HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-08-22, Page 4leeeder
er to
leltOAte 78
i rrhoatti 78
Verg NelVeS1 S*g eS in
011� S
S Goods ani
S n
� s
The coming fall and winter styles have sent their
forerunners ahead of them. For the next "'season
there is no doubt or uncertainty: There has been no
radical chanp-e. The `fshionable cillos will be all
the tints of brown,;grey,green, and navy blue. The
most popular materials are Cheviots, Serges, Whip-
cord, Diagonals, Zebellnes and Tweeds.
Our New Goods are now in Stock
Our advance showing of New Fall Dress Goods
has never been equalled' for variety of materials and
colorings, exclusiveness of style and the verybcst
values, We have secured early delivery and tis af-
fords our patrpns an excellent opportunity to make
their selections early in the season. Our new Trim-
mings have also arrived, and we invite you to visit
our Dress Goods Department at your earliest con-
The New Things are Always Shown Nere First
Now is a Good Thule
To Look After Your
Children's Supplies.
Your choice of any Child's
Dress up to -$1.50, only 8.9c
all ready to put on, and a
good assortment to choose
troth, made of gingham and
Ladies Dresses
At 'Half Price.
All Ladies Embroidery
and Lawn Dresses at Half
Boy Wanted to Learn the Dry Goods Business
Minton Bowlers
'(Continued from page' 11,
Victoria Lawns. „
Hoover Bowled Well
Skip Hoover; or Clinton, covered
'himself with glory in the fight for
the Ontario Cup, defeating Hasting's
Qanadae in a match that was a stern
-chase for the Avenue road lawn
howlers, The visitnrs aided by the
,phenomena] wor k of their skip, took a
'big lead and were never in danger.
Hutt Trophy
Hoover outplayed Skip Mee, of
Qtteen The'' Clinytotal by the
tonskip got in the lead
might at the start, and never looked
back. He counted every end until
the 5th when Rice got four, but all
,the other ends, only brought out four
:singles. Hoover was in great form
sand outplayed Rice on every end.
-In the Ontario Orip Hoover met
Hastings of Limeades in the final. 2:be
vork of the Oliuton skip was excellent
all through the game. He relieved his
'rink of many
hard d sitaa,tione, His
wink led from the start and Nag never,
an trouble.
7p to the third end Ilonver' led by
three shots
d r
and '
,realerlit tluf
four in
the fourth, when Hastings drove the
;kitty to the ditch on a running sunt,
elen the fifth Hestings again drove the
• kitty to the ditch bur counted ,one,
'"Ceurtiee and Town' both made good
shots in the sixth. Hurst picked there
• MIT, but Taylor drew shot and Hoover
For. '
�v t
Stove Moving
I will receive
prompt at-
tention, Prices given
on all kinds of
t Siding,
Roofing, Sl�llnti, and
Contract Work
got two. After the kitty had been
trailed to the ditch in the seventh end
Hoover on his last bowl tried a runn-
ing•shot and lay two, He had the
advantage up 'to the eleventh end,
when Hastings got three. Hoover
was lying three shot and the kitty
covered, but Hastings by a fine shot
drew and made it a three up. In the
fourteenth he secured four more after
some nice bowling by Hurst and him-
self. In the fifteenth Hoover secured
Hoover turned in a 'good looking
card. in the Ontario Uup series, but
yet he had to nettle hard all the way
through the game. There were only
five ends that Hoover. did not make
count, while his opponent, I. A. Hast
ings of Canada was not so fortunate
in scoring in nearly every end, but he
scored in bunches. In the fourteenth
end Hastings made his largest count,
he laid four shots, while ' Hoover's
biggest tally for an end was two shots
The following
rennet; of Wee
t I'luron
wrote on the junior ;moue school
grdnati onb•
earn '
n»a end all
Th,esuccessful, The pass nark is 001, ingiU per tient,
of the
ors 825 marks, total, and here
The highest percentages obtained in
each subject are as follows r
Oral reading—Anna McKee ie, 80.
Writing —Rae Stothers, 00,'
English literature—Lilian Pentland,
English composition—Lilian Pent-
land, 80,
English grammar—Lilian Pentland,
Spelling.--AnnaMclelenete, 90.
leistory—Atina McKenzie, 84,
Geography- Otway Hayden, 70,
Arithmetic and mensui'ation-- Heber'
Powell DO,.
