The Clinton New Era, 1912-08-22, Page 7IS DOCTORS ADVISE OPERATIONS Saved by Lydia E. Pinkham's e Vegetable Compound. Swarthmore, Penn. — "For fifteen years I suffered untold agony, and for one period of nearly two years I had hala- 1 orrhages and the doctors told me I would have to un- dergo an operatieb, but I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound and am in good health now. I am all over the Change of Life and ;cannot praise yourVegetable Compound ltoehighly. Everywoman should take it at :that time, I recommend it to both old and young for female troubles."—Mrs. 'EMILY SUMMBitsGiLL, Swarthmore, Pa. 'Canadian Woman's Experience: .f; Fort William ., Ont.— "I feel as if I (could not tell others enough about the 'good Lydia B, Pinkham's Vegetable 'Compound has done for me. I was weak and tired and I could not rest nights. A friend recommended your Compound and soon gained health and strength and could not wish to sleep better. I know other women who have taken it for the same purpose and they join me in prais- ing it "--Mrs. WM. A. BUM, 631 South 'Nicker Street, Fort Williams, Ontario. Since. we guarantee that all testimo- , Dials which we publish are genuine, is it . not fair to suppose that if Lydia E. Pink- :bana's Vegetable Compound has the vir- tue to help these women it will help any other woman -who is suffering in a like manner? • If you want special advice 'write to Lydia E. Mulch= Medicine Co. (confi- dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will I be opened, read and 'answered by a all'Onlau and held in strict confidence. By Luis Tracy Copyright by McLeod & Allen, Toronto CHAPTER, VIIL Breakers Ahead. The Earl's title -borrowing irom Shakespeare was certainly justified by current events, for Dromio of Emliesus .. a MONTREAL, a tre - r THE STANDARD is the Neti5tT3l Weekly Newspaper bf the Dominion bf Canada. A- It is national in nil ats It uses the af5st 'expensive' 'Enerifere gs, procuring the photographe front pll over the world. Its articles are carefully selected and its editotials, policy. la thoroughly Independent. i A eubscriptiori td The Standard posts $2.00 per year to any addreSS Nanada, 'or Great Britain. TRY. IT Fog 1912! JILIVIontreal Standard Publishing Cole P• Limited, Publishers. and Dromio of Syracuse, to say noth- ing of their masters, were no bad pro- totypeS of the chief actors in this Bristol comedy. Simmonds, not knowing who might have it in mind 1.0 investigate the latest defott. in his car, , decided it would be WiSe to disappear until Vis- count Meclenham was well quit of Bristol. By arrangemeat 'with Dale, therefore, he picked up the latter soon after. the Mercury was turned over to Medenham's bands; effect, the one chauffebr took the other on a 'bus. driver's beliday. Dale was free until two °Week. At that hour he would depart for ' Hereford and ; meet his master, With arrangements made tor the night as usual; meanwhile, the da.y's prograname included a. pleasant hatwas expected to'nieg them here ,bad broken down." Suddenly his lordship, a, 'county magistrate noted for his sharpness, glanced at Simmoncla. He marched round to the front of the oar and saw that It was reqstered,in London. He waved an accusing umbrella in air. What car is this? Is 'this the mo- tor that won't go? It Seems to haVe .reached Bristol all right? Now, my Men, I must have a candid tale, from each of you, or the consequences may be most disag-reeable. You, I pra• sumo," and he lunged en tierce at, ,Sinamoncls, "have an employer of some sort, end I shall make it my bus!, ness-e - 'This fe my own oar, m7 lord," said Simmonds Wily. He could be stub- born as any member of the Upper House .when occasion served,. "Your lordship needn't use any tlareats. Just ask me what you like an' I'll an- swer, if I can." , Fairholme, by no means a hasty man CONSU _PTION HOOK MoitEbtitA, Sao. STEPIIMN, N.B. Jan. eeth. vera. "1 wislilb tell yon of the great good "Fruit-a...eves" have done for me. For years, I was a martyr to Chronic Consh- little r un to Bath and back th - • In e ordinary affairs of llle, and only pation and. Stomach. Trouble. I