HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-09-05, Page 3,:, ♦4♦ 0.44lo-s++444+444+4++++4+++1*4*+,4o4t44• 4. s4 .4914+++++++++++++4+++4+44.444,t. .. , ,; , , oR ���tN.'�Not��+A♦►e�+e+�orNoeNA'1o00+r o♦N�}♦t•1/►1000+�.+►i�•v��e'r���i9��o9oNi �► Mg 'laminar the 'next corner, dfSap- l'iL'. WESTERN' PAL �.,011�0�'1 �1�t r1 r'`1 0 Tx oIu indleatiions at :,the pelesentt titraae.. ,W it` Timid; as though fleas and,s+eizabi ':lCxhibition •would., be oyr'. nose •1aolauluh•1-a`than• ever.,ihlxs -year. The management are doing es-awy'r thing "poss'ibl'e to make, tae Exhib'i- b', Iran srot only atttx actGre to Bela, areas ,and but i eatisf t Oay aa well. They' ish to combine ed- ucatio,p, "anal instruction as well, as Kiva'tseuient along all the different Phases " ofkhed.-vhibitten proposi- tion. :''There Will be established on the grenade, this year au up -to -elate Milking m tch:l:ie plant an actual op' erati,aal Rapt, farmer kir the coun- try •should avala "himself of the op- portunlity of seeing this aaaohial.e. In this day of scarcity of heap on the Laden, this ineazxs a grleatttteal.. Come and see the cows milkedby telectricity. There will also be;ies- ,tablieiied an the grounds as an edu- cational feature a plant showing the latest sanitary methods of can, ing for and cooling !silk, ,These are only a few of the anany feat -axles which will inalee tate Eahibitio,n very attr,aettve this year, The a- luuseement part of the Exhibition has been -yell looked iafter. Tblete. wsl'l be a splendid programme of at- tractions tlwice datly ibefore it'he Grand Stand. The inaneigelnelne' have ''secured at great eat -pease T Basses o' the . Barn Band of Chelt- enham; Englallrtd, ane of the finest 'areas bands' lathe woa't.d. You can .nat:afford ;to:m-]ss hearing them. The Midway will ,be filled with good clean shows. Special rates ,oven all railroads commencing Sep- tember 6tlr. Low agates for- iExhibl- itors. Write the Secretary, A. M. London .Ont.. for aIt£nform'a- tion, 'The _dates are Sept .stir fto :I4;th. NERVOUS BREAKDOWN **tally Due to Overwork and Worry -A. Tonic Is Needed Old Jon es -C you- P1y u htei the luauaties t0 whichsheda g leas 11een nn aceustoetl? Ca'117 (ellgageldl riot ,lunch lona er thaaat's `thy Iw.ant toget niaadraeci, NT ow that.yon hate l s rd Imp daughter sing, `ttrould y olr advise nae to'send 'her .alatroadto sinist herlad- sical stucliesa" 1 "Why not ',finish them right hese and naly?1'r " a n i s a seat tea They questslel "Yes, these's only one. tie that keeps`ltitera together', "Wliat le that?" "Her new spting ,gown, Having., no maid she has to depend_ on her. husband tgbook-upthe back, "Women should.idress to please their liusbands" deciared,`the Lady lecturer. Mrs. Wombat s'ndffed iiisc1ainful a "What's .,tiro triatter?}inquired the friend. ' "If I aid that I'd lclress an about two dollars paT year." �ep���,, KtdC!L2d taenia / l S1'. THOMAS. ONT. Uhsurpassed for residential education. The 01,1001 College.Home" in - which to secure a training for your lire's wont. Thorough courses in Music, Painting, Oratory, High School, Business College and Domestic Science. Large campus, .inspiring environ- ment. Resident nurse,insures health of students. Rates; moderate. Every girl needs. an ALMA training. Handsome pro• spectus sent on Application to Principal, 42_ Overwork and weary give wise to ,nervousness', sleep'_essnees,._ head- aches, lack of ambition and lack of interest in your work. weak back, Indigestion and sometimes a com- plete break `down' of the al-eltvons system. On every har_d you . field victims of this kind and often they do not know what