSt patents, $4.35 to 54.651 se-
cond patents, 54.20 to $4.55; first elears,
$3,20 to 53.50; second clears, $2.30 to $2.60.
East Buffalo Cattle Market.
EAsT BUFFALO, Sept. 14. -Cattle -Re.
ceipts, 800 head; steady. •
Veals-Recelpts, 125; active arid $1 low-
er, $4 to $11. '
Hogs—Recelpts, 4000 head; light; 50 to
15e lower'ettiers 50 higher; heavy, $9 to
Itirinel, 09.28 to $9.15; yorkers. $9 to
n.,' r pigs, $8.86 to 59; roughs, 51,75 to
ts..216;epstan,a s, $51ntbos
fliMeeelp4tr's,3e'.,:c3::, ,
04.54) to
sstTemady; iambs 15e lower; ;lambs,
eettileee. Chicago Live Stock.
CHICAGO, Sept. 14.--Cattle--Recelpts,
500; market, deli, generally steady;
beeves, $5.76 to $10,80; Texas steers, 24,75
to $5,40; yvestern steers, 05.85 to $9.30;
stooketh and :feeders, ',54.X to 57.15; cows
and heifers, $2:90 to 58; calves, 58 to en.
Hogs -Receipts, 6500; - market opened ,
strong, closet!. 50 ,lower; light $8.25 t
58.95 mlxe'd, 58,10 to $8.951 heavy, $7,95 to
$9,80 rough, 97,90 tO $8.1o; pigs, 55,25 to
e3.20 bent of sales, 58.65 to 98.75.
Sheep-Secelpts, 30l)0; market, slow; un-
tive, 63.50 to $7.65; western, tam 10 54.60;
Yearlings, .,$4:00 ,,,to ..$5.80; Iambs, native,
54.85 to 57.75; western, .413 to 57.75,
leverpotil ,Cattle Market.
LLYPIRPOOL,.-Dngland,•Sept, 14.-Zolin
Rogers •& Do., Liverpool, cable today that
97Zegeolo ,,i•liti-tilualasue.Vedalitel iregitd?tlitt:
1e2h1neice *two e.ets:,Idsrm;caolzigsff.tewly c or,•eoctLz..,,p,iii*
pound in4.1.110. BliirWl market, antl
Canadian 'steers "6. ' making fan
0 eese Markets. -'''''''''''''''
ST. HYAQIN7.11E, (inc., Sept. 14. --
Putter Slici bolleclay at 26 3-40 one
obeeee at 12 5-867""e7W TrReeePmelseteeel
CANTON, N.Y., Sent, 1.4. -About 9800
boxes of cheese sold at 15e, ante 800
tube of butter at 29 1-2e. ,
WA.TBRTOWN, N.Y., Sept. 14.- ,
Seventyeeix hundreel boxes of cheese
sole ,herb today at 151.
LONDON, • HePt. 14. -At 'to -tears
cheese market 636 boxes were offered
with no saes. Bidding from 12 1-2e
13131.a.:EVILLE, Sept. 14. -At the 1
cheese board today 1500 white weee
offered, 525 selling at 13 5-16e, 845 at 1
13 1,-4c, rove 130 at 10 8-1.6c'. 1
' COWANSVItelle, Quo, eopt, 14.-11 '
1 the meeting of the Illeetern Townshipe 1
Dairymen's Assoelation, held Imre OM 1
afternoon, slexteen factories offered 935 1
Packages of butter and 61 boxee of ,
cheeee. Four buyers were nreeent.
Better all sold et 27o. Cheese all :irate
at 12 7-8c andet2 9-16c., treee, i