HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-09-12, Page 74- , .eieeme' • • f 1,1eareday, Seoteirn,bon 12th, 1Wi ONTARIO 0 FORTUNE Freed From That Weak, Lan- guid, Always Tired Feel- ing, by Lydia E Pink - ham's Compound. Thessalon, Ont.- I cannot speak too highly of your medicine. When my ape petite is poor and I` have that weak lan- guid, always tired feeling, I get a bot- tle of Lydia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound, and it builds me up, gives Inc strerigth, and re- stores me to perfeet health again. It is truly blessing to women, and I cannot speak highly enough of it. I take pleas- ure in recommending it to others." -- Mrs. AMU CAMERON, ThesSe1011, Ont. • Women who are suffering from those distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. • There are proles/Ay hundreds of thou- sands, perhaps millions of women in the United States who have been benefited by this famous old remedy, which was produced from roots and herbs over 30 years ago by a woman to relieve wo- man's saffering. If you are sick and need such a medicine, why don't yeti try it? lIff you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham. Medicine Co. (confl. dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a Woman and held in strict confidence. us) MONIREAL4 hi. ,,, TFIE STANDARD b tiff Niteal ,Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion of Canada. It is, natienal in an .its birns. 4 . • It uses the mint 'expensive' grigiedv- Inge, procuring the photographfrom aI1 over the world, 1 Its articles are carefully Selected and its editorial,..policy, :thoroughly. Independent. , subscription-. td Thd. Standard posts $2.00 per year to any address to or Great Britain; d* TRY IT FO R 1912' Oontreal Standard Publishing_Cees Limited, Publishers, ' DON'T NEGLECT YOUR WATCH ik WATCH is a delicate piece 4.of machinery. It calls ior We attention than most inaChinery, but must be :cleaned arid oKlecl oceasieSnally to keep ;perfect elute. _IP WWI proper care a Waltham 'Watch will keep perfect time ter a lifetime. It will pay yea ge well toilet us dean your watch every xe or 18 months. W. R. Counter Jeweller and Optieian. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Piano orchwers sheillrifle?,:mak esit;PiOrthei iheP neD011ERTY 11.5 Sed Vela& 410, - One ef the Best !Equipped Piano Factories iin Canada W. Doherty Piano and Organ Co,, Limited Factoricei and Head Office CLINTON, ONT, Weeinral Branale esti ier ettea 0, Vlre cerirmwe 1,-444—.444-4•44. 'PHITESDAY, IVIA,1101111 eigh, 1911i. rag6 eynthia9s eh uffe By LOuis Tracy Copyright by McLeod & Allen, Toronto . . _ . . ... ........_ .... .....s. 19K, se I willattend to the -cal m.yeelf, Felehaps 'Fitzroy's presence may be dispensed With." l'he felt -lined telephone box was well screened oft; as first impressions Might be valuable, she adjusted the receivers ea.retully over both ears, be- fore she shouted "Hallo!" "That you, any lord?" said a voice. "Hallol-who wanis Fitzroy?" sh. asked in the gruffest tone she could 'adopt, "It's Dale, my— Dut who b talk- ing? Is, that you, Mr?" "Go me Can't you hem'?" "Not very well, nay hard, but your aordship's father dropped an to, me at Bristol, an' he's here now. What am I to do?" i "My lordship's father! What are tou talking about? Who are you?" "Isn't that Lord-- Oh, dash it, ren't you Miss Vanrenen's chauffeur, itzroy?" "No. This is the SYntolfs Yat no- ,eI. The party is out now, and Fitzroy Ii1 Ivo% but I can tell him mune., Slim wish to say." I Mre. Dever fancied that the speak:, r liege words thus tar had excited lic, fi eliest curiosity, would imagine ilia; h was in conimunication with the Pro- prietors of the hotel. She was iler mtistaken. Dale fell into the trap in- s ntly, though, indeed, he was not to be blamed, since he had asked most ti.rnestly that "Mr. Fitzroy, Miss Van- rerien's chauffeur" should be brought to ;the telephone. 