todo for, them- •selves. If these are your symp- toms you need tonic-, and the;b5sly way to lone up the nerves is lhrougb the ..blood, Dr, Williams Pink Pills are a direct veatve tonic because they enrich and build up the blood,, ,,at g blood that �u and it through g1i the tod the' nerves are fed. Under their flueu ce Iei usne9a, with a1 1 ite ea itisaland worried!sutteeieragaiin enjoys health and ;strength. Proof of •the ▪ alue of Dr. Williams' Pim`k Pills in nervous troubles la given by Mita, Lara Seheving, Lundar,'Man., who g ays was was attacked with ner- vous -trouble which almost drove Me to distraction. It would be al. - Most, impossible for words 'to des- .cribe.my condition. The least thing would startle aneand leave me trembling for an hour. I had nerv- ons headadhes and 'slept very badly at nights, somite nights' not aft all, lay appetite grew poor, and I was c a�eally wr 1. I had a physical ec had and 1 doctors .s vela n! to e been taken many !different medicines, bolt without any benefit. Thein d read of .a case similar cuaiedtby the use oafDr. 'Williams' Pink P'ills,•and I sent for a,dozen .hones fully be- lieving it would take at Least that toany to cure ane. You can judge of my gratitude, however,_ when S found that aftler using on,l'y Latf a doeeztl boxes I was again enloyinig 'the best o,fhealth, and have since remained well and .stroliag. I used she remainder of the pills among eniy .children when they seeareed out of sorts, and have foundtlocator at all tilm.es to be the very best family Medicines." You cant get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medi- cine or by trail .at 50 cents a box or six boxes •for 92.50 from 'Tod 'Das Williams' Medicine, Co., Brockville, atant• AETERDiNNER MINTS ILLED IN A FIGHT Young Veterinary Student Stab- bed by Half -Crazed Man. SLAYER STILL AT LARGE Grant Appleby of Renfrew County Has a Dispute With Wild Pete Collins, a Local Character of Vicious Ws- -position ' and Latter Harbors Grudge -Collins Draws Knife In Fight and Kills Student. "Our new lbo,o'l:keepeaa seems to Have awo;ncle1fulgrant) of detail?' "That's right," cleclal;ed the jun- ior pas(tner( "Re 1;;tlo0Vs the re- cords of most of theballl players" Ci,bden, Renfrew County, Ont., Aug. 31.. -Grant Appleby, aged 27, a stu- dent in attendance at the Ontario Vet- erinary College, Toronto, who was spending Inc vacation with his 'par - eats, Mr. and Mrs. T. Appleby; Ross Township. was murdered. last night immediately in front of the parental g stabbed twice to the m i1 bein ib ho e.te heart by "Wild Pete" Collins, a farm- er er of the district. ie end Collfiis made his escape, al- though posses have bceu out for hours, no trace of him has yet been found. The murder was the direct result of a quarrel which occurred Thursday night ifi the village. Collins is said to have insulted Appleby, and the lat- ter retaliated, a fierce hand-to-hand fight ensuing. Collins went for Ap- pleby in a vicious manner, chewing his ear to shreds. Although the big- ger man, Appleby contented himself with ending the quarrel speedily and the pair were separated"by friends• Collins evidently did not forget the hate to incident and carried his hatred lc extremes yesterday. He has great t Y Y been known to be of a very- vicious disposition and at times has been re- garded as insane, Early yesterday his brothers sent for his mother to assist in pacifying him, but in his rage he threw her out of the house and ordered her to keep away• Last night about eight o'clock Col- lins went down the road in the diree tit i of the Appleby farm. Grant Ap- pleby, seeing him approaching, went out to meet him,' with the intention of settling the dispute of the night be fore, which evidently from Collins' manner was unclosed. As Grant approached, Collin:, drew a knife, from his pocket and made .a rush for him. Grant called to his bro- ther Reuben for assistance, and the latter rushed at Collins. Grant Ap- pleby also made for Collins and in the melee whish followed was stabbed twice over the heart. After receiving the wounds Appleby continued pummeling Collin,:, until too latter: cried for mercy. The, pair then separated, Appleby .and his bro ther turning to their home and Collins malting: off down' the road. Just as Grant Appleby reached the gate, he dropped to the gr'oand and died in a few minutes. • im ned ' l 'tante wan summoned, Mediae] asses y a, but Data R. Stuart, who. arrived, saw that his services were not needed, and Coroner Josephs of .Pembroke was notified. An'iuquest -will be opened on 11is arrival. Collins is a son of Mr and Mrs. Wil- liam Conine of this village, '1 -le has been regarded as a peculiar cbaracter, althoiigh never before. very dangerous, and 'for this reason. was called "Wild Pete." The Appleby grid Collins families have, always been friends, 'and. the parents of the 'Soong tnta.te can assign no cause fox bis sudden hatred of Grant Appleby. "What impressed you moot in onr ' great city?" askedthe native, ---"Well," replied the nian enoe the small town, "I've ,been here fora a week n'ow .and Ju noticed ithat no- body wears Ilun,d'ay cfotlres on Sun- day," iiimAyeaed ON EDYf'arAhl I('i)!iDSor sees It's the CLEANEST, SIMPLEST, and BEST HOME. DYE, one can boy--1Vhy you don't even haveto know what KIND of Cloth your 0005. son mo,Io of. --So blIstakes are Impossible. Send for Free Color. Oned, Story Booklet, t and Booklet Booklet giving results of Dyeing over other onions, The JOHNSON-RICHAtRDSON CO.,; Limited, Monveal. Canndn, Gordon• Hewi'tt Domini n . En- MARKET REPORTS. Dr. C � to the in t n referring IS't says,r 10g 't !# i'!'10 la' s' C. ort e •' e t a ' fan '1e a t and diar -hcea spread byt e housefrolxl!intestinal diseases r p that the so-called harmless fly is yearly caus- flhe believes yearly Renfrewof Cinfants,in the death thousands g h id 't o fever. the germs oftyphoid WILSON'S best thing, ridyour house of these dangerous pests. are tootles 1„in , g to WEATHER CLEAR AGAIN. n r 1i - Get In " To • G .:E eNew REDUCE- �) RAT armersHa �0 11L-. Z9 CL` Western F p Their Crops. s. p Winnipeg; Aug. 31.-L'tcr heavy rains for the last week the say is clear and bright, offering for the first time in ten days prospects of settled -wea- ther. Temperatures were generally. high yesterday in Manitoba, but pro- phets to -day say lair and cooler, but at or not far off freezing point in. many districts of central and north- Saskatchewan. Postmaster Gene•al Says He Urged Cable Tariff Will 'Be Cut, Says Mr.- Pelletier. DETAILS COMING LATER i s Liverpool Wheat Fut are Close High- . er, Chicago Lower -Live Stock I Latest 'Quotations. C1-TTCA.GO, Aug'. 30. -Prospects of en increase. in the. vl,",1ble Supply bore down to -day on the price- of wheat. There was a heavy tone at the close, with the market .5-8o to 1 1 -Se. to' 1-40 -under last: night, Corn finished unal- tered 10 3-8c lip, oats off 1-40 to 5-80 to 3-4o and provisions varying from t. a _Oc to 15"1-2c down to advance, d 1 ' The Liverpool market closed today -1-8d' to 3,8d higher than yesterday on wheat, I and 1-4c- lower on corm,', Wheat at Berlin closed lye: higher,: Budapest he -lower;. Winnipeg Options, Open. High. Low. 01000. Close. l.. Pet. .. 931/2 91% 9335., 93% . 93+/il .. Dec. 9034 9034 5931 :8031 Oats Oct; 35?i, .30 353!4 359'i 369'0' Toronto Grain Market. l Wheat, new, bush $0 94 to $0 95 1 Wheat, goose,bush 0 9922 . ' Rye, bush 4g 0 Oats,. bushel 0 Barley, bushel 080' Peas,' uusnei •• 1 00 Buckwheat, bushel • 0 80 1 00 Toronto, Dairy Market, Sutter,. creamery, lb. Butter, oreamery,-soli Butter, separator, dal Butter, store lots 8 0 808 rolls.' 0 2 028 ds....: 0 27 rY, Ib.0 23 " 21 830 62a You will find relief in Zam;Bukl It eases the burning; _stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance with Zam Buie means cure; Whyno#prove ' 410 Druggists a , fQrea.-- t}!IS Z,. "D�doa hoz. roily t. SUMMER SORE -c, DROVE OVER WOMAN. Toronto Cabman Gets Years For De- liberate Brutality;: Toronto, Aug at -Sohn Morton, the young cab driver, whose vehicle ran ever Miss:Agnes White on Saturday,, Tully 13th, -crushing her right should: er and fracturing several ribs, was charged. in court yesterday mornkng with doing grievous bodily Harm by reckless driving while in charge of a i vehicle. Miss White, wbo has been, under medical. care since the accident, told the court she had crossed behind a the corner of it'eliznoton ane_ raggs, new -laid ...... .. - ar on 0heese, new, Ib' 01434 0 ' Bay streets about 12.15,' when she was 1±000)',. extracted, ib.. ... .-0 11 01 Suddenly struck and knocked down. Ei d 2 76 3 00 Y onMontrea Gran Miss Simon, who was crossing just Montreal Grain and Produce. Idriven in Front, testified that the cab bythe defendant swung around the corner at a furious pace and that olio herself just jumped in time to escape. I The front wheel ran over the other young lady, The cab stopped for a moment, but a passenger inside cried out "drive on, drive on," and Morton whipped up the horses, drove the rear wheel. aka over the form of the nrna_ MONTREAL, Aug.. 20. -Business' to Manitoba spring wheat over the cable Was quieter,, but there Was a good for- s'gix demand for oats, a further advance In prloea, bit owing to the searclty of Supplies' exporters" find it difficult to do _ eco - Much business. �ne • local market 15 The weatner 'ma' of western Can-_ ;trona and prices are tending hlBher. Es - T e P rt trade In new crop spring wheat flour to Bear on the Cable Com- sumption of harvesting operations, ,n sa panies After: Other, Means Had rd` lull asking prices Millfeed firm under a Failed -Will Give Figures In tr About a Fortnight's Time. and l>on high hails binders can get to Liverpool, Aug. 31.-(0.A:P. Cable.) Regina, Sask., Aug. 31, -It is clear -Postmaster Pelletier made a state- ail cold here, but the sun is shin ment before leaving with Premier Bar- ing and farmers are hopeful for the den on the Victorian yesterday after- harvest. If the sunshine of yesterday noon. In part he said, continues cutting will be general again "`When I first arrived in London I by Monday. Frost was feared Thurs- said one of the most important ob- - tillyow night, but the mercury did not go rover than 35, and the district escaped• tein af reduction was visit icable rates. to try and abI Weyburn, Sask., Aug. 31. -Rain fell Thursday, but cleared -toward night. then promised to make public a state- Tise weather was warm and no frost meat before I left. Those rates in has been reported. Yesterday opened consmy opinion are unfair and should be warm and clear, but Butting is de - Albert lower. The Right Hon, la ed by wet fields. As much as 116 1-2 Albert Samuel postmaster, has receiv- cents has been offered in the district ed me with the utmost kindness and by an elevator company for wheat now courtesy, We had together many in- in the shock, grading No. 2 for Octo- terviews, conversations. _and negotia- her delivery. F fth president of the ether company, Thursday night varying from two to sig degrees. d ttri el ' carrels, 85 to 46 pieces, $27; short out Tared, and wheat on logy Janda p�rob- sake barrels 46 to 65 pieces, J27. Rt: Hon, Mr. Sarduel to Bring Pres- ads is not encouraging to an early re- for October shipment was more active{ surer t' t' n d les of 26 000 sacks were made a sin having fallen again 1 many la- good demand. Rolled oats 255e lower. De- icts but it is generally clear to -day t De - nand, for butter Increasing, and marke amore active at firmer prices. Cheese in Po- tatoes lower aPro strong. stea¢ygs firm. Po - Corn -American, No, 2 yellow, 90o to lie o No; a-OanNoo. an 3, 48o to 49c; extragNo,t1.. teed, 49c to 49340. Barley -Manitoba feed, 630; malting, the to 80c. Flour -Manitoba spring wheat patents, llrsts, 55.80; seconds, $5.30; strong bakers', 15.10; winter patents, choice, $5.261 Straight rollers, '$4.86 to 14.99; do., ' bags, 13.20 to $2.30. Rolled oats -Barrels,' $•4.80; bags, 90 bs,, $2.273¢. Mlllfeed-Bran, $ 22 $3s shorts, tt$34.$26; mid- dlings, $29; Hay -No. 2, per ton, car lots, $16 to 116.50. Cheese -Finest westerns, 15%c to 13e/yc; lo., 'easterns, 13e to 1551,0. ' t Bonde 25'0I1O1 to 26c creamery, 25310 to 26340; Eggs -Selected, 28c to 29e; No, 2 stock, Coto - Mons with the manager o one o e High, River, Alta., Aug, 31. -Frost 19c to 100. two Cable companies. We 0.150 met the was reported tlirfin'ailnnt this district Dressed bag, car lots DOC to $1.. un yFitlz pressedhogs-Abattoir kilted,' $1 to some important officers of,___ Mr:Garden. Ix2.6o. A that moment ht G 1 -tuff wa in Fork -Heavy Canada short out mess Samuel's department. t amus 5 epar'i I thoutoht it preferable to bring to an ably damaged. DLar9-Compound tierce end the protracted negotiations and to suggest respectfully to the British 1 g - other things, i of e postmaster, among a , that he might, under authority given him, by the landing license of one I "' sal of the companies (subject to app THERE IS NOTHING provided therein), fix rates himself. I Postmaster Samuel, who had more power in his hands with his landing®R THE 1111 -ER license, and who, could to a certain extent command the companies, re- opened alone the negotiations with a • view -to fringing the cable companies i to a point where esomu of the rates, L •IN I L f3 tJ iR IV' S at least, would be reduced. by consent, LAXA-LIVER PILLS, SO GOOD AS instead of Ministerial decree. This is a good move 'on his part, inasmuch as it will render unnecessary an ap- peal which would have entailed con- siderable delay. Mr. Samuel has in- formed me of the pregi•ess made so far, and his hopes of further progress in the early future with regard tc some other rates All I can now say is that it has been decided, eo far, that some of the rates will be reduc- ed, and such reduction will be made within a fortniglft.• But all rates will not be lowered. Mr. Samuel, being unavoidably, away, I do not care to announce to- day what are the reductions now de- cided upon, and on thewhole the pub lie will be in better position to ap- preciate the value of these reductions if they are made known altogether and not piecemeal. Mr. Samuel will wire me all reductions which are to be made when all the details have been worked out." `regains `arm Animals. '• Don't let your boys or the neighbors' boys "ick" 00 the animals, says the p Sin ne- ses the dela , rJournal. 1 _ It Farm. Janina . 1 ,ture -intellect of a half grown lad -to' see the mule launch an unavidla5le kick at agile tormentors; to pull the, bull's tail • and see him. make a wild dash at the air, to tickle the helpless horse and see him caper madiye but, as euro as you, live, some one's going to pay the Riper, Some day, the ent- reat is going to get his innings, and some entirely innocent person, perhaps a woman who never injured a helpless creature in her lite,'twill -be killed or injured, Then is -ngood boy. lade grows upit cruelot and heartlesforthes and is tyrannical to humans as well' as to biutee. Better stop it ;at once. ,.,,ea '£'hey will regulate the flow of bile to act properly on the bowels, and will tone, renovate, and purify the liver, removing every result of liver trouble from the temporary, but disagreeable, bilious head- ache to the severest forms of liver com- plaint. Mrs. John R. Barton, Mill Cove, N.B., writes:-` I suffered, more than tongue can tell, from liver troubles. I tried several kinds of medicine, but got no relief until I got Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills. They are a wonderful remedy." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25 cents per vial, -orb vials for $1.00, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. -NE'Rvou s ®DEBILITY 7 OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT'will .eure you and ieso that all "you. Under its influence the brain becoe nereti Ut combloo purified so so that '. pimples, blot0hes and ulcers heal up; th v bashfulness and despondency, disappear; the eyes become.- brlght, the - foc fulnass, and the moral,,: physical unit mental systems full and clear,arenergy ed; returns to the body,. systems are invigorate all drains cease -no. more vttal•woste from the system. 'ton feel yourself -a man and know marriage cannot be a failure; Don't let' quacks andfakirsrobyouofyourhardearned'dollars. Fir NO NAMES' USED.WSTHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Peter B. Summers relates 1180 experience: "I was troubled with Nervous Debility for many years. I lay it to indiscretion and excesses in youth. 1 became very: despondent and didn't care whether I worked or not, I imagined everybody who looked at me guessed my • secret Imaginative dreams at night, weakened me -my back ached, bad pains in the back of -my, ,head, hands and feet were cold, tired in the morning, poorappetite, fingers were shaky, eyes blurred, hair loose, memory poor, eta. Numbness in the fingers set in andthe doctor told nae liefeared paralysis. I tools. all lflnds of medicines and tried many anst-class physicians, wore an electric beltfor three. months, but'received little benefit, I BEFORE TREATMENT Wag lndileOd tU'Ofnsnit Dl'S. Kennedy 3.'a AFTEa TREATMENT 0 KOnnedy though I had lest all faith m. doctors. Like a drowning man T commenced the New METHOD Tasexoingr and it saved my life. The improvement was like; ma ie -I could feel the vigor going through the nerves. I was cured mentally and physically. I have sent them many patients `and continue to 00'80. • O v� CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We treat and sure VARICOSE VEINS. NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD AND URINARY CRMPLAINTS, KIDNEY, AND BLADDER DISEASES and all Diseases peculiar to Mon.' ' CONSULTATION FREE, BOOKS 'FREE. 11 upable to call w0lt6 for a Quectian - --- v . DY E ORS. KEN KE H Cor. Michigan Ave. 'and Griswold St«, Detroit, Mich. NOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed VCA Ps to our Canadian'Correspondence Depart- ' - inept in ,Windsor, Ont. If you desire to seg us personally call at our Medical Institute -in Detroit as we see and treat eo patients in our Windsor offices : which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: an DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. ' 1 ' s 370 lbs., 101401 Food palls, 20 lbs. net, x094c; pure, tierces, 76 lbs., 14c; pure wood palls, 20 lbs., net, 4310. Winnipeg Grain. WINNIPEG, Aug. 20. -Trading In fa - ores was quiet and pricess steady, fluc- tuations being narrow. Opening figures Fere unchanged, following which there vas an advance of 34o on the two near nonths, but later declined, closing 1/20 bwer for October, and 340 lower• for' De- zember and May, The cash demand was ood far all grades, with active enquiry from exporters, while the offerings were 111,...... - There was a good demand for Dash oats br the eastern trade, which stiffened 5rioes of futures to some extent. Flax qac sold at 2c higher than Thursday's hose. Receipts were 85 cars today. Cash grain: No. 1 northern, $1.06; No. 3, 1;1103%; No. 3 09e; feed, 60c; No. 4, 88c; go, 5, 74',to; Igo, 6, 64/c; No. 3 tough, 83e; Yo. 4; 69c; No, 5, 57e; No. 6, 47c;. feed, 45c. Oats -No. 2 Canadian western, 430; No• s 411/2e; extra No. 1 feed, 42340;- No. 2. sed 441/2e; No. 2feed, -Barley-No. S Septem37c. bernew, 5834c; No. 1 Sept, new, 47'4c, Flax -No. 1 northwestern, $1.75; Not Manitoba, $1.71; rejected, $1,60; -id, 51.25. LIverpo`8riirain Markets. LIVERPOOL, Aug.' 30.-Clostug-Whgpk -Spot steady; No. 1 Manitoba, 8s 7d; No. t. Manitoba, 80 4140; No. S ivranitotate Ss 1340. Futures firm; October 75 934d, De :ember 7e 631.1. Corn -Spot steady; American mixed, old, 'a 4d; new, 'kiln -dried, 7s 31d, Futures Flour -Winter patsents, 29s 6d. Minneapolis Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 50,-Wheat-Ctos- td-Sept., 919¢0; Dec., 92.50; May; 967400 0 97e;. Cash -No. 1 hard,• 97%e; lorthern, 92%c to 9T790; No, 20p northern, 16Coini Noc3 yellowc'77%c too 781e.913tc.. Oats -No. 3 white, 81c to 51/e, Rye -No. 3, 630 to 631c. Flour -Leading local latents, In wood, Mhineapolls, $4.66 to $4.05 other atents, 54.50 to $4.85; First clears, $3.50 to 03,80; second clears, $2,60 to 490, >• CATTLE MARKETS. trate• ziuil sereanling girt, aria whij•1':' Uth rwitnesses'including°M1 A' e Car on d i\7 D Wa• Aro as'- r 'k 1 adm ter for the Railway Company,peor- ecborated tors t idenee, Morton +alio rot think that the front 1t X •'wheel' had gone over the girl, but admitted that,having beeoine scare curl d � d s'nd orelered 'by obis passer;gor to go an, Ole drove away.'' -lie will serve one year i.a'the Central Prison;:. A HUMAN U . H n CHAIN. Plucky Men Perflll5' Daring Rescue Niagara Falls, ;ant„ Tune 29.• -Geo. Parley. a `lineman, fell from the top of a forty foot pole at the Canadian approach to the lower hrtdge last night rolled down an almost l,erpen- dieuler river bank souther^tarty test, and was saved from death in the „rag- ing whirlpool rapids 150 feet below by Dr W, li,'-\Vixen, an, American physician, and several others, the rescue being amohg the most sense, tinnal- in Niagara's mina's.' Hundreds witnessed the rescue ,and cheered as the human ehain with Wixan on the end dropped down the bank ' and brought the injured man up. Farleywas se badly injured that he was taken to the i hospital, al, where it was said his condition is: very serious While working at the top of the pole Farley lost his balance and. fell. When he struck the ground he rolled down the bank, his body bounding frnln rock to stick. Finally his body lodgodon a projecting crevice, where be remained unconscious. He was so near the edge Viet when Wixon went down with the human chain it. was with difficulty that the man was removed without hurling him into tate torrent below. East Buffalo Cattle 1Vlarket, EAST ISUFF,ALO, Aug. 30, -Cattle -Re - 001209, 23Q head; steady. Veal ReeedeelP00,• 560 head•' active asal 8c to 8 higher, $4 to $12.6& Hogs-BsOetpts, Oti00 l9'ead: actlye-• n • c to 200 lawn', heavy and `mixed., 016 5,2'•6;. yoc rs,. 53.79. to $9.26; pigs, g$g,8. 6 $$ lis 3 75 $7.90; stags; 86 to o WU; ro 75 $ a $k,.,•. d > sheep and I.�u13s-I'Locistpts 4600. hadq�cj' Meer, een' actlt+e and steady; intiet.slew act Sc Lower: ltllrnha, KM' to 57.26;,yearllogs, 26 to $5:70o95t1 s, 54,•, 6w. 3, 0.to'54,10;;- shatQi,.nifaed;76 53 to to,53i.$•76. as. Chicago Live Sf ock. - CI.ICAGO, Aug*-a�vesipt 0parket, 4_111Aand weeaal?b o algYer;, beetele, x;.76 to $00,50;e Texas 10heirs, ;$180 toi$$.00;' western steers, $6 to .25;'vtocKers and- feeders, $4:25 to' 7,20; 1 5ows anI--tellers, $3' to -53; calves, $8.50 to 5.±ogs-Recefpts 16;000; market,- uneven; ;est, -steady; others, weak to 10c lowQ@tn 5got, 55.29 to 589,; mixed, 08,10 t0 03,V'" heavy, $7• 00 $8!761 rough, $7,00 to $8.11166 lgs, $5.25. to $1,25; bulk of soles, '$8.16 to Sheep- Receil1tits, 50,000; market, steady 10e higher;aiatOve, $3.40 to $4.60; western, 54 to r s .b0 $`o. 1 earl n , 5 •' g 0 6 Y .60 t 54 1pp r ,76. lam'be natbVa;.9rl7t to $7.20; western, $4 0 5050. ' Cheese Markets. VICTORIAVILLH, Q., Augg. 30. -There were. 2000 boxes of cheese sold here today it 13s/ac. - 1?ICTON,.Ont-Aug. 30. -There were 1619 828 ease• boarded; 076, sola at 139�yc and I ct' at 1311-160 NAPANEE,: Ont., Aug. • 80, -At the. se board' here today there Were 616 Shee •e' all. coos e boar dd s :'" 5, colored as 1 bite an selling at Mc, 11'3OQUOIS, ` Ont., Aug. 30. --At the re- gular meeting of the Iroquois- Clieeae Board held here to -clay,- 980 colored cheese wore' registered. All sold-' at 12%o. rhe usual buyers were present,,. - '. GORNWALL, Aug. 10,,-Ou the Cornwall Cheese Board today, -: 1622 cheese were boarded,. of which 103 were white and 1000.400..the colired: eortespoudi'All soldngw; ateek 139%lastb' , Tea .ti_he Were 1310 at 13%c. and.'13 5-1s0,, .,2cia,1:�.1, FM • LOOK UP YOUR STATIONERY �' %J+0 SLTPPI✓I S � €,And see if you require Bill Heads, (ally. size) Statements, Letterheads, Noteheads, Envelopes, Business Cards, Etc. Cif you require any of the above send your order to The New Era, or telephone No, 30 for our representative to call on you. tat l SI . f Il Given tes Cheerfully Estam a L 6 (",The New Era Job Plant i,s one of the best equipped in Huron County. oe of QRemem ber that Good Printingis essential to Successful Business. *t ,ltd 1 aaa FALL SPEemLS SEE OtR Apple Pacers at 75c • Stock Pails at 80e Loaded Shells at Doc 22 short Cartridges at lac Draining Spades, Gleaner. Manure Forks large and small, Ensilage Forks, Etc., Etc Tlutothhy.Seed 5.25 -As the season is short, speak few days ahead Sugar at Rock Bottom Prices for a few Days Highest t. Price for nutter, Egos Etc, , r'r , s R R. BO Grand Rail way Syste 11 Canadian National Exhibition TORO1lTO. Clinton to Toronto aisd Return A ug 24 to Septaele ' Aug L7 and 20; � Set8and5 P. (`-.�, inclusive 6C eV 7 inc oP�e Minimum Rate 25 cents All tickets valid' for return' until Tuesday, Sept 10th, 1012 WESTERN FAIR,- LONDON Clinton to London and . Return $1.50 Sept.'5 to 14 $1.25 Sept. 10, 12, 13 Minimum Rate 25o Speeal Train. for London will leave Clinton let Sept. 10, 111,' 12 All tickets valid for: return nntil Monday, Sept, 10, 1912 Particulars, AslAskGrand Trunk A out Incifull anyg �orollpar'ticulars anal tickets callon or ,wg1te,- OHN IALSFORD &SON, Agents A.O.iATTISON. depot` a g_t ' t, eenex a e..T.Jniloin S a!tiou, f1`,Iroi ,to, Ont. , AR, Duff) "dis�ta'i,elil 1?I�lg � g �.