Algebra, and geometry—Anna Mc-
Kei,ate, 87.
Art—Wallace Cunningham, 00.
Bookkeeping Otway 1-iayden, 9D.
;Total -Linen Pentland, 849,
• Dungannon
g on
1831 Hasty
Lilian Pentland •..,
Rae Stothers
Kin tail
Anna McKenzie , 8:14
Hazel West ,. ... •
.: .073:
Port Alberb
Wallace Cunningham._,,. • d$7,
Otway Hayden . , 700
Sheppardfon '
Meredith Graham,,„. .
Heber Powell
A. 'xe1Mustard
B$ 0
L1LD nML,�
fey • az
�1I1�e � da
VR D1r'.
Sutter .R
b e o
�• � y b. F'
•L .aster , h
t e
Byani u�
genial clerkthe h
e Hub .
the mine scene to injure his been Sanitary slumbersl e
with the ,ice-tton�gs and has been
c,ot upebled ito italic holidays
for .a
f'e'lt' days. s.<1.4'.
It is the desire of the +
Z pnl►lisher$, that an snout('
•. take an interest 1a Llii� Z
column of„TIII1'NIiW. +,
LRA. If you have fiict ds
t s
+ visiting yon, or are go- ++'
keg away fo'r a lrip,.leave 2
Word of send it Ol a `post • +'
+ card.
Miss Stella Copp has been, engaged
as teacher of S. S. No, I0, Hullett,
Rev. Clarence- . Johnston' left on
Wednesday for Brookdale, Manitoba,
Messrs. lke Rattenhury and Wilbur
Fund left on Monday for a trip down
the. St, Lawrence.
11,Zr. L. Suitter, of Glencoe;` spent the
week -end with bis daugbter, Mrs, B.
Raynor. •
Mrs. 3. R, Rumball and Mrs Jas.
Ford are spending a week in Grand
Miss Hattie Holloway has returned
from a two weeks visit in Bayfield.
Mrs, Kyle 8eniour from Wilkie
Sask. and Sirs. (e. Hill and• little
daughter from Egmonville visited.
Mrs. J. B. Lindsay last week.
Mrls. John Nicolson and Miss Nettie
Maxwell of Zion City I11. are spend
ing a week with their sister Mrs,
Hugh Ross.
Miss Elizzabeth Whitley the Nurse,
is home for her vacation.
The Miss Lillian R. and Edna M.
Lawrence of Ottawa are the guests of
their aunt's the Misses Whitley Huron
Dr. Agnew and Master Alex left on
Thursday for Medicine Hat Alta.
Misses Betha and Zeda McRae have
gone on a visit with their brother in
Mrs. A, R. McRae of Detroit visited
at the home of DA's, A. McRae last
week, and was accompanied home by
her daughter, Miss Lillian who L+as
been visiting here for several weeks.
Miss Mary Crawford of Londes-
born spent the past week in town,
visiting her Aunt Mrs, Ed. Johnston,
•a!so her Uncle Mr. George Roberton.
..Mrs, G. E. Roemer of Kansas Oity
entertained a few of lady frsends last
Thursday evening at her mothers
Miss Amelia Tounsend, pf Toronto,
spent a few days last week visiting h
relatives and friends in town. -.
Mrs W. R, Counter and Master
Billie returned home this week after
a couple of weeks visit at Simcoe.
Brantford and Seaforth.
Mrs J. B. Lindsay is visiting friends
in Toronto and Hamilton, 1
Mrs. Tbos Trick, entertained a few
friends last Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Hattie B, Courtice is visiting t
is Norwich, at the 'home of Dr. E.
Mr. A. J. .Mt fenzie of Gooding,
Idaho% was calling on old fri,eav'ds
last weelc.
We notice. W, Marquis out on
his old rounds again afterpoultafy a
The many friends of Carl Engles
of Ottawa, formerly of Clinton'astld' ,
Ilolmesvi_te, will be sorry to heal(
that he is suffering from typhoid
fever. . He' es improving.
A.E. Jervis is:maktng a visit am . -
ong his annoy friends. •
Mr. and Mrs. Olein Manna aitudi
Mrs. John 111cAlliste' of St. Clang
are •guests of Mr. Haney. Glaziers LI
Iviiss I. Myer of Toronto is the
guest of her friend, Miss Beta
Mrs. George , .0 z e 1•Io met• ler s• .
g e tSaturday
after' a very pleasant visit for horne.
