HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-09-12, Page 8A Great Showing, of New Pail Mantles Dresses, and Two Piece Suits For Worn and Misses For the coming €et11 season we have made special arrangements, and several changes in our store with the intention of specializing Ladies Ready-to-wear Suits,` Coats and Dresses, and extend a cordial invita- tion to the ladies of Clinton and vicinity to visit our store. Tuesday, September 17 On that date we will have two expert Designers and Demonstrators displaying the greatest range of Fail Suits, Evening Dresses, Waists and Winter Mantles for women cind misses ever shown in Clinton or the County of Huron. Come, bring your friends, as often during the day as you please and see the many dainty styles for the coming season, A Purchase not Necessary, Everybody Welcome. Z.'ozer 2rown DIRECT IMPORTERS, CLINTON DATES POR HUNTING. Following are the dates fomltthe opening and closing of the hunting season; - Ducks, plover, quail, „ sn>pe,frlom the 150 of Septenbes' to ti tel 15UUa, of December, both days 131011-1si've. ,Geese and swans, Sept. loth to April 1.5th, Grouse and, hares, October Lithtto November 15th. P;artxii'dge, pheasants and prairiie Sows, October 15th toNoveanber1fn, Quail and wild turkeys, from No - yen ber 15th to Deegm ( 1st. Woodcock, from .October, istito November 15th. Beaver and otter from Noveanhee 1st to March. 31st. Mink, from November let to the 30th, Deer, Salem November lst to the, 15th. SOME STALL GA11ME, The Exeter Advocate of last weok had the foiiowing local in reference to the ,ball game played Mere re- cently ;-1-0 fox a nine ;innings ,ball ,game playod dm fess than one hour, 88 some igame. That was tile score in favor of Exeter hays in Clinton on ,Thursday !afternoon last. T: o one lone run was made,by "Ginger” D 2t'ott an':an error ,hy'Climtom on an overthrow to first (ease. En the ninth, ;There was (but one ember each aside but Clinton's proved costly, Tommy Carling hitched 1g/eat ,ball, and when hit'riehielviek ;the ,finest of support on the ;b,asee, and in the i.earden, 13 et/fa:emuts were recorded in favor ,of Tommy, while his opponent in the box got but three, Clinton, however; gave their pi,teheo magnificent supgort. A large number oS fans went along to root ice,. Exeter, and they were, well repaid( ion their trip. INCREASING COST '1'0 NEWSPAPERS. The Kingston Standard says the labor and material that go to make up a good newspaper have Increas- ed in cost very much in h'ekevat years while the price of the paper to its reader's has renraf,ned the same, and at least in a small com- munity, there is a limit not omty (tyo the advertising to be obtained butt to the advertising dates t bt it ild be paid. :tieyand this, continues the Chatham Planet, the old theory persists in many quartera that a newspaper can affolyd to work for nothing -that it should throw open its coluanms quite generously to this that and the other inst;j.;ution or, organization -that all this cos'te nothing to the paper and should as ed shatter of feet be given grittds because : "we take your papleet'• As though a two -ten: cont./lb/teen for which the 'ateader admtt'f:ediy gets tlbe worth of his money, eaatiit,- les or shoulld ,entitle hen; to have the free ,use of the adverltis:mig and notice columns of the paper -for circulation ,itself does not pay, and would not be worth the paper; print ed on if accompanied ,byiinothing else. The day of the "fried *eid- ers" and tlue,"compliments n,ot-' ices" are .slowly but none the lieWs surely passing in all well-rlejg°ulat. ed ,newspaper offices. OUR SPECIALS Eos ALL NEXT WEEii GNnllIewre=ea Special s Lot No.. 1 -Your choice for 50c. LOS No. 2 -Your choice for 2Kc. See them in our big window lot No. 3 -Your choics for 15c. On counter in our stove dept. The above will comprise nearly every article manufactured in graniteware, such as - `Vater Buckets Tea Sleepers ()old Meat Dishes , Teapots Pudding Pan;, Dish Pans ,Coffee Pots Wash Basins Jelly Moulds ('reserving Kettles Rice Boilers OoIlanders Milk Pane. Sauce Pans Soup Bowls Bread Pans with cover Chambers Pitchers: Dippers Covered Pails Please understand that These goods are slightly damaged but are big values. Only those that Interest them° selves to see will ever know the great values they are at the Prtee. RLAND `(ROS. Stoves, :(Hardware and Novelties THiEE 'L+lil T 118 ,t ' ':Bal ,ua,s,d ay, Septe niber 12t'h, 1913' !