'Well, man," he said, "if I can't hold of -of iFtzroy-I must leave iessage, as I don't suppose I'll have tereqther chance. Pm his man, I'm 'Da; have you got it?" "ell him the Earl ef Fairhohne .sts•-Dale." Waned up in Bristol an' forced me to e Ilan everything. I couldn't help it, e; old gentleman fell front the looming sky, be did. Will you re - Member that nanier Nele yes: the Earl ot Fairholme." "Well, Ids lordship Will understand. I mean you Must tell Fitzroy what I Said. Please tell him privately. 1 expeet I'll get the sack anyhow over this business, but I'm dein' me best in tryire the telephone, so you'll con- fer a•favor, main, if you call Fitzroy on one side before tellin' bim." Though the telephotte-box was stuf- fy 'when the door was closed, Mre. Devar, felt a oold chill running down her spine, "I await quite understand," she said thickly. "You're Dale, somebody's man; whose man?" "His lordship's. Oh, d -n. Beg pardon, mam, but I'm Pitzroy's chauf- feur." It wee a glorious night of early sun:uner, yet lightning struck in that little sbut-off section of the hotel, "Do you meat that you are Vis- count Illedenheet's chauffeur?" she geeped, and her hands trembled se Much that she could scarce hold the receivers to her ears. "Yes'm. Now you've got it. But, look here, I daren't stop another min - nit. Tell his lerdship-tell Mr. Fitz- roy -that rn dodge the Earl in some wag as' remain here. I•le says he has been tricked, wot betweext Inc an' the Prenclamn, but be means to go bee: to Dolidon to -morrow. Good -by, Mani. You won't forget -strictly eri- State?" i "011, na, I won't forget," said Mee Dever grimly; nevertheless, she Alt weak and'sick, and isa her anxiety 11 rush out into the fresh air she Cid forget to hang up the receivers, the Symon Yat FIotel was out off Tr, la the world of telephones until some"- pne entered‘the box early next morn- ing. i She was 4 a not uneoramon ts•pe- na physical icbward endowed weh erves of Stel, but, for once in her life, she cara perilously near fainting. It was bad erkmgh that a moneyeeak- ing project of some value should sbow signs of tumbling in ruins, but far worse that she, an experienced tuft - hunter, should have lived in close companionship with a viscount for eour long days and snubbed him ran- corously and without cease. There Fag no escaping the net she had con- trieed for her own entaglement. She bad actually written to Peter Van- reeen that she deemed it her duty es Cynthirers eleeperoq to acquaint him with Simmond's defection and the filling of his place hy Fitzroy, "5 most unsuitable pergola, to act as 1Viiss Van- renen's chauffeur" -indeed, a yaang man who, she was sure, "would never eave been chosen for such a response. Tole postern" by Mr, Vanrenen him - °Et d Fitzroy was Viscount Meden- ham, heir to the Fairholme estates, one of the most eligible young bache- lors in the Idugdonel 011, blind and crass that she had not gueesed the truth! The car, the luncheon -bask- et, the rare wine, the crest on the Raver, the very candor of the wretch in giving his real name, his instant recognition of "Simtay" Devar's moth - or, the hints of a eallahood passed n Sussex -why, even the aunt he SPolte of on Derby nay must be Susan St. Maur, while Millitient Portheawl Pad actually met, him ia the Bourne- noeth hotel! -thee and Many Anoth- er vivid index pointed the path of knowledge to one , so well versed as she in the intricacies of Derbett. The Very attributes "which she had taken fdr at impertinent aping of the Man- aere of society had shouted his ident- ity Into her deaf ea,re time and again. Teen an intelligent Westen.d house- maid would have fed sortie eruppielon of the facts When confronted by these pilecaup.toltens. She remembered 130- Licing hiS hands, the quality of linen, les astenishingly "good" appearance len the only °aeration theashe had seen bine In evening dress; elle almost eroaned aloud when she ;revealed the Manniri of her son's denleaure froin rletol, and some imp in her heart meted the bursa ashes of the fixe that lied devoured her ethen she heard -why eeptain Dever was regneeted to resign les eonenalssian. Of -course, this proud yoarig tu'istoorat recognized him at once, and had brushed hint out of his fight ,as ore might brush a 