HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-08-22, Page 5BOUT
There has, been a lot of
care and time expended
in selecting this RING
stock of our Quite a
good deal of money, too,
for we wanted, above all
things, as complete as we
could possibly get it.
We have some particu-
larly handsome stone con-
structions for ladies.
Also attractive effects
for gentlemen.
Sonne of them sell teer ei12.00
and from that price go
away up to over a, '
Then we have some cute little
Hinge for the younger folk for
$1,00 aud thereabouts.
You will be perfectly safe if
• yon depend upon this Store
for your Ring Needs °
Gude rich.
Tl3e Adult Bible Class and their
'friends held their picnic at Attrill's
Point. Knox Church choir had their
anneal outing at Point farm. Both
report a pleasant time.
Mr. G. K. MeBeth, representative of
the Eastern Security Company, of
:a/entreat, stopping at the Hotel Sun
• set, net with an accident last Thurs-
day night. While stepping out of a
liugse,y his ankle turned, breaking one
•of the small bones. He will be laid up
for a few days.
While leading a- cow with a rope
drist Thursday, Con Riley, a farmer
amar Kingsbridge, met with a peculeir
and serious accident and which might
have been much worse. The cow be-
calee frightened in some manner and
.started to run, and before ttiley" knew
it he was entangled in .the rope. Los.
ing control of the animal he was
dragged some distance, breaking his
Ankle. When this happened the rope
'seemed to clear itself. Mr. Riley will
Oe laid up for some time.
Bowling into town here by auto at a
late hour last Thursday night, W.
'Baker, of Exeter, suddenly lost con-
trol of his machine, and together with
-J. Hudson, James Quick, P. Haley,
and le Smallcombe, of the same place,
•other occupants of the car at the tune,
were hurled from the metchine as it
'plunged into the ditch, all sustaining
more or lees serious injuries. Quick
was pinned beneath the car and badly
• crushed. Baker was dashed from his
seat, and, striking on his head, • re-
celved injuries which rendered him un-
conscious for an hour and a half. Rud.
;SOD had an arm and a leg broken,
while the other two were badly
shaken up. The injured men are
:still in bad shape here, and but little
cbange is noted in their condition.
`The acciclente it is believed. was caused
•by the machine striking a stone, which
sudden/y jerked the steering gear
loose from the hands of Baker. It
was some considerable time before
Quiets could be eemoved from beneath
tbe machine, and this was not demi
euntil Healey and Smallcorne, who
were uninjured, other than sustaining
-isome bruises, managed to secure
- The Misses rTerryberry were the
:guests of Miss P. Toll at Blyth over
Mr. A. Johns, of Toronto, will take
the topic at Turner's Church League
next S u tiday even in a.
Mrs. John Layton, of Peterhoro, is
abe guest of Mre, Fred Pepper.
Myrtle Rogerson entertained a num-
bei' of her little friends to a party
Tr esday afternoon.
The ;Misses ()rich', of Seaford", are
the guests of their cousin, Mist Mabel
Teadnaily feiends of Mrs, Thos.
Townsend wil be ple tsed to hear of
her recovery from her recent illness.
Mr. Remy O'Brien, formerly of Tor-
onto, has now gone Wet, He intends
looking up e homestead,
Misellettis Turners who was viSit-
tietc aunt, Mrs. Sinellacombel of
Chatham has returned home.
Bliss Ruth Switzer end IVIiss M.
Holmes were.the guests of the lattera
aunt, Mrs. John Holmes, of Goder/ch
'Township last week. ,
Wedding bells will chime melodiceue
Conteession 2, in the near future.
Miss Pearl Ton has resigned S. S.
No. 0 and will teach in a school near
Mr, mid Mrs. Addison Johns, ;of Tor,
onto, are visiting the formers brother
Mrs, Ira Johns.
ritglialin 'dente'
Thp WIngham High School Board is
having thi
e ntevior of the high school
decorated, which will Initle it very
Aer. John F. Groves, representing
Minerva Encampment, andefos, Guest
and H. 13, Elliott, vepreeentieg elide
land Lodge, L 0. O. la, were in Hanel -
toe last week attending the grand
lodge, independent Order of Odd.fellocv
John le, Sweets, the proprietor of
the Queens Hotel, is4 remodelieg his
peenaises an1 increasing his ;recur/ana-
1 dation by about 30 new bedrooms,
making the whole building three-story
instead of part beine only two, as at
present. ,
Mr. T C. Smith, principal ot the
high school, left lael week for a few
holidays at his old home in Kingston.