Miss `Hazel Cook of flint Minh.,
is 'the 'guest of Mise Pearl 'Wheat
Mr. and Mee. Perk of, London!
have been visiting Mrs. 'W, W'he,at-
ley for the past week.
Miss' M. 2+orwie of Wingham is•
the guest Mrs. W. Wheatley.:
Mr, John IOaan;ln shame is v sitti!ngi
ib Hanfryn, heal' Wengitam,
Mr. Geo,'Davis is having hie
property impenved by a new ;Pe.; -
tivallt, ' -
Mr. and Mrs.. Tyndall ;aatriv ed:',on
9.uesdaY evening ,from Philadellphila
and are the guests of Messrs. L.
and A. Tyndall.
Miss Medd, iilamghte• of Bev,
Mr'. Medd of Goderich, who has
been visiting Mrs. John Medd of
town, return,eld home this week.
Mr. Paul of the Mo'isons Bank pis
enjoying a couple of weeks vaca-
tion. He, accompanied by 'Mrs.
Paul, left ,thiis'week for 'Morrisbw'
where they weal visit friends And;
relatives. `
Miss Marv' Chidley arrived llvome
latah Thursday from Go Home Bay
Miss Jean accompanied her as tar
as T;oton+to where she •remained
until Saturday.
Mr.' Andrew McKenzie of Omaha,
Neb., was, the guest of !Mrs. Mac-
Lemuan last week. Mr. McKenzie)
es an old Lueknow boy, and at ,olne'
attended the C. C. I,
Miss Loktie Ker +of Aberfeleelne
Dakota, is renewing old acquaint=
ances here.
Miss Mary Matheson, isin'tWing
ham. (_
Miss Clark of Mitchell has jejne.d,'
the staff,of the Clinton. Hospital.
Mr. Will Doherty unturned on
Saturday from London, whea{e• he
has been taking the cadet•eme'n'd,
bug course.
11r. Fred Ceinerdy retutjned oar
Tuesday to Toronto, after spend-
ing aweeks holidays with friends
in and aroujnd Clinton.
Mr. Will Foster of Preston is Viis-
iting friends en. town.
leli�ss Grace Kennedy oS Stratfosldl
visitecl Mrs. Mee: arriay this week,
Mr, Clarence Copp returned on
Monday front London.
Mrs. P. J, Neal left on Wednesday
for her home in 1'la+ttsvrlle,
Mrs. Dowding sr., with her s'm'all
granddaughter, !Miss 'Gwendotine'
Dowding, of :Chicago, are at the
roue of Mrs- C. E. Dowding.
Miss Elva Levis' has resumed her
duties apt Tozer Se Brown's, after, a
two weeks vacation spent et Bay-,
Miss Elva Wi1tee, 'who has been
visiting in London, has returned
Mr. D.W. L. Cantelon, son of Mr.
Peter Ca+nitelon, who has been on
he staff of the 'Royal Sank, at
Toronto, n tl '
It hasrecently t1
e! b
,Y sen ap-
pointed accountant at the Drayflopr
branch, • ,
Dr. Peter Mc2wan 'Of Deteeceet
wane up fn his car thee week and
isited his seater, Mrs. Joihn, Pease
on, of Stanley. ,
Mr. C.E. Dowding, who has been
broad for the(past two months,
eturned past fT'hurlsd•ay.
Miss •Rena, Pickett has' resumed/
ler duties at the posit oflfice,jaeter)
tree weeks vacation.
Peter McDonald of St. Paul.,
Venn., is the guest of his; sister,
Mrs. Johne fTorrhnee. This is' Mr.
. cDonald's first visit iln'Cliaitolnin
welve 'years.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Reynolds of
Lietroit are visiting rlelativ'es in
oderich and Clinton,
Mrs. John Be'yeolds of Detroit 1s
isiting zelatives in"town.
Miss Esther Jamieson of Londes-
I•,c.ro spent ,Thursday of last week
with Miss Besse McEwan. f
Master Willie Kyle, who has been
visiting his grandmother, Mats. J. eL
eDtehell, has returned to his 'home el
in Kippen. o
Miss Lizzie Carter of Aubua'3 ups
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. 'Will., °
Miss Mabel' Turner of P-slucctfield
'ho ban -been% venting titins Rose'
cCaughey, returned to her home
a Saturday.
