HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-09-12, Page 5telitreday, Septeenber 12th, 1912:
Our Store VVilf laStriCt
Solve Many a
Wedding Gift
When yen are pureleasing
Present it es a anat ter( of
mitenleY, and what yon Wanftf—
N.ctitNng else.
Then this 14 your stoelet
eelwhat you went es leelei
end at the lowest poesinle
A good variety of artieffes
selented front :large stocks
eonsIsting of
Cut Elnee
Fancy China
Clock, Etc,
:The goods are newobealued
teed and modern iri designs
And superior quelity.
iReadquaxteirts for 1v4tched
—We inak-e 0, specialty 'elf
handling ,high-grade watches
REPAIRING of Watches,
Clocks and jewelery w WS and
promptly done.
Satistateion Guaranteeid.
known far and wide as a :model
farmer and a breedex of high-class
horses te betng recognizeld oink
of the best judges of horses in
!Western Ontario A ari
Ponularity as atudge the
direetons of the ,W, II. and Ruhr° w
Agricultural Society have eekeid lel
Mr.dein Ito fact' as judge tor, the
:dated 'them, earteavy horeesi elasees
1, end 3, at their air to (be
held onOctober 3rel.
11.11511151:111•55571.11131 •
Italie tt.
Messrs. McMichael, Benin, Ewell,
Dale, -Cornish, ef Hallett, ale°
Mir. Careen of 111cRid lop, are adl
sending horses to the Westerdet
Fate, London. We hope to herape ,
a good showing of priaes leeintel
taken by this cement/00y,
I'William Rine, of Hullott, who is
Huron -ea Newg
the end with Christian fortitude. IVIrs
Henry was horn in the' vicinity of
Londesboth and is a naenaber of the
Metlaodist Church there. She was azi
ideal mother and wife, Her husband
and two sons Oliver and Fred remain
to mourn the loss of a loving and
most affectionate friend, and will
long miss her cheerful voice and lov-
ing tionneel. She was well known and
respected tiy a large circle of friends
and neighbors. The remains were laid
to rest in Clinton cemetery on Wed-
nesday afternoon in the certain hope
of a glorious reeurrection. The follovv-
ing lines express the thought of Mrs.
Henry's mind when she thtmght her
ease vvas hopeless and was desirous to
pass 'to the happy land.
The Bolsters again shall spri»g
And deck the summer earth ;
Again the birds shall sing,
Awaking joy and mirth;
And everything be gay
• Mid nature's vernal bloom
Whilst I havespassed away.
A slamberer ihethe tomb,
At evening's holy hour
No more I'll love to stray,
I When dewy peace has power
And zephyrs sweetly play
By vale and woodland green;
1 • O'er hill and flowery dell;
Sweet nature's every scene
Oh 1 1 have loved you well.
The pure and living rile
Soft singing as it goes
-all(' lake so sr000th so sun
" Meet emblem ot repose
No more you'll joy impart;
My God forgive the tear,
No more delight my heart ;
My dying hour is near.
But why in helpless gloom,
AB sadly it and sigh?
There's life beyond the tomb
right worlds above the sky.
There flowers unfading spring
There fruits ambrosial grow,
And choirs angelic sing
Where crystal rivers flow.
And there—Ob promise sweet
It ravishes my heart
Fond friends at hist shall meet
Shall meet no more to part;
And there he dwells the Friend;
All honor to Him give
Whose love can know no end
Who died that I might live
No more I'd linger here,
I fain would be eway,
There's nothingnothing now so dear
As tempt a wish to stay,
All things fair and bright
Farewell ! without a sigh
To live in endless light
'Tis gain, 'tis bliss to die.
Mr. Barry Freeman is spending a
eek viaiting his daughter, 'Mrs, Dan -
McNeil at Londori and seeing the
Mr. and Mrs. Watt, of Clinton, visit-
ed at the home of M. John Oartright
on Sunday. 11
Mrs. Olen Hooper and children, cf h
Blyth, spent a few days with his aunt le
Mrs. Albert Weymonth,
Mr. and Mrs. G. Sprung intend i
,leaving in a few days to their home in A
the 'West, ,a
Mrs. Albert Weymouth is spending pj
a few days with '1'ormito friends. t
Quite a number of people intend a
taking in the London Fair this week,
Mrs. George Beak and chill:leen, of t
Toronto are visiting friends on the Stla 1.