Me. A. P. Kneehtel has completed
his phermacy matrioulation and has
become apprenticed to the drug busi- l
nees. e
Several local residents attended tee
funeral at Mount Cermet of Timothy
Coughlin, ex -M. P.
Threshing will be general next
There isnot a vacant house in Zia,
Jacob Merrier. of Elmira, brother of
the local member, and formerly a
merchant here, is visiting with Zurich
Mr. Newell, of Stratford, agent df
the Canada Company, was here re-
Thursday afternoon an auto brought
two links of the Dashwood Bowling
Club and also the junior baseball club
of that village to Zurich for friendly
,ganaes. In the afteruoon g; me of the
bowling clubs the result was a tie, but
in the evening game, the visiting rinks
won by 10 points. •
The baseball 'game of tbe junior
clubs was played at the fair grounds.
The Zurich boys swatted the hall all
over the field, and retired the visitors
by a score of 11 to 3.
Mr. Sarauel Dickson 8,nd wife, of
Seaford', were here last Thursday,
Mr. Dickson has been postmaster of
Seaforth for 48 years. He and his
wife have a way peculiar to them-
selves of enjoying their suminer, va-
cation. ,Mi. Dickson takes his favorite
old team of bays attached to a single
buggy, and makes a tour of the coun-
try, calling upon old friends in the
various placeahe visits. He makes a
cheerful report of the prospects of a
bountiful haivest throughout the
territory be has traversed.
Provincial Constable Whitesides, of
leensall, has been here for the last
couple of days trying to find a clue in
the postoffice robbery. So far he has
been unsuccessful.
Three local young men caused quite
a disturbance at the north end of the
town last week by first getting in-
toxicated and then disturbing the peo-
The members of St. Michael's church
held a very successful garden party on
the church grounds last Wednesday
evening. • The attendance was very
large. The Clinton band furnished
the fine musical programme. Prizes
were awarded as follows : Best look-
ing baby -1 A. Kelley's; a J. Phelan's
Most popular married man -W. John-
ston. Most popular young nean-J, B.
Watson. Per. Roy Thompson drew
the lucky ticket to get the cabinet of
silver, and A. Kelly drew the live pig.
The Anglican parish of Blyth has
made remarkable progress during the
past year under the able leadership of
the rector, Rev. T. H. Farr, B. A, A
new and commodious rectory, planned
throughout by the rector himself, has
beeneetalt at a cost of 83,000. This
amount has been already paid and the
building opened free of debt. Mr. L.
Hill was the contractor and to enhance
he interior finished it in Georgia pare.
Mr. E. Robinson, the painter, display
d artistic taste in the decorations,
adding much to tbe beauty of the
andsome house. It is fitted with al(
Diode= conveniences and wired with
lectricity. The basement is all in
ement and an up-to-date hot•air f ur-
ace installed. The exterior of the
lsuilding le of brick and three
°tandem, with a balcony over 'pne,
ake a fine appearance and add& to
ts miefulness. Altogether it is one of
he roost handsome and best laid out
ectories in the diocese, Trinity
hurch, Blyth, has had many rich
ernorials' erected during; tbe past
a,me period. A handsome hend-cazved
lpit of imarterecl oak, made by the
laud Lumber Company of °bath/1M,
as been placed in the church by ler
. H. Cade, of Ohethitco, in memory of
is father and mos her, A beautiful
ctern of watered. oak, carved by
and and made by the same firm, hes
eel' erected id memory of Selina Bell
y her two sisters, Ale. Jas. Baer has
ut in a richly painted window in
emory.of his mother. °thee mem-
lets are, we underetencl, about to be;
stalled, which will make the church
lly fernished in beautifel and &seem -
late gifts. The vector and the
ople are to be congratulated upon
eir zeal. much CV whichis due to. the
ntiring efforts , and self-sacrifacing
bore of Me Farr.
Mr, James-Robe/it Seine has sold
his farm for $8,200. It is a „splendid
property on the London Road of 100
acres. ,
Miss Jean Mustaed, R. 111. has ac-
cepted a position in Manage of the
operating room in the Eastern Long
Isla,nd •Hospital Greenport Long
OSZIWEgmasm•mtmagamairaw, Auouraffizsesmosuawnizeimot
Our Ainn-=To Please
BRINos cusTomERs- BACK
Furniture buyers at this store invariably .come back
when they want more, and bring their friends with,thetn.
To USe Our Furniture is to prove thatjt is as g6od as it
looks, and that is saying a whole lot.
Substantial Furniture can be bought here at money-
saving rates. Why not secure what you need now
while prices are so favorable.
'Atkinson & DuriforL.
