HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-09-19, Page 2, .I ., _,
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w a, t S.: C A eb clr °;., r X I10:N
re. ,. ecxe, dtsi sial , wGli ..,.!fir ' .w.
analtes ut 314ega]or stn lb.
.: �� i30L �ImQ �oi�.
e at epi
... :,, .. y TOQCIU\n a11pn rY lA1 .�,Cxlfa"-:.,,, Dtnl��
., thea. Cut fohi�h•car stn lever .,,fllz
�'�7f1.: x_ y g tltz
i „_. ...., r*. ,. -' .m,aaa0.num r�nalt natio !years •I .�l1;ilin �� �
r . P „i p :. p
o, , if o I I .,alae;tftrong sad he4ltht%'.w e, womanlq.w, vi ;an
erhood me to her',but 4 . ,%%i4'erm ,; Tho ttroNe Iles, Aanl?rtsoivinent oa t;LJ0 flrlp .i u0t- `-- '"
tui, W 1 ,
t the w suffor foods weakne'tis anti . o,n andilcimem#', or six : mloxzihs ?lel- 4 1,fRARf,DS 8, liIILL
in -,the foot the m4oy !et► ri iommzemt P ''lD0 .. f lie bfn'sam are enfirel, •.different from ,
a e Y o dtstaoot fetriintao-orga�u stn and ere uavfitted y . t7otzneyanen ]Yotar : Public
r /' dieeeis o_tL }F mazy r'eomvaetin. phase wemee.thb {'? oih'ers'both 110 Sherr con osi- ,
it �: Eor,:mothex'hood. This cal be reme<Ged, : p Oornm7sslonet, ,etc.
t' ,� a . ,I, ljrst aon',ixmons tvtader thL'Aewnialet• ttonandtheireffect-complete 7 IGE[ T'17STATE Nll1NSUIiANO'
1 n The men, Who all .pleaded g ty, evacuat on,without ur in : or
r p r�,7 r(+p �ryYg r�' e 1 �eSC� ' lloaj, had be0a, In'the rlaetuee of ullow-!, A, D
., ., ®!l a 'F a Y�'/ s ay.6 .. ,. p , P g 6. . ' 'TSalter of; arrlaP,ex+iCenbe6,< -
:. lnla ',.passengers 'tdr,''1de -iV,it of di camfart.
'} !i cures the. weakness" and ,disorders of women. , : let i mr To to'to �artllii;t an ' 25 be at our druggist's Iiuroil St„ Olinton, a
1 s f o aianl l c. a, ac Y gg .'s
It aote<'d rcotly:ort' the
deG'ceto and 'imyoutaat tickets
o 9'F .rt D #e for:sum vat In
Guaranteed t a d
+ Q -... tr 6D r I • IONAte DRUG ANC GNOMICAL CO. r :
or ens ooneerned.,in mothgrhood, makrog.Yheim r f"um' X1.00 to ($0. NAr T
1 11 h' 1vlcelar 5 to g 'H . R A N O Fes.
y bealthy." strong, ; vigorous,:'virile ,and elesGc. , or carvAnA, uwr, ,
Hartley Dep'a'rt, li: C., .u,ho, as
1 ., 3',. ba+ Notary Pultlic; Conveyancer,
save fuel -to cut otic res
�. ''Favorite larescriptton" bantsbes the indispositions:of the � co,nduc#ane live ploSecuGlQns f
anc: and'makes baby's advent easy slid the IG,'T.{R:; scald that w'hNLel!the'
1 Financial and. Real'Estate.
''LiSS.anC� UOther', u.,b 1'Pichlea,_- period of eipaot y .. •Y,.,d•:..'O Uap' 1 IIRANOE"AGENT,-Ropresntin'l4B'uo
CIuSt, Sweet _Cuc rn e ahnost' painless, It-, quickens ntalrzes the feminine : coaupany roes determine t s m Ns o ,a tp s
tl rtacice lie of wisiz suranoo q mr nes:;.:,
and -to, heat, your house he eueumtbers- stand In ;sd t or ans andinsuresa.. healthy and robust, baby. Thousands of women have out ;t1ie p P ,
Lett organs, , ho eases redsad a aanst the even. O er e; Uivirrion (1olert 011fce.