•S•+*++••••••••+•••••••••••••••••••••••N+•••••+•N• Local News , •••••.*•••s•••••••••••.•••+ INCREASING ,BUSINESS. The Blyth St'an'dard of Rest week says A.A;:'llooper has pur- chased !another horse foe his clrtay business., WOULD HELP NOW. There .tee shute a flew whof hove not paid 'their eubscelip'tion to(tthe New Era. A little money would comae very:convient just now,, DECLINED CALL. Rev, R. McCallum!, of Waldensar, who was calked to the pastorate on the Auburn, and Smith's Hill Poes'by terian ehurchas has declined' thy, call, THE TORONTO dLOI3E. An $1ntesestt?In1g booklet was a'(er, calved from the Toronto !C/lobe, giving in a few words th:e s(e- markable giitowth of the Globe iln, fits 68 years of ,service and shows that for the f nst six nionths,19112. the circulation. is 58,058. The New Era joins thn wiahth(gt,t'he Globe "continued prosperity. PIIfiCHASBD LOT. Mr. Jacob Taylor. has purchased from. Mids.McHa:ldy Smith, the corner' `loon, St. Joseph, (street, 'Mr. Tayloa'1 snow owns . the( wniote .block; which is ono of jlise best' tndidang sights in towai end should circumstances warrant the bu]ddln(g of new Rouses' he will bel ready for it. 2 GREATER CANADA EDITION. The Londen 1FreeSat- urday Presss last Sat - nray outdid itself whena splen- did special edition was printfeld a- long with the reigular Satuatdaty paper and was named Gaatoes,. Canada Edition -its cities ]townie and progressive, 1lrsns. Manny ex- cellent write-ups x-cellent'write-ups wore 'given and splendid views ehowo; It was a creditable edition, WAS WET, AND COLD. A letter has rheern received here fropn( 'Mine, H, Ornery, of .Guelph, ,blit formerly of Morris township, who is laying sidewalks at Hum - .bolt, Sask., saying that it si very wet and cold out therd Walking on Aug. 28th he stated that they had only 10 hom s in one week ifr which they. could lay sidewalks; while lie hacl on has winter under- clothing and an overcoat; at was so cold ABOUT NORT}IF'RN ONTARIO. We are in receipt of amleatiy gotten up little ,book on North]- ern Ontario, issued •bythe Ony- r a a,o f ov :F e swan, ntIt ci replete t ,s with dnoformatiom on the sub- -loot of Ontario's g!r(cat Noa"tbl : /o,d, There are also Many illustnatii,ons showing the great natural re- sc'nrces in laslm;tng lands, forests and mines, Copies anay be had; by writing the,goseatnment, W, C, T, U, CONVENTTON, The fifteenths annual convention of Huron County Woman's Chris- tian Temperance Union will be Meld this year at (Blyth., Sept. 291tbkrfeld 25th, A large ,number of deligates from Go:Teel eh, Clinton, Exeter Wingham, Brussels and other places are expected. One of the special features of the conven- tion will bathe Gold 'Medal contest at one of the evening sessdodie, This is the frist Goid Medal con- tests that has been helld inHur,otn County. Don't miss it, CLINTON PIONEER DEAD. The Inner.al of Thomas Devine. formerly lei Chn ton, Was helm at St. Thomas onProt aY Sept.Oth. to the 'Church + of the Holy .Angels, 31[r. Devine' was 76 years of ago, and( was a•native of Clinton, amcl ,before coming to St. Thomas resided in Stratheoy Deceased is survived by one daughter, Lirs, Olary McCarthy. with whom he resided, and two sonsGrand Opera Rouse, aneleThomas Devin'et Old friends intown. 