Onneession. fe
Wedding Bells will ring on the Sth fo
Concession next Wednesday.
Ma Josspla Grey and bis sister Mita- n
nie visited Mewls near Brussels. '
Thorobred Stock: —Among. the prize
winners at Toronto Exhibition was
Mr. Jame e Snell, the well kmeron stock
Man of this township, who had a
number cf Leicester and Cotswold
sheep there, they being in cheep of
his son Howard, Per. Snell finds the
demand for prize winning sheep so
great, that be can hardly retain
enough for show purposes. Front
Toreonto the sheep were taken to the
National Exhibition at Ottawa.
There died in Hullett September Dth
Elizabeth Sanderson, wife of W. T:
Henry, at their residence on the
gravel road after a prolonged illness.
She patiently endured her illness to
'oiliort Knox, a local jeweler, We.
tined $10" and costs, amountIng
ah Ito $24, when. be appeared Jai
fore Magistrate Morter on Mondeee
in cooneetieen Witn eltarge of pai-
it eyed Mr, Bryson Coehren. .Fee
some. weak: pastsomeone had:bees'?
cutting . the cloelieslenee piecese
' MreCoehten's place, acrid on
severa:1 occasions large watheage
were let • clown in the cldadt, .This
wast repoeted so often. that Ceres
o, Kaltioesteg the Matter tO
Preesinetal Constable Getaege Pinea-
l:0m veho succeeded en eatchenlg the
defendant three ernes,. and then
had .hien summoned, The trine lag -
ed three haulms. Mr. Knox was cone
vented and prnmesed not to eleeseat
the offence easy More. It was
show.n that Mrs. Cochten had bee
come All worrying £o' feat nome
worse thing knight be done than
cutting the clotheslines.
'I the audience with a coaple of solos.
' Me. Win. Sturdy has returned Pewee
8 I it basiness trip to Perrn Sound.
Dr. Ifowson has been appointed one
- of the judges of the horses at Goderich
Show. .
On Tuesday. Septetriber ard, a
pretty weeldeng was soleanadeed :et
the home of tele bride's parents,
M. and Mrs, Thomas !Calraoam,
"Orchard Grove", Tuckeremeth,
when their second dh
aughten; Sara
Alberta, was united In umeniage
with Mr. Ephraim G. Clarke of Cone
. stance, Rev.,Oeterhout, of L °axles -
'hove, officiating: Precisely at
eleven e'clock; to the .strains ot the
Wedding, Bell March, played by
Mess. Evelyn. Clark, .eitsten of the
groom, the be -tidal party took their
places under a wedding bell sue-
pendete from an arab of everge Oro,
trimmed with whtie macs. 'The
„brlde, who was given away by heel
father, looked lovely ago wal of
white selkilene with .ball trimneings
and earreed a bouquet of whetie
roses and feelers, Het' only orna-
ment was a gold necklace set with
pearls, the gilt to the mom. The
Was unattestided, After the cern-
many had congratulations, the
guests numbering nearly eisety, re-
paired teden
ethe ner mom which
beautifully decorated with pink
and white eteeemers, roses, rustlers.
and •sinflax, where a dainty
jetliner was sedved. Amid show's
of rice and confetti:, the haPPY
couple left for Teresa°, Winne -
peg and Saskatooa and other
Western points. The bredb tree:en-
ing .en a resettle eantoy suit with
hat ' Si tote. plumes,
;On their Valero they while be at
home to theie entencis after Novem-
ber 1st at Constance
London Road
No, and Mrs, Ben Mason and Mr.
lason4 mother and Mrs, Mason's mot-
er visited friends on the Loudon
oad on Sunday. '
A good many farmers are attend -
ng the London Fair this weak,
mong those who went were:—Mr.-
nd Mrs. Fred Noteand two children ;
Lr and Mrs. Falconer f3eo. Ley -
on and Mr. Frank Grant ; and Mr.
erl Mrs. John McKnight.
