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The Clinton New Era, 1912-09-05, Page 1
•Lace 1 woven on Pages i, 2, G,arrd 0 Nev'sy letfet a else New 'OiianLo— 17ag"e a �. 'Two ,linportent Notices boFaaiin_ ors on, page 2, Established 186, Vol. 47, No, IO THE NEW ERA Wouid Like to -Receive Budgets of News Each Week From MI Its Correspondents. frOl,V1,5IirT&re,sl:''ri:y9110 p 11?lbt=t "t ';. GQac eoaWE oneverypage- Continuedstory and- S. S. 1,,eseon page 7. CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY ,'SEPTEMBER'` 5` 1012 W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers oval aT k OF CANADA. INOORPORA'LDD 1500. Capital ° . . • $6,250,000 •12eserv'e - _ $7,000,000' The Annual; Statement, shows the fol- lowing increases for 1911 1910 1911 •i 8S 291.508 Deposits $I�,Or9,60t $ , P Loans & Investments on,283,676 , 62,790,072 . Total Assets 92,510,346 110,529,512 207 BRANCHES ' and Correspondents throughout the world Interest allowed on Deposits. R. E. MANNING, Mgr. BRANCH - 'CLI �6T®N iII �jp T 1•*11CIg Oelgates' E'elat Colgates Violet IColgirths Monad Violet Dolga'tes,Cashmere Bouquet Oolgates Dactylia Williams Karst Williams Violet Williahn Carnation Royal Rase Royal Vinolia TRY COLGATES NEW PER- FUtME—E'CLAT.. We think it one of the best. ]f. �' 1-1100V7SY Dispensing Chemist. WHEN ON YOUR VACATION Be sure anal have the 'NeW Erg mailedto you and keep in ;touch with the events atiroine. A New Catalogue of ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. Is ;now Ready. Write for 100 lt;igiives full particulars concerning t A FAMOUS S;CHOOL. welcome. ;We take bench pleasure welcoming back jour Lake Shore fr$ands, However ,if at had not been for our fatal -dui customers .at,home, we would not behave to welcome you. W. T. O'N IL THE H,UB GROCER Phone 48 The Molsons'Baflk Incorporated 1855 Record of Progress for Five Years Igo6°I911 1006 CAPITAL $ 3,000,000,00 94 0 000.00 RESERVE . . 3;000,000.00 4,600,000.00 DEPO4ITS , 28,677, 730.00 35,042,311,00 LOANS AND INVESTMENTS ' 23050,00000 JS854,LOL00 TOTAL ASSETS Inas 85 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the p'riacipal r°ties in the World. A GENERR.AL, BANKYI\e„ BUSINESS TRANSA-CTED. Noouer ins Thi i Tro h ' For 1512 Taylor Takes The Association and Nediger The Consolation On Labor Day After a wet morning 8 rinks` of Clin- ton bowlers got busy in the after-' noon•and commenced their 1912 tour- nament. Hoover beat out Ed Cour-. Lice for the Trophy while Taylor took Stevenson's measure in an extx+a round in the Association and, Nediger, heat Hunter 9 Gin the Consolation. Following were the rounds ' and win- ners, No scores were marked upon board so The New Era cannot give any, Trophy—First Round 7. A. McConnell G. Roberton 7. McLeod . K. Erskine J, E. Hovey P Towne O. E. Dowding Rev. Jenkins • C. E. Dowding won W. Grant T. Murphy Rev. Grant D. L, McPherson A. J, Morrish 7. Watts I. B. Hoover T. Taylor 7. B. Hoover won B. Hove 1. Ra sforgd 7. Wiseman B. J. Gibbings ' W. Harland J. W. Stevenson 3'. Nediger J. W. Stevenson D. Courtice . J, L. Courtice W. Brydone Jas, Ford J. W. Treleaven E. Cantelon J, Bunter -- E. G Courtice E. G. Courtice won 2nd Round Hoover beat Dowding Courtice beat Stevenson Finals Hoover, beat Courtice Association-1.st Round . Taylor beat Jenkins Nediger beat Hunter 2nd Round Taylor beat Nediger Stevenson beat Dowding Finals Taylor heat Stevenson Consolation—let Round Hunter beat Jeakins 2nd Round • Hunter—A bye Nediger beat Dowding Finals Nediger beat Hunter SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT �a.a66aad6.adD.adl.®�d0.