HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-08-22, Page 6iele'-e14edereefesc•
eie es.
The Find Yeti tieyo AlWaye Bought, and -which has been
in us° for °ter 30 Years, ball borne the signature or
and bn$ been made under Ins per -
Swede al:Ttellea 0..1 511100 Ilis in fancy,
AlV,,*l On One 1,0 fleeCi'Ve you in. this. -1
All Counterfeits, Inatitatione ;ma JliSt-nS-g00(1." are but '
Experiments that trifle with. and endanger the health of
Infants and Clsildeen--Esperienee against Experiment.
What eesea
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-
goric, Drops and SootItines Setups:. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Oesittati, Idorpltitte. nor other lerareatie
substance. its age is its', gnarance Id destkosys Wortne
and. allays Fe-eurisbness. _It (sures' DiarrImea and 'Wind
Colic. It relieved Teething' Tresuiales, euxes Censtipatioix
and Flatuleneg. It assimiletes the ).looti, regulates the
Stomach anti .Dovecls, giving healthy ;testi. mittaral
Childrenletenaccoe-':a..) illotheles Friend,
1, puled titles, it '). eii.d tile aecittder
I 'will refuse Or aeeept applications, ftom
\those -who tresisaeSed in order. tii Of,
011 the ground early. ff1i.1 provinstal
police may be ci.lied npon to,clear the
limits under the lisivs cif ticispass, be-
fore the official opening to -night at
Toronto men who are ••ai("l to be re.
presented in the scrimmage for damn?
were W. S. 1c1 rd A. G. Minter,'
W. B. Clare and M. i .
London Ontario
As the dates of tlais Popu'ar Ex-
hibition draw nearer the indications
are that with good weather, this will
be a -banner year. Everything possible
is being done by the management in
preparation for the great event A
new Art Building will be ready for
the grandest display of paintings ever
seen in London. The amusement pro-
gramme will be the hest ever. Two
good Speed events daily. Live Stock
parade of all prize animals daily at
1,30 P, M, The Besses o' th' Barn
Band, of Cheltenham, England, one
of the best brass bands of the world
will, in addition to other hands, dis-
course the hest of music daily. The
great Seauert -Riding Combination
and Esquestrienne Act, twice daily,
will he a 'wonder. The Gleedale
Troupe,the great aerial ,perforruerS,
the Bra,ggaar I3ros. and the Labelle
,• ORA ALWAYS and Eddy Troupes in their Cotatedy
INE A ..m.,..
Acts, the great acrobats, the Martel.
lonis, and leans and his mule and
ars the Signatir:e of
ttvice daily that hes never been sur -
many others will give a programme
passed, Fireworks every night ,in -
1 eluding the great Motorcycle Race and
the Bombardment of Teipoli. Grand
Stand 15c. and 23c. Reserved section
50c. The Midway • will be the best
ever, clean, ins.truetive and arousing.
The dates are Sept, 6th to 14th. All
information may be obtained from the
Secretary, General Office, Landon,
The 1..(1n.d You Ray( Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
11 A •ff rilT epee r vaouSancleact I aor. y.1 of NI-.7sTto:pencltaorf.;
8,11D .11111111. more coming as reinforcements on
Prospectors Ready to Stake Gil.
Iles Limit Claims.
The Promising Properties Are Crowd-
ed With Mining Adventurers and
an Exciting Scrimmage Is Expect-
ed -Police May Clear the Dis-
trict of \ ,ThoseWho Have Tres-
passed -Only 200 Claims.
Aug in --Gillies Limiest.
each train, has the undivided atten-
tion of the •Wheri north. -
Only two hundred twenty-aere
claims are available for stalting, and
the half dozen lots of promising sur-
f -Mee appea,rances. are camped. on by
hundreds of prospectors who propose
to stake the lot, then make a wild
dash' 526high-power motors to the re-
cording office at Haileybury over the
Giroux Lake stone road
So acute is the rivalry for claims
with showings that the men are de-
claring that trouble of, a serious na-
ture is liable to come, both ors the
limits and at the recording office.
The situation hourly grows more in-
tense, and violence may be resorted
to by reckless ones.
Tr. Ailvg end IA4. I itlq/ItiOn aver dia.
EVIL C K -To -T H E -LA NI D --Or--TkIE-LI v I
J. E. Hovey
Druggist. Clinton.