was It was a morning that tempted to upset pow by the unforeeen annoy- greatly run down and my friends feared the road, but both men had risen ear- ances of an unaiiiially disquieting rale- ly, and a pin of beer seemed to be sion realized that he was losing cast p. I had Consumption, I tried'numerous n almost indispensable preliminary. ' - v• -doctors and all kinds of medicines, but a It was a novel experience to be reb,uk- re eived no relief until advised to try From Bristol to 13a.th is no distance to speak of, so a slight dallyMg over the beer ied to an exchange of recent news. . Dale, it will be remembered, 'Was of eporting bent,. and he told Shun:tends gleefully of his successful bet at Fp- ed by a chauffeurbut he had the sense by to swallow the wrath. McCready of , ewenneetieese Mr."Perhaps I ouallt to explain that I St. Stephen, and am pleased to say that I now enjoy excellent health. "Fruit - am particularly anxious to see Lord a-tives" are the best medicine made, Medenbam," he said more calarnaa n1 and I strongly advise my friends to left London at eight o'clock this morn- use them". . • Ing, and it is most irritating to have I•ITJGH McKENNA.. . missed him by a few ruluutee, I only "Five golden quidlets his lordship wish to be assured as to his where- "Fruit-a-tives" is the only medicine that will positively and completely shoved into me est at Brighton, he abouts, and, of course, I have no rea- cure Constipation. This wonderful chortled. "Have you met Shith, who 6304 to believe that any sort of respon- compound of fruit juices acts directly is lookin' after the Vrenolunan's Du °ability for my son's movements rests on the liver. causing this' organ to , Vallon? No? Well, he was timie, an' with his goggles nearly cracked when he «That's all right, my lord," said Sim - saw the money paid—two points over monde. "Viscount Medenha.m was the market price, an' an." very kind to me last Wednesday. I "Sometimes one spots a winner by aad a fret -rate job, and was on ray chance," observed Simmonds judicial- way to the Savoy Hotel to take it up, ly. "An' that reminds ine. Last night when a van ran into rne an' smashed a fella tole me there was a good thing the transmission shaft. Ills lordship at Rempton to -day.. . . . ...Now, what met me in Down Street an' offered to was it?" kiln my two ladies to Epsom an' along Dale instantly became a lexicon of the south coast for a day or tveo while weird -sounding words, for the British I repaired damages. I was to turn up turf is exceedingly democratic in its here—an' here I ana—but It slatted his pronunciation of the classical and for- arrangements better to go on with the eign names frequently given to race- tour, an' that is all there is to it. A horses, His stock of racing lore was bit of a joke, I call it." eked out by reference to a local paper; nyem, my lord, that's hit hexactly," still Simmonds scratched an uncertain put in Dale, with a nervous eagerneei pate. that demanded the help of not less "Pity, too!" he said at last. 'This than two aspirates. chap had it ;from his nevvy, who oar' The Earl managed to restrain 'moth - Med the sister of a housemaid at er outburst. Beckampton." DON'T NEGLECT YOUR WATCH A 'WATCH is a delicate piece 11. of machinery. It calls for kss attention than most machinery, but must be cleaned and olied occasigriallY to keep perfect time. With proper care a Waltham Watch will keep perfect time for a lifetime. It will pay you a well to let us clean your watch every 12 or 18 months. W. R. Co linter Jeweler and Optician. lisuer of Marriage Licenses. . "Nothing to cavil at so far," he said Dale whiatled, Here was news, in- with foaced composure. "The only deed. Beckharapton! the home of point that remains is—where is Lord "Yes. Something real hot ever a "Medenbam now?" Somewhere between here an' Glou- "good things?" mile," cester, my lord," said Simmonds. "Can't you think? Let's look again . "Gloucester -'that Is not on the way at the entries," to London!" . "Walt a bit," cried Simmonds. "I've . No reply; neither man was willing got it now. Second horse from the tO ben the cat. Finding