Fttretititre Beaten and 161111eral DireetorS-Pltotte 104
1e1101111T AND SIIND,CY CALLS--11tone No, 127 or P11011e 16
Mrs, Henailtoe and 'children, wife of
Dr. 'Haien too, ot Satitt Se Made visit-
Bedegyet week at the 110/11e. of Mee. Wrn.
eohnston, teacher of Stant
. preached two very acceptable eerm
hs ie Pveshyterian Courch. Rev ;
Woods took charge of. the Yet
Presbyterian congregation. •
Professor B. L. MeKeene and wi
assisted by the Misses Lamene.
Hensel', two blind giel students of t
blind Institute at Brantfolicl, gave
entertainment in tbe Presbyteri
Church on Wednesday last, Mr. le
Keene, who is also blind gave a uu
bee of musical selections, assisted
his wife.- He also explained the
methods of reacting by the blind. Miss
Greta Lanni -de gave two i•ecitations,
where were much appreciated by the
auaience. A good collection Were
given them by the audience
The choir of 'the,PresbyteriiieChurcla
held their anoint] picnic in Bayfield on
Friday, laet. •
Me Kitchen and Wife of Stanley,
are visiting reletivea in Goderich.
Mrs. Frank O'Neil, of Clinton, and
daughter, Miss Bessie, visited last
••week at the home of Mrs, Geo. Note
fooDitt.vid Bell, of Tuckersrnith, has sold
his farm of 100 acres to WilliamBroad-
leers. John Gibeoil, of Stanley, le
visiting her sister, airs. Robert Boyce,
of Mitchell.
Faun property has been changing
hands a great deal in this district late-
ly. Mrs.. Weir sold her farm, located
it mile and it quarter south, of Bruce -
field, consisting of 100 acres of land,
to ear Glenn, of Lumley, for 88,500.
_Mrs. Weir purchased this farm three
years ago from he late Tames Pater-
son for 58,000.
Mr. John ' Johnson has bought the
100 acre farm half a mile south of the
village from Mr. Swan for 57,500.
This district is famous for its fine
farms and for the magnificent grade
of horses raised here.
hciward Siebert, of the Bank of
Commerce at Cobalt, visited friends
here recently. lie was formerly em-
ployed here in the Faruier's Bank.
Mr. Reginald Humistor,of Hamilton
visited friends here recentiv. He M-
ends going West on the Harvesters'
A number fromhere intend going
West on the ;Harvesters' Excuasion on
August 23 Among those who are
going are : Misses Annie Arnastrotig,
Martha McDoneld, Tena Baird' and
Lizzie McGregor.
Farmers are busily engaged in the
oat harvest, which promises to be an
excellent yield, Root crops are look-
ing splendid.
Mr. Hobert McCartney, Mill road,
Tuckersmith, is on a trip to tbe West.
Mr. George Forrest still continues
very 111. His son, Mr, G-eorge Fbrreet,
of London Bank, of Toronto, has been
on a visit to bin, but returned yester-
Mr. William Scott, veteran grain
buyer, has handled nine carloeds. of
beans the past year. The warehouse
is now nearly empty, and Mr. Scott is
ready for the new :mop.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Murray and I
family, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Mrs.
George Mnrray, of Londoe, have re.
turned to London, after a pleasant
visit with Mr. and Mrs. T S Lindsaysof
ops •
1' e.
fie.a and have moved to the ()thee sirle
of Blyth, ,
Mr A T loopereef Clinton, takes the
topic at the League irieetieg next Tues
day -night at Mr Will leelconer's,
Livermore spent Wednesday
with feienas 10 Blyth.
Ole ancl ales Edwrixas, or London,
were the guests of Mr and Mrs Ashton
this week, '
On Monday ot this week Wm.
Jervis, of Ocdeiioh Township tamales -
ed what is known as the Down's pro.
party feonl Ole Rovvoliffe. Possession
will be given in October. Piece is said
to be 5000.
by 1StaftiCY
Misses Carrie and Eliza Sims are
(Additional news on page a)
Miss Gertie Asquith has returned
from the Soo, accompanied by her
cousin, Misr McDonald.
Mrs. Roberton Sr, is visiting her
daugeter, Mrs, McKenzie, of Galt.
The contractor is experiencing much
trouble in getting his dam to stand.
The Presbyterian churches of Au-
burn and Carlow unet here on Monday
and decided to give a call to Rev
MacCallmen, of Waldermar. '
Mr and Mrs Lear left on Tuesday
morning on an extended vieit in the
There will be no preaching service in
the Baptist Church next Sunday,
Sunday School at the usual hour.