Another large
consignment of
Peabody's Smocks,
Pants and Overalls
just to hand,
Come foi.' your choice
Butter Eggs, Lard,E,
fa is
I? Adams r'N
, This is the 'foot of a housefly yeatly
, enlarged. It places typhoid and othei
deadly germs in the food of Man.
The Best Fly Poison.
The most highly- reeommended fly
poison Is formalin mixed with sweet
railk and water In the proportion of
eight teaspeonftile of formudin to a
quart of the mixture. Stiehl a poison
Is not fatal to liftman beings. a Break' a
small nick in the edge of a bottle's
meuth, tbe bottle whit the solution
and stand it, inverted, in a setucee..
Liverpool Wheat Futures Close 4-ifgh-
or, Chicago Lower--1_ive Stock
-Latest Quotations.
LIVERPOOL, Aug, 17,--W h ofit.-T he
markot opened al higher, and during tho
morning held firm, with Offerings Uglt
and an additional advance of 'Ad, shcii.t,,
Covered on the Utrength in 'Amorice and
firming offerings af winters, and the con-
tinued unsettled weather In the 'CJnIted
Kingdom. Arrivals are moderate and
moetlY of lower grade, and minors hero
are showing anxiety, with stOoks firmly
held, Tho holiday in Parts Is causing
dulnesS, but there are free purchases be-
ing., made for France of cargoes arriving
and in prospect Al. the close the market
was firm, %d to ,thd higher than yester.
Corn opened '1/1d ,higher and later ad-
vanced an additional d to tid, with the
undertone firm. The situation remains
strong, with shortS,nervous, owing to the
light etocks and strength in spot. Plate
spot tudvanted 210, and a, good enquiry
for. parcels in car positions.
CHICAGO, I1. -Wheat showe.d
an eariy,agyanl
te, aped largely.on un-
settled weather piesPectS. airly free
Offerings later turned the market
downward and the close Wassteady at
neaS the low -pint with prices 1/0c to
• %o lower. Corn ruled lower, finishing
%c to %c off. Oats closed a shade to
lower, andprovisions varied front
Mc decline to a rise of 50.
Winnipeg Options:
• Open. High. Lov7. Close. Clese.
Oct. 927,i 93. 9271i 92%b. 13211a14
89% 89% 893 891t 89t)issi
Oot. 35% 25% 88% 85% 34%13
TorontoGrain Market.
Wheat, new, bush 30 94 to 1995
Wheat, goose, bush ..... 0 92 .
-Oats, bush , .. . ..... . ... 0 40 0 el
Batley, bushel ........ . . ... 0 80 ..,.
Hpyease, bubusshh.0 10 6000'
Buckwheat, bushel 0 80 100
Toronto Dairy Market.
Batter, creamery, lb. rolls0 28 0 80
Butter, !creamery, solids0 27 0 28
Butter, separator, dairy, lb0 25 0 27
Egutgtse,i,neewto_rieal loots 0 22 0 23
Cheese, new, lb 8 itz7
Montreal Grain and Produce.
Vim and Vitality
Are assured if you will • cleanse
your stennech of undig6sted food
and foul gases; the excess tiflef
tram the liver and the waste neat -
ter from the Intestines and bowells
by the use of
Fig Pills
the great fruit, kidney, liver', atom-.
ach and bowel remedy. -
At all dealers 25 and 50 cent box-
es ormalled by (The Fig Pill Co. St.
Thomas, Ont. Sold in Clinton 087 3.
E. Hovey, Druggist.
• Russia Fears Rebels.
Paris, Aug. 19.-A telegram reeeived
by The Paris Temps last • evening
from St. Petersburg states that, Cron -
stash, the princepel fortress and mile
tery post of Russia, 20 miles west of
the Russian capital, has been declar-
ed inoa state of siege. The measure,
the message adds, was a. precaution-
ary one and was taken with a view
of offsetting possible trouble on the
part of malcontents in the Russian
General Booth Better.
• London, Aug. 19.-Geiaeral WilhlanI
Booth, head and founder of the Sal-
'vation Army, who is ill here, showed
slight improvement yesterday, The
general passed a comfortable night
and hi slept several hours. -
An American girl Is the first woman
to fly over the English channel. A.ndo.
speaking a alas, are you a member of
the ewatting crusade? If not, join.
DVerYbody's doing It. Doing whati
Swatting files, and If ,you would live to
be healthy, wealthy and wise you'd
better get. Into the ranks.