Simmonds top of the column in to -morrow's en- a tough customer, Fairholme tackled. tries in yesterday's Sportsman." tale. Dale understood exactly what the "Genie, come. this is rather absurd." other man meant, and, so long as he he cried. "Fancy my son's chauffeur understood, the fact may suffice for ibbing at nay questions! Once and to give results or money sefun(clard, the rest of the world. er all, Dale, wkere. shall I find Lord , Don't forget the: name. Memo' "Tell you wot," he suggested eager - 'll run to ; ein denhato-night?" There was no escape now. Dale for all kinds of Rheumatism. ly, "when you're ready we Dale - the station an' arsk the bookstall Deo- read to blurt out the fatal word: ple for yesterday's paper." "Hereford! The inquiry, the search, the tri- ' "Are you sure?" . , umphant discovery, the telegraphing ''yea, my- lord. I'm goin' tbere with C.P.R. Train Derailed. e .e. of the "Information" and a sovereign :iis lordship's portmanteaux." , North Bay, Aug. 19.—Winnipeg-T0- to Tomkiuson in Cavendish Square— : the head of the Fitzroy clan turn, ranee Express No. 4 left the rens near "five bob each way" for each of the ed to eimmonde again. Nichols n Station, early Saturday two—all these things took time, and : "177111 you drive Me to Gloucester?" morning. The accident was caueed time was very precious to Dale just he asked. by a broken rail. then. Unhappily, time is often mute , No, my lord. I'm under contract The baggage., express, colonist and as to its value, and Bath is really to remain in Bristol five days." firsteclass cars left the rails and went quite close to Bristol. a 'Very well. Stop in Bristol, and be , down an embankment. 1 • ton stable was safely launched— 1 The choice secret of the Beckhainpe id—d to you. Is there any reason why i The engine, diner and Pullin/in re- ou should not take meto pick up my , mamed on the track. an's belongings? then e I can go i Conductor Robert Lidkea of North o Hereford by train. Viscount llle- ' Bay and Baggageman R. Blackman . . . extract more bile from the blood, an o give up more bile to move the bowels regularly and naturally. • pc a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, es. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives I,itnited, Ottawa. Lest 6 VIII.—Third Quarter, For Aug. 1912. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Luke iv, 16-30. Memory Verses, 18, 19—Golden Text, John 11 (R. V.)—Cernmentary Pre- pared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. According to the harmonies of the gospels, tbie lesson takes us back in the story a long distance, back to a time before' the eermon on the Mount, to -a time soon after the first miracle at Cane and the 'fleeting with the wo- man of Samaria, according to Matt. xiii, 54-58; Mark vi, 1-6. He did re- visit Nazareth after the events in last week's lessee and taught In the syna- gogue, but could do mighty work, ex• cept healing a few sick folk, because of their unbelief. They were Betonished at His wisdom, but they were offended at Him and said: "Whence hath tills man all these things? Is not this the Carpenter, the Son of Mary, the brother of James and Joses and of Juda and -Simon, and are not his sisters here with us?" Be only replied, "A prophet is not without Donor -bat In his own couutry and among his own kb n and in his own house." Because He Med sornethipg similar in our les- son for today some one must have thought the Incidents the same, mad the more perhaps because Luke only records this, and, only Matthew ana Marls the other. The incident of this lesson occuared very early in His mire istry, while that was much later, and was probably His lest visit to eNtiza• reth. Turning to this lesson, we' note net it was His custom to go to syna gogueon the Sabbath day, and It could not have been for the benefit received from any .discourse there, but there was always a portion read trove the law, the prophets and the psalms, aud that could not but be profitable to a - ARRESTED AT GODERICti, truly devout mind. Forsaking the as- sembling' together,is one of the cona- ---- mon and increasing sins of our