Bible Class will be held in the Church
auditorium at 3 o'clock. All welcome.
London Road.
Miss Jennie Gerant arrived home on
Saturday after spending e pleasant
month with friends in and around St..
Mt Chas Holland took the League
topic last week, They will he pleased
to have Mr Holland back any time it
Will be convenient for him,
Mrs (Teo Hanley and sisters, Minnie
and !Tillie spent Sunday in Godevich
wieh friends.
Mr. 13. RoWcliffe has been suffering ,
froro an abcess for a couple of weeks
but is some beta
There was big turnout at ehe 1,eague
last Tuesday night. Mrs, ;Wheeler, of
London and her father, Mr Arthur
Stevenson sang a couple of solos and
Miss Grece sang "Silver Threads
Among the Gold". Mrs 11 Peacock
toolethe rxieeting. '
The Wiens egot through pulling
spending their holidays alt the home
of Graham Bros. .
Mrs. Plewes and Mee, Wise ane
daughter, of Tuckersmith, visited at
the home of ales. Hugh McGregor on
Mrs. Bryent who was visiting her
mother, Mrs. John elcCeavan, Se', for
souse weeks returned to her borne in
London this week. ,
1, P. McEwe, of Detroie is visit-
ing hie •mother and friends this week.'
He came in his auto.
Mr. Edward &Mille, of 'Toropto,
spent the past week at the home of Isis
uncle, Wm. Taylor, of the and,
Mr. Jas. Smillie. of Walton, visited
his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Taylor last
7Teehle Misses Ida and Mary Taylor,
are away on a short driving tour this
week, .
Obituary -On Saturday, August
17th there passed away another of the
old residents of Stanley Township in
the person of Elite% Stewart relict of
the late James McFarlane, of the
fourth concession of Stanley. Mee.
McFarlane was a native of Portglen-
one, Autrini County, Ireland, where
she was born in 1831. She came to
this county with her parents in 183e
settledand in the County of Leeds
Inear Smith's Palle. Here the famhy
remained for sixteen years when they
moved West and settled on the fifth
concession of Stanley. Sbe was mar-
ried to James McFarlane in 1802 and
continued to live on the fourth Con-
ceseion till about three months ago.
when she with two of her daughters
removed to Clinton where she died.
She was a quiet industrious and frugal
woman, modett, unassuming and a
• keeper at home. She was it kind and
highly respected friend and neigheme
and a loving wife and mother. She
leaves behind her a family of fiveefohn
on the old home, Mrs. Edward Glen,
Mrs, Thos, Fraser, Eliza and Agnes in
Clinton. The funeral on Tuesday was
largely attended showing the esteem
in which the dece seed and family were
held. The funeral services were fitly
conducted by Mr. Fingland, student,.
The remains were interred in the ben.
ily plot in Baird's ceinetery. The pall-
bearers were, le ftrithwell, A Times,
Wm Glenn, D McEwen, Mal McE wen
and G 13air5. .
Miss Maudena Holland returned to
London on Monday after a couple of
weeks holidays.
Mr B lelchlath, of Toronto, returned
home after a months visit at Mr Me
Math's and 51r N W Trewartha's,
Miss Clathworther, of Ailsa Craig,
spent a few days visiting at Mrs.
John Trewartha's and Mr., N. W.
Mrs. Will Pickard is Ided up , with a
slight attack of appendicites.
Mrs Geo Tebbutt visited at Rev, Mr
Snowden's over Sunday.
Rev Mr Snowden and daughter, of
V arna, visited friends in this vicinity
on Tuesday.
Mr James Lobb, of Galt. is visiting
at Mr Geo Holland's.
Goderieth TownShip
. Mrs. Jowett, of Bayfield, Mrs. Dr.
Wright, of Ioronto and Miss Jewett,
of Port Huron, called on Mrs, '1. Dun-
bar while in town on Friday last.
Miss Lizzie Burnett left on Satur-
day to visit friends at Port Huron.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dunbar spent
Sunday visiting e the tatters parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burnett, 7th Con-
llIiss iarns, of Inronto, sang a
solo at Se. James Chiwch, Middleton, in
on Sunday morning which was very,
much appreciated by all.
Watch Faults
1)oes Your Watch Run
• CorrectI3 ?
Ir Noit, let us repair It for you,
It may be only diety, and need
derailing, oa stop fox laok at, oele
Whatever t Reason, don't de-
lay. W11 give thorough examina-
tion and regulation FREE. '-
Anything, more costs as little as
satisfactory work can be done. '
• J. Grigg
-Jeweler and optician
Issuer ot Marriage Licenses
• ' •
Zinc -After washing', polieb with
ehrosene Moth,
Mirroas-Wipe with cloth wet in
-alcohol or weak. teamed.° from lefit
over leaves.