If some one told you that .that dell,
.c.lons apple pie was Inoculated with
typhoid germs, how quickly yern would
push it away In fear and disgust, and
yet you nonchelanlay • she° off the
germy fly that Is crawitng atoned Its
crust and consume It with relleh
There's danger in that ple. Thereti
death In that fly. Swet Mint .
Watch your homes. Burn ttte nn
necessary rubbish and waste as WOO
as possible. Keep screpulously Clem
Don't dump dirt; 4e5tro1' 11 wIte
cleansing fires. One af the 'ertslast
irays is to start the cbildren gwntting
Offer tbe one Vibe kills the , greeted,
number of the pests a little reward al
the end of the -summer, and yott won't
need to bey any sticky paper oc poison
stuff. -
Flies are prolitic. Each one you WI
means the death of Its hundreds of
descendants. You do many handle
things to prevent disease Why not
take tels in hand early ln the salami
and not run any risk? „Begin you'
swatting now. -Isabel Woodman Wale
In Coos County Democrat.
Best Drugt9 Needed.
Be sure that all drugs and ebernicalt
• Used in killing files are fresli and pure
.oteer*Ise reeults may not be satlefae
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y. M. C. A. BLDG..
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
LW. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr,
Principal r• Chartered Accountant
Se:tly Itoli ValliSliCS and Clair
Quickly Stops Falling.
MONTREAL, Aug. 17. -The advance in
the Winnipeg market, combined with
firmer ocean freight rater*, left bids front
the continent for Manitoba stew croe
wheat still further out of line with local
exporters' views here to -day. Ooears
freights have adVanced 1,io to 33c a bushel
for October -November shiprnent and. al-
tho cables have come a little stronger
the last day or two, they have relatively
moved further away from the prices ask-
ed here. To-tie.y bids were about libc
out of line. The foreign demand for oats
• continues very keen, but °Ting to scar-
oitY of supplies and the higher prices ask-
ed by local exporters this week, less bust-
ness Is being done than earlier in the
week. Local etocks of Oats in store to-
day showed a decrease of Weems bushels,
al compared with a week ago, and of 166,-
490 bushels, as compared with the cor.
responding date a year rig°.
The flour trade remains quiet. • Butter
le easy and unchanged. Cheese is about
%;: lower than. a week ego, but the situa-
tion on the whole remains flrm.
Oats -Canadian vrestern, No. e 480 to
46%c; do., No. 46o to 441,to; extra No. 1
feed, 48c to 46140.
Barey-Zvfanitoba feed, 63o to 34 o.
Flour-tvrealtoba spring wheat patents,
firsts. 25.20; seconds, 55.395 strong bakers'.
$5.10; winter patents, choice, 55.25; straight
rollers, 54.0 to 54.90; bags, $2.25 to 5240"
Renee oats-43arreis, $5.05; bags, 90 Doe
PARISIAN SAGB-remeluter tho
name when yon want a good, pure
hale tonic, free from dangerous
lead and other dyes.
PARISIAN Sage as not a dye,
Most .tonics iteret dye theliair are
fah of poison, and are danger/011e
'PARISIAN Sago 'Os a clean, ede-
Lghtful hair dressing that nouie-
Ibises the hair roots and besides
killing the dandruff gauge en -
parts etre and beauty in 130 the hale
Your -loath will look nice and beet -
Bent after .applying PARISIAN
Sage and .you can quickly iget rid
of dandruff a-nd scale) itch 'and
etop the hair from falling. sA.void
imitations -get the genuine. The
girl with the Auburn haerias on
ee ery carton. and bottle. Laege
bottle 50 cents at W. S.11. Holmes'.
ad dealers everywhere.
, Oldest Universitiv.
The oldest universities on the con-
tinent of Eierope are those of Bologna.
Paris and Salamartea. In England
Oxford and Cambridge are the most
ancient. Many of the earlier universi-
ties were the outgrowths of the intel-
lectual movement known ri "Scholas-
ticism." Greae scholastics like Abe -
lard and others would draw about,
them crowds of young rnea to listen to
their lecturesgand the lectures were
followed by the -permanent institution
known as the university.- In such way
A.belard became the.practica founder
of the University of Paris.
ue ec teaus
Noliv In Matter- Of Area
'Revised Figures Give Additions Irlacle to Three ProVinoeS by the Ad• -
Passed •. at the Last Session of Parliament,
One of Our Old Boys. -The subject
of this sketeh is the eew pastor of
Dunnville l3aptist Church, wbo en-
tered upon Ws duties as such on the
first Sueday in the present month.