'fly off a winek,wpane. But how was sho to am In Tai of the firenieftecl disast E'l , C,V11 , had, rot he° -----, pm warned her? Did Marini kiTow, alid Was that the explanation of his heepida denaeanor when she and Cra- hia were about to enter the ear that timing? Indeed Mitrigny's quiet ac- peptance of the position was quite as difficult to understand as her own fail- nre to grasp the significance of all that happened since 1100n on Wednesday. • mu very clay, before breakfast, ho had lemma to her room with the cheering piews that information to hand from London would certainly procure the dismissal of "Fitzroy" forthwith. The Mercury was rogisterqd 111 the naane of the Earl of Fairliolme, the obvious de- duction being that his lordsbip's °haute !few waa careering through England Su a valuable car without a Shred of ,permission; the merest whisper to ;Cynthia of this discovery. reed the Frenchman, vrould send "Fitzroy" Packing, And even, what had Cynthia meant iwhen she referred at Chepstow to tbe "Norman baron scowl" witb which "Fitzroy" had favored Maeigny? Waa she, too, in the secret? -Unhappy Mrs. Dever! She glowered at the darken- ing Wye, and wriggled on her chair in torture. "Wass it all right a -bout the tel-e- pborte, mans?" meld a soft voice at her • She started violently, and the maid was contrite. "I'm ver-ry ior-ry, mam," ehe said, "but I sea Mr. Fitzroy down there on riteer---" "Where, where?" cried the other, rather to gain time to oollect,her wits Ithan to ascertain Medenhem'e where- abouts. The girl pointed. "In that lit-tle boat, all by its -self; mam," she said. "011, it was of no importance. BY the way," and Mrs. Dever produced her purse, "you miglat tell the people In the office not to pay any attention to the statements of a man named Dale, if be rings up from Hereford. lie is only a olutuffeur, and we shall see him in the morning; perhaps It will be best, if he asks for Abner again to -night, to tell him to await our arrivel," "Tess, mare." and tbe maid went off, the ricber by half-a-crown. Mrs. De- var's usual "tip" was a afxpence for a week's attentions, so it would de- mand an abstruse arlthmetle.al calcu- lation to arrii,e at an exact estimate of the degree of mental disturbance pthoartlued to the present lack of pro- tioLeft alone once more, her gaze fol- lowed a email skiff speeding upetreamt aver this placid surface oe tbe silver, Wye; Medenhane was rowing, and Cynthia held the tiller ripes; but Mrs. 0,01,ftr'S thoughts turned her mind's, eyes inward, and tbey surveyed a gray prospect. Dale, the unseen monster ;who had struck this paralyzing blosve apoke of "the Frenchman." Lord t airholrue had charged both Dale and the Frenchman" with tricking him., erefore, the Ertel and Maligny had met at Bristol. If BO, and there could be little doubt of it, MarIgny would herdly appear in Hereford, and if she attempted to telephone to the Greee, Dragon Hotel, where Cynthia had en - inaged rooms, she would not only fall h K 0 reacarig/1Y but probably reveal: 9 `wentlifel Earl the Very fact which; else, tee,med to have withheld frone e, namely, his soree address at the Dent, ' , „saele assumed that Dale knew how , pe -Communicate 'with his master be-, 18,aiese lialulenharn had telegraphed tha eat of the hotel at Symon's Yet, , reln she was right. Medenham, rented his baggage, and, having es- ' f.. ,Otigleed 'Met there was a suitable] ;rep, aent instructions that Dale wag ; to travel by it. This, of course, the , d eeaTied oft his son's portraaiates ' pin could not do. Lord Fairhonne I ,enex, and had actually hired a room , in the Green Dragon next to that re-, ' peevea for Cynthia. suddenly groan Wise, MrS. Dever flegi.ded against the telephone. But Mere remained the secrecy of the post -office, what harm if slue sent a brief message be both the Green Dra- gon and the efitre Hotels-Marigny Would be sure to put up at one or the ether if he were in Hereford -and demand his advice? She harried to the drawing -room and wrote: Remaining Symon's Yat Hotel . to -night. Suppose you are aware of to -day's developments. F. Is , son Of gentleman you • met in Bristol. Wile' reply. • , DEVAR. She went to the hotel bureau, but a sympathetic landlady shook her head "Tee Post -office is closed. No tele- grams can be dispatched until eight o'clock on Monday," see said. "Eiut there is the telepbone--" "It is 'leaderless," said Mrs. Dever, crushing the written forms in her fin- gers as though she had reason to be - jive they might sting her. She resolved to lot events drift now. They had passed beymed her control. Perhaps a policy of masterly inactive. ty might rescue her from. Use tOrna- de which had swept her off her feet. In any case, she mast fight her own battles, irrespective of the cabal en- tered into in, Paris. Captain Jame Dever was en hUpOesible ally; the French Count was a negligible gum- tity when compared with. an Einglish yiscount whose aneeetry threw back to the Conquest and evliose estate covered belt of a midland shire; but there remained, aetive as aver, the eelf-interest of a poor Widow front 4 Whose despairing reap was Ellerdng a ,golden opportunity. "I e it tors late?" she asked herself, "Can anything be done? Maud, my dear, YOU /are .up &Detest it, as thee eay In America. Pull youreele toe gather, exclseee 12 7011 can't teviiiikeyelu• W,lhtakmls to eictur own•. adeentaee," , enthia, 'Meanwhile, was enjoying hereat hugely. The placid reaches of the Wye bffered a delightkur epee itrast to thesetteelyeked, eoade oi Mon- modebehira; , and, it may be addea, th, ego wee fanoSugh of Modem: Eyela her compotateen to reedeli thet roped - Ing rione Jthe 'lobe ,attraeeteh ,e6Seelle ihtlewdean5 Ilinn661ilietr4:'7et513.4aaliourier4t,itia,*Itare'e do eHltet. leg 'WAS 09e9i0" el,it a i en ,or tii. " filPOSSIBLE TO HELP I1Y KIDNEYS" until Used "Fruit-a-tives" Worlds Greatest Kidney Cure Practically everybody in toronto knows Proicssor J. P. ..Davis. Pox' years, the elite of that city has taken lessons from Prof. Davis in the art of Dancing and Deportment. His constant activity gradually weak- ened his kidneys, svhich calamity threatened to make him an invaiid. But read Prof. Davis' letter - 563 C,ninten Se., Toromee0, ON'e. DNCEMBER 2901.1911 "I want to say that "Itruit-aatives" . my only' medicine, and has been for the past five years. Previoue to that, I had bsen tronhled with Pffieuraatism and Kidney Disease, and bad taken many remedies without satisfactory results. Notiemg, the advertisementa of "Fruit- a-tives' I adopted this treatment altogether, and as everyone knows, I am now -and have been since taking "lernia aetives"--enjoying the best of health". e. P. DAVIS. If Rheumatism or Kidney Trouble is making e•ou miserable, take "Pruit-a- tives" and get well. Soc a box, 6 for pace trial eize, At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Lunited, Ottawa, Outlook Better Now, Winnieleg, Sept. 9.-Tbe prospects for hervesting this week seem to be excellent. There have been local storms, one of -which hit Manitoba on Saturday night but on Sunday the weather proved to be of a fine drying chaancter and helped along the op- timism, Flax win be a late feature in the harvest in Manitoba but given dry weather, the grain crop will be good. Saskatchewan also reports quick drying after the rains and the binders ready for business and 'harvest hands are ready and erops heavy. ST. Tames. oetT. tinsurpassigl for residential education. The "Ideal College -flame" le which to secure O training for your life's work. Thorough • courses in Musie, Painting, Oratory, High School, Easiness College and Domestio Science. Large campus, inspiring environ- ment. Resident nurse insures health of students. Rates moderate. Every girl needs an ALMA training. liatuliTme Pro- tspectus sent tm Application to Prinsmal, 42 Died of Injuries. Toronto, Sept. Deedelin Merrick, aged 55, of Uxbridge, died in the Westen Hoepital at fee0 yesterday af- ternoon, so 0 result ti injuries re- seived when he fell eff a (.PR. train et Gravenhtust on August 213. Merrick was bound tor the west to tive with his son. As the train Was passing through Gravenhuret, he fell -,ff the rear end and sustained a frac- of the head, along with other Injuries, BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructorr at the etw se et C, A. Mae., LONDON, ONE% Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 3rd, Catalogu6 free. Enter any time, .LW. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principalla ChaTtrt ed Accountan e-enetleal Fruit Growers Pleased. St. Catharines, Sept. 9.-Warro ma- turing weather the past week has worked wonders to the fruit erop through the Niagara district. Fruit, which before 'had been at a standstill as regards ripening, bas now ripened se rapidly that growers have had to work from dawn till evening, Extra hands have isean taken on in nearly all large peaeli orchards in order that ripe treet Mei not spoil. The fine weather has been general throughout the periinsula all week, this seethe) escaping storms which etrurek Torepte Thursday and Friday evening. Oeneinuous rein prior to this week bee bad a beneficial effect on the poaches, which are Much lerger then last &tear. Although slightly watery tlry have a better flavor, Frank eia linger picked, packed and e'lltlePed,i,ogg 'baskets in one dal, last wees. imu1ar work haa been done on Many ciefese large lams 01 the the i.L4i kelt. EC Oeinuine Uarte S little:Liver Pi %wet sear argrature ef A� 1 fILPOITIM. Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures Close Lower -Live Stock- • Latest Quotations. LIVeSupciae, sole. 7.—Tho market oilened 01 4,4141 to ydd. Ving 111. 10 1111100d. hy the , weakness, la Vitetilpere 1012. forecast of larger weelres t.1771440, :Wallowing the opening, More oe re wferteer Presenrei vrl-th an additional deeliue of # ri tho e001 WOSPler /11 t110 united ineelem and weakness in euenos Toward the close the rcaricet resoveree mut of the decline, with Borne ceYering,,,, al,d iraProv,44. demand Mr Aittbrionn parcels and Et hotter silat trade.' At the close the insrkst waa steady, 1/541 to lower than yesterday, Corn opened &aimed and held steady during the 805, sten, The pressure of Plate Offers, small enquiry for forward shipinett, was off- set here by the strong Argentine freight snleetion and the decreasing local stooks here, , CHICAGO , Sept, 7.-Wbeet today barely escaped going into the 80's, De- cember delivery sold as low as 90c to 901/60, the third day in suoceeelon that the low price record tee the seasen has been broken,. The market gave way be-, t eeth the shadow ef the oh -coming crop, and closed weak Sie, to eito under last night. Corn finished %a to eSo up oats unchanged to lee higher and provisions varyingefrom 1214c /iodine to Mc advance: Winnipeg Options. Open. High, Low, Close, Close Wheat - Dee. ..... sole sole • ie 85 8514 Oct. 80% 09% 88 88A 001, OatSL:: Ogt, . ... „., 35/ 8961, 39 2511 Toronto Grain Market. Wheat, new, bush 50 90 to 80 90 Wheat, geese. bilsh Bye, bushel Oats, ,bushei Barite', bushel Pees, bushel Buckwheat, bushel • 048 046 000 070 TOO ... 080 00 Toronto Dairy Market. Butter, creamery, lb. rolls... 0 29 Butter, oyearnery, sonds.„*, 27 Mutter, separator, daliy, lb0 27 Mutter, store lots 0N 'Bps, new-lald cheese, ninv, lb 0 1.8 guneY, ertraeted 111 . t 11 Roney combs, dozen .. ... 2 70 Montreel Grein and Produce. asE011TR1MIL, Sept. 7. -There was an increased de,mand from fo1.0ign buyers for UM .0105 illarlitOPEL spring wheat, but as cables were weaker at a further de- cline of %cl. to 341 per quarter, the prices bid In most cases were glyt Oi Wks, and Ilttio 'business MILS do4e. The 0mand for oats ls still ghee end ae the oriels bid show ex,parters geed prefits considerable busInette is doing, The stock et cede in, store shows an lacrease of itt,ono bushels, as compared witis keit weee, but ties is eccounted tor hy the fact that a let of American oats axe coming forward here for eeport account. The local market is strong with a good demand for meets, Inoue is steady, with a istr demand for small Iota Millfeed active and Tbe demand for butter Is good and the tone strong. Receipts for week were 64 packages, as against 16,619 a year ago, Cheese Is quieter, but firm. Beeelpts