Mr, Mel vie Ie Torrem ce ratm need
CO.Monday from Orilla. ' •-
Mies Annie Challenger of ":lode-
ch is visiting in town •and vicinity
Cenral and are e :•ieiid-;
n,g th it ;tri.Lp� cant West ,fibin'Ed-
onitcr to the toast.
DeT. ,
s Hattie Holloway leaves on
etarclay• for •a visit 'tlo- 'Tr;itolnito
lel Petorb oro,
Mie, Mc13lardv'Smith spent t'he
en of c on,
'tense Jean Stott is visiting tri
yfield :this week.
eines Belle O'Neal spent the week
d in Preslbolnt --,e
Muss Mabel Williamson le;spend-
vacation witth bee paalzlnt(s i
near Porter's Hell.
Mies Annie �n'zie
L a�'xrfn of Clefveland,
its vis ting `with her paarents+, 'Mat
a, d Mrs. Lanxon, Albert Sta7eet,
Mr. and .Mrs. Walter King sppenfl `ar
Sunday `with the Loxin,er's mothee;; vv
at Auburn.. •
eefe end ti L' I ii l
Miss liiargaret Nicol, who hes, Be
been In town fox the past few
nnonths, returned 'to her; home im
BIyth, 00 Wednesday, sit
Mr. Walliaan Shabbrook and son
John of Sault Ste., Marie visited Ma
this week with Mrs. John Shob- J:'
brook, Gravel ;Road.
Mrs. A/2, Cooper was at home to in
Miss Hale of 'Toronto, sis er of
e Theo, Hale, Is the guest 1i• Mese
+s Jervis, Goderich town,si. • p.
Mrs. (Rev ( Jenkins and eon Reg -
aid have returned to town ofted
vting down east. •
a few of her lady friends ,.,,, yes- nes
. Welsh, son of leer, Alex.
elsh, has resigned his posit!o:n on,
o Toronto police force and has
riled to (engage in ,farming ilo
derich (township;
14 lies Margaret Toenance wont to
re to on Tuesday for a couple of
day evening.
Mr, and Mrs. Adasn Elliott, Mute., W
J .Brigham and. ars. J. Richmond . tie
oe Blyth wore In town on('Tuesdlay de
attending 'the femoral o.1 the Gate Go
Mrs. McFarlane.
Mr. Wm: Dempsey of 'Myth called '3'o
on f;•ienris to town Tuesday. . ci
Miss: Tillie McCartney of town
and her sister -Minnie of Detrpi•t: -d
spenit Sunday and Monday, with
G leiich friends. ire d
n s.
Mt. and Mrs. T, Rilddel of Auburin ,e
and Mr., and : Mrs, Rohims,4n of
Westfield were the guests of Mrle. r
T. Kyle over Sunday.
Miss Irene Pope of•:Elensalestm o3,
a Pew days with Clintotn` fr' n(ds, F
before leaving avinl for Brandon, ir�e{{
r•i don 1N4
where she has accepted a positioni d
in a telephone (office,'
Ir. Huebert Graham left on Tues -
Saskatoon. -
ess Bessie Sloan has •
retui•nted C
ron�to after spending licit � va-
ne at her Monte in Staailee , • • ..
x, W. J. Stevenison is spending a
upie:of drays at Preston and
rs MoHaxdy-Smith and Master{
plc a u jute
d en G
cls on j7lues-
r. and' ,Mrs. Thornton. :Mus!twc
Toronto are thee` , n s.ts of FI
McDonald • Mat
s,Froslng ia' vitsit- o,f
ingMr' her brotthpfel;WinRev.ipeJ• 'Greeyae, and
MTS. Fired Dowzeel le, •at present re
Mao. 'Turner{ elf Tenant° was the
nest of Wien. W. T. O'Neil en Sat -
ay o,n her. return trip from Bay-
s Her. two • daughters, Milne
el•of Chicago, a,ncr Miss Isabel
mit ar 'i>
r � ed 011„
is � '�d a
field. pen couple oFtveeksin
r5. A. J• aolaovv,•uy enters•; lined a
'friends :on Saturdayy evening.
ss Greta, •Dyer of Senate it is
guest' of lefeee Merle Moore. ,-,
e guest of Mese M. 'Downer; in urn
vent fie( l
Mr, and ,Mrs. Nelson . '
N s m Bali left ;on
i ;ab
urs -
da la 'for alt So a two weeks; '
Y el.s va-
!f N
i „
ton at Nevv -
L•slr a ,d
i erd an on
, and
nix retuhtni will take in the To- Bay
neo Exhibition, e
Mi^. Clarence Johnson, who has few
been, here for some weeks, befit on Mi
Wgdnletclay for Enonkciale, 'Main, the
Mr, J. A. Irwin was” in Toronto the
early pert of 'the week.