Upon graduation Mr. Raithby ac-
cepted a call to St. Marys Baptist
Church, where he labored successfully
for over two years. The pulpit of the
local church being vacant, an unani.
mous invitation was in Tune extended
to him to conte to Dunnville, and he
`accepted, As a preacher be has in
every way proved most acceptable.
With a pleasing popular personality
to back up his literary..and educational
attainments, the enviable record of
the local church bids fair to be out-
done during the new pastorate just
entered upon. Mrs Ratthby comes to
Dunnville as a bride, for between the
time of closing bis work at St. Marys
and entering upon his new ministry.
here. Mr. Raithby was married at
Stratford to Miss Maitland of that
city. Tudgitig by the zealous part
elle has already taken in the work of
the local church she has demonstrated
that she will be a "helpmate" in deed
as well as in name. We are indebted
to McMaster University Monthly for
the following biological sketches of
Mr, Raithby
MIllteed--Bran. 122; attests, 228; mid.
Clings. $271 rnouflie, UR to $24.
Hay -1'30 2, per tori, ear lots, 810 to 817,
Cheese-Ftnest westerns ineo to 18%o;
finest easterns, trete to 12)790.
Butter--0holoest creamery, 26c to 28310;
seconds, 224c to 28"%o.
Eggs--Seiected, 28c to 290; No: 2 stools:
Bo. to 22e.
Potatoes -Per bag, oar tots, leek
pressed hogs--Abattolr killed, 612.50 to
Pork -Heavy Canada 'short cut mess,
barrels. 86 to 45 pieces, $28; Canada shOri
cut backs. barrels,. 46 to 55 pieties, ie5.60;
Canaria elear, barrels, 30 to 25 pieces, $26.
ompound tierces, 976 tbs., 1081
wood pans, re lbs. net, tette; pure, tierces,
875 lbee Isygie pure, wood palla, 20 lbs.
net. 1860.
Beef -Plate, barrels, 200 lbs. 317; do.,
tierces. 800 lbs., EZ.
Liverpool Grain and Produce.
LwanpooL, Aug. 17, --Wheat, steady:
No, 2 Manitoba, 8$ No, 8 Manitoba,
7e 11316; futures, firm; Oct., 7s..6%d; Dee..
is 81/28.
Corn-eamerlean mIxeo, firma old. 78
.4d; new, Mind tied, is 26, Futures, firm;
Sept., 5s 16491; Dec., 9s 10118.. .
Flour -Winter patents, 29s (Icl.
Hops -In London (Pacific Coast), £7 to
18 8s.
Beef -Extra India mess, 1.10s.
Pork -Prime mess, western, 955; barns,
short out, 14 to 16 lbs., 618 68; bacon, Ctirri-
berland cut, 26 to 80 tbs. Ms; phort ribs,
16 to N lbs., 69s; clear beetles, 14 to 18 lbs„
64s; long Clear middles, light, 2.3 to Z4
lbs., 695 68; long clear bellies, heavy, 85
to 40 lbs.., 68s; short °leer backs, 1.6 to
20 Lbs., 62s; shoulders, square, 11. to 13
lbs., 565. '
Larct-Prime western, in Uertes, 54s;
American refined; 66e 311.
Cheese -Canadian, finest white, new, 638;
colOred; new, Obs. •
Tallow -Prime city, 222.
Minneapolis- GraIri Market.
The revised. area figures of the
three r e c matt y, ,ex W.11E! eci Piro vilicitts
o f Menke b a, Ontario an d Quebec
hag° just been made public front
the Lands Branch of the Depart-
ment oe the Interest, and are as
fihlca e --Manitoba, pree sous to the
est af 1912, laud, 64,357 scluare
miles ; water, e,405 ectuare entie.e ;
total, 73t73e equare adaitiort
" y act of 1912, land and water, 178,-
100 esquere miles. Present total
area �f Manitoba, 251,832 square
miles.- Ontario, pre vixen tothe
aet af 1912, land, 220.608 square
miles; 'water, 40,334 square miles ;
total, 260,852 square miler, , adder,
by act 01 19122, land and. wales,
196,400 squarcemtlei -rc4n5t total
area of Ontario, 407,252 squaremiles
Quebeer previous to 'Cho act Of
1612, land, 341,750 square mile• s ;
Water, 10,117 square =lee'total,
'351,873 square intles ; v1(1)11,011 by
the act o11912, land ante wail -sees
S54 961 square miles.; Present
- No Orie Is to Blame...