for the week were Teta bexes, against 6e0e8 o year ago. Eggs active, neeelets eor the week 41189 cases, against 4470 a. Year ago. 0 so es 0 28 024 020 6 1045, 0 12 200 gova—Amorkm 51o. 2 yellow', tee to Ole, ats-Oanadlan western, No, 2, 4045c to 600; No. 8, 48e to 4814e; extra No, 1 feed, •IDe to Badoy-rean. real, 00a to 630.; malting, leluoitsveeee-ale, 2, '74e to 720. Pleur-Menitoba. sexing 'wheat patents, eirets, 08.80; aeertbds, St01.30; ;Arena baker% $8.10; wints ter patee, e wee, 51.20; stral.ght rollers, $4.88 to 04,00; bags, sere to $2,30. Belied oata-Barrels, al,s6; hags, 06 tbs.., $2.neft, • lefer28 to V8., mounto, $30 to VA. seren, Vs; shorts, $271 mid- f1,Y--- 0, 2, per tonk ear 100", 016 t Ceeese-Pieest westeres, /Saito to 1414e; fiesta eastertis, 3.214e te 14o , . Better -Choicest creamery, 270 to ergo; scones 2514o to 20o. Eggs-Laeleeted, 2-80 to 2Do; No, 2 stock, 300 10 k0°. Fotatoeg-eer bag, car lots, 8.3c to 000, Hogs -Dressed, abattelri }tilled, 112 to 81280 Pork-reef:ivy Camera ahort mese, bets., S5 to So pieces, $27; trblo, 40 to 50 pieces, erd-Compound, tierces, 175 lbs., 210,25; Wood pails, 20 lbs, net, $10.75; pure, tierces, SE lbo, 514,26; wood pails, 29 lig,. 2143t4 Llveepo o 1 P rovislepte eaVERPooL, Sept. 7.-13ee2-Extra U- rea mess 142s Ut. _ .... Bork-.Vcu ne Mess, western, jess so. Beans- ort t, 14 to 16 lbs., 60s. Bapon- emberiand tut, 26 te SO lee., 0610 taloa; ribs, d 16 24, Obs, ,i3Sfo1ni y:;4rt );i1410)11b1,is;i0agoevxia 4a7f151t28t94lbs.,7oe;l°ieenr; d0,h@SNY, SO to 40 1b' sss oa; short Clear backs, 16 to al lbs. 680; shoulders, stmare, 94 90 13 Ms., 600 dd, e , aryl -prime western, tri tierces, Us 841; gA505roolcsaen-a9inialidlistriS,T151»5eds't wil'ite, new, Ns 05; ectorell, new, 67s 621. . .,. Duluth Grain MarNet, nterieuT1-1, Sept, 7. -Wheat -New, No. 1 northern, 87%e; No. 2 do., 84%e; Septeme bg2euro, , 57%chaesitede December, 8701,0; MaYi CATTLE IVIAR,KETS, East iSuffelo Cattle Merket, HAAT 'r,eire,Areo, Sent. 7.-aattle-Re- es tit, 100 head. steed( .M0 to, egt—rteerett t10000. ?ell; Lewt,IVA2411,26.41 MC1 :1°Ift-l'ill't°81 5610 Ob 6800 . all 8d0 ,100t. 1 0?8,3,•1 )Ctrer, '5[4, ' 6" t4 t.64';aiii°05; 11 496, f ll.2,8i fOti0/1$ $7: :16 't, et. i•lai stags, 1?Ife it. 1,ns161.4;,1,110,74.,,i,eselprei i.800 lessee a tee() ankseee, . is". .teeeee • „tee Chicago Live gtoele. - gcAoo, dept. 1.--dekt1e-netie1le, 'cararitet slow, 1300 yds, k5,76 to at„seq,, 04:74 6c) EO'. wIsttire st60 $f, v 714 tVg 'eekteoialitveiriseaste.s eoelictefsc,a461, tol-'3.8n-p i e(1701PnP,$87,0•1°06 Itouls.210tE: -4nestireatiev,e 1,1488 1 co //46; neaVY, $7,7o to $s51; rough, 7, to rat; picotf, 0,25 to ;8.20; ireS4 of eat , Slit to Ss. , '4,, "1&*, it eel" ala Laulbs-Ttecelpts, ,. walled It onla Ils,1,170, 52.60 1014,7q.; 00 'err, $1,80 to rate yoargno, 5%0c to ..0 . , atnio,s, hag ye,. 64.76 12 u.goL'artaterrh .v., ti ,,9 $1,46. Liverpool Cattle Martreiee *Pe4ItVh.A:7:4141,10'013eshtz, 07,.1-11.00040, 8. AVM' &,. ce. 1-evert•eol etealeeeetlek t29t bet et 4 ,?.'14.1"laleyariVfaa. pIrCTS12/430'3fe tie. eT'loa n iIeZitee' 17:1. ' 417lit'cle6ile:e noM,7,iteblees7:,t: 919 ,. '.C. alla' ihn 04.0s, bo'Q00 a0u9 19 uf. Der, VI `CANTON, ST.Y., Sept. "f.-Silive, theme one three hundred bokee eS ekeese at ibilie; 000 tube butter at lifiteo, BeffeLEVILLK, Sept, cheese. beard nifty, 2099 offered; 1900 sold et 18%e, 200 sold 13 746c, balance reeueed, LONDON, Scot, .-At tedesee Obese market, 500 boxes Were sefered rIn 0810 at 13%c, bidding from 12 13440 ylci 10 D, Sept, 7. --At the rpeaLing ,of. the Eltptern TOwnShipS Malrymort's Associatton, held bore to- ' dAY,..bUtter sold Itt 2676c„atid 270,, Ne ''6411WS'0%‘01::f13:1°111I6ATCOIWNNU.:1,4"NE,IY,,tili, Sold today 261,4,e; eheeee. nista steles, 7200 et lea. ssie ' CASTOR IA For Meats and, Uhildreg,, lie Kind You Nave Altar Bought Stomach Blood and Liver Troubles Much sickness starts with weak stomach, and consequent poor, impoverished blood. Nervous and pale -people lack good, rich, red blood. Their sem:reels need ioligorafing for, after all, a man canbe no stronger than his stomach. A