Irs, W • C
D ua oats, of` f Goderich, was”
this eelt t)ne guest oher ljr'other,
' Miss Lilian, and Edna Lawrence, of
Ottawa; are the guests of their aunt,
Miss 14hitely.
Mr. Andre Porter, , e f Goderio}^,
was in town on Saturday.
Miss Kathleen East [ returned to ' ,
e r
onto on Monday after spin Free a
vacation at her home'in town,
Mr, Fergus Kyle, the clever ;cartoon
ist of the Totouto GIotte was in town
on :Tuesday. Mr. Kyle, with his
mother and sister, ha, been spending
the past tew weeks at Bayfield,
Mr. John Torrance and family
p'cnioked as Bayfield on Tuesday.
Mrs. M Chambers entertained a few
friends one evening last' week in honor
of Mrs Hyslop.
Miss Mabel Harland leaves shortly
for Manitoba.
Mr T'. Noble, of ElighRiver; Alberta,
arrived in town on Monday and will
visit relatives andfriends in this
locality for the next few weeks,.
Mrs. Brickenden of London who has
been on an extended visit with Mrs.
J, Taylor has returned home.
Me. Chas.' Wiltse has rendered Mr,
J. Taylor's brick cottage on the corner
of Fredet ick and Dunlop streets.
1'ir. J. J. Cudmore and wife 'and
family of London were visiting at the
former•'s parental ' home, Mrs,' Cud
more and children will spend some
time here,
Miss Mary Stewart, who for a couple
of years has been teaching in the
City of Quebec, has been appointed
one of the teachers of the Winnipeg
Techinal School, She is a dau.hter
of Rev. A, Stewart, Brunswick Ale.,
Toron to and late pastor of Willis
Molle—Cover with thin paste
made of emery poo der with :tur-
pentine and sweet 0! .n equel parts'
Tomatoes in Batter.
Select one pound of encu th ripe
tomatoes, and ,cut them in heather
thick slices ; put' fn a buttered dish.
sprinkling each Gayer, with a little
minted parsley, salt, pepper, a dash
01 mustard, and a few drops oti
lemon juice or vinegar. Prepare a
thin h . e
art t
of one
cu of
flour, ,ons
teaspoon of salad oil, a pinch of
salt, one egg well beaten, alto. a,
Little water. Pour this over the
tomatoes and bake until browned.
serve at once.
Good Irish Stew.
Cut two pounds of lean beet froom
the round into squares of ub ieteeln
size, cover with cold water and
stew gently !or an houii, At 'the
c•ird of that time 'season. to 'tas'te
and add four peeled and sliced on-
ions, four peeled and sifted •caralots
and three stalks of celery cut small.
A half hour before serving the dish
add to the etiew four potatoes .suit'
into dace and boil until these are
tender. If you wish the 'gravy
thickened add ,to it a heaping tab-
lespoonful of browned flour wet
with a little cold water and stir un-
til the gravy is smooth and 'brown.
Serve meat, vegetables and gravy
on alarge and deep platter.
Tomato ;Catsup
For catsup, use 'tomato'es• 'that
are solid and free iron decay.
'(:hey second be gathered in ring-.
est, as later Sal the season they
lo se h • sit•
t fsa 1 s• d become
vvatery •
acid. •One bushel of ripe tomatoes,
one ;1i
n elf gallon viz
. g
ale,- elf
pounce of sugar, one-h-.ia.i
f pint of
salt, one and d on
f mimeos e of
black pepper, one end one-half
ounces -of all -spice, two ounces of
mustard, one ounce' of ginger, ome-
bale ounce of cloves, one-eighth
ounce of cayenne, nine -fourth ounce
of: powdered asafetida and ono'
lint of alcohol, Put the 'tomatoes
on to boil, boil gently through a
sieve to remove the seeds and
skins, Return this liquid to the
kettle (which 6110111d be porcelain
lined,) and boll, clown to one and a
half' gallons ; then 'add the vitnegaei
and evaporate to onegalioar,
District News..