Buffalo, N.Y., June 20. -After an
inquest into Gee of the thirty-nine
deaths which occurred last Sunday
night, when an excursion dock -at
Eagle Park, Grand Island, collapsed
and dropped a crowd of nearly two
hundred excursionists into the Nia-
gara River. Guy B. Moore, first as-
sistant district att,orney, said yeetee-
day that probably nobody could be
held criminally liable for the caters.
"It was eetablished," said Mr.
Moore, "that the dock Went down be-
cause 1.4.hed rotted and because there
were too many people, on it. The law
does not impose upon anyone the
duty, of inspecting or of keeping in
repalr these docks. Since that is so,
there could be no charge of man-
slawhtse, became manslaughter is
leased alien wilful neglect and there
can be no wilful neglect where nti•
body is charged with a-dnty. It was
developed that national or state leg-
islation is needed for the examination
of 'clocks acid their maintenance in a
safe ciondition for the uSe 01 the pub -
tl•ierrnany's Toy Town.
Sorineherg, the little German town
on the Thuringia, i$ recognized as
the largest toy manufacturing centre
in the world. In addition to its sum-
mer resort business, it has been cre-
dited with thc annual production nf
some, 23,000.000 toys ag•gregating in
value $4 000 000. There are about 40, -
„ .
000 'people engaged in making toys
in' Sonneherg, and in • the nearby vil-
lages in the Thuringiamforests. , Fully
15 per cent.. of this tiambor, work in
their own hemes.
, , • . ,
Lutal area of QuoLec 106,934
The area of SasketcheWan is
250,650 square Miles; of Alberta;
213,540 square irides, and of British
Columbia, 30,600 ettnare miles.
Pending further mar -se -ye, no de -
Delete figures ard available in the
Department as to winer area in the
added districts It is, heseever,
comparatively sreaa, totalling, in
, linga'ea -a.pproximately some 6000
' nines, and in the palla00
Keetwatin adclet1 10 Ontiono -renet
; Manitoba, aPProximately 12 000
otluar'o miles Quebec now leads
aOl h
t e other Pamiv oasis m artee b.y.
about 300,0.0 stittaee Ontatact
' ranks secoad. in'ares, with 13isseielf
-Columbia third, nianitboa fourth,
Alberta tiftb, Saskatchewan' sixth
1c Mt,* Bra naWiek sever,th, Nova
Scotia ,eighth, and Prince Edward
island tenth,
• inspector, whom he reduced to the
rank of captain as a sequence of his
allegd failure to suppress disorderly
houses in his district, three other in-
spectors will be placed on trial by
e commiestianer next Week it is said,
and asked to explain the existence
of dieorderly places in their districts
also. These trials will be the ve-
hicle of the commissioner's 'proposecl
investigation into the so-called systera
of police graft.
The trio ol inspectors said to be
slated for these trials are known to be
three of the quartette of inspectors
against svhona District Attorney Whit-
man has secured evidence of graft.
Until the raid made on disorderly
houses last Friday night by Assist-
ant District Attorney Smith, Commis-
siotex Waldo, according to one of his
close friends, had confidence that his
inspectors were doing their duty and
that the alleged graft did not reach
higher than Lieut. Charles Becker,
the gambling- raider, accused of in-
stigating the murder of Herman Ros-
enthal. The Becker charges, he
thought, were a case for District At-
torney Whitman. Believing now that
he has had ."the wool pulled over his
eyes," Mr. Waldo is thoroughly de-
termined to have a house cleaning in
the police department.
The record pf Beeker's bank depos-
its has now reached 373,000. Becker
accounts for 33,000 and 8,000 respec-
tively were fernished to the district
attorney's office Saturday by two
more banks. Efforts to trace accounts
in three out of town banks are being
Dasue of May, 19081
Just of thy word, in every thought sincere
Who knew no wish but what the world might
"In the month of May, 13-, In the
picturesque little hamlet of Auburn
Ontario, William Raithby first arrived
at "a state of consciousness, as such."