comfortably water three days. Heia)tt the ,braslle testified to its "marvelous metals, t . g Faces Murder h, g
, • , evenly and conlfo y r them. ak Womea Strom . It Makes Sick Women Well. Judge �'?tichester decl>fnled o a'eelt Tiamilt�n Sept., 16. -Crown Attor,
. o -nee Ar twzce,ord pont, over It Makes We g ,. • fim'o p
weather. WCe r T lover druggists do not ofler,substitutes :and 'urge them upon ,you as just that nay, anid It'he masamurn be Washin •ton 'announced yesterday
110 the ;coldest w Dram, put enrol Tat. Curd you W e honest drugg , - I h case Y_,
^' did " n secret nostrum:in lace o this jxop-secret remedy. It or $100 lyes imposed amleac mornin that James' Druce would be �lldedi�,
, Sttnshlne them holt vamegar ural cloves: a as good.. Accept _o, . p g
Llarantee the, ho and of a rata of habit-forming or ujurlous- Coiwduuter MacDoivald had the Tor- in the death of
• g. e.mrramron bbl i to b.ag, two-tlltilds contains not a drop of 'alcohol n, g g charged with murder
encu h to s 1 oerro extract of heslm nnttye Amencan roots.• onto G'dderxeh 'Auer rafter 'bite stallke
F ace to save g cupful sugar Ito quart of vim lgalri; drugs. Is a pure g y g, , l ; . Mips Rose ZieN_ into whose vase an in DR), ,. W. THOMPSl" N
' r •e. hd,sh -.0 lanttil lv.is arti st. On his o'ff Ulays west was held Friday evening, fol- Bolan, surgeon, Etc 4
' a for tLself gtticker put an plenty of ,ho s.r ) h.e took t(he -race ape,cnals olult! 'a01 q Y sueoiarattention 6fvpntoditoasee'oR:oho
p Y r this wiilg keep: sealed or opie,p. Put
t h e r .—_..... —� .=- _:-•. '.-•--- ... Tio2^anito.', t lowing death sotYie weeks prey;our•. Eye, Ear Throat, and Nose,
t h.a n any O in, a little alumni .to ntal e them br,lfi ly at the City Hospital after she had Eves carefully @saminod, and sutat,te t
+` tle.
fL;rtace you can Yt�,p Tp�leaten some ellocolates taken to the in- prescribed.:
' If --- A 1 ail Or Deal l� Office and Residence.
Children1' stitution by Bruce;fbr his wife. The
b u Steamed Sweet) Cucumber Pickle ' analyst's report submitted at the in -
Y quest , Frid•ay evening' showed that
3l l '- ,, peel, ste.ani( ,as•Is'oft asliked and y or the Cotnnrerctal motet
i let stland' over might, im1!a weapt OAS -170 FE 1 L`t► there was strychnine chnine, In the girls Two doors woscnnron at.
hrinq, Next mviofrmbrig Chain, put on "rhe other clay ,a,tnan aline ;into '' Certaundy, you; have t'o send ra -- stomach, but that there was no pois'o$
r: megar enough to coveap fund bet a locali:store'to,buy a saw. 116 slaw letter aid a,mvoney or'dei' 'toe maaii, . in -the chocolates, PRS. Gi)NN :tn/l GAS)i1l1ER
let sta id lover night, Agaun.,i0the ,the kimid hew'a,ilted, and alskeld;thle Tonder house, you know." Dr. W. Groan, 1. R, V. P., X. R. U. a.. ndha
11 morning drtain off,the liquid part„ rice., 7,65 's•t'1d',Itho deal'eir. I .The ewstomer mnwardly raying " """" U S. Wins Palma Trophy. Dr, 1./1.Candler. B.A. 100,11, :
Now .Cake one pint of fresh vim'e'gam P u $ p,' y { m n "I kept tothe agreenn;ent aind paved• t4ve Ottawa; -Sept. 16: Canada has fail- oEice—oratorio tltrest,Clinton. 11
Good gracuoits. said lie a , LLOYD GEORGE ON ,PENSIONS
one g , nickel. t o: -expressage.'' to t Unifpedr States, abut evenhlnf he fttehtor at bosUlt jonae, Rsttenbnrs st.
three paminds ( can, et the salme slaw h Wtai,"I .
of and,
ounce of cassia buds' no other Fos $1.27; Now 35 eta f . e
® 0 spices), 'When tins- cgmele to ,the failure she has made a score never'
boaliing' point out in the cucumbers, "That's lessl'than it co'st m6, Ib14 ."WePI, I'll Abe -,'t he:s'aid, holo he At the meeting of the Penatons Can' SHAW, •
let scal.dl av arncb 'their pack, lawaq I?ll ,s'ell wtolrn tlhc same Gexjns''ra(n'bh paid fit, say:unlg, "Now hand nr,etJhre' before equalled in any previous Palma DR. J. W.