The Trustee Board of .the Methodist
Church at their meeting passed a
unamious and hearty vote of tbanlcs
to the Ladies of the W omenet Ineti
tute for the generous donation of 8,0,
00 towards the new fence around the
William . li h
W obink
o and his son, of
Michigan, have been visiting their
friends here for a few days. They
formerly resided on the 131h Coneess
The trustees of 8 S No 8, have `not
secured a teacher yet,
Hugh 11. Hill and Mrs. Hill are
wayWes o � .
t n the Home
lei's L
W T Brunsdon has gone to theWest
for a trip and to accompany Mrs,
Brunsdon on the home journey as
their son Arthur is going to remain in
the West for some time.
illiam Brumbly, Sr,, starts Erf
day for the West to visit his. daughter
Mrs Knox and assist with the harvest,
Mrs IIn
Maso and her
son ale
visitors in the village this week,
Miss Rachael Young has returned
tn,,her position in Brantford.
Rev Mr Grant, of Clinton:, will
occupy the Presbyterian pulpits hexb
t st apples of the season have
been delivered at the station by Thos,
Neilans, of Harlock for D. Cantelon.
A Asquith, of•Auhurn, was here this
ween arranging aboub starting the-
Harvest is progressing veryslow(
as the rain has been mo ethr plenty.
Master O'Donnell, of Whereon is
visiting at Dr, Allison's this week.
Win, 'Pritchett, a young English
man, aged 22, who for the past three
Years has been etem'oyedas a farm
laborer near here, has received word
that thaough the death of : a relative
in England, the handsome sum of
850,000 will be his, Fritehett will sail'
on the first boat fronr Montreal,
At the residence of Dr, and Mrs,
Belden, 10 Homewood avenue, on
Tuesday, there was solemnized a quite
but pretty wedding hetween Jessie'
Earl Laing, niece of Mrs. Belden, and
Clifford Olive Jamason, of Sao Oity,
Iowa, The ceremony was conducted
by Rev, Mr. Mustard of Dufferin
Presbyterian Church. Following con
gratulations, the wedding supper was
served, The honeymoon will be spent
at Oollingwood, Chicago and Rackley,
Wis., after which their residence will
he in Sac City, the former home of
each. Included among the invited
guests were.—Mr. and 'Ins, Wm,
Jackson, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. S. 0.
Church, city; Miss Marguerite !Laing,
Sac City; 111x. and Mrs. .t, J, Aller,
Ottawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Jackson, jun., Clinton. The bride has
been spending the past few weeks
relatives in Toronto. The bride is e
grand daughter of Mr, Thos. Jackson
terian Churcat Penetangt isheneewas
the scene of a .very pretty weddin;
when Miss. Jean Carmichael was
united in marriage to Rev. J. McEwen
Rev. F. W. Gilmour performing the
ceremony, the brides sister', Miss
Norma was ln'idesmaid. After the
marriage the young people went to
the home of the bride's mother where
lunch was served. The happy couple
left by auto for Midland where they
took the train for Toronto, Buffalo.
and other points. Mr. McEwen is
stationed at Fort William and the
young couple will make their home in
that thriving young city. We wish
then) a long and heppy life, The
bride is an 51. A. and 13. A. and taught
in the Presbyterian College near
The marriage of Miss Florella For
bes, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Arthur Forbes to DIr. Cecil Amos
Russ of Woodstock was solemnizd
at the home of the bride's parents, on
Wednesday, August the 2Ist at
twelve o,clock. The ceremony was
conducted bp Rev, Alfred eLeclearlane
of Bayfield, assisted by Rev, D. K
Grant of Church
Mendel sohn's18 Wedding Clinton,
played by Mrs. Arthur E. Forbes of
Seaforth, the bride was escorted by
her father to the drawing -room which
was decorated with palms, ferns and
garlands of asters. The bride, who
was unattended, wore a handsome
gown of white silk messaline v,ith a•n
overdress of embroidered net in tunic
effect. She carriers a 'bouquet of
bridal roses and fern.
After the ceremony, a dainty tun-
cheon was served, the ,tables being
decorated with sweet peas ar,d fern.
