The Clinton New Era, 1912-09-05, Page 8entesledeteeelielltimeledlelmilinteametteentilliale s'es" a 1 1+11«!1+;'+ eee ais At tar air Prices' Satuir4as Saturday we put an sale five dozen Misses aiid children's" Middy Waists at greatly reduced prices. dee our north li `inflow d play. 25c, hIdrelfSSOX I C; Children's Fancy Cotton Sox 1 lace and tops, in all the newest designs, pale blue, tan, brown, . pink, etc„ all eizes, regular 25c, Saturday/......... ISC Two pairs for ....5C Summer `Parasols Underp:mgced Ladies Fancy Parasols, in the latest style handles and tops, all this season's,importations, regular $2,00 and $2.25 values for I.25 Regular $1.50 values for 9$C Children's Parasols, regular z c. for g 5 19e New Fall Suits and Tai lore a Waists just Received Our special fail purchases of Ladies Tailor- made Suits and 'French Flannel Waists are now in stock. These garments are advanced New York styles, and specially thade for us for early fall\elling, 74. call at this Store to Inspect the New Styles will be Interesting to You Zozer 2rown,.. DIRECT IMPORTERS, CLINTON SOME STORM. This aeetLon was visited by a wild Storm Satualday night about 11.30 when ,antic various Bain stoma, ' tb.under atoutms, lightning com- bined :incl. gave us an,e 1 show, 'loaccompany it ha'i'l decent/ed.. LChe„storm became sosearyiioua that• the Electric Pcwer nisi shut oft land everythling was in rdraricaless. ri'he passe ger.•s. at the late train ;got a "clucking" ,alright. Nobody walks was there motto and the busses were peeked to overflow-, Sheathing Sovereign TRADE MARK REG F. F elt contains no oil or tar. Is clean,' odorless, waterproof, germ and vermin proof and practically indestructible. Makes houses draft -proof, easy to heat, and comfortable in ally weather. Come in and see it. Sole Canadian Manufacturers' THE STANDARD PAINT CO. eft Cnneda. Limited. Montreal. ii HOSo McKENZI�Y ,. • ++,•N++r��.+++a.0 4, +N i•*,1++�44'`t,4ti4 !++++'R�+: i DON'T;STAND ANre'-, OC'K a ✓,,l,.0>,,;.l.i+...ir �'r+�: is+{!'r +A?' '1';. Mollie )ohr,.iti,©in! D,ori't ,bloe2c,,.tth6' +3 C'LIN3'ON M RTfET$ '* 1 1vciment at 'the corners • ,Qihea'• illi , 1131.3#1'.e 23 to 22c %:: eAttzena have , ; glbb .,,iii lnber e., ,Eves', • 25to2;8¢„ �,. o A, G, ST &wr dogs' $5.25 oats S5 is -be ape The O A,., .. sit Guelph, ,,,teo.iiens ,Oats ,., 3'5e ft7..,the fa1j. 4e+ilin on Sept, 1;stt',arid ;�, Peas ;. -< , 50'tc 60,c A is ea pocteld :trhat last year s( lee +' iB slev o fi end Tor I ! t mal 1 a <r 0 t Oc i '>*gai e Y to oe liik' ,1,.,>� �`rlani�," 4;125 ' ar 'e'''. �L ' ri^,he NTae 1o�nalcl ` fall aiwaya ',� •hot+fJ . $1,40 Lias m>,ore app1toations' ,than it'hac . acconvodatiori Sox,--. r 444.4 •1$ *+ft�t�rt��44.+4-1+14' AN' E1'CELL'ENT SOB..1 Chief Wheatley anti bus gang: df TR.A NS AWAY LATE. 'nen anado au �eacellrnt job of rale -The ,trains azto away late these ing the sidewalk an Onfrarilo stji»eert aea'ys" alai wilt continue tote, sv when ,the sidewalk was ra'is'ed 20 u,ptil rafter Te*bnto and London. inched, The water molt' 'get.s away en the 'side <1nstead of sweepi(n{g down the walk carrying all the dirt i.vith it, MOVING- TO WOC1)ST'OCK, This•week the flu'nituire of 'Mr; Robert Downs 'vas shipped to Wood stock and Mrs, Downs and chatldrean left for that �towu acconipani�ed by" Mr. Downs, whocain to look e up o after the 'shipping, The New Era joins in wishing them happiness and prosperity Ln Woodstock. The Seaforth publicc lab 3 hoard has called for tenders for the erection of the. mew 'Calrheitie .building ism Main street. The nneasureinents of the building Willi ,he 50x42 . feet, with a vestibule 10x7 feet, including columns of Corinthian stoner 'Work wili',be con'mcnced immediately after the tenders close on September 3,. MINOR LOCALS. , September. r School. 