The flax haulers are busy hauling -
he flax from the farm of Mr. Chas.
eid. 50 acres of flax eves cut and
01' teams are hauling the flax to Sea,
The grain harvest is over and the
ext ensh will be the bean harvest./
Mr, 'Vm. Stenbery bas punt:taped
e driver Of Mr. James Miller,' of
Announces her Fall Millinery
Thursday Evening, Sept. 19
and Following Days
Everybody is Cordially I vited
to attend
See the Display of
White Felt Hats in Window
for early wear.
Miss edlliCiffil & CO.
Our Aim ---T Please
Furniture buyers at this store invariably come back
when they want more, and bring their friends with them.
To tse Our Furniture is to prove that it is as good as it
looks, and that is saying a whole lot,
Substantial Futniture can be bought here at money-
saving rates. Why not secure what you need now
while prices are so favorable.
Atkinson & Dunford
Furnitisre Dealers and FienteraI Directors—Phone 104
NJ ' CAEIAS—I hone No, 127 or Phone 16
The Telephone Meetinge—Tiae an-
nual meeting of the Colborne maiden
Dal telephone system was beld at the
home of Reeve J. N. Kernighan on
Monday afternoon, Sept. 2nd. The
treasurer's report and the anditcres'
statement were received and found to
be in goad shape. Thos. S. Hamilton
Wa13 appointed to fill the vacancy
caused by the resignation of Treasurer
Rod, Young, There are now over 120
subscribers on the systern mid at tbe
meeting four more applications were
received. After the business meeting
those present joined in a general pic-
nic and a very enjoyable time was
Alex. McBeth, Stanley, • who has
been ill is slowly improving.
Rev. Charles Mustard, of Toronto,
preached in the Presbyterian \Church
on Sabbath Iitst. He gave two earnest
end instructive discourses, leis' many
friends are always glad to hear hint.
IJohn Snider attended the Toronto
Fair. He remained in the city over
Sunday with relatives.
Weaker MeBeth lef 0 on Wednesday
last for Tuxford, Sask., where he re.
roains during the harvest season.
Hector Reid's grain, of Kenton Mans
itoba, formerly of Statiley, has •bet la
manly spoiled by hail. This is tlte
first partial failure.
Ittre. John Gibson, Stanley, is visit-
ing. her sister Mrs, Boyce of Mitchell.
Harvesting is now nearly completed
in the neighorhood. This alter har-
vest than we have had for some time
owing to the heavy rains,
Mr, Calvert 8,nd wife, of Ildertoe,
who visited last week at the home of
Mrs. Bowy have returned borne.
The attendance from here toLonclon
/Fair is not so large as in fornaer years.
Mr. Davidson, of Galt, visited this
week at the home of Mr. Allin,
Miss Mabel Turner is visiting her
brother, Geo. Turner, of Drayton.
Miss Sadie Bowie bas taken a 110Si-
tion as milliner at Georgetown:
Dr. and Mrs. Allison, of Londesboro,
spent last Sunday the guests of Mr.
and ItIcs, John Manning.
Miss Classeday who is •engaged in
deaconess work in the city of Ottawa.
spent a few days bat week visiting the
Misses Blair.
Iter. Joseph Elliott preached in the
Presbyterian Church last Sunday,
Rev, Et. IVIcCallurn, of Waldemar has
declined to accept the call extended to
him by the Auburn and Smith Hill
Presbyterian churches.
Rev. W. W. Wylie resumed his
work last Sunday after spending two
weeks visiting his brother in Vine.
lands. Ile is continuing a series of
sermons on the seven sayings of Christ
from the Cross,
Mee Merrill, sister of Mrs. Wm,
Roberton rendered a most beautiful
solo which was well appreciated by
the congregation, ,
On Monday evening a lecture was
iven in the Methodist church by Mies
ellwood returned Missionary frotn
China. Her subject was the women
of China, aria NVE48 vory interesting and
helpful to those who are interested in
Mission work Mee Morill favored
GOderich Township
Nearly all the farmers have their
grain in,
Mrs, Wigginton •has rented her
farm, which has beep leased by Alm.