in stoma 'tis. mail ardeij house lust' the isa0ue,fi' saw 'amid I'b1 Gaits it borne amid be rdd press, at the Hague, the President read competition, The narrow margin of PHYSICUN, BURGEON,
i said the dealer. of :thdls+foolery" a letter Yrom Mr. Zloyd-Georgo ea eight points rose all that separated cennchevr: etc„ oilSee and residence car j{a
SOLD BY— -- the winners from tine, losers, the U. S. teubury St., oouosite w. Farran'R residence,
"AL1 right; °' eaild the eu:sbomer, `rflanid itto ,yon! W here ,do ,you pressing his sympathy with the old -
'Good CbAh Sdace. "sow caii,send dlt alonlg atl'd' charge .think yo+w are? You'ie im Llintpm age pensions movement in Rolland. ic7o12ng 1,720, and Oanada making
Byam & Sutter, ]reel :two 'dozen (large rdple t'olmlatt- to my,account:" and .lawn in TW",01 lto airid 'you, WINMr. Da. F. DENTIST 0l1i
tees,. four white om'ons of pieptium r°Not oml'your life;' rlepid,ed the have to wart' Ia week for 'tJhat saw." per Lloyd-Georgereal gave his own el nElvxl+rtT
slue; ,add Ithr•'ee rielen peppers, and dealer. "No' 6holrge accpunts, you perlence in Great Britain and dwelt
g• Wherciwponl the dealier lying up Crown acrd lirlihe VTork, a Speciality,-
��_� �t(� rum, all! thrrloagh �a. chopper, or chop can,'.t deo lou,s�i-mess, with Ealton'e thio upon the � great benefits derived by the - '
it I114t_flStSt n rt tCSit ,t11e sad and IYn't the inomey'halytQLa t Graduate of O.C.D.S., Chicago, and R.O,D.6
lane. Add 'three 'cups of yinlegam, n;,sy fork, O:�ee, the cash; cash drawes� saving, ":That �na4ces pensioners. "Instead of being a bur• �illltll FOr ale Toronto. _
four roumld ng ,tablespoon;fule of Tho customer. complied. $1;67, at h�a co's't! you 2 cenits knots den," he said, "the old people are wel- nayneld ore 10lmujavR, lean 1Rt to necerbe
�T salt, halfl alevel t;ablespoondul b "Now 22 cenitsl for postage and! 3' anld itaken you a week longer to;gdt
e Leal News ground allspied -and' cloves mcueld :, t Dome in their families. -Like soldiers . A first .class farm, aonlittim,,, of
cents 19or1 amvomty or.cier, ! first n ce.-IImf had paid tin ' he "b acres, on con. 12, 'part 1ot34,Hu1-
curie crop of ibrcwn sug.arj, amldl bod� ". n r first lace" -'Moral "itis ,at'Home." at the end of their service the aged ®R. �. �'®�L�'�ir
slowly for Ithlrfee hours, It ,should „Who# -1 p lett township, es fro from, Blyth,
11 -
�"R"MFMWMWJ y , ` people at the close oP 'he battle oY boro, and 5mb}ee from Blyth, li-2 flE1NTI5T.
be thick and well, d,olne, Bottle and life have a tight to a pension. It is iniles from School. A bank ,barn 36
17 THE FALL F'AIR:S. seal'H/'`► b 56; another ,barn 36x52 drI•v Offices over taken toIma 'e ental
for the sick, and the old," re F i e Special care sas to make dental ieel.t,
SeaLor'th ...... _.....Septenitler 19-20 ® �0. News
shed 24x40. A brLek arouse, plenty
Winghamr __._.._ September 26-27 of e��� rent se painless as possible.'
ll G of water, about 'ani; �3cre of or -
S the duty of elle whole nation to ca chaltd. Possession can be given
;Blyth ._-•_ October 1-2�• 11� 1 � pyo
Brussels __. ®otober 3-4. ,. „ s right after harvest. Apply tb
P•ordwil:h _ .October 5 `' (WILLIAM LONGMAN, l QIY1 S. V N
With Biliousness and Sick . CARTERS' C (Blyth, P. �O.
Bayfield __. .. .. .,,Octuber 8-9 Live stork and general Auction jlrr
Mr. Geon+ge J lynt expects be Jamesi ''Heiiadiersvon, at t'hei ague of GODERI�'H ONT
'. _:. _ ACalflaClle, have a very busy, seamm, im the eighty -tyro years amid sevept MILE v -
Calgary, A1ber(ra July 18,1911 evaporator atfHeneall, and lies months. Mr, Henderson \gas male of s�`/r My �'or gale �armRtGoa setae s evecaataa, coasts stied
�hj%�t r c 1� Ntcw Eas office, Clinton, pr( inDr'Y attended
ynznkly stove oondhs, cares colds, heals I'wa3 a'great sufferer. for a long•. ed a oo h rigs ientFa rein els ghhe pvaneer �esic'yensettling% on fthe - disto.counted Terms reaeonahle, . Farmers' eN1e got•
ship -of McKidfop, g n S�++ An eight roomed [frame ho se,' ateooaatea r
'1 rho threat and hands . • 25 cents. time w t}3 Biliousness,, Sick 'Hefad- l fatun' (north of ,HaTpurihey, now PI�Lv. g c —
ache amd Laver trouble. Nothing ]y in good x water.