"Bill" has been a philosopher ever
since. Here he received his primary
education, and in 1398 migrated, to
Calitornia, Not helug of the butter-
fly order, he returned to Intnada in
the fall of 1900 and enrolled at Wood-
etock College. Here he proved his
abbity and Industry by capturing both
the Calvin Scholarship and the Gov-
ernor-Generars Medal. Thirsting for
more kdowledge, he •entered McMas-
ter in 1903, with '07. During the terra
of 1905-30 he had charge of the Bap.
tist flock at Grayenhurst, returning
to the ranks of '05 the next fall. "Bill"
is a Theologue, a strong preacher,
and a popular pastor. So far he has
remained faithful to his benedictine
vows, and intends returning next year
for posterraduate work."
Came of May, 1910,1
MINNEAP,OLIS, Aug. 17.---C104t-WIleat
-Sept., 03140; Dec., 9179so to. 93o; May,
97%c; No. 1 hard, $1.07%; 280.1. northern,
51.00%; No. 2 northern, $1,02U.
Corn -No. 3 yellow'62310. -
Oats -No- 2 white, 303/4,0 to 80310.
Rye -No, 2, 62140 to 63%o.
Bran -218.50 to 319.60.
Duluth Grain Market..
DULUTH. Aug, 11.--,Close-W heat -No.
is,Thard, 31.05%; No. 1 northern, old, 31.04%;
o,. 2 80,, old, 0041,C; August, No. 1 north-
ern, 80,14c;, September, 94545 bid; Decem-
ber, 940 attited.
Chicago Live Steck.
.aao., Aces 17.-Cattle-Receseetsg
, market dell and weak. Beeves. Per
, Pa$01,1'exas e ,,,,,a, $4-$0 to $8.81; we •
Of r?, eteere. 0.20 to 56.801 stockers and.
foams, Nap el ei...mi, erre and helfelre,
5ee66 to tenet's ,caleereeau tmeree.,,, .
. . tri 8a,q0.. heavy, yr..
, S1.35' ra6 $0.70
• tug of Wes. 88 to
jheep. and Lea:Me-Receipt/4 2000; mar -
Ad steedr, native, 85.20 to $
Sate to $4.M; yearlings, 54.80
Le.naba, ant 17Aa $9.90 to $7.10; was
OLEO to $7.10.
LPstfrpool attic Market,
Iart7HEZPOore AoG, 17. -John Rogers &
Co.'s Liverpool cable to -de.? says that tit,
Birkenhead market Was ,,venker, owing to
PIS continental influx -of Irish cattle, ane
there wool e consequent redUction in price,
the fear came:Liana here making 1434e to
14000 per it
"Bill Raithby graduated from Wood-
stock Oollege in '03 with highest hon.
ors, winning the Calvin Scholarship
and the Governor -General's Medal.
The Rd' of the same year found him
in Ddelklaster University, Toronto,
Where he continued to make further
conquests in athletics, in debating, as
President of the Y, el. 0. Aeas well as
in Philosophy. He graduated with'03,
Not yet, however, was it necessary for
him to weep, foe the fields of Theo-
logy and Sociology stilt lay before
him unconquered,. and he took post-
graduate courses in both, securing the
aegrees of 51. A. end B. Tn, In the
spring of 1010. Upon these be bent
his profound •philosophic mind, with
the result that; be has solved all theo-
logical probleres and has lea,rned all
about hospitals, asylums, the ',hous-
ing problem," as well as marriage and
divorce. Moreover, for two summers
he took up Domestic Science in a tent
on Humber I3ay. Now that he has
conquered `the theoretical world, he
goes out to fight the world's only real
enemy, which may be found even in
the beautifel little town of St. Mery's
where William's real history begins.
- [Dunnville Chronicle.]
, Hold Up by Rain.
W Mattes. Ang. 19. -Rain on Friday
thrtraghthil the.twee prairie provinces
up haiveeting aYer the week end,
to a 1are amtallt, but it is expected
that vrootedtheri vri.11 reeewed on
M 'natty witla increased energy,
on the whole, are some
what tinxiccas on eocaant of the tm-
Settled. weather and light local frosts
MA the:tee who have only just silmted
ft ale elout to start, intend rushing
thInte mwoh as possible.
Pot Infants and Children,
The Kied You blaye 4lviay3 Bought
Bears -the
'Signature of PS/Y7:9' re;444
New York Official Will Run an En-
quiry of Hiss Own,
New York, • Aug. -19.-Tboroughly
aroused by the charges of police gralt
following upon the disorderly house
raids. made by tho district attorney's
office, PoIi Commissioner Waldo, it
was said last night, plans a public
investigation of his own, Together
with Cornelius 3.. Raves, the notice.