3m -opened on Tuesday. •London Fail' will be the anext, at- tiaction, Have you been flown to the Exhib:rtio,n7 Next Public Holiday will be Thanlr.agiving Day. T3earisail is getting more like'Torr- onto every clay. Even the .baud gives Sunday band concerts. APPOINTED CH01R LEADER. The Stratford Beacon makes re- ference nto a former Clintore, anl- At an:meting of the Special com- mittee of the Congregational t.hurch, appointed to name anew leader nand soloist fol2'i the choir, Mr. _4,',S. March, the held a similar position for soeue time at Trinity Methodist Church, received the (:P- Pointment last evening, 11lr:Murch v,as` recognized 'as one capable for+ the position; and under his feaden•- slip an endeavor, will be made to build upastrong choir, astherels much good material on hand, aid several singers that will strengthen the cheir tette .in view_ Mrs, Murch who is a soloist of no mean repute, will also •loin the choi.n, WON CLINTONT� ON LABOR DAY.' The local. ball' tossers hair no trouble defeating, the Rockets of London on :Monday and did so by a score di 0-3. The visitor's blew - up in•the Sth ,a'nd, by rank errors al- lowed the locals to score 5 runs, Is the first innings they Jl7attte;d McLeod out of the hox and Flint took up 'the task and pitched a good fganne the rest of thcinlns :Reid, the local pitcher, had an easy time of it. The players were;- • London-Shez'ritt, ib ; McLeodC. First store north Gni g'a Jewelers Giady, 3.b ; Anderson if ; Baker; 2b; Brahen, of ; Ashton, of ; Flint, as; IrTeLead, p, - Clinton- Hawkins, 22h i 3olvnson, 1h; 1ledaughey, 3h; Johnson, c; Draper ss ; Reid, p ; 'Greig, of ; Clttt' ef; iMcEwams,if, London . ..'10000i010-3 Clinton 40000005x-9 A DETACHABLE PLAYER. The Doherty, a totally different 1 -layer -+piano, The old saying ;- wit; othing now under the sun" holds true, but new adaptations of olcl ("rinciples .flr;equently revolution., ize an industry. The Player -piano i,-, now recogn;.zdcl and thorhugh- lv established; but the difflicultieil of -manufacture, and special case- work aiequjred hive placed" +there ntet(lo'l<ielaci,for, the f.ereily of limited means. The Doherty Piano Company are exhibiting tor, first istne at their stand in Cilie 3ianu, facturers' Building a totallydif- ferein,t player, which is proving it- self the sensation of the Fair, This 1layer has many new feetu¢i,es; of operation and contact which are lacking on the old style, but the great feature of this ;wonde'fui'in- v ntio:n is that it can rbc a(.l:acheti to anypiano old or n':eicv, •grbnd,arr upright. This new invention is; be - iii g exhibited on a li,tlJik' Doherty l-'ianci, four feet foot, inches highs, the smallest full octave piano' ever Nuilt .containing a coanpleta Plafier action. This piano je a litteie> beau ty. both in tone and hppelar,anoe and when in use ras .-•an ordinary piano the Player enechanisln.s com- pletely.•concealed, One movement brings lithe entire .1 -layer inntol use however, end a -glance will impress ,anyone with the wonderful ilegen wty of the in•venti,on, In an en- i.ant the' roll -(Bolder! and, tracker- boarid 'shoat into view appaintlnbly lrom nowhere, ;the pedals, jump out of the esnpty air and into posiltioiit for use�d �a,n the Player) is ¢read , y it cer;tainlImus l' he - seen amel heard ,to,be•. ppa•,eciated. The big les/hire of th exhibit . houtev , „is a beautiful Doherty�r Studio l3sta•nd',, lilted Iyit'h'the Player actfonl ;and the igrand tonnes of this st•ouldler 4r instrument aa'!e listl:n,'ed to by Kihe aiditu'in'T drrow ds at all hones of, the clay end evening, The Doherty stiff are kept ,busy, de1nonata'ta'ting and tgkimg •orcleale ,for this slew in -4 vnntionwhich is being applied in mil 'styles of Doherty .Pianos, and also bepng applied at a moderate, price inrany mtake o+flpitaino, /new oat old.