day, Young Mate Charged With a eeriouS disobeying Heb. x, 25, There is a Offence great forsaking of the house of God and despising of His word, but all things . hasten to the consummation, and the kingdom shall be the Lord's. On this particular Sabbath He was asked to read, and there was given Him the roll or book of the prophet Isaiah. Finding the place known to us as chap- ter la, He read just a few sentences and closed the book or roll and gave it again to the minieter and sat down. With what expression He mu t have read! It was surely according to Neb. vlii, 8. He read distinctly and gave the sense, and now, having taken His seat, Be was about to cause then a to hear. Be was about to cause them to understand the reading. We do not wonder th.; the eyes of all in the synagogue were fastened on Him (verse 20), for if this was His first reading it was the. first time they had ever heard the Son of God read from His oWn book. How vsonderful and startling were the words Be uttered, "This day is this Scripture fulfilled in your earsl" (21.) For a literal fulfill, ment of each sentence that Be read siee Luke vil, 22; vii, 12; viii, 42; ix, 30; sill, 16; John ix. It wa.s so through all His toinietry. Anointed - with the Holy Ghost and with power, Be went about doing good and healing all that were 'oppressed of the devil, for God was with Him (Acts x, 88). They could not but wonder at His gracious words, and yet they could not forget that He was their own townsman, who had been brought up in their midst, whom they had seen and known day by day for nearly thirty year% Had Be not made and mended their plows and yokes many a time? What could He mean by His reference of that Scripture to Himself? Whom did He think Himself to be? Truly they knew Hira not; but, ob, if they only had be- lieved His word and inquired of Him more fully and meekly, bow grand it might lave been for thenil What heartache (as we would say) Israel always gave him, drawing from Him such weeds as: "Oh, that they were wise, that they understood, that they Would consider!" "If thou hadst Imownl" "How often would I, * * *, end ye would notl" "Israelevould none of me" (Deut 29e Luke xix, 42; Matt. xerlit, 87; Ps. land, 11). How pattent and long suffering He has been!, But there is a limit, and so they have been scattered now these many cen- turies, and Be has been keeping si- lence, bearing with Ms church and the nations and the devil, but there was a sentence in Isaiah which Be did not read that day at Nazareth. Be stopped just as He came to it and shut the book. We are still living in the acceptable year cif -the Lord and still \waiting for the day of vengeance of our God upon His enemies and the time to comfort all who mourn in Zion (lea' lxi, 2, 8; Jail, 4). See Ps. 1, 1-8; Ise. lave 15, 16. They seem to have been offended not only at Ells saying, but also because He did not in their town some 02 the mighty works He had done at Caper- naum. Be reminded them that in the days of Elijah and Efisha it was not a widow or a leper in Israel who was In a special manner helped, but a widow of Sidon and a leper from Syria, al- thpugh at that time there were many widows and lepars in Israel. It seenis strange that when people of their own will cut themselves off from blessings they grow angry because they are not bleseed. But such is the perversity of the carnal mind, which is enmity against pod. Those words about 1911- jah and Ensile filled them with'wrath, and they would have killed Ellin befl He not slipped away frOD3 them. Harry Stowe, about 30 years of age, galve his address as 4 Soho street, Toronto, was arrested in Goderich by Detective Murray Wednesday, charg ed with a serious offence :Against a young girl of Haat town. Stowe left Goderich some time ago for Hamilton end was married there. With his wife he came to Toronto. He had been married but a few weeks when the po'ice received instructions to arrest him. LOOK FOR SIGNATURE Every esenulne package of Itheurao bears signature B. VeMare Rheum° is sold by J. tge Honey in Clinton and Blietimo' is guareluaded) its speculative element, at any rate— , and