'Headache and relieve all the troubles in&
dent to a-blitous state of the 'system, such as
plzzinese,, Nausea, Drowsiness, .131streas alter
eating, Pain in the Side, ,bc. While their most ,
avninrkable succeas has been shown In Caring
readaehe, yet Carter's Little) Liver Pills are
temailly valnable in Oontitipation, curing andpro•
venting this annoyi ng compl aint, while they also
'correct ull'disorders Or the btomach, ntimniatothe
liver and regulate the bowels. Itiven If they only
Mr. Jacob E. Herr, 111 Grange St.,
Stratford, Ont., writes: -"Ten years ago.
I suffered with a very peculiar disease.
I would go to bed feeling as well as could
be, and after sleeping for five hours I
would wake with a severe pain in my
back, then moving into my side and
breast. The pain was so terrible • I
could not lie in nty bed, and usually had
to sit until morning with a pillow propped
up behind my back. With all my pain
I would go to work, atid after working up '
to about 10 o'clock tlte pain would leave
me entirely. The same thing would hap-
pen the next night, and every night for
two years. I tried four different doctors,
but none of them did me any good.
tried a great many patent medicines, but
• ...mart, IS very neaten' tte, matte r V.170
parts, one re which receives the blood
from the bills through a • network of
real blood vessels; the other portion .
contracts and drives the blood but
through the body. „ The other mane
of an oyster's ane.tomy are all in. their
peeper places and perform their sev-
eral. ,funetions.
Ache they vvonldhe ahnostpriceleselothosewho
suffer from this distressing complaint; butforta.
Lately their goodness does not end her,e,and those
who once try then w ill iind these little pills vale -
able in so many ways that they will not be WI.
Mgt() 00 without thorn. But after all sick held
Is the bane 06 00 runny lives that hero Is whore
WC make onr groat boast. ()Lupins curo it while
others de not.
Oartces Little Liver Pills are very small and
very easy to take. 000 00 two pills make a dose.
They are strletty vegetable and do not gripe or
purge, bat by their gentle action please all Wial
CaTzuSIIIDIOITIE80.. rzw 2012- •
ITALM. Ir.:11Don1 1;41 /rico,
1201011 Grand Lodge
(Continued from Deep 1),
of a building in which lodge funds
are ithvested may be used 10 traffic
in intoxicatitnig liquors_
P. G. Coupland, Grand ,Warden,s
reported Wpm the Committee in
the Rebekah Degree. Success:
had attended, this branch of the
Order. Thete was' a net iuerease
of 62 sister§ and 147 brtohes, and
the _total membership was 4,777,
ol 62 sisters, and 147 Met:met, and
total • funds were $s0,b94. This
showed ,that the Rebekah Lodges,
were keeping pace with the subor-
dinate lodges in substantial grow-
th. The ,cordial. support rendered .
the Home tor the Aged and. Or-
phaned and the beet -ell -cant influ-
ences exercised. by it repriestent
something sat) tables of statis thee
can cover. The relations between!
tlie 'Rebekah Assern.bly and the
Grand Lodge are all. that can be
desired, and the doubts as to the
wisdom of transferring the Man-
agement Of this branch to the sis-
ters have long shame paesed away.
Efaraillen, Aug. 13 -The Grand
foncampment of Ontario met co -day
an the new ,Oddiellows' Templertle
10 elowson, Grand Pattearsoh, cer
Windsor, presideng. Ninety-nine
subordinate eneemprus nts were re-'
Large Gain in Membersh:p.
The Grated rata:mach rerorted
.that there had been . net gaira:of
136 ineankers d-uring the year, the
total On Jene 30 being 7,341. The
evival -in this branch f t -e orj„.ier
all of no avail. I gave up all hopes of bad certtenly set tni'e new tette
ever gettin'g well. A friend persuaded nie ,crahmepemneenrgtsyhoefdthebeuen• naudinsotitiletteexd
rad been dire -tea LIthi. bundi.ng
np of the camps already :e.itti lg.
se year ago the stun i ee00 had
beee appropriated for missionary
work, and it had tee.n a profita,ble '
elYestment, Aceompanying the re -
Oval en the order was improve-
ment in degree- wont. There were
several dormant encamements, 1411d
is was for elle 'exientiV,s• oll.(car•: 01
this year to stimulate theta inn°
eetivity or to call 10 their char.