@a.aa0 at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Branch. C E DOWDING. Manaver Town and Country Clintonfls. S 44l,H•••i•OA?N••••••••••e •0♦i1••••••d4•A1*PONNt• • 1j o o '♦ Clothing OrOrderedereOrderedo R._ •• nncr Laothin • g l i•• ♦ s ♦ �SOIlSa�9 n A • A ♦ ®: ♦ • ♦ Well, Btoys,i10 • OY♦OWAbout Your i School Suits ? o 4, • We have been looking after ynur school wants 4. y while you have been enjoying your holidays, and are o Y• ♦ ♦ ♦ • A ♦ o ♦ 75 Boys Suits, the 1Libn Brand, ,, you the best Boys Suits at �♦ prepared to offer y y now p p $4 5o that we have ever shown. i 0 ♦ • • • • ♦ `The College" LION BRAND, purchased -from the Jackson.Mtg Co. o at a big reduction, and passed on to 0 you at less than the regular wholesale • price. A number of these subs tare o made from the well known Hewson ♦ all wool tweed, nothing to equal : them for wear in the market. A 4 :The regular price of these is o $6.50 to $8,50, butA' we want to clear e this entire lot out in one week, so ,• 4 take your choice for o ♦ ♦ • '♦ ♦ 4 4 ♦ 4 ODE SCHOOL PUPILS; THIRTY-FOUR TEACHERS -IN -TRAINING ARE ENROLLED AT CLINTON MODEL SCHOOL FOR TERM The'iollowi,ng (teachers Intrlain- iegare. in ,atteg0iaince gat• Clril'tom 19-04e1 School:— Inise School:- ISeaton, Clinton, >11a 'il. E rowas ' Clhesterlfi,eld. .e! Ethel E. Case, Dungannon. alorence A. Chapman, Ripley. Edith F. Deadroan, Brussels. Aimed Finlrbeiner, Crediton. EL.Inai P. Levis, Clinton, +dean(, Lev Carlow. Richard W. Levy, Carlloly. Lillian McCallum, Stratton(' Davi Dah rd J. ,lleCliioxhey, Auburn. i,. 'Grace A. McLean, Iiin'tall., Mabel E. McKinley, ;slake. Edna C. 111ckwan, G,od.erieh. Rae Macphersdn, Ailea Craig Stella, V. Mors'3slh, Goderich.- John S. Newton, Leicknow. Margaret Peck, Bayfield.' MilfOrTiatikett, Auburn: Hareid, V,irba. ire.5oma , Clinton. EviLSparing, Eeech wool. Margaret H. Smith,..,L,ueknow. Ella S. Stanley, Purple Grove, Ilerbentt W. Toll, Blyth. William Vickers, London, Leslie J,-,Wasmen, Clinton. Fiances P. While, Kink-one. Vr' Henrietta tuian feldeu•, Rostock, Rebecca M. Woods, ,Bayfield. GeoygeE Stevenson, Drayton; Bort MacDonald, .Ripley. Hilda .Op per, Milverton. Margaret Webb, St. Helens. AAAAAAAA®AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAA Ai. a •• 4 lb4 lb Local News 4 IP4 PP b. iWI TYiV'0Vi'6FVTVVVYVVTeMIY1♦iv4vy'IVVVVVVVVVYYYVVVVYV\ NOT CLINTON PLIPILS. Shakespeare must have known schoolboys different. carom those in Clinton when he described them as '•creeping like snails unmilliinlgly to school." The "small folk" here were out about eight o'clock' on Tuesday morning, to all apnoea -tax -- nes happy that school wase open a, gain. During the vacation improve merits were made at 'tire Model School. New single seats were put in Division VI end the old dries re- moved to the frame school where Diviision I is located for the 'Fall term. Miss Ford will instruct the Entrance class until the Model department closes, • i'ARMERS MAY ':TRY IT . A writer in Thera! ti eW 'lurk, in di,scussinig the causes 'f lightning striking ,barn:, says that a vacant 1,1rn in seldom strtul: byirghtneng ,Litt a barn foil of hot ha y2ris often truck. Bas t tame: ' at heat rising front the eain fu':: of new hay or girlain, makes the air l.ght end offers a rharrrel fait '.he l ghtnin+g• to travel in. Dust i arta-les a er,r eet of rnr' it art, or : current of hat air w el afforal Such a channel of mat -Throw open the barn doors so that the air in- side and outsicee the bare, nay be uniform. r CLIFTON TEACHERS AWAY. Following are young people of this town who are away teaching the young Canadians :— MiSs Hazel Ker to Alma. Miss Hattie Trick to Cedar Grove. Miss Rtiby Kitty to Llcydtowb. Meas May Smith to Drayton., Miss Winnie Thompson to Oshawa. Miss Stella Copp to Londesboro. Bert Johnston near Guelph. Will Taylor to Napanee. Will Doherty to Scarborough Junc- tion. tion. A FLORAL REMINDER. That the Clinton Model School still occupies a warm corner in the heart of its -late Priucipal,—Mr. John Hartley,—was shown in a highly ap- Oreciated wayon Tuesday morning n the teachr's desk of each class room was found a beautiful boquet of anon as, asters and carnations, with a message of kindly greetings to teacher and pupils from Mr. Hartley. "Absent but not forgotten" is evindently a mutually recognized condition he tween Mr, Ilartley and the members of Clinton Public School, A 0•11, W. YI 0 a Sizes 27 to 35.. Boys School Sweaters, 5oc to ,p2:oo ♦ Boys School Cas 25c to 5oc ,♦A 3 • 4 .♦ ,. e a _, rr it l� •rr 0 The ,g A �!l.����1A�B��„�A�♦�NA�N1 t••♦0'l1���tt ���4Nr�1N�14����` A Square Deal For Eatery Boy.'_ LICENSE GRANTED. The hotel license of the Hotel Normandie was granted to Mr.,Hanna, father-in-law cf Mr. S. S. Cooper and the bar was opened en: Monday. HALLOWE'EN SOCIAL. The ' Ladies of Ontario Strleet church intend to give a Social in the 'Church on the night ot Oct. 31st. Particulars of which will he given later}, Keep this datte in mind. MINOR LOCALS. The Western Fair will be the magnet next week, The usual Band Ooncnrt on Thars- day evening of ,this week has been called oil owing to the absence cf some of the members who are holi- daying. We hope heblanks to season long enough to permit be filled. ACCEPTS INVITATION.. I Mr. Russell Manning, Recording Steward, of Wesley Church, has • rc• ccived a letter of acceptance from IRev, Dr. Rutledge, of \Vingham, who was recently invited to the pastorate of the above mentioned congregation, subject taction of the 1 c of course to the Stationing Committee next Lune. D". Rutledge is at present pastor at Wing - ham where he is spending his fourth year. CLINTON COLLEGIATE. The Collegiate Institute re -opened on. Tuesday with an attendance of 110. There have beers two. changes on the staff, Miss Stone of Essex. succeed- ing Miss Fraser in the Commercial Department, aatl Mr. Sinclair, of Walkerton, taking the Mace of Mr. Firth, as Science Master. With this efficient stall {f an d the rr area s ed at- tendance we expect a better record than ever. The Board is considering the' ques- tion of opening another room to pro - vile the necessary accommodation if numbers of pupils increase. REV, W. S, JAMCESON DEAD. GOLDEN WEDDING., To very fc(w people come: the cpportun'ty of celebrating; their 50th .wending anniversary. or what is known as the Golden Wedding, lett to Mr, and Mrs. George Pollard came this pleasant experience, at their home in !RI -tassels last 'Mon- o ay. Perhaps Moan s,emaii{1 a tha:n, being spared to enjoy such ria celebration, is the fact that their children, six so.ns,and:three daugh- ters, are all living, six of whom were present on this glad occas'i,on. and ane a 1 1 v the best of health All. on o, Jt home prosper.arg. To say the,. the gathering was one of delight end unmixed pleasure to the 46 whoo assemblcd is not overstating case, and the meeting will hover be forgotten. �Siir. Pollard first saw d Isle the light of day an the Enheral d ac and if 5 Are "h 15.0P iota January on till nextdayJanuary will .recomdi his ,thelLalte and Tara. He was inn - 59th birthday. His good wife, cos pastotr ,at Brussels ,some Veers, whose enaid-a name was U\ema 'alll 5tattletts, was born in CorrearaIO ago. His wife was a Mfss Acheson, England, 76 veers ago last Marlch. men va1scgrottth beloved ernd gentle- Roth' found nheir way to Canada cat their youth. locating in Perth conn - vvvvwvv vvvvvvoiv vvuvvv „ „ ": District News. We're Bound la NvtRh/r/yM/y/MtI,A0kOot M/NNyhiM London Road Mr. Lawrence. Stevenson and Mr. Douglas Wheeler are taking in the Toronto Fair this week. The London Road Leaguers were pleased to have Mr. A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, who took the topic last week, Rev, Mr. Ford is expected to take the topic next week. Miss Tillie McCartney, - .f Clinton, and her cousin, _ Miss McCartney, d of Goderich, spent Labor Day with Mr. and Mrs. George Hanley. The farmers are very anxious about. the beau crop on account of the wee weather. Miss Roselli Livermore, of Toronto, is holidaying at her home here. Colborne Mr. and Mrs. M. Schwanz have re- turned from a short visit with their daughter, Mrs. C. Hoist, of Crediton, Mr. Geo, Bean and sister Elsie spent Sunday at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. L. Snyder. 