Dale was about to seat himself Piano urchwers shod/ noMsain esleep hte frl ' del ne,DOIIERTY 1;9 hof value on cilia e 9.f the Best Equipped no Factories in Canada . Doherty Piano and Organ Co, Limited Faetoriee and Efentd Office CLINTOFf, ONT. (Wastrels Branch, 280 HARGRAVE STREET, WINNIPEG. MAN besicle'Siramonds, when an astonished enlaam is devilish particular about of Toren o were i 3 and abate:what trate °id gentleman i his linen. If I stick to his shirts V Jowly. Three passengers received hooked the handle of an umbrella in- 1 shall meet him sometime to -day, I wounds but will be able to continue to his collar and shouted: suppose." their journey to -Torcato. "Confound you, Dale: What are sinimonds sought Dale'S. counsel by A. special military train with the you doing here, and where is your mas- , an undertook, but that hapless sports. i Stratheona Horse from Winnipeg, ter?" I an could offer no suggestion, so the thavieg sixteen cars with harses and men passed aafely over; the spot Dale's tanned Race grew pale; Ills , other made the best of a bad business. ears and eyes assumed the semblance • "I'11 do that, of course, my lord," where the wreck occurred not an hoar of a scarred rebbit's,. and the power he said with alacrity. "Just grab his before. The regiment was on its way of speech positively failed him. lordship's dressing-oase from that pot, to Petawawa camp for special train - "Do you hear me, Dale?" cried the ter and shove it inside," he went on, ing. Earl, that instant alighted from a cab. eying Dale fiercely, well knowing that "I am asking you where Viscount Me, the whole collapse arose from a cause Tagged Boy Is Lost. . denbam is. If he has gone to. thaen, but too easily traced. • Lonclem, Ont., Aug. 19.—Conductors why have you reraained at Bristol?" "No, no," broke in the Earl, whose on railroad trains all the way from "But hie lordship haen't gone to Lon- Magisterial experiences had taught ea, tmy lord," stuttered Dale, finding him the wisdom of keeping witnesses' his yoice at last, and far too flustered apart; "Dale comes with me. I want to collect his wits, though he realia to sift this business thoroughly. Put ed isa a dazed way that it was his duty the case in front. We can pile the to act exactly as Viecount ldedenham other luggage ` on top of it. NoV7; would wish him to :Act in such tee- Dale, jump inside. Your friend knovss. Ins circumstances. where fo go, I expect." • And, indeed, many very very clever Time did two bizarre elements in - people might have found themselves trude themeelves into the natural of sinking in some unexpected quicksand things on that fine morning in the and be not one whit less .bemused than the Miserable. chauffeur. Morally, he had givet the only -possible ansWer that left open a. way of escape, and he had torn:led' a sufficiently shrewd estimate of the. relations between his master and the remarkably good -look- the of e Beckhampton house - lug young lady -whom the said mas- amid, became the predominating fac- tor in a sittiatiori that effected the for times. of several notable people., For his part, Lord Fairholme' gave no further. thoughteto Marignya It did pot even .occur to film it raight be ad- visable to call even at the College Green Hotels, since •1Viedenham had 'slept elsewhere, and Hereford Was now the goal. Certainly, the French- man's good; fairy might have pushed holme would haslet on Dale's dime:- ear geed offices to excess by permit - sal when he discovered the faets. 'Talk Ong him to See; careering about Brie - et the horneddilemma-re-here dilemma-rere wee an tol with a' Pair of chauffeurs, the man unfortunate Raked to choose which Whom ,lie believed to he theu on the bristle Of pOrOUp1118 he would sit up- way to London. But fairies are un - OIL • creetures, apt to be off with a' The mere presence of his lordship slop; eke), and a Junap, and, in any in Bristol betokened a social atmos• pase, Marigny.