Ietorts eirer.e Optintlstic.
to try Milburn s Heart and Nerve Pi s.
beught four boxes, and after using the
first one 1 felt a change for the better,
and after using three boxes I could sleep
all night. The pains were gone, and I
was completely cured.
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are
.60 cents per box, or 3 boxes for 91.25, at
all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt
of price by The '1'. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
Christian Villages Destroyed.
Cettinje, Montenro, Aug. 19. --
Christian insurgents Saturday seized
two villages in the 'Serene district of
Albania near the Montenegrin fron-
• tier and also plundered Berane itself.
Thereupon the Turkish troops using
artillery destroyed ' a number of
The reports' of the Gmnd High
Priest, Grand Senior Warden, and.
Orancl J Musa Warden, snowing the
co-opeeetien of these officers with
10 Lira ad Petrie:oh,iOlIIC of the
roost iptimiatic caa.reeter.
Christian villages lying in the plains,
whilo other detachments of Turkish Ihe report of the Grand Scribe,
troops on the way from other districts
bursted the 'houses of Christian resi-
dents wtdle they were passing through
The ish authorities are said to
have theratened to exterminate the
Christian population which is in re-
volt in the district bordering en Mon-
Citizens of Grand Valley Will Wait on
Premier -Whitney.
Galt, Aug. 19. -Plans .re perfected
Id send a very large delegation front
Grandelliver Valley to Queen's Park
for conference •on flood prevention
measures. The Beard of Trade is
joining with the municipal councils in
selecting representative citizens in
Brantford. Paris, Berlin, Waterloo
ani other towns, including Galt.
The regulation of street:es of great ,
importance to this district, and there
is necessity for immediate action in
so far as engineering investigation is
•concerned. e Apparent to all munici-
palities interested, hopes are enter-
tained that Sir James Whitney will
sQc eye to eye with the delegates,
and orde-: a complete eurvey of water-
Saturday the secretary Of the Grand
River Improvement Union, that is
again to hring the flood prevention
question before- the Provincial Gov-
ernment, received word from the Pre -
niter that he will meet a deputation
at the Parliament Buildings next Wed-
nesday at 3 p.m., and will have two or
three colleagues present to hear the
case. Repiesentatives will attend from
dozet municipalities. Galt will be
represented by its conncil arid Board
of Trade. MernberS, of the Legislature
from several constituencies interested
will also join in conference wieh the
John A. Maedonalci, Toroeto, re -
stalled the fact that the •fontte-
therd anniversatey- had just been
passed of the Institution a the
,:lrand Encampment in Haimiton.
This Was in 1869, All but one of the
:fleeter inembers, Joilan Or ten, had
eassed a 'way, and it ia proposed to
rovide for the surviving veteran
some sulta_ble reecignitton of his
long and f aithf ul omelets ;goo
with the .ordet. The last of the
Past Grand Patriarch's iewels had
been presented, arid the roll of
honor in this respect was now
Balance Nearly 9400,
The Grand Treasurer,- 67, G, Gar -
1 utt, l'icton, nepoiend that Abe
receepts of 1911 were $6,593,00 and
ealanee orehand at the beginning
or the tinzuncial year 9606.50, make
ing a total of 434,110.37. The ex-
penditure was $3,713.51, leaving a
ealanee •of 9396.63. The receipts 501•
the last half year were $1,fiete16 and
the eepencliture 40,660.99, leaving a
total balance on june 30, 1912 of
'1report of the Anditor, J. L.
Leary, Toronto, ceethied to the
correctness 05 ,the ritleacial state-
OifIcers Elected.
• The election of officers resulted •
aa follo•ivs,-Grand Pati'ierch, E. M.
Clapp, Toronto; Grand High Peiest
la H. Ketcheson, Torouto ; Graalid
Senior Warden, \,J, Graham, To-
roato ; Grand .Taleasure es E. C. Gar-
Pieton ; Grand Repeesetete-
'live, J. R. Thompson,Windeoe;
Grand Jun,lor ,Warden, Chasles H.
l'ogana, New Liskeard; the ap-
pointed officers Were Grand Mar-)
(hal, 3.14eckie, Newton Grand. Seal'
tinel, W. W. Savigney, Petexboro ;
Grand Outside Sentinel, D. C, Par -
Icor, Woodetock..