T with ,stone cel -
owned and occupied by Mr. RoberlC lar, to
wator. Hayti half acral of
seemed to doyne any 'good, I had 1M. L. Lott, of Wingham', is rem le. Darrow. He continued to resiide G. D. McTaggart M. D. MaTaggar
Sa atort➢1 ahno'st 'van;' up lar' despair wbeln• e1 iing a,buadiNg' f'or a solo stable. land with young plum "orchard:
there until whet death of Milo. !Hle,n 1VLCTagg�l>rC �1r®�tf
Word was aleceived here onAlon- I deci,dec� to try 'When eompleteKil it well the fi0a26 ft, CURE
Occupied gi Rev. Wylie: Po,s
The C, P, R,, at,Bl• th, as erecting Berson, when he sold his farm, aril session gavett by ,October 1st,
day of,the death din Edmonton, Alba Fig 1?n115 a freight ehedi' ,Bl 8 feet on imi resided ,in:Seafuetli, About fifteela Price $900, Applryi SR11iICER5
. of of A. J. +Bttih in, dm6nt r. well years ago he l'nairr;ied 'agaim and Slek7leadacheand relieve all:tbc troubles,nel• NeW ,Era. r
renown resirien,'t' of this ttow,n. De- After titkimlg about half a box' 'the, Irotnth aide to 'Rte M.r 1ck9 at the ata: removed to St, Marys, where he has dent to u bilious state of the system, encu as ALBERT ErLIN D1�d
headaches stopped ' amid: In, a io , ijemlains were :Dizziness, Nouns, Dro r•siness, D,strces after 1
ceased, im,eompany with his ,broth- p1- y p- s.mee resilded, The enth,g,1"ainintheSide xc. wtinetheirmost [t •t General Banking Buslamma.
cr, W.D..B4ght, carried anal suc- Petite ,tn'pro•ved• i haveju,stfinish- Miss Davildson lett on l,Thursday brought here ,foz• 4xitermeint on Sat- ;umarknble success has Kea ehotvn fn curing house for Sale or Iten.t transacted
curl the fifth box and feel as wpl 1
cesfrul Itaulorin+g establishment in, r'niter retjyrn'tuup toScotland, aliter urday. 1VIIr. Henderson is ,survived -- �
Seaforth fold Imiamy years, but upon :is ever. I cam heartily recomvme,nd spending three weeks with relativ- by his w',dow,_and one daughter, SICK
F� Pills for stomach and liver Mrs. Millet' o'f Vancouver. A 7 -roomed frame house on NOTES DiS00IINaeED
the partnership being dissolved two g es in Wroxe#er vicinity, Drafts franca. Interest allowed an
;Fears a,go, located in :Cdulontotle troubles. Mrs,14Iary Ellsom The attendance, ,at 'Wilulgharn The Te -opening uf'Fordwich Tri 1Tenaseba, yet Carter's Little Liver Pins are Huron Street, opposite Commler- deposits,
where he entered dnto bttsimess'tvith Sold at all. dealei s i'n 25 and 50 n:it. Church was held there on Sun- egvally v„lnnbleinconetipntion,cnrn,gaudpre. cial Hotel, for ,sale or , Ito r t, t
cent boxes or artailed b The Fi High School, 'fS,as follows: -'Form' y venting this nnnoytnggcomphdnt, whiletheyalso
Ills son�un-law, Mr. Brig'ht'liad not y• g 4-2b; Form 3A-22, Fottm 3 6' 30; clay, Sept ,8;1912, and to say it was cprrectntIdisordersa ilia stomach,stimulntethe House is being putin good order,
been.dlnl cod health for some time . Pill 'Co.,St.Thomas, Ont, Sold in, a success would beputting vt,in a liverandren,latethebotvels. Yvenifthc ori Waterworks in Apply
g o' Clintonb J.E. Hovey Druggist, Farm 2-40 ; Foron, 1-44 ; Total 161 p 6 cared s y 9 The McKillop 1VYIl>I:ual
and was preliarilma to move back to y Y ggist' The annirversarY of Belgians Meth- r er mild foaim' indeed. Although MISS PORTER �
ihe'East, 'Ho wag ,about 50 -years, of blast Church will 'beh'eld Sunda theyh.e'at \vase ,very opprfess9role ba HEAD'
fRattenbury Streeit Dire Insurance eo,
age and des survived' by his, wife, September 22. Rev, J. Vii. Hibi-ar',t eery iaajge crowd lyes in att;ehld- -- ` Farm and Isolated Town Props
cure reon IH. A. Bry ht, of S\'1Flm:ipeg; r Cbaumsan of the District, will ^nce at the m�or,iiin;g service to lois- Achethoyw•ouldbenlmostprtcelesstotboonwho r t Il
g p� sufinrframthisdlstressingeompininybutfmhl. '109'0 �$eIYSeS"o �i(t arty Only insured.