'will reg>rlet to hear : of his death. HOUSE OP REFUG.G MATTERS, On Tuesday last the eegular quarterly visit to the House of Refuge at Clinton was made by the County Council's committee. The accounts for the past', tthslee months, aggregataog $2,903, wereapproved, and la got eshl inspect- ion made of the ,build,inge and. 50011131d8. Everything was found .satisfactory and the 81 inmates at present are .being well cared for. Aerist of det(a;'d lianas' wale' se- wed, mostly eoncenniing imd9 vidual cases in, the house. The health of Supt. Mitch, who has. suffered •gireatly from rheumatism does not make the progreee wis130,d for, but he stidl' does his onemtoul3 and exacting work with .ani zeal and faithfulness. Gihiton Young Mai Lairs/ Ends Lire Henry B. Smith, Turns on the Gas in His Room at Ro- chester Rochester N.Y. Sept. 8, -Demon, dent because he had failed to fill' the nositinn of floor walker at the Duff - Powers -department store, Henry 13. Smith, 21 years old, of Clinton, Ont, went to his room in Windsor meek Bute last night and turned on the gas. His dead body wes discovered this morning after policemen had forced open the door to his room. Smith stopped in front of his land. lady's door and told her she would find bis room rent on the dresser in the morning. Re went to hisroom, closed the windows and.plugged the keyhole to the door, then turning on. the gas, lay down under the bed cover and pulled it over his head, after folding• his arms across his breast,' he awaited death, Coroner Killip learned that the man name here a year., ago, Re batt been employed of late as a salesman for a motion picture material factory, and had taken nearly 0200 worth of orders atone September L Be had but $1 in his pocket when found dead, • 0•••••••+•••s•••••••••••41u 1.1.,;.Oi i•; 4.1;.1.•1••11+/ 4/1-1.•1•s ori:+ +4 *. CLINTON MARKETS 1 ,,+• .Butter 21 to 22c 41• g2ll;gs Rose Wheat 25to26c ray,- $8,25 + 4. ..... 85 to 8Bc 4 • Peas 50 to 50c + Barley 50 to 60c 4. 4. IBnan $1.2.5 Shorts ,--.,$1,40 • THE LOCAL, SITUATION, 5-Iow doth the wondering alderman How reokon oat with care, The ups and downs of his success As Mayor. SECOND STROKE,. Last Sunday morning Mr: Peter Watson, of Brussels, brother-in-law to Mr. Scott, of the Bayfield Road, had a stroke of Paralysis. As this is second and Mr. Watson well advanced in years the outlook is not very hope,. fol. NEPHEW MARRIED, in the following wedding notice, the groom is a nephew of Miss Holmes of town: -Owing to the recent death of the bride's mother a very quiet quiet marriage was solna,enized• in St. Stephen's Ohurcb, Gerrie, at 0 o'clock, Aug. 20, when Mary Edythe, youngest daughter, of the late Mr. and Mrs.. Henry Perkins. was married to Mr. Harry Victor Holmes, manager of the B Morrie and Bank of Hamilton, n. a , Mr. son of . W. S. Holmes eines Holmwood Lueknow. The bride, who' was un. attended was given . by the groom's father and was gowned an Alice blue satin with Persian trimming and wore a necklace of pearls and, peridots the gift of the groom and 'carried a Church of England prayer book beautifully bound in white and gold, The ceremony was performed by the rector, Rev. B. A. Kinder, B. A„ as- sisted by their former rector and friend, Rev. T. 13. Farr, B. A., Blyth. Immediatelly following the ceremony,. the bridal couple left on the 7.10 train en route for Atlantic Oity, New York, Washington, and other. American cities. The bride travelled its a tailor- made suit of black serge picture bat of black mohair with willow plumes, 4 In a few days !MR, 3. t1I. ERODES, Arthur; Ont,,manu- facturer of Ladies Braids, 4 Switches, Puffs, !Curls and ' P smpodores, made from your own combings, Will calf at • every house in Clinton with 4. a full line of .samples, caifdsl prices, etc., etc,' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ rry CONNE 'S 6414.161BU Bread 5' Made Clean Based Clean Sold Clean IT HAS NO EQUAL for QUALITY and FLAVOR CHAS, COINER First store north Grigg's 3ewelery C',,Id We ther Will Soon Be here Hoer About Your Furnace 7 Don't you think it would be wise to let us instal one of our Celebrated Hecht fiaicrnakees or overhaul your old one PLUMBING ING in all its branches Tinsniithing anon )(Repairing of all kinds Promptly 2ittende4 to. Sheet ]iron Work Of t11 Kinds Shop Oyer 11. 