Woon for a number of years, to Mr,
Welsh, from near London, The new
tenant will take possession next knee
Rev. W. H. Cole, who has been in
the Michigan Conference for a num-
ber of years was elected Preeident at
them Conference recently The new
elected President is an old Goderich
township boy and a brother of Mr.
Peter Cole. Elbs old friends will be
glad to hear of his :success. His new
home will be at Mine during the Con-
ference year,
The death of Mr. Amos Cole, pf this
township ancl son of Mr, Thomas Cole
occurred at the Byron Sanatorium at
London last Sunday evening and the
remains were brought to Clinton Mon-
day night and funeral held Tuesday
afternoon to the Clinton Cemetery.
The services were conducted by Rev.
Mr, Jeakins and the pallbearers were:
W. Cale, Williana Cole, Frank Cole,
Allan McDonald, T. Cook and A. Mc-
Donald, Deceased was born in this
township and was 27 yeare old, He
only went to London about three
weeks ago and was reported to be
making good improvement, but on
Sunday, took a bad term He had
worked for a number of years with
the Jackson Mfg., Co., at Clinton.- end
at Goderich, and was a star player on
the Clinton Hockey team a few years
ago, Besides his father, 4 brothers
aucl 3 sistera,raourn the loss of a bro-
ther. Mr. Cole was a bright active
ffrellelonvedsird will be z.nissed by his many,
Mr. arid Mrs, Wm. McIntosh, spent
Sandal. in Steffy, visiting friends
Mrs. W. Woods, of Walton, -visited
friends here on Sunday,
Dirs, Charlotte Milson returned
home from Bothwell.
Miss Ruth Milson it visiting her
aunt in Butfelo, N. Y.
Mr. Adam Nicholson has engaged
with Mr. 'Will Cole to help him with
the tbreshing.
Porter's Hill
Me, Roy Leggett, of Pittsburg, is
visiting at John Tori -aures,
Mr. and Mrs, 0. W. Potter, return-
ed home on Tuesday after a weeks trip
at Toronto, Niagra Falls and Bowman -
villa. They report .good vveathee but
a great deal of grain still in the field
especially between Stratford and
Mrs, Albert Rutledge left for St,
Thomas on Saturday having spent
two weeks at Mr. H. Rutledge's.
Miss Maggie Oox is spending a few -
days in London.
Mrs. Clues. McPhail and Miss Pris-
cilla, Torrance returned from Toronto
Monday evening, having spent two
weeks there.
Mr. Arthur Chapman and Mr. J.
McKenzie left for the West on the
harvest exoursioe, Aug, 30th advices
from Pasqua State that- they arrived
there safe.
Mr. Hugh McGregor jr, left for the
Wesu on the excursion of Sspt. Oth,
Mr. Simms of Blyth spent Labor
Day at the honte of Graham Bros,
Mrs, Dr. Moldwen of the second
went to Toronto last week to visit her
Aunt Mrs. J. Forsyth.
The carpencere are this week busy
putting up tbe addition to the d
house of lefr. Thos. Bid.
Sunday last ReY,f Mr. Woods! of
,Brueefield ,supplIed hte pulpits of
Burns a,nel Kintix churches, and the
people "were highly, pleased with
his .cliseourees.
The Lottuden, Pair is the drawing
eand heetel (thig week, Thentel has
.been agreat ausiny, Igo. Two of
our ,attoists enotorted' down.
The harvest has' ,been finifelestd
around Itekie, the last grain' saved
,beeng zoneh‘ ;that drier.
The 'evapoitettor will soon he
runnertg, and nerd are a lot ,of
the ,apples off the kind used ithleete.
James. 'Hell oneasured, a ,etalit'
oonn ththe 'weele land found et. oYer
13 tett lcmg, And has a Mot snore,
about the sartnee.
• Nolitiosvirlltfisi e
Lfizzie Doe& ,retunned home
on Monday ;after visiting Preclude
Iri Berlin and iTozstomo.