and tw•o 'daug'hter's, Mrs. Ashbaugh, T� PI6 �� ����� preach. ten' to the remarks of 'the pastor, natelytheirgoodncse doeenotnnd hcre,audtheso i
of Edmonton; and Mrs. (Dr.) Fisher C+ov,iMr, Kindeib do also to beau',rtmoncetrythunwt114ndtheselitticpillRvalu• OFFICERS,
ik The annual Thanl{o5fer tvg; ser v- the Rev, Mr, F,avu, of Blyth, deliver able fn eo many ren)•s that they will as w.'I•
of Toronto, o tic 9 w;li;b h rd in t Cltwrch, ling 1p,vithonttucm..Butuftcrausfckhad Theunderaigned has two houses to J. B,McLea'n, President, SeafoAh,
Allial9q JU&Iary e e Trinity a well-prepared �eimr,n, 1'l;e mann lEet, a 1 to J. Connolly, Vice-C•'res. Godevicb.
ijlyeth, an Sunday, Sept, 22nia feature of the murnin cerVice was ��� PP y y' '
Children Cry Rev, David C'oluns, ci'Exeter, will g " Jacob Taylor T, E. 'Hays, Sec,-Treas„ Seaf'ouith.
the words of t'hanl 9 of Mr, Kinder
-- pveach, to those who had contriicuted, the DIRECTORS.
FOR FETCHER Wim, Sharp n with his bride spent C01'owing gifts to the ehurch,�'iz Is the bane of so many live that here Is whero Pasture Land Jas, Cornell, Hclmesville JohOt
Vacancy Will Occur Owing t0 f , we make, our great boast. Ourpilleaurcite'hilo \, ,
A S "a" O R l A few days 'with his mother, XrlsMo- he Women s Auxilary #o., the, others do not. __.- Watt, 11arlock; G.Dade, C}imton; D.
, roan at Gorfrie. Well, was formerly Beautiful and costily 'lloly table Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and F. McGregor, SeaForth ; J. Evans,
Resignation of Judge veryeasytotake. One ortrvo pitR)mnlceadose, Some first' class pasture land to be
_ publisher of,the Gorri,e V,idbttto v.hich now adorns the chut'ch ; to They arestrictl vegetwo and do not gri Dor sold in lots to sett purchasers, At Beechwood; J. G. Grieve, Wintbrop
Wetmore bil is,novv resud,ing in -4s{nproir, vii. and Mita, `$ 4. Aldred fol', the purge, b t bytLvair gentle notion plened ivuo tractive prices. .Apply to .1 Benneweis, Brodhagen ; M. Me..,
I'17lill �"a-1-1non Owing to the searcilty, of houses, Bible and Prayer. Book and eet of John Ransford, G T. R. City Agent' Bowan, ;Clinton.
Im . - Mr, James 'Whyte, ,the Zurich Mae- markeats; the lafter, which he,satud G VA8TlM J1=10WE 00•.2 MS7 YAnn. (' Each Director is InspeetoY• of
— se Harris agent, h,.tcl oto move to were .by fair, the most h'amasome he (��� ;fit �q �1`.,r ° v losses in his own district, r
11, From 'Govexlrlmeint reports ,it his Ottawa, Sept 12. -The Depa=•t H ural]. g had ever seem; ,tu Mr, Earliest Jac- W1III,if , 184 SMa�1 10% ii"'�r16 Flo& Farni for Sale.
gathered this year'e apple crop the mGm1t of du,stice has under conlS63eu,- cities for Hymn Boamlil with num- AGENTS.
caunhry ovcyr ms generally af:aia,av- tion 'tltelresgina!'ion ,:f Chien? .7u;s- \Villinm 'H.Catnpbell, foamerpy of begs, and toN&t.r1.Lester for 'se''tof The executor of the Southcombe Robt. Smith, Harioci ; Ed.Hinclz-
erage. In'thi's viyeinity; howevea+,at tice Wetmore, ofllcgnna, who h'a�s. Harpumttey,,but mare, 1,ecently of duplicate 3 CLINTONLrII�BCOAD. Estate( offejrafor sale 50 acres - y, g
telow t11c avezm 'e both 9110 ualit been commkctekl with the idiot Exeter, died sur Ll'o d i i r Gieln h mu numbers, ley, Seaforth Wm. Chesnre E -
.and quantity, lard as a result ,buy fm Sask'atelid yap and the Terr:lto� eral Hospital. on August, f2l;th and, �A East half of lot 28, ecu. 6, Billlett. momuiville; J. W. Yeo, 73olmeaville
CIS epic Irraother scarce aand, thio los since his ar0iv'al in ,the Welst the remains were intlerved in Lloyd- , VARDS ' A first-class farm, well watered PaYniewts may ba, made at The
price"s lowerlrthan usual because of from New lzramswic'k iony887' He mnrnster carnetesrtc on August '27th, Dr. de Van 5 Female PiliS and improved, and with good MorrislitClothing Co„ Clintotny or
the poor quality, the cost of hand- has expressed' has 'desca to relit Ile was hboRtti 70 years of age, A reliable French regulator; never fails. These buildings, Also, the undersigned R.H. Cutt, Go,deri,ch.
L. {a ie pills are exceedingly poecrful ,n regulating the Yards Opposite G. T.R. Station Offjaas for salla, lot 29 eon, 6,'Hull- l:,rng a.0Lt `cm4, criop an d - 'the sugr from the, bealch,' C. T. Brooks, Express Agent, i at generative portion of the female system. Refuse Ill 1
ply d,n•oither ,parts. The rl�am�d oIf!Llon.'F. W .a.: haul- Exeter, who was, taken to Victor;',, all cheap imitations. Dr. de van's are, sold at bo ht acres. These faamis may be
The Dumganno'In evaporator is ,be- taro •as ibein colasls+#n,tl 'boola'teid Hospital Lomdon, last week 'to unr *5a box, or three for sio. Mailed to nny address, bought together or separately;
g y P The 600ben Drt•.g Co., fit. CAtharin,Br, ono All kinds of Coal oil hand— JAMES SOUTHCOMBE.. JACOB TAYLOR
im'g fitted upthie •week in,amltjcipa for the vacancy Disaster occurrzd dergo, an,opevatiom, passed through
tion of A- heavy run, • too his forces ,is 1h,aderl, of the T it su'ccess'fully. Chestnut Soft Coal Clinton. OLINTON
Arrgangement's are ,beim; made' posi'Von In Saskatchewan, at 't 'e 'Mr. Samuel iflamltim has a•em'ted hoe Stove Blacksmith
for holding tahe :anpuall Dungainpour' elections nn July., farm. of 150 acnes in the :township ofl j' 11�e �r11 ,�. ry Fire, Life and Accident
fair o:n,Octo,ber 3and 4, ,Thus event The Bane) ofJ'ames'McKay, M.P. of USborine, tothet East ofExeteh-, Ge � �t �UII�a�i�16� Furnace Coke Ford McLeod Insurance
is ,always ➢ooke3 forward totbvi:th for pal'arco Albert, and the '(lone to Mr, John,Klienfeld.otmearDash- Kenllpel Coal ally 1ri'o0il
great ealgeroess 1by the people, lof Conservative in the Dominion wood. r . We're now selling Timothy Seed —
'1\ est 'Havrom, Secrletar I' cllwadn House froml Saskatcheavan is also The an,niversanjy sci vices of the F r• Government S'tandara•), Real estate bought and sold •
repoatte prospects' very yencowrag- aa7erntIo,ned q'n'conneatiomf with hike crediito.n 'Methodist church will ,be HeavolY 1 Ted 7 Ile --21, 3 and 4 -inch Size— (Government also have on hand, Alfalfa, Money to loan
Fnog ibr ,a,bumpet; fair, Po1sitgon of chief justice. held Sept. 29CIk1.,anid 30th, 'The e�eri �.I'lle Tile is Of the Very )best A1sike, and Red Clover, _
vices will be, itaken, by the lRw. We always have on hand -Goose ,
'Mrd. Richamdsom, au agod resa'demft Powell of Exeter. utility. Office Issac Street, next door to New
Of Poirt AlbeAt, diad after a br,ilelf Wheat, peals, ,Barley and Feed Corn Era
: iiinese.' the funeral , rook ,pl.:ce ,On Tuesday InA Mr. Solhn Lynch, All Pleaded Guilty and Fined One -,oN
FrAcy to Dungam{non' Cemetery. . sr„ of the CON echwo d, -ha nP can iO Hundred Dollars at Toronto Brick too Order. paid for Hay
lop, near Beechwood, Haid the urns- Highest Market Prices •--
• and all ,Grai.ns,
fortume to fall fwam 'a load of Iga'aIR Grand r1 kR lwxy System
on Monde G • ud T iu ai rte
and w zp 1b ndlP shaken. up. Mr.age Y ° � � FS
�®��� .� Lynch a over eighty yeantt of ergs i II Ford d &1 M Leod Railway l4me Table
which mal es ithel acedeit ad1i !Elbe .
d,A ,tMtAd moXe 9cal.ous. On :the wane day Mr, Fines of 11100, wlith the option or - London, Huron and Bruce.
efficiency depends upon 1?a niel Marry, of :the fourth canoes- six mo'n,ths'' 'hai(d labail, were(' Veln- • 1f flout; Fit.
SIM of'llilbber t, felll iva'm: a'laldder ;te'nees imiposed ,by J'ud'ge W;imchmst-
your. coilditiotl , cal which llewais sbandipg, apild'was or t Yrolgonto (Monday mmolrneo-Ig A�a►AOA� e�uM a �AA�
WARNING ■ f r consiiderably ialjured. o e (Grand ,Trunk eondmetoris .a ►
, •_.�SeottsEmalsionbuDdsx Mr.F.Ma;nmla ollirmsall wasdn charged` with "knoclOn„;dowm'' -4
strengthens and sustains• 1 r'antfoald during the past, weelk,l fixes to' aesenigeas. Thegwlehre pip r4l1USt hP.alth. AJAAnxggisto, baling called ltherWowm,g to and aic- I,J. J. 'i4TacDonlald, LornoP€TNE ®NI.i GENIIINIr ANU . .ar .•+rhewt „-,� sr cidenit which hataljened-tahis,brotlh-j SohnIWilli'artne,and W,illvanrly,tiSoon.& Itorrae. Toronto, oat, _ .1P -s or, ,:Gop{don, who;: du erossimg khe Crovm Atto1{ney .Crreer eaPnos
t0 sixeat tltem)a an a ,btcYel;e, oolldded: that lite chargee against 'tkz ttmem,
ORIGINAL EXTRACT 0. - . rtith a.buggy, t'hei ,shafts in iris) en- were mat of the'fit, ,bu't o,f bA(4aoh orf �
I deaVor to slave his Sace't'ealrEnig; la
WILD STRAWBERRY •••�•••••••••••••o•N•9096 gapinlg woumd on the top, of his I See and here agar finest,
head. ep was 'qudc s !las{coif {o thedfelr4 WAS T R 0 U D L E D ? New Stylish d�sioln5 .®f ►
IR Tewn and Counts 01
city hard, ,l, eTie b (clic. Oddfe1l ►
Y lows ward,.whei+e be r'ecb'hvinlg
Doherty —Pis ►
every Alfred
`6 � 9! ----a -- '1117, Alfuded IMelick; oT Zitu'uch, ldat
Dr. Fowler"s o
a heavy riots, wolc(lh abo:wt $30!1.00 :
North Passenger
London depart
a an 4.50 p ro
Exeter .
5.54 t4
i3ensail ........•
, 6.52
Blyth .
Belgrave ............
TVingham, arrive...
Wingham depart
6.43 a an 3,33 p m
3,56 j
Londesboro .
d9dQOnOlNdl699"00 dNMn
on (Monday evemNag from eum-„
I r'.11S,
Brucefi 8.12
4„39 , '
This grand remedy has been
Intended for week
HIS hided roam Mr.. 'Will-
etrbke. rola of
lam' Them was, au?,ing a .n D
Apecaui. vallies alt
To �c ATT
Kfppen '.8:23
Hensall' 8.32
Easter S.4S
market for sixty-five ears, and,rs, with-
mar Y Y
Wednesday at sundown began that:
flax Ito K'a0tbfleiach's mi111 ,amid w'heln
within, :a tamer oir;a anile, from the
1 droppedo, t72e
Mr. Alfred Male, Irlolda, Ont, writes; '
Centralia........... 9.00
London, arrive...;: 10,00
outa doubt, the best medicine `known
` ,festival which of all, others has a' pe.
, h ,i1'imal tiro >edo,u,n':
ma ), t e lit * ,h .rote
load •.,atu roes �a
I was troubled with my heart for two
bases ,
Iioot;:Maker and Repairer
Buffalo and (lode
for the cure of
oilier si n>dicance _for the Jewish
p eopl?, then will farewell be
inter, '14Ir. 1Vle:aek has s'uistained,se`
or three ears. I thou
Y ght sometimes
Opposite POStOfilce.