Drains -Flush with four ouneea
ehloiode of lime dissolved in one
gallon of tr.T.atei.
Copper -Polish wills het vinegar'
whiah salt has been alsolved ;
!smash off with oil to polsh.
Hotelman Robbed;
Boarder Arrested
With °there StiSpeeted of Lifting
$1,000 in Jewelry From Pri-
vate ApartMents.
Wingham, Aug. Iii.-.Tho.Nationat
Hotel was the scene of the- most ex-
tensive buirglery VVinghatn for
some time.
Some time on Friday evening
thieves succeeded in gettitig aticay
with about $1,000 in jewelry and
papers from the private apartments
of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Doyle, pro-
prietor of the National.
• Noticed on Saturday.
The robbery was noticed early on
Saturday morning, when Mrs, Doyle
happened to go to look at her jewelry,
when she found the, box containing
them, as well as other valuable arti-
cles, had disappeared.
All evidence points to someone in
the house or web acquainted with it,
as the empty box and 'some papers
were found in the bathroom, although
no signs of jewelry or money as yet.
Arrested on Suspiction,
Mr. McCurdy, it roomer at the hotel
for some time and a machinist in A.
Crawford's gargage, has been arrested
on suspicion, but the dragnet is still
out for a couple of accomplices,
whom they: expect to land shortly.
One of these is a women.
Provincial Detective Va.nNorman,
with the local authorities are work-
ing on the case. The jewelry con-
sisted of diamond rings, a ladies gold
watch and chain, neeklace and
several other articles, By a mere
chance the thief overlooked 8500 in
cash, which was beneath some clothes
the nextedrawer.
Wingliam, Aux. Re --There were
urther interesting developments to -
ay in connection with the robbery of
1,000 worth of jewelry from the
ooms of Mr. Doyle alt the National
otel. •• ,
When Mrs. Doyle went to change
se towels in the bathroom she was
ucb sarprised, on opening the draw-
" where they are kept, to find the
issing cash box. it had been brcken
en and several rings and ether
ticles of jewelry taken. The thief
O evidently been surprised at -his
ork and had only had time to part-
ly complete his work, as Mrs. Doyle
und her wedding ring, a tiouple of
ildren's rings and a valuable stiek-
n sten in the box. A member of
e little ring boxes had been opened
d the riuge taken, the thief throw -
g the boxes back ia the drawer
ahs. Valuable receipts had hOt
en touched,
The young man.lafipurdy,' who Was
arrested by the police of suspioion,
was given a hearieg today before
Magistrate Morton and was released
'as there was no evidence against •hiin
Chief Allen and Constable Van
Norman went to Kincardine yesten,
day and interviewed a women whose
name is vvithhelcl. It is anted that,
she trent from Palmeeston to Kin-
crerdine and later returned Do Wing-
Miss Katie Reid spent this week
with her aunt, Mrs, James Campbell,
of Londesbere.
Master Norman McNeil, of Clinton,
spent a few weeks at the home of Wm.
Stewart, -
Mrs. Cook, of Blyth, is spending two
weeks at the home of Richard Carter.
Ales, Nora ti Carter arid s • n is the
guest of ber mother, Mrs. Hiles for it
few clays this week. • -
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hill left on
Tuesday for a trip to the Weet. where
they will visit relatives there.
Mrs. McVittie and Miss Keatha
Weymouth is spending a few weeks
with the iormers claugliter, airs, Thos,
Cole, of 1Vaterloo.•
istost s- A The Soffimer Resort
Roberton, of Lethbridge, Mese
(Dr.) McCallum, of Kingston, Miss
Margal-et Wieeman, of Olintom Miss
Daisy Middleton, of Clintou, and Mr.
Soak Wiseman, of Fronton, are among
the latest guests at Miss Feeguson's.
Mr, and Mrs, Constentine. of Zurich,
were in Bayfield on Sanctity.
Mr: and Mrs. Torrance. of Clinton,
Mrs. Cranston and MV. Melville Tor-
rence spent Tuesday here.
Mrs, (Rev.) Hodgins and Mrs. Dora -
thy returned home to Stratford last
The campers of Bavfield gave it
epleodicl dance in' the pavilion, Thurs-
day night. The hall was prettilet
. -
deoorittod wilth lanterns, bunting etc,
• and the Blackstone Orchestra, from
Gioderion was in attendabee, The
deuce was a great success.