Mr. C. Tebbtett of Goderich epenit
a couple of days at his home on
.the leth can., last weeks
Rev. Ma. and Mrs. VeCormeele has
retentned after spendbeg Ithwee
weeks at 'Trow.beedge, the thosnietot
his fattlier. I
quvio,a few Of , fella farenefrs one
busy 'these clays! f,inishing up har-t
v est, and we Neale the whistle'. of
flee threshing machine.
Mx. &ha Reneeedyt ol Guelph
thpent Sunday with hie sistexeMee,
ifis D. A. Hebrew+, ernenft Sunday
dee ..Ceodeziele, '
'Mess Illayetlia NleiCerieney
Goderich 'spent Sunday, with heal
aunt, 'Mese Sarah ("ablate. •
L c.,Andef
oenw Fair
r ric(xniTheertees datattndye.ece. the
Mese Alan.akentisiel, who •has been
livitag with. lie r 'Uncle here, Mr,
Win ,Connel, dor several yeare, liesit
rio Weidneselay ! for Owen Soundl,
her fennel, home, wherlet .she fine
tends to remain foreonme time,
Doing 'Well.—The many frineda
of Mr. Dase,CalbJek, sonsele-letw, of
Mas. R. Acheeon, wili be pleased to
learn that he hale 'recently made:4a
real estate ‘deall that 11zionsgUt
hem consecler able olio f it, Five
yearsago he (hot:mitt a faxen tin
the first destriet eadt of gannet -
ton, payingl $10,000 Inc fit, ands Itercl
the good foeteann to •sell et
cently for just: double the Imenefy.
He has bought ,amother fasetaa' tn
the eeme loyalty, bot is giving his
watch Faults
•Does Your Watch Run
If Not, let us repaer 10 for you,
It may be only dirty, and need
cleaning, or stop, fele laok uif WM
Whatever elle Reason, don't de-
lay. Wel give thorough examine -
don and regulation FREE,
Anything more eoste ar Httle as
satisfactory work can be done,
jeweler and Optician
Issuer ot marriage Licenses
Personal a teenItion to westorfa • (alma
estate, as a member of a &din
handling large propositions,' end
out of which they expect to make
September 1(3, 17, ,ated 18
The ,great atkItiections' are tie
Power s performing Elephants who
are 'shown •only in Torientocend
Ottawa. This es the chance of
suanY Years, Theo drive in haa'neso
and do many very funny acts. We
have a hest -claw naidway and a
very fine fruit exhibit, Good
speed testa, •Don't forget to*
The Proposed Moil
flouts for Lisburne,
The Rural Mail Routes for theTown
ship of Osborne, w-hiels hava been
under. oonsidevation by the Dominion
Government officials, are now in de-
finite shape and will be carried out in
accordance with the following plane:-
In eonnectioft with the propreel for
rural route out from Exeter via the
town line between Stephen and
Osborne, and Hay add Osborne, and.
Hay Post Office, to the road bettveen
lots 25 and 26 of the township of Us-
bowte,thence to the road between cou-
cessions 2 and 3 of Osborne, thence
south to the road between lots 15 and
36, thence east to the road between
concessions 6 and 7, thence south via
the Elimvilie post offite to the road
between lots 5 and 6, thence west to
the road between concessions 4 and 5,
thence north to what is known as the
Tharnes Road, thence east to the
Thames Bead post office, and the road
bevveen concessions 6 and 7, thence
north to the road betsveen lots 2515052
26, thence west to the road between
coucessious 4 and 5, thence south to
what Is known as the Thames Road,
thence West via the Hay Post office,
to the town line between Osborne and
Stephen, thence to Exeter,
In connection with the proposal for
a route from Woodhatri via the exten-
sion of the road between concessions
6 and 7 of the township of Blatishard
to the road between tote A. and I. of
the township of Biddidph, thence to
the road between concessions S and 9
of Usborne, thence north via the Win-
chelsea post office bo the road known
as Thames Road, thence west to the
reed between concessions 6 and 7 of
Osborne, thence south to the road be
tvveen lots 15 emelt), thence east to the
road between concessions 10 and 11,
thence south to the road between lots
2 and 8, theece to the road between
concessions (1 and 7 of Blanshard,
thence to the Woodburn Pose Office.