1Co wla a4's ardware Store. Phone 53. Th n pp'm s one's,• ee o loovni eresectee®••ee e • •'• Readers of The New Era aisle • i L. advised That The 'Fall Temixe • • i(ni Shaw's Schools, Toronto, • • is now open ,and that Stud- 'p. • exile will, betadmitted any • bchool day ' until Dec. 20th for • a course in: ff3usiness, Short- • • llan,d, Cavi] Service, or (.Cele„ • • graphy, The new catalogue • • just issued is interesting in ,•• •• its details and iam�ailed free • • on i` l e U t. q e{t Write too eco • is, w, R. Shaw, :Ps'edident, • e 'Head Office, Youge Sc Ger-,• raid streets, Toronto, • • be e o 0.000-00•0111111•111I11•11111i11••,•••A•• New Ontario Letter Continued :I More About the Clay Belt and the Mines by Rev, iVir, Cook What tlhe Culture will atevclay it as heed total, brut of ,otin fitlendy 'the Catholles, especially the French Catholics, follow up the traditions of Quebec, the province lying' a- longside of tales North land, then they well] meere an effort, as, (hely, • hese dome 0:11 Quebec so euone£lsfnll- ly, to rid, the country of the. idsinalt, txta'f;flic. Ms'd en this ,as iii all-Otlhe, noble elntenjsi lses tray thley suc- ceed, Thiel n ray be considered adi- 5ression thio eleferemce to the choreal' life of 'these new towns, ,but as church life1,s so.nnueh in 0usll1nd' and as our enquirt:'es are ,apt tloinunt in that, line, .ahid also as most ivi's dors and deputations are think- ing mostly of ruining, timber, poli- tics and policies as if the Not/the land 'was only place for 9ivila(!a and nnot,for 1ife'. I ant stirl'!.the 'de - gression will. plot betaken am'is's, In, .aatrip full, of vaned scenery and ro,in,anee let one .start ,fit{oan' New Li'ekaa'(d oma journey (0 CCliir4 oux La,ke, taking the T, & N A , to Hadleybury being caiefui tosit on side of the train moat to the.! else the beautiful Teni,iska'ming. No sooner- has ,the 'train ,starttfd1(thlan' the lake dsstnview. Tf one lgianc at the other side of the 'trlarintret will find that,beyo.ncl the track reaching into the cou' ntry , the land d is all that could be desired' ,floet iaivnlug, the sod being many yards deep In, some isis'tan e:s. Itnd,eed'lhe train speeds through ,banks of !sae, - gem( clay of which the Clay Boltlis e evid- ent made up, and whervid- ent fleeces of the deposits ,of fsil(f(. and sand made by the recediing glacial ice, thus making It possible to ,approximate at least ,to It!1xe. age. orieniatls of tune jib took forftt,e ice to finally rend, and thus 4eave for future ages the great inllseeilt-( ante of soil. Now we turn elm at- tentiuoe, to the lake; •beyotnd wlhich lies Quebec, where ane many ,acnes rotting down toward the shore, amid. ]nom' which Much of the produce is taken that snakes possible 'theRasl eybury market on Tuesdays 'ma Saturdays A. lum'best town is passed, and what with islands, far off a/oiling piaiwis(, varigated bluf fs as they show up on, the shore heat/ and thlelr,e, ,boats plying upon the smooth wa'tersl and then, just as the train eoanes into the 'station (the newly , (built) town) of Haileybury can be.seen ejn nearly all of its extent, g,v' 'the. visitor aview of the old and the new not easily .found elfewhier1e. Not far fr(onl the station and d,,u•ecft( ly downgrade versacli the aIsrleatt car thaN will' take us. to ,Cobalftgi- ready ii'n palet described. (Event, foot ,of available land betSsvee,n Halley -bury and Cobalt has ,been staketo, Here and theule you wild Lund the ruins of disappoimltted hope. Many aniline has been start- ed. that has yielded only 'troublq and expense; But the lantl is dote tied nearly the whole distance, be- tween. Iiaiieybury .and Nomih 'Co- balt with miners cottages of evargy description, in which you will genu, 01011, see (the children as happy as ran ,be in ,their now 