remedy that makes the stomach strong and the liter active, makes rich red blood and overoonies and drives out disease -producing bacteria and cures a isliole multo- tudo of diseases. Get rid of your Stonzaeil Weakness and LIMP Laziness by taking a course of Or. Pierce'Golden Mediaf DisoaVevY -the great Stomach -Restorative, Ziver Invigorator and Blood Cleanser. You can't afford to accept any medicine of unknown comp,Isifien as a substitute for "Golden Medical Discov- ery, which is a medicine OP kNOWN COMIVSITION, having a complete list of ingredients in plain English on its bet- tle-wrapper, same being attested as cermet tattler oath. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regztlate and Invigorate Stomach, Uvcr and ame,e.. wirmsrnwasuoug....., al1.2=1.131.1...1.171.12MP.1.1139.0E.R411.174120.1==44.612-'....." atruck by Motor. Toronto, Sept. 9 -Failing to notice the approach of the motor ears HenrY Thomas -was knocked down near the eiteer of Ring and Sheehourne streets yesterday deed -teen, and seriously in- jured. The ear was driven by Mamie Saebrack, 337 Sherbourne street. Seventy More Engines. Kingston, Sept. 9. -The Canadian Locomotive, Works has just been awarded a centred to supply 25 loco- motives for the Canadian Pagifie Railway and 45 for the Canadian Northern Railway. Sa1Isw Skin Liver !Spots, Pimples, Circles Ender the Eyes are all signs of the systembeing clo.ggeirl, The Liver en.d 'Bowels are inactive and tie Stornakin is weak from ;undigested foods ,and foul gases, Pig Pills the great firniit emrcely, will Snake you feel like anew person. Winnipeg, 31e14'2701911 After taking three boxes of your: Rig Pills tor stomach arid liver troubles 1219139 strotg and 'well and able to do my own work, 'Mee. A. lf, Saulter Sold at all 'dealers in 25 arnd50 cent •hoxea or mailed 'by The Fig Pill Co., St.Thoreas, Ord, Sold im Clinton by a. E.Iforey Druggist, Dark Threcnaten Mey Be Lost, Gimli, Sept. 0. The gasoliue boat with three men which left this place Friday morning to go north and bring beek a party who were duck shootiug, was seen about 10 o'elock Friday at ernes, about two tans from the berieh and seemed to be drifting back. As the lake was very rough and a high wind blowing, groat fears are enter- tainod that they are lost. Arrange. inents are -being made for a tug at Winnipeg Beach to go in seareh of the party. N i M os re Dandruff amng Hair call, Itch Men and wanlene-do you want a splendid head of luxuriant hair free tram scale' etch rind dandrefaa Der you want hair so bete itehingly radiant that tt compels the ad- nelearion of all 'who seeet? De you want a scaln ae inanaaene lately clean and .bright as a. inewly minted coin. • If you doaget a50 cent bottle at PARISIAN Sago today, '\V, S, R. Eames solie It,/ so do dealers eveee-- where. The gfri with the Anhuvin bah, on Ore* carton .end :bottle. -Ask for PARISIAN sage and see that you!get 91, • Lopt Their Valuables, Braptiord, Sept. 9. -Wagner and Milieu', members of the Brantfeed ball el'eb, Mourn the loss of gold. watches, WEree also toeing 150 ash as a 702 of the elab's visit to liamilten en Friday lase. Tbo watches and money were de- s led with the ojerk at the Vele morlean Hotel aed &urine the playL ere' absence etre:rider§ called and titale ed they lea.t been sent by the playere to secure t property. The olerk headed 1.1 out tq tbem seed the theft was 4iscovere4 an hour late*. SUMMER COMPLAINTS KILL 1,11.1TLE ONES, k There is always a big demand fat a thing that cantata!, he hail], In Eastern Caatedat The fairlaseee along tb.e Grand Tetunk Pacific pity the in/exhume' Wage and this 90059 excellent chance 1for yornig Dash visic the 'West. The route via Chicago i0 1-' teactive ane, as many large cedes and toevns ere, paSSed ensloute, which breaks the InenoionY of the journey, as there is sometleng new eeeall the time. The itirand Trun k Pacific Railway is the shortest •and quickest eleutebee twoon /WiniaSpe g -S e.sk a t eh o 0111-E de monton, roAr slue inleavr:;ittiefluti.isd iTortiwnarteAgae.)11 Duff, D. P. A., Union Station, Tor- e nto, Ont. Important Changes in G T - Service from Toronto Train leaving Toronto 2e.15 A, 12, daily except Sunday, for Pe•nthingt will be discontented after Sunday, September 7111, but esill, commences ing Monday, Septeanber 9th, run via Muskoka Wharf to Huntsville. Muskoka Express leaving Tor-' onto 12,20 nooka, dally exeelat day for Muskoka • Wharlf and. Huntsville, will he diseon tinted after Satnaiday, September 71.11. Buffalo -Muskoka Repress !eaV- Ing Toronto 2.20 A. IVI, claile tor; Muskoka Wharf, fluatsville, Burk's Falls and North Bay...will make last trip Sunday, September ale buffalo Express leaving* Toriontei 11.50 P.M, daily will be discontinued after Sunday, Septembe krough rittshurg Sleeper on e2 P.M, train .ftecetn Toronto be discontinued at ter Saturelars, September 7111, U. S. Troops Go to Border. Beverley, Mass., Sept. 9.-Presidea Taft Saturday afterneon autberires Major-General Leonard Wood, chief 9,, staff of the Te. S. army, by teleplu to despateli at once two more regt ments of cavalry to the Mexican bef- der. No autherization was giveu by tLo Preeident to hove the tresTs er94e the border, The President regurile the situation as grave. Penalty For Evading Oestems. Washington, Sept. 9.-Naltan Al- m a retired merehant t•f Kenosha. Saturday paid the Governmene e100,000 10 iitespe•enise his civil bitty in a sannualing ease-. at Ilew, York in 1909, witieh also involved efts. If. D. jenki tie in an alleged at., .tempt to escape duties on thosieands of (Fillers' Worth el jewele and wear - 903' apparel. A crianualsuit against A1lonr.esulted in a 0;12,060 line, Two Dead In Railway Wreck. Bennington; Vt., feept. 8. -Two per- SMI4 were killed, :mother probably fatelly injured :Ind nearly a St:Olt lesser eeriously hurt lest itig,ht wheat a Troy, N.Y. beund aassenger train on the Rutlitaid Railroad collided head on with a heavy nalle train a nifie outside the Bennington Station. 4$.11t. 'OP a 4V Pert and Impert ,,0 P .A kicker seldom beakeS good -inet 'busieciie of hes own, guicklystops coughs, cares coldsheals the throat and lungs. - • - 25 cents, To the language of lovers, kieseee speak louder than Wertids. t vammammage At si.,',Q•ns of111is clurimg the hot weathee go', a the Ilttlec ones Baby's Own Tablets, or in a te,w hours he may he beyond cuirle. 'I'hese Tablets will Previetst summeil cemplaints it given occasionally to the well child anel is ill promptly cUre these troubles if they coma an suddealy. Baby' s Own Tablets sheincl tways be kept 103 every homo where thene aro young chndree. There is ao other miecli- eine so good and Liao meeker' has th.e guar antee eragoveainanent analyst that they are abso,luteey safe. Mrs. Chas.. Litpierre, Liss Boules, Quo., SaYs --"Baby's Own Tableto aye tbe best inadielnee 48 Mother can .give her little omes and I always keep ,theta, in the hoeSie." The Tablets 0110 sued hy medicine. dealers delay meall at 25 cents a box from :The Dr. Willtrims'llcilleine Co,, Oat, Another Appeal 444 for Harvesters Oeaccount of the urged anneal from) the 'Weeti foe 'additton al Palen I:elbereae3, the 'Grand Trunk Reiliwiry have tliecide.cl, to enti two More Farm Lieboeteret eecurtiOn,s September Ith a,itl fitb trloiln AP hatitans tin Calialad a, tte 'Winnipeg eft e10.40 tam halt ',emit beetle from. fit\i402111P 4 Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ' ASTOR1 1, Yes, Alonzo, Oats of the sireeteSsa kind of girls felled, to gmaduaite. There atee 131011,0 .bands of cue de noes than there are bralnde 08 1' eli- glee. • Any'way, aenarraed man never has to wastt any time making 62 his mead. • 444.4.44.:4444.4 It takes ahra.Ve Mae'. to Atee a little womanat the head Of [the eteire at 2.a, to, Some womet are co changembl.e ,that They never weeir, thie SlakuieS comPlexion twiee, • The wise wife never singe far her bus band as Meens of keepinigehine 91 110800 ate:tights. ' vrogro nosphoaiti; Thc Groat Enalis.t. Tunes and invigorates the +Aloha orvous System, makes neer Blond in old Veins. Cram*? ItTeru. oda ,De.bilitn, .21fe tint and Brniat, Truery, Mo. tittclltt'tj, &46U044 ficeyeneso, 2060,for d .6