k'roposed route feom Hensel] via the
town line between Hay end Tacker -
smith and Hay and Osborne, to the
road between lots 25 and 213 of usboros
thence back via the town line between
the Tovvnehips of Hay end Osborne to
the road between lots 80 to 31 of Os-
borne, thence to the road between
concessions 2 and 3 of 'Osborne, thence
to the road between lots 25 and 26 of
Osborne, thence to the road betvveen
concessions 4 and 5 of Osborne, thence
to therqaci between lots 30 and 81 of
Osborne, thence to the road beween-
concessions 6 and 7 of Usborne, thence
to the road between lots 25 ausa 26 of
Osborne, thence to the road bettveen
concessions S and 9 of Osborne, thence
to the road between lots 15 and 16
N, E. H. thence to the town line be-
tween Hibbert and Osborne thence
via the Lumley post office to the town
line between Hibbert and Tacker.
smi th,thence to the road between con-
cessions 4 and 5 of Osborne'thence to
the road between lots 30 and 81 of Os-
borne,thence to the road between con-
cessions 2 and 8 of Osborne, thence
via the Henondale post office to the
road betweeo lots 5 atid (3 of Tucker.
smith, thence to the Reused post
CRunty Dings
Mr. RobertOatvern of Fordwich has
been appointed as C. P. 11, section
foreman in Wirigham.
The following despatch from 'Win-
nipeg, slated Sept. 8ed bap been re.
ceived: "Alvin 0. Johnson, a well-
known lawyer of Winnipeg, was
drowned at Long Lake yesterday,
while shooting ducks. The deceased
was a native of MeRillop and was
a son of Mr. Alex, Johnston, formerly
of that township,
Page -
fall Merchandise I "
24.Z. 3E3 777
During the past few weeks we have been kept busy
opening up and placing into stock a great many new
and attractiVe lines of Fall and Winter Eterchand,ise
and we would be delighted to have you come in and
examine the goods and compare our values. Never be-
fore have we shown such exceptional values in
Ladies' and Children's Mantles
Children's Serge Dresses,
Ladies' and Children's Furs, Etc,
Don't fai/ to see these before 'buying.
Big Bargains in ail Lines of Sturnmer Goods
During Balance of September.
• Piumsteel ros.
Blyth tiax rate le le mills
reSee6m. 11.ecland wollrldrs.0Cafitdhlr ttlazorflaBgle
their son, tErwrivey C. to Miss An
Wyatt, of Naw Liskeaid, wh
tolviokespsitre livniceponeel(hisaon: onBArcuag. 2\
.ave been- an the Hardware business
at tdeqh. for 'the past five Yeast
have disposed of their businetss to
Mr. Wm. Moore who has just dis-
poeed of his .busliness at Arthur!.
S. Percy Westaway, aeterrned
Misseonary from. China, and an old
Exeter boy, is holiclaYing in that
'ard, a 'young son of Mr.
Hellbent Axt, Exeter, narrowly es-
eaped injury Taesday afternoon,
He atteanpted to climb on. a meerng
wagon by stepping on the spokee
of the wheel, with the naturne nee
suit that hie eeg slipped- ,bet-terten
the spokes, and stopped the wheel.
The driver Tortunately .noticed the
trouble and had the ei.g stopped,
not before the leg was badly jamm-
ed although not broken,
soDlthiCs. Ave' l'teruenzee00 ter
Prince Albert, Sask. extei tee' 00
Willerem, a recent graduate, and
vill leave this week on a tkip'
The death Deem:Mel on August
9th Of one of the pioneer rom-
once of Osborne ill the person of
liza 7, Roweliffe, reliet of the
aeliteseaStunhumedl Pbarelecninesennio,;nt2,he age
68 years, 3months, 18 days. De-
ealth mann about two weeskusaufel
he, she Was taken suddenly h
evere pains in the had when
niveng some cattle thenugh
end. She become ounfineti to her
ed, anti 051 the eittli, smataineke a
roke of paralysis which ended in
eatla two days later.