8urmountkinigs,. In these cottages are ggeat posnes- msiaany, ny, with gardensneattaehewwdhat', toithe who ,nes ei' ktilt"w''as. to own afoot 'of land. But 'these aro the people, many of trimu' foal', eigners who will help to el,e:4 the future civic councils, and will) termite perichanec the ciaaractoxito1 the ntannber who will take hiselea.t in Parliament Reaching Cobalt•, we stop ;awhile and go out upon( the newly washed face of the rock, Yonder theoPoweriful hydrant im h'nh (. w memeeiversemoneeeemeeeerweemeless Right Now for Right School Supplies at light Prices +• Complete lines of Collegiate Institute and Model School Text Books at regular prizes. r ze s. Big values ht general; supplies. You Need Therm, We Have Them, Let Us Get Together. g RESULT—A Muival Advanta e, Tht,a 4arft ° tl,3 II it Co Rein the eheapes,t—�Iways the !fest 2 / AA�/oNJ PWAA A N•/1AA R IuMMMNJV A C C eIIi Oui aye 3 We have still about Four Thousand Dollars worth of stock to dispose of, so to close it out in a hurry we will cut pries still lower. EVERY SHOE MUST GO PiT esl Now is the time to get your Boots and Shoes for fall and winter. ' From now on, terms of sale will be STRIeTLY Men's regular.$5.09 B 4.00 oots for Boots for 2.50 Boots for " 4,5o Oxfords (patent, gun metal, and tan) for ., Shoes hoes for....,..... 3,90 for Wemen's reg, 4.00 S 2.50 Shoes for 1.75 Shoes for $3,50 2,75 1.50 0 2..75 '. -.20 1,05 1.25 All our Men's Working Boots, Boy's, Misses and Children's Boots at similar reductions, IG SPECIAL Women's Oxfords, Pumps; Strap Slippers Children's Slippers of all kinds AT HALF PRICE Jas.TN'9iC�f2i eLENTON &S or1;i�n t f, pus Lee he betide -xis Imern their p aces anesending clouds of stones into the air, rintilit(hewank-' led ,bnow of the clack appears, \and in many places shilning sm'oothnc(ss between the wrinkles. Here is where you see the Cobalt/ bio(otm. In-rnmining here and there thxpugh the nock tame veins of silver of vane ked ihielun,ess, they cannot ,berms- taken, for theme is the pinkish bloom, This is what the \liner lik- es to see and df h e can ,iiia qedi(nt prospecting, in finding soau,e baste place of 8 ock all 0m,bloonn, he will sell all that he swath end bny, (that- fioltd. It is quite passible notwith- standing the fact that uiafnlyt iiia- es .are mdse (nand aaloun,cE (Cohan that1 a the (Wining industry is only fairly ,begun. It would seem that the pnactstcal diScoveriies Madre ;by: miners, ,ease conrectiing much that one would. Sind tiro the geoio(gieal text ,book. It is a fact that s],lvcr.is found 3m the conglomerate dilabas,e, and keewatiln formal/tone. 'WSe(n the foraneeions arse fully explollteicl, and more es already known than the public can possibly be aware of, then only, will the future of the (Cold ball mining camp be detcerxuilnetl At present'thetle. is morels actiivityl and many would !roto to get m ioln, the land, where the CO,bail blddre is seen,. August 20 witnessed possibly the .greatest slush for ,silver that\ Gla known Ira the history- of :prospect•• ing width the re:Arid of Vibe' Nipis- sing, O'Brien, Buffalo, Hudson/Con— ragas, La Rose ,and other rabies ,be - eat arler5 Walking and 'Riling Oliver plows '_ ' L$. C. Gasoline Engines McCormick Machinery Pumps and 'Windmills, ALI; KINDS .OP, :REPAIRS ANI) EYPERVING. CALL ON Miller Uffic Corner of Princes' and AIberh streets, z OR0a1'I0'S Rest Business College Ceotra1BusgnessCollege Stratford, Oat, Our teachers are all exper- iencedinstructors. Our cour- ses are better than ;ever pmd7 the equipment is more eom- pe•senodother orourt graduates t s thao th rsaeni- i1ar schools. Fourteen applications for trained help were received during the past week, some of these offering over $006 We have three departments Commercial Sh a an Telegraphy. 'Worth nd rite for our tree Ca,ta ogue and sole what we are doing. 116.16. McLachlan, iPrivicilbal. ( ✓!�r :• c,i,q,{ _..1.. 1. ,.�r3 �i t a 3 N i 9� Q a4.p4"1'!t_'t.,3.`3•.i•.i!,i..II'•: