The Clinton New Era, 1912-09-12, Page 6are hatched in ;manure?. and revel
filth. Scientists have discovered
that they are largely responsible for
the spread of Tuberculosis, Typhoid,
Diphtheria, Dysentery, Infantile Dis-
eases of the Bowels, etc.
Every packet:of
11 killmore flies than 30o sheets of sticky paper.
Toronto Again Molds Record Divorce List.
Of The Twenty Applications Received At Ottawa Eleven Are From
Residents of the Queen City,
O X.L–=Tllird Quarter,;`I
Sept 15,1 912.
Ottawa, Sept. G.—Applications frdivorce that so
aemo received fagain.r nsider tion
at the next session of Parliament indicate .
record for matrimonial discords which call' for deeparate remedies. Twenty
new applications have already been received, and out of that number eleven,
or more than half, are from the Queen City. Of the remainder, three are from
Montreal, and one each from Hamilt.n, Trenton, Oakville, Napanee 'Winni-
peg, and Wood Mountain, Sask. •
The Toronto petitioners are Francis LgeIngleby,nersn, Minnie
n a dna Brownell,
iamBritnell, Fannie M. ogarty,
iam Mends, Louise Ridge, F. K. Saunders, Malcolm Smith, Chas. F. .Carling.
During last session thirty-one applications were under consideration, 'only
fifteen of which were granted, several of the remainder being laid over until
next session. Since Confederation 276 divorces have been granted by I'arUs-
men -
..:, tit t~i
�, �� the Milk
�T`he following questions and answers
�� �� �����
were prepared by the Indiana state
board of health and have been widely
Copied. The school board of Asheville,
O., causedbooks em to be nneed in pasted
in the
schools of the city:
Where is the fly bora? in manure
and fl1t11.
Where does the fly live? In every
kind of filth.
Is anything too filthy for the fly to
eat? No.
Where does he go when he leaves the
kurface closet and the manure pile and
the spittoon? Into the kitchen and
dining room.
What does he do there? Re walks
to the bread, fruit and vegetables. He
wipes bis feet on the butter and bathes
du the milk.
he5 phe. fly hoid fever, consumption and
the patient sick
d� and he
diiolera infantum2 He doss,
May call on you next.
Is the fly dangerous? He is man's
rnliirst peat and more dangerous than
wild boasts or rattlesnakes.
What disease does the fly carry? Re
carries tjhoid fever, consumption and
Fanner omplaint. How? On bis
Stings and hairy feet. What is his
dorreet name? Typhoid fly.
Did he ever kill any one? Ho killed
niers Artlerican soldiers during the
bullets of theriCan war Spaniards. than did the
Where. are the greatest number of
01144 '1St typhoid fever, consumetlot
13M siitnmer complaint? Where there
a$ thh most flies.
e are the most flies? Where
it the most filth.
y should we kill the 8y? Be
Oee'he may kill us.
Ven shall we kill the fly? Ii111 him
loafers he gets Wings. Bill him when
1&e ,x a maggot in the manure pile.
lkft('ttim while he is in the egg state.
r v2 Beep the stables dry and
el and don't allow any manure to
on the premises longer than one
It. Have all other filth and trash
�nlating on your premises remov-
Oor burned at least once a weeks
if your neighbor fails to comply with
Cage rules and allows flies to breed on
lag premises to visit you, screen your
_mors and windows and keep them out.
May Mean
Text of the Lesson, Matt. xi, 20-30..
Memory Verses, 28, 30—Golden Text,.
Matt. xi, 28—Commentary Prepared
by Rev. D. M. Stearns.
This lesson is another step backward
in the regular sequence of events, but
it matters comparatively little, as He
ie the heart of every lesson, and the
book Is given to us that we may know
God, who can be known only through
Jesus Christ, as we shall see before
we have finished the lesson.
Our attention is caught first by the
three references to His mighty works
(verses 20, 21, 23), and we remember
that He said on one occasion: "If I do
not the works of My Father believe Me
not. But if I do, though ye believe not
Me, believe the works, that ye may
know and believe that the Father Is In
Me and T in him (Sohn x, 37, 38). In
' Israel's national anthem, . which was
ewritten long ago and which they will
sing when the kingdom comes, .they
will exhort one another to declare His
doings, for He hath done excellent
things (Isa. x11, 4). In their great peal -
ter they are repeatedly urged to talk of
all His wondrous works (Ps. lxxviii, 4;
xcvi, 3; cv, 2, 5; eve, 2). We should
begin at creation and follow on through
His dealings with Noah, Abraham,
Isaac, Jacob, Joandisr el'S dliver-
ance from Egypt
quent dealings with them, then remem-
ber that He who did these mighty
works in Ohorazin, Bsaidw, Caper -
naum, Ls the same person
saw working from creation onward,
who was born as the Son of Mary in
Bethlehem, but whose goings forth
have been from of old, from the days
of eternity (Mit. v, 2, margin). Mark
His "I say unto you" (verses 22, 24)
and remember that it is the same es
the "thus saint the Lord" of the Old
Testament, and it stands to all eternity.
He is speaking as the Sedge when Tie
talks of the future of Tyre and Sidon
and Sodom and the day of judgment
and says that it will be more tolerable
for them than for the cities in which
He did His mighty works, for the Fa-
ther judgeth no man, but hath commit-
ted all judgment unto the on (John V,
22). What this "more tolerable" may
mean we cannot know certainly, but
that there Litedegrees in
Wisest troubled with fall
rashes, eczema, or any skin
disease apply Zaam-Suki
Surprising how quickly it eases
the smarting and stinging! Also
cures cuts, burns, sere, and piles.
Zam-Bok h made from pure her-
bal essence,. No animal fab—no
mineral poisons. Finest healer 1
Dngytats and Stores &b ?yt I #r .
To Answer Charges.
Montreal, Sept. 9.—Brother Theo-
dore of the Christian Brothers, Que-
bec, ie in Montreal to -day to answer
certain charges alleged to have been
made against him by members of the
French section of the order at' the
Mont La Salle, Mother House at
Sotne time ago the story was thr-
ee -dated that grave ,accusations were
likely to be made against a Christian
Brother en a charge of having insti-
tuted an attempt to set fire to"the
Mother House of the order in Mont-
real: Rev. Brother Theodore's name
was mentioned in connection with the
scandal, and it is to thresh the mat-
ter out that he is now in the city.
Houseflies Feeding on Nipple of
Nursing Bottle.
millions of germs of summer com-
plaint are transmitted by tiles. Seep
them away from the child and his
in St Peteif s `s, all he . 1),elved
within: the year; t0 a tomb in Latertsn'
basilica, where; the prievelpal ineetiirrus
flI�r the forthcoming Conete0tjne rite•
orations are t0 be held. 'Hence secret
negotiations have been begun,. by
the Pope's major dome with the Ital-
tan police for the necessary arrange-
ments for the removal of the body,
The removal will take placequietly
and .poseibly unexpectedly fn the ear-
ly morning.
Father Turgeon Dead.
Quebec, Sept. 9. -News was received
here Saturday of the death of the Rev.
Lather A. D. Turgenn, a well-known
member of the Jesuit Order, and, up
to last year, superior of the society
in Quebec. The deceased had held
many important positions, including
the rectorship of St. Mary's, Montreal.
He was born 66 years ago and had
been a member of the order for 48
years. Father Turgeon had been in
fading health for some time his death
taking place in Charlottetown P.T.I.,
Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. His
funeral will take place in Quebec on
T,.; hday.
Fair 'Attendance 9i26,000.
Toronto, Sept, 9.—An advance df ten
thousand in, the attendance over that
of last year at the 'Canadian National
Exhibition, which cussed its gates to
the public Saturday night, brought the
fagures for this year up to 926,000.
The million „mark, which looked so
easy of accomplishment at the outset.
was not +easel ed.
and shot, through the neck by N'
aeheti mail as he walked through. the
Barts on the Atfiel'ican side hits Sat-
urday night with Jenny McLaughlin,
a waitressie a local hotel, Harold
Wallace, 'aged le, is in the hospital
to -day. The police on both sjdes are
se+ard'hi,ng for the assailants,
When the young couple passed a
clump of bushes, two men with hand,
kerohjefs over their faces as masks;
ordered them to bold up their hands.
Young Wallace stfivak one xnasked
man square in the face In spite of two
revolvers pointed at him. The second
hold-up man fired and Wallace drop-
ped to the ground with a Millet in his
neck. Both assailants escaped.
The shipment of apples from Nova
Scotia to England begins ie earnest
this week.
Frank B. Seddon, 26 years old, of
Buffalo, broke his neck diving into
3 1-2 feet of water.•
John Russell, a pioneer in the east
and of Toronto, the oldest brickma,ker
in that city, and father of Joseph Rua'-
sell; ex -M. P, died yesterday.
The British. Government has', asked
for tenders for 200,000 tons of oil fuel
for the navy, and it is supposed that
one of the new battleships will burn
only oil.
A statement has been issued de-
nouncing as absolutely unfounded
various newspaper reports that a peace
agreement had been reached between
Italy and Turkey,
Walter F. Moore, 18 years of age,
an Englishman, employed as a deck -
hand on the steamer Paipoongie, was
drowned yesterday at Port Colborne,
Ont., while bathing.
• The Pope received in audience yes-
terday hundreds of French workmen
under the leadership of Leo Harmel,
who for 25 years has conducted these
pilgrimages to Rome.
One girl was killed and three ("th-
ere seriously hurt near Camden, N.J.,
when an automobile skidded on the
road and dashed into a group of girls
Who were standing in the highway.
An aeroplane got out of hand yes-
terday at an aviation meet at Groy,
France, and swept to the ground,
crushing down a stere of spectators,
four of whom• were killed outright.
The oldest vice-consul in the service
of the French Government passed
away at Three River; Saturday after-
noon in the person of George Baker.
He has been forty years in the work.
Six Killed In Race. '
Newark, N.J., Sept. 9.—Motorcycle
Champion Haslet of Fort Worth, Tex -
a,, ttr:d five others lost their lives as
a result of a peculiar accident last
Meld. i-lasha and Johnny Albright,
a Denver muter cyclist. who was rid -
third n the ri.•e. The other four
dead there buys and young men among,
spectators. -
1'ive th�•uonnd spectators were wit -
we do know a e o err, the ;hash iif a four mile free -
punishment, many stripes and few ,,, il1Pt when
r1liles an hew*, Lute 4hinir Te1 �_
stripes as there are also degrees in d1 93
teful plunge.
Screen Doors and Windows.
Screen the doors and windows - of
your home, especially those of the
kitchen, dining room and pantry. If
you cannot do tbls, at least screen the
food itself, especially the milk, in
which germs multipiy with more than
ordcnnry ranidity,
glory—every one punished or rewarded
according to their doings (Rev. xxii, 12;
Jer. Evil, 10). Salvation is the saline
for all and wholly of grace apart from
any works of stirs, but the rewards for
the saved will be according to service.
All who reject Christ are lost, but pun-
ishment will be according to desert.
As to the day of judgment, it will cov-
es a thousand years, saved people being
judged for service et the judgment seat
of Christ and the nations after that,
when the redeemed come with Christ
iu glory, both or those judgments at
the beginning of the thousand years—
the judgment of the great *bite throne
for the rest of the dead et the end of
the thousand years. The Lord is not
willing that any should perish, but that
all should come to repentance (1I Pet.
iii, 0), and one of His last commaude
before His ascension was that repent-
ance and remisslon of sins should be
preached in His name among all na-
Boris (Luke =iv, 47). Even after the
chur& shall have been caught up, when
the trumpets shall be sounded and the
vials of wrath poured out, it will be In
order that men may repent (Rev. ix, 20,
21; xvi, 9, 11). The wisdom of this
world cannot receive these or any oth-
er truths of God and is indreasingly re-
jecting* the whole word -of C-od, and thus
we• learn that we are fast nearing the
end of this ungodly ago and the dawn
of a better one. Let us be glad to be
the little children., the babes, who be-
lieve every word that our Heavenly
Father has told us, and let us not for-
get that the world by its wisdom,
whether in the pulpit or the pew or the
professor's chair, does.not
know God (1 Car. i, 21). Ibis better
know Gpd than to possess the riches or
wisdom or migbt'of this world, but it
reeenfres true humility and poverty of
spirit, and that the proud, rebellious,
carnal mind of man cubes not,leave gird
does not want (Jet. 1'x, 23, 24; Matt. v„
3; Jas. iv, 6)..
When we aro able -to say concerning,
all the words and works of God, all
tbat He does or• permits to be done, the
tvorcls of verse 26` from the heart,
"Even so; Father, for so it seamed good
in Thy stilt," wo have reached a place
of roil soil rest, a"•`place wt'tere:we can
"ablclp sao£sdoci." This was the rest of
the Loud Jesus Christ The Father
sent Him, and He lived by the Father,
always pleastug the Father and de-
lelighting himself in the Father's will.
So Ho"says to all those wbolabor and
are heavy laden, "Come pto Ide, and I
will give you rest." TM rest is to be
found in himself, not -in His service
icor His gifte. We must learn to slug
from the heart, Jeeus;c I am resting,
resting in the joy of what Tbou art.
He says, "My peace I give unto you."
The love„of thenllatber and the will of
the Father were His rest and peace,
and they may be ours too. Only the
meek and lowlyeheart can enjoy His
yoke and learn of Him, but to the nat•
ural m,an this meekness and humility
are utterly distasteful, for the natural
man is under the control of the devil,
and. he knows nothing of meekness roe
Conflped to HiseIiOtl e for sekSe t ,
a'Iresvy work, severe stye nionf dlrurd irllieitachin youth
rl Ug ht on
Taricose Veins. 'When 1 t
physiciann_toldm m operatiopn vasmytonly k hrti a time.
•I Illy
II tried sevlral speelali w, hut', soon found out all they wanted was my
money. I ikdo1eil better
rogues.One day ray
boss seupon worksmuclrnn
Itold shim my.conclitio a Ile acll000 mato tom himself
m self lmnedy a
I{ennedy,ashehad taken treatment from them himself. and knew
they, were square and skillful. I wrote them ale got 'TILE T rW
M05000 TIr1ATMENr Dry progress was somewhat Flow and during
the first months treatment I was somewhat discouraged. However,
1continued treatment for three months longer atilt was rewarded
t with be ore treatment,
cure. ncould mu eaarning arnS 1 and never loose a n a day.
shop bolls treatment,
I wish all sufferers knew of your valuable tie TIEN1tx O,)')LOCUST.
HAS Y .F E';t,0 l"iaISE � DISEA' ED?
BLOOD POISONS aro tho most erevalent"'aynd most serious diseases. They sap rho
serYqtz�l�s�complicationsv Sepia eofIberosur). It may suppress0liotsyrnptoms our Yli'SV
11ETI193) cures all blood diseases.
Imscudenctsolater excessyvo kd
down em You Leeltheaytntov rou.Ihllye
vitallyoare not the manyou. sttto be or spoilbe.ryouheed the danger signals?re
READER I your mood been disseea. edf°uuave hope?
any 5 ealiintending
css cli Our marry?
Faas.TMENT will cure you. 'What e ""-1''��as donver or others honest it will ookner on urea of Charge.
Brae. re mutter hood has rood., Fa you, II
Books Free—"Boyhood, hlanhaod, Fa �horliLbd." '(Il castrated) On Diseases of. Men.
boxes or envelopes. Everything Confidential, Qucotion bast and Cost of Treatment
y, , �r t.rr i�. � Ylr '1� e)�� P Vit" ` e',
ASO �1'' 7, yr �.�� l I ,
Cor. Michigan Ave and Griswold St., Detroit Mich
All letters from Canada fuust be addressed
8 to our Canadian Correspondence Depart-
auhammatassseause xnenisbn Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
no patients in out Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and
Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows:
Burned by Sulphuric Acid.
T',r eiti', Sept. la—While helping to
elean up the •hsps nary at the drug
stare of R. 1I. Thompson, pion 281 1'ung.e
street, Roy A1uhreen, aged II, of
Suunnerhill Irvenu., let Flip from his
bends a h tttls' t .ull,l.0 i'
1,1r,de 1
side:shine it or his Imo and
melt and into his eyes. The lad was
taken t t Grace Hospital at 3.45 p.m.
Seturdtly and .tire doetore there said
h t hid a point x'lraneu +',1 rec. eery and
of not l,teine his eyesight.
Rules Too Severe.
\Vaehington, Sept 0.—Representa-
tives n£ many steamship companies
are here to protest to a conference cif
F. 8. inspectors against the blanket
regulations fur life-saving equipment,
•reenui ated as one of the results of
11.:1 Titanic disaster. The companies
operating 'upon 101anal lakes and over
ocean routes close to shores contend
that such stringent regulations as ap-
ply to ,assn -going ships should not be
applied to them.
Found Body Above Falls.
Niagara Falls, Ont., Sept. 9. -The
lady of an unidentiiiel man was
found floating in the river above the
falls yesterday, It had been in the
water one week and was that Of a
IIIILn of about thirty years of age,
dressed as 0 05011(111111 ill blue trous-
ers, blue shirt black tie, jumper ooat
and shoes size nine 'There was noth-
ing to identify the body
'is, sbove aU otlier•fbmgs;+the
remedy for sickly, Wasted chil
d'ren. It nourishes and builds
them up when ordinary food
absolutely fails. Be sure to
get SCOTT'S. Anongssos.
Scott & nowne Ttlsonto;•Out"' L? -W
She smaller the man thebiggiebe
the ,boast. t -t
Sometimes amen weir) clamors fold
people to ptutronn+ze home inelustaly
maLInies a glad friend another town,
Bennett Being;Harbored.
- Brantford, Sept. 9.—That Jack Ba'n-
nett wanted cm the diverge of murder
at Mitldlei,ott is on the Six NNratioa
reserve and is being protected by
friends was the iuforrnati^,n received
by a prise of police from this city
who made a special effort to capture
the Indian Sunday noising,. A dozen
ssl peete,l houses \vele searched but
no trace of Bennett was found. It is
believed his rapture will lie effected
this week, however, the o=ffers of a
praviuclnl reward having given a fur-
ther impetus to the (-hose.
Bennett was.x:i'lr by reserve resi-
dents on Several 'mcasious recently
but disappeared when ulhcers pene-
trated the reserve.
Take in Time
the proper help to rid your system
of the poisonous bile which causes
headaches, flatulence and discom-
fort, By common consent the
proper—and the best—help is
Sold everywhere, is bozos, 25.:.
Better Dinners
" Is dinner ready, Mary ?f9
" Yes, Madam—it is ready, and, I think, a great
"Your cooking is improving.".
" Well perhaps it is, and I hope so, but really, Mrs
Housewife, I think our new Gurney -Oxford is partly
responsible for ,the success I have had lately. I was
never able to cook roasts and fowl so well on our old
stove, and as for bread and biscuits, I used to tremble
when I went to take them from the oven—they were
so often soggy and heavy. Now they are always
light and beautifully brown, and, if I do say it myself,
something to be proud of." e.
" That's true, Mary, my husband has said almost the
same thing. I'm awfully glad you approve of my
choice of a Gurney -Oxford. He approves because of
the saving in coal since we got it, also because of the
better meals he is getting."
" Indeed he's right, Madam—and it requires so little
" That's fine, Mary. Will you serve dinner in a few
minutes pleases'
Motor Car Skidded.
Gloversville, N.Y., Sept. 9.—While
voter Ainummanummezeid
driving a ear a mile east of Fonda
Saturday morning, and in attempting.
to..make a reverse carve at high speed, i
W. W Gale of New Haven, Conn.,
was instantly killed and his wife per- 1
haps fatally injured, when the car
struck a fence.
Found Drowned In River,
Lindsay, Sept 9.—Yesterday after-
noon about 4 o'ekick the body of Wil-
il liars M rrieon, aged 20, of this town.
was fount in the River Sougog, near
the Cr T. R iron by,e1,e. Morrison 1
'Was a clerk in A. L. Campbell's gra'
eery store, and had 'been granted a
two weeks' vaeallon, and should have
returned to duty some days ago. When
fmulcl his 11an(1s were tied, which
grove i
rise to seepic'i+ons of foul play.
but othtrwise indications pointed to
1)r. Blanchard, tosoner, after careful
enquiry, considered an inquest un-
necessary, twa sisters Morrison is survived by
and a widowed mother.
des Cotton Foci, sComptiiiin ..
-•� f.,,. The groat. Utaria°. Tonic, and
-'-.! 1 ogulaLo onwdevomenesti
depend. Sold in throe degrees
of strength—No 1, 31.; No. 2,
10 degrees stronger, 31; No. 5,
for special °a os 35 per box,
sold by all druggists, or sent
past°paid on recuIpb si price..
Free paw.Rhl°t .Atldresg Tsrf
Cf4SMLDI01NlOt,1d55015.OMT, (forrerllI)Wnuto
DYE, one con Buy -Why you don't even have to
know what - 10ND of Cloth your Goods are made
of So Mistakes aro Impossible.
Send for Pres Color Cod, Story Pooklet, end
Bookletgtvine results otttDyeigg over other 0l0,3.
Montreal, Canada.
? p 7
$ rid i i
e`linton Ont
(I, If you are not already readi 't: g . The Clinton.
New Era, it will be to your advantage to do sod
page, Not only on
front e, but every page contains
newsy items each week. Regular subscription
price $1,00 a year, and 50c for six months. We
will send it from now to the end of 1912 to
any address in. Canada, for 25c-4 months for
25 cents -45 cents will send the paper to the
United States.