-Torobt,o 1t7!lolbe, AS ,OTFIERS SAW RI1R. The Brussels Post ,says:-Fs+irlay evening apera`<mbulatin g fem.aSeor- ator, . designated as Mrs. Rice, of New York, addressed a goodly aud- ience at the Queen's Hotel corn/ext. She is a very fair speaker but a0)-+ paeared to have a grouch against cburch members, lodging by'her, address and the stories she told to illustrate hes remarlks. She should stay In some one place' for a.pat+- ter,n so that sie,nets eo :;d tight their matches at her "torch, Hei statements against Local Option were ,no credit to her and some of them very wide of the marls, PLANT SWEET PEAS. • Next year plant sweet peas. Thy are the poor man's comfort and the rich man's delight. They grow in any kind of soil, almost without care or attention except to pick the profusion sof ,beautiful blossoms that glorify the vines from Julytill the frost comes. The wander of sweet peas is their beauty and grern- erosity, No other flower is so de- moceatie as this. No cottage !too, humble tdbe ignored by its open- ing buds and aro home so 'splendid tut that itgains added beaurty teas. vines oeivases filled with these dainty flowers; They are a delight to every eye and their I a- grance i,s of such so.btle sweetness tliat itis unmatched anywhere. So next year dig a trench along the fiance or against a screen or wher the vines can ramble otea' brush heaps; scatter apacket of seeds and possess for .yourl'elf the de - 1 lghts that sweet peas can bring rro the house and the aeart. OUR SPECIALS FOR All NEXT; WEEK Roofakw; and Roofing Paint Now is the time to -prepare your roofs for the fall rains Brantford, Roofing, the roofing of quality, is "made from the best wool felt, saturated and coated under a new pro: cess, with asphalt Resists the action of vapor, acids and fire. Not affected by beat or cold, A thoroughly reliable roof, and anyone can lay it without special tools, Rill directions, also special roofing nails and liquid cement with each roll Brantford Rooing, regular S5,50 for;,,, ,..... $2,25 Mohawk Roofing, regular 1.75 for ..... . .. . ....; 1 55 Amatite Roofing, regular 2 50 tor.,.., . 2,15. Lonestar Roofing, suitable for chicken houses,1.00 1,25. Fbr old roofs use Oeirhon.- I+lle stie Barn, Bridge and Roof Paint, reguiae 150 per gallon, for ,.. ,........ ••..... En , C Don't leave the job too late, it wants warm weather to make the best job. These i''Kees are Good for all Next Ifeel Stoves, Hardware and Novelties BACK TO SCHOOL. Clinton School children begapn another +gitin•d with books at school. Tuesday. Organization •asnd ar- rinngemnerit of classes took a good share: of,the day, and practically little or no work was accomplished until ;Wednesday., Many new pupils started in the junioro'1a mn., NEW CARNEGIE LIBRARY. Fair, The passenger " traffic is. heavy too;, IaABOR DAY MORNING, It ruined. Nothing, doing. And More gain. And etfll more rail. • And .t,imover earns. but it pours. The macadam 'roads did tNei a1 work well: all the water was carried uff, - The visiting A;O.U,W. 'Members would ' believe that Clinton was a WET town. , The old saying was broken -"If Inc rartne ,befc1e a 7 it will quit -when it gets ready, ,but it did stop at n. A GonOOD GAME OF BALL. Last Thursday evening these who could stand the chilly air and wend over to the park saw a 'game for their mone';,, when Exeterr, assisted be a eatehe. and 'second baseman train Crediton and a third;baselmaf from Centat'lio played the local boys to, a score 0,1 1-0. The game was clean and very sel7:om a mare got on base. Following was the ,and score. lineup Clinton R. B Johnston 1b, McCaighy 3b. Draper, es. Hawkins 2b. Cliff rf, Reid p. W. Johnston c. Greig cf. McEwan lf. 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3' 0 3 0 3 0 3 027 Exeter ltd. A. Boyle 1b. 0 4 Elliott cf, 1 f2 I1. Fahner 2b. 0 3 R. Fahner c, 0 3 Carling p. 0 3 Mitchell 3b. 0 3 Bellwood rf. 9 3 Fisher se, 0 i Haywood 1f_ 0 3 127, 000000001-1 000000000-0 Exeter .Clinton CONNER'S 6 wing tread mHEW 0ltario ay, Mr GookofToronto, Former- ly oYe -ly a Pastor' of .Ontario Strrset," Church, W;ites a Speoial Letter for our Readers, , One eau hardiy recc&,ceiv e of•great - eositn+ ast otwcet 1vl li�,m1i a to each otiber oic bees between Cobalt o tile,Sduth a:rew Lislkard�R the Nort,ii end I3a]levbu4,y between, That tihere es et gentle e^ivelrry,er- tweery these places reve,y'onekn,ows 'who is at all acquainted'with :the situatid . As loorigc as Cobalt's `isv1- ,'er.aniries' keop active 'F1at1Ryb r' also will he helped. New Lislear0 has the advantage, of both en the famous 1arintrig land around.: it,, In situation 'kTaileybury canln'ot be eiecelted and, ate, appea anue At (a ilistanco is more nmpos'ing than ,ei. Cher Co alt ogNew Liskard," That et shout have ,been chosen as' the centre of the Distract' seems' rbubbri. event ' in the nalarr` course: of things. Ail in all this is a very leresting pat't of the non1d to vis- it. There is 00 Much that isnaeiv so match that Vie visitor;' le,araisatitier he gets onn the ground that 41,1)014 idaying here, he feels not onlyithld cthyslcal but also the mental and social stimulus'. But to particular 110. '5 oef must see Cobalt to ap preciate it. You can reach It by rail, ,by trplley or by iload to, lseef eft properly you must entenr fCom 1-faileybury by -the car line and also by the T, and N, 0 The streets ane very irregular, necessarily so ow- ) �1 ob to the way the mines seiQlm re v eh "es at run Rebuild the lake � hl 11 2 f s , of h town Mrn e de t e un s W e g g on in the very begot ol'the Isiteeleis and within adozen yardsof some houses the, merle cages' rush s up ,and down the shafts t'hronghout , the day and might, the uumps, or what would .beteutmed 1.21 the Nortrh of • England, "pit heaps" are every- where manifest. These lie.aps of srlit rock May yet bei an exten- sively for [goad work .as Mame in- stances this is already the case. Other immense ' heaps, of rock, crushed, alike also in evidence es >n the case of the Buffetto mine,'t'o x'11 appearances like cement, only of a darkest color while between Cobalt and North Cobalt acres of Slime in same cases everateach ng upon the lots of the miners, keep on Mertens, ing, This slime is really the wash from the aloeks en their last (stage of cleansing alter being crushed, and some venture to say, will again r evert to the ror k.in process+ of time, Cobalt is best seen eis a whole from the •height on which tlhej Nipres ng arsine is operating 'cher e you see the town at lielast .in outline straggling along ,,n every direction without regard to order or division. This is especially true f the foreign quarter, where every considerable attempt. at residencies con be seen, the log hut• the old t.me shanty, 'gliei 1 acking.box