Mrs. Govenlock and Master Gray
Parker, of Seaforth, who have been
spending the past week in Bayfield
returned home Monday.
• Miss Katharine Lewis and Miss Julia
Lewis, of Gocterich, spent Tumidity the
gueste of Miss Florence Turner,
• Mr. Fergus Kyle has returoed to
Miss Amy Howson, of Clinton,
Mills and little Mies Denothy' are en-
joying the lake breezes in Bayfield,
Mrs, Robert Turner, who has been
spending the past three weeks in one
of the cottages On "The Terrace" re
turned borae last Saturday. He
deughter, Miss Florence Turner is
still us the village howevet and win be
joined here by her two sisters this
re., T. Ce. Parker, of Seaeoeta was
in town elondey.
Miss Daley Derain mad Miss Mary
le/halm are spending a few day e in
Detroit. ,
Dr. Robertsou, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs.
John Brown, Miss Mae Moacrip and
Mr, Dave Forbes,' of Stratford motor,
bd to Hayfield Tueeday and spent the
day with Mrs. (Rev.) Cluff, West -
minister Grove
Mess Iirierly, of St. Thomae, Mr,
Glass, of London and a coup'e of other
London ladies have offered a silver
watch to the Bayfield school boy, who
will write the hest composition on the
‘`Care and Driying of Horses", and a
silver pin to the girl who will write
the best eompoeition On the same sub,.
led. • These compositions witl be
judad by sorne of the best horse -men
in St. Thomae. The prizes vitill he
awarded for the knowledge shown, re-
gardless of spelling, writing, etc. The
writers will be expected to show why
tight cheek -reins and blinders should
never be used 1 why horses should he
bedded and watered at night etc,
Literature should be distributed in
the school bearing on all these subjects
end the compositions must be handed
n to the "Preeideut of the Band of
Mercy" by October 10th,
Ctunty Dlaings
Whileivorking in the bush on Satur
day, Mr. David Hick of ciorrie met
with an accident which will lay him
up for seine time. He was loading
logs when a piece of timber struck
him on the leg, breaking it in two
places, bebween the knee and ankle.
Six of the farmers south-west of
Lakelet viz: Messrs, ,Tno. Montgomeey,
Jno. Kriller, Alex, MoKennet, Wm,
Douglae, Jas. Bele and Win. Huth,
have established a local rural mail
route whereby each comes for the
mail one night of the week. A large
box sub divided into six smaller apes
is placed at the corner and each gets
his mail by 830, It is a great con-
venience to all of them.
The work of re -decorating the' in.
tarter of Trinity • Church Fordwicif
is now complete and the -result is a
very pleasing one. The color seheme
ie most artiseic and re/Jetts great
credit, on the origin/der, The work
has been d-gigned and carried met her 61. E
Mr, W atthew, of St, Thomas,,who has elle g
!aim! 'lexaseeeemeavararealaaaleeseSaleasaliaaveari
August is here andnow is the time when ourIstock,
inust be lowered, as we must have room for our new
'fall stock when it arrives. Thetime is short in Which.
to do this, but weiare determined that during the next
few weeks all lines of spring and summer goods will be
cleared out, and room made for heavy fall goods,
f•ndaaazwgE•ssszgm.u..........v •Nemansiectersimssillinwassamaltelatatrit
Rig Price Reductions will be made on the
'Following Lines.
Ladies Whitewear—Waists, Underskirts, gowns,
Drawers, Corset Covers, Etc,
Men's, Women's and Children's Cotton Hose
Children's Wash Dresses, Blouses, Etc.
All lines of Wash Goods
Men's, Women's and Chi:dren's Boom and Shoes
Men's „and Boy's Clothing, Hats and Underwear,
Buy Mere and Save Money During Almusi
,Pluinsteel Bros.
shown that he possesses a master
hand in hie particular line, The seats 1
haveebeeu thoroughly cleaned and a
haiS finisb has been put on them,
exhibiting the natural grain of the
wood, a thing which nine -tenths of
the congregation probably never
knew ir to possess. We are informed
that the decoration committee intend
haying the outsideof the church re.
novated also. The opening services
will be held on Sunday, Sept. 8th.
Mies Louis Birney of Exeter left for
Winnipeg on Monday, where on her
arrival will be married to Mr. Fred
Ferguson a collegiate teacher cef that
place. Her father accompanied her as
far as Toronto.
Mr. Y. E. Henry, of Goderich town-
ship Who has done such excellent
work and give such excellent satis-
faction as principal of the Tara Con-
tinuation school, has resigned his
position and has accepted the princi-
palship of the Wallaceburg Public
scbool at an increased salary.