'Miss Stella Jewell has returned to her home after spending a couple of weeks with her friend, Miss L Young. Mr. and Mrs. H. Forster and son Edwin, of Buffalo are spending their vacation with former's parents on the Maitland, The Harvest Home services at the Bethel appointment last Sunday morning and evening were well at- tended, Rev. A. W. Barker, of Sea - forth very ably occupied the pulpit, Rev. r a short e s n of l W. S. J'auh e o , Re . illness, died Wednesday snornluig at six o'clock unexpectedly. This was his fourth year as p1atiatorl of the Palmerston Methodist 'hunch and chairman ,of the Palnier(stop district. Deceased was formerly stationed at Hespeler, Hamilton' o , r i n Brantford, as al a -et e \\ ella�iiicl S3ran,tfoal N a Cestonuers who have used our Paris Grieen tell!us they. very quickly and success- fully put the potato bug out at business. 1 Now Let's `Swat the Fly You can kill more Flies in the quickest tithe 'With RCD tits D'OiSON than' by,any other knealns, In Sc and 10e, packages, 'Tanglefoot, Spiralette lily Paper Wilsons Fly Pads Dr.Williams Fly and In- sect Destroyer n-sect.Destroyer for your stock, Parisian Insect Powder. W. A. 1�Ic�.onn 1 1 Sealor: th A coal famine of no small propor- tions at present worries Seaforth, Orders are flowing in thick to local merchants, but no coal is forthcoming. Citizens fear the town is under a hoodoo, as other towns appear to be. well supplied, The public school board seem to be about the only fortunate ones, they having secured an early supply. Prospects are bright for the biggest and finest fair in the history of Sea - forth. The event occurs on Septem- ber 19 and 20. Prize lists have been issued and the directors have been extremely liberal in their cash prizes for exhibits of all kinde. Special prizes have also been donated by Ur. J. J. Merner, M. P., the Dominion Bank, the Canadian Bank of Com- merce, Stewart Bros„ 3, 0 Greig, Drs. Scott and Mackay, Thomas Meelicbael and Son, D.'1', Pinkney and A, D. Sutherland. Horse races will be no small feature of the fair. A 2.50 race, 2.40 trot and 2.10 pace are slated among other equine contests, Prac- tically every other regular form of in and sport will be staged addition, the cattle judging competition will undoubtedly attract large crowds. Nord. was received here Monday from Detroit of the death of Harold G. Willson, a former Seaforth boy, and a brother of Mrs. W. G. Willis, of this town. His death occurred at Harper Hospital, following an operation of a serious nature on Thursday. Deceased was a young man of exceptional pro- mise and unusual business ability, be- ing manager of the Detroit branch of, the Pittsburg Shafting Company at the time of his death, Mr. Willson was in his 31st year and besides his wife is suryivecl by his mother, Mrs. 0, C. Willson and two brothers and three sisters all living in Detroit with the exception of Mrs. W. Ellis, The funeral took place on Wednesday in Detroit, Last Monday do well attended meet. it ers was •i t members, , Huron Distx e in of 1 held ' in the town ball Clinton, pre- sided over by D. D. G. al, Marry Morris,of Goderich. Grand Master McEwng was here and gave a lengthy review of the Order, narrated' the steps in connection with the proposed raise of rates, and urged loyalty to No definite action was the -cause. taken by the meeting although a number were disposed to. object to the increase, adjudging it to he particularly embarrassing tel the old members. IMPROVEMENTS. Several raised cement blocks •have been taken up on the front street and AA new ones laid down, db ') Mrs. Moggridge, Ontario street,-ha's ': shad her house -re -painted,' " o The store of the Huh grocery is be- ing 'brightened up by 'the painter's brushy Anew summer kitehen has been blillt cit thee Ontario St. Parsonage, in.the township of I a,- tv, wa4yer svea+e joined gin; a4 t ears .ago; they J I together in tnat.n:crimpy by Rey • Mr: Evans.They ctntin'luod to snake their home in Logan and 'Hibbeett• townships until 1536, when they purchased a farm in Morris town- ship, Huron county, and eight years ago the (old folk decided to take a woll-oarh.od. pest, anci drov- 0,f'to Brussels. Their'children'ai The same rule appliies to motor Henry of Colonia, Micir, ; Thomas of I vehicles, .as well as others. The Saline' Creek, Sask. ; 'Georgie, of driver of any vehicle who does not Weston, opt.; Joseph of Port comply with these rules is -liable may,occur( a lit- damage •© ;the t u ostia Wash.; James, ofS �r n d Ja eter a g Y Townshend, St. Ste. 114uie,ont ; Charles on the' irodn,ruch non-obse�va'uce homestead, Morals township; Mts. F.f.ULLF,TT 1'EOPlaETvailce r1\ .aY Wasman of Clinton, .Ont.; Jolsn H. A. Swi Mrs. 7I. A. Switzer! o f Inwood, Ont.; what 'night have been a serious and 'Mrs. Samuel McGee of Port i accident occurred at the G. T. R. sta- Monday evening Townaheud: Of X27 gratnldeliildrleht, tion•at Blyth on pion v 16 were on. hand on ;Monday, - andel when -the horse belonging to Mr. John one of the two 'great gzlandchildreni Thompson, of Hellett, took - fright, Cecil George, the 14 -months -old son I per sumably ata box car, and became of 'Albert Pollard of Kincardilnet ' unmanageable. Mr. and Mrs Tnomp-;' wan also present. The other geeatson both jumped but were thrown to grandson is John Frederick Was- f the ground and were dragged some roan, of Nolan, New Mexico. whose I distance. The bit broke and the horse father, a eon of ,M'r, J.1”, Wlasmasei ran to the' Commercial Hotel sheds of Clinton, passed away recebttiy where 'it was caught and tied up. deeply regde,tted: Monday Toren Fortunately beth Mr. and Mrs. noon was spent an games audi roc- 1Thompson got off' with only a severe ial chat, ate rafter a well-prieipaend shaking up and some bruises. dinner, Mat Wal Stattoal,'of 'Mit- I FRESENTrLTION OF Shell, brother' to Mrs, Pollard, took the chair and a shalt': pr•'gattime f SILK Ui:IBRELLA. of congretulatotry and rernitn5sceint l The members of •Ontaatio Stretot speeches; was given. Photographs Church choke met at the home of ov-ere taken by Lesi:le Wasman, oaf lets Robert Downs Monday night Clinton, of the grand pa/tents, tam- laet and presented hitn with al silk ily. ,group, the grand children, sante- •umbrellla, prior to hi,s remo\ to an -law and datighters"4n-latas, and Woocletocic,'af.ter which they pro-. par. William Sadd:has made great improvements to his residenee.ann Victoria Street;' The :horne9'of:Mrs. F. Wise and: Mr. H, Pennebaker, High street. have been painted recently.:, 'A new raoflaii s --beet placed over the store at A, T. Cobper's, Mr, Chao, Lielykr is having part of a cement walk pu't down et his: resi- denee. The home of Albert Carter has had n e to the h Mr, an ,h regret with ?darts ant shingle roof pet on, a�s 1 a new g e a dtf nmol. hat pp �w ,s and Y l7 NIa's. D n STATUTORY ROAD R CLES. The statutes' of Ontario priovide that • when meets ng on the public, high -Ways drivers of rigs must turIn oat tothe right. If ovea'I'ya:king driverpass; another, the wishing to 1 a must turn outflto{the left, and/ the driven of the slower' veihicl:e Mnuet turn to the right, haus allowing room ion the faster vehicle to pass, Jtullett Miss Sadie East left Monday' morn- ing to resume her duties as' school neer Wailaceb ur , teacher g da e d with Mr. George 2lcti ittie Sun y his sister, Mrs. Jos. Carter. Mrs. Jas. O•rlclough is yisiting her son, Rev, Harvey Oolclougb, of Toron- to. . ;•Jiss Keethia We,yinouth returned r spending ndin a hmscta a fie g on T P. home y 0 e. cool week rvfth'her friend Miss Floye of Waterloo. The heavy rains are doing great damage around here. Orin- Cartwright and his sisters, Evelyn and Flossie, visited their aunt, Mrs. Argent. of Clinton. Wedding bells will ring south of Londesboro in the near future. Fred.Toll and d his two sisters lI r. Mr. Mr, Thos. home of visited at the Adams, jr, on Sunday. A S Oil ICF! At . one of the summer re- sorts nearby, a lady who had draggebeyond d to safety by near- by friend, she observed that the water was' Tepidly.cariry- ing her switch and puffs away, she shouted to the res- cuer, "Save my hair I" but the rescuer simply replied,— "Madam, I'm a life saver, not a hair restorler," so you bet- ter get a bottle of REX.ALL HAIR TONIC & SHAMPOO, and gent, your own hair. The rescuer might have come pleted his advice by inform- ing the lady that these goods could bepurchased at the REX ALL STORE. W.S.R. Holmes F'hm'B. Londeshoro Rev. Dr. Medd, of Goderich, spent Monday here. Mr. Tom Lyon is visiting in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Lyon spent the holidays' with Mrs John Spindler,.of Lucknow. o take left t n has Tamblyn Mr. Will Y his school in Toronto. We wish Will ' success. Woodham, Mr. 1\I. E. Hooper, of, spent Sunday here. The trustees of S. S. No. 10, East' Wawanoshi�rave.engaged Miss Myrtle Phillips as their teacher at a salary of $600. They are to he congratulated on securing su££h a good teacher. Thomas y`>,'ccytt, of the G. T. It. sec- tion here has been promoted to the City of Stratford and left' here on Monday for his new field of labor. George Lyon has set far recovered. that he took a trip with his wife to Lucknuw for the Labor Day Exam -- Sion. Not many from these parts went to the Toronto Fair. There have been only two cars of. coal come to this village this sbasoe and neither -of them was chestnut. Our dealers are still hopeful of supply- ing the people, The annual meeting of the Holten Branch Bible Society will be held in Thursday the Methodist Church on 1'h y evening, September Jath at S pp m, Mr. J. D. Mackenzie, McNaughton,' will give an address illustrated by biews. Rev. C. Mustard, of Torou,to sup- plied for Rev. Pearcy last Sunday and will again next, Sunday, The threshing' machines areFbusy' now. The grain has been rushed irate the barns iel a web state and fanners thresh h b efare i t spoils'too ',ot want' tt h great grand son, glad graundi'pan- mats Thu family presented father' and mother with a well filled purse. All too quiticly .the day'si,pleasure cain.e to an end clad soolnittheitlunhe, shyin.a "Good :Bye" arrived with.. the ,expressions, of many good^wish ea earl the li,d•ps that the worthy old couple migght yet, be sputa( a number of yeasts to • their family. Mn'. and Mrs, Pollard hold ailegia.r'ide not are h andp '. u church ,Mh a A e it . m s. weather rn b ' nt whenp oft n se cee(ded to J?Sartliff's irsestau:r'atllt. where ,a splendid spread awaiitrgld them in honor of thein+, gueeee YLr Downs has for anany years bee a, valued member of the clto,ir', 'being the principal bass .:soloist.•and his removal from town ie` very, ' much regretted, ,riot only by the ttttlghu- bet's of the cho.iiti, but by, the con- gregation in general, all of whom join in wishing Me. Downs great,. success cin. hill atow home. Clinito(n e• A cement foundation is being built Many relatives and olid friends join . o a,nd roes .y .b ' a under the Salvation Army barracks, in best wishes to Mr. and Siris Pol- miasvy happy _p Yetis Wm,:.Elliot;: doing the work; lard in ay t,be:their'S Iln,Woocistoelc, Thi sT STILE amus w uuu, S. are-dofn ,.,, S. No,S 4tees of€ The fru, with one teacher and 5.6asto be veryg 1 nide to t'he'sectfon have,sl pplied then with Mr. Honey. (ri: exec eiothinu 0 d;r� ID Ten. only Scotch Tweed Suits made to order, every pattern good, regular 20.00 c 00 values, _ O and .o wig Morro. "Keep the wheels going during the slack month of August. Straw Mats For Men and Boys During this sale we are clearing out all our 1.5o and 2.0.0 Straw Hats at ee --•—o- - Don't Miss This Opportunity to I Save Money. Meo's Ta tors ald,Feraisilcrs AWAY TO THE WEST, ver 4 '000 harvesters w ent Vest last week to as at gatheriling•^ ' reaMe as stiltr1 and an the rent harvest more to fol'low."