come struction, and the quickly'built irm- itation of 'the inoclersi cottage l'eoPle in the majority of cases 'elan zrly have d i,n this ftotei quarter, placeserecteito eat and steeyp ,fuignr the time being, without thought of 94 is built upon3aro k, andy tishigh ete n�cl lilted up, it would seem that;nolIli- °ng could prevent a perpetual 'epi- demic. This isCobales worst feat- ure. -.Looking in the other direction One sees quite a number of veiny line. homes, faith gardens and Hower beds, mostly the !atter. These iii long to the tradesmen, ofiiciale and . professional classes, 'There are al- so .[many substantial business strue- i tures, and the public school is!;an. ,reposing and fattractive lookinlg. building. In church edifices, Cobalt' has nut yet made the progalessto£ ctherIlaileybuny orLiskaid, But it is an interesbinig place. Its very f?.� A f *�{�) �} Cc disregard' of laws and eare'.ess cli 6/ 1 ■ , a,r x s Ai fiance of many of the customs of modern: life, h'eip ;the iurtea*s,P, though Dot the appreciation.' You cannot help but tent that a revival is needed here, that the govern- ment should send ;xi to Cobalt. some of its best dectives, and havethem stay long enough to clean out the blind pigs; then, there would led some encouragement for those who are striving to do moral and eleform' Work, For itis certain that so long as the ,blind pig, fraternity, seeks to control municipal life, as itgen- orally does, good gtovernnaent will he ant 0 discount, The people are mostly Protestanthough !th.ea+e are many ;Cuth&'ics, yet `in alr;aeq of about 5,000" of a populatioei it'i's sai'e to say that there will not be ' more than two oa•three hundred at church at the same lime. And with the e;xcelptaon of New Lisl'carldr Every mouthful from crust to centre is relished beeaustir' it is absolutely pure and bak- ed properly, The CERTAIN- TY of PURITY does not add ONE CENT to the price. Five cents the loaf 1aac7a Cold Weather Will Soon Be Here IIow About Your Furnace,? Don't you think it would be wise to let us instal one of our itlolcferateai Maeda Furnaces or overhaul your old one PLUMB11► t in all'its branches Tinsutithing and Repairing ©f all kinds Ps'onip try Attended to'. Sheet' Cron Work Of :All )miners Sloop Over lit. Rowland s Rardevare Store, Phone o3.• .g ho a iawkin w ght School Sup1) les:a�, �h �Prices Complete isles of C p �.. Collegiate Institute and Model School Text Books at regular prices,. Big values in general supplies. You Need Them, -We Have Z'l1em, Let Us Get Together. RESULT --A Mutual Advantage, • : TheWD Fair • • Cis Oftel- the el eapest-sways the Best ememmomiremesmeemeeameseemormestermammeseaserearmart nnR MA.6,4,elafkAARI':A•'"AAeAAAAAAAAA AAA AAAA wM/+,/4PEIYVVMO4hAAA Selling oul sok We out in a � have ti 1 a s about our Thousand Nous � and D a oll rs *i worth of stock to dispose of, so to close it hurry we will cut prices still lower } NiketAARAAMINNALAMRR✓+AAAA IA VVV'd+o'ivvwsys v4MVYWNANW ' !EVERY SHOE. MUST GO AT oi. Ne Now is the time to get your Boots and Shoes for fall and winter. From now on, terms of sale will be STRICTLY Cpisnn. Men's regular ,$5.00 Boots for 4.00 Boots for 2.5o Boots for 4.5o Oxfords (patent, gun metal, and tan) for ,,,. 4.00 Shoes for 3.00 Shoes for 2.50 Shoes for 1,75 Shoes for ss Wenien's reg. $3.50 2.75 1,50 3.40 220 . 1,65 I.25 All our Men's Working Boots, Boy's, Misses and Children's Boots at similar reductions. BIG SPECIAL Women's Oxfords, Pumps, Strap Slippers Children's Slippers of all kinds AT HALF PRICE Jas. TwitcheIl &Son CLINTON Headquarters FOR. R alkiine. and Ri ling Ower plows I: H. C. Gasoline Engines McCormick Machinery Pumps and i�rindmiils. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRS Al)NEXPERTING. CALL ON MINT 41 Lillie Cdrner,of Princes and Albert streets.- - 011oarlo'S Scst Soslaess college Cert tial &lsssi tdess College Stratford, Ont. Our teachers are all exper- ienced instructors. Our cour- ses are better than ever end the equipment is more ',com- plete. We,do more forour graduates tan do other simi- ilar schools, Fourteen' applications for. trained help were ateceived during the past week, some of these offering over $700 We have three dleparwtments, Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Write for our free'catalogue and seta What we are doing, , O.A.McLachlan, Principal. this is true as far as we havcitbeen able to learn, of the Protestant' coin m anites generally, 1.10 otos in, itae ,.l :33'§fie°+H++++4l4+Mr;4' m+++3+:3;+++F4ffiliff^:at• but speaking of church going and church pitoperly, one cannot but admire the e1liloeits tfhat. the Cath- .j,. olics are putting forth, Take . for * instance iiaileybw'y. Possibly one third of the people ere 'Catholics, .�. but they 'have a fine Cathedral open 4 - at ail hours of the day,.built at a -: great -cost; they have +timelatsepar- ate school, they are now buildings., convent and alrea,cly the sisters '1° have charge of the hospital. That 1 is one third of .the people are show- .F lug more enteaprise in church ' life 1,± than the remaining two thirds. r And they are church goers, , 'foripit i i?, to beyond question that more pec, II ple (the writeizt woulcl say flriOni it -ti. quiries) that twice as many- church l:+, doers are to be found ',anionic the + 4. rice Surprise • : Ladies Ta xford Shoes xtraordinary end 61 the season prices: to enable us to clear out the entire lot of our Lades Tan Oxfords, at/loges representing 'one thit,d of • • ahntes,plepxieVgat'tiqg 'two third. All.; ople, as among' the Protest -.I « TO MAKE,; QUICK SALE ' W lE .OFFER :, +f, lienor' to the 'Catholics foal doing s ss they egialontly are doing t, g :Xn•itihre � i,+ 4. •ai•�s�n•etlei soap ••»•'' :'3or.t CV a'rrry to look after ;their+. * FOR THE'C@�.it'lINQ WEEK ALL. OUR ® a ,V.0 People, and 'e hatever they may , 2 claim in doctrine and usuage dale.' Bdadet�s of'Tho., New Era arae aerent to unit and which wemay niot r insider 'rr advised' That T11 Fall T + er x{i ht, none of our super>w , t ma e, em2w Shaw's Sc:hoo18, Torowto, 3 ismow open .and that 3stud- + eats will!, be;arimitted Any 3 school day until Dee 20th for IaeOnis e in lElil u....est , Short-, hand, Civil ,Service, or "I'el,e- graphy. The new catalogue • • just issued is nnterea'bing• in its details and is. mailed free • on request Ws'ite Inc a copy • • to W. R. Shaw, President, • 1 Ifead Office, 3fcn•ge & 'Ger-, • shard streets, Toronto. • 101 talk and aesumptiorns', will eon).- + pennate for oar, faiitu e to,have our Protestant people follow us,inthe , things w,hieh ,we helleve, This we 4 are failing to do to a l,ang•ee�xt)ent, I 'ancl it ie nowhere ,entre app1�rsu emjt i ✓. than iii:this North countay, VVhetih- j '1' er there is enypelatienshipbetwdein cl urch allegiance. works of mercy I p' and rmini(zi<g operations, we will ' 4, leave the , retadea to judge bait 1'" certain, ` ht, is tllia't ansa 'Ctalt,'h-', olio friends have enorrnbus +. • t -rests 'in the mining develop- clients cid IsT'eav ,O;ntarso, $� Ca�Ccs ra, axror�s r�r $2 All High Grade Fashionable Shoes, Get a Fair now and Save Money, FRED JACKSON'S ♦ O•NSiees�•O.00OMO�NM�• l eoinitilnuod next Week, 'i n9r