Death came suddenly and unexpect-
edly to Mr. James Higgins of De-
troit, formerly of Clinton, on Friday
last, He was on his own verandah
with two or three friends 'watching
emne of the city employers removing
it tree front the street In front of his
residence. 'Something went wrong
wich the ropes with which the inen
were supposed to control the fall of
he tree and it slipped and came
rashing down on the verandah where
Ir. Higgins a,nd his friends were
tending. Alt those with him weve
snore or less hurt, but Mr. Higgins
nju ries were so terrible that he died
couple of hours later. The
ody was brought to Clinton
or interment, the funeral taking
lace from the station on the arrival
f the eleven o'clock train on Tuesday
Mr. Wm. Shane, Detroit, ac-
ompanied by his daughter, Mre.
&free was in Clinton last week, the
uest of his brother-in-la,w, Mr. Rat.
enbury. Mr. Shane firet came to
linton in 1849 and took up land on
ie 16th con., of Goderich township
ut after cleating about twenty acres
e moyed back to Clinton. Suisse-
nently he went to -Blyth where he
n a hotel for some fifteen years, but
n the death of his wife he left that
ace for Montreal where his son lived,
or some years past he has been mak.
g.his home in Detroit, Mr. Shane
eighty.eight years of age but hale
O hearty.
After it long life Mrs, Adam Baker,
Cranbrook, passed away Tuesday
the 'home of her daughter, Mrs.
seph Ryan, Lot 32, Oon. 14 Mc.
Hop, in her 85th year.
Euesday of lest week in lifting
tatoes for the dinner Mrs. Locking,
Us con. Grey township came upon
sill tha't enntained 110 potatoes. A
w hills iike that one would keep
/tinily for a good share ole Winter,
t is said Joe Brandon, East Wawa.
sh, has weld his fine 100 acre farm
Thos. Montgoinery, of Wroxeter,
ality, for the sum of $600-0, Mr,
andel' will probably retive from
ive farm life.
bursday of last week James Fergu•
an old. and highly esteemed resi-
t of Belgre ve locality, pa id
Lure's dept, at the Advanced age
7 years, He was bean in Ireland
has lived here for over 45 years,
wife. vsbo is over So years of age,
3 sons survive.
a f
of S
an d
o'clock he was found dead with the
hoe irn his hand. Heart failure is-
suppoeed to be the ,cause of ide
death. •-
There have been fleetly two ,
dred appeals made in connection
with the Wing.am voters' lest, AP -
peals have been entered by thle.
Liberals, Conservatives', Local
Optionists and antei-Local Optiota-
Stewart McKercher, a, student
GI the Winghaan High School, has
on tha Leitch 'Neu -wale! No. 1
leee5 scholarship •in connece Jen wieh
Queen's UniversitY.
A. pure white mouse is soanetirnele
been in a tamed state, but in a wild
state, rarely if ever en this locality
until Monday inornivg of this week
when W. J. Morrow, of • (eoderech.
who had a small trap set In hie
house on Waterloo street fomid
one securely caught. Its Inc was
s ery fine and soft and "of extreene -
whitnees, no varying mark or spot
whatever being 00 11.
Rev. Dr Hugh S. Dungan, former
Pastor of North St, Method [at
church, Goderich, and now pastor*
01 eat. Themes ehuren at $1,500 a
yeiw, has had his salary lensed to
81,700 for the ensuing year,
Sweitzer, proprietor of the
Crediton Roller Mills, iS improving
his plant by adding neev machlinery
He has taken, out all tbe roll meet
inery and has replaced them with
the latest improved machinery and
is renovating lns mill throughout.
Ile has also eeecfced aariaw store
house for the storing of flour/ .The
building is made of.a.cement and
corrugated iron,
Another of the pioneers of Wine
throp district passed frioln thee,
life on Sunday last, We refer to
the death of 'Ire %homes Dcddee
Ihe deceased was in her dials year.
Ber maiden name was Maty Beattie
Armetreage (Her husbeud died
euVeral years ago. She ie eurviveX1
ty seven of family. She was a .
lady who was much and deeerveda '
ly resPeoted hYiall who knew her.
The death of James F.Clogr,
eon of the late Mr. and .31)..s.,Taanee
Cleg1g of (Goderich, occurred oxa
july 29th at the Veterans' Hone
hospital Napa county, Caiifornia.
The burial took piece at the Flome
cemetery, wilth full mielitary
honors, the deceased having served
in the 'United States Civil War.