-- Weea writing 'explicit In- phere cbarged with electrIcitY-0._ itructionseto Dever, thotige he would phase of the preblem . that constituted • e been eat More profltably.empdoy- the only clear item tn. Dale's Seething in lona:Oleg outade the hotel. brain: it was toe much,-eor hitil; in So everybody was dissatistied, niore lludden desperation he determined to r less, the 1" -Mating Pale Plere..1W- Stick to the erlakii• truthe pa, then any, and the pereM Veno He had to elect very quickly, for d absolutely no sh,adow of care on tbe peppery -tempered Earl would not s soul was qtlecienham himself, at book delay. at moment. guiding the Mereery Pilot gone to London, you say? ng el:Le eplendid highway that bon - Then where the devil has he gone to? eats palette with Gloucester—taking A gentleman at the hotel, a French ' a gentleman, who sald he had met theee-athese per:lona,' with wliona my son is gadding about the .eountry, told me that they,,had lett 'Brietel this moreire Ter London, because a car West of England. The very shortness ef the road between Bristol and Bath apparently offered an insuperable ob- stacle to the passage of elimmonde car along,. It, and some unknown "chap " whine "nevvy" bad married 'ter was serving with 'exemplary dili- gence to Max diee consequences to hinmelf if he became the direct cause of a broken idyl. The position was even worse if he fell back ma 'an ar- tistic lie. The Earl was a dour per- son where servants were concerned, and Salome- did net demand John the Baptist's head an aasalver with great- er gusto than the autocrat of Fair - Mountain Grove, Mies., to Montreal have been on the watch since- Aug. 14 for a ten -year-old boy who was lOat en route to Montreal. He was dis- covered here by a Grand Trunk con- ductor, who ran through London Fri- day night. - 140 was ticketed and tagged from Mountain Grove to Battleford 10 Si. Louis, vie Wabash to Detroit and Wiredsoi and through to Montreal. - .• I'TTfl 'flting Edi one ee Women Appreciate the value of good looks—of a fine com- plexion, a skin free from blemishes, bright eyes and a cheerful demeanor. Many of themIcnow, also,what it means to be free from headache, backaches, lassitude and extreme nervousness, because many have learned the value of BEECHAM'S PILLS as the most reliable aid to better phys- ical condition. Beeeham's Pills have an unequaled reputation because they act so mildly, but so certainly and so beneficially. By clearing the system, regulating the bowels and liver, they tone the stomach and improve the digestion. Better feelings, better looks, better spirits follow the use of Beech- am'a,ekells so noted the world over • flpRaOf evetatainaging beauties of the - J Ui Their Continued neat Week ects everywhere. 26e. iVeraen especialir ebOuld read the direction' with every box. • Page 7 A POOP P7onzan Ae she is termed, will. endure bravely end patiently agonies which a etroog meat NvOrd4 tive Piny wider. The fact is 'matron are snore petient deal they °Nan to be meter math troubtee. ; Everyeromim, might to know that the may obteirt . the rnest experienced medical advice free of charge and in absolute coefideetej and privecy,by welting to the Warld's Dispensary Medierd Association, R. V. ' pieroc, M. Da President, Buffalo, N. y. Dr. Pies -ca has been chief consulting physician of the Invelids' Hotel and Surged. Ineetute of Buffalo, y., for ulanY Yeare,spd has had a wider melded expcxience in the treatment -ere wornen's disemies Oleo any other ettrysloian in thie country. ' His medicines are world-famous for their astonishing efficsey. The most perfeci remedy ewer devised for waide read deli- cate women is Dr. Plearreas Favnearte Facteleeedon. IT MAKES WEAR WOMEN STRONG. SICK WOMEN WELL. The many and varied symptoms of woman's peculiar ailments are fully set forth in Hain English in the People's Medical Asivieer (1008 pages), a newly revised and up-to-date Edition, cloth -bound, will be sent on receipt of 50 one - cent stamps to pay cost of 'wrapping end mailing only. Address as above. DARROW NQT Labor GUILTY Organization Had Paid Him $200,000 for Legal . Fees Prosecuting Attorneys Will Press Fur- ther Accusation—Judge, Jurors and Court Officials C,owd Around . Famous Lawyer and Publicist to Congratulate Him on His Acquittal of the Charge. Los Angeles, Aug, lg.