The groom's gift to, the bride was a
gold wrist watch; that of her father
was a mahogany cabinet: She also
received many other dainty and
valuable gifts in silver, cut glass and
DIr, and Mrs. Russ left on the 3.07
train for Toronto and Eastern points,
the bride travelling in a tailored suit
of grey serge with a white felt hat,
'('hey will reside in Woodstock,
The guests from a distance were:, --
Mee. Russ of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs.
.1 R. Forbes of Stratford; Ili', and
Mrs, A, E, Forbes Miss Grace Steph
ens, blrs. Archibald and Mrs, Wood
ley of Seaforth; Mr, Chile. Forbes of
Port Elgin; Mrs. Ferguson of Bay
field: Miss Rhnrla Cooper of Toronto;
and Miss Maude MacAllister of Hee
Mr. John Hartley' bade good-bye•
to his many ' friends to -day; and
left for !Toronto to connate with
'the Education Department before
going on to Vankleek Hill, as prin-
cipal of the English -French .Model,
School. The New Era wishes hdau
success ' hie is m
ew old f S'
u o labor
Girl Wanted ,
A 'girl wanted tor hogpew
Apply to Box N., care of
The litoatel' of
-J t.,J
'ii zll be outr
Special i edlieLd
Prices 'on
Wall Paper
Fancy Goods
It Will Pay you to
Gall During August
Auction Sale
There will be offered for,sale .by,.
public auction:, on Saturday, Sept.
4th, 1912 at 1 o'clock peen, one
frame house 20x30, and lotf onequarter.aar'e, a+r. good sta of
repair, on the oualner of Mf 1 and
Maple Streets. This proper is
situated in the bes't part of the
town, and Ithe lot is one of ithe best
luilding eights in the town of
Clinton, Terms -Ten per cent. of
the purchase money on day of sale,
l.alance in thirty days. For past••
tieulars apply to the pTropr'uetor oa;
D. N. Watson, The above will be
sold subject to a reserved bid.
Walter Marlow, Prleprietor:
D. N. Watson, Auctioneer.
For Various Departments
Apply at the Office of
ORGAN CO., Limited, Clinton,
Private Sale on Aug. 29th
at 1 o'clock
STOVES—base burner, medium
size, small coal heater, Happy.
Thought xerege, gasoline stove,
Cheap bedroom sets, extension
table, and kitchen cupboard; two
sets of springs. Gerhard Heintz -
man piano to rent for a, year, Also
a lot for sale, corner of leoe er'µck
and Joseph Streets, surrounded 'by
shade trees, a fine eituatiom for one
lenge house or two smeller: ones.
Storage wanted immediately for
Ontario Street
, For Sale
1 Radiant theme stove with oven,
also 1 Dandy heater, both in good(
shape. Apply at
House for Sale
A colmfortable frame house, in;
good repair, quarter acne of lands,
with fruit trees, conveniently lo-
Apply to IRS. JAS. TLCKER,WTlhlisbevesxoYlclcocahefaoprt.ablePro-
Princess Street
Teacher :wanted for S. S. No, 9,
Ashfield, professional prefeslreltl,
Duties to commence on Sept. end.
Apply stating salary and qualifica-
tions to • l ,
R. J,OHNSTON, Sec. -Trees;
11•afeking, Ont,
and kitchen girl wanted .at,
once. Apply (to
Rattenbury House
Sale of House, a r€p
Implements, :Etc.
Owingg to
the undersigned gned beronirg
advanced in years, he had decided to
sell by public auction,, on Wednesday,
September 4th, 1912, at one p,ni., his
house; 24x24 and lot of 2 acres, Gordon
Survey, On pr•eniises is a cook 'muse,
wood shed,' and driving shed 40x24,
3lots on
first �
lots for building purposes. The laud
is in good shape for gardening. At his
home there are 40 cherry trees, 10
apple trees of the best varieties, 20
plum trees the choicest on the market,
100 red currants, 40 black currants and
26 raspberry bushes. Ile also offers
for cafe -2 sets single harness, buggy,
!delivery wagon, cutter, sleight, one.
horse plow, horse hoe, set noon
rOWa,,cook stove. Terms -10
clown w n dayof
sale,and arrangements
can be made to hare small balance o
piopertybegiven Taat fiven. perlotcent.,1913. PosseSold sussionb
nectto a reserve bid.
1).N. WATSON, Auctions'
i_I-.:ono, te. ciON NEW pm .A' Id, JOYNER, gardener, Proprietor