Wm. Brewer, of C1ry township,
had the new wiseat at toe Pryinte
Milling Cues- mitt, Biases- s tine
season. It scaled 51p00005 'ito the
bushel and was fine and hard. He
had 22 acres %Odell yielded 550
brilisels to the acre.
East Huron Agricultural Society
conducted a Standing Field Crop
competition again this yeae, ,the
croP being oats. There were 22
ntries and the export judge, A.
Rood, of lefilliein, scut by the
governemat was here last week
atd made the following awards :-
F. t $20, W. Moses', Grey Twp. 81,1-2
2isd, $18, Jas. Burgees. Grey Twp.,
81 painte.
3rd, $12, 0. HemlagWaY, Grey Tape
80 1-2 pantS.
510, ?T. R. Bennett, etrey
80 3010 65.
58, Thos. Miller, Morris Twp,,
'79 1-2 points.
56, 13.11. Hoover, Grey .Twp,,,
711-2 points.
54, Robert Nichol, Morels Twp,
78 points.
the Quarterly Offical Boaa-d of
Gonne Methochst churen pleasure
was expiresekl at the lee:rutin, of the
easter, Rev. Hflahert for rin-
other year and it was Unauernously
•agreed to raise his selney to 51,-
600 for the • present rCesafeettnee
Feat-. leave T CroseleY, •• eVane
g,elist, is to be invited • to aesiat
pastor en special SezriVis
; • • o - • '
e Trustees 011110 Bryan School
s,etoWp, have engaged the sere
the Field Crop. iith,
00. They will get 550 additional for 4th,
1 he Government grant to Blyth
Agricultural Societyteds year is 5160, ma
WM, Watson; 5th lineNtorris Lowis•
ship, has disposed of his 100 acre farm ese,
to Bert Carter, of East NYawanosh,
possession to be given next March,
Price to he paid 55000, Mr. Watson
may go West. He has •been a well
knowo eesident of Morris for mane-
pers. The purchaser is not a straisger
to the Westerly side of the township.
• The two lots owned by the 9.`riviit
alemorial 0,hurcis Exeter north of the
rectory were dieposed of by the war.
dane lest week to Mr, Wm. 'Hosvey
the price pail being 5210,00, Ibis thee,
an excellent; building site and Mr. autu
Howey Will erect a fine, brick rasa Th
deuce thereon. • ,TaPa.
S of Sydney Arinstrena, ' of
Mr,,W. Bowler, assistant post offine lee
inspector, has been going through the (lae3"
Township of Usborne during the past Th
week or the purpose of finally laying Frie
out the proposed system of mail 558
rotates, which will be put in operation hene
at the earliest possible clate, and
Aupther of Blyth's piooeer rest- Rain
denes passed away on Monday of last 2•I tis.
week, hi the person of Agnes Stewart, In
relict et the late Samuel Creighton, been,
as sitls
eeurn church, whets- the buggies of h01elirgi
Richard Carney, sr., and John Licifield • W. F,
collided. • Both rigs were badly ileac
smashed. The night was extremely Code
clerk, and an occasional tlash of light- yeller
nin only made the darkness more
township, at a salary cif $600.
e Caeaclima •thiciee of Chosen
nds st Winghana has handed
sick benefits, $50 etineral
fit and $500 inserauce Mr,
Rich. 'S's.r.ehb parents ,of Idr.
10 Webb who • died on julY
the Eat of teachers etho have
successful in the •sumener
O • at the 0..A.:0" 111) elan en eery
,culture and agrieulture and
aTe IroW eilDitled to certideates
eing qualified to teach these
cets, appeare thp name, of &Ilse
is, A. 'Watson, Go dexech the ouly
roan Huron' Cetenty. •
eneral expression of /egret ae
O from the many 'heiends af
•Suenth and his daughter, Mies
e, at their departure froni
rieh Inc Swift Cement, Sa.sk,
e 11 is their Intfention to ale,'
6.1C e sufu nee. W. F, has been con-
nected with ithe 33rd •Rcleit Band ,
and other tausical 'oeganizatiOlne' Of
eoelerech for over 20 Years, a good
part ot the tinie 05 ±11 efridiont le4i1
Deceased was born in Ramsay %Town-
ship, County of Lanaile, in the year
1834 and resided there until about 45
•years ago when, with her busband
and family moved to Wingliam and
shortly afterwards came to Myth.
What nsight have been a serious ac-
cident occured on Tuesday night near
,atternoon last Xrl.
Young of the 1$t conceal:40h
tuna, near•Molesworth, went to
tutvPal 04,b.2,40