—Clarence S. Darrow, the re ted Chicago lawyer, was `found not guilty Saturday of the charge of bribing a juror in the Mc- Namara east. The jury was oat just 34 minutes. Only one ballot' was taloa and each juror voted nob guilty. Although warned against any de- monstration by the bailiffs, there wee a spontaneous outburst of applause wifen the_ foreman, in response to the court's query, stated that the jury had found_ a verdict of not guilty. Them Was a rush te the eide of Darrow, which was stopped by the bailiffs. but it was rtnewed a few moments later, when judge Huthon thanked and e.:scharod the jury. Darrow approaehed the jurore still in the boxto thank them and two of them threw their ems about him and patted his back, The sceee gradually resolved itself a reception Inc Darrow and the Jurors and friends of the erstwhile defendant croweed, up to congratu- late and shake hands with the jurors, while the fiashliehts of newspaper photographers bocitned from every angle of the ceurtroom. Court offi:ials, including Judge Hut- ton, joined in the cengratulations. and Mrs. Darrow, to whom 'the trial Was a continuoue nervoue strain, stood - speechlessly happy with one hand in her husband's and the other wringing those:•of the jurors. Stoped at every eta') by pedestrians. who wanted td shake hen le •vith it required near:y a half hour for Mr. Darrow to make his way two blocks to a cafe, where lie end a small groap of frienels, went for lunchenn. In his charge to the jury Judge Hutton elimipatea the emt count in the indictment, that Darrow hal brib- ed George N. Lockwocel. a rceularly drawn juror. in the case of J. 11. Mc- Namara. The evidence, Judge Hut- t& instructed, (lid not justify a vele diet of guilty on the first _count. The second count (sheared Detrow ' • 2 with attempting corruptly to influ- ence a man abeut to- be drawn as a juror. The court alai ingructed' that a , verdict of guilty could not be found on .the uncorroboreted evidenee of ao- eomplices. "If von had nn lenee indceen- ,, eiene a tile testimony of accomplices," said the judge, you must find the defendant not guilty." "Admissions made by aceompliees - of the defendant should not he le- garded as eorroberative. The testi- mony of a feigned accomplice, how- ever, does not require corroboration." This instruction applied to Lock- wood. Darrow must stand trial on a se - coni indictment, according to an an- nouncement made by District Atter- diately after the nallY1117111t:dl.erieks irame Darrow apparently was uneoncerned over the staternent of the prosecutor. He was deluged with telegrams from all parts of the country, which began pouring in within an hour after the verdict had been given. Mr. IJarrow's attorneys expressed incredulity when informed that there would be a trial on the Bain indict- ment. They assented that all of the evidence in the Bain case had been submitted in the trial just ended. Two o'clock next Monday lia.s been fixed as the tale for the trial of the second indictment against Darrow— that charging camplicifa in the at- te.rapt to bribe juror Bain. District Attorney Fredericks spoke bitterlylate Saturday of the verdict. "We simply could not overcome the damnable atmosphere that counsel on the other side created to the court- room," he said. "As long as the court laelalso.wed them to do it -we were help - Legal Fees Were $20,000. Indianapolis, Atm. 19. --In an 80 - page book Just issued, thJ American Federation of Labor makes, an ea - counting for the $236.,105 found col- lected for the defence of 1. T. and J. B. McNamara in the Los Angeles dynamite cases. The expenditures were $227,911.85. There were nioree than five ttousa.nd contributors, The lkrgeit disbursement.; were to Clar- ence Darrow. Money paid to Darrow, and itemiz- ed only as "expenses on Elc001.111t at- torney's fees in McNamara legal de- fence case," totalled $200,000. To Leo M. Rappaport of Indianapolis the payment totalled $11,000. To Henry Seyfried, Indianapolis, $2,500. Darrow obtained his money usually in pay- ments of $10,000 each. "Vomit pohod.iflo, 27te Great Booties jtonterty. Tones and invigeratesthewhele nervous system, makes new load in old 'coins. Corea Nor). one bowilo, Afentat and Brain Worry, Deo. vondeney, $exual Weakness, Entiooions. 'bor. inatordora, and BrectO of Abase or Excesses. Pricefil per box, six for $5. One willplease, aix willoare. Sold by all druggists or mailed in plidn pkg. on rebeipt, of price. NOW pamphlet ranted fret___. The Woo• Medicine Co. _ liforontly WZndoert •°Tonsil" ant AFTER ANY sickness, Scott's Emulsion increases the appetite and builds strength rapidly. Its wonderful nourishment assists nature in restoring health. 411 Druggists. sem- & Bovine, ioroato, Oat, 'M. 12-7 Bull Attacks Faraer. Galt, Aug. 19, --Thomas White, a farmer of Brachton, was attacked by a mad bull Saturday, while going through a field, and -was knocked down several times. The sides of his head and body were badly bruised. While down OA the ground he man- aged to take hold of a ring in the ani- mal's nose, but the arrival of his dog imeoubtedly saved his life. The pres- ence of the dog attracted the atten- tion of the infuriated beast and as it did so, Mr. White got to a place of safety. Prisone, Wear Overalls. Kenora, Ont., Aug. 19.—E. R. Rog- ers, inspector of ptisons and public charities, has issued instructions to the sheriff to see that the prisoners in the local jail here who may be em- ployed oraethe construction of the new registry office are clothed in ordinary blue or brown everells while going to and ' from, their work, The men will thus not appear on the streets isa etill uniform' e'en NE RVOILT S °DEBILITY • .. a OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure you and make a man of you. Under Its influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that all pimples, blotches and mem Ilea up; the, nerves become strong as, steel, so that nervousness, basIguiness and despondency disappear,' thedsyes become bright, the face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and mental systems are invigorated; all drains cesse-mo more vital waste from the system. tou feel yourself a man and know marriage cannot be a failure. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars, 0 Pr NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Peter E. Summers relates his experience: ' "I was troubled witla Nervous Debility for many years. 1 layit to indiscretion and excesses in youth. I became very despondent and didn'tcare whether I worked or not. I imagined everybody who looked at me guessed my secret. Imaginative dreams at night weakened me—my back ached, had pains in the back of my head, hands and feet wero cold, tired in the morning, poor appetite, lingers were shaky, eyes blurred, hair loose, memory poor, etc. Numbness in the fingers set ill and the doctor told me lie feared pamlysis. I took all kinds of medicines and tried many firstelasa physicians, wore an electric belt for three ' BENIFIC TrtrAimENT MOntbs, but received little benefit. I was induced to consult D. Icedy Et Kennedy, though I had lrsost all ennfaith in Ar ,--ER 1611rarstilr is doctors. Likes drowning man I commenced Me 'New METHOD TREATMENT and it saved my life. The improvement*as like magic—I could feel the vigor going through the nerves. I was cured mentally and physically. I have sent theia many patients and contIntle tO do so. ,•• 0 CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We treat and Cure 'VARICOSE VEINS. NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and all Diseases 13 e c CirN tSoUMI. . To nik, T I 0 N FREE. BOOKS FREE. If unable to e,a11 write for a Qdestion Meek for Home Treatment. . , DRS.KENNEDYIkKENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., 'Detroit, Mich. NOTICE to our Canadian Correspondence Depart - All letters from Canada must be addressed' simmonimams inent in ;Windsor, Ont. If you desireto see u5 personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat a• patients in our 'Windsor offices *which sire for Conespondenee and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: en.... it..... ..... ....1.40,•. eirldbraa di 40 DRS. KENNEDY dc KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. ....