On Saturday evening, at Creditein
nataeccicid °ea' anthgat-enielegritiotaa'ca'eceeilidleinalti;
curned. While the Mims May
d Madeline Bertrand, wen odoss-
g over morn street, Miss+ Mary
ertrntael had the misfortune of
axing het. foot tried upon by a
rse, deiven by Miss Graiser. The
use of the collision was owing to
e face that (Chet Miesta• Bert -
'end. were unalale to hear the ap-
oaching rig in time to escape, it
lug rubber-tifred.
A anetal roof was placed am leirt
Merner's house at Zurich,
'w oneof 'the oldest houses. in
sons. It was built nearly sixty
ars ago wed wee the fire:Motel
town. For a great zneny years
e 1101.13e ha5 been teed ae a pato
e clwellieag house and ts Melt in
od repair. '
Co. News
this i The zograve Parhweesi •Clede
I secured ate seelvieee of Prof. P.
yth, Grhaanti otf the 0. A.. C. fon akneete
of ing to be held Sept. 17012, intim
nee Forester's Hall, Belgrave; Prot.
ich Graita,m. is Mebane a doubt the
4t12, best authority '
Yha Ontario. The ladies afre cordially
invited th this meeting.
The following ns the result of
Lhe ta,ncling field oat crop cone-
petiteon wilder the auspices o:tlee
Ho wick Agricultural Society :—
Wen. Goggle', Pordwieli, Siberian,
'7 1-2 points; Wilkin,
Harristore 'Almelo, 71 poen ;
W. Edgar, Gerrie, Swed'sh Select,
06 1'.2 points ; t W. 1C051. Fora-.
wich, Swedieh Select, 69 points;
le A. Fallis, Ford wieh, Siberian 68 1e3
Isobies ; I. Jellolland, Erarrestolut
Swedish Select, 688 Points; Wm,
Brown, Forcitteich, American J3ittO nem
671-22 .points.
A quiet wedding was solemnized
at the Maio Street elettihodised
parsonage by the Rev. E. G, Peered)!
on Sentember 3r51. The contractine:
were 'Mies Florence L. Smith and
elr, Wm. Ponsitt both of Hay, Met
and Mrs. Consitt left on the mega -
leg train int 'Toronto, On their
retinae they .will settle on kb*
groom's faxen in Ray ,Township.
The kfifects of the reeent fieette
electrical etolten that swept oyes,
Gerrie district ture now beings
realized, Me. George Robinson, ot
the boundary, lead eight headi of
tattle leilled by lightning, ele, Wm.
Doteag had three fine stteerle•
stroYed. Mr, Robert Hastie hed
a splendid mare keeled. The lights.
rang struck the ba+en, killing taw
mare 101 the box -stall, but not
njureng the young colt ,heside
The liensatl pnblie school etalf,
which assembled last Tuesday,
consists of the following : AmetreW
1.Y. Archibald: of Egineetvlie+
prin eSpal e +Miss ItIeNiolti, f Code -
itch, and Miss Mulholland, -of
Henze% assistants.
'The Hensall Observer is helidayieg
this week,
The enrollment at ooderieh 0- 1.
just now is 170 pupils, with 20 moue ex-
pected in a few days, and these will be
classified as follows: Feta:a I, 65; Form
U. 4; Commercial, 15; 13 3, 11; A 8+ 85;
Fawn 14, The large member in
rf (WM necessitates an extra, teacher
if justice is to be done to the pupils,
and the trustees and principal are in
consultation as to how this should be
John A. Wilsoa of Seaforth has re-
ceived many flattering offers for his
thoroughbred shot horn heifers
which, although but 8 month's old
weighs (385 pounds. Le -et week he
turned down an offer of 10 cents a
pound live weight, being unable to
me why so choice an euitnal should be
sacrificed for veal purposes, the heifer
being 'Inc of the finest ever bred in
Huron County,
Adam Beck's Ilydrolelectric thresh'.
ing otitilt is coming to Seafoeth, but,
so far as know the date has not yet
been fixed. A.,eetter place could. nob
he selected, as :we have here one' of
the best anti richest farming districts
in Clanade. 12 10 is given,he will have
0 large, intelligent and interested.
armed to warless his experiments,
Mr. Ceno, 8, Leckie of Wroxeter has
purchased about $100.00 worth of hides
as it result of Saturday night's severe
thunder storm.
Mr, R, Clarke, tien;bee Shyer, has
purchased a sae mill which nein-
tends Betting up in Mr. V. Footer's
bush, 60h con. Howick townehip.
The Dungan:torn fair well be hold
on Thorsdery and Friday, October
• rdid and 4.th.
One of East Wetwanosh'e pro -
misting young men, en the person
of .Goecinie Cook, deo e to Wain,gham
on the 21et ult., and was nentedien
the bonde 00 11017 wedlock to Klee
Annele Snell, also of Westfeelel.
In a few days they puepoise Tearing
for New Centrertio, near Cocheane;
where lefie Cook hos secured 160 ac—
res of faletn, land in the clay belt,
Sevenel •veiny seenre :eleetreeal
storms have passed 0001' Dungan-
non leaden withia the past week.
Over stweinens 'phones wee.(e .pnit out
of cornmession, the stOtnIS Of Satur-
day and Monday elone account-
ing tor about Illift(ecn Ohne-
here There are twenty-six noW
!pheates to he installed on the Kenn.-
sbnidgeetAxabeirtley lane whoa those
damaged by leghtaing have bean at-
tended to,
Weelle Randal Mari -Sett, the savon
T-sa.rf-iotd son, of John .1l'Ioaletioke,
draymen, 01 Godmich, was playisa,g
at Richard Phelap'e newel:au:eel, mai
Setuoday he picked uu leettle con-
taining refuriatie acid and zince left
y Men who welt: lensing the hos.
Not knowing what et was hoserseek
seatne of et (Led eromediately egan
to stater, He hi tee° versed.
n 0 Thitesday, August 20012,
happy event tools place at thereel-
donee of Mr. Gee, Go.thergill, East
Wawanoeh, when his dalghter.mi.ss
Emma S. became the bride of Mr,
David Bell, of Winghtun.
The Wingham Choral Society met
last weeds all elected offieros! foe
the ensuing term, as follows ;—
President. '10.4. Perey ; Vice- Prase
HP. Hicks ,• Secre teary, H. seValo to.;
Treasurer. A.R. Lloyele letanagert
Wan, Field; Libravain, Id, Elcieekins ;
Instruktor, 3. H. Christie, The
Society resumes peectice on Sept-
ember l'Ith.
The death at %ugh= of Mrs.
"Ato-enh.e.t.rfelfeinixe'klitte: acarliKniefilacse..ocigsreoalti)elstoweik-
day, Septesnber lat. She ha.d boon
a fesw days, but was ablet0be
around agsdn,,ond was eonvesteing
with some ' members 02 0110 family
about three °quo's -Is ialae after-,
noon, when she took suddelnaY
worse and En a.few minutes in spite
iissieciaogno tianoc,i saitteattlip13s0,
lIng ticata11005
ro the great beyond. .
The, annhal report of Believed+)
Methodise Church ortitit !has .beer
distributed, end emesents an en-
coneragent- cendetion'of the finances,
There was (raised tfor ineneetefeee
,680.179 o; 1413atn, ary$800,;197onnoegi2
on051 fubidi
statuary. $136 10; Suncla.y Sebooe
te70.00; Ladies' Axis $921.00; Trustee
leatieds, $311.00 Ternpanenee tend
Moral Roles -1m, $11 00; °thee de -
monde, $36,00; total 81700 e7, pm,
menister's ea:tare, fBluevale01efi4edl
e316 97, Johnston's eee0.00, Eamon -
zee, $e35..00 Rev 3. E.Coolt Is the
pastor, a..nd , looks well attfor the
interests of the tcheneehee under ft
.0ne of the ' weret electeical
stereos of the seasonpassed over'
Bluevele Seen 101: • and the
lieghtineng strucleL and ;badly, dame
aged a ehlnansy on /Henry Dia-
mond's house, it also struckMilt
Smith's house and deleting 8,11,ecit
but torteenately nope of the bui0d-,1
Jugs took flee . .uunabele fel
teen:idea had: liVe stock 15111201,