Wee; Passenge>
of Anno mundi 5072 and Anno MondOpp
5673 be in and
neral gasses this', se,m` .'ant - to hits'
iiitsee stock, luils<'Cota] lolsa : 'ibeWrag
that I'would die. went to the doctor,
and he said he not do, an thdn
Pianos and rent
' . -=o--
a ru' P m
Stratford ]2.20
p m tro ,
5,25 Ecf2fh' 1
. .
ushered with social re-.
1'igious ceremony. The celebration
estimated alt'not rebs 41;2'am fiY'ehw17
.could Y g
:for me. I had to give up work: My
ed; cholt:e new E. dlson
Repairing done promptly.
Mitchell 12,45
Seaforth 10.45 .1,10
5,55 1.0,47 ;
0:18 11.,12
of gosh Hashonah, as the: New Year
is known in Hebrew, :will last rao-
'drod daliltt}rs,
A Very ,suiddien land umempectlell
ttowtn.s'h,ip on
wife persuaded me to. try, . Mllburn's
fIeart;and Nerve Pills. The first box
phonographs, Music &
► '
Clinton ........11 ,07 1,25
Holmesarlle ...11.10 1.33
6.40 11.2¢3 i
046 I1,3B
dally tw�dayR, Sept. $0, .nine Cage
:after the New Year conces: that � too t
death occurs+ d im thils
Fridayimlolr(nl;lnl lasist, whew Mrs.
relieved me, so 1 kept on until ('had
taken seven boxes, and they cured me,
' �
variety gpodS.
rrJult cases and re-
{ r
Goderit,ii.. ,
.:..,:11.35 1.50 7.W 11,55,
Fast 1 F
sacted'andri orous of allJe ish 'iiol
g w y
S,arLt i Do¢if 1, 'h, a off lane ,been
I would not be without them on any
days, the.day.of atonement, Between'
New Year and the Da o
Y f Atonement
reffIdillugt with 'helri. d'anghter, Mrls.
John hn J. Cor liah on the, 4th' Colo.,,
account,. as tbey are worth ,their weight.
, in old... I advise m 8 .'
g Y friends and neigh
. •
�nSle L+'7Al1DOr►llln
A trial will colivince you of
•Gkoderich,.:......... 7:10
Holmesvrlle (.....:.. 7:20
p m p m
.2.49 4.50• ,
Z.67 5.06
If an unscruptdous druggist tries to,
comes the Feast of-Guadaliah, a minor,
aephen, Ipassed,.,lav py' ,' withOnt t,.
,burs who are, troubled with heart or
the neatness Sand ptomptness
3;07, 5.1'5:' '
talk you into taking any other,prepara
festival, hub one associated with much
That is sacred in, Jewish history and
a Inadment's 'warndlgfg, �d
ell had',beati assdrilting lice datu'ggliRa!
nerve trouble to try them.. „
any f th
To any of those suffering from hear
with which i execute my work
Seatomth ......:..... 7.af
3.25 S,3f& r .
3,48 ra.55,
tion when you ask for "DA Fowler's"
refuse to take it, and insist on getting
' that account fittingly obsert ed. •
• .. , •
Oo :the boat edaloldr 'duties and' lead
sat down for!allfew moments, when;.
nerve ro g t
t see eau recommend, our
Milburn s Heart and Nerve`Pills with
Store O en evef eveni •
Stratfoza] I......:...... 8:40
' - '" ' . ,'
4.15 6.�1j
' what .you .ask far.' Price 35 cents; peri
she was enrldd!elmlyt gelzed l is
Main !ti the.aeglou of the heaa',t, ardp
, the greatest confidence.
C.--1 care
., bottle, See, that .the name, The. 'i,
' Milburn. Co., I rmrted, is on the wrapper,
�'"��� G
e e Ivgd vn a : i'ew;.mbmealts, lileaal(t
�? ,
,E'l'ro Ibeingt ;the cerise oi•dltdaltfh..
Price 50 pet'
Pri cents p box, or 3 boxes ;for.
$1.25, If your dealer ••does ,not have
as, e e manufacturers a'd" ole
we are th n1. n s
.pn1eWr stepsleu hs:etuoe sot s heola
v d d .
. tree throat and iwads seats,
T;he dc�abh-,tools Pllace at St:'lVlarys
o1n We{rilreeacLaly of las weedy 'oSIMr,
them in stock send :direct ,,to The x:
Miibum Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont:
`'.T. VliVVV,VV"VV". 17:►t
•L • iw
_, i's UT "I,f)-L1ATb.
.. ' :
_--wy7.B v
, r w
•.. „
, .. ,,�
-- _ �,. .s. . ..:.ill, ,. ,:
.:...: ;.
..� ..:,, ..,.:.. ..
-.,, „
c r, 6
. .
s l„
,, ,r : r , ... , w.. ,
t --